Programming 6 meter Ham band frequencies into Titan series radios This is a conversion program that allows the Titan series radios to be programmed into the Ham radio 6 meter band. As of now, it only programs the Channel Display (ID), Receive frequency, Receive CTCSS tone, Transmit frequency and Transmit CTCSS tone. THIS IS A 16 BIT DOS program! It will also run under DOS in WIN3.2, WIN98 and likely Windows XP (not tested) BUT will not run in Windows Vista, 7 or 8. To run this program under these operating systems, use the commonly available “DOSBox” program. This program only allows 8.3 format directory or filenames. Long filenames are NOT supported. If the Midland binary file has a long filename, it must be renamed prior to use by this program with a filename of fewer than eight characters, and an extension of fewer than three. ( When first ran, a list of files in the local directory (the directory with “titanprg.exe”) having the “.dmp” extension (Midland binary) will be displayed. The Midland file to be modified can also be invoked by typing the filename on the command line, such as “titanprg c:\dir1\midfile.dmp” Once running, a list of the channel names, frequencies and tones will be displayed. The program allows the current channel data to be changed or deleted, and new channels to be added. Now, most important. This is a “beta” version program. Any suggestions for improvement, or comments on program bugs, are appreciated. Terry WA7LGY