A friend has recently asked me to help him put his station back
on the air after 2+ years of inactivity.
He would like to use Ham Radio Deluxe to operate his radio remotely,
using a laptop and wireless router.
The radio will connect to a desktop PC.
Question is, can he use Winkey to operate CW via this wireless link?
How are other people going about this?
My friend MAY be interested in keyboard CW, but I also think he'd
like to connect his paddle to the laptop.
Thank you for any ideas and thoughts.
Kyle Yoksh
Olathe, Kansas
366|365|2006-04-22 21:57:17|Simon Brown|Re: Ham Radio Deluxe remote w/ Winkey?|Hi,
He can use HRD - you need the latest version, if you wait a week it will be
even easier. But you can't use the paddles :-(
Simon Brown
http://blog.hb9drv.ch/ |
367|365|2006-04-24 14:56:38|Tadas Vysniauskas|Re: Ham Radio Deluxe remote w/ Winkey?| Hello, Kyle,
You have to buy K1EL Winkey first.
Then You have to install software:
Read, please, HRD "Help" to make configuration.
That's easy - thanks for Simon !
I am using it with HRD Beta version 1075.
Will try new Beta version 1091 today.
73! Tadas LY2BAW
From: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com [mailto:k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of K & R Yoksh
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 4:58 PM
To: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [k1el_keyers] Ham Radio Deluxe remote w/ Winkey?
368|365|2006-04-24 15:05:26|Simon Brown|Re: Ham Radio Deluxe remote w/ Winkey?| Yesterday I added a window to configure the N8VB vCOM driver, I hope to get it finished and documented by Thursday.
This makes life much easier. I am adding the latest N8VB vCOM to the HRD kits.
369|369|2006-04-24 17:04:57|Iain Kelly|Winkey, slight oddity..|Hi Group,
A dredge through the archives didn't bring anything up (unless I've
missed something) so I thought I'd ask here to clarify my observations...
Just built a WinKey kit, and it seems to be working in the most part.
Using the testbed software all the functions work but if I try to send a
long message the keyer gets a little confused, as if the buffer is
getting mixed up somewhere, so I end up getting most of message correct,
with some small blocks out of place. I wonder if this is normal
behaviour or not?
My preferred logging program is Winlog32 by G0CUZ, which supports
winkey, but using the interface provided in Winlog32 the keyer will only
send the first 32 characters of a message and then just stop. It's as if
it is waiting for an 'ack' or something from Winkey and never getting it.
Also the speed pot does not do anything, the software speed control
works fine. None of the echo options work either, which leads me to
think that it's not receiving data from winkey. This is odd to me
because the testbed software works fine. Colin G0CUZ has not been able
to reproduce this problem. Again it strikes me as though the software is
not 'hearing' any data from winkey, yet other programs do, which is the
confusing bit...
Running WinXP SP2, USB-serial adapters, have DLPortIO installed... Have
tried changing com port settings in windows and none of te changes
seemed to make much difference at all...
I hope I managed to make sense, any hints/pointers etc would be very
much appreciated...
73, Iain M0PCB
370|365|2006-04-25 09:32:51|Simon Brown|Re: Ham Radio Deluxe remote w/ Winkey?| As discussed previously, this is for remote operation of WinKey using either HRD or the program of your choice.
In the Tools menu there is an option to configure N8VB's vCOM virtual serial port software, feedback very welcome please.
The User Guide has been updated, the vCOM info is on page 163 or thereabouts.
371|371|2006-04-28 02:42:39|dl5rmh|Sending commands to WinKey using MS-DOS|Hi everybody!
I want to configure the WinKey using MS-DOS.
So I could set my preferences before starting any program like Win-Test.
What are the possibilities to send commands to WinKey?
I thought about following:
C:\ to configure my serial port to the WinKey settings.
Now, what can I do?
Can I use the "copy" command to change the settings?
I need to change the paddle switchpoint, because I can't send any CW
with the actual settings.
Does anyone have some tips for me?
73 de Martin DL5RMH
372|372|2006-04-28 14:50:06|Victor Fraenckel|ATKBD question|I am not clear on the comments in the ATKBD documentation on the Output
Sense. What exactly is meant by High True Marking. Does it mean that the
output (pin 3) is normally at +5V when nothing is being xmitted and the
data pulses go to 0V? Does Low True Marking mean that the idle output is
0V and the data pulses go to +5V?
Any enlightenment will be appreciated.
*Victor Fraenckel
victorf ATSIGN windreader DOT com**
373|372|2006-05-02 20:58:45|selliot|Re: ATKBD question|Sorry for the delay in answering...
High true marking means that the output rests high at idle and falls
to low on the start pulse and subsequent data bits.
Low tru marking is the opposite, rest low and go high for start
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, Victor Fraenckel
that the
and the
output is
374|371|2006-05-02 21:10:13|selliot|Re: Sending commands to WinKey using MS-DOS|Martin,
Your settings are very close, but you want to make RTS the opposite
of DTR. You will have to experiment to see which one should be ON
and which one should be OFF. I should know but can't recall. Measure
the voltage across the WK chip, when it's 5V you have it correct.
It is possible to write a simple MSDOS application that can setup
winkey over a serial port. As a matter of fact the first application
I wrote for WK was under MSDOS, I can send you the source to it if
you think it might help. It's written in Microsoft C v5.
Another possibility is to write a script that can be redirected to
the serial console. Just be aware that most WK commands are non-
printing ascii characters, so you need a way to handle that.
Let me know how you make out,
375|375|2006-05-04 11:57:32|K0HB|WINKey inside microHAM CW Keyer|
Anyone here have the new microHAM keyer?
Any of those running it from Logger32?
Is there a way to "get at" the keyer memories from Logger32?
73, de Hans, K0HB
376|375|2006-05-04 18:09:17|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: WINKey inside microHAM CW Keyer| Message
The memories in CW Keyer (and microKEYER) are not native to
WinKey. They are an enhancement built into the microHAM controller.
Since many logging programs (Logger32, DXLab Suite, DXbase, etc.)
provide their own CW macro facility, the primary purpose for the
microHAM memories is for "stand alone" operation of the keyer or
to provide that function with applications that do not support CW
(WinKey) or CW macros.
At present, there is no API in Router by which an application can
access the memories. They can only be accessed (playback) through
a separate PS/2 keyboard or keypad attached to the CW Keyer (or
microKEYER) "remote" jack.
support e-mail: support at microham dot com
377|377|2006-05-06 10:15:40|Bill P.|K40 and logging|I didn't see my post asking about the K40 and interfacing to any
logging programs. After searching the forum, it doesn't look like it
is possible, just thought I'd ask again ...
bill k6acj
378|378|2006-05-08 17:13:02|selliot|Winkeyer2 and WKUSB Announcement|Hello WK Fans,
We have been working on this for over a year now, and are really glad
to be able to finally announce it.
Lot's of new features while maintaining backwards compatability with
WK1. Too much to describe in this posting, check out:
379|378|2006-05-08 17:50:13|Joe-aa4nn|Re: Winkeyer2 and WKUSB Announcement| Wonderful news. I want to order the
new WK2 but see no way on the website
to order the product!
73, Joe, aa4nn
380|378|2006-05-08 18:01:45|selliot|Re: Winkeyer2 and WKUSB Announcement|Joe,
There is a problem with the PayPal order form, am working on it now,
we'll be set up to take orders very shortly.
381|378|2006-05-08 18:12:59|selliot|Re: Winkeyer2 and WKUSB Announcement|Joe,
It's fixed and working now.
382|382|2006-05-09 09:52:15|Jerry Volpe|K40 new firmware?|I noticed that a new chip for the K40 is shown on the website. My
current diagnostic says: "K40 v C, WK40 v D CW". I have the LCD
installed and working but I don't plan to add the RTTY board to this
particular K40 as the case I built it into (sent you a picture some time
back) doesn't have the room. Anyway, I am making Field Day plans and I
am considering using the K40 rather than my MM-3 so I am checking to see
if it is in my better interest to change the chip with the newer one....
or not.
Jerry, KG6TT
Fairfield, CA
383|383|2006-05-09 10:01:53|Jerry Volpe|WinKey and K40 at the same time? USB converter|1). My logging program, ACLog v3.0, finally supports WinKey (to what
extent I am not sure). I'll be using the Field Day version of ACLog
during Field Day and I'm considering obtaining a WinKey for the
smoothest output. However ACLog does not seem to have a CW 'chat'
function allowing me to simply key extra text not in the pre-loaded
buffers so I think I will have to use my K40 as well. Do you see any
problems with my running the output of both keyers in parallel to the
same rig? I'll probably be using either a Ten-Tec Corsair II or an Omni-VI+.
2). My laptop has only one serial port and that will probably be used
for rig frequency control. In that case I would have to use a USB to
Serial adapter. I know many do not work in ham applications. Are there
any in particular that you know work well with the WinKey. I have a
Belkin F5U103 that I used last year in a different application, but not
sure if it will work with a WinKey.
Jerry, KG6TT
Fairfield, CA
384|383|2006-05-09 10:13:49|Simon Brown|Re: WinKey and K40 at the same time? USB converter|USB to serial port dongles are a hell of a nuisance as they can cause all
sorts of problems. I suggest:
[1] Get a make known to work (you've asked for recommendations),
[2] Make sure you have the correct drivers,
[3] Test with your laptop in field day mode to be sure you laptop can
deliver enough power to all USB devices simultaneously in use.
[4] Watch out for RFI :-)
WinKey is a not a heavy user of serial port data so you should not be in for
surprises (some programs clobber the serial port). FWIW I always recommend a
powered hub to be sure you can deliver enough current to the USB devices.
Simon Brown
http://blog.hb9drv.ch/ |
385|383|2006-05-09 13:33:45|Joe-aa4nn|WinKey and K40 at the same time? USB converter| Hi Jerry etal,
Parallelling the output of two or more keyers to the same rig key-in is no problem.
About N3FJP. I believe his ACLOG finally supports Winkey but not necessarily
his other logging programs, like the Field Day version. N3FJP's logging programs
are all standalone, making it difficult and tedious to add winkey to each one.
It is best to test your usb-serial adapter with Winkey using Steve's test bed program.
Easy to download and you get positive feedback.
GL & 73,
de Joe, aa4nn
386|383|2006-05-09 18:31:52|Jim Fuller (N7VR)|Re: WinKey and K40 at the same time? USB converter|Hi Jerry,
I have used two of the Belkin without too many problems, off a laptop.
The biggest was RF into the converter. I found laying the Antenna coax over
the converter and cable tended to goof it up :) After separating the RF and
data cable runs, all worked great.
I used N1MM with the winkey for field day. It, also, does not have chat
mode, but for the short conversations, I found the Vibroplex paddle
connected worked great.
Jim Fuller
N7VR -
http://www.fuller.net/n7vr.html ARRL Montana Section Emergency Coordinator -
http://www.mtares.org International TCP/IP Gateways Robot Operator --
http://www.ampr-gateways.org montana.aprs2.net Server Operator --
http://www.mtaprs.net |
387|387|2006-05-10 20:40:14|Jerry Volpe|Re: WinKey and K40 at the same time? USB converter.... why not WinK|Some times timing is everything.
There I go ask a few questions (getting some great responses) about how
I might combine a few keying and interface devices to create what
doesn't exist and the very next day the new keyer product is announced!
Cool.. After a look over of the specs and the manuals I order one of the
new kits. I believe it will do what I am looking for in the shack and
for upcoming Field Day activities as well. I really like that it will
work on its own... without a computer... with the ability to accept the
paddles directly and that the paddle mode comes with all the amenities
to boot. Now of course wouldn't it be great if we could optionally
install a keyboard and LCD display directly as with the K40? (smiling).
I am sort of teasing on that one. I already have my K40 built up with
the LCD and plan to have it with me at Field Day as well. I have been
using a paddle for many years but recent pain in my right hand makes it
difficult to send over long periods but touch typing hasn't been
effected as yet... enter the K40... and now the WinKeyerUSB. Thanks.
Oh, and it would be just perfect if I could get UA9OV to consider adding
WinKey facilities to his great CWType program (so far no interest shown).
Jerry, KG6TT
Fairfield, CA
388|388|2006-05-12 02:24:11|Robert Chudek|Re: N1MM and Winkey v10 produces a raspy CW tone| I've made a slight advancement with my raspy CW tone problem. Here's the latest...
My USB to Serial cable is set to COM8. In the Configurer, I have COM8 checked as "Other". I select the "Set" button for COM8 to bring up the com8 submenu.
If I uncheck the "Winkey" box I can send CW via the paddles with a pure CW tone. But in this configuration, the N1MM macro keys don't work and a popup widow tells me to check my CW configuration.
If I check the "Winkey" box and OK back to the program, I get the raspy CW again from paddles and macro keys.
I have disconnected everything except the Winkeyer from the laptop and run from batteries with the same results.
I fired up the o'scope again (third time this week!) and looked at the CW keying from Winkey. The CW line sits high at ~ 5 VDC and pulls to ground when key down. During the abnormal tone generation, there is a squarewave, with a period of 0.6 ms, going from 0 to +4 VDC.
I'm going to cross post this to the K1EL_KEYERS Group to see if anyone has seen this issue before.
73 de Bob - K0RC
389|388|2006-05-12 06:51:54|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: N1MM and Winkey v10 produces a raspy CW tone| Message
Are you looking at pin 3 or pin 5? The square wave with a .3 mSec period
sounds very much like "sidetone" of 1666 Hz. In the N1MM configurator,
make sure you have sidetone = none.
390|388|2006-05-12 11:06:48|Robert Chudek|Re: N1MM and Winkey v10 produces a raspy CW tone| Okay, I'm waist deep into this now... :-)
The short story is the Winkeyer has a bad 2N7000 FET driving the CW output. If you want the blow-by-blow troubleshooting story, I will forward it to you if requested.
73 de Bob - K0RC
391|388|2006-05-12 11:08:12|K0HB|Re: N1MM and Winkey v10 produces a raspy CW tone| It's not clear from your posts, but are you keying your rig from pin 3 or pin 5? (Should be pin 3)
73, Hans
392|392|2006-05-13 02:10:37|exwb6lxa|K12 keyer chip replacment chip?|Howdy, just purchased a Norcal keyer chip and kinda disappointed to
see that they didnt have "weighting" adjustments and other features
that the K1EL unit has. Can the K1EL chip be directly interchanged
with the 8 pin, dip, pic cpu that the Norcal keyers uses? If so, it
would seem to "hotrod" ther norcal unit a lot. Next time I'll do my
homework and buy the K12 keyer first, as the price is within $.50 and
has lots more functions built into the program. Any help will be
greatly appreciated, 73's, Doug, KM6OR.
393|393|2006-05-13 04:02:15|kb3bfm|Help with Smoked U1|I just finished my K40 keyer, installed it in the case, and powered up
without a keyboard. It came alive and life was wonderful.
I powered down, plugged in a Gateway keyboard that's been laying
around the shack. When I powered up, I got an immediate pop, then
smoke. Not good.
Upon opening the case, I discovered that the U1 voltage regulator was
blown - literally cracked. I'm going to stop by the local electronics
emporium tomorrow for a replacement, but I have a couple of questions...
1. Based upon the circuit design, should I expect to have damaged any
other components?
2. Would a bad/shorted keyboard likely be the cause of the damage?
394|393|2006-05-14 00:40:03|Mike Studer|Re: Help with Smoked U1|On Friday 12 May 2006 18:52, kb3bfm wrote:
Well the regulator blew because you drew too much current. That keyboard is
highly suspect. If the keyboard has lots of extra features (like leds) on it
I would get a plain vanilla one instead.
I doubt you would harm other components in the circuit. The power just went
off in a big hurry. But all you can really do is swap out the regulator and
test it. You might pick up a spare regulator just in case. They are cheap.
Mike K6EEP
395|395|2006-05-14 00:40:23|Bill P.|K40 right angle USB/PS2 adapter|I put my K40 and LCD into the smallest box and bought a pretty nice
miniture keyboard that by chance matches the color scheme of the
FT1000. However I discovered that with the PS2 coming out the side of
the box the weight of the keyboard cable and cable orientation to the
box made it pretty clumsy.
Has anyone seen a right angle USB to PS2 adapter? Bill K6ACJ
396|396|2006-05-16 22:22:38|jeraldvolpe|Winkeyer2 Shipping?|Placed my order the same day this new keyer kit showed up on the K1EL
web site. Of course I have to wonder with any brand new product if
they are actually shipping or if not when the shippments might begin.
Anyone order and receive one?
Jerry, KG6TT
397|396|2006-05-16 23:04:57|selliot|Re: Winkeyer2 Shipping?|Jerry,
Winkeyer2 is real and it is shipping. We sent the first big batch of
kits out yesterday and more will continue to go out this week. Take a
look at the news for Southern NH and you will see what we have been up
against for the past week.
398|396|2006-05-16 23:10:34|Alan Sewell|Re: Winkeyer2 Shipping?|After getting today's mail and no Winkey2 I was about to ask the same
thing. I would like to know if they are shipping as well. From the
information on the web site I was under the impression they were ready
to go.
Alan N5NA
jeraldvolpe wrote:
399|399|2006-05-16 23:37:22|Joe-aa4nn|Re: [Norton AntiSpam] [k1el_keyers] Winkeyer2 Shipping?| Ordered, not received yet.
de Joe, aa4nn
400|400|2006-05-17 15:23:08|Robert Chudek|Re: N1MM and Winkey v10 produces raspy CW tone| I received a replacement 2N7000 from Steve - K1EL, installed it in Q4 (laying on the basement floor with grounding straps attached to arms & legs for ESD protection), fired it up, and voila!... it works perfect. Even the second output works when I configure N1MM for S02R.
So now you know "the rest of the story"...
73 de Bob - K0RC
401|396|2006-05-17 19:21:52|James Fuller (N7VR)|Re: Winkeyer2 Shipping?||
402|402|2006-05-19 00:02:41|exwb6lxa|K12 keyer chip interchanging with other designs:|HI, posted a dumb question about K12 keyer chip compatibility
a few days ago and didnt get a response, so I did what I should have
done at start and downloaded the fine manual. It was immediately
clear that whether or not the chips in the Norcal keyer board and the
K1EL units were compatiable, the IO ports were not programmed the
same, in several ways. So nevermind, and looks like I will just be
buying more K!EL complete keyer boards in the future, as at this
time, they have more of the features that Im looking for in an all
around multifunction keyer board. I will soon buy one and run it thru
my paces.73's, Doug, KM6OR.
403|403|2006-05-20 01:41:52|Tim Gennett|Resistor values| Has anyone else received their WKUSB kit and had a chance to check the parts against the parts list?
I'm finding the resistors I received for R2, R3, R8 and R11 don't match what is in the parts list or what is shown on the schematics. Wondering which is correct, or if I have made a mistake.
Tim K9WX
404|403|2006-05-20 02:44:08|W2RU - Bud Hippisley|Re: Resistor values| Tim Gennett wrote:
405|405|2006-05-20 03:10:27|Peter Dougherty|Are K1EL keyers being sold at Dayton this year?|I have a keyer on my shopping list but saw no reference to the company
in the program book. Are they represented this year?
Peter, W2IRT
406|405|2006-05-20 03:12:49|selliot|Re: Are K1EL keyers being sold at Dayton this year?|Peter,
We had hoped to make it to Dayton this year, especially since the
K40 was chosen as the FDIM Buildathon project....
The stars just didn't line up to allow us to go. Sure am
Next year for sure.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "Peter Dougherty"
407|403|2006-05-20 03:15:06|selliot|Re: Resistor values|Tim,
At the last minute I switched over to optoisolators with darlington
drive to reduce the current drive from the WK2 IC. I have not had a
chance to update the manual (translation... I just plain forgot)
R2, R3, R8, and R11 are now 2.4K.
I apologize for the confusion.
408|403|2006-05-21 12:30:36|Tim Gennett|Re: Resistor values| Thanks to all who responded to my question. Assembly begins today!
Tim K9WX
409|403|2006-05-21 17:50:27|Christopher T. Day|Re: Resistor values|Steve,
I've finished the basic assembly and I am about to bring up my new
Winkeyer 2. I have a couple of things to note about the instructions so
far. 1) Nowhere do the instructions say to install C8, the Mylar
capacitor. 2) The instructions and parts list refer to the electrolytic
capacitor as C13, whereas the silkscreen and schematic refer to it as
C14. Also, there was no hookup wire in my kit for the speed pot.
Otherwise, so far, so good.
Chris - AE6VK
-----Original Message-----
From: selliot [mailto:
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 6:15 PM
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com Subject: [k1el_keyers] Re: Resistor values
At the last minute I switched over to optoisolators with darlington
drive to reduce the current drive from the WK2 IC. I have not had a
chance to update the manual (translation... I just plain forgot)
R2, R3, R8, and R11 are now 2.4K.
I apologize for the confusion.
410|403|2006-05-21 18:57:10|pc5m, Carel|Re: Resistor values| Maybe to add is that the washer of one the screws used for fixation of the PCB to the upper shelf is bit (too?) close to a PCB track, perhaps better to not use at this place the washer…
From: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com [mailto:k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Christopher T. Day
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 3:13 PM
To: selliot; k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [k1el_keyers] Re: Resistor values
I've finished the basic assembly and I am about to bring up my new
Winkeyer 2. I have a couple of things to note about the instructions so
far. 1) Nowhere do the instructions say to install C8, the Mylar
capacitor. 2) The instructions and parts list refer to the electrolytic
capacitor as C13, whereas the silkscreen and schematic refer to it as
C14. Also, there was no hookup wire in my kit for the speed pot.
Otherwise, so far, so good.
Chris - AE6VK
-----Original Message-----
From: selliot [mailto:k1el@...]
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 6:15 PM
To: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [k1el_keyers] Re: Resistor values
At the last minute I switched over to optoisolators with darlington
drive to reduce the current drive from the WK2 IC. I have not had a
chance to update the manual (translation... I just plain forgot)
R2, R3, R8, and R11 are now 2.4K.
I apologize for the confusion.
--- In k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "Tim Gennett" the parts against the parts list?
match what is in the parts list or what is shown on the schematics.
Wondering which is correct, or if I have made a mistake.
Posted on K1EL Keyers Yahoo Group
Yahoo! Groups Links
411|403|2006-05-21 21:02:24|selliot|Re: Resistor values|Carel, the washers are for the enclosure cover, do not use them on
the PCB.
412|403|2006-05-21 21:47:38|pc5m, Carel|Re: Resistor values| Steve,
Ok, my kit came with 8 or so 4-40 screws with washes already attached to them. No screws without washers….
Even took me quite some “force” to get one of the washers off J
If it is by design to not use washers for PCB fixation (maybe in relation with the too tight washer/track distance) maybe it would be good to mention it explicitly in assy guide.
Btw, it is working great ! Thanks a lot for this fine new toy…
Gl, Carel.
From: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com [mailto:k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of selliot
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 9:02 PM
To: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [k1el_keyers] Re: Resistor values
Carel, the washers are for the enclosure cover, do not use them on
the PCB.
--- In k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "pc5m, Carel" fixation of the
perhaps better
[mailto:k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com] On
instructions so
-knAA t=ms&k=Ham+radio&w1=Craft+hobby&w2=Hobby+and+c
" on the web.
email to:
subject=Unsubscribe the Yahoo!
Terms of Service.
413|413|2006-05-21 22:09:38|ww3s73|upgrade older kit to v10?|I bought an older kit that I nver assembled; myabe ver 8? It has v2
silkscreened on the board. Can I put a newer chip in this? If I build
and use the one I have, what am I missing that the newer chip contains?
414|414|2006-05-21 22:15:24|jeraldvolpe|WinkeyerUSB Assembly Instruction Questions|First of all my WinkeyerUSB arived on Friday. Fantastic! And I
assembled it this morning. Total assembly, driver install and testing
was just under two hours. Working great.
In addition to the four changed resitor values already mentioned, I
noted the following:
- C14 and C13 designators should be swaped in the parts list and
instructions to match the screening on the PCB.
- Package description of "Ceramic Orange" seems more appropriate for
capacitors C1, C2, C3, C6, C7, and C9 and not for C10, C11, etc., as
listed. Seems backwards.
- Package description for four "Black Square" plastic push caps is
actually three black and one red (not all that important).
- No wire included for variable speed control. Not a big issue for me
but there may be folks without a junk box.
Thanks for the great keyer!
Jerry, KG6TT
Fairfield, CA
415|415|2006-05-22 20:04:30|Lou Kolb|k40 question| As I am a ham who is blind, I had a friend assemble the K40 for me. He just dropped it off last night so I haven't had much time to play with it but one thing was immediately apparent; the sidetone from the onboard speaker is barely audible. Is there a pot inside to adjust this or is it indicative of a problem? Thanks. Lou WA3MIX
416|415|2006-05-22 22:02:00|hamfam6@comcast.net|Re: k40 question| Lou,
There is a removable seal on the top of the piezo speaker - it is to be removed after the board is cleaned following soldering. Perhaps that label was not removed.
If you desire increased sidetone, there is an optional circuit on the PCB that can be populated. It is outlined in the manual. You would need to supply your own speaker. It is a separate circuit than the piezo circuit.
art, K1BX
417|415|2006-05-23 03:16:03|Ken N9VV|Re: k40 question|Yes, the small paper tag said to "remove after washing" so I waited
until I had washed my hands after soldering :-) and I felt much better
just as the label lead me to believe I would :-)
de ken n9vv
hamfam6@... wrote:
418|418|2006-05-23 22:24:30|w4mqc|MAC O/S software for WInKeyer Help|I am trying to get KB (by W6EET) to work on my MacBookPro and not
having much success. It doesn't "see" the keyer. On the preferences
tab, on the far right is a section called "Serial port to keyer."
There are 2 possible selections.
Neither seems to do anything. I turned off bluetooth and still
nothing. I am using a USB adapter on the Winkeyer. Could the problem
be the adapter?
Any suggestions would be helpful. The Winkeyer works perfectly on an
old IBM ThinkPad 570 but I sure would like to get it to work with this
snappy new MAC that my son just gave me.
Also...are there any other keyboard or keyer applications for the MAC
that will work with the WinKeyer other than KB???
419|418|2006-05-23 22:49:03|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: MAC O/S software for WInKeyer Help|Have you installed a driver for the USB Adapter?
This does not look like you have a driver loaded for the USB
adapter. If one is loaded, you should see a driver that says
something like "USBSerial - "
MacLoggerDX (www.dogparksoftware.com) is an outstanding logging
program for Macintosh. It supports WinKey in the microHAM
interfaces ... I do not know if it supports a stand alone serial
... Joe, W4TV
420|420|2006-05-23 23:13:13|Jim Sheldon|K-40 and the RTTY board|Wow what a nice combination. I built the K40 at the QRP convention "Four
Days In May" at Dayton during their "buildathon" and added the RTTY board
which I had previously built. When I got back to Kansas, I hooked it to my
IC-706MKIIG and just had a real nice RTTY QSO with Dave, K5WNV. Had to
reduce power to about 50 watts to keep the RF out of the keyboard, so now I
gotta put a bunch of ferrites on it, but it works real well.
Thanks K1EL
421|421|2006-05-24 01:56:35|Lou Kolb|k40 command sequence| Hey gang,
Is it possible to assign the BT or break prosign to the semicolon key? I've tried following the manual's directions on this but I must be leaving something out. I know that this prosign is already assigned but I would find it more convenient to have it on the home row and I doubt I'll have much use for the semicolon. Thanks. Lou, WA3MIX
422|422|2006-05-24 09:55:58|Simon Brown|ICON| Hi All,
As a developer who supports the excellent WinKey I would like a nice 32 x 32 True Colour icon to use for WinKey. I'm artistically challenged myself and can't come up with anything. The Keyer icons I can find are either copyrighted, not True Colour or too big or...
Something like K1EL at the top of http://www.k1el.com/ would be nice, I'm sure we can do better.
If anyone fancies chopping off an ear and giving it a go then I'll be grateful.
"There are two major products that came out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
- Jeremy S. Anderson
423|423|2006-05-24 18:11:26|priveye997|LCD problem on K40|Hello Eeveryone
I just built a K40 and it is working properly. I also got the LCD
option but it does not work. I have confirmed that there are no solder
bridges on the K40 borad to the LCD and vice versa. When I power up
with the LCD, I hear "R" but nothing on the display. I have confirmed
that I have 5 volts to the LCD. BTW, I used ESD precautions when
handling the LCD and wore a wrist ground strap.
Please helpppppppp!!!!!
73 John NS5Z
424|423|2006-05-24 18:15:03|selliot|Re: LCD problem on K40|John,
Please check to make sure that the VB input to the LCD is at or
close to zero volts. This is adjusted by R6 on the K40 PC board.
425|421|2006-05-24 18:15:29|selliot|Re: k40 command sequence|Lou,
Unfortunately the semicolon key cannot be redefined. The only ones
assignable are the punctuation keys above the numeric keys.
426|426|2006-05-24 19:32:25|k8isk|IC availibility|Is the IC for the new WKUSB available separately like the WinKey chip
427|426|2006-05-25 16:03:49|selliot|Re: IC availibility|Terry,
So far we have only been selling the WK2 ICs to OEMs but they are
available to anyone. The price is $9.50 each.
I haven't had a chance to add them to the order page, hopefully will
get to that today or tomorrow.
428|428|2006-05-25 18:50:03|Ken K3IU|WKUSB-HV| Hi All:
I just received the WKUSB-HV in the mail. The inventory is spot on except that R2, 3, 8, & 11 are 2.4K OHM and the RevD Assembly manual says they should be 680 OHMs for the solid state relay HV option.
Does it matter??? If not, I'll use the 2.4K ohm. If it does matter, then I sure I can find four 680s around here to use.
Also noticed the following:
1 - The B/M and the USB interface schematic list the USB interface chip as U5. It is labeled as U4 on the board.
2 - Typo in Assy Manual, Step 5) of Kit Assembly. Should say 14 pin socket vice 16 pin socket.
Ken Wagner K3IU
Portsmouth, RI
429|429|2006-05-25 19:52:53|n7dls|New WKUSB won't key Icom 756Pro|I got my WKUSB kit in the mail yesterday and built it last night.
Everything went EXACTLY as the instructions stated until I tried to
get it to key my 756Pro.
I was able to get the computer to talk to it correctly both with the
software that came on the driver disc as well as with the latest
version of N1MM Logger. When the sidetone is turned on in WK, it
outputs exactly what the software sends or what I manually send with
the paddles. None of these situations results in the radio being
I know the cable is good because I can unplug the RCA connector from
the WK and short across it and the rig will key up (likewise the radio
keys when I plug a straight key into the rear key jack).
I've tried both key outputs on the back of the WK with the same result.
Anyone have any suggestions on where to start troubleshooting this?
I'd love to have it fixed before the CQ WPX CW contest starts Friday
Dan - N4EA
430|428|2006-05-25 20:12:31|selliot|Re: WKUSB-HV|Dan,
They need to be 680 ohms, we made a mistake in the HV kits. We are
sending out the correct value.
431|431|2006-05-25 20:13:01|k8isk|WK2USB|I ordered one the other day, then it dawned on me, it the WK2USB
software compatable with the WinKey since I plan to use this with
432|431|2006-05-25 20:18:18|selliot|Re: WK2USB|Terry,
It should work ok with RoverLog, WKUSB is backward commpatible to WK1.
433|429|2006-05-25 20:22:16|selliot|Re: New WKUSB won't key Icom 756Pro|Dan,
I am not sure what is happening there. Do you have the internal
keyer disabled ? What key input on the transceiver are you using ?
Does the manual give you the input requirements for the input
(current sink/voltage level) ? Maybe WKUSB is not pulling the key
line low enough.
One thing to test is to plug WKUSB into your key input jack and
measure key up voltage then hit tune on the testbed app and re-
maesure the voltage. Le me know what you see.
434|429|2006-05-25 22:40:47|n7dls|Re: New WKUSB won't key Icom 756Pro|DisregardÂ…it was a stupid newbie mistake.
I got one of the opto isolator sockets in wrong and therefore
installed BOTH isolator chips backwards. When I turned them around,
everything is working like it's supposed to.
Sorry for the trouble.
435|435|2006-05-25 22:43:13|priveye997|K40 LCD Problem FIXED Thanks to all|Thanks to all who responded to my LCD problem including K1EL.
The fix was as indicated the adjusted of that pot.
Now if I could just find the rubber foot that popped off and in now in
another astral plane.
73 John NS5Z
436|436|2006-05-26 20:36:41|Ken Hopper|very happy with new WKUSB|[unsolicited advertising for Steve K1EL]
I am very happy with my newly built WinKeyUSB. Thanks Steve for
another G*R*E*A*T keyer(kit).
None of the commercial alternatives offer the range of adjustments and
features that come standard with every K1EL keyer. CW ops are quick to
hunt down the latest paddle (such as
http://www.w5jh.net/Black_Widow.htm) but we sure do drag our rear ends
when it comes to adopting a new keyer. Hey, go th
http://www.k1el.com right now and sign up for this outstanding and inexpensive new kit
There are not a lot of companies making kits anymore. Steve is in
business for the guys who love CW. He even made sure that the only
surface mounted IC is already soldered in place! all the other parts
are conventional thru-hole jobbies with leads.
This new keyer comes with a handsome custom black case that is top
notch. It fits together very nicely and is small enough to satisfy
even the QRPp guys in the field.
Show Steve your support by purchasing one or more of his new
inventions. How about that new K40 with RTTY on the LCD
http://k1el.tripod.com/k40enc.html)? Buy a couple and give one to a
buddy who also loves CW. These would make fantastic Christmas or
Birthday presents (tell the XYLs).
The new WKUSB adds very flexible COMPUTER and STANDALONE operation to
generate the sweetest possible keying for that new $10,500 rig or your
lovingly rebuilt boat anchor.
The K1EL keyer like gives you every "FIST" personality you can
imagine. If you want some of that old bug "swing" it is right there in
the ratio settings.
If you need K-compensation, first dit compensation (ICOM users take
note), or you want to crank it up to 2000WPM for exotic UHF bouncing,
it is as easy as one mouse click on the control program provided on a
miniature CDROM.
You can carefully tune it to your very own super duper fist - or like
me you can take the settings right off the bench and plug it into your
rig for a delightful QSOS.
I recommend it to anyone thinking of a fun summer project or a new
keyer that works flawlessly with that new Begali you bought at Dayton!
GL de ken n9vv
437|436|2006-05-26 20:41:41|Joe-aa4nn|very happy with new WKUSB| Add to all that, a FB feature in the PTT delay, start and tail.
Plus excellent keying from contesting software supporting WK.
de Joe, aa4nn
438|436|2006-05-27 03:54:35|W2RU - Bud Hippisley|K1EL Keyers -- the Ultimatic experience|[More unsolicited advertising for Steve, K1EL]
This is an edited version of comments I recently posted on another
(traffic handling) reflector. I figure this is the group that might
enjoy sharing a little keyer nostalgia.
Back in the 50s, one of my favorite keyers -- in theory, at least -- was
the Ultimatic, designed by W6SRY and described in April & May '55 QST.
Some of you may recall this beast, which was built with vacuum tube
technology -- *lots* of tubes! The basic algorithm was a "last paddle
pressed" rule coupled with optional dot or dash insertion during a
string of the opposite paddle's elements. Despite its complexity,
without a doubt the Ultimatic contributed to the early boom in demand
for dual lever or "squeeze" paddles.
I never did construct a vacuum tube Ultimatic. The closest I came was
to build the "POO Keyer", written up in October '58 QST by K2POO. It,
too, was a vacuum tube keyer, but extremely simple. It consisted of a
12AU7 W3FQB relaxation oscillator driving a 6AS7 dual power triode to
eliminate keying relays. An unintended consequence of that particular
circuit design was dashes whose length was essentially unaffected by
whether the dot paddle was also closed at the same time as the dash
paddle. This allowed a form of squeeze keying which I dubbed the
"POO-Keyer dash override algorithm".
In September & October 1960 QST, a transistorized Ultimatic by K0MHU
appeared. A few years later, when I was working in the field of digital
logic design and had access to suitable test equipment, I built just
such a unit to go with my then-new Brown Brothers dual paddle. In those
days, we constructed everything at work on wire-wrap boards, which made
prototyping, debugging, and modifying relatively easy. My Ultimatic was
a maze of transistors, diodes, resistors, and capacitors on two
back-to-back computer boards, each about 12 inches long by 3 inches
wide. It "almost" worked. There was a timing bug in it somewhere (a
"hazard" or "race" condition, as we called it) that I never did succeed
in eliminating. I still have the keyer, packed away somewhere in my attic.
The Ultimatic algorithm never took off, and in the intervening years the
infamous iambic algorithm took hold. I remember in the 70s then-K2SIL
(now K1GQ) had a Curtis keyer that was an early implementation of
iambic. Today iambic keyers are like Chickenman: "They're everywhere!
They're everywhere!" My Kenwoods (and I presume Icoms and Yaesus as
well) all have iambic keyers built into them. I've never cottoned to
iambic and feel that good fingering practices for 24 letters of the
alphabet and ten numerals were perverted solely for the specious goal of
"easily" forming two specific letters. As a result, I've never been
able to consistently send the number "2" correctly with dual paddles
attached to an iambic keyer -- I invariably send "di-di-dah-di-dah"
(..-.-) for a "2". Perhaps if my call didn't have a "2" in it, this
wouldn't be so egregious a sending error, but it does, and it is. In
fact, the problem got so bad a few years ago that I was forced to switch
to a single lever Vibroplex paddle.
Now fast-forward fifty years from W6SRY's 1955 QST articles. Along
comes K1EL with a cute little gadget called WinKeyer -- an electronic
keyer with some novel and exciting features. The one feature that made
me sit up and take notice, however, was the *Ultimatic* mode!
I first learned of the WinKeyer from my friend K1GQ who sent me his WK
circuit board kit when he replaced it with a microHam unit with the
WinKeyer built in. To reach my computer-driven key line at the back of
my floor-standing tower PC, I had to lay the circuit board on the carpet
beneath my operating desk. Then I attached a spare paddle to it with
short clip leads. Whenever I got a chance to play with the WinKeyer, I
had to lie down on the floor to send! I used it that way for a while,
then ordered an enclosure from Steve to ensure the circuit board's
safety. My early tests were hampered by some contact bounce issues that
K1EL was already attempting to solve, and I wound up becoming a Beta
tester for some of the related improvements Steve was quietly working on.
The result of Steve's work is the WinKeyer2 with a USB interface and
tons of new features. New paddle input circuitry has eliminated all
signs of paddle bounce in my setup. The little PIC on the board holds
all the operating parameters and six message memories in firmware, so I
added a small jack on the rear of my new enclosure and married the WK2
to an old Curtis 6-memory pushbutton bracket mounted atop my Brown
Brothers squeeze paddle. Two of my memories are usually programmed with
traffic net call-ups and four with various CQ and callsign combinations
for DXing. All are easily rewritten from PC keyboard (or from your
paddles, if you so choose). Of course I normally don't program the
mechanical pushbuttons for contest messages because those usually are
sent from keyboard F-keys by whatever contest logging
program I have on my PC.
