Buns Kill |
There was once a man who had a pathological hatred for buns. This man decided to rid the world of these sticky things as he had a great fear of them. So he spoke to others and found that he was not alone in his fear. So great was their fear and hatred that they decided to join forces and create an organisation which became known as Bun Control Incorporated or BCI.
Now this organisation knew that many people liked buns and saw nothing wrong in eating them. The constitution of this great country said that everyone had a right to eat buns and the government could make no laws to stop them. Changing this would not be easy for people would laugh at them when told that buns were not good for them. BCI looked for ways in which they could convince the people that buns had to go.
They studied history to see if anyone else had managed to find some way of convincing the people that something they liked and enjoyed could be changed. They found some examples in history of great successes, where the people had been convinced of a great evil and would do and condone anything to get rid of that great evil when offered a solution. The writings of this man, who had achieved this great success, and others that had followed and added to this knowledge were studied to see how it was done.
These principles were tried and as predicted, the people at first laughed for they knew buns were not bad. That buns could not be evil. That eating them, storing them, selling them or giving them away was not bad or evil. That they would not be killed by their own buns and their buns did not constitute a danger to anyone else.
BCI set about on a course of actions as laid out by their masters teachings and found others that had an interest in getting rid of the evil buns. This would later become known as Bun Control. The laws they got the government to introduce to keep people from having buns, Bun Control laws.
The constant application of the principles they had found was beginning to pay off. They did not tire of this task for their hatred was great and they knew that results would be slow to begin. Some of those who came to believe that buns were bad were great scholars and worked at places of learning. They set about finding facts that would support the control and eventual removal of these evil buns. They searched high and low going to great lengths, leaving no stone unturned.
Many were disappointed to find that there were no supporting facts so they conducted surveys of their own for they knew that the information was there, they just had to find it. These too were disappointing at first, so the results were mangled and rearranged until the right conclusion could be made. This was part of the teachings and if proof was not there, they would lie.
So they lied and cheated, some even conducted surveys amongst the insane in their zeal to prove buns were bad and killed. A few of these had some integrity and explained that the conclusions only applied to this survey or the contortions applied. It mattered not to BCI who used selected facts and figures to show that buns killed.
BCI were extremely pleased and began to quote these authoritative studies for they made their assertions that buns were bad, evil and could kill, more believable to the people. Just as the principles they followed had predicted. They spread the word, saying that studies have shown that eating buns will kill you.
Other academics saw the results their peers had found and rushed to produce their own study. The media began to notice this great interest in buns and joined the fray because people were interested in buns that might kill them, their friends or children. The phrase "statistics show that eating buns will kill you" became common. BCI said "buns kill, therefore, buns are evil. If you eat buns you are evil and can not be trusted. We have a solution."
The media fought amongst themselves to publish new findings and show pictures of people who had died from eating buns. The media was full of reports from learned people that had found proof that buns could kill. Books and reports were written on the evil of buns. People told of their grief and pain of having suffered loss of loved ones. Soon there was more written on buns than just about anything else. Television was full of reports of bun deaths. BCI was pleased for this would help spread the word. Buns kill, buns are evil, buns are bad, we have the solution. The pictures, words and emotion will be a great help, thank you.
It would take scholars many years to untangle the web of lies built upon lies. By then few would believe the findings of those that did not believe buns were evil and sought to show that buns were good to eat and have. It mattered not. BCI could say they worked for the bun bakers, pour scorn upon their heads and point to their own findings, because everyone knows buns were designed to kill, buns are evil and buns kill, only BCI has the solution. The plan was working and the teachers principles right.
Criminals discovered that the fear of buns was so great that they threw away their knives, clubs and other intimidating weapons. A bun was better than a knife. They also discovered that if the bun was squeezed it would shoot raisins. The people feared raisins for they came from a bun. Ladies fainted or ran screaming at the sight of a bun. Men trembled with fear and held their hands high, saying "spare my life".
All but the bun eaters feared the bun and the raisins it could shoot. For they knew that the criminals also feared the buns and the raisins. Many would carry a bun and throw it at criminals who attacked them or squeeze the bun and shoot raisins at the criminal. BCI called these "bun slingers" and those that liked buns, "bun nuts" they said "only people who are insane would like buns". They found many other names like "bun freaks" for the people that liked buns, just as the principles taught. They showed with statistics that buns were responsible for crime, for criminals used them. Buns kill, buns are evil, we have a solution. Give up your evil buns that kill and be free of crime.
For criminals had found that people hated and feared buns so much that just holding one and saying "give me your money" would be enough. Even if this did not work the criminal could always squeeze the bun and raisins would shoot out. People feared these raisins even more. The bun haters had categorised these raisins into several types and named them in accordance with the teachings. Names such as "cop killers" added to the fear of the people exactly as the teaching said. Everyone knows that buns are evil, that buns kill. BCI said "give up your evil buns that kill and lives will be saved."
