Firearm Recoveries by the SAPS

The Illegal Firearms Units of the South African Police Service has seized a sizeable number of firearms over the last few years. The table below provides a breakdown of Illegal Firearms Unit seizures by year and type of firearm:


Table 22: Firearms Seized by the SAPS
1994 — 1998
Type of Firearm Seized 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total 1994 - 1998
Rifles 3 888 3 535 3 244 2 680 2 833 16 180
Pistols (incl. Mach. Pistols) 5 407 7 289 9 292 7 064 11 521 40573
Revolvers 2370 2842 2812 2272 3282 13578
Homemade firearms 3 124 2 624 2 806 2 954 3 066 14 574
Total 14 789 16 290 18 154 14 970 20 702 84 905
Source: South African Police Services, illegal Firearm Investigation Unit

These figures include licenced and illegal firearms confiscated by the SAPS as well as firearms used in crime. A total of 84 905 firearms of all types were seized from 1994 to 1998.

The bulk of the firearms seized have been pistols. Seizures of pistols increased by 113% between 1994 and 1998. Handguns have consistently made up more than half of the total number of firearms seized each year. Seizures of rifles decreased by 27% during the above-mentioned period.

The following table provides a more detailed breakdown of the quantities and types of firearms seized by the SAPS for the years 1994 to 1998:


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