These days I'm having a blast, getting to use a properly operating
Ultimatic keyer for the first time in my life! It's a great algorithm
and I love it even though I'm still having to un-learn some bad iambic
habits picked up over the years. So if you're fed up with iambic,
select the Ultimatic option and practice with it for a while.
It's been *decades* since I gave up on having a working Ultimatic keyer
in my shack. Now, thanks to K1EL, dreams from a half-century ago have
come true! Proof that every once in a while it doesn't take very much
money to buy a lot of happiness....
Thanks, Steve !!!
Bud, W2RU
439|436|2006-05-27 18:34:21|Tom Skinner|Re: K1EL Keyers -- the Ultimatic experience| Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Bud…
About half-way through your post I went to Steve’s site and ordered a WKUSB-HV (primary rig is a K2, but I can’t leave my 820S out) even though my WINKEY(1) was less than 2 months old.
From: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com [mailto:k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of W2RU - Bud Hippisley
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 9:54 PM
To: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [k1el_keyers] K1EL Keyers -- the Ultimatic experience
[More unsolicited advertising for Steve, K1EL]
This is an edited version of comments I recently posted on another
(traffic handling) reflector. I figure this is the group that might
enjoy sharing a little keyer nostalgia.
Back in the 50s, one of my favorite keyers -- in theory, at least -- was
the Ultimatic, designed by W6SRY and described in April & May '55 QST.
Some of you may recall this beast, which was built with vacuum tube
technology -- *lots* of tubes! The basic algorithm was a "last paddle
pressed" rule coupled with optional dot or dash insertion during a
string of the opposite paddle's elements. Despite its complexity,
without a doubt the Ultimatic contributed to the early boom in demand
for dual lever or "squeeze" paddles.
I never did construct a vacuum tube Ultimatic. The closest I came was
to build the "POO Keyer", written up in October '58 QST by K2POO. It,
too, was a vacuum tube keyer, but extremely simple. It consisted of a
12AU7 W3FQB relaxation oscillator driving a 6AS7 dual power triode to
eliminate keying relays. An unintended consequence of that particular
circuit design was dashes whose length was essentially unaffected by
whether the dot paddle was also closed at the same time as the dash
paddle. This allowed a form of squeeze keying which I dubbed the
"POO-Keyer dash override algorithm".
In September & October 1960 QST, a transistorized Ultimatic by K0MHU
appeared. A few years later, when I was working in the field of digital
logic design and had access to suitable test equipment, I built just
such a unit to go with my then-new Brown Brothers dual paddle. In those
days, we constructed everything at work on wire-wrap boards, which made
prototyping, debugging, and modifying relatively easy. My Ultimatic was
a maze of transistors, diodes, resistors, and capacitors on two
back-to-back computer boards, each about 12 inches long by 3 inches
wide. It "almost" worked. There was a timing bug in it somewhere (a
"hazard" or "race" condition, as we called it) that I never did succeed
in eliminating. I still have the keyer, packed away somewhere in my attic.
The Ultimatic algorithm never took off, and in the intervening years the
infamous iambic algorithm took hold. I remember in the 70s then-K2SIL
(now K1GQ) had a Curtis keyer that was an early implementation of
iambic. Today iambic keyers are like Chickenman: "They're everywhere!
They're everywhere!" My Kenwoods (and I presume Icoms and Yaesus as
well) all have iambic keyers built into them. I've never cottoned to
iambic and feel that good fingering practices for 24 letters of the
alphabet and ten numerals were perverted solely for the specious goal of
"easily" forming two specific letters. As a result, I've never been
able to consistently send the number "2" correctly with dual paddles
attached to an iambic keyer -- I invariably send "di-di-dah-di-dah"
(..-.-) for a "2". Perhaps if my call didn't have a "2" in it, this
wouldn't be so egregious a sending error, but it does, and it is. In
fact, the problem got so bad a few years ago that I was forced to switch
to a single lever Vibroplex paddle.
Now fast-forward fifty years from W6SRY's 1955 QST articles. Along
comes K1EL with a cute little gadget called WinKeyer -- an electronic
keyer with some novel and exciting features. The one feature that made
me sit up and take notice, however, was the *Ultimatic* mode!
I first learned of the WinKeyer from my friend K1GQ who sent me his WK
circuit board kit when he replaced it with a microHam unit with the
WinKeyer built in. To reach my computer-driven key line at the back of
my floor-standing tower PC, I had to lay the circuit board on the carpet
beneath my operating desk. Then I attached a spare paddle to it with
short clip leads. Whenever I got a chance to play with the WinKeyer, I
had to lie down on the floor to send! I used it that way for a while,
then ordered an enclosure from Steve to ensure the circuit board's
safety. My early tests were hampered by some contact bounce issues that
K1EL was already attempting to solve, and I wound up becoming a Beta
tester for some of the related improvements Steve was quietly working on.
The result of Steve's work is the WinKeyer2 with a USB interface and
tons of new features. New paddle input circuitry has eliminated all
signs of paddle bounce in my setup. The little PIC on the board holds
all the operating parameters and six message memories in firmware, so I
added a small jack on the rear of my new enclosure and married the WK2
to an old Curtis 6-memory pushbutton bracket mounted atop my Brown
Brothers squeeze paddle. Two of my memories are usually programmed with
traffic net call-ups and four with various CQ and callsign combinations
for DXing. All are easily rewritten from PC keyboard (or from your
paddles, if you so choose). Of course I normally don't program the
mechanical pushbuttons for contest messages because those usually are
sent from keyboard F-keys by whatever contest logging
program I have on my PC.
These days I'm having a blast, getting to use a properly operating
Ultimatic keyer for the first time in my life! It's a great algorithm
and I love it even though I'm still having to un-learn some bad iambic
habits picked up over the years. So if you're fed up with iambic,
select the Ultimatic option and practice with it for a while.
It's been *decades* since I gave up on having a working Ultimatic keyer
in my shack. Now, thanks to K1EL, dreams from a half-century ago have
come true! Proof that every once in a while it doesn't take very much
money to buy a lot of happiness....
Thanks, Steve !!!
Bud, W2RU
440|436|2006-05-27 19:58:39|Alan Sewell|Re: K1EL Keyers -- the Ultimatic experience|Hello Bud,
I found the history of the Ultimatic interesting. A few years ago Al
Kanda, N7AK (formerly K0MHU if I'm not mistaken) listed serial number 1
of his commercial "The 'Ultimatic' Transistorized" keyer on eBay
together with a Brown Bros. BTL paddle. My interest was in the paddle
so I bid and was lucky enough to win.
I asked Al for a little background on the keyer. He told me he only
sold about 30 of the keyers. When the sales didn't support his small ad
in QST he discontinued production. He said he produced potted
flip-flops in his kitchen using the oven to cure the RTV molds and the
I tried out the keyer when I received it and it worked fine but was a
challenge for me having learned on an iambic keyer!
I gave the Ultimatic mode on the WK2 a quick try again. It'll take some
work for me to be able to use Ultimatic mode!
Alan N5NA
W2RU - Bud Hippisley wrote:
441|436|2006-05-28 03:44:03|ks4q@zingleman.com|K1EL Keyers -- the Ultimatic experience|Guys,
Is the ultimatic mode supported in the Winkey Version 1? Or is this a feature that was added in
Thanks, Ernie
442|436|2006-05-28 04:28:33|W2RU - Bud Hippisley|Re: K1EL Keyers -- the Ultimatic experience|ks4q@... wrote:
The Ultimatic is in Version 1, but I believe Steve found some bugs in
the implementation details, so if you're using Version 1 I'd recommend
you upgrade to the latest PIC. If I'm wrong, I trust Steve will hop in
here and correct me.
Bud, W2RU
443|436|2006-05-28 13:35:01|Christopher T. Day|Re: K1EL Keyers -- the Ultimatic experience|Yes it is supported in the K1EL Winkeyer 1.
Chris - AE6VK
-----Original Message-----
ks4q@... [mailto:
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 6:43 PM
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com Subject: [k1el_keyers] K1EL Keyers -- the Ultimatic experience
Is the ultimatic mode supported in the Winkey Version 1? Or is this a
feature that was added in
Thanks, Ernie
444|444|2006-05-28 14:42:40|Ken Hopper|eHam back up - send in review||
445|445|2006-05-28 23:11:51|Ken N9VV|anyone coding K1EL sw for Linux?|Hi, is there any K1EL test or control software that runs under Linux?
I have recently started using Ubuntu and was curious.
de ken n9vv
446|446|2006-05-29 14:14:14|David|IC-756pro3|Has anyone re-hashed the great little K40+RTTY kit just to provide RTTY
TX and interfaced to 756pro? [noting the 756pro has a RTTY demod
already] I'm about to give it a go, but would love to hear from some
who may have done before.. tks, David
447|445|2006-05-29 14:17:29|Richard Hill|First time user Q| Hello all. I've recently completed building a WinKey as a nearly first electronics project. It seems to be working. Wktest returns the version number. When I open N1MM, and after configuring, adjusting the speed pot shows a speed number change in N1MM.
I'm not sending CW however. I think I'm probably missing one of those "intuitively obvious" items.
It is obvious that I can connect a paddle to the "paddle" jack. I don't think I have to do that to send CW.
What does the "Key/PTT" connect to? I've read the assembly manual and reviewed it a couple of times. I've also read the CW for Windows v10 manual. I'm not finding it. Does this go to the sound card?
I also notice that in N1MM, when I choose the "WinKey" option, the RTS (pin 7) reverts to Always Off when I have set it to "Always on".
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks. This is still magic to me.
448|445|2006-05-29 15:17:49|Joe, aa4nn|Re: First time user Q| Hi Rich,
To send CW, make sure the logging window is in CW mode, CW sub band.
The PTT output is to trigger an external amplifier. Puts it in "transmit" mode.
There is no connection to the sound card in CW from N1MM.
Make sure your PF1 key has a CQ message then press PF1 so see if CW works.
Not much help, but give it a try.
de Joe, aa4nn
449|445|2006-05-29 21:48:56|Jim Fuller N7VR|Re: First time user Q|Hi Rich,
Please see my comments below.
Richard Hill wrote:
The PTT is for an amp. It keys it in preparation for sending CW. It can,
also, be used to drive a small speaker when not being used to key an amp.
This was stated in the N1MM documentation. You must always set the RTS
to ON. Be sure you are in CW mode on your rig. If you do not have the
rig interfaced, then type CW in the entry window to put the N1MM
program in CW mode. an F4 should send your call to the rig. An F1 should
send CQ to the rig.
You do need to connect from the Key Jack on the WinKey to the Key Jack
on the rig. On my TS-850, I can monitor the CW without actually sending.
It verifies the setup for me.
You do not necessarily have to have a paddle, but you will find handy
for the short chats with some of the other contesters you get to know :)
Jim Fuller
N7VR --
http://www.fuller.net/n7vr.html ARRL Montana Section Emergency Coordinator --
http://www.mtares.org International TCP/IP Gateways Robot Operator --
http://www.ampr-gateways.org montana.aprs2.net Server Operator --
http://www.mtaprs.net Montana Repeater Link Association Secretary/Treasurer --
http://www.wr7mt.org |
450|445|2006-05-29 21:50:22|Robert Chudek|Re: First time user Q| Hello Richard,
I also recently completed the WinKey kit and had a little trouble getting mine going too. It looks like everything in yours is working fine except for the CW keying.
The "Key/PTT" is a stereo jack. The tip and ground should be wired to your CW jack on your transceiver. The ring and ground can be wired to your PTT connection on your transceiver.
If this doesn't get you going, you should start your troubleshooting using the WinTest program instead of N1MM.
You will want to verify the CW output circuit is working. WinTest is straight forward and will do this. You don't need a CW paddle. You can short one side or the other of the stereo "Paddle" jack to see if WinKey will generate dits and dahs.
If shorting the paddle jack produces CW for you, WinKey is working fine.
I would then turn my attention to N1MM. The "intuitively obvious" thing to overlook is to make sure N1MM is in CW mode. Type CW in the callsign box. Otherwise the program and/or transceiver will ignore your keyer.
Next, if you are using a USB to COM adapter, make sure your OS "sees" the USB adapter and is assigning a com port number to the USB device. I think this part is working fine because you said the N1MM CW speed indicator changes when you adjust the WinKey knob.
Maybe this is enough information to get your new keyer interfaced.
73 de Bob - K0RC
451|445|2006-05-29 22:20:08|Pete Smith|Re: First time user Q|Is this a Winkey 1 or Winkeyer USB? The N1MM Logger manual is not yet updated to include Winkeyer USB (which uses the Winkey 2 chip).
73, Pete N4ZR
At 03:31 PM 5/29/2006, Robert Chudek wrote:
452|445|2006-05-30 01:07:15|Richard Hill|Re: First time user 2nd Q| Bob, thanks. My original problem was thinking that it connected to the sound card rather than the intuitively obvious key plug on the radio (Doh!). And I have my paddles connected to the "paddle" jack. I have WK1 serial to serial. I'm getting di dahs out the radio.
Running WinKey Test Bed, and upon opening WinKey, it reports WK1 F/W revision 10. So far so good. When I hit the left or right paddle separately, I get a string of di dahs rather than dits off the left and dahs off the right. When I type the letter "E" in the keyboard entry window, I get an "N", dah dit. Typing "N" generates a "K", dah di dah. "T" send "R", di dah dit.
Did you have this problem? Data from WinKey Test Bed:
KeyerMode Iambic A
Hang 1.0 Word
ModeReg Autospace and Paddle dog checked
Customize 50 Weight
0 LeadIn
0 Tail
18 Farns
50 Ratio
0 KComp
0 1stExt
50 KSamp
Status Open
Pin5Config Sidetone
Motherlode DX and Contest Club.
Number One in CQP
CU in the California QSO Party (CQP)
www.cqp.org, Oct 7-8 2006
453|445|2006-05-30 01:20:29|Robert Chudek|Re: First time user Q| Hi Pete,
Mine is the WinKey Kit with the serial port. It's a version 4 PCB and v10 PIC.
73 de Bob - K0RC
454|445|2006-05-30 02:45:11|Robert Chudek|Re: First time user 2nd Q| Hey Richard,
That's great... it looks like you've made progress!
I'm no expert, I don't play one on TV, and my wife will confirm I'm not even close... but Steve Elliot IS the expert and he does respond to questions on this reflector. When he checks his mail I hope he will jump in. You now have an interesting circumstance with the Keyer. Was this a kit or already assembled?
I would make sure your paddle (or the paddle plug) is not shorting the dit & dah wires together. Getting a string of alternating di-dahs is what the keyer is supposed to do when you close both sides of the paddle simultaneously.
Beyond checking the external connections, a solder bridge (splash) might bridge the left / right input circuitry on the PCB. Another possibility is a component leg was not trimmed short enough and it is touching the metal case with the PCB in position. I put some 3M foam tape in the bottom of my case to avoid this possibility, but just about any thin insulating material would do the trick.
Regarding the "weird" keyboard results, Steve might be able to quickly identify what would cause this. For example, if the dit/dah wires were shorted as I suggested, maybe this would be how the PIC chip would respond to keyboarded characters. Or this might be a symptom of a PIC chip that has "gone bad"! I don't know.
BTW, Iambic B is the mode most fellows have "grown up on". The rest of the parameters look to be the defaults and "normal" settings.
73 de Bob - K0RC
455|445|2006-05-30 02:55:07|selliot|Re: First time user 2nd Q|Richard,
Let's start with the paddles. It sounds like you have the paddle
divider resistors misplaced. R6 and R9 need to be 10K and R10 4.7K. If
they are incorrect you will get what you see there.
A far as the keyboard errors go...
If you hit the same key multiple times do you always get the same
error ? Also, have you tried closing WK and then reopening it to see
if the errors are consistent ?
If you have a voltmeter, please measure the voltage across the WK chip
(pin 1 to 8) to see what it is after issuing a WK open. Should be
close to 5V.
I suppose if the paddle resistors are swapped around there could be
something amis in the serial input circuit and you are getting Tx
errors. Are you sure you have wired the speed pot correctly? I have
seen very odd things happen if the +5V rail is wired to the wiper of
the speed pot and the speed pot is set to a low resistance.
Keep me posted,
456|446|2006-05-30 02:58:09|selliot|Re: IC-756pro3|David,
It would not be too hard to do this. Actually, you don't even need the
filter board to do it (if you can run in FSK mode as opposed to AFSK),
just take the FSK and PTT outputs from the K40 PCB and wire them to
the transceiver and away you go. It's all there in the K40 manual.
457|436|2006-05-30 03:03:09|selliot|Re: K1EL Keyers -- the Ultimatic experience|Bud is the master Ultimatic op, he found a couple of very subtle bugs
in my Ultimatic algorithim.
WK2 (WKUSB) has the fixes and I have a fix for WK1 if anyone is
interested. Again, the problem is very minor and only applies to
458|458|2006-05-30 13:40:39|Richard Hill|Re: First time user 2nd Q review results.| Hello Steve and all. Regarding odd dits and dahs...results of tests/review. Thanks to all for assistance.
(Steve asked that I send this to the group): I have an extra 4.7K ohm 1/4 W resistor, and am one short on a 10K ohm resistor. I did not carefully check the last resistor I installed. I'll grab one at RS tomorrow and replace R9.
459|459|2006-05-30 18:52:53|Ken K3IU|FS: WinKey I| Hi All:
Now that I have the WinKey II (USB) up and running, I have no need for the perfectly good Winkey I (ver 9 firmware) in an unpainted "silver" enclosure.
If anyone is interested in buying it, please contact me directly.
Ken Wagner K3IU
Portsmouth, RI
460|460|2006-05-30 20:18:21|Lou Kolb|another k40 question| As I mentioned a week ago, I had a friend assemble the K40 for me and I've noticed that the speed increases when the encoder is turned counterclockwise. Is this as it should be or might it be wired backward?
I have to say it's a delight to send keyboard cw. If I never use another iambic paddle again it'll be too soon; But I would still like to get a good single-lever job. 73. de Lou WA3MIX
461|458|2006-06-02 18:07:49|Richard Hill|Re: First time user 2nd Q review results.| Good Morning all. I've replaced R9 with a 10K. All other resistors are as per the parts list. Speed pot changes speed when WK Test PotLock is checked. Still not working properly. I have not been able to find the problem.
When I first started WK test and opened WK it showed the version information and came up on sidetone. I was getting dits and dahs from the radio. I switched to Key on the Pin5 Config and left and right paddle sent dahs. No dits. PTT setting gave as the sidetone setting.
I reset defaults and opened com port 4, and same results.
When I built the WK, for some reason, I wired the key jack to the K and P pads and to the G next to the K. I am not now finding an instruction or illustration to do that in the instructions. I removed the P wire and tried again. The P wire was attached to the jack connection between the G and K connectors. G is the right angle connection on the jack and P & K were attached to the connectors inline with the jack.
With the Pin5 Config set to Key, I get no sound from the radio. Set to sidetone or PTT, I get continuous dits from either paddle and from the "dit button" but it does not stop when I hit the dit button again and I have to close WK or hit another key, and thereafter it will stop when I hit the dit button. No dahs. Dah button produces dits. Right paddle produces dits.
I've been assuming the radio did not matter, but I have WK connected to an ICOM IC-706mkIIG. Computer is a Athlon 1600 with XP Home SP2.
Thanks for any suggestions.
462|462|2006-06-02 20:27:20|Richard Hill|Re: First time user -- thanks, it is working.| OK
All working.
Thank you, Steve, for the help and the excellent product...and the education.
463|463|2006-06-04 01:11:12|Peter Dougherty|First-time bewilderment|Hi guys,
I bought this brand-new USB interface CW Keyer on a lark at Dayton.
There was no user-manual with it, so I don't even know if I got the
right device...can anybody onboard here e-mail me privately and help
set me straight (w2irt at arrl dot net)?
I want to use this in a somewhat complex setup. I use only three modes
right now: CW, SSB and real-FSK RTTY. At present, I'm using a
Rigblaster Plus to generate CW and pure FSK, and I made a special
cable to attach to both the CW and RTTY connectors on the rear panel
of my Mark V transceiver.
Most of the time I only want to use my Iambic key manually, which is
plugged into the front panel of the transceiver.
The other two occasions are 1) contests, using N1MM logger, in which
case my RigBlaster Plus works flawlessly, or 2), for pileups using my
primary logger, DX Base, which does NOT work with the RigBlaster.
Everyone I talked to said a WinKey keyer is the way to go, but frankly
I have no idea what I'm doing with this box. My computer control is
working perfectly as it is now on a COM port (why do I need to re-do
this??) and I don't think I need to use WinKey as an electronic keyer
either, since my Mark V has a built-in keyer, but maybe it would work
better? I really don't know!
Essentially, the only thing I need to do differently is once in a
while, generate CW from the keyboard from within DX Base. If I can
simplify other actions without having to endure weeks of re-jigging
things around, all the better, but I'm of the ol' mindset "if it ain't
busted, don't fix it."
Thanks in advance!
Peter, W2IRT
464|463|2006-06-04 15:05:12|Pete Smith|Re: First-time bewilderment|At 06:06 PM 6/3/2006, Peter Dougherty wrote:
Should we assume it says Winkeyer USB on the front, with www.k1el.com below it. If so the manual is on the web site. If not, you're on the wrong mailing list ;^)
If your computer is modern and relatively fast - I use a basic Dell 2.4 Celeron - then the only advantages to a Winkey are the manual keying, sidetone on paddle CW only (with N1MM Logger) , and the ability to interrupt CW being sent by N1MM with a single touch of the paddle. The Winkeyer USB also has four user-programmable memories and non-volatile setup, so it can be used without a computer connected.
IF DXBase supports Winkey, then you should be able to do this. You can parallel the open collector CW output of the Winkeyer with the open collector switch in your Rigblaster Plus (I'm assuming that is what it has)
73, Pete N4ZR
465|465|2006-06-05 16:13:23|Dave Pascoe|USB to serial driver issue|Has anyone else gotten an Error 39 when trying to install the USB
drivers on Windows XP SP2 for the WKUSB? The driver works fine on one
Windows XP laptop but, despite a lot of effort, I can't get it to work
on a different Windows XP laptop. I am no stranger to fixing driver
issues but this one has me puzzled. I couldn't find any useful
information on the chipset vendor's web site.
Thanks in advance and 73,
Dave KM3T
466|466|2006-06-06 20:44:49|K & R Yoksh|Remote setup with wireless laptop|Hi all,
I'm new to the group, so forgive me if this question has already
been asked, etc. I've done quite a bit of searching and have posted
questions on the Ham Radio Deluxe forum, and as a result I was
referred here. [whew!]
I have a friend who has been an inactive ham for several years. He's
interested in remotely operating his HF radio.
He was interested in returning to the hobby after seeing my remote
setup at home. I can operate CW, SSB, etc remotely via a wired
interface I built. I use Ham Radio Deluxe over my LAN to control the
My friend likes this setup, but his situation is different. He wants
to be able use his new laptop to run HRD over a wireless LAN. This
would give him the ability to move his 'station' onto the porch,
kitchen table, etc.
Question is, how to connect a REAL paddle or bug to his laptop to
key the radio? He's not too crazy about operating CW via keyboard,
he wants to use his key. I think that we can use VOIP for SSB (TX
and RX), and also for receiving the other station's CW on the laptop.
The laptop is brand new, so I doubt it has any serial ports, but I'm
positive that it has USB.
If there's a K1EL product that will work, please let me know.
Many thanks and 73,
Kyle Yoksh
Olathe, Kansas
467|466|2006-06-08 18:01:26|Don Hatlestad|Re: Remote setup with wireless laptop|What you are asking for here is a way to connect a key to the computer
rather than to a keyer, right? I have searched for a way to connect
a key to the computer for a while now and ended up connecting my key
to the WinKey device and writing my own
program that reads the keyed characters that are echoed back from the
WinKey and sends them through the keyboard to whatever program is
active at the moment. As designed, the WinKey keys the rig and echos
the characters back through the COM port. It looks like HRD just
displays the characters that are echoed back from the WinKey. As far
as I can tell, what your friend wants doesn't really exist yet.
However, being able to use an actual key to a remote rig over a
network would be fun.
Don Hatlestad
http://ac7fa.netWhat you are asking for here is a way to connect a key
to the computer
rather than to the radio, right? I have searched for a way to connect
a key to the computer for a while now and ended up writing my own
program that reads the keyed characters that are echoed back from my
WinKey and sends them through the keyboard to whatever program is
active at the moment. As designed, the WinKey keys the rig and echos
the characters back through the COM port. It looks like HRD just
displays the characters that are echoed back from the WinKey. As far
as I can tell, what your friend wants doesn't really exist yet.
However, being able to use an actual key to a remote rig over a
network would be fun.
Don Hatlestad
http://ac7fa.net |
468|466|2006-06-08 18:34:54|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: Remote setup with wireless laptop|Unfortunately, the (variable) network delays make detecting and
forwarding the individual paddle closures very unreliable and
unless your keying is very good, WinKey does not always decode
exactly what you intended to send. Unless you have a direct
(wire, serial, etc.) connection to the remote site, the keyboard
is far more reliable for remote CW operation.
... Joe, W4TV
469|469|2006-06-10 13:19:02|g0opb|PotLock on WK test bed|Hi Steve,
I have an application running that will not allow the speed pot to have
any effect on the CW speed generated, although the variable WPM
indicator is running as I rotate the control.
It seems to have the same effect as the PotLock command on your WK test
bed,(Although the PotLock command when ticked appears to be unlock
How can I check my application is not applying PotLock as I can see no
reference to it in the data sheet, or have I over looked something?.
Tony G0OPB.
470|459|2006-06-11 05:27:11|KJ3D|Help with Winkeyer2| Hello group,
Finished the WKUSB and everything works fine except the Winkeyer2 program. It launches OK, and opens the winkeyer, but the window it displays is very small and in one corner of the screen. I can resize it smaller, but can’t get it to full size. Am I missing something simple? I have tried maximizing it and dragging the edges and corners, but nothing seems to work. The screen is cut off just to the right of the box containing the WPM. (XP – SP2)
Thanks, es 73,
Tom, kj3d
471|459|2006-06-11 20:36:23|KJ3D|Re: Help with Winkeyer2| Hello again, group,
Fixed the problem. Screen fonts had been set to large. Reset to normal and everything fits. Everything works.
Boy, what a nice kit.
Way to go, Steve.
73, Tom
From: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com [mailto:k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of KJ3D
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 10:52 PM
To: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [k1el_keyers] Help with Winkeyer2
Hello group,
Finished the WKUSB and everything works fine except the Winkeyer2 program. It launches OK, and opens the winkeyer, but the window it displays is very small and in one corner of the screen. I can resize it smaller, but can’t get it to full size. Am I missing something simple? I have tried maximizing it and dragging the edges and corners, but nothing seems to work. The screen is cut off just to the right of the box containing the WPM. (XP – SP2)
Thanks, es 73,
Tom, kj3d
472|472|2006-06-12 11:06:18|Simon Brown|Winkey USB| Have just tested with Ham Radio Deluxe - works OK. I will add the memory support etc. over the next evening when not out hunting for owls. I want this tested and put to bed by next week.
"There are two major products that came out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
- Jeremy S. Anderson
473|473|2006-06-13 04:23:26|imaglitch|Interface K40 to PC, HOW?|I've been revamping my radio shack and took a closer look at my K40.
I purchased it in June of 2005.
K40 version info displayed at power-up:
K1EL K40 vC
WK40 vD CW
I've scanned through all the online manuals and didn't get a clear
idea of how it could be done.
I would like to build a USB interface for it. The way it looks, I
might be able to convert the PTT line (if it's TTL)using a MAX232
chip, then use a RS232 to USB converter. Or use the USB circuit in
the WINKEYUSB using it's USB converter chip.
I also should upgrade the chip set.
I like the K40. I use it alot for code practice and some keying. I
will be relying on the K40 more because of health issues.I would
like to hook up the K40 to my PC asap.
I'll be using HAM RADIO DELUXE, also.
Hope you can help out....de NW3N / Richard Stern
474|474|2006-06-14 01:17:10|Jim Sheldon - W0EB|FS: Built and Tested K40 Keyer with FSK|I have for sale, a K40, FSK card, Case and compact USB keyboard with
adapter - I built this at the Dayton QRP Four Days In May convention's
buildathon. It's tested, and works very well. The only reason I'm
selling it is the tone set 2125/2295 (most common used) won't work
with my Elecraft K2. The K2 requires a lower frequency tone set as
the filter/BFO combination won't adjust to use the higher tones.
I have also used it with an IC706MKIIG and for this rig it really
shines. Especially using FSK keying rather than AFSK as you don't
have to worry about overdriving the rig and tone harmonics creating
spurious signals. Cosmetically it's 10 of 10 and I've changed the
audio input jack to an 1/8" stereo jack and the KEY/FSK out jack to an
1/8" stereo jack with the tip being Key and the Ring being PTT. The
original AFSK out RCA and PTT out RCA connectors are still in place
and wired as they should be. The PTT signal on the Key/FSK out is
paralleled with the RCA so either can be used. This makes it
convenient to use with the ICOM rigs for true FSK operation as you
only need to use a standard stereo cable, or make one up with 1/8"
stereo plugs both ends (shielded, of course). All you need is 12
Volts DC or a 12 VDC Wall Wart at .5 amp to run it.
I'm asking $160 shipped anywhere in the US for everything including
the manuals already printed so you don't have to download them.
I'll take Cash, Check, Money Order or PayPal. PayPal is preffered and
checks must clear prior to shipping. Please reply off the reflector -
first come first served.
Jim Sheldon, W0EB
2029 East Evanston Dr.
Wichita, KS 67219-1618
w0eb@... |
475|475|2006-06-18 07:09:22|rlcarroll98|Writelog and Winkey|Hi-
About a year ago I built a WinKey and have been using it happily with
LOGIC and a couple of other programs. Due to a move I never got
aroudn to trying it with Writelog (v10.58E) but finally tried it this
morning with no results. I am connected to the WinKey via COM1. I
have checked the cw button next to COM1 on the Writelog panel.
Nothing else, including a rig, is on COM1. I have selected WinKey as
the keyer. I have paddles attached to the Winkey and neither they nor
any canned or typed message results in keying of my Orion through the
rear panel paddle jack. LOGIC continues to ket the Winkey normally.
Is there something else I need to do in Writelog? Perhaps the keyer
is not being powered over the com port due to the way Writelog is set
up, but I don't know how to correct this.
Bob W2WG
w2wg@... |
476|476|2006-06-18 07:09:23|Mr. David P. Goncalves|K12 Keyer Problem|I have built the K12 Kit, and connected jacks for my paddles, a
sidetone monitor, and the rig. I wired in only one switch - the
command swtich. This is all stuffed into an Altoids box.
I have been trying to run thru the tutorial at the end of the K12
datasheet, and I am getting responses from the keyer that don't make
When I press the CMD button, the keyer immediately sends R. Holding
the button down, I am expecting an R after two seconds (as the
manual inidcates). This does not occur.
When pressing and holding the button, then immediately sending X
(swap command), nothing is heard in response.
When momentarily pressing the CMD button, the keyer sends R, then P
after a couple of seconds, then 6 dits after a couple more seconds.
I have tried sending X just after the R, but don't hear anything in
A couple of times, I screw-up on sending a command, and the keyer
begins to send a string of dits by itself.
After some experimentation with sending commands, I pulled out the
battery and reinstalled it. It sent A, then R.
Any ideas? This behavior is very unexpected.
477|477|2006-06-18 07:23:17|lmecseri|Winkey USB help needed|I am in the process to put together this WinKeyer USB (hopefully for FD)
and run into some problem.
I purchased the above in a KIT form.
I identified all the resistors and other components, however, I have
problems with the capacitors. Your help is appreciated.
In your parts inventory, C1 C2 are rated .001uF 50V Ceramic disc. and
C3,6,7 and 9 also rated .001uF 50V Ceramic disc. (6 capacitors)
I have only one set of 6 capacitors "Ceramic orange" for C10, 11, 12,
13, 15 and 16
What are the values for the following caps?
QTY Marked
(2) 103
(6) 102
(2) 104
(4) K5M
Lou KE1F
478|478|2006-06-18 07:27:34|Harry Meier|No more command mode in stand alone configuration|Hello
just yesterday I built the new Winkeyer USB.
All went fine, but to day I cant acces to the command mode in stand
alone operationen. When I hit the "red" command button the keyer
does not response with the R, there is now a constant tune tone for
about 10 seconds.
And the keyer do not accept paddle input to stop the "tune" tone.
73 de Harry, DK2GZ
479|479|2006-06-21 09:45:42|Simon Brown|Winkeyer 2 Memory Info| I would like to define the Winkeyer 2 memories from my software as it's easier than using the paddles. I also find pressing one of the four buttons less of a hassle than using the keyboard, so will use this feature in the shack.
Anyway - I don't understand the format of the messages. I can download the EEPROM data (all 256 bytes) but don't see the logic used here to store the actual message - it's the character to hex value mapping that I'm missing. It's working find in one of the free programs from the Winkeyer 2 page.
Any chance of providing this info?
As an aside: I have been unable to get ADMIN command <00 please.
480|480|2006-06-22 00:11:40|Paul O'Kane|WinKeyer 2 PTT|In WK1 it was possible to disable PTT with the
SetPinConfig command.
It doesn't seem to be possible to do this (disable
PTT) with WK2. Is this intentional, or just a bug?
It's a feature I'd like to see retained on WK2.
Thanks & 73,
Paul EI5DI
481|480|2006-06-22 06:29:06|Simon Brown|Re: WinKeyer 2 PTT||
482|473|2006-06-22 15:44:09|selliot|Re: Interface K40 to PC, HOW?|Richard,
Unfortunately there is no easy way to interface the K40 to a PC. It
was not designed with that in mind. The only way to control the
console PIC is through the keyboard port. The console PIC uses its
serial port to control the keyer PIC.
About the only thing you could do would be to break the connection
between the console PIC and keyer PIC and drive the keyer PIC from a
PC. But that would require emulating the console PIC. I don't think
even I would take that on.
WKUSB might better suited for what you need, it has a USB interface
built in and many existing applications already support it.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "imaglitch"
483|476|2006-06-22 15:48:12|selliot|Re: K12 Keyer Problem|David,
I wanted to post the resolution to your problem in case someone else
runs into it.
The culprit was a normally closed pushbutton switch. The K12 always
thought you were pressing the command PB until you pressed it which
deasserted the command request. The K12 was very confused by this.
The easy fix was to replace the switch with a normally open
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "Mr. David P. Goncalves"
484|477|2006-06-22 15:50:43|selliot|Re: Winkey USB help needed|QTY Marked
(2) 103 .01uF
(6) 102 .001uF
(2) 104 .1uF } these are the same,
(4) K5M .1uF } but different manufacturers
485|478|2006-06-22 15:56:19|selliot|Re: No more command mode in stand alone configuration|Harry,
Try resetting the keyer by pressing and holding the red cmd button
until the keyer sends six dits. It will now be back in standalone
mode. Some applications do not close WK when they shut down which
leaves WK in limbo. The reset restores standalone operation.
486|479|2006-06-22 15:59:26|selliot|Re: Winkeyer 2 Memory Info|Simon,
I will send you an example function which formats messages for
storage in WKUSB. Remember that the message size is limited to 230
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "Simon Brown"
it's easier than using the paddles. I also find pressing one of the
four buttons less of a hassle than using the keyboard, so will use
this feature in the shack.
download the EEPROM data (all 256 bytes) but don't see the logic
used here to store the actual message - it's the character to hex
value mapping that I'm missing. It's working find in one of the free
programs from the Winkeyer 2 page.
work, I need an idiot-guide to this one please.
487|480|2006-06-22 16:00:13|selliot|Re: WinKeyer 2 PTT|Paul,
In the current version of WK2 PTT is always enabled. I will look at
allowing it to be disabled in the next release of WK2 firmware.
488|488|2006-06-22 18:24:27|Ken K3IU|WK2 USB Firmware Bug ???| Hi all:
Could this be a firmware bug????
Playing with WK2 USB in stand-alone mode....
I set the "1stExt" to 25 and "Tail" to 15 using WK2MGR to accommodate my Drake T4XC. It works fine. However, when I query the WK2 settings using the command button (Command "Q") the "X" parameter returns a ZERO(0). The "Tail" delay is correctly reported. I set the "1stExt" to 200 just to make sure that the delay was indeed working and it is... first dit/dah is significantly extended.
Perhaps associated with this is the following anomaly... Whenever I have a "1stExt" set and verified, and then "preserve" the settings to the EEPROM (Command P), the value of "1stExt" gets set to ZERO (checked with WK2MGR and verified in operation).
Can someone else out there perhaps check their WK2 to see if this is happening someplace besides here in RI??? Thanks!
Ken Wagner K3IU
Portsmouth, RI
489|488|2006-06-22 18:43:04|selliot|Re: WK2 USB Firmware Bug ???|Ken,
Yes, this is a know bug in the WK2 firmware. Whenever you use the P
command to save settings, the first extent, weight, and compensation
values are reset to defaults. This is fixed in the next firmware
In the meantime, if you need to set theses values in EEPROM, use the
WK2MGR app.
490|490|2006-06-26 16:22:59|df7khk|WK2 and Mac|Hi,
I seek for Software to use WK2 with a Mac.
Tnx Karl, DF7KHK
491|491|2006-06-26 19:02:41|lee_crocker|Added feature to WinKey 2|I would like to see 2 things added to the WinKey 2
I would like the ability to use the PTT line as a third Key line.
This would allow you to choose to use the keyer with up to 3 radios
such as low band, six meter, and 2 meter. If you had a radio that
needed PTT you could just revert to 2 radios, or if you could turn PTT
off and on, you could turn off CW in the radio that uses the 3rd line
and turn PTT on for one of the radios that uses PTT one of the other 2
key lines. I would love this since it would make a VHF contest
situation very easy to operate
I would like to see the "Gap" feature added to the stand alone keyer.
The ability to add a little extra space between characters with a lot
of DAH's helps considerably in the readability, but a full word space
is too much. Maybe you could predefine a space character that is
variable, lets say the character ---- (4 dashes) as anywhere between
1/2 dit to 2.5 dits in a toggle fashion. Then when you put the call
sign into memory you would put in W9----O----Y and it would come out
W9 O Y insead of W9OY The space between the 9 O Y would be the preset
value of the ----
I just built the keyer yesterday. It went right together and powered
up first time. I have both a Winkey and a K-12 and this new keyer is
73 es tnx W9OY
492|491|2006-06-26 19:34:11|selliot|Re: Added feature to WinKey 2|Hi Lee,
Thanks for your post and suggestions. In the next revision of the
Winkey2 IC I will allow PTT to be enabled and disabled, I have had
several requests for this. Unfortunately using a PTT output as a key
output is not possible at this time.
In standalone you can insert the same pad character that is used in
host mode. The pad character is
It is equivlent to a 1/2 dit time.
