DIY_EFI Digest Tuesday, 26 November 1996 Volume 01 : Number 361 In this issue: Re(2): Subaru Fault Codes Re: GEMS for 4A-GE Re: Oliver's ALDC converter RE: Injection timing, electro valves &c. Re: Air flow measurement chip locater page EFI for 350 Chevy RE: Injection timing, electro valves &c. Device Programmmer Re: SFI to MPFI Conversion FOR SALE: 1/2" Heavy Duty Air Impact Wrench re: Air Flow Measurement Re: Air flow measurement "hybrid" efi Piggy-back control re: EFI for 350 Chevy Re: Device Programmmer Re: Re(2): Subaru Fault Codes Re: Oliver's ALDC converter Re: "hybrid" efi Re: Device Programmmer Schematic of a GM ALDL -> PC converter Re: Device Programmmer Re: Oliver's ALDC converter re: Air Flow Measurement EEC IV? RE: Injection timing, electro valves &c. Diacom Software for GM EFI See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the DIY_EFI or DIY_EFI-Digest mailing lists. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Cliff Tindall) Date: Mon, 25 Nov 96 19:00:28 +0800 Subject: Re(2): Subaru Fault Codes,Internet writes: John Firkins wrote: > > Hi all > > Does anyone have any idea on where to find out about the fault codes from a > Subaru B2 cpu? > It was originally fitted to a quad cam EJ20 motor & was working well in my > Kombi until this morning. Now the ignition is momemtarily cut at revs above > 4k & the led on the cpu is flashing > 3 long,3 short,1long,2 short. > > TIA > > John Firkins Well, code 33 is speed sensor (gearbox) I fitted an EJ18 into a kombi and did not wire up the speed sensor(among a few others). In this configuration the engine would rev limit to about 4,000 revs. I grounded the Neutral drive switch (or gear and clutch switch) and this fixed the problem. (If the ecu thinks it is in Neutral it rev limits the system). BTW the EJ 18 was a top conversion, and I had 15,000 trouble free Klms, before I sold it. Top speed with the standard gearing was close enoght to 100mph (camper, pop top etc.)Scary thought eh! Cliff Tindall - -- - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Onramp BBS - Perth, Australia - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------ From: jon hanson Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 13:25:31 +0200 Subject: Re: GEMS for 4A-GE At 04:59 25/11/96 EST, you wrote: >Hi Jon > >The GEMS ECU is what is used in Europe for Group A Racing/Rally. > >My car is a Corolla GT Coupe (AE86) without any O2 sensor, it use the MAP sensor >as load in the standard ECU and I think the TPS for ACC, but I am not sure. > Rene, I dont know if I can help as you say changing fuel and ignition doesn't help. However, here's my best shot. If the Engine idles and takes throttle when it is still warming up two things are for sure. firstly the fuelling is enriched and secondly (more than likely) the ignition is advanced) On the PC side of my system there is a no called Injection which shows the corrected fuel no (0 - 255) actually going into the engine and a similar one for the current corrected ign timing. If I start the engine from cold and watch it warm up while idling the fuel no slowly decreases (as eng temp and inlet air temp compensation drop due to the respective increases in temp). Igntion starts at about 20 degrees (14deg speed + 5deg load related + 2deg eng temp related at 18 deg C) My reasoning says if your engine runs cold the only diff when warm is less fuel and less advance. So by adjusting the two the engine should run. That as I have learnt is theory and in practice the damm thing doesn't behave as it should. If you have similar no's monitor them to see if the s/w is giving you what you asked for. Don't be afraid to goto the current site in the fuel map and type in a bigger no(in my case +20) and see if engine runs richer (you can hear it and revs drop slightly) to see if the system is responding correctly. These things are NOT always bug free. I have throttle posns 0 to 4 and the posn bewteen columns is divided into 7 finer posns which are used to interpolate between columns (28 posn effectively). at small throttle openings the sites are more closely spaced( (relative to actual physical throttle travel). the engine idles in col 0. there is a no called Idle Counts(5-15) which governs when the throttle posn switches to col 1 (some load). I use 10, you just tickle the throttle and if watching the PC, fuelling jumps immediately to throttle posn col 1 ( where the fuelling is increased 10-15%) This feature is self calibrating but to get it going initially on installation you have to leave the ign switched on for 30 secs without touching the throttle.