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Misc 68HC08 Software Examples

This library contains software examples in assembly for 68HC08 microcontrollers.

All the following in one zip file.

    Subroutine that delays for a whole number of milliseconds.

    Serial Communications Interface example that transfer strings.

    This file contains 2 programs.  One program uses the 68HC708XL36 Timer Interface Module in an unbuffered Pulse Width Modulator example and the other in a buffered Pulse Width Modulator example.  A periodic waveform with a specified duty cycle and period will be generated on a specified channel.

    This file contains 2 programs.  One program uses the 68HC708XL36 Serial Communications Interface Module to illustrate the basic operation of transmitting and receiving data packets and the other one to illustrate the basic operation of receiving data.

  • XL36TM.ASM
    This file contains 2 programs.  One program uses the 68HC708XL36 Timer Interface Module in an input capture example in which a specified channel will receive pulses or periods and interrupt the CPU on a specified edge.  The other one uses the 68HC708XL36 TImer Interface Module in an output compare example in which a signal with 50% duty cycle and specified period will be generated on a specified channel.

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