You can enter this directly on the paddles during message loading
from the paddles. I don't have this mapped in the WK2MGR application
yet but will do so in the next few days.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "lee_crocker"
other 2
493|490|2006-06-26 23:26:25|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: WK2 and Mac||
494|490|2006-06-27 04:19:12|lmecseri|Re: WK2 and Mac|That is interesting, WK2-USB will work on "Mac OS 10" but not on WINDOWS
98SE. Have anybody made WK2-USB work with WINDOWS 98SE?
Lou KE1F
495|490|2006-06-27 04:27:06|selliot|Re: WK2 and Mac|Lou,
WK_USB most definitely works with WIN98SE, the USB drivers for
WIN98SE are provided and do work fine. The applications I have
written for WKUSB (Winkeyer2 and WK2MGR) have not been tested with
WIN98SE since I don't have a platform to test them on yet. I plan on
doing this as soon as I slog through the priority stack which seems
to grow every day :)
Please try the tests I have asked you to run and let me know what
happens, I will get you going with your setup there, but need
496|490|2006-06-27 12:55:12|Tim Gennett|Re: WK2 and Mac| We used a WK_USB with Win98SE and N1MM at the W9LDX Field Day this year and it worked just fine. In testing the setup before FD, I sometimes had a problem getting Win98 to boot with the WK_USB connected. Never had a problem if I booted while unconnected and then plugged the WK_USB in after the OS was running and before starting N1MM.
Tim - K9WX
497|490|2006-06-27 13:29:11|Simon Brown|Re: WK2 and Mac| I have similar problems with my laptop if there's a USB memory stick in when it boots. Must be a BIOS option...
498|490|2006-06-27 14:22:52|Ken K3IU|WK2 on Win98SE (was WK2 and Mac)| G'morning all:
I just installed everything for WK2 USB on my old Dell laptop running Win98SE. Everything here works EXCEPT for the Winkeyer2 program. When I execute that program, the initial program window displays and then I get a "lcc runtime" error "Exception:0xc0000005:Segment violation, Address:0x40be6e. Clicking "OK" shuts down the program.
"WK2MGR" and "wktest" both work as they should.
I haven't installed N1MM logger on the laptop yet, but I did check out using the WK2-USB with the N3FJP Nov Sweepstakes Logger v4.4 and that works with the WK2 properly as best I can tell.
Ken K3IU
499|490|2006-06-27 14:25:49|Ken K3IU|Re: WK2 on Win98SE (was WK2 and Mac)| I also just checked and Win98SE boots normally with the WK2 plugged into the single USB port.
73, Ken K3IU
500|500|2006-06-27 21:30:12|ROBERT CARROLL|Unusable COM port number assigned| I am trying to install a Winkey2 and have run into a problem. I went through the procedure to install the synthetic COM port and one was successfully installed—COM24. The Winkey installation program only works with COM1-COM8, and the application I will be using it with will not accept such a high port number either. The machine I am using has COM1 installed, and COM 4-COM 7 installed via a RocketPort installed. I was hoping the synthetic port would come up as COM 2, the first available port, but as Murphy has it, it did not. How can I cure this problem?
On a different issue, when a new version of the Winkey firmware comes out, how is it installed in the keyer?
Bob W2WG
501|500|2006-06-27 22:02:11|selliot|Re: Unusable COM port number assigned|Bob,
In the USB COM device- an "ADVANCED" push button. Click on that and it will let you set the
port to what you want. It may tell you that COM2 is in use but if
you are sure it is not, you can use it anyway. WinXP seems to
remember a com port even if it is no longer in use.
As far as WK2 revision upgrade goes, it requires a chip
reprogramming. On the K40 I upgrade the chipset for free if you send
it in. I'll probably do the same for WKUSB although I don't plan on
releasing a new version until late July or mid-August.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "ROBERT CARROLL"
only works
not accept
hoping the
but as
comes out,
502|500|2006-06-29 16:08:39|ROBERT CARROLL|Winkey2 Standalone Mode|
I have a “factory assembled” WK2 which is working well. I have downloaded the various manuals which describe the chip, info for software developers, assembly, etc, but I haven’t found a users manual, probably because there would not be much to put in it. But I am looking for info on such items as the standlone (or other) commands that can be sent to the keyer via the paddles. I also saw references in the programmer’s document as to the ability to force the keyer into standalone mode via the command button if the control software doesn’t close the winkey when exiting. I assume the command key is the red button on the Winkey2, but I haven’t found this in the documentation. Could someone confirm this and point me to the document describing it?
Bob W2WG
503|500|2006-06-29 16:34:01|Ken N9VV|Re: Winkey2 Standalone Mode|Hi Bob, I have a keyer I built from the kit. There is excellent
documentation specifically called the "Standalone Command List" in
the Winkeyer2 IC Interface & Operation Manual 3/31/2006 beginning on
page 19. I put those pages in page protectors and they are resident
on my shack desk :-) I hope that helps? and of course, the RED
BUTTON is the command button :-)
BK de ken n9vv
button on the Winkey2, but I haven’t found this in the documentation.
504|504|2006-06-29 16:40:24|fromabq|WKUSB and Begali Paddles|Hi,
I just noticed that K1EL is offering a USB Winkey kit and I'm
interested in getting one.
I previously built up the original Winkey kit but it just didn't work
reliably with my Begali Mag Pro paddles so I quit using it. Checking
this list, I notice that seems to be a known problem and that the
cause, as I suspected, is an interaction between the voltage
divider/single PIC input on the WinKey and the contact
action of the Begali paddles.
So my question: is anyone using the WKUSB kit with Begali Mag Classic
or Mag Pro paddles and does it work OK? And while I'm at it -- does
anyone know if Begali ever came up with any kind of fix for the
somewhat flakey contact closure on their paddles. I've emailed Begali
a number of times but never get an answer.
Mike - ke5akl
505|500|2006-06-29 17:08:57|Alan Sewell|Re: Winkey2 Standalone Mode||
506|504|2006-06-29 17:41:56|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: WKUSB and Begali Paddles|Mike,
WKUSB uses separate left and right paddle inputs ... that allows
tailoring the input to accommodate the "diode drop" effect of the
newer paddle contacts.
Begail now offers "Gold" contacts for all his paddles which are
said to eliminate the diode drop effect. K1EL also designed a
paddle processor/debouncer PIC that can be used ahead of the
original WinKey. I do not believe Steve sells the paddle processor
IC separately but microHAM is producing an "in line" version that
can be added in the paddle cable outboard of any keyer. See:
http://www.microham-usa.com/Products/Begali.html The diode drop effect is not unique to Begali paddles. It has
been reported on new keys from Schur and Kent among others.
The important issue with newer paddles appears to be avoiding
contacts with certain alloys (perhaps aluminum or silicon) and
any "anti-corrosion" treatment. The old "coin silver" contacts
still seem to work best ... when they oxidize the saver oxide
remains very conductive as opposed to forming a semiconducting
junction with the base metal.
BTW, the "diode effect" also seems to effect some low power
CMOS keyers - particularly those operated on 3.3. volts. The
.4 to .6 volt drop across the paddle contacts does not allow
the left/right inputs of those keyers to be pulled low enough
to reliably register a contact closure. Even the keyer being
developed by Begali is using a pair of 2N7000 FETs as buffers
on both the left and right paddle input to overcome the input
problem! See the schematic: www.i2rtf.com/docs/CWMachine.pdf
... Joe Subich, W4TV
microHAM America
http://www.microHAM-USA.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/microHAM support@... |
507|504|2006-06-30 00:32:32|Tim Gennett|Re: WKUSB and Begali Paddles|I can't comment on the Mag Pro but I have a Begali Signature Edition. It
would not work reliably with the original Winkey but works fine with Winkey
Tim - K9WX
508|508|2006-06-30 12:02:26|Jim Sheldon|FS: K40 with RTTY|For Sale, K40 keyboard keyer with RTTY - Recently built at Four Days In May
(Dayton QRP convention). K40, RTTY filter board, Case, LCD and I'll throw
in a wall-wart & a nice keyboard to go along with it. Works very nicely,
but I want to build one of the new USB WinKey keyers and can't afford to
have both. Will sell K40 for $130.00 shipped anywhere in the US. Other
parts of the world will be $130 US plus whatever shipping is necessary to
get it there.
Interested persons please contact me off list. I'll accept a personal check
(clears before shipment), certified check, money order, cash (your own risk)
or PayPal. PayPal charges the seller almost 3 percent for their service,
but it's quick.
Jim - W0EB
w0eb@... |
509|509|2006-07-01 02:45:25|geohominum|Original Winkey interface|Ok, I bought a new laptop, and gave my other ham computer to my father
in law. The new laptop does not have the same pin count on the serial
port at the winkeyer. The laptop is 15 pin. Is there an adapter to go
from the winkeyer interface type to the laptop 15 pin? If not, I am
going to justify buying a wkusb!!
510|509|2006-07-01 04:03:51|Robert Chudek - K0RC|Re: Original Winkey interface| What kind of laptop is this? A 15-pin connector is typically a VGA connector, not a serial connector. Are there any USB ports? With a brand and model number, we can get you headed in the right direction.
73 de Bob - K0RC
511|509|2006-07-01 14:30:26|barry whittemore|Re: Original Winkey interface|you could buy or make an adapter but why would you do that when you have a
good justification to buy a new toy. im goin to buy one soon. i like the
standalone keyer and hey, its a "NEW TOY"
Don�t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01/ |
512|509|2006-07-01 14:50:22|Joe-aa4nn|Re: Original Winkey interface|Let's not encourage the guy to use that 15-pin connector,
which is probably an external monitor connection.
COM ports are 9-pin D shell
LPT ports are 25-pin D shell
What he needs is a USB-to-Serial adapter to connect his
laptop (USB port) to the Winkey input (Serial 9-pin female).
de Joe, aa4nn
513|509|2006-07-01 17:35:50|Robert Chudek - K0RC|Re: Original Winkey interface|The Toshiba Satellite A-105 S2081 looks like a nice laptop. I confirmed it
does not have any serial or parallel ports on it. The 15-pin connector is
for an external VGA monitor. You will need a USB to Serial adapter to use
your existing keyer or, as you stated in your first message, you can build
the new WinKey USB.
73 de Bob - K0RC
514|514|2006-07-01 22:01:54|Jim Sheldon|FS: K40 with RTTY - SOLD -|K40 has been sold
515|515|2006-07-02 03:58:13|kl7cw|Cannot install driver on Windows XP professional laptop|When I plug in the Keyer to the USB port I get the Found New Hardware
Wizard. I inserted CD. I selected Install from a list option,then
on next screen selected "Include this location in the search" I typed
in C:\VCP Drivers and get back the message "the location you specified
could not be reached please enter another location....."
Since on my computer the CD drive is D I also tried
D:\VCP Drivers and get back the same message. If I check "search
removable media box I get the message "the wizard could not find
software on your computer.
Note I have been able to print out the various guides and
instructions from the included CD so the computer does seem to be able
to access the CD drive OK.
I have plugged and unplugged USB cable many times and inserted
and re inserted CD exactly as instructed...still no luck.
PS....the IC's are not installed yet on the board...and I
selected the USB power option with the blue jumper plug.
Any ideas.......Rick KL7CW
516|515|2006-07-02 20:18:37|Jerry Volpe|Re: Cannot install driver on Windows XP professional laptop|If you have the same mini CD that I have the drivers are in a single
compressed archive file that Windows doesn't recognize. Guess there
wasn't enough space on the mini CD to store them all uncompressed.
Anyway, create a temporary directory on your hard drive (name is not
important... just remember it). Copy those files across and then
decompress them. All this should be done before attempting to install.
Then when Windows New Hardware Installation Wizard asks for the location
of the software you point it specifically to the decompressed folder
containing the files themselves. This action will need to be repeated
several times as is a couple layers of drivers that Windows needs to
install. They are all located in the same de-compressed folder.
If you need more details.....
On your mini-CD you see a folder named WK USB CD. Open that folder and
you will find your software and manuals. You can access them directly.
However, the drivers are in archives so you must drag copy the folder
USB_Drivers to a temporary directory on your hard drive.
In this USB_Drivers directory you will find your specific instructions
on installing the drivers, but first you must de-compress the
appropriate archive. As you stated you are using Windows Professional
then the one you must de-compress is WinXP_R2176. There are numerous
'free' or 'trial' decompression programs around that can de-compress
these files for you. Chances are you already have one on your computer.
If not do a Google search on WinZip and download an evaluation copy.
That is all you need.
Once you de-compress the archive you probably have a new folder with the
same name "WinXP_R2176". The drivers that Windows needs during
installation are in this new folder and that is where you direct Windows
New Hardware Installation Wizard to.
Follow in the instructions in the root Drivers folder in the .pdf file
Note: Depending on where you left the previous failed installation
attempt hanging you may need to go to the Device Manager and delete any
"?" entries first and then restart. On the other hand sometimes just
plugging into a different USB port accomplishes pretty much the same thing.
Good luck. It is a great keyer.
Jerry, KG6TT
Fairfield, CA
517|514|2006-07-03 15:59:30|Alan Biocca|WinKey Programming Question|Hello. New to the group here.
I'm incorporating WinKey support into FDLog, a Field Day logging program.
It is working fine, however I have a couple of questions:
1) WinKey never responds to the 'Get Cal' request.
2) The 'Get Values' response is 24 or 25 bytes (it varies) and this is not
consistent with the documentation.
-- Alan wb6zqz
http://www.antennalaunchers.com/fdlog/ My WinKey is release 10.
518|518|2006-07-04 14:34:58|rdepierre|Iambic timing problem|I just built/installed a new WinKey on my system. But the iambic
timing is significantly different from the way my hand has been tuned
over the years. I can key the internal keyer on my rig just fine as
usual. But I can't make an iambic K or R properly with my paddles and
the WinKey. This must be a timing set in the software, but I don't
know where. Did I just get a case of palsy in my hand, or do I merely
need to tweak a setting?
519|518|2006-07-04 20:18:37|Paul O'Kane|Re: Iambic timing problem||
520|520|2006-07-05 22:02:14|ROBERT CARROLL|WK2USB Sidetone| Hi-
I use the WK2 as a standalone keyer and with Writelog. Writelog does not provide a form for the user to set any of the keyer parameters, unless I am missing something. Is there a way to send any keyer command sequences to the keyer when under the control of a user program like Writelog?
Bob W2WG
521|514|2006-07-06 13:25:39|Don Hatlestad|Re: WinKey Programming Question|I know the answer to question 1. The calibration command is
depreciated so don't use it. I can only guess on the second question
because I haven't parsed the data returned by the Get Values command.
Perhaps more than one status byte comes in before or after the Get
Values command. Did you ask Steve for the test source code? Fire off
an e-mail with your request. The source helped a lot.
I'm working on a .NET assembly that talks to the WinKey and have just
gotten to the point where I can see the device, send some data, and
process status and echo bytes.
Don Hatlestad
http://ac7fa.net |
522|520|2006-07-06 19:31:50|Simon Brown|Re: WK2USB Sidetone| Hi Bob,
If I understand you correctly then yes - you can program the memories with the same info you can enter via the paddles - as long as the software has added the support for the WK2. I have received code from K1EL which helps me understand the logic involved, I'm putting it into a C++ class which I'll make available although Steve's code is well writtem and easy to read.
I'm not making great progress as the weather is hot and I'm out a lot in the mountains with the dog photographing the wildlife.
523|523|2006-07-07 02:53:13|scott_p_spencer|ACLog Comm Port Settings?|Hi all,
I just built my WinKey this evening and and had a couple of questions.
Using WKTest, and WinKeyer2 I can connect just fine, paddles work, rig
keys. Great.
However, I can't seem to get ACLog to connect to it. I'm using the
correct Comm Port, (same one WKTest and WinKeyer successfully connect
I'm wondering if there's a specific port setting combination that
ACLog needs that the K1EL software doesn't.
Current port settings are 9600 - 8 - N - 1. I'll try dropping down
the baud rate and see how that effects things.
Sorry for the rambling message. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
524|523|2006-07-07 04:58:06|Robert Chudek|Re: ACLog Comm Port Settings?| I believe the WInKey runs at 2400-8-n-1
73 de Bob - K0RC
525|523|2006-07-07 05:58:05|Simon Brown|Re: ACLog Comm Port Settings?||
526|523|2006-07-07 07:21:32|Joe-aa4nn|Re: ACLog Comm Port Settings?| Hi Scott,
Winkey support in ACLog is fairly recent, so the question is
whether you have downloaded the latest version of ACLog.
Otherwise Winkey support is straight forward.
de Joe, aa4nn
527|527|2006-07-07 09:09:49|Simon Brown|WK2 Programming| Currently I am getting WK2 support in my software.
As it seems to me now:
* WK2 works fine with the original Winkeyer code.
* WK2 standalone settings (example: weight, lead time) are not automatically taken from the values set using the standard Winkeyer programming interface; they must be set as part of the EEPROM upload.
* WK2 memories are quite easy to program but you'll need sample code from K1EL or I'll make a simple C++ class available. This is needed so that you can decode the memory contents, it's not obvious but easy with K1EL's code.
* WK2 memories can be set up via software with the same options you can use with the paddles.
Hoping to get this finished within a week or so, no show-stoppers so far.
528|514|2006-07-07 12:27:25|Alan Biocca|Re: WinKey Programming Question| Thanks for the reply.
I have done further work, made significant progress and determined several things:
1) One stop bit works much better than the two indicated in the WinKey documentation. (I note that WinKey USB indicates one also). Many occasional glitches went away when I changed to a single stop bit. It went from being 'okay' to 'solid'.
2) The Python Windows serial library apparently eats incoming null bytes which is why the Read Cal was timing out - as it is sending a null byte since that feature is not used anymore. The WinKey documentation might be updated to mention this, and the item above, it would save some questions and trouble. I did look at the Python serial library sourcecode and did not see a problem there, it must be deeper in the Python win32 library or even deeper. It is not a problem, since we don' t need to read any null bytes.
3) On the Get Values I now consistently get the same 30 byte values back (using one stop bit), and they range from 41 to 50 hex. With 2 stop bits the readback was not stable and was 24 or 25 bytes. Still a puzzle there, as the documentation indicates 15 bytes and the values don't seem to correlate at all. Adding a battery didn't change it, so the power is not the issue. In separate email Don indicated he also read 30 bytes back, so it is apparently not just one setup.
Other than these small annoyances, the interface to Python is working very well. Status and Speed readbacks work, Load Defaults, Echo for all values from 1 to 255 work, the open/close work, the tune and the delay all work fine. The FDLog interface is working quite nicely, and the Python standalone test program is working well also.
Thanks again for the comments,
-- Alan wb6zqz
At 08:46 PM 7/5/2006, Don Hatlestad wrote:
529|529|2006-07-07 12:48:18|radiok3pi|Sidetone question Winkey2|Hi there,
Getting a Winkey2 soon and really excited about it.
Can anyone tell me how the volume of the sidetone is? Is it very
loud and is it adjustable. I see where the freq is adjustable.
Russ K3Pi
530|530|2006-07-09 19:58:28|n9dg|WinKey2 COM ports above COM10|Is there a way to specify COM ports higher than 10 in WinKey2? My COM
ports from 1-10 are all in use so I need to get above 10. I would like
to be able to use a port number as high as 20.
I'm seriously considering a WK2 USB keyer but I need to be sure that I
can use it on higher COM ports.
531|530|2006-07-09 22:52:27|Ken K3IU|Re: WinKey2 COM ports above COM10| Hi Duane:
The definitive answer will, of course, have to come from Steve, but the Stand-Alone Editor, "WK2MGR" and the "wktest" software list comm ports only to COM12. The "WinKeyer2" software only goes up co COM8 on my XP machine.
Ken K3IU
532|532|2006-07-09 23:23:54|list email filter|Displaying what is sent with paddles.|Hello all,
I have an old AEA MM-3, which has a bunch of interesting features for a
device from it's time (I bought mine in 1993). One of the features I
really like, is it's ability to display on a serial terminal what is
being sent by a set of paddles. It's fairly finicky, especially with
respect to character and word spaces which is a good thing, as I'm using
it as a sending trainer (and lets face it, learning the rhythm of good
spacing is the only real obstacle to sending perfect code with a paddle
and keyer).
My question is this, do any of the k1el products have this capability?
I would especially like to know if the products that drive their own
(optional) LCD displays would have the capability to display whats sent
from the paddles to the LCD, thereby eliminating the need for a
computer? Or do they only have the capability to display what is typed
from the keyboard?
533|533|2006-07-12 12:06:46|Tom|Farnsworth Setting using MixW's WINKEY.INI File|MixW now automatically loads a file called WINKEY.INI whenever you
switch modes to CW.
This allows MixW to override the default WinKey settings.
Below is the standard WINKEY.INI file that comes with MixW.
I'm trying to change the value of the farnsworth setting to give me a
farnsworth speed of 18 WPM.
When I turn the POT control on WinKey to 5 WPM, MixW is showing the
correct speed as 5 WPM. However, when I send, it is sending the
characters ALSO at 5 WPM rather than sending the characters at 18 WPM
and the spacing between characters for 5 WPM.
Does anyone know why the farnsworth is not working in the WINKEY.INI file?
The particular parameter change is about halfway down this
configuration file:
; WinKey configuration file
; Syntax:
; X or XX - hex command
; wX or wXX - wait for XX milliseconds
; ; - comment after semicolon
; See commands description at www.k1el.com website
; Notice that installing a new MixW version may overwrite this file -
; if you change it, do installation carefully
; When CW mode starts, MixW will send the following commands to the
00 00 w7f ff ;
;0e 40 ; Q ; Quit the command mode
; After sending these commands, MixW will send:
; 1) Enable/disable pot command (see the CW Settings dialog)
; 2) Setup Speed Pot command with these parameters (edit if needed)
[Setup Speed Pot]
; End of file
Tom Curtola
534|530|2006-07-12 12:07:08|selliot|Re: WinKey2 COM ports above COM10|Duane,
I can add more comport devices, it is pretty easy. One thing to
check though is that often times WinXP thinks a comport is in use
when it really isn't. Do you really have 20 different comport
devices attached simultaneously ?
535|529|2006-07-12 12:07:53|selliot|Re: Sidetone question Winkey2|Russ,
The built in sidetone speaker volume is very dependent on frequency.
It has a noticeable peak around 2KHz. It's pretty loud at that
frequency. The volume drops quite a bit as you go down in frequency.
It's a tradeoff in using a small compact speaker.
536|532|2006-07-12 12:12:10|selliot|Re: Displaying what is sent with paddles.|Erik,
The K40, on it's LCD and Winkey through an attached PC, both display
characters as they are entered on the paddles.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, list email filter
for a
features I
537|514|2006-07-12 12:32:10|selliot|Re: WinKey Programming Question|Alan, see inserts
I have done further work, made significant progress and determined
several things:
1) One stop bit works much better than the two indicated in the
WinKey documentation. (I note that WinKey USB indicates one also).
Many occasional glitches went away when I changed to a single stop
bit. It went from being 'okay' to 'solid'.
2) The Python Windows serial library apparently eats incoming null
bytes which is why the Read Cal was timing out - as it is sending a
null byte since that feature is not used anymore. The WinKey
documentation might be updated to mention this, and the item above,
it would save some questions and trouble. I did look at the Python
serial library sourcecode and did not see a problem there, it must
be deeper in the Python win32 library or even deeper. It is not a
problem, since we don' t need to read any null bytes.
return zero values. I think one of the error return values may be a
zero in both WK1 and WK2 in response to a WKOPEN command, check that
out. Is there a switch in the library init to select character based
transfers as opposed to string based ? That may eliminate the null
3) On the Get Values I now consistently get the same 30 byte values
back (using one stop bit), and they range from 41 to 50 hex. With 2
stop bits the readback was not stable and was 24 or 25 bytes. Still
a puzzle there, as the documentation indicates 15 bytes and the
values don't seem to correlate at all. Adding a battery didn't
change it, so the power is not the issue. In separate email Don
indicated he also read 30 bytes back, so it is apparently not just
one setup.
broke something across the versions that I missed. This command is
an old artifact, it was included in early versions as a debug
mechanisim. Once WK got beyond initial debug stages it fell by the
wayside. It is not needed, especially in WK2 which has a command
that returns the entire EEPROM block which includes all settings.
Other than these small annoyances, the interface to Python is
working very well. Status and Speed readbacks work, Load Defaults,
Echo for all values from 1 to 255 work, the open/close work, the
tune and the delay all work fine. The FDLog interface is working
quite nicely, and the Python standalone test program is working well
538|538|2006-07-12 14:18:55|k3pf|COM Ports and Win XP|My Windows XP hardware manager tells me that my serial COM ports are
working properly. However, none of my connected devices work any
longer because Win XP thinks the ports are open when they are not
being used. Is there a way to tell XP to close the ports?
Ron - K3PF
539|539|2006-07-12 15:15:26|Terry Genes|Commands spreadsheet|I have just uploaded a spreadsheet that lists all of the commands for
K40 CW & RTTY to the files area of this group - Handy to print out as
a crib sheet or if modified with your bespoke messages to remind you
what message is in which memory slot
Enjoy - Terry G6CNQ
540|533|2006-07-12 15:35:41|Tom Curtola|Re: Farnsworth Setting using MixW's WINKEY.INI File|Never mind, the farnsworth parameter contained in the WinKey.INI
file appears to be loading into the WinKey memory now and all is well.
Tom Curtola
Tom wrote:
541|514|2006-07-13 11:29:06|Simon Brown|Re: WinKey Programming Question||
542|542|2006-07-16 03:34:57|kb5mu|WK2MGR admin exchanges|I took a look at the conversation WK2MGR has with with WKUSB when I
ask it to "Read WK", and there are some exchanges I don't understand.
First WK2MGR sends 13 13 13 to get synced, as explained in the docs.
Actually, the WKUSB manual calls for four 13's, but close enough. And
nevermind that even four 13's isn't a completely failsafe sync sequence.
Then WK2MGR sends 00 04 55, requesting an echo of 55, which it
receives, also as explained in the docs.
Then it sends 00 03, which the docs indicate is a "Host Close". Makes
sense, since "all Admin commands should only be issued while the host
interface is closed." Nevermind that the Echo Test command (which
we've already used) is also an Admin command. The docs don't call for
any response from the Host Close command, and none is received. So
far, so good.
Then WK2MGR sends 00 09. According to the docs this is an unsupported
obsolete command, "Get Cal", which always returns 0. But the WKUSB
actually returns 14. What is really going on here?
Then it sends 00 06, another unsupported obsolete command, "Speed
A2D", which is supposed to return 0, but the WKUSB responds with 19.
Then it sends 00 05, yet another unsupported obsolete command, "Paddle
A2D", which is also supposed to return 0, and gets 8F.
Then it finally sends 00 0C, which asks for the EEPROM dump, and it
gets back the expected 256 bytes. I haven't tried to parse these bytes
So, what's going on with those exchanges that aren't as documented?
I'd like to understand everything WK2MGR does, in order to (maybe)
create a nice Mac OS X version.
73 -Paul
kb5mu@... |
543|543|2006-07-16 03:58:13|kb5mu|WK2 functions during message playback|Two for the wishlist. Both pertain to standalone mode, while a message
buffer is playing out.
1. Currently, the message buttons are dead during message playback.
I'd like the message buttons to queue up additional messages to be
played after the current message ends. Typical example: I might want
to hit the CQ button twice to send a longer CQ. To do that now, my
finger would have to be on the button at just the right moment, as the
first CQ finishes. With message queuing, I could just tap the button
twice and have my hands free for the full duration.
2. Currently, hitting the paddles to interrupt a message playback
works in a very special way. The paddle has to be down during an
inter-character gap in the message, or it is ignored. I don't think
this is the best behavior. As soon as I realize that I want to abort
the message (either it's the wrong message, or I hear the other
station), I should be able to slap the key to abort the message,
instantly, without waiting for an intercharacter gap.
Whether to go ahead and finish sending that character is not as
important. I think I would prefer an immediate abort, but I can see an
argument for completing the character. Either way, the abort event
should be accepted immediately, even if the rest of the character is
still allowed to play out.
Currently, the paddle hit that aborts the message doesn't cause any
transmission of its own. I do like that behavior, very nice.
73 -Paul
kb5mu@... |
544|544|2006-07-17 20:46:20|Don Hatlestad|WinKeyer programming question: Upper case only?|I may have missed this but, my WinKeyer v.10 only transmits upper case
characters. Before you tease me about there being no difference in CW
between 'B' and 'b', let me explain that I wasn't getting anything out
of the keyer if the characters going into it were lower case. Can any
experienced WinKeyer programmers confirm this for me? Thank you.
Don Hatlestad
http://ac7fa.net |
545|544|2006-07-17 20:57:36|Simon Brown|Re: WinKeyer programming question: Upper case only?|That's the way I see it - the accepted character set does not include
I allow the characters between the double quotes below.
"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ .,?|/\"$'()+-/:;<=
Simon Brown
http://blog.hb9drv.ch/ |
546|544|2006-07-17 20:58:56|Simon Brown|Re: WinKeyer programming question: Upper case only?|DOH - pressed return too soon. Some of the chars are used for Tags, for
Simon Brown
547|543|2006-07-17 21:03:40|Alan Biocca|Re: WKUSB up and running|Kudos for another nice product.
Received my WKUSB on Saturday, built it today and it came right up.
Very nice little package. Works fine with the software I wrote already for
the WK1.
My Wish List (minor improvements):
1) Better access to batteries
2) External Battery/USB power switch
-- Alan wb6zqz
548|543|2006-07-17 21:12:52|Simon Brown|Re: WKUSB up and running|FWIW I have almost finished adding the WinKey Standalone Editor into my own
software. I've been severely distracted over the last weeks.
I would like a hard reset button on the back.
Simon Brown
http://blog.hb9drv.ch/ |
549|544|2006-07-17 23:46:18|selliot|Re: WinKeyer programming question: Upper case only?||
550|544|2006-07-17 23:47:53|selliot|Re: WinKeyer programming question: Upper case only?||
551|542|2006-07-18 00:30:12|selliot|Re: WK2MGR admin exchanges|Paul,
See inserts
552|543|2006-07-18 00:40:58|selliot|Re: WK2 functions during message playback|Paul,
Both are good suggestions and I'll consider them in future releases.
Message button queueing would be nice but WK2 is very resource
limited. WK2 has been through 4 major code squeezes over the past
year to fit in the current functionality (and that's assembly
language!). Who knows, maybe Microchip will release a 14 pin part
that has 8K of flash, then I could do all kinds of additional things.
I have spent many, many hours on the message break functionality and
it works that way intentionally. I have tried other schemes to break
messages abruptly and they work great on standalone keyers but when
connected to a host, particularly a PC, it is very hard to abort
gracefully and keep everything churning along nicely. So the bottom
line on this is that we are sticking with the current scheme for at
least the next couple of releases. I personally like the way it
works and most who use it for a while agree.
73 and Thanks for the feedback.
553|553|2006-07-20 22:08:28|VE2RYY|last vers.?| Hello
I am a newcomer in this group...
What is the latest vers of WK....at the moment???
554|553|2006-07-20 22:31:48|Joe-aa4nn|Re: last vers.?| It's called Winkey2, direct USB cable from
your computer to Winkey2. Fantastic.
73, Joe, aa4nn
555|555|2006-07-20 23:19:06|VE2RYY|wnk usb| I am interested by wnk USB...
I would like to know, how do we switch the keyer from output 1 to ouput 2 (keying)
Is there a command from the keyboard?????
556|553|2006-07-20 23:20:59|VE2RYY|Re: last vers.?||
557|555|2006-07-21 01:49:30|Ken N9VV|Re: wnk usb|Noel, I can't find the answer, but I am sure you will hear from
Steve K1EL who monitors this list. Here are some tips:
In the WK2USB users manual (pdf) and it has this entry for the stand
alone mode:
"O – WK2 has two key ouput ports, 1 and 2. Each time the
O command is issued the key port is toggled back and
forth between 1 and 2. When port 1 is selected a single
dit is echoed and two dits are echoed for port 2."
Here is the entry from the programming page 16 for the HOST
"Direct control of key output <0B
GL de ken n9vv
558|555|2006-07-21 03:53:22|VE2RYY|Re: wnk usb|Hello Ken
Thanks for the infos. Now got it right...
559|559|2006-07-21 12:56:15|w6t6tt|beacon cw ???|hi all can i use k1el keyers as beacon ((radio and keyers to be stand
alone beacon tx ))
560|559|2006-07-21 14:57:58|Ken N9VV|Re: beacon cw ???|Y*E*S many of the keyers have BEACON mode. Please download and read
http://k1el.tripod.com/docfiles.html for the keyer
you are interested in building.
I just finished up my WinKeyUSB and it is a WONDERFUL keyer. Very
smooth and so versatile with Paddle, Keyboard, and programmed messages.
if you are into home brewing with individual boards, check out
http://home.att.net/~jacksonharbor/ham.htm I would send you the .pdf file, but you have obscured your email
de ken n9vv
w6t6tt wrote:
561|561|2006-07-21 16:28:54|w7cqd|USB to PS/2 adapter|Hello all
I am new to the group and I am thinking about getting a k40. My
question is that my keyboards are all usb types. My present machines
are all old motherboard that only have ps/2 connectors. I am able to
use the usb keyboards because of the usb to ps/2 adapters that were
included with them. My question is , will these adapters work with
the k40 or do I have to hunt down a ps/2 keyboard? Any info would be
appreciated. 73
Scott, w7cqd
562|562|2006-07-24 13:03:25|arsn8pvz|Why No More Assembled WinKeyers?|I see by the K1EL webpage that assembled WinKey kits are no longer
available. Just curious as to why?
72 de N8PVZ
563|562|2006-07-24 14:43:35|Ken N9VV|Re: Why No More Assembled WinKeyers?|I bet that if you send a personal note to Steve, he will make
arrangements to sell you a built unit for any one of his current keyers.
The WinKeyUSB is really easy to construct. All the connectors are on
the single PCB. There are no toroids to wind (hihihi) and no surface
mounted parts.
Just ask, and I bet there are guys who will gladly help you out.
bk de ken n9vv
arsn8pvz wrote:
564|562|2006-07-24 16:53:47|kravect|Re: Why No More Assembled WinKeyers?|--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, arsn8pvz
I'll build you one for the cost of the kit plus shipping. I have built
2 WK2-USB units plus half a dozen original WinKeys, not to mention half
a dozen Elecraft transceivers. Been soldering for 50 years, have time
to do it.
Tom W8TK
Columbus, OH |
565|565|2006-07-25 02:25:18|radiok3pi|Commands from Standalone Winkey 2|Just got my keyer today and learning the ropes.
One thing that baffles me.
Whenever I try to enter a command from the paddles, the keyer adds an
extra 2 dits to the character I am sending.
So a K becomes _._ ..
A Y is -.-- ..
This is confusing the keyer as I can't just get the Command Letter in
Something I am doing wrong?
Russ K3Pi
566|565|2006-07-25 15:12:37|Ken N9VV|Re: Commands from Standalone Winkey 2|Hi Russ, I am not sure if you got an answer or not. One thing to try
is to push down on the RED (command) button for about 10 seconds
until you hear some DITS. That is a reset of some sort. That may put
the keyer into a sane condition.
The other thing to check is the value you put in for the paddle
sensitivity. Start with 50 and see how that works for your paddle.
It could be that your paddles(?) have some sort of a weird bounce,
ground, or contact condition?
BK de ken n9vv
radiok3pi wrote:
567|562|2006-07-26 13:21:50|arsn8pvz|Re: Why No More Assembled WinKeyers?|Tom,
thanks, I'll keep that it mind. WK2 doesn't really look all that
complicated, just a matter of getting time to do it (lack of time
mainly due to family obligations I'd rather not go into). Not in a
real hurry, and things may change at this end giving me the time.
72 de N8PVZ
568|568|2006-07-27 03:16:37|bty873539|K40 RTTY and CW output to the IC-703.|I have just completed the kits for the K40 CW and RTTY boards to use
with my IC-703. The RTTY board instructions (p. 24) for connecting to
the 13 pin DIN ACC socket of the IC-703 instruct the use of K40 pcb key
output for the FSK input (Acc pin 10) of the IC-703. The same K40 pcb
key output is used for CW keying from the keyboard or paddle connected
to the KEY/FSK OUT socket at the rear of the enclosure and from there
to the CW key input of the radio.
Can the two mode outputs - CW and FSK - be fed by separate cables from
the KEY/FSK OUT socket to both the ACC socket and the CW key socket and
would the input to the radio be controlled by switching the unit from
CW to RTTY (ALT-F1) and vice versa, and also by changing the mode of
the tx, or would it be desirable to add a simple toggle switch to
control the output?
My congratulations to Steve for such an excellent kit....
569|562|2006-07-27 03:16:44|n5att|Re: Why No More Assembled WinKeyers?|I just ordered an assembled keyer on the web site. Now I read on this
group that they are no longer available!! So what did I order??
Has the WK2 kit replaced the keyer I ordered??
I hope Steve will see this and answer....
570|562|2006-07-27 03:24:41|selliot|Re: Why No More Assembled WinKeyers?|Lawson,
We are still accepting a few more orders for Winkeyer keyers so you
are all set. Assembled WKUSB keyers are on hold for a couple of
We haven't decided whether we will continue selling the original
Winkeyer kit. We have some other stuff in the works that we'd like
to offer instead, I am getting very tired of Morse code keyers.
As a side note, we have run out of PC boards for the WKUSB kits, but
expect more in a day or two. As soon as they come in we'll start
shipping WKUSB kits again.
571|568|2006-07-27 03:28:52|selliot|Re: K40 RTTY and CW output to the IC-703.|Ray,
I have not tried wiring it up for dual mode, I have a separate cable
that I use for CW that goes into the key jack. When I change modes I
swap cables. Not sure if it would work with both cables plugged in,
my guess is that it probably would.
573|561|2006-07-27 03:34:14|selliot|Re: USB to PS/2 adapter|Scott,
A USB keyboard with adapter will work fine with a K40.
574|555|2006-07-27 03:36:31|selliot|Re: wnk usb|Noel,
In host mode the host application supplies a command that will togle
the output port. It would be tied to control in a configuration
dialog box. Not all apps out there support this feature yet but alot
of them do.
In standalone mode you enter an 'O' command on the paddles to toggle
the output port.
575|562|2006-07-27 03:37:49|selliot|Re: Why No More Assembled WinKeyers?|Bernie,
No other reason other than we need to take a break for the Summer. We
will probably offer assembled WKUSB keyer kits again in the Fall. In
the meantime I see there is at least one ham on the list who is
interested in building a kit, there may be others as well.
576|562|2006-07-27 12:57:43|arsn8pvz|Re: Why No More Assembled WinKeyers?|I think that can be allowed.
72 de N8PVZ
577|562|2006-07-27 13:46:22|Simon Brown|Re: Why No More Assembled WinKeyers?|Count me in - great products - a break is always good, especially when you
spend your time writing assembler :-)
Been taking it easy myself since Easter, just getting going again now. Eyes
are better, back is better, RSI has gone, only the bugs remain :-(
Simon Brown
http://blog.hb9drv.ch/ |
578|578|2006-07-27 16:17:06|jeraldvolpe|Problems with Winkeyer2 Application?|I have one of the first Winkey2 kits.