Many people that had not eaten buns or did not care, were having doubts. For every day they heard and saw the media say buns kill, buns are evil. They saw the pictures of bun deaths and remembered the words. They saw the reports of crime and believed. The plan was working the minds would mould. BCI was happy, soon the buns would go. Others will do our work. If just one life can be spared, it will make this all worthwhile.
BCI found out that some bakers baked cheap buns on Saturday night and BCI called these "Saturday night specials". For criminals had found they shot raisins just as well as the more expensive buns and the peoples fear of them was just as great. The people that could not afford the more expensive buns thought that they tasted almost the same. They soon found that it became most difficult to buy the cheap buns as these were believed to be even more evil by BCI and the people that BCI had converted. Thus they had no buns to eat or throw at criminals who grew bold. For the poor bun eaters had no buns and had no defence. Buns kill, buns are evil, we have a solution. All buns have to go.
Groups were set up to spread the word of this great evil that others might be saved. The government who did not like buns in the first place thought that this would be a great opportunity to use the pressure created by the bun haters. To limit the amount and kind of buns and find out who had buns or ate buns. They greatly feared that if they made some stupid decisions the people might rise up and throw buns at them or shoot them with raisins. We will do the bidding of BCI because the people want no buns. We will tell the people it will reduce crime.
So they introduced Bun Control laws that the growing mass of bun haters were asking for. That would make it more difficult for people to have buns. Their names must be entered in a book, so that they were known. Slowly they did this chipping away at the rights given to the people by their constitution, urged on by the people BCI had converted. They made laws about the kinds of buns and who could have which type, shape and size. Some buns were believed more fearful and not allowed. They even made laws about the amount of raisins a bun could have. The silliness and eagerness of the bun haters to make new laws was a sight to behold. Some even suggested that the raisins be engraved so they could be traced. BCI were indeed happy the plan was working, evil buns would soon be no more.
The time was right for BCI had converted many people. This too was part of the plan. BCI were happy but the task was not complete, finally things were beginning to happen and many, many years had passed. As predicted by the teachings, results would come by constant application and you must not deviate. For the mind of the masses is very forgetful and must be told as many times as it takes. Buns kill, buns are evil, we have the solution, all buns must go.
BCI knew it was not going be easy to take buns from people who enjoyed eating them. They would continue with the plan and apply the principles, the government would make them go. For the bun eaters obeyed the law. Then only the criminals would have buns and their task would be complete, for like the police and government they know not how to take them from those that do not obey the law.
They would increase the operation to the world. For nobody should have buns. Buns kill, buns are evil, buns must go. Governments and the United Nations will take them away.
In a land far away a man who had experience in this technique, for he taught about a person he could not even prove existed, saw the results the bun haters had achieved. He too hated buns and decided that his land should be free of the killer buns.
This man thought long and hard for a name for the organisation that would continue the good work of BCI. He decide that because he wanted his land to be free of the evil buns that Bunfree would be suitable and had a nice ring to it. This new organisation had much help from the publicity achieved by BCI and its affiliated organisations, for they had grown and spread the word. This land also had many problems caused by a great number of criminals who used buns.
He too used the same principles and material so kindly provided by BCI. He too would get the government to make laws that would stop people from eating, selling and making buns for they were evil. If stolen by criminals could be used to commit crimes of violence. For he cared not that many people liked buns. Using the principles found by BCI, he too would change the mind of the people such that they would welcome and ask for the removal of buns, and be saved.
Much publicity was given by the media to this man for they too had come to believe that buns were bad and evil, that people should not be even allowed to posses one let alone eat it. They had forgotten what buns were intended for, that eating them was a great pleasure. The principles said this would happen. Buns kill, buns are evil.
The studies and facts presented by BCI and Bunfree showed that buns would kill. Men of medicine had shown by asking their patients who had overindulged in buns, that you were 43 times more likely to be killed with your own bun. They said "Studies show that you will be killed by your own bun". Bunfree spread the word according to the principles. Buns kill, buns are evil, we have a solution.
Bunfree even had people line the street and throw false boxes of toy buns in front of a machine to crush them. He called upon the people to hand in their buns for they were evil and possessing them would do them no good. For studies had shown you would be killed with your own bun. Two people handed in some broken buns which were no longer fit for eating. Millions saw the show on TV and the media printed the story of the great success. This also was part of the teachings and predicted by the principles they followed. Buns kill, buns are evil, give up your buns.
He appeared on TV and told of the great success the bun show had been and that people wanted to be Bunfree, that buns were bad, that buns were evil. Bunfree knew that the first results would not be great but would lie about them and some people would believe, for doubts had been sown in the minds of millions and TV does not lie. The evil had been reinforced with images as the principles taught. Buns kill, buns are evil, we have a solution.
Bunfree continued with the plan and applied the principles, soon many joined to help spread the word of the evil buns. Bunfree offered a solution to the evil, promising that if everyone did not have buns, all would live in peace and without fear of buns and criminals. This too was according to the principles they followed. Buns kill, buns are evil, buns owners are evil, give up your buns and be saved. We have the solution and can show you the way.
