Commission on Gender Equality
Existing Provision |
CGE Recommendation |
a) Preamble - |
Include clauses referring to: |
b) Section 4 (1) e |
4(1)e: 'substantial' needs to be defined or clarified |
c) Section 4(1)f |
4 (1) f: 'an imitation' needs to be qualified |
d) Section 10 |
Introduce a mechanism for: |
e) Chapter 5 Competency Certificate Current license holders under the existing Arms and Ammunitions Act are not required to undergo a competence certification test |
Existing licence holders should be required to re-apply for licences according to the new system established by this Bill |
f) Section 11(2) a - Age of Competency at 18 years of age |
To be amended to 25 years with the proviso that the Registrar may exercise his or her discretion based on: |
g) 11(2) d - Emotional Disposition |
a) Add "emotional disposition" after "mental condition" |
h) Section 11(2) m - Disqualification of applicants who have had protection orders issued against them |
Provision should be made for the establishment of a database of persons who have had protection orders issued against them |
i) 11(3) - Five year limit to disqualification on the basis of a domestic violence conviction |
Disqualification on the basis of domestic violence conviction should be permanent |
j) Chapter 6 - Licensing and Monitoring Mechanism |
Provision should be made to ensure the adequate resourcing of the mechanisms |
k) Section 15 (1) and 15 (3) - Quantity of firearms to be licensed for the purpose of self-defence |
Quantity of firearms to be licensed for the purposes of self-defence to an individual to be limited to one firearm. |
I) Section 30 - Period of Validity of a License |
Period of validity of licence or permit to be reduced to three years. |
m) Section 31(2) - Termination of Firearm License |
Include |
n) Section 32(1) and 32(2) |
Specify that: |
o) Section 94(1) - Quantity of Personal Allocation of Ammunition |
The promotion of a more reasonable amount of ammunition i.e. 5 cartridges at |
p) Section 94(2) - Annual Allocation of Ammunition |
Reduction of the annual allocation to 30. |
q) Section 101 if - Exclusion of the South African Police Force |
a) the possession and use of firearms for SAPS members be confined to the hours and space of duty and |
r) Section 105 (1) - Ministerial Privilege |
a) Replace "may" with "must". |
s) Section 105 (1) c - Inclination to Violence |
"has an inclination to violence" should be |
t) Section 105 (1) e - Withholding Information |
"withheld relevant information from the Licensing Authority" should be inserted |
u) Section - 106 |
We support the submission and all the |
v) Section 106 (3) a - Murder and AssauIt |
Schedule 2 must include murder and assault |
w) Section 131 ff |
Provisions to be made for an appeal board and for the institution of a more local forum such as the Magistrates Courts for appeals to be lodged |