(a double beep confirms set up). My point is if you dont read the manual very carefully you miss this point. Now Im sure your system doesn't work exactly the same way, but maybe buried somewhere in the small print there may be an answer. I Dont Know how sophisticated your PC interface is, but generally they let you check out throttle posn changes with just the ignition on and will tell you if your sensors are returning reasonable values before starting while cranking and while actually running. I'd be very interested to hear if you make any progress. Reagards Jon Hanson Johannesburg South Africa ------------------------------ From: "Curt Martin" Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 08:35:18 -0500 Subject: Re: Oliver's ALDC converter > The URL is: > > > > -- > Doug Rorem Sorry, slipped a letter. Curt Martin ( Ormond Beach, Florida ------------------------------ From: Anthony Tsakiris Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 09:16:25 -0500 Subject: RE: Injection timing, electro valves &c. - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BBDAB1.56285150 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit [Test - hoping that WINMAIL.DAT garbage isn't attached as a trailer. Please let me know if it is.] >Could one not somehow measure the air charge in a cylinder by measuring the conrod compression or someother thing like a genuine pressure sensor in the actual cylinder. Then it would no longer matter how the ait got in the cylinder the temp would be close to constant at near max compression (correct for fuel load) and then you wuold know one cycle later what to inject for the next air load.< It is possible to get a measurement of air mass in the cylinder by taking pressure readings at known position of piston stroke during the compression stroke (before ignition). This method uses the pressure vs. volume curve of the mixture to indicate mass. By reading the pressure changes, and knowing the volume changes, it's possible to determine the mass. I think this is purely a non-production, experimental approach. And as you stated, the cylinder is sealed by the time you know the mass, so you'll be at best one cylinder event late in fueling. Anthony Tsakiris - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BBDAB1.56285150 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IhsOAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYACAMAAAIAAAAMAAAAAwAAMAMAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAYwAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGRpeV9lZmlAY291bG9t Yi5lbmcub2hpby1zdGF0ZS5lZHUAU01UUABkaXlfZWZpQGNvdWxvbWIuZW5nLm9oaW8tc3RhdGUu ZWR1AAAeAAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAIwAAAGRpeV9lZmlAY291bG9tYi5lbmcu b2hpby1zdGF0ZS5lZHUAAAMAFQwBAAAAAwD+DwYAAAAeAAEwAQAAACUAAAAnZGl5X2VmaUBjb3Vs b21iLmVuZy5vaGlvLXN0YXRlLmVkdScAAAAAAgELMAEAAAAoAAAAU01UUDpESVlfRUZJQENPVUxP TUIuRU5HLk9ISU8tU1RBVEUuRURVAAMAADkAAAAACwBAOgEAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQAAAAAAAADDQAA AAMAADAEAAAACwAPDgEAAAACAf8PAQAAAFUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDdAQ9UAgAAAQBhdHNh a2lyaUBlbHZpcy5zcmwuZm9yZC5jb20AU01UUABhdHNha2lyaUBlbHZpcy5zcmwuZm9yZC5jb20A AAAAHgACMAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAAAAAeAAMwAQAAABwAAABhdHNha2lyaUBlbHZpcy5zcmwuZm9y ZC5jb20AAwAVDAIAAAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAHgAAACdhdHNha2lyaUBlbHZpcy5zcmwuZm9y ZC5jb20nAAAAAgELMAEAAAAhAAAAU01UUDpBVFNBS0lSSUBFTFZJUy5TUkwuRk9SRC5DT00AAAAA AwAAOQAAAAALAEA6AAAAAAIB9g8BAAAABAAAAAAAAAQCAfkPAQAAAFUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmd bgDdAQ9UAgAAAQBhdHNha2lyaUBlbHZpcy5zcmwuZm9yZC5jb20AU01UUABhdHNha2lyaUBlbHZp cy5zcmwuZm9yZC5jb20AAAAAeqwBBIABACkAAABSRTogSW5qZWN0aW9uIHRpbWluZywgZWxlY3Ry byB2YWx2ZXMgJmMuAP4NAQWAAwAOAAAAzAcLABkACQAQABkAAQAqAQEggAMADgAAAMwHCwAZAAkA CQAMAAEAFgEBCYABACEAAAA5QzFDRDY3RkM3NDZEMDExOUQ2QzAwMjBBRkQzMDQwNAAfBwEDkAYA bAUAABQAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADAC4AAAAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5AOCpyT3b 2rsBHgBwAAEAAAApAAAAUkU6IEluamVjdGlvbiB0aW1pbmcsIGVsZWN0cm8gdmFsdmVzICZjLgAA AAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABu9rbPcV/1hyuRscR0J1sACCv0wQEAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAA AB4AHwwBAAAAHAAAAGF0c2FraXJpQHBvYm94LnNybC5mb3JkLmNvbQADAAYQIzC4egMABxBdAwAA HgAIEAEAAABlAAAAVEVTVC1IT1BJTkdUSEFUV0lOTUFJTERBVEdBUkJBR0VJU05UQVRUQUNIRURB U0FUUkFJTEVSUExFQVNFTEVUTUVLTk9XSUZJVElTQ09VTERPTkVOT1RTT01FSE9XTUVBU1VSRQAA AAACAQkQAQAAAMgDAADEAwAAWAYAAExaRnUcRLvK/wAKAQ8CFQKkA+QF6wKDAFATA1QCAGNoCsBz ZXRuMgYABsMCgzIERgIAcMxycREREbUxIAhVB7LdAoMzA8YHEwKDNBMMFIz+fQqACM8J2QKACoEN sQtg4G5nMTAzFZALChbBwHMxOCBbVAeQBUAgLSBob3ALgGcgBnQRwAVAV0lOTUEASUwuREFUIGdB CsBiYWdlIAQAbn4nBUAd0AGQEbAJgAqFYVUEIGEdoHILcGwEkC74ICBQISAgkB8gISAFQOEHgCBr bm8H4AaQHzDzBUAEAC5dC0YVkgwBE6B8b3QFkAVACoUKhxv7PscjXyRkCFFsZCACIB8g6yJwBUBz A3BlHUAH4AeA/yCQCHAfIB2wHyALcAXAEbLHHxIDoCDAY3lsC4AEgfggYnkpZR1xCoUp8gWg7m4D YChQBaBtE6AHkACQ/wIgKGAFwCjyJGAf8CzSHXLdK1BrKhEesAnwdQuAHyD/LdMpsQqFEfAAgAWx KuEp890kkHUHQCsnIVFUH/ADoP0i4XcoIyJwIeACIB8QBcB/AMACQBThKTIp8SAmIuFnfyjBMeUr NynyJHAtwDPlYvctERkAIcF0NGAtMRzwAHC3H4IooCGgcgqFAMB4LZu+KAWhGXAkkQIQBcBmClDj AyAZAGFkKR+QK3Ap4u0DoHkIYDPgdQbwKFAiY38ocQqFKzA44CHRHdAU4Xd3HcI5QQuAajw2KfIo gHjXH4EqQT0CLhvdPCavJGv3Q5wlLxxkSSLyMHA5AACQfwJgOSMfEB+BKWYHgDnRb/8iwCoyAMAE ETHkPxcrWAGQ9msdcjCGIBlwPSAdcSCh/wVAImIDoEghIuAuIQqFSgG/HWAc8C4xHPADYC+xZCwz 9yzlLchQBSg4sDxxHyAKhexpZwMATrIpM0NH8QeAex2wLXF1EfAEICnyTMd2dyMgVdAG8HUHgD8W CHB25x8gSgEp8m1pQdAps0Ci3U2AYz/xSmMhUUIr0E1VzzWZTMcRsTShcyw9UyJiz1CmViRbSCLg J3NaVkg5fw2wNSFXwCiBV4NZEiTMSb0vI2svIkqhSAEpsWwr0PMgwCJwbi0kQVBwJJAuIXtbwEHA cAZxSbIHQCAmcPckQR/RIVFBPXEgkT3yOaH9JHBkW8A2+0fxEfAHQCAH/0wiN9IHcT3jImNf9lvA KPD5PeInbAMgOLEd0TiwHPD3TvYogSs3ZVcgOdE/4irS/zyyHXFgdgr7EvEcgm6lZdDlVHFuK9BU c0xhBRBeFgUYkQBycAMAEBABAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwIADcO9rauwFAAAgwIADcO9rauwEeAD0A AQAAAAUAAABSRTogAAAAAAMADTT9NwAAuac= - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BBDAB1.56285150-- ------------------------------ From: (tom cloud) Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 08:49:52 -0600 Subject: Re: Air flow measurement >To Tom Cloud (and everybody else): > >I want to put up another aspect of using TPS and delta P and IAT for >flow measurement. As the gentelman from Orbital (forgive me for not >remembering your name, but I erased all my message files...) pointed >out, air flow reversion causes an error in MAF systems. Wouldn't these >same dynamic flow characteristics cause an error with the TPS method >(especially at WOT)? As I understand it, we're talkig about using feedback from EGO, for A:F, and the TPS/delta-P/IAT group of data for mass air input. The system would be tuned by 'seat of the pants' for most of us, and by dynos, et al, for the priviledged few what has 'em. So, I view this as a system that is, for the most part, pre-programmed (a la speed density), with 'corrections' being made by the feedback functions. So, WOT would be 'tuned', and then differing operating conditions, hopefully, would be handled by looking at those same feedback functions. It that's the case, then neither reversion nor motion sickness should cause any serious grief. Am I wrong here? Tom Cloud ------------------------------ From: Tuck Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 12:20:29 -0500 Subject: chip locater page Someone emailed me two weeks ago with a web page that had a bunch of chip Id's and replacements and I've lost the url. If anyone knows what I'm talking about I'd really appreciate getting that URL again. Thanks, Justin "Tuck" Cordesman SOLID BRASS-> Global Conquest is a Career Goal. "So what