The version of Winkeyer2 application I am using has a release date of
May 30th/
I am on Comm port 8. Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 2, current
with updates.
I seem to be able to send with the keyboard, set speeed and pause, but
I can not:
1. Send any memories (M1, etc) by clicking on the buttons.
2. Edit content of memories
3. See any output streaming throught the top window.
I am also curious why the WinKey2 Standalone Editor and the Winkeyer2
application are not designed to work together. Right now it seems you
are in a one or the other situation.
Jerry, KG6TT
579|579|2006-07-27 16:22:39|jeraldvolpe|WinKeyer2 Application problem two...|Also, I see that the WinKeyer2 Application ignores the prior keyer
setup completed by the Standalone Editor... for example... Normally, I
have to swap my paddles to get dit and dah configured correctly, but
when I start the WinKeyer2 application it reverts back to default
settings and the paddles are incorrect. However when I restart the
Winkey2 Standalone Editor the paddles work correctly once again.
I was hoping that the WinKeyer2 Application would be a useful tool for
everyday communicating with the keyer but it seems not.
Jerry, KG6TT
580|580|2006-07-27 20:30:44|lee_crocker|Version numbers to software, manuals etc|Steve
I wonder if you could work version numbers into your manual and
software/firmware naming as it is listed on the K1EL web site? It
would make knowing when an updated has occurred.
for example:
"Click here to install K1EL's Winkeyer2 App for WK2"
"Click here to install K1EL's Winkeyer2 App for WK2 v1.3"
tnx W9OY
581|581|2006-08-08 03:50:13|n5att|Win 2000 driver installation problem|I received my WinKeyUSB today and just finished assembling all the
parts on the board. It went very smoothly.
However, when I tried to load the driver for the USB port on my
Windows 2000 Pro operating system, I got an error. I used the Win98
drivers on the enclosed CDROM. The Win98 driver that it finds and
tries to install is "ftdibus.inf".
The error message displayed is:
"An error occurred during the installation of the device.
The installation failed because a function driver was not
Specified for this device instance."
Has anyone run into this problem before with Win 2000?
Lawson Cook
582|581|2006-08-08 04:32:57|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: Win 2000 driver installation problem|There are separate FTDI drivers for Win98 and Win2000/WinXP. I
suspect you are installing the incorrect driver but K1EL will
need to confirm that.
... Joe, W4TV
583|581|2006-08-08 16:09:42|selliot|Re: Win 2000 driver installation problem|Lawson,
You need to use the XP USB driver with Win2000.
584|578|2006-08-08 16:11:38|selliot|Re: Problems with Winkeyer2 Application?|Jerry,
WKUSB has two separate modes, standalone and host.
Standalone mode is when WKUSB is not controlled by a PC application.
It may or may not be connected to a PC, but has not been opened by a
PC app. In this mode WKUSB will repsond to the command pushbutton,
accept paddle commands, allow resident memories to be loaded and
played. It is, in all respects, a standard memory keyer.
Host mode is when WKUSB is attached to a PC and is under control of
a Windows logging or other application. When the app opens WKUSB it
downloads a set of operating parameters that are dictated by the
host app. When in host mode, WKUSB will not respond to paddle
commands. The host app can optionally respond to message pushbutton
presses but no application I know of supports the pushbuttons yet.
When I designed the controller PIC, I decided to keep the two modes
completely separate since different applications run the chip in
different ways. If there was just one mode, everytime you ran a
application it would overwrite the standalone settings and the user
would have to reload them. It is easier to setup the application to
match your standalone settings, which you would do anyway.
The Winkeyer2 application is a host mode application while WK2MGR is
strictly a configuration editor that allows you to set standalone
settings instead of entering command settings on the paddles.
585|578|2006-08-08 19:34:53|Robert Chudek - K0RC|Re: Problems with Winkeyer2 Application?| GM Steve,
I'm a little slow on the uptake this morning... I have a question about the new WKUSB... if I use WKUSB with N1MM and DX Lab Suite (separately, not simultaneously).
If I shut down the PC application, will WKUSB change modes automatically? Or will I need to restart it in standalone mode?
And likewise, if I am in stand alone mode with the keyer and I startup the application, will WKUSB change back to host mode?
I have the WinKey v10 serial model now and it stops if I close the application. I am not using an external power source to keep it going so I understand this is normal. I see the new unit has internal batteries so it will run standalone.
73 de Bob - K0RC in MN
586|568|2006-08-10 22:35:56|Dave Carter|K40 RTTY/Keyer|Steve
Just completed adding the RTTY board and LCD display to my K40 Keyer went
together like a dream, no problems at all.
Definitely recommend your suggestion of using a good digital multimeter to
check out the resistors for the filter, I don't think there was any other
way I would have got them right.
Have had it hooked up to my 703+ via the socket on the back with no problems
except the K40 could do with a little more audio drive from the 703 get the
outer LED's to come on. Only done a quick TX test and seems ok.
Now to read the manual and get it setup of a serious RTTY session.
Great kit highly recommended.
Dave C G8PGO
"Good judgment comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgment"
587|581|2006-08-11 21:31:18|n5att|Re: Win 2000 driver installation problem|I would like to report to the group that I finally got my problem
resolved (fingers crossed!!). I tried to install the XP USB driver
into my Win2000 system, but the port driver would not install.
It occurred to me to check the Microsoft Knowledge Base for a possible
fix. Sure enough, one exists!! The patch can be downloaded from the
website. The file is "Windows2000-KB822831-x86-ENU.exe".
I had to go to the Add/Remove Programs and remove the one FTDI driver
that was still installed. Then the new FTDI drivers loaded!!!
The com port selected automatically at setup was com3, but it wouldn't
work with the WKUSB for some reason, so I changed the com port to com6
and everything worked.
So, if you have a Win2000 operating system, please note this patch
that you may need.
Lawson N5ATT
P.S. Thanks to Steve and others for really trying to help me solve
this annoying Windows problem.
588|588|2006-08-12 15:59:52|hgrudolphs|WinKey2 Operation|Just fired up my new Winkeyer USB with N1MM. I almost have
everything working, but have encountered one final problem. I am
trying to load in some messages for standalone operation using the
WK2MGR. One of these messages includes my call, HL1/WX8C. I am not
sure but it seems like even though the "/" is one of the defined
characters, when it is followed immediately by the WX8C, it seems to
be interpreting it as a control character of some type. The WX8 are
not sent; it goes directly to the C. However, if I leave a space
after the /, then everything is sent properly, except it is not
proper to have the space. I have tried to work around this by using
a merge letter command <1B working for me, either because I am misinterpreting the
applicability of this or maybe I have the syntax incorrect.
I am sure someone else must have a weird call like mine and can
suggest how to resolve this. Or maybe I just need someone who knows
what they are doing!!!
589|589|2006-08-13 20:55:43|jeraldvolpe|Winkeyer2 and Ham Radio Deluxe|The best Winkey/Winkeyer2 integration I've seen thus far is with the
newest versions of Ham Radio Deluxe. Of course for many I suppose just
being able to do some macro sending from their log book program is
sufficient, but I was looking for something far more robust and Simon
is doing a pretty nice job delivering. Wish we had a Winkeyer2
standalone like what HRD has. Anyway, if you haven't seen HRD, it is a
free software project with a lot going for it.... check it out. I'm so
impressed that I just bought my second Winkeyer2 for my other
operating position.
Jerry, KG6TT
Fairfield, CA
590|581|2006-08-14 18:11:53|Арцыман Игорь Владими|Re: Win 2000 driver installation problem|Yes, Joe, you are right.
As I know, the FTDI chips use same drivers for WinXP and Win2000.
Игорь - EW4DX.
From: Joe Subich, W4TV [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 5:32 AM
To: 'n5att';
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com Subject: RE: [k1el_keyers] Win 2000 driver installation problem
There are separate FTDI drivers for Win98 and Win2000/WinXP. I
suspect you are installing the incorrect driver but K1EL will
need to confirm that.
.... Joe, W4TV
591|588|2006-08-14 18:13:41|lx1no|Re: WinKey2 Operation|Same problem here. I programmed "CQ DE HB0/LX9EG/P HB0/LX9EG/P K"
into the first key. In return, I got "CQ DE HB0/LX9EG" and WK2 got
stuck. WK2MGR then recognized it as WK1. A reset gets it back to
normal but transmitting the text doesn't work.
Luckily, the same text transmits fine from within my application.
73 Norby
592|588|2006-08-14 18:27:38|Simon Brown|Re: WinKey2 Operation|Page 28 of the manual:
/P = Pause and wait for paddle entry.
I can only think that you could enter /
Simon Brown
RSGB HF Convention October 2006: http://www.rsgb-hfc.org.uk/
593|588|2006-08-14 19:59:24|selliot|Re: WinKey2 Operation|The solution is very easy, and it's in the manual. If you want to
insert a / (DN) into a message, put it in twice. WK will interpret
that as a literal / and not translate it into a command. So the
corrected message would be: "CQ DE HB0//LX9EG//P HB0//LX9EG//P"
As a side note the /P command tells WK to pause and wait for paddle
input before continuing. So if /P is encountered and WK appears to be
stuck all you need to do is hit the paddles and it will continue. You
can also press and hold the command button to force a warm restart.
594|588|2006-08-14 20:09:07|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: WinKey2 Operation|Norby,
Try programming in the 'dit space' (|) character e.g.
or use TWO '/' characters.
From the WinKey USB manual (Page 22):
Commands can be embedded in a message. The format is the slash
character DN (D and N sent together as one letter) followed by
the desired command letter. If you want to insert the DN prosign
into a message but donÂ’t want it to be interpreted as a command
simply enter DN twice.
Example: K1EL/1 would be entered as K1EL//1
or CQ DE HB0//LX9EG//P HB0//LX9EG//P K
Simon, Perhaps it would be wise to automatically double the '/'
being sent from the keyboard or stored messages unless entered
specifically as part of a command string.
... Joe Subich, W4TV
microHAM America
http://www.microHAM-USA.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/microHAM support@... |
595|588|2006-08-14 20:13:28|Simon Brown|Re: WinKey2 Operation|Urg - on my To-Do list. I assume this is only for memory definitions.
Simon Brown
RSGB HF Convention October 2006:
http://www.rsgb-hfc.org.uk/ |
596|588|2006-08-15 15:38:58|lx1no|Re: WinKey2 Operation|Yep, you are right. I didn't read the manula on this matter. I only
programmed the key in case I would have a laptop failure but never
used them. Only noticed this "behavior" when I tested it. It's
probably because I will never use the buttons since my application
will take care of sending the text and because my older ETM9CXOG does
not work that way.
Thanks for pointing out my mistake.
73 Norby
597|597|2006-08-19 01:24:34|edgansen|WinKeyer USB|I'm new to the group, so excuse me if this question has been asked
before. My new WK2 USB is up and running fine hooked to the shack's
computer. I really enjoy using it with AC Log. My question has to do
with stand-alone operation. When I push any of the buttons I get
an "MT" response. Do I have a wiring/soldering error?
Ed - NA0ED
598|597|2006-08-19 13:43:25|Pete Smith|Re: WinKeyer USB|Nope - "MT" is shorthand for "empty", and that message probably means that everything is just fine. If you haven't done so already, download the WK2 manual - it has a long section on stand-alone operation, including how to load messages and set stand-alone operating parameters.
73, Pete N4ZR
At 03:46 PM 8/18/2006, edgansen wrote:
599|599|2006-08-19 16:54:20|edgansen|WK2 USB - Thanks|Thanks for the help on the "MT" issue. Boy, I'm dense!
I just got through programming everything in stand alone mode and it
works FB.
Glad to be a member of the group.
73' Ed - NA0ED
600|600|2006-08-22 21:52:09|mpfahmie|By the way.....|My two prior postings refer to the WinKey2-USB product.
601|601|2006-08-22 21:52:19|mpfahmie|Disabling Farnsworth|How can I make non-Farnsworth code at speeds less than 10 WPM ?
I can't find a command to turn Farnsworth off, it appears that the
only way to disable it is to specify a codespeed
602|602|2006-08-22 22:06:51|mpfahmie|Need lots of dots!|How can I generate a continuous string of dots for a specified time
603|602|2006-08-22 22:20:36|selliot|Re: Need lots of dots!|Mike,
There is only one way that comes to mind and that is to put the
number of dits you need in a message slot and then send that slot
either by pushbutton press or indirectly via a call from a separate
Calling from a separate message is nice since you can call the dit
string multiple times to get the time interval you want and not have
to fill up memory with all of them.
in slot 2: /C1/C1/C1/C2
Sending slot2 will repeat slot 1 four times and stop.
Note these dits will be sent with a letterspace in between, I can't
think of a way to send a continuous string of dits without a
Put the number of dits you need in a message and
604|602|2006-08-22 22:30:10|selliot|Re: Need lots of dots!|I made a mistake in the example, should read:
in slot 2: /C1/C1/C1/C1
605|601|2006-08-22 22:58:46|selliot|Re: Disabling Farnsworth|Mike.
Set farns wpm to zero to disable it. It is off by default.
606|602|2006-08-24 16:13:35|Mike Fahmie|Re: Need lots of dots!|I broke down and RTFM!
Looks like I can have my app defeat the paddle watchdog and use the
SOFTWARE PADDLE with the appropriate pause command to generate an arbitrary
number of dits.
Does this look workable?
At 01:28 PM 8/22/2006, you wrote:
607|602|2006-08-28 01:23:27|selliot|Re: Need lots of dots!|Mike,
Yes, that will work fine.
I didn't understand that were looking at it from a Windows programming standpoint.
608|608|2006-08-28 03:24:48|kl7r|Problem Switch fm QRSS10 to 20WPM k12|I have a K12
I have been sending QRSS10 signals.
I want to ID at 20wpm.
I tried this:
(memory 5)
/S20 KL7R /Q2 KL7R /5
The problem is that the /S20 doesnt work properly.
What comes out sounds like QRSS1 (1 sec dits) rather
than 20WPM CW.
I have tried various combinations of /H /S /Q with no
change in behavior.
Does anyone have a work-around?
609|609|2006-08-28 10:37:20|selliot|New Email Address for K1EL|Over the next couple of months I will be moving my email to a new provider, AOL has
become unusable. When emailing us be sure to use
k1el@.... This is redirected to
the new mail address automatically.
I will still monitor AOL mail and PayPal orders are still linked to AOL.
610|602|2006-08-29 20:41:39|Mike Fahmie|Re: Need lots of dots!|Yet another way was suggested by Alan, WB6ZQZ and it's the simplest, so far!
Simply triple the speed setting and send a series of T's. With the speed
increased by 3, the T's will sound like dot spaced dots! At the end of the
string, restore the original speed setting.
At 04:23 PM 8/27/2006, selliot wrote:
611|611|2006-09-02 15:35:13|nq6u|Dimensions of WinKey2-USB|Hi All,
I am sorry if this is listed someplace obvious, but I have searched
the manual and couldn't find it.
Could anybody please give me the dimensions of the new WinKey2-USB? I
am building a desktop shelf unit for the shack and would like to plan
the keyer's placement.
Thanks and 73,
Erik, NQ6U
612|611|2006-09-02 22:18:45|Robert Chudek - KØRC|Re: Dimensions of WinKey2-USB| Hello Erik,
The WinKey2-USB raw cabinet is 4" W x 3" D x 1.75" H.
The width will expand about an 1/8 inch when you include the screw heads. The height will increase when you add the rubber feet to the bottom and allow for the pushbuttons on top. The depth will increase with the jacks on the back and knobs on the front.
I received my kit earlier this week but have not started assembling it yet.
73 de Bob - K0RC in MN
613|613|2006-09-05 12:33:53|nq6u|Wow! Good Service & Good Keyer!|Hi All,
Just wanted to compliment Steve, K1EL on the fast response I received:
placed order for Winkeyer2 on Wednesday, August 30...received the
keyer Saturday, September 2 (built it Sunday morning)!
Keyer works great! Thanks!
Erik, NQ6U
P.S. Integrating the Winkeyer2 with Ham Radio Deluxe was a
breeze...great weekend for playing radio!
614|614|2006-09-06 13:38:15|Robert Chudek - KØRC|Winkeyer2 USB - a winner!| Steve,
This is just a quick note to thank you for a great kit. I started putting the Winkeyer 2 USB together about 7:00 PM this evening and by 11:00 PM I had it up and running, tested, the USB / XP drivers installed on my PC, and the unit interfaced with N1MM Logger.
I especially liked the sturdy cabinet that you supplied in the kit and the built in PC board mounting technique. It works great. No more double sided sticky tape.
My only issue was reading the color codes on those tiny 1/8 watt resistors... even with my magnifier headset and bifocals, it took a few extra minutes to sort them out! And boy was I glad to see the SMD was premounted... I wouldn't stand a chance trying to solder that device to the board!
You are selling a nice kit and there's virtually no chance of wiring errors with the PCB mounted interconnections in this version!
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
615|615|2006-09-11 04:38:12|steak263|Supported software list|I started using WinKey because it solved the problem of sending CW
with my remote control setup. I have come to appreciate how nicely it
fits into my overall staion operation.
The time has come to replace my existing contesting logging software.
I would like to look at programs that have support for WinKey. I've
looked around for a list of software that supports this hardware with
no success.
If someone knows of such a list please point me to it. If you have
sucessfully used logging/contest software with WinKey send me your
comments. I'll compile the responses back to the group.
Pat W9JI
616|615|2006-09-11 05:47:21|hamfam6@comcast.net|Re: Supported software list|
The bottom of the page has the list!
617|615|2006-09-11 08:17:43|Paul O'Kane|Re: Supported software list||
618|615|2006-09-11 15:00:53|hamfam6@comcast.net|Re: Supported software list| Here is a list of almost all the programs that support WinKey:
619|619|2006-09-13 05:17:58|Tom|Program That Generates Soundcard Audio When WinKeyer is Keyed Using|Is there a program around that generates computer audio from the sound
card when WinKey is keyed via the paddle or straight key?
Most supported software I have seen like MixW doesn't. It will echo
back what my paddle is sending in its text box, but doesn't generate
any sound. The only sidetone is from the WinKeyer itself.
The reason I need this, is I would like to be able to send this paddle
generated audio from the sound card, over the internet via VOIP to do
some CW work via the internet.
Most software will only generate the audio when using a keyboard and I
want to avoid this and use a real straight key and/or paddle.
620|620|2006-09-14 18:34:03|kv1e|K40 CW characters|Am I the only one with the K40 problem of the "@" character mapped to
two separate keys? The @ key (upper case "2") is correct, but the
apostrophe key sends the wrong character. It also sends an "@". Same
for the
Also, is there enough PIC memory left to use more of the punctuation
keys instead of just ignoring them as is now done? E.g., the
apostrophe/quote characters, exclamation point, and dash (-....-)?
Has anything ever been done to correct the dit/dah memory disable? I
can never get dit/dah memory disabled on mine. Thanks.
621|620|2006-09-14 19:07:51|selliot|Re: K40 CW characters|What version of K40 firmware are you running ? I fixed several key
mappings in version E and later. Look on page 14 of the current K40
manual to see the current mappings. Dash, apostophe and quote are
mapped in version 5 and beyond.
Setting sample adjust to zero will disable dit dah memory. This
means that the K40 will not accept a new paddle entry until the
current entry has been sent.
622|622|2006-09-16 16:39:59|ik0hit|WKtest - cannot get full window on screen|I built a WinKey V4. Works fine and it is seen through the com port. I
cannot get WKtest to show its full window under Win-XP. I
tried it on two other PCs running XP and I get the same restricted
window. Any idea where the problem may be?
Here is a pix of my limited window:
http://pesarex.com/images/WK.test.jpg Thanks,
623|622|2006-09-16 23:51:33|Robert Chudek - KØRC|Re: WKtest - cannot get full window on screen| Hello Pesa,
It looks like your Windows video display might be set for 120 dpi instead of the 96 dpi default.
Right click your desktop,
Select "Properties",
Select "Settings" tab,
Left click the "Advanced" button,
Left click the "General" button,
Verify DPI setting is at 96.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
624|622|2006-09-17 04:44:42|Harry Rudolph|Re: WKtest - cannot get full window on screen|One other input on this because it sounds like the
same problem I had. When I used the version of the
program on the CD received with the kit, I could only
get the "half screen" program. However, when I
downloaded the same program from the website, it
worked fine.
--- Robert Chudek - KØRC <
k0rc@... __________________________________________________
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625|622|2006-09-18 02:21:23|ik0hit|Re: WKtest - cannot get full window on screen|Thanks Robert and Harry.
I sorted out the problem and it was indeed related to the video
settings, but slightly more complicated than just resetting the
character size to 96 dpi; I had tried that before my message and it
did not work. On my PC I have to go to 1280 x 800 and "normal"
characters to get the full screen displayed (I normally work at 1024 x
768 and 120dpi). I won't annoy you with other tests I made, but there
is a better way of compiling the source code so that the window will
adapt to any (most?) video settings the user may have. 73,
626|622|2006-09-20 07:38:17|Robert Chudek - KØRC|Re: WKtest - cannot get full window on screen| Hello Pesa,
It is good you discovered the root cause of your screen / window /display issue.
Regarding recompiling, that question will have to be answered by Steve, K1EL.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
627|622|2006-09-20 18:04:35|ik0hit|Re: WKtest - cannot get full window on screen|Sincere thanks to KØRC, KJ3D, N9VV, LX1NO, KE7FEG, W0RAA and K1EL
and anyone I might have missed, for taking the time to help me out.
Case closed.
73 de,
628|628|2006-09-22 15:29:35|barry whittemore|winkey V10 upgrade||
629|628|2006-09-22 18:28:36|selliot|Re: winkey V10 upgrade|Barry,
If you have V4 it is definitely worth upgrading. I have added many
fixes and improvements since then. There is an errata sheet on the
Winkey webpage that lists the changes per version.
The easiest way to determine the chip version is to run it with the
WKTEST app, it will display the chip version in the status window
when you open WK.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "barry whittemore"
order the
do i
portable ops
630|630|2006-09-25 17:02:00|Jim Sheldon - W0EB|FS: WinKey2USB|I have for sale a completely built and tested (by me) WinKey2USB.
This is the low voltage version, not the HV. Complete as sent by K1EL
with the USB cable and the mini-CD with the instructions and drivers.
Asking $65.00 shipped anywhere in the US - international will reqire
more postage.
I take PayPal and money orders.
Interested parties please reply off list to
w0eb@... Jim Sheldon, W0EB
Wichita, KS
631|631|2006-09-25 21:57:30|Jim Sheldon - W0EB|FS: WinKey2USB --SOLD|The Winkey2USB listed previously has been sold.
632|632|2006-09-25 22:57:24|Robert Chudek - KØRC|WinKey 2 FS| I listed my WinKey 2 version 10 (serial) keyer on eBay.
eBay ID: 250032332041
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
633|633|2006-09-26 12:01:53|sverre_holm|Non-English morse characters and Winkeyer|We are trying to use the Winkeyer in combination with the SD contest
program to support a national Norwegian CW test (Fylkestesten). In
that test 3 letter messages are exchanged that are abbreviations for
the regions of Norway. Several of them involve the letter Ø (ø), morse
code "---.", see also
http://www.qslnet.de/member/la3za/Morse/kode. html for the morse coding.
Also I notice that when I type ø into Winkeyer2, it just skips this
Are the tables of morse characters stored in the Winkeyer, or is it
the software on the PC that has that?
634|634|2006-09-26 12:06:42|aartw|Set PTT Lead/Tail and Sidetone|When setting PTT lead to 25 (so my mast-preamp has time to switch
over) the sidetone (on my rig) is also delayed.
That's a problem: I get out of balance and cannot make a proper qso!
Is the sidetone on the K1EL not delayed?
635|615|2006-09-26 15:41:46|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: Supported software list|Among contest programs, N1MM Logger (www.n1mm.com), Writelog
(www.writelog.com) and WinTest (www.win-test.com) all support
WinKey. N1MM Logger is freeware, the other two are commercial.
Among the day to day logging programs, DXLab Suite (www.DXLabSuite.com),
Logger32 (www.logger32.net), DX4Win (www.dx4win.com), and DXBase 2007
(www.dxbase.com) support Winkey. DXLab Suite and Logger32 are
freeware, the other two are commercial. There are several other
loggers that have some level of support for WinKey but these four
are the most popular and most full featured.
If you are into remote control, both TRX-Manager and Ham Radio Deluxe
also include WinKey support.
... Joe, W4TV
636|634|2006-09-26 15:45:47|selliot|Re: Set PTT Lead/Tail and Sidetone|Aart,
This is working as it should, by setting the lead in delay to 25 you
are telling WK that you want to initiate RX to TX changeover (assert
PTT) and then wait 25 milliseconds before transmitting. Sidetone will
not begin until the key output is asserted. This is exactly what you
would hear if you listened to your transceiver's sidetone. (or more
importantly what the listening station will hear) The solution could
be setting a non-zero value of tail delay to hold transmit asserted
while keying. Then you would only have a delay on the first dit or dah
of a sequence.
Let me know if you need more details on how to set this up.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "aartw"
637|633|2006-09-26 16:00:14|selliot|Re: Non-English morse characters and Winkeyer|Sverre,
I have covered this issue in previous posts...
Rather than try to build international keyboard support into WK,
which has limited code space, I decided to off load this to the
Windows host application.
In WK, any sequence of dits and dahs can be assigned as a custom
prosign which can then be assigned to a particular keystroke by the
If the Windows application is already supporting an international
character set then most of the work is done, all that needs to be
done is to translate the key to the prosign before sending it to WK.
If you want to pass this along to the application developer I can
assist them to implement this. It really is an easy thing to do.
638|638|2006-09-28 21:04:51|n2cq|WK2 USP Standalone mode problem|I recently purchased a completed WK2USP. Works fine with the K1EL
software utilities and also works fine on the N3FJP programs as well.
The part I am missing is when standalone commands are set and the P
command is given, when I open WK2 on the host and then close it, the
settings set up in standalone do not come back.
I am wondering what I am doing wrong. Anyone know?
73 de Ken N2CQ
639|639|2006-09-29 13:37:13|Dick Thompson|Need help with WINKEY2 & WriteLog| I just completed assembly of the WINKEYER2USB and it's a very nice unit. My goal was to have it work with N1MM to key my FT-857D in the upcoming CQWW CW in November from Costa Rica. Mission accomplished. When I try to get it to play in CW mode with WriteLog I keep getting an error that the Radio and this keyer cannot be on a com port. Since I have a Yaesu FTD-857D and a new laptop that has no serial or LPT ports, there seems to be a conflict. I am using a Belkin Serial to USB Adaptor for CAT control of the 857D. Now I want to have the Function keys key my transmitter from within WriteLog. My Belkin Serial to USB adaptor has setup a virtual COM Port 4. CAT control of the radio is working fine. The software that came with my WINKEY2 has setup the WINKEYER on virtual COM Port 5. Well, unlike N1MM, WriteLog only has 4 com ports. How do I get around this problem?
I'd appreciate any assistance that anyone can give me. I'm hoping that somebody on this reflector is running WL and a Yaesu FT-857D with a WINKEYER unit.
640|639|2006-09-29 15:15:50|selliot|Re: Need help with WINKEY2 & WriteLog|Dick,
It is easy to remap the USB com port assignment for Winkey, assuming
that you have an unused com1, 2, or 3. Here is the procedure:
Start Click on the Hardware Tab then Click on Device Manager
Double Click on Ports (COM & LPT)
Double Click USB Com Port 5 (this is the port assigned to WK, right?)
Then Select the Port Settings Tab
Then click on the Advanced pushbutton
In there you can change the port setting.
It may tell you that the port you want is aready assigned, but if
you know that it is not you can select it anyway. This is a bug in
Let us know if this helps you get going with WL.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "Dick Thompson"
unit. My goal was to have it work with N1MM to key my FT-857D in
the upcoming CQWW CW in November from Costa Rica. Mission
accomplished. When I try to get it to play in CW mode with WriteLog
I keep getting an error that the Radio and this keyer cannot be on a
com port. Since I have a Yaesu FTD-857D and a new laptop that has
no serial or LPT ports, there seems to be a conflict. I am using a
Belkin Serial to USB Adaptor for CAT control of the 857D. Now I
want to have the Function keys key my transmitter from within
WriteLog. My Belkin Serial to USB adaptor has setup a virtual COM
Port 4. CAT control of the radio is working fine. The software
that came with my WINKEY2 has setup the WINKEYER on virtual COM Port
5. Well, unlike N1MM, WriteLog only has 4 com ports. How do I get
around this problem?
that somebody on this reflector is running WL and a Yaesu FT-857D
with a WINKEYER unit.
641|638|2006-09-29 15:28:54|selliot|Re: WK2 USP Standalone mode problem|Ken,
Do you lose all settings or just some ? Double check the manual to
make sure you are entering the P command correctly.
After you close N3FJP does WKUSB respond to the message pushbuttons ?
Sounds like it might be stuck in host mode.
642|639|2006-09-29 15:41:33|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: Need help with WINKEY2 & WriteLog|Writelog has a procedure for remapping COM1-COM4 to other ports. For
each port you need to change make these changes in
1) find the [PORTS] section ...
2) to change COM1 to COM5 (example) add
If you wanted WriteLog to use COM3 - COM6, writelog.ini would look
like this (in part):
... Joe, W4TV
643|643|2006-10-09 10:34:25|Stephen Clark|K40 Question New to the List|Good afternoon,
My name is Steve Clark V73CS/N4TKP and I am located
in the Marshall Islands. I am getting ready to
purchase the K40 and because of my location I try to
order everything I need at one time. I was wondering
what cables do I need to complete the connection from
the K40 to the radio? Ie; I have a FT 897, 817 and
Elecraft K2. I am just trying to get an idea of what
I need to order. I plan on ordering the K40 with the
RTTY option. Any help would be appreciated.
Steve Clark
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644|644|2006-10-09 10:59:44|Dick Thompson|Fw: [PPDXG] The "hamband"|Hope you guys enjoy this one. I sure did.
645|645|2006-10-09 23:45:47|n6vl|Which keyer|Hi,
I am interested in getting into CW for the first time in my 31 year
ham career. While trying to get my code speed up, I realize there are
many bad fists out there. So I think I will not use the straight key
and stick with the paddles. I don't like the keyers built into today's
rigs. Many years ago I got accustomed to iambic mode A and find mode B
awkward. Rather than fight my mode A tendencies, I will embrace them.
I have the MFJ 422D and BY-1 combo. It is okay and I do send nice code
with it. But I like knowing the exacting wpm settings and other settings.
There are a couple choices:
The Winkeyer looks nice and a couple CW ops have recommended it to me.
I am not sure how well it operates without a PC in standalone mode.
For the time being, I will be using a PC to run notepad to type my
copy. I never could copy onto paper very well. As my speed progress, I
will want to copy in my head.
The K12 is appealing as I can go everywhere with it. It is certainly
the choice for portable operation. How loud is the mini speaker. I do
have a mild hearing loss, so it may not be loud enough. Also it looks
like at least one momentary push button switch is needed for operation
to go into command mode.
Thanks & 73,
Steve N6VL
646|645|2006-10-10 03:31:21|W2RU - Bud Hippisley|Which keyer|n6vl wrote:
Most of the keyers built into rigs these days are iambic of one mode or
the other. I don't much care for them, either.
I can use iambic keyers with single-lever paddles, but always have
trouble with certain characters -- and especially the numeral "2" --
when using a dual-lever paddle. Three years ago I put my various
dual-lever paddles on the shelf and started using a single-lever
Vibroplex so that my sending would improve.
Then along came the K1EL keyer with the Ultimatic mode. What a delight
to be able to send again on a dual-lever paddle!!!
It works "nice", too.
Get the WinKeyer2 USB (WK2USB) -- and put it in the battery-powered mode
with its internal jumper. It works like a champ! When you disconnect
from the PC it just keeps playing. The settings are non-volatile, too,
so even if your battery dies many months from now, all the settings are
retained. You can change the settings the hard way (by programming it
with the paddles) or the easy way (by plugging its USB connector into
your PC and running one of K1EL's utilities for it).
Normally, when I'm using my WK2USB, the only thing I change frequently
is the front-panel speed pot. Some things are meant to be run in analog
fashion, and CW keyer speed controls are right up there at the top of
the list. So I use the pot instead of the PC, although I certainly
could change speed with the PC if I chose to.
More power to you. I learned CW by copying with a pencil on paper, and
still can do that about as fast as I can copy with a manual typewriter
(or keyboard). Long ago I switched from pencil to ball-point pen to
improve visual contrast and to avoid slowdowns caused by broken pencil
Sorry, I don't know anything about the K12. The speaker on the WK2USB
is not super loud -- it's just about "right" for me, in my shack. I
don't worry about it too much because I turn the keyer sidetone off when
I'm actually keying the rig.
I'm sure others on here can advise you about the K12. All I know is
this -- I love my WK2USB keyers; CW with dual paddles has become fun
once again, thanks to K1EL and the Ultimatic mode.
Bud, W2RU
647|645|2006-10-10 15:34:27|Mark Brueggemann|Re: Which keyer|n6vl wrote:
I really like my K12. However, the audio is just a piezo squeaker. If
you adjust the sidetone to a lower pitch (like 600-700Hz) you're way
below the piezo's efficient point and the output is pretty low. Since
I wanted a 'big box' keyer for my station, I wanted a sidetone that had
authority. What I did was filter the square wave coming out of the PIC
and fed that into an LM386 audio PA. Between the nice audio waveshape,
PA and 4" speaker mounted in the top of the enclosure, it sounds really
nice. A front panel volume control adjusts from zero to full. There's
a picture of it in the kit photos section of the group site.
Mark K5LXP
Albuquerque, NM
648|648|2006-10-10 20:38:58|n6vl|Is WKUSB-KIT the right #? (was Which Keyer)|Thanks to everyone who answered my "Which Keyer" thread.
I did decide on the the WKUSB-KIT for $59.00. However the # on the
mail order form is WK2-KIT. W2RU called it the WinKeyer2 USB (WK2USB).
I based my choice mostly on his recommendation. So I hope I added the
right item to the shopping cart. Can I hear back from K1EL on this one
before the order ships?
I especially like the Ultimatic mode, though I don't know how it will
work for me in practice. I find it hard to press one paddle at a time.
Also I like the posting by Alan WB6ZQZ about the software with
keyboard copy capabilities. I do find keyboard copy (aka mill copy in
the old days) the best for me as typing is second nature. Later when I
get to head copy, I will look at the K12 for its portability. Even the
Winkeyer2 is semi-portable with its standalone mode.
Steve N6VL
649|648|2006-10-11 01:25:43|W2RU - Bud Hippisley|Re: Is WKUSB-KIT the right #? (was Which Keyer)|n6vl wrote:
You shouldn't have to press just one paddle at a time in the Ultimatic
mode. You should get used to a "squeeze" mode of operation. To send
the number "6", for instance, you first press on the dash paddle, then
any time after the first dash has started you press the dot paddle.
After one dash is sent, the keyer will see that the other paddle is also
being pressed, and will switch to dots for as long as you hold the dot
paddle down. During that period you can un-press the dash paddle at any
time. The result will be the sequence "dah-di-di-di-dt", or the number
"6". If you had done the same thing with an iambic keyer, you would get
"dad-dit-dah-dit-dah", etc. -- a meaningless character.
I don't know how much more portable one can get than a Winkeyer2. It's
a pretty small box. Biggest problem I see is that when you pack it,
don't let anything press on the pushbuttons or you'll be sending CW all
the time and you *will* run down the battery. If I were going portable
with my WinKeyer2USB a lot, I'd probably change the speed pot to include
an on/off switch in series with the internal battery.
Bud, W2RU
650|648|2006-10-11 13:57:51|Robert Chudek - KØRC|Re: Is WKUSB-KIT the right #? (was Which Keyer)| Bud,
Great suggestion regarding upgrading the speed pot to include a switch! Maybe Steve will pick up on this idea and find a suitable replacement control.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
651|648|2006-10-11 14:44:43|Hank Kohl|Re: Is WKUSB-KIT the right #? (was Which Keyer)|I have two WinKeyers, Ver 10. Stan, AC8W and I used them on our mini-DXpedition to the Isle of Man while we were in the UK. This was the first time Stan had used one and we now figure that they are about like an American Express card - "Never leave home without it!".
Great little keyer and it packs real well in the Pelican case with the K2/100 and it's accessories. The other two ops who were with us looked at them and and decided that they were the neatest keyers for portable operation.
Next thing to do is take a 9V battery and connect it to a DB-9 to power the keyer if something were to happen to the laptop .... or put a small voltage regulator in the DB-9 hood and connect it to the 12V power supply.
73 Hank K8DD
652|648|2006-10-12 02:14:06|hamfam6@comcast.net|Re: Is WKUSB-KIT the right #? (was Which Keyer)| There is no room for a pot mounted switch due to the battery holder. You could mount your own switch on the case and solder it to the 2 jumper pins (remove the jumper).
653|648|2006-10-12 06:40:41|W2RU - Bud Hippisley|Re: Is WKUSB-KIT the right #? (was Which Keyer)|hamfam6@... wrote:
I originally considered that, but such a toggle switch is susceptible to
being accidentally turned on if the keyer is packed with anything (such
as in a suitcase, surrounded by socks, shirts, etc.). That problem is
much less likely with a pot-mounted switch -- or perhaps even with some
other kind of panel-mounted switch, but I don't have enough component
catalog knowledge to know if such a panel-mounted switch exists.
And yes, to anticipate someone's response, it probably *is* possible to
accidentally turn on a pot-mounted switch but I'll bet the probability
is a lot lower than for a panel-mounted toggle switch. I don't doubt
someone will come up with a clever suggestion; apparently mine isn't
clever enough.... :-)
Bud, W2RU
654|648|2006-10-12 07:21:38|Joe-aa4nn|Re: Is WKUSB-KIT the right #? (was Which Keyer)| Don't put the battery inside. Instead, drill a hole
for a small power plug receptacle. Solder a
matching power plug to one of those 9vdc battery
clips. When you want to turn on the keyer, just
insert the power plug.
de Joe, aa4nn
655|648|2006-10-12 15:21:33|W2RU - Bud Hippisley|Re: Is WKUSB-KIT the right #? (was Which Keyer)| Joe-aa4nn wrote:
656|656|2006-10-22 15:23:05|morselll|winkey installation problems|hi all i have just received my winkey and i am trying to install it,
the problem is i connected the winkey before doing anything else,now
the winkey is not showing on my comport list and i cant find anyway of
getting the drivers into windows can anyone help me thanks in advance
657|657|2006-10-26 14:19:40|Doug Faunt|Larger LCD with K40?|Is it possible to use a larger LCD with the K40?
I've used the K40 keyer with my IC7000 to send RTTY,
using the built-in decoder for receiving.
But two short lines isn't really enough. 4x40 LCD's are sometimes
available relatively inexpensively. I'd like to use the K40 RTTY
board for decoding if I can use a larger display.
