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Dr. Dobb's/CD Release 12 CD-ROM
Dr. Dobb's/CD Release 12 contains 14 years of cutting-edge computer information and expertise from the most respected programmers in the industry. This means over 160 issues of Dr. Dobb's Journal plus all the issues of Dr. Dobb's Sourcebook on one CD-ROM! Every Programming Paradigms, every Algorithm Alley, every column, and every bit of source code from January 1988 to December 2001, all at your fingertips. Now in HTML, Dr. Dobb's/CD Release 12 provides you with a fast, accurate and extensive cross-platform search engine that will run on any operating system.
Essential Books on Algorithms and Data Structures - Release 2 CD-ROM
Complete text of nine essential books and over a dozen articles related to algorithms in a new HTML format. These books, selected by the editors of Dr. Dobb's Journal, are the most important books ever written on the subject and need to succeed. Plus, this CD-ROM features a full-text, cross-platform search engine, giving you instant access to the entire contents of all nine books. Learn from the experts. Set up your algorithms the right way the first time-before you ever write that first line of code!
Dr. Dobb's Alternative Programming Languages Release 3 CD-ROM
This new release contains the most comprehensive collection of programming languages ever assembled with over 600 megabytes of data! The Alternative Programming Languages Release 3 CD-ROM will get you up to speed with languages and docs for: Squeak, Dylan, Mozart, Octave, SatherK, Haskell, Lua, EiC, Small Eiffel, Erlang, Modula3, Standard ML of New Jersey and more!
Dr. Dobb's Python Resource CD-ROM
The Dr. Dobb's Python Resource CD-ROM is the best available source of Python information you'll find! It includes Python distributions for platforms ranging from Linux to Win32, and utilities and applications for programmers and end users alike. The CD-ROM also includes tutorials, FAQs, and Python articles from leading magazines such as Dr. Dobb's Journal, Web Techniques, and more!
Essential Books on Numerics and Numerical Programming CD-ROM
Dr. Dobb's Essential Books on Numerics and Numerical Programming CD-ROM is the answer for anyone who needs solutions for complex numerical programming problems. Selected for the value of their content by the editors of DDJ, these books on CD-ROM are a must have for all programmers. Compiled into easy-to-read PDF format, Essential Books on Numerics and Numerical Programming CD-ROM includes these special features: Adobe Acrobat 3.01, fast and accurate full-text search utility!
Dr. Dobb's Windows CE Programming CD-ROM
Dr. Dobb's Journal Windows CE Programming: For The Handheld PC CD-ROM teaches you how to write compact efficient programs in C++ using the Windows CE API. You get solid technical information with time proven instructional techniques- plus the comfort of selecting your learning environment. Quizzes, graphics and hands- on lab exercises insure that you become a skilled Windows CE programmer.
Essential Books on Cryptography and Security CD-ROM
This CD-ROM presents both the theory and practice of network security implemented in C, Basic, and other familiar programming languages. Special Features include: Full-Text Search Engine, Complete text of all books, Hyperlinks across all books, Technical bulletins, Security briefs, and Cryptographic FAQs from RSA Data Security. Now available for all platforms in Adobe PDF.
Dr. Dobb's Systems Internals CD-ROM
The Dr. Dobb's Systems Internals CD-ROM is a complete resource for people who need to gain a better understanding of how Windows operate. Network administrators, software developers, and users alike stand to benefit from this release. The NT Internals CD-ROM contains source code and executables for freeware and shareware utilities. Articles from Dr. Dobb's Journal, Microsoft Systems Journal, C/C++ Users Journal and Windows Developer's Journal all relating to Windows 3.x/95/98/NT/CE internals and systems programming.
Programmers at Work CD-ROM
Compiled by the editors of Dr. Dobb's Journal, the Programmers at Work CD-ROM contains full text of Susan Lammers' Programmers at Work - a timeless glimpse into the masterminds of the software industry and James Hague's Halcyon Days: Interviews with Classic Computer and Video Game Programmers. In addition, Programmers at Work includes never before published interviews by DDJ and audio & video clips from Dr. Dobb's Internet Radio Program. Over 50 interviews with the industries leading programmers!
Essential Books on File Formats CD-ROM
The Essential Books on File Formats CD-ROM contains the complete text from six books, which will provide you with the most comprehensive and detailed information on all the important and popular file formats in use today. Selected by the editors of Dr. Dobb's, this CD-ROM contains invaluable information on file formats used for graphics, multimedia, sound, databases, spreadsheets, Windows, the internet, and much more!
Essential Books on Graphics Programming Release 2 CD-ROM
Get seven of the essential books in graphics programming, with full text, diagrams, graphics, and source code-all on one CD-ROM. From fundamental algorithms to the most complex techniques, this CD-ROM lets you find all the critical information you need for your graphics programming projects. Your CD-ROM includes these features: Texture mapping, color modeling, and morphing all optimized for speedy 2-D and 3-D graphics programming. Practical image acquisition and processing. High-quality 3-D photorealistic graphics. Digital halftoning Image synthesis and special effects.