if it hurts? That's just one more way of telling myself that nature hasn't kicked my ass yet." -Tuck ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 13:12:28 -0500 Subject: EFI for 350 Chevy Hello all, Are there any GM EFI experts out there? I would like to convert my '85 Chery truck to EFI. I have a complete system from a 90 Chevy Truck with a 305. I also have parts from a 454 Chevy truck. I want to use the 454 Throttle body with the 305 controls. Am I going to need a 350 chip, or maybe some 350 sensors? Is there a difference in size of the throttle bores between the three engines? Any help you could provide would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance. Oliver Harris ------------------------------ From: M HILL Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 16:20:53 GMT0BST Subject: RE: Injection timing, electro valves &c. > > >Could one not somehow measure the air charge in a cylinder by measuring > the conrod compression or someother thing like a genuine pressure > sensor in the actual cylinder. Then it would no longer matter how the > ait got in the cylinder the temp would be close to constant at near > max compression (correct for fuel load) and then you wuold know one > cycle later what to inject for the next air load.< The price of the pressure sensors required for this is somewhat prohibitive, around 3000 ukp per cyclinder for decent pressure sensor and charge amp. They are not all that durable either. Not only that but you do get cycle by cycle variations so knowing exactly what you have one cycle doesnt mean that you know what you are getting on the next. As has been said, it's pretty much just experimental stuff. Martin. > ------------------------------ From: ashok bala Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 10:45:57 -0800 Subject: Device Programmmer I am looking buy a device programmer... I dont know where to start. The features I want are: - - Can attach to a notebook computer - - excellent quality can anyone help me out.... thanks ashok ------------------------------ From: "Robert E. Yorke" Date: Mon, 25 Nov 96 11:06:23 PST Subject: Re: SFI to MPFI Conversion Roger: One of the members of Fieros West (Out here in Calif) has successfully installed a 3.4L into his Fiero. His name is Chris West. I'd recommend you giving him a call for info/advice. Here're his phone numbers: Work: (310)306-3780 Best no., he runs a sophisticated machine shop Home: (310)306-2831 You'll probably have to use the 3.4L engine's ECM unless you know how to reprogram the Fiero's EPROM correctly... Incidently, have you had a chance to decipher the Fiero ECM (They're C3 ECMs) coding? If you think you can do it, please contact me. A number of people in Fiero clubs across the country would like very much to have this kind of information! At 06:34 PM 11/24/96 +0000, you wrote: >Hi group, > >I'm a microprocessor engineer who works on cars, very happy to find this >list. I searched the archives but couldn't find any info on my project. > >I'm putting a 3.4l engine in my Fiero in place of the 2.8l one. I have the >fuel injectors, with GM part number, 17103007, but don't know the flow rate, >any way to find out? The 3.4 used SFI and the Fiero is MPFI, would the 3.4l >injectors work in the Fiero?, (one pulse every two rotations verses one >pulse every rotation). I'm wondering about differences in pulse width. > >Thanks. > > > Riverside, CA 2 '88 GTs! ------------------------------ From: Brad Anesi Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 12:13:02 -0700 Subject: FOR SALE: 1/2" Heavy Duty Air Impact Wrench Central Pneumatic 450 ft. lbs. Professional 1/2" Impact Wrench 5 Power Ranges - twin regulator Item # 02065-6APA in Harbor Freight Catalog New, un-used condition, still in box (I got my other one fixed after all) Sells for $69.99 + shipping First $50 takes it (including shipping - U.S.) Not the usual Harbor Freight crap, but not Ingorsall Rand $200 quality. First E-mail gets it. Thanks, Brad ------------------------------ From: Stephen Dubovsky Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 