Download all 5 parts to the same directory and unzip the main zip file, WinZip should find the other parts and you will end up with ~250MB of pdfs. (30MB)
south_bend_lathe_docs_-_split.z01 (50MB)
south_bend_lathe_docs_-_split.z02 (50MB)
south_bend_lathe_docs_-_split.z03 (50MB)
south_bend_lathe_docs_-_split.z04 (50MB)

Click on 'Request Download Link' then click 'Download File' for each part. You can use a download manager. You may have to right-click the download link for this. Just ignore all the retries and set number of retries to unlimited if necessary. I got 900+ kB/s downloads with FlashGet. Enjoy!