The government of this land had not done a good job of controlling criminals and wanted to appease the people. For they still did not know how to control criminals nor did they have the money to pay for the police to catch them. They also had a great fear the people would throw buns or shoot raisins at them for they were making plenty of mistakes. Even when the police caught criminals many escaped, even more got off because the police had not done a good job of gathering evidence or the documents were lost.
Bunfree offered a solution and the government decided to use them to help make more laws. So a committee was formed to advise the government and most of the members were also part of Bunfree. They would help make laws for the people who wanted to see and eat no buns. This too was part of the teachings and according to the plan. The government would do the bidding of Bunfree. Bunfree would guide them and make the laws. Buns are evil, buns kill people and they must be saved. Think of babies, think of the aged. Buns kill babies, buns kill the aged.
The media loved this for crime and scenes of emotional distress were in great demand. The people saw the horror that buns had caused and heard the words of Bunfree. Buns kill, buns are evil, buns are bad, Bunfree has a solution. Bunfree were always at hand to make a statement on the evil of buns and were paraded by the media as experts on buns. They said that people had to many buns and that these should be severely limited in order to stop crime. Buns kill people, buns are evil, criminals use buns, if there were no buns there will be no criminals. Buns are evil and must go. We have the solution and you can make the evil buns go away.
The media sought Bunfree out and gave air to their facts and figures without question. They did not ask how or why. They would do the work for Bunfree. They used images of crime, death and emotion and used the words of Bunfree. Buns kill, buns are evil, people who eat buns are evil, Bunfree has the solution, you can be saved. Bunfree was pleased, the plan was working, others would do the work for them. The principles were true. Buns kill, buns are evil, bun eaters too.
Bunfree set out using the principles to show that those the government had licensed to eat buns were a great problem. They claimed because criminals could not buy buns that those who were licenced to eat buns or sell buns were responsible for the great number of buns in criminal hands. That as long as they had buns the criminals would steal them. Many lives would be saved. For buns kill, buns are evil, give up your buns and lives will be saved. We will get the government to take them away.
They knew these bun owners and eaters would be easy to control by introducing Bun Control laws. They knew that these were good people who obeyed laws and even had figures to prove that. It did not sway them from their task for those people possessed the evil buns. Nor did it concern them that criminals would take no notice of any laws and even baked their own buns. Or that the good people would have no buns to shoot raisins back at the criminals. The hated evil buns had to go. Buns kill, buns are evil, we have the solution. You can be free of the evil buns.
Schools, shopping malls, businesses and places of religious teaching were persuaded to set up bun free zones so that the evil would not spread. Some people were greatly vexed and inconvenienced as they knew that criminals did not walk about openly eating buns but hid them beneath their clothing. But, many had come to think that this would get rid of the evil buns and believed. Buns kill, buns are evil, Bunfree has the solution. Nobody should have buns.
Every time a criminal caused great problems and emotional distress by robbing with a bun or shooting raisins Bunfree would repeat the words of power. Buns kill people, buns are evil, buns are bad, people who eat them are evil, people who own them are bad, if you get rid of the buns you will be free of crime, lives will be saved. Bunfree has the solution, Bunfree can show you the way. The people believed Bunfree and asked why the government did not do something about buns. Buns kill, buns are evil, Bunfree has the solution and will show you the way. Bunfree was pleased the plan was working, the principles did not fail.
Any crime which involved buns would be used and it mattered not who, even the Bunfree people that had become victims of crime. For they had become so indoctrinated that they would forgive the criminal who had shot raisins at their loved ones but condemn the bun they used. Buns kill, buns are evil. If only there were no buns, lives could be saved.
This too was according to the principles for these had shown that people would commit unspeakable acts of atrocity once the plan was working. Bunfree was very pleased.
If you think buns kill, buns are bad, buns are evil then the plan is working, for you have stopped thinking and Bunfree thinks for you. You will do their bidding without knowing why. For buns are evil and buns are bad, Bunfree has the solution, you know it is true.
Six million innocent people died to show the teachers principles worked. They can not fail if applied. The people did not lift a hand for they wanted the solution and to be rid of the evil. Few of them would question why. They helped round up those six million and sent them on their way. They would not hide them, they would show them no mercy, they would point them out. For they were evil and had to go. They had no remorse. Unthinking and unknowing why, they did the work of getting rid of the evil.
BCI and Bunfree know this for they studied the principles of that man, their teacher. Bunfree claps its hands in glee. The people want no buns for buns kill, buns are evil and there is a solution. They will do the work.
If you believe that buns kill, buns are evil, and the solution is getting rid of buns then there is no hope for you. Tell me why you believe and if you repeat the slogans of BCI and Bunfree then the program is complete. You too would help to kill six million if told they were evil and that was the solution.
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