
i Population census 1996, Statistics South Africa.

ii "Private dwellings refer inter alia to the dwellings of either complainants, family members or friends, both inside and outside the dwelling concerned.

iii Armoury inter alia refers to the place where firearms are kept in this instance by the SAPS, SANDF, Correctional Services, Traffic Department, dealers and armourers.

iv Places of entertainment inter alia include bars/pubs, shebeens, film or other theatres, holiday resorts, hotels, discotheques, clubs, restaurants, video arcades and gambling houses/places.

v Special events inter alia refer to parties/celebrations, sports events and public shows.

vi Public venues inter alia refer to public toilets, petrol stations, shopping centres, flea markets, dressing rooms, streets, taxi ranks, banks or ATM’s, shooting ranges, airports, bus stops, railway stations, parking areas/parkades, subways/alleys, parks, places of employment, schools and police stations.

vii Vehicles inter alia include taxis, as well as cars owned by either the state, private persons, security fraternity or other companies.

vii Only the most prominent categories pertaining to permit holders which emerged are highlighted.

ix Permit holders inter alia include armouries, schools, the security fraternity, companies, dealers, the mining sector, churches, association and any other category of permit holders mainly in the private sector.

x State departments inter alia include the SAPS, SANDF, Correctional Services , Traffic department and any other category of government department.



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