To start the debugger, enter "DEBUG" ctrlX to delete an entire line Operators------------------------------ - Negation & Logical AND ! Logical OR * Multipication / Division + Addition - Subtraction Operands------------------------------ %0-1 Binary constant #0-9 Decimal constant 0-9,A-F Hexadecimal constant 'x 8 bit character constant "xx 16 bit character constant . DEBUG's current memory address .. DEBUG's prior memory address :A Accumulator A :B Accumulator B :D Accumulator D :U U register :X X register :Y Y register :DP Direct page register :SP Stack pointer :PC Program counter :cc Condition codes register Expression is any combination of operators and operands Commands------------------------------ Format Description ----------- ----------------------- space Calculator function . Displays the current value of . null Increments . and displays the new value of . .expr Changes the value of . .. Restores the last value of . =expr Changes the value of . then increments . :reg Display register content : Display all registers :reg expr Assigns a new value to a register B Display all breakpoints Bexpr Set a breakpoint K Kills (removes) all breakpoints Kexpr Kills the breakpoint at Emodname Prepares DEBUG for testing a module Gexpr See manual Lmodname See manual Cexpr1 expr2 Clear and test memory Mexpr1 expr2 Memory display Sexpr1 expr2 Search for expr2 starting at . and ending at expr1 $ Calls the OS-9 shell $command Executes and returns to bdebugger Q Ends debugging session