73, doug
658|658|2006-10-26 23:25:50|wa6mha_glen|My WinKey2 USB Power Switch|I added this VERY TINY 3/4"W x 1/8"H x 1/4"D slide switch to my
WinKey2 USB kit. The switch is actually a SPDT switch with one pole
cut short. It can easily be soldered to. The wire and female plug
that is part of the switch can be used to plug onto the male header
on the WK2. Just pop the switch out of its holder, cut off the male
plug, solder the needed wire to the unused switch pole. Next use the
plastic switch plate as a template and drill, file, and mount the
switch on the right side, front, of the box. Make sure you mount it
back from the front edge. The case bottom will have to clear the
switch assembly when you close the box up. Next, bend the header
contacts so they are horizontal towards the FRONT, or rear of the
case so that when the female switch plug is plugged onto the pins,
it all
clears the battery pack. I mounted my switch so that forward in for
battery use, back is for USB. It's small, and looks and works great!
No more unwanted CW when I transport the WK2,and the battery
is "inside" the box! Switching between battery or USB is a "snap".
The switch is part# 1570 from (
http://www.maxxprod.com/mpi/mpi- 4.html#1570).
Many hobby shops carry this product to power down the RC circuit on
R/C aircraft.
http://www.maxxprod.com/mpi/mpi-4_files/1570.jpg Glen
659|657|2006-10-26 23:31:39|selliot|Re: Larger LCD with K40?|Doug,
Sorry, but the character format is fixed at 16x2. The design started
out to support multiple formats but due to program memory
constraints I had to give that up.
660|660|2006-10-27 18:39:55|Bill P.|K40 CW Decoding onto the display|Sometimes my K40 decodes my manual key onto the display, I had no idea
it would do that but why doesn't it do that all the time?
Bill K6ACJ
661|661|2006-10-28 21:07:53|box16000|Ultimatic Mode|I have a question about the Ultimatic Mode...
What exactly is dit or dah priority?
Is it which will be sent first if there is a
tie when squeezing the paddles?
Many thanks.
662|661|2006-10-29 13:37:28|Erkki Heikkinen|Re: Ultimatic Mode|Bill,
As long as both paddle sides are pressed simultaneously, it will send
continuosly dits or dashes.
73 Erkki OH2BF
663|663|2006-10-29 13:37:28|Chris Day|(OT) Heathkit Micromatic power requirements|I know this is rather off topic, but perhaps someone here knows the
While cleaning out the garage, I can across my old Heathkit Micromatic
keyer. Unfortunately, neither its power supply nor its manual have
turned up, at least in this round. Does anybody know what the keyer
takes for input power? It has a seemingly standard coaxial power
connector, but no clue as to voltage, current or AC/DC. Thanks.
Chris - AE6VK
664|661|2006-10-29 14:00:56|Ken - N9VV|Re: Ultimatic Mode||
665|663|2006-10-29 14:10:59|selliot|Re: (OT) Heathkit Micromatic power requirements|Chris,
I have one of these stuffed away somewhere. The power input is unusual in that it has an
on board rectifier and regulator circuit. So it doesn't matter what the polarity is, you can
feed it AC (8-9VAC) or 11-15VDC. If you attach it to a DC supply, the rectifier will turn it
the right way and it'll work fine.
73 Steve
666|663|2006-10-29 14:11:16|Joe-aa4nn|Re: (OT) Heathkit Micromatic power requirements| Look inside at the type of voltage regulator,
that should tell the story. Chances are you
can put 12vdc on the power connector.
You will also answer your ac/dc question.
de Joe, aa4nn
667|661|2006-10-29 14:19:06|selliot|Re: Ultimatic Mode|Bill,
I won't go into a long detailed description of Ultimatic, W2RU posted that here on the list a
few months ago. The short answer is, in dit priority mode it wil send a continuous stream
of dits when both paddles are held, in dah priority mode it sends dahs. With neither
selected, when both paddles are held, it will send whatever paddle was pressed last.
668|661|2006-10-29 20:59:48|Box SisteenHundred|Re: Ultimatic Mode|Hi Erkki,
Thanks for replying.
I understand how Ultimatic keying works.
That it continuly sends the last paddle closed.
What I am confused by is the terms:
Dit and/or Dah Priority.
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669|669|2006-10-30 23:52:34|n6vl|Just built the WinKeyer2!|Hi,
I just finished the WinKeyer2, well sort of. This morning before work,
I got everything in the case. The pot is wired backwards and the red
button in the wrong place. I will take care of that when I get home
this evening. I meant to work on it over the whole weekend, but only
started on it last night. All in all, the kit went smoothly.
I do have some questions and observations:
1. I did not install the latest USB drivers. I noticed that the MixW
RigExpert, an external USB soundcard & interface for HF digital work,
uses the same drivers. So I did not upgrade the drivers. Glenn W3GWW,
who sells & supports the RigExpert, recommended the K1EL keyers when I
got the CW itch. Somewhere on Glenn's RigExpert Yahoo group, I heard
about newer drivers from Microsoft's online update site that are buggy
and should not be downloaded. When I get home this evening, I will
look up the version already installed and post it on here.
2. I am torn between Host & Standalone modes. This is primarily
because of the battery consumption. I can power the WinKeyer 2 just
fine with the USB port, but I don't want to be tied to USB cable for
power when I operate without the PC turned on. I could use battery
power for Host mode, but I read where the battery consumption is much
lower in Standalone mode. Somewhere on this group I have read
questions about this. Perhaps an added toggle switch to change between
the two power sources might work. But I am terrible with my hands and
would wreck the nice black case if I drilled a new hole.
3. I am new to CW though a ham for 30 plus years. I have heard some
ICOM rigs will truncate the first element when in semi-breakin mode or
all elements when in full breakin. I will be sending at a character
rate of 15 to 20 wpm for the foreseeable future. Can Host mode
recognize semi-breakin versus full breakin versus manual T/R. In
semi-breakin, only the first character sent after a sending pause
should need to be lengthened. The rigs in questions are 746PRO and a
756PRO II. I won't be using full-breakin for now. I have 3 different
programs that integrate with the K1EL keyers. Perhaps a semi-breakin
type compensation could be handled by third party software that
integrates with WinKeyer2. Of course this requires Host mode. Also I
do need to listen to my transmitted CW with a different receiver. This
might not even be an issue. The previous 756PRO II owner did have any
issues at 30 wpm.
Steve N6VL
670|670|2006-10-30 23:54:56|barry whittemore|2 radio issue.|I have been using the old winkey and recently upgraded to the winkey2. one
of the features that i wanted was the ability to hook to two radios.
my 2 radios are a Yaesu FT 1000 MP MKV Field and a Yaesu FT 847. I have
both hooked up but find the following anomalys.
1 The FT 1000 works fine both from the N1MM logger and the wktest.
in N1MM i cant seem to select second radio keying at all.
when using wktest i get this.
the FT847 acts as follows.
with PTT and Key connected to radio i get CW sidetone but no radio keying.
with only key connected i get radio keying with break in
with only ptt connected i get radio tx on but no cw keying.
this is via paddles or keyboard etc.
i have swapped cables so that is not the issue.
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671|671|2006-10-31 15:01:57|Santosh C G|K8 Source Code|Hi everyone.,
Can anyone help me with the hex code for K8 keyer (12C509 version). I downloaded the ".asm" file from k1el webpage and tried to assemble it the MPASM assembler, only to get some errors. Can someone mail me the hex file for the chip and the instructions on how to edit and burn it on the OTP?
Thanks in advance and seasons greeting,
73 es gl
-San (VU3GFF)
672|669|2006-10-31 15:05:00|Ken - N9VV|Re: computer or standalone mode...|Dear Steve, I always enjoy reading your posting.
I have the WinKeyUSB and use it in standalone mode. I powered with the
three little AAA batts and it has been playing with the original set for
over 5 months. I use the keyer with no sidetone (rig already has one)
and I guess the batteries will last a l-o-n-g time :-)
I have attached the keyer to the rig via a USB cable to upload the
current configuration into a "backup" file. That has been the only
reason to connect it to the PC at all.
I know there must be a lot of guys who use their PC keyboards and they
must sound really great.
Perhaps in the future Steve could figure out some way to bypass the
internal batteries if the USB cable is plugged it. Getting to the jumper
inside is a pain :-)
all the best with your new smooth as silk Keyer,
de ken n9vv
673|661|2006-11-01 03:01:58|Box SisteenHundred|Re: Ultimatic Mode|Hi Steve,
Thanks !
That's the answer I was looking for.
Am writing some microprocessor code for a Ultimatic Keyer.
I have use Ultimatic before, but did not know what was meant
by the terms Dit and Dah Priority.
The Ultimatic keyer I had used sent a continous stream of
the last paddle closed.
I saw you mentioned that someone helped you work the bugs
out of your Ultimatic algorithm.
I don't really see any "got-chas" in Ultimatic mode.
What am I missing?
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674|674|2006-11-01 03:04:51|n6vl|WinKeyer USB EEPROM does keep Standalone settings...|Hi,
Well I got to play with the WinKeyer last night for a spell. I been
able to use the P command to save to the EEPROM. But it does not
always hold. The C command for command speed does not stay saved.
Where is an example:
Each time I used WK2MGR to set the Standalone mode settings, I loose A
and M settings upon saving disconnecting the USB cable. I have to
issue the A command to mute the internal speaker and issue the M
command to key the rig. This happens each I use WK2MGR.
I need to collect more data about the settings lost. I tend to use
either mode A or U. Still have not decided on that. I don't think the
mode command has been lost.
So far I am impressed by the little gem. Even my clumsy fingers have
managed to assemble the kit without any major hitches, hi hi. I hope
to try writing my own software. Anything I write will require the
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.
I am off to work now. This should give some a chance to reply by
evening PT.
Steve N6VL
675|660|2006-11-01 03:08:12|selliot|Re: K40 CW Decoding onto the display|Bill,
When you have the display set to the transmit window it will show characters as they are
entered on the paddles. You select the active display port (transmit or receive) with the
TAB key.
676|661|2006-11-01 03:09:50|Erkki Heikkinen|Re: Ultimatic Mode|Bill,
I didn't make myself clear:
I am using dit priority and that means that as long as I press both
paddle sides, it is dits coming out. If you have dash priority, it will
be dashes instead.
When sending out my callsign I can press dashes for the first O letter,
keep a pause and then continue pressing BOTH dashes and dits and I get
letter H. This is important for me as I learned to use keyer in the
early sixties when they were made of double triode tubes... Never
learned to use iambic (except with single lever paddle).
73 Erkki OH2BF
677|669|2006-11-01 03:38:24|selliot|Re: Just built the WinKeyer2!|Steve, See inserts
678|674|2006-11-01 03:49:51|selliot|Re: WinKeyer USB EEPROM does keep Standalone settings...|Steve,
There is a minor problem with the P command in standalone mode. I thought I had fixed it
in version 20 but not so. I have fixed it in version 21 which is due out sometime soon
(please don't pester me about it, I have a bit more to do before I can release it)
In the meantime, use WK2MGR to set standalone settings and you will not encounter any
When version 21 is released it will be a free upgrade, just send your PIC in with a dollar to
cover postage and I'll reprogram it and return it.
679|670|2006-11-01 03:50:56|selliot|Re: 2 radio issue.|Barry,
I am a bit confused by your post, is the problem with the '847 only ? Sounds like you cn
key the FT1000 but not the 847 no matter what output port you connect it to. You really
only need to connect to the tranceiver's key input nd run it in break in mode.
680|680|2006-11-04 23:58:52|wa6mha_glen|My WinKey2 USB Power Switch-photos|I've submitted some photos of my switch mod that were asked for. I did
not post the cutting off of the extra male plug that comes with the
switch, or the soldering of the unused lead of the switch. If you
disassemble the switch that I've posted it should be obvious. Just
solder the unused switch contact to the wire that is not going to the
switch from the female connector after you cut off the male. When you
finish you should have the center wire on the female connector (red)
going to the center of the switch contacts, and the black and white
soldered to the outside contacts of the switch. White wire to one,
black to the other. Remember to check for metal filings and broken
wires before putting the batteries back in.
681|681|2006-11-05 16:49:02|Brett Owen Rees VK2TMG|question regarding Iambic memories|Hello all,
I have a K12 here that I built from a kit recently. I also have a MFJ-422B Bencher paddle/keyer combo that I bought on ebay. Now, both work ok but I find that the K12 seems to work differently with it's dit/dah memories - or maybe I have it set up incorrectly.
The difference I see is this - with the MFJ keyer if I hold down the dah paddle it sounds dahs, and if I tap the dit paddle it will insert a dit at the next opportunity. With the K12 it does the same - but I must hold down the dit paddle until the dit starts to sound otherwise the key press does not seem to register.
Is there a setting that will make the behaviour more like that of the MFJ?
73 es tnx de Brett VK2TMG
Brett Rees VK2TMG
http://lisp.homeunix.net |
682|682|2006-11-07 04:45:01|lacy_dino|WinKeyer USB and R1/R2|I have a question regarding the use of key1/key2 on WinKey USB. I
have an application, that I wrote, that uses the winkeydll (dated
5/7/2006 from my winkey usb cd) and everything worked as I expected,
except for changing between key1/key2.
I'm using wk_pincfg() to change between key1 and key2. The problem is
that after calling wk_pincfg() and changing from key1 to key2 or key2
to key1, the first cw element comes out on the previous key port and
then the remaining elements come out on the expected port.
* config set for output to key1
* Press F1 which uses wk_pincfg() to set key1, then
use wk_char() to have the keyer send "CQ SS K9TM SS", to key1.
* after that completes, some time later...
* Press F9 which first uses wk_pincfg() to change to key2, then
uses wk_char() to have the keyer send "CQ SS K9TM SS", to key2.
What I get is pressing F1 works as I would expect. The message is
sent on key1. When I press F9, the first element (the dah) of the "C"
is sent on key1 and then the rest is sent on key2. After sending on
key2, pressing F1 yields the same result as pressing F9. The first
element (the dah) of the "C" is sent on key2 and then the rest is sent
on key1.
As a work around, I added a wk_char(32) after doing the wk_pincfg()
and before the wk_char() to post the message and the problem was
resolved... most of the time.
Is there something I'm doing wrong? Does it take some period of time
for the wk_pincfg() to work?
Is there some other way to change the output between key1 and key2?
I was really looking for a buffered command to change between key1 and
key2 but didn't see any such command... so that is why I'm using the
wk_pincfg(). Not a big deal if I can figure out how to make it switch
Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong or what I'm missing?
Other than this, everything about the WinKey USB has worked as
expected. Having experience with the non USB version was probably a
help. A great product and a good value.
Tim K9TM
683|682|2006-11-07 18:12:02|Ken - N9VV|Re: WinKeyer USB and R1/R2|Steve (K1EL) has announced here, that he is working on the WinKeyUSB
PROM code. He acknowledged a bug related to the storage of parameters.
He will release new PIC code when he has it all set.
de ken n9vv
lacy_dino wrote:
684|682|2006-11-09 04:40:53|K9TM|Re: WinKeyer USB and R1/R2|Ken
Do you know that whatever Steve is working on addresses my question about
I'm a little confused as I believe that wktest uses winkeydll.dll. I guess
this as it is in the directory with the executable and if I rename it,
wktest doesn't run and says that the dll is missing. Without seeing the
source for wktest, it's hard to comment further.
Why that is important is that with wktest I can use the output cfg group and
change from key1 to key2 and back to key1 and I don't see the same issue
that I see from my code. Therefore, I'm guessing that there isn't a problem
with the micro. It would also seem to imply that there isn't a problem with
the dll. Perhaps there is an issue but wktest uses a workaround to mask the
issue? I don't mean to imply that is the case but it is in the solution set
at this point. If it is the case, no worries... I just want to know the
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong to get the result I'm getting and that is
why I posted the question. Maybe after doing a wk_pincfg() one is supposed
to call some other function (that I'm unaware of)?
I'm guessing by the lack of responses that no one else has any issue using
key1/key2 or no one else is trying to use key1/key2 or perhaps not many
people are writing their own code?
Based on what I know, I don't think the winkey micro is the problem and I
don't think the dll is the problem. I think there is likely something I'm
missing. I was looking for a little help to figure out what I'm missing.
73 Tim K9TM
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken - N9VV [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 8:48 AM
To: lacy_dino
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: [k1el_keyers] WinKeyer USB and R1/R2
Steve (K1EL) has announced here, that he is working on the WinKeyUSB
PROM code. He acknowledged a bug related to the storage of parameters.
He will release new PIC code when he has it all set.
de ken n9vv
lacy_dino wrote:
685|681|2006-11-09 15:47:51|selliot|Re: question regarding Iambic memories|Brett,
You can adjust the paddle sample time to get this to work a little
more like the MFJ but I don't think it's possible to exactly emulate
its dit insertion operation.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "Brett Owen Rees VK2TMG "
ok but I
memories - or
the dah
a dit at
hold down
press does
the MFJ?
686|682|2006-11-09 16:08:34|selliot|Re: WinKeyer USB and R1/R2|Tim,
I have not run into this behaviour before, I will have to go back
and look at the wktest code and see how I handle key port changes. I
don't remember doing anything special for it. Problem is I am very
overloaded right now and can't seem to finish the things I need to
get done let alone anything new :( I will try to look at this
The next release of WK2 only addresses a couple of minor issues:
1) Fixed the standalone save setting command P
2) Allow software control of the PTT output
3) Added buffered PTT on/off command
There are no other outstanding bugs/issues.
687|687|2006-11-09 22:15:54|Dell - W2DX|WinKeyer / K12 Leading Zero Serial Number Suppression| I currently use a K12. Looking at the Winkeyer2 standalone mode, it looks a lot like a K12. In either case, is there any way to suppress the sending of leading zeroes during /N Serial Number playing? If not, any chance this option could be added at a later release?
Thanks & 73,
Dell - W2DX
688|688|2006-11-11 02:27:17|tatanka01b|K40 LCD Display|Hi - new here. I've been looking at the K40 keyer and am wondering
what all the display shows. Does it give a constant speed (WPM)
reading? What else does it show?
Thanks & 73, Rob (KFØRT)
689|689|2006-11-14 04:55:10|k8eab67|Using a straight key with WinKeyer USB ...|Is there an easy way to add a straight key to my WinKeyer USB?
I can "splice-in" to the key ouput line, but I was hoping there's a
more elegant solution than that ...
Just finished my kit ... about 2 hours ... working well ... now to
figure out all the features and options ...
73, Weymouth Walker (Wey) ...
Metro Atlanta, GA
690|689|2006-11-14 15:06:05|Joe-aa4nn|Re: Using a straight key with WinKeyer USB ...| Just wire your straight key in parallel with the Winkey's
keyout line, that's about as elegant as it gets.
de Joe, aa4nn
691|689|2006-11-14 17:39:00|barry whittemore|Re: Using a straight key with WinKeyer USB ...||
692|692|2006-11-20 02:23:35|k1dwz|Need some help|I just built the K40. Everything is ok touching the leads together to
produce dots and dashes. I installed the rest of the components and am
at the keyboard interface test. I am using a keyboard with a PS/2 plug.
I apply power, the lights on the keyboard come on and go off----and
that is it. There is no sound from the keyer PIC, the NUMLOCK light
DOES NOT come on when that key is pressed. I re-checked the solder
joints on the entire board---re-heated some---still no more than
before. Anyone have a suggustion on what might be the matter ?
693|692|2006-11-20 13:32:28|selliot|Re: Need some help|Ken,
Do the paddle inputs still work?
Do you have a different keyboard you can try ? Although it's rare, there are some
keyboards from Dell, Compaq, and Gateway that will only work when attached to their
respective PCs.
Have you installed the 8 pin memory chip ? Any other components you have not put on the
board yet ?
Don't worry we'll get it going.
694|694|2006-11-21 15:29:01|W2RU - Bud Hippisley|WK2MGR crash|Over the weekend my son loaded an early version of MS Office 2007 on my
PC (WinXP Pro, all the updates). Last night I had occasion to use
WK2MGR for the first time since he did that, and the minute I clicked on
"Read WK" my PC went immediately to the "blue screen of death".
I rebooted and repeated the test enough times to confirm the sequence.
Then I took my PC back through Restore Points until the problem no
longer existed. No surprise -- when XP removed Office 2007, everything
returned to normal.
Assuming I "must have" both Office 2007 and WK2MGR on this PC, what's my
next move?
Tnx --
Bud, W2RU
695|695|2006-11-21 16:06:46|k1dwz|Still need some help|I have tried 3 different keyboards and still can get no farther with
the K40. All the conponents have been installed and the board tests ok
up to the keyboard test, then -----nothing. Is it possible a PIC is
defective ? What else can I do ? What alternative do I have other
than sending the whole thing (LCD--CASE) back ? Has anyone else had
this problem ? Is it still possible it could be the keyboard/ (After
trying three ?)
696|694|2006-11-21 16:12:52|selliot|Re: WK2MGR crash|Bud,
I have Office 2007 on my laptop and have not had any problems like you describe. So it is
in the "Microsoft black magic" domain.
On WK2MGR, what hapens when you click on TestWK ?
Does Winkeyer2 work ok ?
I wonder if the Office 2007 install corrupts the USB driver in someway ?
It might be worth trying reinstalling the FTDI driver after installing Office 2007.
Better yet, install the new driver that is available directly from FTDI (the USB inteface chip
http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm Use the version for Windows XP which is the second one down on the list.
Let me know what you find.
697|695|2006-11-21 16:31:40|selliot|Re: Still need some help|Ken,
I had sent you this email, did you go through the things I mentioned ?
---------------------copy of email--------------------------------------
It is something in the keyboard interface side. The fact that pressing the numlock key
does not register on the keyboard means the keyboard connection lines may have a short
or one may be open. You could follow the schematic and ohm out from the PIC to the
keyboard connector on the K40 PCB. Look at the console PIC circuit too, make sure you
have 5 volts on the PICs supply pins, and that the connection to the EEPROM is there.
Please check carefully, 95% of the stuff that gets returned has a missing solder joint, a
solder short, or a bent under IC socket pin.
The regulator can run on the warm side depending on how much current the keyboard
draws, older ones draw a lot more than new ones. With the keyboard disconnected the
regulator should not be warm at all.
------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
What brand keyboards are you trying with the K40 ?
Do you have an LCD display connected to the board ? If you do, a miswire there can
prevent the console PIC from running properly.
We will send you another Console PIC, but I still recommend carefully checking your work.
698|694|2006-11-21 18:55:58|Ken N9VV|Re: WK2MGR crash|Go to
http://www.openoffice.org/ and get OpenOffice FOR FREE and
throw away all your M$ Office applications!
de ken n9vv
W2RU - Bud Hippisley wrote:
699|699|2006-11-24 16:41:51|ve7gpz|can't key rig|Hi, I have an ICOM756 pro 111 and the K1el usb unit. The unit checks
out but will not key the rig. Does anyone have any tips?
I am using Ham Radio deluxe and can connect to the winkeyer with no
700|699|2006-11-24 16:56:18|Simon Brown|Re: can't key rig|In HRD Make sure you have pin 5 set to PTT (the Pin Config page of the F8
Then for Winkeyer2 select PTT enable, same page.
Simon Brown, HB9DRV
701|701|2006-11-26 02:19:02|504yahoo|help--winkey just squealing|Bought assembled winkey 2 usb in june.
Worked great 'til yesterday.
Now it just squeals.
Tried changing batteries.
No joy.
Any help?
Lex w5afw
702|701|2006-11-26 05:26:45|Ken N9VV|Re: help--winkey just squealing|Hummmm....
(1) disconnect all cables (key, PTT...)
(2) hold down the RED (command) Key until everything resets. This
takes about 15 seconds on my WK-USB.
(3) open it up and switch the jumper to USB power.
(4) plug in the USB cable and see if it behaves in any way
(5) send an email to Steve :-)
(6) Use the Three Envelope excuses:
(a) put a msg inside envelope #1 saying "it's not my fault,
it was left this way by the guy who had the keyer before I did"
(b) put a message inside envelope #2 saying "it's not my
fault, it was the way the Steve created it"
(c) put a message inside envelope #3 saying "fill out 3
envelopes" !! (hihihihihihihihi)
de ken n9vv
504yahoo wrote:
703|703|2006-11-27 05:49:46|Augusto Segato|I ask with what Hf transceiver I could use the K40 key with Keyboard|I ask with what inexpensive Cw hs transceiver i could use the cw keyboard
and If you have a representative in Argentine
Augusto Segato-LU2CAT
Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis!
¡Abrà tu cuenta ya! - http://correo.yahoo.com.ar
704|704|2006-11-28 16:03:49|bright235spark|WINKEY USB 2 Help please !|I would like to have the Winkey 2 as a morse teaching aid. I want to
program it in steps with the alphabet, say 5 letters at each message
location and play it continuously in a loop, in the stand alone mode
until I stop it. Listening to the side tone. Later when my speed is
higher, putting in the q code or call signs.
Can anyone tell me if this will work and is it easy to do ? Any advice
gratefully received.
705|704|2006-11-28 19:25:11|Richard Hill|Re: Morse teaching aid with K1EL keyer| Wishing time: the MRX morse training software lets you practice receiving and sending code. Receiving is standard, but this is the only software I found that will read your sending and grade your skill. The problem is that it runs on windoze and when windoze decides something it wants to do is more important, it stops listening to your sending.
I've wished that I could link my K1EL keyer to the MRX software for uninterrupted practice, but I'm not a programmer.
706|704|2006-11-28 20:07:07|Ken K3IU|Re: WINKEY USB 2 Help please !| Hi John:
Absolutely that will work and it is relatively easy to do. But first you must read the Operation Manual
You can program the 4 memory locations with the characters you want to sent and then add an imbedded command to either repeat itself or go to one of the other memories and send what is there, and then go on to the next one. The imbedded commands are shown in page 23 of the manual I'm looking at. Just below that table are examples of memory loads.
To make it even easier, you can use the software that came with the Winkey 2 to set up the memories. I would suggest the WK2MGR to load the memories.
Good luck and have fun!
Ken K3IU
707|704|2006-11-28 21:28:00|Ken N9VV|Re: Morse teaching aid with K1EL keyer|If you are using Windoze XP, you can select the PRIORITY for each
task. Simply use CTRL-ALT-DEL to bring up your process display.
RIGHT CLICK on the MRXmorse item and set it's priority to higher
than normal (or even real time if you are a daring sort of
fellow). Those of us using Software Defined Radio equipment have
discovered loads of things to improve performance of XP. For
example, turning off the INDEXING service! that sure helped my
system. Here are some other good tricks:
http://www.n9vv.com/XP-optimization.html GL de ken n9vv
Richard Hill wrote:
708|708|2006-11-29 06:12:53|k1dwz|Transceiver connection|Can someone point me in the right direction. After I commect the K40
to the transceiver, all I get is a series of dits (depending on which
key I hit)from the transceiver. The sidetone on the K40 sends the
proper letter. Where should I look to correct this? What would cause
this ?
709|709|2006-12-01 05:13:51|phriendly1|Windows 2000 installation|I'm either brain dead or missing something obvious. I can not get WK2
to work with my Windows 2000 computer. Do I need to set the port to
anything specific? 1200 8 no 2?
What exactly is the name of the driver that is supposed to be
installed? I assume it is the port.inf file...
A bit frustrated that I can't figure it out on my own... Any help?
Thank ye kindly!
710|710|2006-12-02 03:30:33|scottconcord03|use WinKey 1 with Touch Tapper key?|I use Winkey 1 for almost all my CW. Will the Touch Tapper key work
when plugged into the paddle jack of the Winkey 1?
http://www.cwtouchkeyer.com/ Thanks for your help.
711|710|2006-12-02 09:05:10|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: use WinKey 1 with Touch Tapper key?||
712|712|2006-12-02 15:37:39|k1dwz|K40 display|Just when I thought I was finishing up with the kit I now run into
another situation. I connected the display to the K40 PCB. The "R"
sounds and the backlight comes on, but nothing on the display. I re-
checked for proper connections, used an ohmmeter to check the
connections,re-heated some questionable joints, and still nothing on
the display. What should I look for now ?
713|703|2006-12-02 15:42:33|Augusto Segato|I ask with what Hf transceiver I could use the K40 key with Keyboard|I ask with what inexpensive Cw hs transceiver i could use the cw keyboard
and If you have a representative in Argentine
Augusto Segato-LU2CAT
Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis!
¡Abrà tu cuenta ya! - http://correo.yahoo.com.ar
714|714|2006-12-02 15:44:54|k1dwz|K40 display update|Found my error in getting the display to work. Sorry I was pre-mature
in asking for help.
715|715|2006-12-02 15:45:49|n6vl|Can't get Farnsworth to work with paddle input...|Hi,
I am trying to get Farnsworth working. For example I can set the
Farnsworth to 20 wpm and set WPM to 13. But I still can send at 20
wpm. I thought the above settings would send my keying at 13 wpm with
a 20 wpm character rate. These settings work if I type a message into
the buffer but not with the paddles.
I can get it to work with the paddles if I enable AutoSpace. But
AutoSpace causes a whole new set of problems. It is not as forgiving
in paddle stroke timing compared to AutoSpace disabled. I have to
anticipate the 13 wpm character spacing or I lose the paddles strokes.
AutoSpace does not appear to buffer the paddle strokes if sent too
I am missing something here.
Steve N6VL
716|703|2006-12-02 18:21:10|Ken N9VV|Re: I ask with what Hf transceiver I could use the K40 key with Key|Más estimado Augusto, usted puede utilizar algún modo digital
comunica para adaptar cualquier trasceiver. Usted no necesita un
K1EL más clave a menos que usted quiera también mandar por raquetas.
Vaya a su suministrador local del Jamón y compre un modo digital
comunica (RigBlaster, SL-1) o
http://home.att.net/%c3%9fn8st/DDI-index.html y el uso LIBERTAN
http://www.dxsoft.com/en/products/cwtype/ Bien? mejores Vacaciones Felices a usted y a su familia.
73 de los conocimientos n9vv
Augusto Segato wrote:
717|715|2006-12-02 18:26:09|Ken N9VV|Re: Can't get Farnsworth to work with paddle input...|Hi Steve, I am sure you will get a good educated answer to your
Farnsworth question - but I thought I would throw my 2 cents in
too. I *thought* that Farnsworth ONLY worked < 18WPM. I don't
think it is possible to type at 13wpm (or paddle at 13wpm) and
have it come screaming out at 20wpm :-) Maybe I mis-read your
example. To me, Farnsworth is paddling/typing into the keyer at
20wpm and having it spaced out at 13-18wpm. No?
--------------------- from winkey manual -----------
Farnsworth spacing is useful for CW practice because it encourages
you to learn characters by sound not individual dits and dahs. In
Winkeyer2, Farnsworth is implemented by sending letters at a fixed
rate of nn WPM regardless what the WPM sending rate is. Spacing
between characters is determined by the sending rate. When the WPM
rate is set above the Farnsworth WPM, Farnsworth is automatically
BK de ken n9vv
n6vl wrote:
718|715|2006-12-04 02:11:24|selliot|Re: Can't get Farnsworth to work with paddle input...|Steve,
Farnsworth spacing only applies to messages or keyboard entry if you type ahead.
When you use the paddles, you determine what the interletter spacing is. WK does not try
to determine when you want an interletter or interword space. The exception is running
with autospace, but as you have found it is not for everyone.
719|719|2006-12-09 04:19:58|Jeff Kohl|non iambic paddle|Is there a way to get the keyer to work with an old vibroplex paddle.
Not the iambic kind? can't always carry my bencher with me.
720|719|2006-12-09 06:28:57|Joe-aa4nn|Re: non iambic paddle| Hi Jeff,
The paddle mechanism doesn't have to be a dual lever one,
like the Bencher, single lever paddles work just as well with
the K1EL keyers.
de Joe, aa4nn
721|719|2006-12-09 08:48:03|Ken N9VV|Re: non iambic paddle|Hi Jeff, Not sure if I got your question. I use a WinKeyUSB with
several of my single lever (non IAMBIC) paddles because of
difficulty with my hands/wrists. Did you have a question about a
particular setting or entry of data to the keyers? They work just
fine with a single lever paddle :-)
BK de ken n9vv
Jeff Kohl wrote:
722|719|2006-12-09 08:48:06|Jeff Kohl|Re: non iambic paddle| Message wonder if there is a cabling problem. it works ok with the mfj keyer. I'd better look in that direction
723|719|2006-12-09 13:57:35|Joe-aa4nn|Re: non iambic paddle| Message Hi Jeff,
Yes, check your cable. Typically the wiring to a stereo plug from the paddle is:
Tip=dit, Ring=dash, barrel=common (ground)
gl & 73,
de Joe, aa4nn
724|724|2006-12-19 05:40:04|kc7fys|Jonathan 7j1awl Chiba, Japan|Hello Sir,
KC7FYS here, operating as 7J1AWL these days.
I posted this on a ham group, got a reply to contact you. If you have a moment, read on. I want to know if I can gear up, bone up, learn something or should just give up on this idea.
Posted by: "Mark Brueggemann" qrq_cw@... qrq_cw
Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:00 am (PST)
--- kc7fys <kc7fys@yahoo. com It is perfectly doable, and legal.
Simon Brown, the author of Ham Radio Deluxe has been working
on this capability for his software for the past year or so.
The capability of working voice modes over the internet has
been around for some time, but CW poses a challenge due to
the latency of the connection. For this reason, the CW needs
to be generated at the transceiver, not the client side of the
internet connection.
I believe Simon is now using a K1EL interface with his software
running in host mode, and I also believe he has a CW-capable
remote here in the U.S. that he uses himself. I would contact
him to find out the details of his setup, and whether or not
others have deployed remotes like his that you could connect
to and operate CW on the HF bands.
Mark K5LXP
Albuquerque, NM
Is there anything I should know? I operate 100W here, but into a fairly lousy windom out the window. Grandpa has a little double dipole on top of his garage, but he's too old to do much more than that.
Any hope?
VY 73,
Jonathan Haynes
725|724|2006-12-19 15:34:16|Ken N9VV|Re: Jonathan 7j1awl Chiba, Japan||
726|726|2006-12-19 23:06:44|Mark Hill|PC programmes for Win Keyer USB|Folks,
I have been searching around for programmes that will allow me to
send CW from a PC (with or without a Win Keyer USB attached).
I'm looking for something for sending only; with a few memories; type
ahead buffer; stand-alone operation, i.e. not integrated with a
contest or other logger etc. - something a little bit beyond the test
application that Steve, K1EL has himself released. Surprisingly, I
have drawn a blank to date.
So far, I have tried Ham Radio Deluxe (plus Win Keyer) and and old
copy of 'SD' contest logger under DOS (which does not need Win
Keyer). Someone suggested 'CWType' (apparently does not need Win
Keyer), which I have not yet tried.
Any ideas out there (apart from me learning Visual Basic, or some such!)?
Mark Hill - G4FPH
g4fph@... Current web pages at: www.g4fph.net
Old web pages at: www.qsl.net/g4fph
Dipoles resonant on 1942 / 3720 / 7085 kHz
Three element wire beam coming soon on 14180 kHz!
Remember - SIDE for HV safety:
S witch off
I solate
D ump
E arth
727|724|2006-12-19 23:10:02|Robert Chudek - KØRC|Re: Jonathan 7j1awl Chiba, Japan| Doesn't Skype and QSONET miss the point that Grandpa knows how to make contacts using his radio equipment, but using computers and the internet may defeat the goal? The "last mile" needs to be an RF link, in my opinion.
What you want to do is already being done on a limited base. I vaguely remember seeing an ad in QST during the past 6 months or so for some hardware. I can't recall the issue or the manufacturer. If you send a message to one of these fellows, they will be able to give you some real-world answers about what you want to do.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
728|726|2006-12-20 04:31:47|Robert Chudek - KØRC|Re: PC programmes for Win Keyer USB| Mark,
I was going to recommend trying CWType by DXSoft, but I see someone beat me to it. WinWarbler from the DXLab Suite is another option, although it has a depth of features beyond what I think you're looking for.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
729|729|2006-12-21 17:21:37|k8eab67|WinKeyer USB model "Hangs" on the L character ...|I have a fairly new WinKeyer (USB) ... I have recently become aware
that the keyer "hangs" when sending a second "L" (in the word Bill,
for instance) ... I thought it might be my GHD optical contact iambic
paddles, but a non-optical paddle (VibroPlex) gives the same result ...
Strangely, the first "L is completed OK, but the second and most
successive ones hang almost every time between the first DIT and the
first DAH, resulting in the Morse characters "E" and "D" rather than
"L" ...
This occurs with the IC-756 Pro III off, so its not an RF-induced
problem ... I power the WinKeyer from a USB port on my desktop CPU ...
I did not install the battery holder, so I don't know if this problem
is still there under stand-alone battery power or not ...
I admit to not having spent much time reading the user manual ... is
this a known problem, and if so, what's the fix?
Thanks to any and all who reply ...
Happy Holidays, Weymouth Walker (Wey) ...
Metro Atlanta, GA
730|729|2006-12-21 18:00:57|Ken K3IU|Re: WinKeyer USB model "Hangs" on the L character ...| Hi Wey:
I just tried the "double l" on my Winkey2 USB and it works fine on mine.
I don't recall anyone reporting this as a problem before.
Good luck & Happy Holidays!
Ken K3IU
Portsmouth, RI
731|729|2006-12-21 18:55:29|Ken K3IU|Re: WinKeyer USB model "Hangs" on the L character ...| Hi Bob:
Not that's something I don't recall reading in the manual !!! Good info to know. Thanks...
Beep.... Beep.... Beep... Battery low.
73, Ken K3IU
732|729|2006-12-21 19:03:09|Robert Chudek - KØRC|Re: WinKeyer USB model "Hangs" on the L character ...| Hello Wey,
I am another data point for you. I have the WinKey2 USB too and it does not exhibit the problem you describe. I have powered mine from both USB and battery without any issue.
FYI all users: When you are under battery control, and the batteries require a recharge, the keyer speaker (not the keyer CW output line) will begin to send "dits", about 1 per second. I have gone through this cycle twice. Recharging the 3 NiMH batteries returns the keyer to normal operation. I mention this only because the first time it happened, it took a minute or two for me to discover "what was beeping" in the shack!
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
733|729|2006-12-21 19:08:17|selliot|Re: WinKeyer USB model "Hangs" on the L character ...|My guess is that you have autospace enabled. It can feel like a hang
if you are not used to it.
734|729|2006-12-22 16:33:12|Weymouth Walker|Re: WinKeyer USB model "Hangs" on the L character ...| Disabling Autospace seems to have fixed the problem ...
Many thanks ...
Very 73, Wey ...
735|735|2006-12-26 23:13:31|markddavis50|Which FTDI driver for WKUSB on WinXP?|My wife got me a WKUSB keyer for Christmas. I built it late on
Christmas day, but when I put the "calling card" CD-ROM in the drive
tray of my desk-top computer, it got munched.
I wrote to K1EL, to get a download of the software (or another CD),
but there doesn't appear to be anyone answering e-mails today.
Can anyone in this group tell me which FTDI driver to use, in order to
check out the WKUSB with my Win-XP computer?
