DIY_EFI Digest Thursday, 16 July 1998 Volume 03 : Number 338 In this issue: Flame Wars Re: DIACOM 94 and up? 555 EFI project organization See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the DIY_EFI or DIY_EFI-Digest mailing lists. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Orin Eman Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 23:06:56 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Flame Wars We do not want to see a perpetuation of flame wars on the list. Therefore, please use the 'delete' function rather than the 'reply' function and refrain from jumping in and fanning the flames. Thank you for your consideration, Orin, list admin. ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 02:25:42 EDT Subject: Re: DIACOM 94 and up? Rinda has not released the updated versions of Diacom Plus yet. I have a copy and it does work on my 1995 Corvette. I talked to Rinda the other day and they told me that the updated version will not be released for at least 2 more months! Rinda Technology 713 736 6633 4563 N. Elston AV Chicago IL 60630 ------------------------------ From: Jake Sternberg Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 02:52:15 -0500 (CDT) Subject: 555 EFI project organization The question of 555 chip based EFI (without a computer) has been going around this list for quite awhile. I for one am very interested in developing this idea, and while i have little analog circuit building experience of my own i have many ideas to offer this project. I was looking through the archives on the DIY_EFI website (the link to which I have since lost.. ANYONE KNOW THE DIY_EFI WEBSITE ADDRESS?????) and i found several OLD threads about 555 EFI. Surely many people have independantly pursued this idea. I don't know if there is a 555 section on the DIY_EFI website, but if not i would like to suggest that we create one. There are probably many people on this list with old or current information on such a project, and there are several old posts in the archives which pertain. Something as simple as a directory in the FTP would go a long way toward getting everyone working on this idea together, so everyone can share and learn. I happen to think the 555 EFI project has a lot of potential.. so anyone who is working on or has thought about such a project, post! mail me and those who are in charge, set aside some room on the website. - -Jake ------------------------------ End of DIY_EFI Digest V3 #338 ***************************** To subscribe to DIY_EFI-Digest, send the command: subscribe diy_efi-digest in the body of a message to "Majordomo@xxx. A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace "diy_efi-digest" in the command above with "diy_efi".