
The misuse of firearms in South Africa has become a matter of great concern to both the government and civil society. Due to the lack of firearm statistics in a consolidated format, decision-makers and stakeholders have struggled to assess phenomena such as the extent of firearm-related crime, the types and quantities of firearms being licenced, the concentration and management of licenced firearms, losses, thefts and recoveries of firearms and the impact of firearm-related injuries on the health sector.

In response to the need for such information in an accessible format, the National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC) commissioned this compilation of firearm-related statistics, which has aimed to be as comprehensive as possible. This compilation comprises the first phase of an ongoing process of accumulating and consolidating data on firearm use in South Africa. The data has intentionally been presented without accompanying analysis.

In most cases, data from 1994 to mid 1999 has been used. Where time frames for statistics deviate from this, it has been because data was available for that period only.

A range of questions are addressed, including:

Chapter 1

• What is the level of violent crime in South Africa?
• What types of crimes are being committed?
• How is this changing over time?

Chapter 2

• What is the rate and number of firearm-related crimes in South Africa?
• What types of firearms are being used in these crimes?
• Where in South Africa are firearm crimes most prevalent?
• Who are the victims of these crimes?
• What role do firearms play in the killing of police officers and in taxi violence?
• What is the level of firearm negligence?

Chapter 3

• How many legally registered firearms are there in South Africa?
• Where are they concentrated?
• Who owns these firearms?
• Which are the most common calibres and makes licenced?



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