Mark --- AD7EF
736|735|2006-12-26 23:22:31|selliot|Re: Which FTDI driver for WKUSB on WinXP?|Mark,
The USB driver can be downloaded from:
http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm The second one down is the one for Win-XP.
Almost everything on the CD can be downloaded from the K1EL website except for the USB
driver. The CD is provided mostly for folks that don't have fast web access.
Back to time off mode...
737|737|2006-12-29 18:34:59|fromabq|WKUSB question|Hi,
I recently got a key that has paddles and straight key on the same
base. The base ties the grounds for the two keys together.
I'm using the WK USB keyer and have wired things so the straight key is
in parallel with the WKUSB KEY1 RCA jack and the paddle plugs into the
WKUSB J1 paddle input jack. Since the paddle and straight key grounds
are tied together by the key's base, this effectively ties together the
WKUSB J1 and KEY1 grounds.
Is there any problem with this? Seems to be working fine so far.
Mike - ke5akl
738|738|2007-01-01 00:09:44|k3lrwa3szx|Help with WINKEY and Ham Radio Deluxe|We would like to yalk to someone who has made WINKEY and HRD work via
Internet remote. QRZ?
Tim K3LR
739|739|2007-01-01 00:27:23|k3lrwa3szx|WinKey Help|This is as far as I get. I got further once, and was able to PING
the Server, but no further.
| Date/time | Mapping |
Log |
| 31-Dec-06 14:57:43.228 | | TX stream: connecting to k3lr.no-
ip.com port 7840 |
| 31-Dec-06 14:57:43.288 | | TX stream: connected to k3lr.no-
ip.com port 7840 |
| 31-Dec-06 14:57:44.330 | | TX stream: remote serial ports =
COM3 |
| 31-Dec-06 14:57:44.330 | | RX stream: connecting to k3lr.no-
ip.com port 7840 |
| 31-Dec-06 14:57:44.370 | | RX stream: connected to k3lr.no-
ip.com port 7840 |
| 31-Dec-06 14:57:44.720 | Error | Failed to read reply - Resource
temporarily unavailable. |
The HRD Serial Client seems to "lockup" at the point. I can close it
using TASK MANAGER, or it will close if I wait long enough.
Pertinent Information:
At the REMOTE SITE, WinKey is connected to COM3. When used AT the
Remote Site, and the CONNECT Button is pressed, WinKey works and
sends CW.
At my end, I have the N8VB Driver is installed and is shown as
working normally in DEVICE MANAGER.
I get the about display when I connect to k3lr.no-ip.com:7840. I
have defined the Serial Port Server to use Port 7840. Port 7840 is
forwarded at the Router. And Port
7840 is open at the Windows Firewall.
What I don't understand is:
1) How to set WinKey at the REMOTE Site. I don't think it's
connected to COM3 because when I'm on 80-RUN and want to use WinKey,
I have to purposefully press
a CONNECT Button. So when only the REMOTE SERVER is running,
it would seem to me that WinKey is not even connected
2) How to set WinKey at the LOCAL Site. Again, it's not
connected to anything either – and there is no WinKey Hardware at my
740|738|2007-01-01 00:47:21|Simon Brown|Re: Help with WINKEY and Ham Radio Deluxe|Me?
Simon Brown, HB9DRV
741|741|2007-01-01 00:52:31|bertn4cw|Paddle reverse memory|I just assembled my WinKeyer USB, and everything seems to be working
fine. It'll take a while to assimilate and use all the capabilities,
that I can (eventually) do.
However, one small problem: how do I get the keyer to remember the
swapped paddle command?
Here's what I did, and the results: I configured the keyer in USB mode
from the laptop -- paddles are reversed (my primary use for the paddle
is with other keyers, so it's wired to accomodate). So, I went to
standalone/battery mode, did a command "X", and that worked just fine.
Then, I went back to USB mode, invoked WinKey and lost the reversal.
There's no (apparent) setting in configuration pull-down's that'll
allow me to do that. So, just for laughs, I went back to standalone
mode and found that I'd lost the paddle reverse. Hmmm...
I want to be able to set paddle reverse ("exchange paddles") both
"online" and standalone. If it's possible, will someone direct me?
Bert N4CW
742|742|2007-01-02 16:40:33|bertn4cw|Paddle reverse memory (Part II)|I've solved half the problem; [thanks to Hank, K8DD] the standalone
setting is "saved" with the "P" command (which, by the way, does NOT
appear in the summary on page 17, nor on the last page -28- of the
WinKeyer 2 manual, but it does appear in the text on page 18).
The second half of the problem, which occurs when using host/USB mode,
has a solution, but I don't know how to implement it. All I need to do
is get into the Host Mode Command structure, and modify the Set
WinKeyer2 Mode byte so that bit 3 is flipped from its current mode. To
do that, I have to be able to read that byte first (it's nice to know
what is there before I change it...so I can change it back if it has
an adverse effect!!!).
This is turning out to be quite a time-consuming exercise. Some
additional inspirational help is needed.
Bert, N4CW
743|742|2007-01-02 16:53:23|selliot|Re: Paddle reverse memory (Part II)|Bert,
Sorry I did not reply sooner, I spent most of the last two weeks in
bed sick with flu and sinus infection.
I'll add the P command to the summary list. Sorry about that.
The best way to set up paddle swap up when using it with a host
application to let the application do the work for you. Run the
application, set the swap the way you want it in its configuration
dialog box, and then when you close the app it will save the
setting. When you start the app up the next time it will remember
the setting and restore it. That is the intent of the interface and
all developers have followed that proceedure. It would be too much
trouble to ask folks to manually set it up.
What host application are you running with ?
744|744|2007-01-03 02:28:09|bertn4cw|Re: Paddle Reverse Memory (Part II)|Thanks to Steve for pointing out the obvious: it's the application
that controls the bit setting for paddle reversal in host mode.
I proved this for myself by first bringing up WinKeyer2, then N1MM
Logger, and configuring WinKey in N1MM Logger. There it was, the
"Reverse Paddles" checkbox. Did, and done!
Then I went into Logger 32 and did the same. No sweat!
Now I can go and enjoy my new toy!!!
Bert N4CW
745|745|2007-01-04 21:09:38|bruceki7vr|Winkey & Logger 32|I have just built my Winkey V4 and it runs fine. I use it with Logger
32 and I send with the keyboard. My problem comes with logging from
the keyboard.
In L32 you can make a macro "$$log$" which logs the callsign entered
in the Oerator box. With software keying, that works just fine; when I
tried this macro with Winkey, it logged OK but the keyer sent "VU" .
How do I keep the Logger 32 macro, but stop the keyer from sending VU ?
Thanx for any help you can offer.
Bruce KI7VR
746|746|2007-01-04 21:18:31|Paul O'Kane|Mods to WinKeyer USB|I prefer to use switches, where possible, rather than
software commands - and I like to have the option of
standard and miniature paddle jacks. Here's what
I've added.
Back Panel: www.ei5di.com/sd/wkusb2.jpg
Top Left: A miniature mono jack for a footswitch
to force PTT1 on (switch the rig to transmit) - in
parallel with PTT1.
Top Right: Paddle Reverse - an ultra-miniature
double-pole double-throw toggle switch.
Bottom Left: 1/4 inch mono jack socket for a hand
key - in parallel with KEY1.
Bottom Right: 1/4 inch stereo jack socket for paddles
- in parallel with the miniature socket above.
Front Panel - 4 ultra-miniature toggle switches.
Top Left: Toggle the monitor On and Off.
Top Right: Disable (interrupt) PTT for Rig 1.
I like to play with the keyer without switching
the rig to transmit.
Bottom Left: Switch the rig to TX - in parallel
with the footswitch socket on the rear panel.
Bottom Right: Key down - useful when tuning.
There are only two connections from WinKeyer to the
rig, from PTT1 and KEY1 (I don't have a second rig).
Almost everything else connects to WinKeyer.
Finding space for everything was a bit of a problem.
I used ultra-flexible connecting wire to complete
the wiring and let me reassemble the two halves of
the case.
Paul EI5DI
747|745|2007-01-04 23:15:14|hank.k8dd|Re: Winkey & Logger 32|To the best of my knowledge, the WinKey (serial) is the only WinKeyer
supported by Logger32. WinKeyerUSB does work with Logger32 V 3.1.0
and CW Machine 3.1.0
There have been some betas for CW Machine that have improved
WinKeyerUSB operation, but (at least in my case) not completely so
If I remember right (I'm not in the shack at the moment) the command
to log the callsign that I have used is $logimmediate$
73 Hank K8DD
748|748|2007-01-08 06:46:12|Ken N9VV|K1EL WinKeyUSB-HV great with SDR-1000|Hi, this is just a note to say that I finished building my new
WinKeyUSB-HV in about 2 hrs last night. It was easy and fun to put
The "HV" version has two eight pin ICs that are micro-RELAYS instead of
the standard OptoIsolators. I needed the relay keying in order to
interface to my PC COM1 port.
I connected the WinKeyUSB-HV to my USB port for power, fired up WinKey2
Manager and everything worked like a charm.
Here is how I connected the keyer to my SDR-1000 setup:
Paddles work great when the SEMI-BREAKIN and IAMBIC boxes are checked in
the Console. My dit paddle goes to pin 6, dah paddle goes to pin 8 and
ground is pin 4. OP prefers coffee, Orange or Dr. Pepper.
[a note: Bill KD5TFD commented that he was using a USB -- adapter. Mine is made by Targus for about $24. It works great. So you
*CAN* use a USB to serial adapter if you want to]
My Keyer setup is:
The "trick" seems to be setting up the PowerSDR Console with these
SETTINGS -- Primary=COM1, Secondary=NONE, Iambic+monitor+HighRes all UNCHECKED,
delay=600ms. This seems to work real well.
I would think that a straight key or any switch closure would work the
same as above.
Here are the internal keyer settings (configured by paddle or WinKey2USB-HV:
PaddleDog = ON
Ratio = 53
Weight = 50
Comp = 0
LeadIn = 0
1stExt = 5
Sample = 45
Tail = 5
Farns = 0
Keyer Mode = Iambic B
Paddle Hang = 1.0 Word
Sidetone = off
Output Config Port1, ST OFF
I hope more guys give the external keyer a try. It gives very fine
grained control of so many useful parameters, and of course the K1EL
keyers interface to the most popular logging programs and digi
interfaces. The T/R time in the SDR-1000 has has vast improvements over
the past 6 months. It is very smooth and enjoyable to operate CW now.
72/73 de ken n9vv
749|749|2007-01-14 03:08:57|w6wy|stand alone problem winkeyer USB|Just finished my winkeyer USB. When plugged into the USB port all is
well. When I disconnect the USB and switch the jumper to the battery
position (stand alone mode), I can only send maybe 5-10 characters
then it goes into a "R" cycle, sending an "R" every time I enter a
character. If I hold down either paddle, it will send only R's.
Ever heard of this one??
Pete W6WY
750|750|2007-01-22 18:40:34|aa1ll|group newbie with K12 question|Hi, I just joined this group.
I just finished building a K12 keyer (with internal battery) and wired
up 3 memories (CMD/1, 2 AND 3). When you use an imbedded command to
jump to a different memory, can you jump back? For example, I stored
"CQ CQ CQ" in memory 2 and "AA1LL AA1LL AA1LL" in memory 3. Then I
stored " /2 /2 DE /3 K " im memory 1, expecting to get the a string of
6 CQs and 3 callsigns. This did not happen. All I got was 3 CQs. Is
the keyer broken or am I not understanding something? Do I need to
put another jump command into the message to which the overall message
jumped, in order to jump back? This used to (sort of) work on my K10+
keyer, i.e., I could imbed a string of CQs into a message.
Unfortunately I put that keyer on the roof of my /M unit, forgot, and
drove off.
Thanks for any help,
73, Paul, AA1LL
Mason, NH
http://www.qsl.net/aa1ll AA1LL@... |
751|751|2007-01-22 19:30:40|xe1ct|WinKey USB & Logger32|Hi, I just finished the WK-USB few days ago, I use Logger32 for every
day QSO'ing and N1MM for contesting.
When I use Logger32's macros it does not send them all, Logger32 sends
some words and then stop sending, I have to move the speed pot to have
all the macro be sent. If I use macros in N1MM works fine.
I have upgraded Looger32 and I used all current versions but it is the
same behavior. WK-USB works fine with it own software.
Any help will be very wellcome.
Sergio, xe1ct.
752|750|2007-01-22 19:43:37|selliot|Re: group newbie with K12 question|Paul,
Unfortunately the K12 doesn't support called messages, the /1 /2
etc. are jump commands, they transfer you to that message slot but
don't return. The K10 had a dedicated CQ string that you could imbed
in a message but that wasn't carried over to the K12. The main
reason is that the K12 has much more message memory than the K10 so
you can enter longer messages.
The big advantage that the K12 has over other keyers, and most folks
miss it, is that the memory slot sizes are not fixed. Message memory
is dynamically allocated to fit the size of the message. So you can
have one small message of say 5 letters and still have all the rest
of memory available for other slots. Other keyers have fixed slot
sizes so if a slot is 64 letters long and you only use 10 letters of
it, the remaining memory in that slot is taken out of service.
So the bottom line is: there is anough memory available so that you
really don't need the call function. You can just enter the entire
message in one slot and be done.
Hope this answered your question.
753|751|2007-01-22 19:45:00|selliot|Re: WinKey USB & Logger32|Sergio,
I am not that familiar with Logger32 myself, perhaps someone else in
the group can help out. I would recommend posting this question on the
ogger32 group as well.
754|751|2007-01-22 19:45:17|hank.k8dd|Re: WinKey USB & Logger3|That is the problem, and it is a known problem with Logger32 - Winkeyer (Serial) works fine, but Winkeyer USB does not.
I have been testing an updated version of CW Machine in Loggere32 from the author K4CY and it looks very good - worth the wait.
It will also support sending the Standalone memories from Logger32.
I would expect that it will be in the next Logger32 release.
73 Hank K8DD
755|755|2007-01-23 11:17:16|Barry|Paddle setpoint and paddledog|
I read the description of paddle setpoint in the manual and think I
understand how it functions. However, I don't really understand the
reason you would adjust it higher or lower than 50. Can someone
provide an example or two to clarify its usage?
Also, in the WK test bed, there is a function called "paddledog." I
couldn't find an explanation in the manual. Can someone explain its
function and usage?
Thanks and 73,
Barry K4CZ
756|756|2007-01-29 19:45:39|Ken N9VV|Re: PaddleDog|
From page 9 of the WinKey Operations manual:
"Winkeyer2 has a paddle watchdog counter that will disable the key
output after 128 consecutive dits or dahs. This is to guard against the
paddles being accidentally keyed continuously. By default the paddle
watchdog is on but it can be turned off by setting this mode bit."
de ken n9vv
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com wrote:
757|755|2007-01-29 20:57:10|gw0etf|Re: Paddle setpoint and paddledog|
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "Barry"
When I send the '0' of my call I can get ahead of myself and the last
dah can be missed. I see this as me releasing the paddle *before* the
software has 'forgotten' about the last element and begun to look for
the next - hence it never knows there should be another dah. So I
reduce the delay (to 45 I think..) and now WK is looking for the next
key press earlier and now catches the paddle contact in time and
before I've released it.
Hope I've explained myself ok - it definitely works!
73, Stewart Rolfe GW0ETF|
758|758|2007-01-30 00:54:46|shortlandmichael|WinkeyUSB|
I assembled my WinkeyUSB kit with no problem. The stand alone keyer
works fine: the best keyer I have ever used! However, I cannot open
wk2_setup.exe. The command freezes my laptop. What can be the
problem? I have Windows 98. Mike G0EFO
759|758|2007-01-30 01:31:10|Ken K3IU|Re: WinkeyUSB|
Hello Mike:
If you check the web page for the WinKey2 USB, you will find this statement...
" WKTEST and WK2MGR run under Windows98/Windows2000/WinXP
Winkeyer2 runs under Win2000 and WinXP only."
73, Ken K3IU
shortlandmichael wrote:
760|760|2007-01-30 17:13:13|georgekorper|RTTY setup|
I have finished building the RTTY filter and the receive works OK. On transmit, I have checked
on another decoder and that seems OK as well. The potentiometer was turned to just peak
my ALC. Being unfamiliar with RTTY I have noticed that the unit starts after insert, keys the
PTT and then I hear a carrier ( I was listening in LSB) when I transmit a letter or the diddle, the
mark and space keys work and the decoder reports an accurate letter. Should I be hearing
this carrier tone? In all other respects I am very happy with the K1EL keyer, and RTTY
package. It works well. I returned to MFJ a keyer with bad memories and was delighted to find
this superior unit!
761|760|2007-01-30 19:18:52|hamfam6@comcast.net|Re: RTTY setup|
In what way do you mean "bad memories"?
art, K1BX
762|762|2007-01-30 22:25:06|georgekorper|MFJ Memory Keyer|
Only the first three function keys worked. The other function key memmory slots were
corrupted. No amount of reboots would fix this problem, so I returned it for credit. I lost the
postage both ways! When you tried to store a message, it looked ok, but when you played
backed you just got a whole bunch of A's.
763|763|2007-01-31 14:23:51|georgekorper|RTTY|
Having reviewed at K1EL's suggestion my basic RTTY and taking a look at this fine
http://www.southgatearc.org/data/rtty/, I see my mistake. I do have a question as a
neophyte in this mode. Is it common practice to start with the Diddle on?
73, George
764|764|2007-01-31 14:50:17|Bart|K40 LCD connection|
I assembled a K40 and works fine, but after hooking up the LCD, the LCD
does not work... not a dot. Have checked soldering under magnifying
glass and do not see any shorts. any hints? particular connection to
look at? bad LCD?
765|764|2007-01-31 16:40:58|hamfam6@comcast.net|Re: K40 LCD connection|
The 10K pot controls intensity. It is a 10 turn pot, try each end of the pot, it takes a while to reach the end.
766|766|2007-01-31 20:10:03|Paul O'Kane|WinKeyer2 - Prosigns|
Page 16 of the Interface & Operation Manual shows the
"=" key mapped to BT -...-
I'm hearing BA -....-
Is this a bug, or is specific to my setup?
Paul EI5DI
767|766|2007-01-31 20:28:31|Paul O'Kane|Re: WinKeyer2 - Prosigns|
768|763|2007-02-01 04:40:20|Robert Chudek - K0RC|Re: RTTY|
Yes, diddle should always be turned on. This helps keep the receiving station decoder in synch with your transmitted signal, especially if you are working from the keyboard and are not a fast typist.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
769|769|2007-02-02 02:34:24|georgekorper|Rtty Working|
Thank you Bob, with diddle on I have worked quite a bit of DX and now seem to get the hang
of it. This has been a lot of fun. I was surprised at how well this little box works!
770|764|2007-02-04 04:37:41|Bart|Re: K40 LCD connection|
I have turned the pot slowly and well over 20 times. It does not seem
to have an definite end point. I did this while keying the unit,
incase I missed the correct point. Anyone know if there a test to
see if the LCD unit functions at all?
771|771|2007-02-05 22:15:13|lmecseri -KE1F|I am at the end of my rope, Please HELP.|
I had to re-format my HD.
I used my WinKeyer-USB with Logger32, N1MM and WIN-EQF.
I re-installed Logger32 and it is running OK in CW and RTTY etc. modes.
To improve CW timing I want to re-install my WinKeyer-USB and running
into trouble beyond my comprehension. (Also my XYL is ready to divorce
me because I spent so much time on it.)
Here is what I have:
I am using W95SE OS, ( I have accessories to be used for com1, com2 ports)
Device manager indicates that I have no Com 5 port with "Ports Com & LPT
Winkey Test bed:
Status closed. Clicking on "Open WK" result in "WK Fail to Open"
Winkey2 Stand Alone Editor:
Clicking on Test WK, result in WK Fail:WK 1 found
Other clue:
After running installation CD (without USB cable connected to computer)
and after connecting the USB cable I get a morse code return of "R".
I know K1EL's site say not to be used with W98 (when I purchased the
kit, site did not make that claim) and the dam thing worked great for me
before. The only thing did not work is the on screen help file. Now, the
WK2MGR operation help file works on my OS.
Lou KE1F
772|771|2007-02-05 23:12:55|Robert Chudek - K0RC|Re: I am at the end of my rope, Please HELP.|
Hello Lou,
I can't guarantee my suggestions will solve your problem, but here's a few things to try.
1) When you plug your USB cable in, the keyer says "R"... that's good. It's telling you it is receiving power from the USB port. You should be able to key it with an external paddle at this point.
2) Plug your keyer in and reinstall your USB driver. If the keyer is not plugged in, I doubt the computer will find any USB hardware to configure.
3) You mentioned you didn't see COM5 in the Control Panel. This is confirming #2 above.
4) When the USB drive does find the USB hardware, it may configure itself for a port other than COM5. If this happens, you must either reconfigure your applications to use the new COM number OR you can go back into Control Panel and force the new COM port to the number you want. Just select the USB/COM port that appears and drill down into the advanced features of the menus. One of them allows you to change the port number. You might have to reboot for it to "kick in".
Good luck.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
773|771|2007-02-05 23:16:31|Dave G3VGR|Re: I am at the end of my rope, Please HELP.|
Sounds like you don't have any usb/serial drivers installed. You can get
the win98 drivers from www.ftdi.com
73, Dave G3VGR
lmecseri -KE1F wrote:
774|771|2007-02-06 21:34:33|Ken N9VV|I am at the end of my rope, Please HELP.|
Win95 came out in June of 1994!! it is = 13 years old.
WinXP came out in June of 1999 and it is = 8 years old.
Vista came out last week.
I think you will have a much better relationship with the XYL if you
give up on your quest to support an insecure and terribly inefficient
O/S and get a new PC.
They are selling for < $400 at WalMart and for about $500 at the Dell
Outlet store.
(flame suit on) de ken n9vv
775|771|2007-02-06 22:23:15|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: I am at the end of my rope, Please HELP.|
Unfortunately, Vista is terribly flawed for older (anything not
specifically written for Vista and "blessed" by Micro$crew) software,
It includes a major change in support for hardware drivers and big
changes in Windows Sound System (sound card handling) support.
Even Apple is having trouble making iTunes work properly with Vista
and have recommended user *NOT* upgrade to Vista at the present time.
Given the software/operating system/driver issues that currently
exist, Windows XP is a far better choice if one is doing ANYTHING
except using Microsoft Internet Explorer, MS Office, Exchange and
other enterprise level products.
... Joe, W4TV
776|776|2007-02-14 05:37:22|n9dg|Winkeyer2 on COM12?|
Has anyone else had any success with running WinkeyerPC a COM port
that high? Is it possible?
Last night I assembled the WKUSB kit without any problems. I loaded
the USB driver with some fickleness but I did succeed. The USB driver
installed itself as COM12 (right where I expected that it would). I
plug the WKUSB in and it does communicate with the USB port. However
when I run WinkeyPC I can see the COM12 entry in the pick list and I
can select it. But when I try to use it by clicking on WK / WKopen
menu item (I get a "Comm Open Failed" message). Is the WinkeyerPC
code limited to COM ports less than 10 by chance?
Since I use all the ports below 11 for other things choosing a lower
COM port number is not an option.
WinkeyerPC Version 2.0 Built on Oct 2 2006.
Running on W2K Professional.
777|776|2007-02-14 15:39:41|Robert Chudek - K0RC|Re: Winkeyer2 on COM12?|
One troubleshooting step you can try is temporarily attach the WinKey USB to a low COM port number to see if it functions properly. The nifty thing about USB (at least on my XP systems) is I can swap the WinKey and an external USB drive and the OS swaps these devices 'on the fly'. I have used my WinKey up to virtual COM9 without a problem, although that doesn't answer your question.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
778|776|2007-02-14 15:46:23|n9dg|Re: Winkeyer2 on COM12?|
BTW I was able to set it up and get it working just fine on my XP
machine. It used COM 7. So I'm now pretty much convinced that this is
a software limitation of WinkeyerPC 2.0.
779|779|2007-02-16 00:04:43|k1pdy|homebrew application|
My home brew application sends character strings to the winkey2 for
transmission as CW... When I first tried it everything seemed OK but
now I found that certain things aren't sent correctly. If I send
"K1AAA de K1PDY" to the keyer it sends "1 de K1PDY" If I send "QRZ DE
K1PDY" it sends it correctly. If I send "321ABCD DE K1PDY" it is sent
correctly. Why do calls with embedded digits not come out right... I
have debugging information that says the correct thing is going to the
keyer... If I switch the application to my K2 and send the string to
the K2 for CW generation, it works correctly... I don't see a specific
command for sending text to the winkey so I assume anything not
recognized as a command code is treated as text and sent as CW.. What
am I missing?
780|780|2007-02-20 19:00:30|Puck|WinKeyer USB kit|
I built the kit yesterday. It's not as simple as the old Heathkits
mainly due to the size of the parts these days! Trying to read the
color codes from 1/8 watt resistors is no fun. A big magnifying
glass helped greatly, not only in identifying parts, but in allowing
me to see those tiny solder pads. The amazing thing is that it worked
the first time! I had a bit of trouble figuring out how to load the
drivers. The instructions on doing this leave a bit to be desired
but I got it done. My contest program and my general logging program
now send great CW instead of that funky stuff I was getting before.
The stand alone keyer is every bit as good as my Logikey K1 I've used
for years. I'm glad the WinKeyer has the auto character space
feature! I not sure the 5 hours I spent building this thing had
enough "fun" value for the $40 I saved by building the kit, but I'd
probably do it the same way again. If you build the kit make sure you
have good eyes and/or a big magnifying glass, steady hands, a nice
low wattage soldering iron, and some real small diameter solder!
Puck, W4PM
781|780|2007-02-20 19:25:57|W2RU - Bud Hippisley|Re: WinKeyer USB kit|
Puck wrote:
I, too, suffer from declining eyesight in my old age. Partly because of
that and partly because I was "burned" years ago with occasional batches
of vendors' resistors being mismarked, I never trust the markings on
resistors. Instead, I first sort them according to their markings, then
I measure each one with my VOM for confirmation.
It is unfortunate that as we age and our eyes get worse the parts and
circuits get smaller. On the other hand, it is because of that
miniaturization that I can still lift my equipment up onto my operating
desk by myself. I don't think I could do that with my old SX-101 or
HT-32 or....
I think K1EL's kit is just about the right mix of small parts and
circuit board lands versus average ham's workbench. I can still get in
there and make mods, if I need to -- something I also used to do with my
rigs, from tube equipment right on through the TS-940s I owned. But I
don't dare do it with today's HF rigs....
One of the nice things about hamming is you get to work with antennas.
Over the years, my antennas have gotten bigger, not smaller. So they're
still pretty easy to see.... :-)
Bud, W2RU
782|782|2007-02-21 15:22:57|w4my|Enjoyed the experience|
I got the WinkeyUSB kit the other day and and built, installed, and
used it in less than 6 hours. I guess my near in eyesight is staying
with me (I've always been able to read to the last chart in the color
blind test)
Great fun for a rainey, cold afternoon. The computer CW is now
perfect, and a nice stand alone keyeer to boot.
Question: What's with the 1/8" stereo jack for the key. Isn't every
other key jack on the planet 1/4"? I had to build an adaptor cable,
though you could probably buy an adaptor made up at Radio Shack.
Great product! Even the drivers were easy to install. 73 Marty / W4MY
783|783|2007-02-26 18:00:51|ny2h|K1EL Web page down|
Has anybody noticed that the www.k1el.com web page is down?
784|783|2007-02-27 04:59:33|Jim McDonald|Re: K1EL Web page down|
Working now.
Jim N7US
-----Original Message-----
Has anybody noticed that the www.k1el.com web page is down?
785|783|2007-03-01 04:27:02|Paul Mackanos|K1EL Web page down|
Just checked it at 9:37 EST and it’s up.
Paul K2DB
786|786|2007-03-01 04:27:11|Ross Biggar|Display doesn't work|
I am putting the CW keyboard kit together plus the display.
The kit has gone together well and passes all tests.
But I cannot get the display to work.
It appears to be wired up corectly, (checked 3 times so far) has
+5volt on the V pin and 3.7volts on the backlight. A pin
When swithching on I get the R from the speaker but nothing on the
screen, and it seems as though the backlight isn't working either.
Any ideas please.
787|787|2007-03-01 23:21:44|kenkaplanwb2art|Photos of WinKey2 USB and external switchbox|
Hi guys.
I put up 3 photos of my WinKeyUSB and an external switchbox for
accessing messages 1-6. It's under photos, WB2ART, and it works great!
Very convenient. 73 Ken WB2ART
788|788|2007-03-05 12:14:28|Dewey (Aden) Carver|Question about older K12|
Hi I have an older version of the K12 and I see that the newer version
is version "D". Mine is a version "A". What is the difference? Can I
get my older version "updated? If I can how much will it cost me to do
that. I just ordered one of the newer versions a few days ago and one
thing I noticed in the pictures is that apparantly R1 is not used any
more. Is R1 and the new chip the only modification?
Thanks ...Aden
789|788|2007-03-05 15:53:02|selliot|Re: Question about older K12|
This is from the K12 webpage:
Revision D now shipping which incorporates two fixes:
1) Mixed QRSS and normal keying now supported in messages.
2) Leading zero bug in serial number now fixed.
These are VERY minor bug fixes. I will upgrade you K12 for free if
you return it with $1 to cover return postage.
As far as R1 goes, if you read the K12 manual you'll find that R1
and C1 are optionally populated in the event you want to operate the
M12 in MCW mode.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "Dewey (Aden) Carver"
Can I
to do
790|790|2007-03-06 11:21:38|Dewey (Aden) Carver|Another quick question or two or three :-)|
Does the older (ver A) k12 have a NON VOLATILE EEPROM MEMORY? What is
MCW MODE? Can you explain serial number and what would I need it for?
Sorry if I seem stupid, I have been out of HAM for the last 22 yrs.
Thanks Steven...Aden
791|790|2007-03-06 23:39:21|selliot|Re: Another quick question or two or three :-)|
Yes, that is where messages are stored.
Example: You want to run Morse on 2M FM. You take the filtered
sidetone from the K12 and feed it into the mic input of your FM
transceiver which allows you to send CW over 2M FM. Can't say I have
ever done this or heard anyone doing it but it's something that has
been done.
Used in contests where the exchange includes a serial number that
increases incrementally with each station worked. The K12 can keep
track of and send the serial number for you. You embedd a serial
number command token in a message and each time the message plays the
serial number is played and then automatically incremented. There is
also a command that allows you to decrement the serial number in the
event you have to repeat or cancel the current serial number.
792|786|2007-03-06 23:45:30|selliot|Re: Display doesn't work|
I would skip the backlight until I got the character display to
work. The two should be unrelated but sometimes wiring can get
Looks like part of your post got chopped. I can't tell if you have
adjusted the bias pot so that you have zero volts on the display
bias pin. (I should just eliminate the pot and tell folks to put a
jumper in there instead, I'd save myself 80 cents and be done with
this issue once and for all) It's always set to zero.
Let me know whether you have got it to go yet. I didn't notice your
post until today.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "Ross Biggar"
793|793|2007-03-07 00:34:09|Dewey (Aden) Carver|THANKS|
Thanks Steve, for that info. You're the best! Aden
794|794|2007-03-07 04:08:52|Jeff Kinzli N6GQ|WinKey2 vs. MicroHam keyer?|
Hey folks, I'm looking for a new keyer, my old Kansas City Keyer is
getting tired :)
I'm not seeing what the difference is between the Microham keyer which
uses the K1EL chip, and the WinKey2, which is substantially cheaper.
From what I can see, the WinKey2 seems *more* feature rich than the
MicroHam, but perhaps I'm missing something.
My interest is a stand-alone keyer that could also be used with a PC
and a logger, with memories (for standalone), and full
configurability. Seems like the WinKey2 fits the bill.
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I figure there must be something
I'm missing for the price difference, but searching here I don't find
any comparisons. I imagine there is a niche for both, I just don't
know what it is yet.
I'm happy to build a kit (actually prefer it), also.
Jeff N6GQ
795|795|2007-03-07 17:16:59|Jeff Kinzli N6GQ|WK2, how to order?|
I am looking to order a WinKey2, but the K1EL website appears to only
have the regular WinKey...are they one and the same? Right under the
WinKey is the 14pin chip option, so it would seem that the WinKey is
the old model.
796|795|2007-03-07 19:20:20|Alan Sewell|Re: WK2, how to order?|
The WKUSB is the same as the WinKey2. The original WinKey is on down
the page.
Alan N5NA
http://www.tentecwiki.org Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
797|795|2007-03-07 19:52:07|Jeff Kinzli N6GQ|Re: WK2, how to order?|
Thanks for all the replies, order submitted for one WinKeyUSB with HV option.
Jeff N6GQ
798|597|2007-03-10 19:10:07|Dan|WinKeyer USB|
I just got finished assembling it, but when I plug it into the USB port
nothing happens.
I think the drivers are installed, but they don't show up in the device
manager list, or the installed program list.
Apparently Windows XP Pro. V 2002 SP2 doesn't see it.
73, Dan.
799|597|2007-03-11 00:01:32|Robert Chudek|Re: WinKeyer USB|
Two things I would check:
1) Does the keyer work on battery power? (Remember to move the power jumper to the battery position)
2) Do other USB devices work on the USB port you are trying?
When Winkey2 is working properly and plugged into a USB port, Windows should automatically assign a new virtual COM port, viewable under Program Manager - Computer Management - Ports.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
800|800|2007-03-11 02:05:13|qrp_ben|WINKEYER2 USB and WRITELOG|
I tested the drivers and the keyer with WK2MGR that comes on the CD.
Now I want to use the keyer with WRITELOG. Do I need the latest
WRITELOG or older revisions are also compatible? If yes, what is the
oldest WL, that works with WINKEYER2 ?
801|597|2007-03-11 18:30:17|Robert Carroll|WinKeyer USB With Vista|
I am edging towards a Vista changeover but want to make sure the virtual Comport driver used with Winkey USB is compatible with Vista . Can anyone confirm it does or doesn’t work?
Bob W2WG
From: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com [mailto:k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Robert Chudek
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 1:37 PM
To: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com; Dan
Subject: Re: [k1el_keyers] WinKeyer USB
Two things I would check:
1) Does the keyer work on battery power? (Remember to move the power jumper to the battery position)
2) Do other USB devices work on the USB port you are trying?
When Winkey2 is working properly and plugged into a USB port, Windows should automatically assign a new virtual COM port, viewable under Program Manager - Computer Management - Ports.
802|46|2007-03-11 22:15:49|Mark|K40 Question|
Good afternoon all,
I just put my K40 with Display and cabinet (no RTTY) together. I am
sure it is something I did wrong, but I am having some issues and
could use some help.
I performed the checks during the assembly phase and all went well.
Upon completion, the unit powers up and sends the "R".
The keyer works with paddles at a fixed speed of about 15-20 WPM. If
you adjust the encoder, the speed lowers turning in either direction.
Also, once the speed is lowered, it stays at the lower speed.
(Cycling the power puts you right back to the initial 15-20 WPM.
The keying circuit keys the rig just like it should.
The display has a small "y" in space 1 (no version info as described)
and a flashing cursor in the far right space.
Finally, the keyboard does not "send". I can get the NUM Lock light
to cycle off and on (as described in the manual). I have tried (3)
modern day keyboards with the same result.
What I have done:
Checked and "re-warmed" the solder joints
Double and double checked the wiring
Any help would be apprecaited. If desired, I can call you on the
phone to save typing...
Thank you,
803|800|2007-03-12 05:38:05|hank.k8dd|Re: WINKEYER2 USB and WRITELOG|
I think WriteLog has to be newere than 10.54 to support K1EL. I'm using
10.62 or newer and it does not seem to matter if I'm using a Winkeyer or a
If your WriteLog shows K1EL keyer in Setup | Ports - look in the CW Keyer
Type box - you should be good to go as long as your using COM1 - 4 (or
mapping a higher COM port to one of the first 4 COM ports).
73 Hank K8DD
804|804|2007-03-15 19:43:54|paullofish|WK2USB connection cable to the rig (icom ic-7000)|
I'm new to the list
I have just finish to build WK2USB Everythings work correctly. The only
bad thing is the connection with the rig
Anyone can help me with wiring diagram and rig setup for the connection
cable between WK2USB and Icom ic-7000?
I need 2 wiring cable or 3 wiring cable and how can I do to connect an
RCA output (Key 1) to a Stereo (or mono?) jack output?
I have tried some combination but the radio only send dot (instead
sidetone works perfectly).
Wat's the way I need to set the radio (now is on electric-keyer)
I appreciate very much any help
805|804|2007-03-16 17:19:27|ekees@charter.net|Re: WK2USB connection cable to the rig (icom ic-7000)|
If the IC-7000 is like most Rigs (common paddle & straight key jack) you can use an RCA/Mini stereo cable. It’s the same cable that IPODS, MP3 Players, etc use to connect to a home stereo. It breaks out the mini plug to left & right RCA plugs.
If I remember correctly the white RCA jack is the tip. This what I use for My K2 & Argonaut V. Check your manual for the pin out diagram for your rig. I’m sure this patch cable will do what you need.
Eric N7HWW
806|806|2007-03-16 17:19:35|paullofish|WK2USB connection cable to the rig (icom ic-7000) Problem solved|
Thanks to W8TK and K1BX
with 2 wired cable and ic-7000 manipolator set to stright now
everythings works correctly
Bie and thanks again
73 Paolo
807|807|2007-03-17 00:58:58|Peter Robinson|Importing to the UK|
Hi All
I am seriously contemplating the purchase of the Winkeyer USB unit and I would be grateful to learn from any UK Amateurs whether the kit or the assembled version has any bearing in terms of import duty.
Peter G0EYR
808|807|2007-03-17 01:29:53|Dave G3VGR|Re: Importing to the UK|
Normally, no duty is payable. I can't remember if Steve quotes Commodity
Code 851 79088 000 on the Customs Declaration on the package. This code
will exempt you from any Duty.
However, you will still be liable for VAT.
73, Dave G3VGR
Peter Robinson wrote:
809|807|2007-03-17 05:21:59|Paul Whatton|Re: Importing to the UK|
Hi Peter
I imported a Winkey USB kit about a month ago.
There was no import duty but Royal Mail collected the VAT due. On top of
that came their charge for collecting it. In total almost a tenner was
added to the US price.
But. Having said that, the Winkey USB is simply wonderful. So order it
and swallow the import charges. You won't regret it.
Paul G4DCV
Peter Robinson wrote:
810|807|2007-03-17 17:18:01|lmecseri -KE1F|Re: Importing to the UK|
What is a "a tenner"? I am an ignorant Floridian?