14:25:58 -0500 Subject: re: Air Flow Measurement Thank you for your feedback, very interesting reading, but of course I now have other questions/comments. >The response to a step increase is faster than a step decrease in airflow. >This means that if you have pulsating airflow, the signal is skewed upwards, >including the average. Ok, I though about it alot, and finally talked to all of my ME/ESM buddies and none of us can think of why this happens. If you have two Pt elements, one to measure ambient, and you heat the other to some constant delta-t above ambient and use the energy lost to find mass flow, there is no physical phenomenon to say this should work asymetrically with a step change in the airflow. I CAN believe someone didn't do a good job w/ the control electronics trying to regulate the delta-t, but this doesn't have to be the case. We just think someone should have failed EE 101. >A lot of this went over my head, but 2MHz is out of the question for an >automotive spec ECU. I'd be lucky to sample at 1kHz, but I'd prefer to sample >at a lot less. Remember you've got to do more than just measure airflow :) you computationally challenged people;) I agree that 2MHZ is a little fast (as I mentioned before), but 10-100kHz data collection and computation is not out of the question w/ a $30 DSP. I just don't understand why aftermarket ECU's still use older technology (I understand why saving $25 is important in mass production though). Tnx, SMD - -- Stephen Dubovsky 95 Yamaha FZR600 83 Porsche 911SC 84 Jeep Cherokee ------------------------------ From: Mazda Ebrahimi Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 14:28:27 -0500 Subject: Re: Air flow measurement tom cloud wrote: > > >To Tom Cloud (and everybody else): > > > >I want to put up another aspect of using TPS and delta P and IAT for > >flow measurement. As the gentelman from Orbital (forgive me for not > >remembering your name, but I erased all my message files...) pointed > >out, air flow reversion causes an error in MAF systems. Wouldn't these > >same dynamic flow characteristics cause an error with the TPS method > >(especially at WOT)? > > As I understand it, we're talkig about using feedback from EGO, > for A:F, and the TPS/delta-P/IAT group of data for mass air input. > The system would be tuned by 'seat of the pants' for most of us, and > by dynos, et al, for the priviledged few what has 'em. So, I view > this as a system that is, for the most part, pre-programmed (a la > speed density), with 'corrections' being made by the feedback > functions. So, WOT would be 'tuned', and then differing operating > conditions, hopefully, would be handled by looking at those same > feedback functions. It that's the case, then neither reversion > nor motion sickness should cause any serious grief. Am I wrong here? > > Tom Cloud Are we saying the same thing yet (Ha Ha)? As long as there is some fudge factor in there (Oops! I mean look-up table), it will work pretty good. This is not much more prone to errors due to flow reversion than the MAF strategy, and that works fine. Best Regards, Mazda ------------------------------ From: (tom cloud) Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 13:52:45 -0600 Subject: "hybrid" efi I've just had an inspiration .... a revelation. I'm fixing to put a new motor in my Bronco, looking at lots of options. I now have the Holley Projection 2-bbl 670 cfm. If I put in a larger or higher performance motor, I'll need more cfm's. Does anyone have any thoughts on my getting the ford oem intake, fuel rails and injectors and using the Holley controller to bank fire them? I think the Holley now fires both injectors in its TB at the same time. I could use a flip-flop to cause alternate firing. Would have to build a driver -- doesn't seem too hard. I'd rather use the oem intake than have to purchase a larger TB from Holley. Tom Cloud ------------------------------ From: Tuck Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 15:05:39 -0500 Subject: Piggy-back control Has anyone done any work on using a piggyback computer