xlbarsav.zip 941007 Toolbar Saver for MS Excel 4.0 xlrunner.zip 941007 Excel Runner for MS Excel 4.0 xl_click.zip 940721 Double-Clicker for MS Excel 4.0 we0820.exe 940126 excel macros for interpolating smooth curves w/beziers we0801.exe 940126 excel macro for reading in text files (delimited) astute.zip 940118 Astute Statistics Add-In for Microsoft Excel 4 and 5 xlmth30.zip 931213 Excel add-in for matrix manipulation, smoothing, etc cltx2e.zip 930827 Another Sheet for Clinton's Tax Plan clnt_tx3.zip 930712 Spreadsheet Calculates Clinton's effects on taxes bpmwin10.zip 921221 Business Plan Master, creates small business plans toolba.zip 920811 Toolbar Util for Excel 3 shadei.zip 920811 Excel Macro to Shade Alternate Lines in Spreadsheet we0404.exe 920418 Excel Custom Help File Conversion Utility xl3qa.exe 920418 Questions and Answers for Excel 3 (install,print, etc) we0125.exe 920418 MS App Note: Excel Cell Referencing from a Macro we0127.exe 920418 MS App Note: Excel Dates and Times we0146.exe 920418 MS App Note: Excel Most Frequently Asked Questions