Lou KE1F
Paul Whatton wrote:
811|807|2007-03-17 20:28:44|WILLIS COOKE|Re: Importing to the UK|
I believe that would be a 10 pound bank note, about $18 US
----- Original Message ----
From: lmecseri -KE1F
Yahoo! Groups Links
<* to:
812|804|2007-03-18 14:12:04|ekees@charter.net|Re: WK2USB connection cable to the rig (icom ic-7000)|Paolo,
If the IC-7000 is like most Rigs (common paddle & straight key jack) you can use
an RCA/Mini stereo cable. It’s the same cable that IPODS, MP3 Players, etc use
to connect to a home stereo. It breaks out the mini plug to left & right RCA
If I remember correctly the white RCA jack is the tip. This what I use for My K2
& Argonaut V. Check your manual for the pin out diagram for your rig. I’m sure
this patch cable will do what you need.
Eric N7HWW
813|813|2007-03-18 14:24:24|selliot|WKUSB and Windows Vista|A number of folks have requested information about using WKUSB with
Windows Vista. I don't know where "WK friendly" software applications
are with Vista compatibility, so I am unable to address that. One
thing I can offer is that FTDI (WKUSB uses their USB interface IC)
has a version of their USB driver available for Vista at:
http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm I do not have Vista running here yet so I can't verify that it works
with WKUSB, but since it uses the virtual serial port driver (VCP) I
think it has a very good chance of working.
I will be looking at updating my applications for Vista and will post
status on that at a later time.
In the meantime, if there is anyone out there brave enough to run
Vista and try to run WKUSB with it, please post your findings to the
group. I have not heard many good things about running legacy Windows
apps under Vista so this may be a bumpy road for a while.
815|813|2007-03-19 23:04:03|Paul Whatton|Re: WKUSB and Windows Vista|Some good news Steve, Winkey USB works with Vista Home Premium!
The key was, as you suggested in the email you sent me, downloading the
Vista driver, doing a proper uninstall of the XP driver I had first
tried and then a clean re-install
It is early days so I can't promise that I have checked it to be bug
free but the logger I use, SD, runs under Vista and keys the rig from
its computer memories fine.
Winkeyer 2 behaves strangely though. It loads but doesn't key the rig.
Then when I quit with a WKClose it sends the second half of whatever is
in the memory window!
More as I experiment further. Many thanks for the help and support.
Paul G4DCV
selliot wrote:
816|816|2007-03-23 22:53:34|ve3wdm|Winkeyer usb hookup|Hi all,
Well the Winkeyer USB just arrived the other day and well I was
wanting some input on how to get it up and running. I have installed
the usb drivers ok. I have the FT-1000mp and am using N1MM. So far I
can't get the it to work as a stand alone keyer. Is there a cable
hookup that has to go from the Key 1 port and PTT port to the rig ??
Also regarding N1MM I am having no luck there either getting the keyer
to work. Any help would be great.
Thanks for your time
817|816|2007-03-24 04:15:48|W2RU - Bud Hippisley|Re: Winkeyer usb hookup|ve3wdm wrote:
What do you mean by "standalone"? If you removed the USB cable from the
keyer, did you move the internal jumper over to the battery power position?
Bud, W2RU
818|816|2007-03-24 05:16:40|hank.k8dd|Re: Winkeyer usb hookup|On 3/23/07, ve3wdm <
no_reply@yahoogroups.com I have both Key 1 and Key 2 paralleled going to the radio. Haven't used PTT
so far.
That way it doesn't matter if the WinkeyerUSB thinks it's radio 1 or radio 2, it
will still key the radio - I do my radio switching with an external
relay box that
switches the Keying line and Amp keying when the program switches radios.
73 Hank K8DD
'Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their
level then beat you with experience.' -anon
819|816|2007-03-24 16:51:41|selliot|Re: Winkeyer usb hookup|Mike,
To use WKUSB in standalone mode all you need to do is:
1) Install a set of 3 AAA batteries
2) Make sure the power jumper is set so that it connects B and C
3) Connect a set of paddles to the paddle input
4) Connect a keying lead from WKUSB (Key output) to your transceiver
keying input. (You will have to disable the transceiver's internal
When you press the paddles you should hear sidetone from WKUSB and the
transceiver should key.
If the transceiver doesn't key try the other WKUSB key output or enter
the output toggle command which is O.
As far as running it with N1MM, did you install the USB driver per the
readme pdf file on the CDROM ? That is really the only extra thing you
need to do.
In N1MM find the Winkey control dialog box and from there you can set
it up the way you want.
Let me know if you are still stuck.
820|820|2007-04-01 01:15:34|worsr|LED light on|I just completed the K40 keyer with the RTTY filter board. Everything
works OK. The only problem is that the farthest right LED remains on
all the time. I've resoldered the LED's but maybe there is something
else I could look at. Any ideas??
--Mike, W0RSR
821|820|2007-04-03 20:45:13|selliot|Re: LED light on|Mike,
My guess is that there is a solder short on the LED control line at
the LEDPWM PIC (the 8 pin DIP PIC) That would explain why it is
always on.
822|822|2007-04-09 16:56:01|Bill|Serial WinKey|Hi All
I have the serial Winkey with the ver 10 chip kit I built a couple of
weeks ago (every bit of 15-20 min work), it works great and I really
love it, only one small glitch, for some reason the Winkey Test Bed
software says it cannot connect to the winkey, I can use all the
others, Q and D, Winkeyer 2, C-Typer, all of them work fine, the others
with apps like N1MM and Winlog32 all work perfect, just that one app
will not work with mine. No big deal, but I would love to know why it
won't work on that one app.
Anyone else experience this?
I love my winkey, should have bought this thing years ago, now I am
just waiting for a CW contest :-)
Also anyone come up with any creative enclosures for this little board?
Mine is laying on top of a plastic PC speaker, and I have no RF
problems even at legal limit but I would like to put it in something.
Bill K4FX
823|822|2007-04-09 17:09:17|Joe-aa4nn|Re: Serial WinKey| Go to the yahoo group and look at the
"photos" posted there.
de Joe, aa4nn
824|822|2007-04-09 18:38:28|selliot|Re: Serial WinKey|Are you using the WKTEST version that came on the CDROM ? I am
trying to determine whether it's the one on the website or CRDOM is
the one with problems.
825|825|2007-04-10 02:44:53|w8erd|COM Port Assignment|I just received a new wired Winkeyer USB.
I installed the drivers as specified.
It assigned COM14 to the Winkeyer (It did not ask me what port I
wanted to use.) I have ports 10,11,12 available.
WK2MGR and WKtest only allow up to COM12.
When win-eqf starts, it gives the error:
error (-4) opening com14 port for winkey
Need advice for both problems.
826|825|2007-04-10 06:20:35|Tony Morgan|Re: COM Port Assignment| Bob,
Try re-assigning com port 12 to number 14 in Windows.
827|827|2007-04-10 14:05:31|reillyjf|WKUSB PTT|Just ordered a WKUSB -- what are the PTT1 and PTT2 outputs for?
- 73, John, WØJFR
828|825|2007-04-10 14:48:48|Robert Chudek|Re: COM Port Assignment| Bob,
Assuming you are running Windows XP...
Right click the "My Computer" desktop icon.
Select "Manage" from the menu.
Select "Device Manager" in the left panel.
Click the "+" symbol of the "Ports (COM & LPT) in the right panel.
Double click the COM14 port.
Select the "Port Settings" tab.
Click the "Advanced" button.
In the new "Advanced Settings for COM14" window, choose the COM Port Number you want (10, 11, or 12).
Select "OK" on all the windows to back-track out of this setup.
Your WinKey will now be assigned to the Port Number you decided instead of what the computer decided.
This should also cure the "error (-4)" message as well.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
829|825|2007-04-10 20:08:14|Duane - N9DG|COM Port Assignment|FWIW I could never get anything to work above COM 10 either,
- see posting 776. This was with the WKUSB version as well.
port I
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830|827|2007-04-11 18:07:11|selliot|Re: WKUSB PTT|Push To Talk
Optional control for switching an antenna relay, linear amp, or
similar device.
831|831|2007-04-14 15:46:29|k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com|New file uploaded to k1el_keyers |Hello,
This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k1el_keyers
File : /PortReMap.pdf
Uploaded by : selliot <
k1el@... Description : Procedure for remapping WKUSB COM Port
You can access this file at the URL:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/k1el_keyers/files/PortReMap.pdf To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:
http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/groups/files Regards,
selliot <
832|832|2007-04-15 14:40:32|jtgiroux|K40 question - R6|
I recently bought the K40 kit. The instructions state that
potentiometer R6 is optional, and state to use a jumper across two of
the holes, however the kit I received included R6. I also bought the
LCD, and I saw a message stating that R6 adjusts the display contrast.
So am I to assume that I install the pot rather than the jumper at R6?
833|813|2007-04-21 21:04:00|lx1no|Re: WKUSB and Windows Vista|
Got a new Toshiba U200 last week, originally with XP Home. I
formatted the HD and ran the Vista Ultimate SB DVD. So far, not any
problem with my setup. This morning, I installed the driver for the
WK2USB, grapped my SOTA equipment and did 4 summits. It worked just
like it should, no problem. Well, there's one, WK2USB seems to be
very sensitive to HF. In the shack at one moment and during the
activity, it quit working. This has nothing to do with Vista,
obviously. The same happens with XP. Luckily, I had my ETM keyer with
me. I also miss a switch to switch off the WK2USB. If lying on the
wrong side, it won't stop keying the contents of the buffers. Quite
usefull to drain the batteries. Looks like I have to add a small
switch, like the ETM got one. It's ok if you have it sitting on your
desk but very annoying when travelling. I'm looking forward to a
RIGtalk-type WK(3)USB which would be all I need.
73 Norby
834|834|2007-04-22 15:34:15|wd9dui6|K12|
ok now that I have one what kind of box is everyone using? I did not
see any pictures of a K12 in a box. What kind of push buttons are you
all useing?
835|834|2007-04-23 04:49:37|Mark Brueggemann|Re: K12|
Posted by: "wd9dui6"
wd9dui@... wd9dui6
Check the group's photo section. A number of builders'
creations there.
Mark K5LXP
Albuquerque, NM
836|836|2007-04-23 22:36:31|Scott Stembaugh|first real use of k1el keyer|
Last weekend was my first heavy use of my keyer. I have the serial port version and was running it thru a usb/serial convertor. At times the paddles would be come sporadically unresponsive and then lose reponse completely. And then they would come back to life. Computer keying was not affected. Any ideas where I should look?
Software - WriteLog
OS - WinXP
Computer - plenty of horsepower and 512M ram.
radio - Yaesu ft-900.
--scott N9LJX
837|837|2007-04-24 01:04:35|Goran Thisell|Whats the upper row for?|
My pc installed Ver 2.1 of Winkeyer2.
See no use of the upper row - what is it for? No response.
Also it seem like a simulated kayboard should be there...?
No sign of it.
Can send from my keyboard though..
839|839|2007-05-03 02:38:30|Ed Culbertson|k40 w/wo ritty|
Do you lose the normal cw only functionality when you add th rtty
board to the k40? I mostly want to do cw, but would possibly later add
the rtty function board IF I don't loose the keyboard cw capability.
Webpage doesn't clairify that for me enough. I see it as changing the
k40 to a rtty okay, but not sure you can anylonger use it for cw.
First, get my general out of the way.
840|840|2007-05-04 02:15:52|wb6cyk|Re: Winkey USB Initial CK OK. How do you install software on WIN98|
I just completed assembly of my Winkey USB and installing the Win98
driver on my laptop. For the life of me I can't figure out how to
load the application software from the CD since I cannot find a setup
file for my windows 98 operating system.
841|840|2007-05-04 14:56:15|selliot|Re: Winkey USB Initial CK OK. How do you install software on WIN98|
All you need to install is the USB driver for Win98 which is on the CD.
You can also download the driver directly from the FTDI site at:
http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP/Win98/R10906.zip There is a readme pdf file on the CD that describes the steps required
to install the USB driver.
842|839|2007-05-04 14:56:37|selliot|Re: k40 w/wo ritty|
The addition of the RTTY board does not affect the CW functionality of
the K40.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "Ed Culbertson"
843|843|2007-05-04 17:38:57|Ed Culbertson|rtty board and k40|
My question has been answered, thanks to all that replied.
Never been a 'speed demon' muscle wise, so I think a keyboard may at
least initially be the way to send cw while trying to make the paddles
sound something like cw.
844|844|2007-05-09 16:32:02|Douglas Maxwell|WinKey USB applications port 11 not working|
Hi all,
just finished assembly of my new winkey usb. Took me 3 hours in all
with no problems.
When plugged into my computer for the first time Windows 2000 assigned
the winkey to port 11. I started up the supplied applications to test
and setup the winkey but could not establish comms. In desperation I
tried WinTest which to my surprise worked fine. I then forced the port
number to port 4 and the supplied applications started working! It
would seem there is a small problem to be addressed by whoever wrote
wktest and wk2mgr.
On the build quality side, I just couldn't believe it when I brought
the case together and everything just fitted perfectly. Superb!
I'm a very happy customer, thanks!
845|845|2007-05-16 15:16:10|N0CO|USB com port 11 WinKeyerPC v2.1|
I found some threads that talk about a problem with WinkeyerPC using
com ports about 10,,,seems to be still true,,,my keyer works fine with
my logging program but not winkeyerPC,,,,I'm using com port 11. Is
re-assigning ports the answer for now??
846|845|2007-05-16 15:46:44|selliot|Re: USB com port 11 WinKeyerPC v2.1|
I will fix the com port problem ASAP and post a new version on the
K1EL website. I'll post a message here when it's ready.
847|847|2007-05-18 04:02:01|Tom Brown|Winkey|
A couple of years ago or a little less I purchased a winkey kit with
enclosure, assembled it and then did nothing with it due to sudden
illnesses. Now I have dug it out and want to use it. It works fine
with my logging program (Win-Eqf) but can not find any software that
probably came with it. Will someone please let me know where I can
get some software or whatever I need. I guess I am looking for a way
to load preset messages to use with it. Any help appreciated. TIA Tom
848|848|2007-05-18 04:07:19|selliot|Updated Winkeyer2 Application|
Version 2.2 of Winkeyer2 app is now available for download from:
http://www.k1el.com/wk2info.html This version allows com port selection up to COM14
I am working on the WK2MGR app now, hopefully it'll be complete by
849|848|2007-05-18 17:58:14|selliot|Re: Updated Winkeyer2 Application --- PROBLEM !|
As has been pointed out by many, I did not build the setup file
correctly and included the wrong version. I will rebuild it tonight
and repost it.
Ahh, the joy of software.....
850|848|2007-05-19 00:58:01|selliot|Re: Updated Winkey Application|
Hello Again,
New versions of Winkeyer2 and WK2MGR have been posted on the K1EL
website in:
Both of these apps now support COM port assignments up to COM14
851|851|2007-05-19 15:15:14|N0CO|Power Switch may not be needed|
1st I just tried the new version of Winkeyer2 and Mgr and they work
fine now above port 10.
For those that use an external USB hub that is powered by a
transformer, my hub supply's power to the keyer even when the computer
is turned off. So, it's easy for me to use the keyer stand-alone with
out any switch to battery.
852|847|2007-05-28 13:49:17|Bill|Re: Winkey|
Hi Tom
You can get all of them off Steve's site. www.k1el.com
I just worked my first CW contest with my recently purchased Winkey,
WOW, man I never knew CW contesting could be so much fun! I love it,
you do any contesting download N1MM contest logger, it works great
the Winkey. BTW mine is the serial model. At only 28 bucks, it paid
itself with the ease of sending it gave me in this weekends
contest! :-)
In 48 hours she never hiccuped a single time, solid as a rock!
Bill -K4FX-
853|853|2007-05-28 13:54:17|bumbeeron|Is the K40 w/RTTY board capable of reading CW from the Receiver?|
Will the K40 with or without the RTTY board capable of reading
incoming CW signals or just the keying in of cw and the sending?
I see no indications that it is a reader also.
854|854|2007-05-28 19:04:56|aartw|no output on ports|
I have the winkey usb. Yesting in stand-alone mode.
I do not get any signal on key1 port or key2 port
although the sidetone is there.
(I measure the resistance between inside and outside, no change during
I read the manual and found something about command mode
but how to leave the command mode?
Important Note ! When in command mode, transmitter keying is disabled
and replies are sent in sidetone only.
Thus in order to use command mode you must have a sidetone speaker of
some sort. If sidetone had been
disabled with the A command it will be re-enabled automatically when
entering command mode.
855|855|2007-05-29 02:17:22|dl1akp|how much letters per pushbutton...?|
Hello folks,
I am new in this forum and new with winkeyer.
I couldn't find an information how much letters I can store in each of
the 6 possible message memories ( 6 push buttons possible).
Can tell me anyone that?
Thanks in advance,
Andy, DL1AKP
856|856|2007-05-30 15:51:06|n6vl|Add HV option to WinKeyer USB???|
I have the WinKeyer USB. But I can't use it with my FlexRadio SDR-1000.
It uses a COM port to read the input for paddles or a straight key. I
tried hooking the WinKeyer output to the COM1, but it doesn't work. I
can get a straight key to work just fine.
Ken, N9VV, has successfully done this with the HV option. He has posted
to this group back in January. I did not have the SDR-1000 in mind when
I bought the WinKeyer and did not think it would have needed the HV
option anyway.
Can the HV option be added after the fact? Is the HV option necessary?
Steve N6VL
857|857|2007-05-30 15:52:21|Robert|K40 interfaced to TS-2000|
Has anyone successfully interfaced a K40 to a TS-2000? If so, please
advise how it was done, and any hints & kinks to watch out for.
cheers & 73
858|840|2007-05-30 19:22:50|aartw|Re: Winkey USB Initial CK OK. How do you install software on WIN98|
Cab someone send me the readme pdf file as mentioned below?
I lost my CD Winkey USB
pa3c at amsat dot org
859|840|2007-05-30 22:17:10|selliot|Re: Winkey USB Initial CK OK. How do you install software on WIN98|
Please look in the FIles section of this group, I have posted the
USB Driver Install read me file there.
860|860|2007-05-30 22:23:40|selliot|WKUSB Quick Start Guide|
Hello All WKUSB Users !
I have finally started putting together a WKUSB Quick Start Guide. I
should have done this long ago but it is a huge time consuming task.
I posted a pre-release version that has lots of good info in it and
it's a must for all WKUSB users newbies or experts.
Please remember this is a Pre-release version and is not complete, but
it'll get better day by day. If you find any errors, ommissions, bad
grammar.... please let me know.
If anyone has some spare time and would like to contribute to it I
would be happy to "loan" you the MS WORD doc file !
861|860|2007-05-31 01:52:10|selliot|Re: WKUSB Quick Start Guide|
I forgot to mention that the Quick Start Guide is posted in the Files
section of the Yahoo k1el_keyers group.
862|862|2007-05-31 23:07:34|aartw|no tx on trx after returning to standalone mode|
I installed WKUSB, and tested with WKtest98. OK. Tx on the trx also.
Then installed Winkey in N1MM. OK, Tx on the trx also.
After closing down N1MM there is no tx on the trx when using the
paddles. There is sidetone so there must be a setting that blocks tx
'ing the trx?
Which letter in the command list?
After starting WKtest all is OK again, after closing WKtest98 the trx
is also tx'ed when using the paddles.
863|862|2007-06-01 11:12:59|selliot|Re: no tx on trx after returning to standalone mode|
Sounds like you may have standalone mode setup to use a different
output port than the host application. Try using the O standalone
command to toggle it.
864|855|2007-06-01 11:15:35|selliot|Re: how much letters per pushbutton...?|
There are a total of 232 bytes of message storage. These can divided up
between the six message slots in any way you like. In other words the
slot sizes are not fixed.
865|862|2007-06-02 18:56:37|aartw|Re: no tx on trx after returning to standalone mode|
OK that was it.
an "O" gives a single dit from Winkey and output on the trx.
But after using and the closing N1MM I have to issue the "O" again to
toggle the port. I saved the setup with "P" but that's not working.
I only use 1 port (port-1) in standalone mode and N1MM-mode.
When closing, N1MM puts the winkey to keyport-2??
866|866|2007-06-03 03:17:10|Jeff Kohl|serial to usb drivers|
Just changed computers and cant find my CD. Are the files available on
line to get my keyer to work with N1MM again?
867|866|2007-06-03 13:46:21|aartw|Re: serial to usb drivers|
Some files available in the file section of the group.
Which files/drivers are you referring at, I have the winkey-1 CD
868|866|2007-06-04 02:21:15|Jeff Kohl|Re: serial to usb drivers|
Message was looking for usb <
869|869|2007-06-05 21:25:39|Larry Ryan|Suprised at ease of using paddle with K40|
Recently, I built a K40 with the idea that I need to move to keyboard
keying for CW. The K40 went together easily and was a fun weekend
project. I got the works except for the RTTY option. In testing, I
connected my iambic keyer paddles to make sure that feature worked.
It did and I was suprised at the ease of use and accuracy of my
Over the past years, I noticed my CW keyer sending had become
terrible and I moved over to the old hand key. This was the case on
an old Heathkit keyer and the built-in keyers on my FT-847 and FT-
817. I gave up and decided that I had lost that skill - keyboard
keying was the solution.
Having set up everything for keyboarding, I find that my skills at
the paddle were there all the time. It is the keyer! It has to be. I
can't think of any other reason. Years ago, I built the TO Keyer +
memory out of QST (late 60s) and used it for years with homebuilt
iambic paddles. My sending up to 40 WPM was easy and accurate. Since
I lost that keyer through a number of moves, I tried other keyers
with bad, bad results.
Something that I did not expect with the K40! How can this be? I
plugged my paddles back in to my FT-817 and the results are full of
mistakes. The K40? No problem. My log is once again full of CW QSOs.
73, Larry W7DGP
PS: The keyboard works very well too.
870|869|2007-06-06 01:49:20|Joe-aa4nn|Re: Suprised at ease of using paddle with K40|
The CPU in some radios gets really lazy with tending to CW
paddle input, or something like that. Often you think your paddle
contacts are dirty and not making good connection while all along
it is the slowness of the CPU that makes things drag.
Other things like implementation of Curtis A or B makes a lot of
difference in how your keying comes out. Ultramatic(?) seems to
the best implementation unless one grew up on Curtis A or B.
K1EL keyers are just fantastic.
de Joe, aa4nn
871|871|2007-06-10 17:38:46|Doug Behl|Speed control for the K40|
Hello everyone in the group,
I had a K20, and sold it a couple of years ago. That was a mistake!
So, I put an order in this week for a K40. I wanted the enclosure and
the display, but the website said that the display wasn't in stock, so
I'll wait.
In the meantime, I would like to create a speed control on the little
box into which the keyer will be mounted. What will I need, over and
above what is contained in the kit, to implement a speed control?
Thanks for your suggestions.
Best regards,
872|872|2007-06-15 15:04:32|Zoli Pitman HA1AG|v6 upgrade to v10?|
Hello !
I got a Winkey keyer which is identified as v6 by the Testbed SW. I am experiencing problems with this on my remote station. Is the v10 chip is compatible with the V6 assembly ? Is there a release history somewhere? I checked the webpage but could not find among the docs there.
Firmware upgrade is only possible by replacing the chip ?
zoli ha1ag
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873|871|2007-06-18 15:32:14|selliot|Re: Speed control for the K40|
The K40 kit includes a rotary encoder that is used for speed control.
874|872|2007-06-18 15:34:43|selliot|Re: v6 upgrade to v10?|
The revision history for WK1 can be found here:
http://k1el.tripod.com/WinkeyErrataSheet.pdf The only way to upgrade the firmware is to send the WK chip back in
for reprogramming.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, Zoli Pitman HA1AG
I am experiencing problems with this on my remote station. Is the
v10 chip is compatible with the V6 assembly ? Is there a release
history somewhere? I checked the webpage but could not find among
the docs there.
_______________Ready for the edge of your seat?
875|875|2007-06-20 02:50:53|dd3ly|K40 & RTTY: much bigger LCD display???|
I have ordered a K40 and the RTTY option. The original LCD-display
was not available at the moment. I found a cheap LCD-display in eBay
here in Germany, which has four lines, each line with 40 characters.
I received the displays today but I have two questions:
- Is the display logically fixed to two lines with 16 characters as
it is mentioned in the K40-manual on page 4? Or is it possible to
use a display with two lines of 40 characters?
By the way, the displays Ihave bought are compatible with HD44780.
This LARGE display I have bought has even four lines. In reality its
a double display with one common data bus for two pairs of two
lines. Each pair has its own "enable"-input. So here is my second
Is it possible to derive signals from the K40 for these two "enable"-
inputs in a way that I have a receive screen (two lines on the top)
and a transmit screen (two lines on the bottom)? On page 19 of the
K40 manual I have found two output lines, one named TX, the other
with RX. Maybe I can use thesetwo?
Is there anyone who is able to give some recommendations?
73 de Andreé DD3LY
hf_mobile (Q) hotmail . com
876|875|2007-06-20 17:49:38|selliot|Re: K40 & RTTY: much bigger LCD display???|
Unfortunately the K40 can only be used with a 16 by 2 LCD. It is not
possible to use it with any other display size. I originally
intended to support multiple display configurations but had to give
the idea up due to limited program space.
877|877|2007-06-21 14:10:23|olingergl|Winkey PTT lead, tail, hang times|
Trying to use a winkey based Microham keyer, and having trouble with
the resulting PTT lead and tail times.
The documentation reads as if you get multiples of 10 ms for lead and
tail times, unless you specify tail=0, when you get a speed based hang
time instead of the 10 ms increments.
What appears to be happening is that the hang-time is always there,
e.g. send 10,10 and what you get is 10ms lead, 10ms + hangtime. Send
30,30 and you get 30ms lead, 30ms + hangtime.
The idea was to use the winkey 10ms leading and lagging PTT to key the
amp for QSK for a transceiver that can't create these times itself.
Do I have the correct interpretation of the doc on winkey?
Thanks & 73, Guy K2AV
878|878|2007-06-28 15:44:18|n3hu|HV Option|
Getting ready to order one of the USB keyers....
Just want to clarify that the HV option doesn't preclude
using it with a solid state radio, it just adds the
functionality for tube transceiver. Right?
rob n3hu
879|878|2007-06-28 15:51:20|Ken Wagner|Re: HV Option|
That's correct,Rob. I use mine with both a Drake T4XC and an Elecraft K2.
Ken K3IU
n3hu wrote:
880|880|2007-06-28 21:31:26|Doug Behl|K40 - it works!|
Well, I put together the K40 last night. Some year, I need to learn
to solder properly. I am jealous of those who easily produce a shiny
solder connection on the smallest of pads. Last night, I was
surprised that I didn't kill the 7805. A big glob of solder feel
across the pins. I thought for sure that the mess couldn't be cleaned
up and that I would end up shorting out the voltage regulator. I
spent about an hour cleaning it up with my copper braid, solder sucker
and soldering iron. Heavy use of the third hand, and magnifying
glass. Am I really going blind? But in the end, it seemed to work.
Bought a nifty black mini-keyboard that will fit nicely in front of my
TS-570, and it worked fine during the "smoke test".
I have been considering power options, and was going to put a plug on
the back to connect to my DC distribution bar behind my station. Was
also considering a 9V battery. Anyone try the 9V battery, and how
long does it last?
Anyway, tonight, I will be putting it in a case, and will let you know
how it finally works. I'm not going to use the digital display, nor
will I be trying RTTY, so, I'll just put it in a small Hammond case
for now. Thanks, Steve, for a good kit!
Best regards,
881|881|2007-06-30 11:57:23|Don Hatlestad|WinKeyer Library for .NET|
I'm writing a .NET class library for the WinKeyer. Please have a look
at the latest version if you are writing programs using one of the .NET
languages. The code is VB.NET written using the free VB.NET Express
2005 programming environment. Download the file from my web site,
http://ac7fa.net Have a look or give it a try.
Don, AC7FA
882|882|2007-06-30 17:24:10|pmb1010|troubles with WinkeyUSB|
I got it to work with the test program (initially) but the key1 output
is on all the time. If I pull the optocoupler chip, it drops the rig's
The test program was communicating with the device, I could type
characters and they'd echo on the screen, but now after fooling with
the settings to try to get the PTT to drop, anytime I try to open the
device I get "WK Fail - echo mismatch".
I looked for the obvious solder bridges, and can see none.
Any tips?
883|883|2007-06-30 17:59:32|Dick-w0raa|COQP - Mark your calendars|
The date of the new Colorado QSO Party is July 15th and it's fast
approaching. So mark you calendars and join the fun.
The complete rules and trophy sponsors (we have 50 plaques to hand out) and
a bunch of Certificates) can be found at the web site for the QSO Party,
which is
http://www.ppraa.org/coqp/. Everything you need to know, thought
you needed to know, maybe more than you need to know is at that site.
Come join the fun, maybe win a plaque or certificate and play a part of
making this new venture one that is successful and worthy of participation
in future years.
Many contest software packages are ready to be used (N1MM, WriteLog, CT Log,
Win-EQF) just to name a few. You can participate in any mode or a variety
of modes. Start with phone, switch to RTTY or CW or BPSK, etc. Your
Hope to see you in the 2007 Colorado QSO Party on July 15th starting at
1200 UTC July 15 and running until 0400 UTC on July 16 (a total of 16
hours). You may operate the entire 16 hours if you wish. A list of all
Colorado Counties and the proper abbreviations is on the web site shown
See you all on the 15th. Join the fun.
Dick - W0RAA
Member of Scoring Committee
COQP 2007
884|884|2007-06-30 18:02:15|pmb1010|OK, never mind on the port error. I didnt see a "reset" put it back|
I still have the KEY1 output shorted, radio stays in xmit even with the
USB plug unplugged from the board.
I must have a short somewhere, but cant visually see it.
885|885|2007-07-01 03:13:29|wn0x|Winkey & FD - No Joy|
I had heard others might have had trouble so thought I should post.
We were unable to get the WinKey (Serial/V10) to work for field day,
necessitating a phone only event for us.
Testing at home worked fine. Applying RF in a field environment
would consistently cause the speed of the keyer to jump up to over 50
WPM or so. Basically we would get the first "Dah" of our call sent,
followed by the rest of the call at super sonic speeds. Had a lot
of ..__.. as a result :)
We tried ferrite chokes on the paddle cable and serial cable with no
luck. Also tried a choke at the feed point and near the radio. The
unit is mounted in a plastic enclosure with the optional POT for
speed control which could have contributed to the problem.
The antenna was mounted above the mobile command post, an aluminium
covered trailer. Our keyer for the VHF station and other gear in the
command post was not effected.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Rich - Wn0x
886|885|2007-07-01 04:24:23|selliot|Re: Winkey & FD - No Joy|
Well, a plastic box is not the best shielding. It might work in a
shack that has good grounds but out in the field in a metal box under
your antenna is really pushing it. We use metal enclosures for both
the WK serial and WKUSB kits to prevent RF from getting in. It really
makes a difference. You also have to use a serial interface cable
that has good shielding as well.
Ferrites help with conducted RF problems but not necessarily with
induced RF. Also the core material makes a huge difference. The most
common ferrite beads around today (computer industry) are only
effective at VHF and higher frequencies. At HF frequncies they can be
invisible. You need to use series RF chokes in the hundred microhenry
range in conjunction with shunt capacitors to make a true HF low pass
RF problems are not easy to solve and can move around depending on
frequency and the operator's proximity. I know several engineers that
make a good living just solving RF interference problems. I know just
enough to get by.
Out of curiosity, what software application were you using ?
You mention other keyers worked fine, were they in metal boxes ?
887|882|2007-07-01 04:26:46|selliot|Re: troubles with WinkeyUSB|
My guess is a solder short in the drive to the optocoupler. Trace the
line from the PIC output through the series resistor to the opto. Check
the resistor value as well. You might also try swapping optos to see if
the opto itself is shorted.
888|888|2007-07-04 14:21:57|leezl2al|The WinKeyUSB Chronicles|
I ordered the Winkey USB kit as a solution to getting around "CW
timing " issues with Writelog in Win98 ans some laptops. Within a
week it appeared on my doorstep from the other side of the planet.
Downloading and reading manuals etc was done while I waited. What a
fantastic kit with high quality parts! A couple of hours with the
soldering iron and the little critter was ready for the smoke test.
Install the drivers for Win XP and plug in the USB cable. Surprise,
surprise... it talks to me. Winkey manager confirms it will talk to
the radio and my Begali paddle.
Then the fun started. I fired up Writelog and set up parameters for
the last All Asia CW and hit F2 expecting the "exchange" The radio
keyed on. No dits and dahs! Say what? After a few hours of sliding
into the abyss where professional help is the only way out I decided
to join this reflector and search the archives. Sure enough, a few
others almost lost it at this point with the same problem. Writelog
10.45 does not support K1EL. Writelog later versions up to 10.62 do
support K1EL. The sun began to shine. A quick email to the gurus at
Writelog and 13mb and $30.00 later my download with key was
installed. The setup box showed the all important K1EL entry. A bit
of finesse on the setup and I hit F2. The sun shone even brighter and
my FT1000D almost got a hernia at 60WPM. Ah..... so that's what the
little knob is for.
What a brilliant little device the USB version of Winkey is! It works
perfectly as Writelog's little helper with uncanny precision. No more
DB-9 Serial timing problems. No more fumbling around on a computer
keyboard when one makes a stuffup in the middle of a 220 per hour
run. Just finish the contact with the paddle and sort out the
keyboard logging problem with no pressure.
I cannot speak highly enough of this product. Thanks to the guys at
73, Lee ZL2AL - ZL7AA, ZL8RI, ZL9CI, ZM2M Contest station
889|888|2007-07-04 19:18:36|lmecseri -KE1F|Re: The WinKeyUSB Chronicles|
You should try N1MM contest program. It is free for a download.
No $30.00 upgrade fee and great fast technical support by a
bunch of nice guys.
Couple of years ago I run into N1MM in a elevator
in Dayton and he helped me to solve a problem before he got off the
elevator. How can you beat that?
Try it you will like it.
73s and see u in the contests
Lou KE1F
Refugee from WL land.
leezl2al wrote:
890|890|2007-07-09 01:28:10|Ken N9VV|[Fwd: [QRP-L] Another program that decodes your CW]|
forwarded without permission from the QRP-L group.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [QRP-L] Another program that decodes your CW
Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 08:22:14 -0700
From: Alan Biocca <
AKBiocca@... To:
qrp-l@... Don et al:
I also have written a program for the K1EL keyer that allows the user
to copy and type the received copy, and either type or use paddles to
send. The sent copy whether paddles or keyboard is logged (the K1EL
keyer decodes the paddle-sent code), as well as the received typed
copy. It is a Python program and is available on this web page:
http://www.hsfdg.org/wiki/CwQ -- Alan, wb6zqz
891|885|2007-07-09 13:46:51|Robert Chudek|Re: Winkey & FD - No Joy|
Plastic box? There's no RFI shielding with that enclosure. I would transplant the electronics into a metal enclosure, or purchase the metal box offered on the K1EL website for that keyer.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
892|885|2007-07-09 17:36:13|Ernie Zingleman|Re: Winkey & FD - No Joy|
In addition to using a metal enclosure, another good practice is to make twisted pair wire out of the wire interconnects. This is recommended by some other kit makers.
Ernie KS4Q
in Atlanta
893|885|2007-07-09 18:40:34|Robert Chudek|Re: Winkey & FD - No Joy|
Wow! I think this is the slowest message delivery I have ever encountered! I sent my message June 30th and it just arrived today July 9th. It spent 9 days circling the equator at light speed and finally posted! Whew, it must be tired!
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
894|472|2007-07-10 01:54:34|Robert Hess|Winkey USB|
Anyone have a clue what is going on here?
I built and installed a Winkey USB some time ago and
it has worked flawlessly. I rearranged the station,
broke down everything including the computer and put
it all back together.
After reassembling everything, the Winkey USB box is
intermittent. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does
not. Takes a computer reboot to make it work and most
of the time this fix does not work. The device always
shows up as Com4 and Windows 2K says it is working
properly. DXBase and Writelog do not recognize it
most of the time. I always get the audible CW "R"
when the computer is turned on.
I have tried different USB ports, but not a different
computer, and I replaced the USB cable. I also tried
banging on the box in case something is loose inside
(although I pride myself in doing quality
I have not tried re-installing the driver.
Any ideas?
Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows. Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.
895|885|2007-07-10 02:00:46|wn0x@earthlink.net|Re: Winkey & FD - No Joy|
I don't believe the metal enclosure is available from K1EL any longer.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Chudek
Sent: Jun 30, 2007 9:06 PM
To: k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, wn0x
Subject: Re: [k1el_keyers] Winkey & FD - No Joy
896|885|2007-07-10 03:26:49|Ernie Zingleman|Re: Winkey & FD - No Joy|

Steve K1EL says that he plans to make another run of the serial enclosures in a few months. Ernie KS4Q
897|885|2007-07-10 03:49:07|AKBiocca@comcast.net|Re: Winkey & FD - No Joy|
The best way to get RF out of the equipment is to remove it from the shields, cabinets and "grounds" of the station. The main culprit causing this is usually an inadequately effective current balun at the end of the coax, and/or at the coax entry to the station. The RF current divides as it exits the coax and some of it flows down the outside of the coax and onto the equipment, and directly into attached accessories via the grounded cabling. Direct radiation, especially inside a metal trailer, is of such low level that it is unlikely to directly affect a fairly high level circuit such as a keyer, so I would look for other causes. Note that the conductance of ground rods is generally insufficient to solve this problem direclty.
-- Alan, wb6zqz
898|898|2007-07-12 03:09:31|kravect|Changing assigned COM port|
I have been using a WinKey USB with WriteLog, and it works perfectly.
The WinKey is assigned COM 12, and I have successfully changed that in
the past. But now, using the same computer, when I try to change to
COM <8 (so I can use the keyer with N1MM logger) by going to CONTROL
PANEL error message: "You must have write privileges in the registry for this
device in order to modify the device's advanced settings." And I can
go no further.
It's like a hall monitor has taken away my potty pass!
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Solutions?
73 de W8TK
899|898|2007-07-12 03:39:37|Ernie Zingleman|Re: Changing assigned COM port|
You need to be logged onto your computer as an administrator, or as a user with administrator priveledges.
Ernie KS4Q
900|900|2007-07-14 13:17:46|wn0x|WKUSB & Sidetone|
Just completed my WKUSB. Wow, a really great kit. Well thought out,
the instructions were great. Took about 3 hours.
I would like to turn the sidetone off when in stand alone mode, as I
prefer the sidetone generated by my 756 ProII.
I can't seem to find the option in WinKeyer2 application to accomplish
Any help would be appreciated.
Rich - wn0x
901|901|2007-07-16 16:03:54|morselll|winkey and psk31|
Hi everyone, im just setting my computer up with psk31 and i wonder if
i can use winkey to send psk31 has anyone done it im using a ts480
with winkey to a laptop any help would be appreciated 73s ian G0RPA
902|902|2007-07-16 18:32:26|Dick-w0raa|Scoring for Colorado QSO Party|
First, I would like to thank all of those who read this and gave me a
contact in the Colorado QSO Party (COQP). It was the first one and the
participation sounded pretty good, albeit the bands were definitely NOT in
the best shape. I had to ask for many repeats, and I certainly appreciated
the patience of the individuals. Some of the contacts were like a half an S
Unit above mental telepathy, but they are in the log correctly, I feel
confident. Again, thanks.