that would intercept and modify things like injector pulse width and ignition timing? I know this is the way the PFS PowerTrain Management Computer works on the third generation RX-7's, and I'm interested in wither designing and building a similar system for my car, or purchasing an off-the-shelf solution. I don't see any reason why a generic control system couldn't be designed expressly for that purpose, something that would only require a different harness to work with a different EFI computer. Justin "Tuck" Cordesman SOLID BRASS-> Global Conquest is a Career Goal. "So what if it hurts? That's just one more way of telling myself that nature hasn't kicked my ass yet." -Tuck ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 25 Nov 96 14:18:18 CST Subject: re: EFI for 350 Chevy Wrote: | | Hello all, | Are there any GM EFI experts out there? I would like to convert my '85 | Chery truck to EFI. I have a complete system from a 90 Chevy Truck with a | 305. I also have parts from a 454 Chevy truck. I want to use the 454 | Throttle body with the 305 controls. Am I going to need a 350 chip, or maybe | some 350 sensors? Is there a difference in size of the throttle bores | between the three engines? Any help you could provide would be appreciated. | Thanks in Advance. | | Oliver Harris | If you want to stay stock, the best way by far to do this conversion is to buy an engine complete from the scrap yard, including the computer, engine harness, all sensors, charcoal cannister, fan, *everything*. Then put that dude into your truck. I'm replacing the 2.8L V6 that came in my S-10 blazer with 5.7L V8 from a '91 Caprice. I got the whole engine/transmission assembly. I'm in the middle of the wiring right now, and believe me, it's a lot easier to have the whole thing that to try to adapt one wiring harness to another engine, etc. When I add EFI to my other car, I'll do the same thing. Then I'll plug in my own CPU/etc when I'm ready for the "DIY" part. Steve Ravet Baby you're a genius when it comes to cooking up some chili sauce... ------------------------------ From: (tom cloud) Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 14:22:40 -0600 Subject: Re: Device Programmmer >I am looking buy a device programmer... I dont know where to start. >The features I want are: >- Can attach to a notebook computer >- excellent quality >can anyone help me out.... >thanks >ashok > I have a GTEK PROM programmer. Don't know if they're still around. It's a serial hootis with software for the PC, maybe for MAC too ?? Reasonable, was about $400. Programs many different kinds of doo-dads. Last # I have: 601-467-8048. Address: GTEK, P.O. Box 2310, 399 Highway 90, Bay St. Louis, MO 39521-2310 Tom Cloud ------------------------------ From: Doug Robson Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 07:30:52 +1100 Subject: Re: Re(2): Subaru Fault Codes Cliff Tindall wrote: > >,Internet writes: > John Firkins wrote: > > > > Hi all > > > > Does anyone have any idea on where to find out about the fault codes from a > > Subaru B2 cpu? > > It was originally fitted to a quad cam EJ20 motor & was working well in my > > Kombi until this morning. Now the ignition is momemtarily cut at revs above > > 4k & the led on the cpu is flashing > > 3 long,3 short,1long,2 short. > > > > TIA > > > > John Firkins > > Well, code 33 is speed sensor (gearbox) > I fitted an EJ18 into a kombi and did not wire up the speed sensor(among a few > others). In this configuration the engine would rev limit to about 4,000 revs. > I grounded the Neutral drive switch (or gear and clutch switch) and this fixed > the problem. (If the ecu thinks it is in Neutral it rev limits the system). > BTW the EJ 18 was a top conversion, and I had 15,000 trouble free Klms, before > I sold it. > Top speed with the standard gearing was close enoght to 100mph (camper, pop > top etc.)Scary thought eh! > > Cliff Tindall > > -- > > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > Onramp BBS - Perth, Australia > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Very clever cliff, well spotted ill tell me friend at subaru' see ya - -- |===============================================================| | When I die, | | I want to go in my sleep, like my grandfather, | | not screaming like the passengers in his car. | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | Doug Robson (H) | | (W) | | Sydney, Australia | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | Club Car Racing Register of NSW | Thank God | | 1992/93 Under 2 litre State Champion | for | | | Gravity | |===============================================================| ------------------------------ From: (Jim Santoro) Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 21:39:10 GMT Subject: Re: Oliver's ALDC converter >>>I've hooked it up to my VIN "S" '87 Camaro and it does decode most of the >>>values (rpm, IAC, coolant temp, TCC, integrator, TPS, O2 rich/lean, Loop, >>>etc.) I've checked out Oliver's page and saw the Qbasic code. Do you know if he has published the schematics or is selling them Etc. I assume you have bought/built one. Thanks, Jim Santoro ------------------------------ From: Mark Eidson Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 15:18:05 -0700 Subject: Re: "hybrid" efi I have a Holley 4 barrel DFI unit rated at 700 CFM. This is on a 300HP 302. I have to run the unit with a duration offset of 5, in a range of 0-100. This is the ammount added to the load/RPM fuel map and various other compensations to get the final fuel amount. My son has a 383 small block chevy, about 400HP, and he uses a 650 CFM carb. 670 CFM should be OK. me At 01:52 PM 11/25/96 -0600, you wrote: >I've just had an inspiration .... a revelation. I'm fixing to put a >new motor in my Bronco, looking at lots of options. I now have the >Holley Projection 2-bbl 670 cfm. If I put in a larger or higher >performance motor, I'll need more cfm's. > >Does anyone have any thoughts on my getting the ford oem intake, >fuel rails and injectors and using the Holley controller to bank >fire them? I think the Holley now fires both injectors in its TB >at the same time. I could use a flip-flop to cause alternate firing. >Would have to build a driver -- doesn't seem too hard. I'd rather >use the oem intake than have to purchase a larger TB from Holley. > > >Tom Cloud > > > *************************************************************************** * Mark Eidson Voice: (602)752-6513 * * Staff Design Engineer Fax: (602)752-6000 * * Manager System Integration and * * Verification E-Mail: * * VLSI Technology, Inc. * * 8375 South River Parkway * * M/S 265 * * Tempe, Arizona 85284 * *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: Scott Ritter Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 17:17:58 -0500 Subject: Re: Device Programmmer A ROM *emulator* might be rather handy here... No sources for you, though (sorry). /Scott - -------- "In the beginning was the thing. Then one thing led to another." T.R. ------------------------------ From: Markus Strobl Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 17:24:15 -0600 (CST) Subject: Schematic of a GM ALDL -> PC converter Does anyone have a schematic of a GM late model ALDL to PC converter? By late model I mean the late 80s/90s 8192 baud ALDL. I know the Diacom package has such a converter and someone said it was very simple, but I have not been able to find one. I'm planning to write a win95 scantool, but need to be able to talk to the PCM. The diacom uses one pin on the parallell port to interface instead of the RS232 and that would be fine. Markus ------------------------------ From: Sandy Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 15:38:22 -0800 Subject: Re: Device Programmmer I have a dataman s4, it is kind'a expensive, but you don't have to lug around the laptop. It has its own batter, and is pretty small. The price was a bit steep, I think they still are $795. It won't however program pals, gals, and the like. I think another one that can be hooked up to the PC that is also good is from needham electronics, it looks like is could program just about any device. I think it is about $495. Sandy ------------------------------ From: "Curt Martin" Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 19:15:20 -0500 Subject: Re: Oliver's ALDC converter > I've checked out Oliver's page and saw the Qbasic code. Do you know > if he has published the schematics or is selling them Etc. > I assume you have bought/built one. > Thanks, > Jim Santoro No, he's selling them. I believe $60 is the price... shipping is the problem (he's in Germany) Back in October he came stateside to visit, so he brought a few with him (that's how I got mine, dinner with Oliver and some Fiero club members in Melbourne FL.) To my knowledge, he hasn't released the schematics. Curt Martin ( Ormond Beach, Florida ------------------------------ From: Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 09:13:10 est Subject: re: Air Flow Measurement >Thank you for your feedback, very interesting reading, but of course >I now have other questions/comments. thanks too, your input is much appreciated! >>The response to a step increase is faster than a step decrease in >>airflow. This means that if you have pulsating airflow, the signal >>is skewed upwards, including the average. > >Ok, I though about it alot, and finally talked to all of my ME/ESM >buddies and none of us can think of why this happens. I'm still trying to get my head around why this is so. Take a look at SAE paper # 880561 - 'Frequency Domain Characterisation of Mass Air Flow Sensors'. It illustrates this point well including some experimental examples. As I said though, the theory behind it is still fuzzy in my brain. If you can shed some light on it I'd be extremely grateful. Andrew Rabbitt ------------------------------ From: Clint Sharp Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 01:08:04 GMT Subject: EEC IV? Just a quick question, What MCU does the EEC IV use? - -- If you have a problem with excess cash, mail all those unwanted notes in plain packing to; ------------------------------ From: Darrell Norquay Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 03:38:45 GMT Subject: RE: Injection timing, electro valves &c. At 09:16 AM 11/25/96 -0500, you wrote: >[Test - hoping that WINMAIL.DAT garbage isn't attached >as a trailer. Please let me know if it is.] Yuv almost got it... but I did find a notice at the end of the message Attachment Converted: C:\AWINT\MAIL\ATTACH\REInject This means that the garbage is still ther, it just got treated as an attachment and got dumped into Eudora's directory reserved for such things. At least I don't have to see it now, but it'll eventually fill up the attachment directory. regards dn ------------------------------ From: steve trindade Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 01:26:00 -0600 Subject: Diacom Software for GM EFI Does anyone know if diacom software has gone out of business? They used to sell a system for diagnosing GM EFI systems that I would love to get my hands on. I have an 86 Camaro IROC with a TPI305 for which i have been working on disassembling the "chip". i thought if i could buy the diacom setup that it may help by allowing me to record realtime data to my laptop for trending and comparison. thanks, Steve Trindade P1 Engineering begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(C0'`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$-@ 0` M`@````(``@`!!) &`&0!```!````# ````,``# #````"P`/#@`````"`?\/ M`0```&,`````````@2L?I+ZC$!F=;@#=`0]4`@````!D:7E?969I0&-O=6QO M;6(N96YG+F]H:6\M``,P`0`` M`",```!D:7E?969I0&-O=6QO;6(N96YG+F]H:6\M5]E9FE 8V]U;&]M8BYE;F`' ``0```!L```!$:6%C;VT@4V]F='=A# $````%````4TU44 `````>`!\,`0```!8```!S;71JL"@P!0`O()`@!C: K 1`'!Y`B!@92!K;F\'X :0((9D!S %H&T@2 >`)$)@"!T;QQ096P#('9A'% 3LR " M$ 7 &_%G`QN 'A%G($=-("#8149)'\4$('01@ 5 M2&0=PA@;!\0%:!V&U!E M'S%G$< @xxx.#8@0V$`P -@T2)P4D]# M(I!I(C ?H4!44$DS,#4@,W?<:&D1$BD=QR:R#R`B ;X7,=`!&P MW0;0;"#R(C ;4"(1< 4@GB(D<2>P(C (8&=H!4#_&\$GL 6@(L(=\![ *@(; M]KD1P'5P(B0F0".P82/1^Q]P+5!B'L '0!6@`_ A`7\'@!\B%A %H1\0%A ' M0'3_!W$;X")0'[ ?,2/!"V %,/9O+5 @0G06$"00(/(D`?TKL6T*L00`)%$* MA0J%(C'0;FMS+#.,4Q/0(R$V5 40)!!A#; *A5 Q/R%@&1 >(09Q&1 *A7-M ML'1J