Now, that being said, the contesting software (N1MM, WriteLog, etc.), did
not count Colorado Counties as multipliers. It was a last minute change and
the developers just didn't have time to get it done. So, please submit your
Cabrillo files to the following e-mail address:
coqplogs@.... DO NOT
change anything in your Cabrillo files, nor change the score that your
software of choice gave you. That will be calculated by the judging
committee and the changes will be made. You may also mail your score to:
Colorado QSO Party, PO Box 16521, Colorado Springs, CO 80935-6521. It is
OK if you wish to edit your Cabrillo file by adding, to the right of the
claimed score line with the comment that the total does not include Colorado
County Multipliers. See below:
Please don't add anything to your Cabrillo file except the above comment
enclosed in the parenthesis ( ).
The system will not kick these back to you.
We hope that many more will participate in the COQP next year. It looks to
be a success.
Member of Judging Committee
PS: This is being sent to any reflector that I feel might read it and a
member wants to submit their score. Sorry for any duplication postings.
903|903|2007-07-17 14:00:18|Gwyn Williams|2nd Try - Answer at bottom may be a little late|
Dear All,
Another satisfied customer. While it took a some time for the kit to
when it did, I was extremely pleased with the hardware standard. It
all went
together rather easily. The only problem I had was with one of my
PC's, my
Laptop, which allocated Port 10 for WinKey, Steve (K1EL) pointed me
in the right
The little Winkeyer2 program is excellent. I've now used my USB
WinKeyer for
all types of QSO's, ordinary with the paddle, via the keyboard and in
IARU HF contest this weekend.
Excellent job.
Gwyn - G4FKH
P.S. You can turn the sidetone off in standalone mode but pressing
the RED key for
a couple of seconds, you will here an "R", immediately send an "A",
you will again here an
"R" and the sidetone will be off.
904|904|2007-07-17 14:28:06|henwoodnick|Winkeyer USB|
Does it work with Vista please?
Nick G3RWF
905|905|2007-07-17 18:36:10|Guy Olinger, K2AV|Full QSK Break-in PTT on WinUSB|
Original version Winkey won't produce full QSK Break-in PTT, a problem reported to K1EL, verified,
and in queue for a fix at some point.
Full QSK break-in PTT means the following, for the letter N:
KEY xxxx-dah-xxxxxxxxxxx xxditxx
PTT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
Can someone verify that this is working for WinUSB? All my winkey based stuff is original version.
Trying to set up someone with full QSK PTT timing to drive an amplifier switch-over. His
transceiver does not have the menu amp key lead/lag timing that my MP does. It has to be generated
by something. If WinUSB is working as documented, it's a very cool solution.
The issue is to put a small lead and lag around every individual baud. You can easily see it on
very slow cw speed and long delays with an ohmmeter clipped to PTT.
Thank you for any help.
73, Guy K2AV
906|905|2007-07-17 19:17:40|Joe Subich, W4TV|Re: Full QSK Break-in PTT on WinUSB|
WinKey generated PTT works the same in both the original WinKey
and WinKey 2. The minimum PTT tail is three dits plus PTT Tail
or PTT Hang. Thus the minimum effective delay on release is
three dits (one word space) plus 10 mS and is the same for both
... Joe, W4TV
907|907|2007-07-17 21:16:23|Dick-w0raa|Submitting logs for COQP-Update Request|
This request is being sent to all possible reflectors that may have had
participated in the COQP this past weekend. I know that the PSK reflector
and the 857 reflectors are not contesting reflectors, but there is a
possibility that members of those reflectors did participate in this past
weekend COQP. I am just trying to get the word out to as many reflectors as
possible in the shortest period of time. If you won't allow the text on
your reflector, please don't write a sarcastic note to tell me. Just don't
put it on.
When submitting your COQP logs (Cabrillo or similar) for the COQP (Colorado
QSO PArty), please be sure that, if you worked from a Colorado County
(either as a mobile of fixed), that you include the county abbreviation(s)
for the county you were in. As an example, I was working from El Paso
County. So, when I submit my log it will have a file name of W0RAA-ELP.LOG.
That way the judging committee knows if you were In State (IS) or Out of
State (OS) while in the contest.
Your cooperation will certainly be appreciated.
Tnx & 73,
908|885|2007-07-17 21:17:07|wn0x@earthlink.net|Re: Winkey & FD - No Joy|
The odd thing was that the disruption in this case was very specific, the speed of the keyer increased instaneously when sending. Of course, an exercise like FD is exactly when you want to have stuff like this come up.
My lead length to the speed pot was over two inches, I am modifying that and placing it much closer to the POT.
I am going to attemp shielding the unit internally since I like my case configuration and it works fine at my home QTH.
I have another kit, which I can build into a suitable metal enclosure. Won't look nice but it should work better for FD.
I am waiting for my N1mm USB Keyer to arrive and will probably rely on that if everything goes well.
Rich - wn0x
909|909|2007-07-17 21:23:13|Gwyn Williams|WinKey2|
Dear All,
Another satisfied customer. While it took a some time for the kit to arrive,
when it did, I was extremely pleased with the hardware standard. It all went
together rather easily. The only problem I had was with one of my PC's, my
Laptop, which allocated Port 10 for WinKey, Steve (K1EL) pointed me in the right
The little Winkeyer2 program is excellent. I've now used my USB WinKeyer for
all types of QSO's, ordinary with the paddle, via the keyboard and in the
IARU HF contest this weekend.
Excellent job.
Gwyn - G4FKH
P.S. You can turn the sidetone off in standalone mode but pressing the RED key for
a couple of seconds, you will here an "R", immediately send an "A", you will again here an
"R" and the sidetone will be off.
910|909|2007-07-17 23:19:03|Paul|Re: WinKey2|
Hi Gwyn
Did you get hit for VAT and a Post Office collection charge? I did and
it added quite a lot to the cost of the kit for me. Still excellent though.
73 Paul G4DCV
Gwyn Williams wrote:
911|911|2007-07-23 01:58:20|orten_smyth|Merging Characters|
Wonder if anyone can help please: I'm trying to merge characters "on
the fly" ie. as I type. Looking at the manual, there is a "merge"
command (<1B sorts of permutations, but my WinkeyUSB does not recognise the string
as a command.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Many thanks,
912|912|2007-07-25 04:07:10|rawalker67|Assignment of USB serial ports for Winkey|
My laptop has assigned a USB SERIAL port in double figures. Once port
10, another port 16. Superduper software does not permit a port
higher than 8. I have changed to port in Device manager, Advanced
properties to a lower figure, then got the report "computer does not
have port 4" and Winkeyer will not link to receiver. Any suggestions?
(No problems with desktop computer)
Robert (g0who)
913|912|2007-07-26 15:20:07|selliot|Re: Assignment of USB serial ports for Winkey|
There is a procedure outlined in the 'Files' section for modifying the
port assignment. It will allow you to redirect the Virtual USB serial
port to any port you like as long as the port is not in use by another
The way you describe it, it sounds more like the FTDI USB driver has
not been installed correctly.
914|914|2007-07-29 14:49:55|Zoli Pitman HA1AG|Winkey experiences|
I've been using Winkey V1 on my remote station for some time now. First with a V6 chip and about a month ago I upgraded to the latest V10. It is connected up to a generic COM port of a PC with XP SP2 OS. By now I have sorted out all the issues and I have a single remark left:
Winkey seems to have a problem with longish messages. They message
gets broken up and the pieces interleaved. For
It gets TXed as:
note the mixed up text.
It happens when I use Winkey via the supplied SW (Winkeyer v2.2 built May 17, 2007) as well as via an other software controlling Winkey (HRD). It occurs regardless if it is direct entry or message stored in MSG memories.
Any idea why it happens ?
Zoli HA1AG
Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.
915|914|2007-07-30 17:27:39|selliot|Re: Winkey experiences|
There is a problem with your setup in that buffer XON/XOFF status
messages are not getting back to the controlling application.
What happens in this case is that the circular data buffer in WK
gets overwritten which explains why the messages are fragmented. WK
is telling the app to stop sending but the app continues to send
data. It's a situation I have seen before.
So I would investigate the return serial (Rx) comm path and see why
it is not working.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, Zoli Pitman HA1AG
First with a V6 chip and about a month ago I upgraded to the latest
V10. It is connected up to a generic COM port of a PC with XP SP2
OS. By now I have sorted out all the issues and I have a single
remark left:
built May 17, 2007) as well as via an other software controlling
Winkey (HRD). It occurs regardless if it is direct entry or message
stored in MSG memories.
you all the tools to get online.
916|916|2007-08-06 03:42:49|FireBrick|confused about which driver|
I plugged my winkey with usb in
Device Manager I'm not sure if I selected the correct driver
The computer is a Windows XP Pro.
I'm trying to get the winkeyusb to work with WinWarbler.
Apparently WW does not see the Winkey.
The Winkey Key1 is connected to the Key jack on my SDR1000
this keys the radio properly.
But I cannot send any of the cw buffers in WinWarbler
nor does it key the rig.
2nd question/problem
Is there a standalone keyer program that allows me to keyboard enter the for
Winkeyer2 does not seem to work.
I'm sure I have something wrong with driver or com port.
please and thank you.
Hardware: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.
Bill H. in Chicagoland
webcams at weather at
917|917|2007-08-06 03:43:52|FireBrick|Eclo USB serial port|
Today when checking Windows for any Upgrades,
It told me there was a Hardware Update for a Eclo - Other Hardware - USB
Serial Port.
Anyone aware of such a critter and should I upgrade?
Oxymoron: relaxed genes.
Bill H. in Chicagoland
webcams at weather at
918|918|2007-08-06 03:46:18|FireBrick|Can't seem to make WKtest work|
My WinKeyUSB is working with all my programs.
DXBase, DXLabs, Writelog, SDR1K Console.
But...I can't seem to make WKTest work.
I'm betting I don't have the correct drivers installed.
My keyer is assigned to com2
(this connects with all my programs)
In 'System' I see the following drivers
With no other applications running so as not to cause a com already opened
I can start WKTest, assign communications to com 2
But I can't 'play' a message by pushing a keyer button.
All they continue to send is 'Test'.
The whole purpose is to program those 4 memories.
Anybody have a clue what I'm doing wrong?
Why put off until tomorrow what you'll never do anyway?
Bill H. in Chicagoland
webcams at weather at
920|920|2007-08-08 05:07:16|vbxperimenter|WinKeyer Documentation Conflicts|
Hello All,
New member here. I received and assembled the WinKeyer and it works
fine in standalone mode. I am now trying to get it working with a test
program, written in Visual Basic. I have found several conflicts in the
various manuals provided by K1EL. The first is the number of stop bits.
Is it one stop bit (per the Interface Guide or two stop bits (per the
Interface and Operation Manual)? Next is the activation of the RTS and
DTR leads. The initialization p-code in the Interface Guide says enable
DTR but disable RTS. Is this correct? The Interface and Operation
Manual is silent on this topic.
Is anyone in this group rolling his or her own control/operating or
contest software?
921|920|2007-08-08 21:15:59|Dave G3VGR|Re: WinKeyer Documentation Conflicts|
I used the MSCOMM32.OCX control like this:
'Open the Comport
MSComm1.CommPort = Comport
MSComm1.DTREnable = True
MSComm1.RTSEnable = False
MSComm1.InBufferSize = 1
MSComm1.OutBufferSize = 72
MSComm1.RThreshold = 0
MSComm1.SThreshold = 72
MSComm1.Settings = "1200,N,8,1"
MSComm1.InputLen = 1
MSComm1.PortOpen = True
It works fine with 1 stop bit, DTR asserted & RTS disabled. The DTR/RTS
settings power the device
73, Dave G3VGR
vbxperimenter wrote:
922|909|2007-08-11 03:25:53|Nick B.|Re: WinKey2|
I'd just like to echo Gwyn's comments. A long wait for delivery
(probably due to stock situation?) but very easy to assemble and
worked first time. USB drivers no problem with Windows 2000.
I would have liked a winkey 1 kit for my old laptop with serial port
but as these are no longer available I've just bought the chip with
the intentions of building one up on veroboard, unless anyone has a
spare PCB lying around they'd like to part with?
The only downer was having to pay GBP14 to Royal Mail for VAT and
handling charges :(
Nick G4IRX
923|923|2007-08-19 16:44:56|rodgerbryce|Runtime error|
Hello All,
I received my Winkeyer2 USB KEYER KIT during the week, the unit went
together very easily and I had no problem setting it up and running
it under WIN XP on my laptop.
I then tried to set it up on my desktop which runs Win 98se, my
problem being that when I download Winkeyer2 I immediately get the
following error message:
Icc Runtime
Exception OXC 0000005
Segment Violation
Address 0x40be6e
Does anyone have a clue what if anything I can do to get the
progremme to run.
Thanks for looking,
73 de Rodger/GM3JOB
924|924|2007-08-28 03:35:06|Jeff|KWKUSB testing procedure|
My first post here. Purchased the kit and assembled it a few weeks ago
and have been extremely satisfied with the way it interfaces with the
PC and the radio. I have tested it with a number of contest logging
applications and some general logging applications and have been very
I now have a need to use this in standalone mode in about a month. I
would like to know if there is a recommended set-up (I think I have
already done this...but want to confirm) and testing procedure before
embarking on my trip.
Thanks and 73,
- Jeff -
925|925|2007-08-28 16:17:11|oz7bq|Can WinKeyer2 be connected to the standard Serial Port|
The USB port on my old Compaq Armada recently failed. I had an overload
error message and it seems that the 5 volt output has been lost.
Does anyone know it the Winkeyer2 can be connected to the Standard 9
pin serial port, and how it should be connected and set up?
I have been using the WinKeyer2 with the N1MM logging software with
good results.
Thank uou in advance. 73 de OZ7BQ Joe.
926|925|2007-08-28 17:24:47|hank k8dd|Re: Can WinKeyer2 be connected to the standard Serial Port|
927|927|2007-09-03 21:55:27|Nick B.|Winkey 1 and serial port power|
I built my Winkey 1 up on veroboard to the schematic shown in the V4
assembly guide. It works FB but I have to run from battery as it drags
the DTR line down to 1.5v on all PCs I've tried it on so far.
Could someone tell me what the current requirement should be? Then I
can measure mine and double-check my construction if it's excessive.
Nick G4IRX
928|928|2007-09-06 03:01:46|k8mam2000|K40Filt Board Problelm|
K40 is working properly.
Checking operation of K40Filter.
Pin 1 to pin 14 voltage OK. (U3)
U3 pin 5---0,8V (N.G.--should be 2.5)
U1 installed.
pin 6-2.5v OK.
U2 and U4.
RTTY ON toggles in LCD.OK
U3 pin 6 does not toggle 5v to 0V
No shorts or solder bridges or bad joints apparent.
Bad U3 possible?
Bad X1 possibe?
Also tried LED power up scan test wit U5 installed.
LEDS scan but right most LED stays on after scan.
Starts from Off state.
Toggles during scan.
Trouble shooting hints would be appreciated.
929|929|2007-09-07 20:21:27|k8mam2000|K40 with K40FILT RTTY board fixed|
Found problem with K40FILT board to be a bent and not soldered
pin on U3. Removed and replaced socket and K40FILT worked and tested
OK. Just starting to try it out on RTTY and CW. So far it copies
weak RTTY pretty well and works fine on CW.
Great project Steve.
Hope you can develop a PSK31 project in the near future.
Sure there would be great interest.
930|930|2007-09-08 04:15:19|k8mam2000|small AT keyboard for K40 keyer|
Looking for a compact keyboard for use with the K40 keyer.
Found a flexible small keyboard with USB to AT adapter but it did
not work with the K40 for some reason.
Any suggestions on where to find a small keyboard?
931|931|2007-09-08 16:53:46|Don Hatlestad|Keying an MMR-40 with WinKeyer2|
Anyone tried a WinKeyer2 with an MMR-40? I'm having trouble getting my
WinKeyer2 to key the rig. The keyer keys my ICOM rig fine but the
little home-brew one is a no go.
Don, AC7FA
932|932|2007-09-13 13:50:07|Steve|USB 1 or USB 2|
Does the WK2/WKUSB keyer work with USB1 and USB2?
Steve K8JQ
933|932|2007-09-13 15:05:05|Jeffrey Embry|Re: USB 1 or USB 2|
I am currently using WKUSB with USB 1 on my laptop and USB 2 on my
workstation....so the answer would be yes.
Jeff Embry, K3OQ
ARCI #11643, FPQRP #-696,
QRP-L # 67, NAQCC #25, ARS #1733
On the web at
http://k3oq.net --
No trees were harmed in the sending of this message, however a large
number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
934|934|2007-09-15 20:52:33|ki4ucj|Could the K40 Kit be used for CW pratice?|
Is it possible to use the K40 for CW practice? If so what type of setup
would be needed.
935|935|2007-09-15 21:00:10|ki4ucj|K40 build - parts/tools needed - What's on your list ?|
I am getting ready to tackle my first build and was curious about the
parts needed to be supplied by the builder. I realize some hand tools
like a needle nose, small pair of snips, solder gun & solder, a forth
hand/magnifier, etc. What about parts? I'll probably need some hookup
wire but what size should I get?
What would you put on the list?
Tool List:
Part List:
936|935|2007-09-15 23:19:29|Robert Chudek|Re: K40 build - parts/tools needed - What's on your list ?|
Forget about the solder GUN, you need a soldering PENCIL in the 25 to 40 Watt range.
I haven't built the K40, but I did assemble a couple of WinKeyers. I purchased the hardware enclosures with these. A small amount of wire was supplied with the kits. The only thing I needed was a soldering pencil, some solder, and a "third hand" which held the circuit board while I was soldering the components.
You will want a pair of 4" needle nose, side cutters, and small gauge wire strippers (18 to 26 ga.). Although it's not mandatory, you might consider flux remover and a toothbrush to clean up the solder side of the board.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
937|937|2007-09-16 15:03:38|w9ol|My post may be going to spam directory again|
As I did not receive my post nor an answer to my question I suspect
that I'm being read as spam again.
(don't know why)
can the admin please check and clear me.
(I did receive posts from other submittees, just not MY post)
pse and tu
938|932|2007-09-16 15:32:26|Steve|USB 1 or USB 2|
Does the WK2-WKUSB keyer work with USB1 and USB2?
Steve K8JQ
939|939|2007-09-16 15:32:29|FireBrick|I can't seem to turn off the sidetone|
I use the WinKeyUSB, new unit, I think the proper term is WinKey2?
I can't seem to turn off the sidetone.
I use it to key the SDR1000.
I find the sdr1000 sidetone sufficient and I can't seem to turn the WinKey2
sidetone off.
Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die
Bill H. in Chicagoland
webcams at weather at
940|932|2007-09-16 15:35:38|selliot|Re: USB 1 or USB 2|
Yes, it works with either USB ver 1 or ver 2.
941|934|2007-09-16 15:38:56|selliot|Re: Could the K40 Kit be used for CW pratice?|
Look at pages 6 and 7 in the K40 Manual, it is covered there.
942|942|2007-09-19 04:01:35|Richard V. Haire|Winkeyer2 serial or Winkeyer2 USB?|
New to the group and I have couple of questions about the Winkeyer2 that I am confused about. It does send true CW rather than soundcard CW does it not? Also, is there any advantage of the USB over the serial unit? I'm considering purchasing one of the units and want the best value. I do have both a spare serial port and a USB port so that is not an issue.
Thanks for any thoughts and insights.
943|942|2007-09-19 16:06:54|Andrew O. Ojwang|Winkeyer2 serial or Winkeyer2 USB?|
The USB Winkeyer2 allows for greater functionality, and flexibility
while the Winkeyer2 serial is the same in it simplest version of the
same Keyer, I believe the
WinKey USB was designed for the fact that today, unless you custom
order a new PC today, of the shelf it will be supplied with USB ports
only, as standard.
A USB port will also allow for faster transfer of data along the PC
data bus, the serial port my or my not exhibit some hiccups, but is
good enough for CW work.
This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.
944|942|2007-09-20 04:24:28|Robert Chudek|Re: Winkeyer2 serial or Winkeyer2 USB?|
Hello Dick,
I have built and used both the WinKey (Serial version) and WinKey 2 (USB version).
The WinKey (Serial) requires a computer to be connected whereas the WinKey 2 (USB) can be run as a stand alone keyer. The WinKey 2 has provision for battery power when using it in the stand alone mode and it has a built in side tone generator.
These features may help you decide which model is right for you.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
945|945|2007-09-21 03:20:52|Richard V. Haire|USB or Serial|
Hi all,
I'd like to thank all who replied to my query about USB or Serial.
USB is the overwhelming choice so I
will go with that.
Also, would like to apologise for the small font in original message.
It was an operator error.
Again, thanks for all the help.
946|946|2007-09-21 14:49:29|Paul Mackanos - K2DB|Using 2 Winkeys|
I have heard that you can use two Winkeys in a remote situation. Keying one Winkey at home with paddles and having the output of that Winkey somehow connect to the input of another Winkey at the remote site thru the internet, which would key the transmitter. Anyone know how to set this up? I have no idea. I am heading up to the remote site today. I may have to order another Winkey this afternoon. Hihi
947|947|2007-09-30 19:02:40|dombaines|Not sure my winkey is working|
Hi all... With no PC connected to the serial port should the paddle
connected to the winkey and then winkey to the key socket to the rig
work as normal? FT897 or FT817.
Older serial V4 PCB built kit.
Mine doesn't and I cannot get the winkey program to find the winkey
948|947|2007-09-30 20:11:18|selliot|Re: Not sure my winkey is working|
Winkey serials need to be connected to a PC to function. They get
their power from the serial port's DTR and RTS lines. So not only does
the WK serial have to be connected to a PC port, an application on the
PC must be running to open the port and get WK serial running.
What WK program are you trying to use? WKTEST is probably the best. Be
sure to select the correct COM port in the WKTEST port setup. When you
click on 'OPEN' what error message do you see ?
949|904|2007-10-08 01:17:00|Richard K4DJ|Winkeyer USB|
I recently built a Winkeyer USB and it seems to be working OK in standalone mode. I think I downloaded the correct driver and I can run both Winkey Test Bed and WK2MGR with the paddle and memories programmed and seem to have no problems keying the rig. So can I assume it is talking to the computer properly thru the USB port? The device manager says it is using USBSerial Port Com 5 and I have set up Winkey for Com.5. I am running XP Home, Pentium 2.66, 512 ram, Kenwood TS-570DG.
I run both Logger32 and N1MM Logger and thought I would start with N1MM.
When N1MM comes up I get the Open Error message "Port 5 is already in use". I click OK and the program opens up. I go in and set up Com5 for Winkeyer and then go to the Winkey tab and check that. I close the window and try to key the various contest macros but it doesn't key the rig at all. LPT1 keys OK when I don't have the program configured for Winkey. Maybe there is some cirtical detail I failed to do?
Just wondering if someone on the reflector may be familar with N1MM and advise me what I haven't done or may be doing wrong. Any help will be appreciated.
73, Richard K4DJ
Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. |
950|950|2007-10-08 01:19:32|kc0yvw@att.net|(no subject)|
Good day and thanks for lettimg me be part of your group,
I just ordered a K40 and can't wait to put it together, I enjoy building kits and get absolutely giddie when they actually work......Hi, Hi...!
951|951|2007-10-08 01:21:59|k4dj2003|Winkeyer USB operation|
I may have sent the original message to the wrong address?
I recently built a Winkeyer USB and it seems to be working OK in
standalone mode. I think I downloaded the correct driver and I can
run both Winkey Test Bed and WK2MGR with the paddle and memories
programmed and seem to have no problems keying the rig. So can I
assume it is talking to the computer properly thru the USB port? The
device manager says it is using USBSerial Port Com 5 and I have set
up Winkey for Com.5. I am running XP Home, Pentium 2.66, 512 ram,
Kenwood TS-570DG.
I run both Logger32 and N1MM Logger and thought I would start with
N1MM. When N1MM comes up I get the Open Error message "Port 5 is
already in use". I click OK and the program opens up. I go in and
set up Com5 for Winkeyer and then go to the Winkey tab and check
that. I close the window and try to key the various contest macros
but it doesn't key the rig at all. LPT1 keys OK when I don't have
the program configured for Winkey. Maybe there is some cirtical
detail I failed to do? I can't seem to find anything else using Com5.
Just wondering if someone on the reflector may be familar with N1MM
and advise me what I haven't done or may be doing wrong. Any help
will be appreciated.
73, Richard K4DJ
952|952|2007-10-08 01:22:06|w6mqi|K40 Incermental counting error|
When trying to use crtl-I to go from 008 to 009, 018 to 019, 028 to
029..etc it sends 008 to 00P, 018 to 01P, 028 to 02P...etc I get the
letter "P" instead of "9" anybody else having this problem? Thanks Dave.
953|953|2007-10-08 14:14:47|Steve|PTT and WinKey2|
I have recently acquired a WinKey2 and integrated it into my station: IC756PROIII, RIGblaster pro and a desktop PC.
For many years, I used COM1 for keying and PTT. And COM2 for CI-V. The contest software I use is N1MMLogger.
The WinKey2 connects to my PC via USB and creates COM4. No problems so far with using N1MMLogger and WinKey2 for CW, seems to work quite well.
But I still need a way for the PC to activate the rig's PTT for voice operation. Is there a way to use the WinKey2 PTT jack for that function? Or do I need to retain the use of RTS on COM1?
Steve K8JQ
954|951|2007-10-08 14:15:18|Steve|Re: Winkeyer USB operation|
Hi Richard,
I recently got a WinKey2 working at my station. I also use N1MMLogger.
Your note isn't clear about this point, but you can't run Logger32 and
N1MMLogger at the same time. Likewise, you have to close Winkeyer2 in
order for another program such as N1MMLogger to access COM5. Only one
program at a time can access COM5, at least that's been my experience.
Steve K8JQ
k4dj2003 wrote:
955|951|2007-10-08 14:15:36|WILLIS COOKE|Re: Winkeyer USB operation|
I am getting a similar message from XM Log. I have found that if I unplug the USB cable for a brief period it clears and then functions. I also use N1MM but I have not tried to use it with the WinKeyer yet. My WinKeyer quit working after about three months of using it in manual or with the test program and I set it aside to trouble shoot it later. I just got back to it and found that all that was wrong is that the batteries were discharged after about three months of usage, quicker than I expected, but I do work a lot of CW. I hope someone smarter than me will tell us what is going on.
----- Original Message ----
From: k4dj2003
already in use". I click OK and the program opens up. I go in and
set up Com5 for Winkeyer and then go to the Winkey tab and check
that. I close the window and try to key the various contest macros
but it doesn't key the rig at all. LPT1 keys OK when I don't have
the program configured for Winkey. Maybe there is some cirtical
detail I failed to do? I can't seem to find anything else using Com5.
Just wondering if someone on the reflector may be familar with N1MM
and advise me what I haven't done or may be doing wrong. Any help
will be appreciated.
73, Richard K4DJ
Posted on K1EL Keyers Yahoo Group
<* required)
956|953|2007-10-08 14:40:06|selliot|Re: PTT and WinKey2|Steve,
Unless there is a hook in N1MM logger to drive the WK PTT line
directly, I would say that you would still need to use the RTS line.
WK automatically drives PTT when sending CW, but can accept a direct
PTT command from the host application. Since you want to drive PTT for
voice, N1MM logger would have to run the PTT directly.
957|951|2007-10-08 14:52:17|selliot|Re: Winkeyer USB operation|I would try remapping the winkey com port to one that does not have
any conflicts. I am not sure why, but WinXP sometimes retains port
ownership even after a USB device has been removed. Maybe it has
something to do with the previous device not being removed cleanly.
In any case, try picking a different com port and see if that works
ok. The procedure to do this is in the files section of this group.
Three months is a short battery life, my WK here has been running on
the same set for almost a year now. They were brand new alkalines when
I installed them. But then I only plug it into the PC when I want to
use it with a host application. If I were to run it only connected to
the PC, I would remove the batteries and run it on USB power.
958|952|2007-10-08 14:54:03|selliot|Re: K40 Incermental counting error|I will look into this today
959|951|2007-10-08 16:13:40|WILLIS COOKE|Re: Winkeyer USB operation|Something is recapturing the port when I reboot the computer. I have not worked with it much and I am not very good with manipulation of USB ports. The procedure for installing the drivers seems a bit complicated and I will probably get there with a bit more effort. As for the batteries, I have CW QSOs almost every day, so plugging and unplugging is not very convenient for me. I am not complaining about battery life, but rather issuing a heads up so that others will not set their WinKey aside for troubleshooting as I did instead of checking the batteries. I thought that I had a CPU failure and dreaded going through that problem. I did use new Duracell alkaline batteries, but made no effort to extend their life. I use a USB expansion port, so I am not sure how well using computer power will work and wanted to keep the option of going to manual mode if my computer locks up during a QSO. An external switch might be a good thing, but room for adding such is a problem with such a small box. I am not complaining, but the learning curve is throwing me a curve and I haven't made it yet.
Cookie, K5EWJ
----- Original Message ----
From: selliot
In any case, try picking a different com port and see if that works
ok. The procedure to do this is in the files section of this group.
Three months is a short battery life, my WK here has been running on
the same set for almost a year now. They were brand new alkalines when
I installed them. But then I only plug it into the PC when I want to
use it with a host application. If I were to run it only connected to
the PC, I would remove the batteries and run it on USB power.
960|951|2007-10-08 17:34:52|Robert Chudek|Re: Winkeyer USB operation|
I bought the Winkey USB soon after it became available. I also experienced a "shorter than expected" battery life with my unit. "Shorter life" was measured in weeks instead of the expected months.
I was using new 2000 mah NiMH rechargeable cells. I have done what Steve suggested, remove the batteries when connected to my PC (99% of the time) and use the batteries in stand alone mode when needed.
The power fail-over feature from USB to battery has not been an issue because I am using a laptop computer for my contesting/logging. If my program crashes during a QSO, the Winkey paddles continue to function so I can finish the contact. This would also be the case using a desktop PC, unless you hit the power off button.
"It would be nice" if the Winkey enclosure had a method of changing batteries without taking it apart. My unit has performed perfect since the day I finished the assembly, precisely following every mistake I make on the paddles. :-)
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
961|952|2007-10-08 17:37:09|selliot|Re: K40 Incermental counting error|
You have numerically mapped 9 to a P, it's easy to fix, look at the
command description for numeric mapping on Page 6 in the K40 Manual.
962|951|2007-10-08 18:14:40|Joe, aa4nn|Winkeyer USB operation|
Within small keyer enclosures I always manage to
get some mini switches inside to control any
number of functions.
In my WinkeyUSB I have a double pole double throw switch.
One pole takes the place of the jumper by flipping
the keyer between battery power and USB power. At
the same time, the other pole disables the plus
side of the battery lead.
A second switch provides a key-down for when I am
tuning an external amplifier.
On some keyers I use a switch to disasble the
sidetone, but on the WinkeyUSB this is easily done
using the paddle to send the 'A' control function.
GL to all,
de Joe, aa4nn
963|951|2007-10-08 19:40:38|Paul Evans|Re: Winkeyer USB operation|
Robert Chudek wrote:
NiMH batteries are NOT suitable for such devices. They have a high
self-discharge rate, normally measured at about 4 weeks.
If you use Alkaline batteries you should get the expected lifetime.
Newer NiMH batteries, just coming on the market, have a lower rate.
That's why they can now be used right off the shelf, instead of having
to be charged first. The lifetime of these is about 9 months. They are
currently available from RayOVac and Energizer. Be careful that you get
the new type, if you insist on using NiMH.
This is why, every time you pick up a digital camera, it invariably
needs charging - even if you haven't used it.
Paul Evans
964|951|2007-10-09 02:38:49|Robert Chudek|Re: Winkeyer USB operation|
Thanks for the info on NiMH batteries. Yes I have 16 of the Energizer cells and a digital camera. As you said, I am continuously rotating my stock through the camera and charger.
A coupla weeks ago I saw reference to these new NiMH's on the Olympus Digital Camera Yahoogroup. One of the distinguishing features was exactly what you have said, they don't need immediate charging due to their low internal discharge rate.
For anyone interested in this newer technology, here's a link to the Sanyo Eneloop series (scroll down for the description):
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
965|951|2007-10-10 17:06:32|k4dj2003|Re: Winkeyer USB operation|
Thanks for all the responses. I was not trying to run N1MM and
Logger32 at the same time. I changed from Com5 to Com6, as
suggested, and Winkeyer seems to be keying fine with it now.
73, Richard K4DJ
966|966|2007-10-14 14:40:30|Robert|K40 Display Problem|
Hi Group
Having looked through past messages I have performed the following
1. ohmmeter checks confirm no breaks in the wiring between K40 and
display board, and no shorts to adjacent pins
2. Pin 2 of the display measures 4.97 volts with respect to pin 1
3. Pin 3 of the display measures 0 volts with respect to pin 1.
4. Pin 3 reads continuity to pin 1, holding the bias at 0 volts.
If all wiring is correct, and voltages appear properly at the display
terminals, what should I look for next?
967|967|2007-10-14 14:45:40|Robert|K40 Display|
Hello Group
Having trouble getting the K40 display working.
I have completed the K40 assy. and it checks out properly. Now at the
step 33 of the K40 Enclosure Assy Guide version 1.3.
When power is applied the K40 provides the R sidetone but the display
shows nothing... does not light up at all.
This is a new model display, the OSD brand. It would appear the
instructions have not been updated for this unit. Please explain the
backlighting setup for this display? I have not added a backlight
resistor as the drawing for the A and K pads is different than the
physical display unit I have. I have carefully checked wiring from
the K40 board to the display... no shorts between pins, and the 5v is
wired to pin 2 and ground to pin 1 on the display. I measure 4.56 v
at pins 1 and 2 of the display.
The jumper for R6 is installed in the two holes nearest the edge of
the board.as shown on page 20 of the K40 Assy instructions, as R6 is
omitted in this version.
What am I missing?
968|968|2007-10-15 23:52:36|randyjohnson1937|speed pot|
My Winkeyer2 works fine from a computer. The speed control within the
program controls speed OK. But I do not seem to be able to get the
speed pot to control the speed. I think I am missing something simple,
like maybe the pot works only when not being overridden by a program.
Randy W6SJ
969|969|2007-10-17 01:36:52|Bob Wade|WK-USB|
Hi Group. I just completed the assembly of my Winkeyer USB. It took me
about 4 hours to complete. I took my time and followed the
instructions almost to the letter. It worked the first time! I needed
a good light, a solder station set at 650 degrees F, good quality
solder and a combination of reading glasses, head magnifier and
attached magnifying glass. When I was younger, 1/8 watt resistors
looked so much bigger. The only place I varied on the instructions was
when it said to install 17 resistors and solder, I did it 5 at a time.
That allowed me to check my soldering and trim leads easier with less
interference. The quality of the kit is outstanding. I highly
recommend it. It played first time with Scott's N3FJP Contest Software
packages. If there were any suggestion I could make, and this is
really picky, have the word "SPEED" silkscreened about 1/4 inch
higher. The supplied knob covers the word a bit. I am telling all my
contest friends to get one as soon as possible.
Thanks to K1EL for a fantastic product.
Bob Wade - W6RTW
970|969|2007-10-17 13:27:39|WILLIS COOKE|Re: WK-USB|
When I was young we didn't have 1/8 watt or 1/4 watt resistors and the 1/2 watt resistors were bigger! Congratulations on finishing your kit!
Cookie, K5EWJ
Bob Wade Rob,
The LCD displays that we are currently shipping are biased
differently than the previous ones. So we went back to including R6
with the kit. We have shipped a pot to you.
972|968|2007-10-17 16:31:38|selliot|Re: speed pot|Randy,
Look at the PotLock control, this selects whether the speed is
controlled by the host application or by the speed pot. Basically,
when PotLock is set the speed pot will work, if it is cleared the
speed pot won't work.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "randyjohnson1937"
973|973|2007-10-17 17:54:46|mark|K40 to Kenwood TS850s hookup|Has anyone been using this radio if so, how do you hook it up??
I am very interested in this kit and trying RTTY,as other digital modes
require PC's ,interfaces, RFI problems. thanks for your time. kc0mjp
974|974|2007-10-22 13:51:09|Steve|Weird RFI problem|I have a WinKey2 that I use with an Icom transceiver, Icom amplifier and
80/40 meter dipoles on a common center insulator, fed with open wire
through a Johnson Matchbox. And a weird problem to go with all that. :-\
RFI is evident in the WinKey2 only on 15 meters when I'm running the
amplifier at over 500 watts output and using N1MMLogger. When I'm
sending a message from N1MMLogger and the speed pot on the keyer is at
mid-point, the keyer speed reverts to 31 or 33 wpm no matter what I do
with the N1MMLogger software speed control. I can push PageUp or
PageDown and the speed will change, but it almost immediately reverts to
31 or 33 wpm, usually toggling between those two speeds as displayed by
N1MMLogger. If the speed pot is anywhere in its range other than
mid-point, there is no evidence of RFI and I can use the N1MMLogger
software to set the speed and everything seems to operate as expected.
If I unplug the paddle from the WinKey2 jack, the RFI goes away and
N1MMLogger operates correctly. Plug the paddle back in and the RFI
returns. (This is again on 15 meters with the amplifier at 500 watts or
Without changing any hardware, I can use WinWarbler (part of the DXLabs
suite) to generate the canned CW message and do not have any RFI problem
with WinKey2 speed, it is stable.
Seems peculiar: WinWarbler has no sensitivity to RFI, but N1MMLogger
does with the exact same hardware setup. But only on 15 meters with more
than 500 watts output and the speed pot at mid-point in its tuning range.
I guess it's something I can live with by setting the speed pot to
somewhere other than mid-point. Thought I'd ask if anyone else has run
into something like this? Suggestions for a cure?
Steve K8JQ
Read The Patriot It's Right -- It's Free
http://PatriotPost.US/subscribe/ Veritas vos Liberabit
975|975|2007-11-01 02:07:20|Doyle|Winkeyer2USB| GE,
Just purchased a K1EL Winkeyer2USB & after reading through many pages am still a little confused on how to install the drivers for the keyer.
Can anyone provide help in installing the VCP drivers.
976|976|2007-11-08 15:51:11|mark|Any word on K40 CW Decoder? also ?? on rtty again|hi again would it be possible to use K40 on QRP SW+ 30m?
or would i have to beef up the final transistor for 100%
duty cycle??? thanks mark
977|977|2007-11-15 21:37:53|Dick-w0raa|Problem| I recently had an Operating System crash and have been going through the process of reinstalling everything.
Well, I downloaded N1MM Logger and installed it and then installed the newest update. When I go to configure it and put my WKUSB Keyer on a COM Port, I get a message that says "Wrong Winkey Version. Winkey v2 detected. Only Winkey v4 and later are supported." This is not a problem with WriteLog, just N1MM. What do I need to do?
978|977|2007-11-15 21:41:31|selliot|Re: Problem|Dick,
At one time there was a similar error message from N1MM that was
corrected when the latest version overlay was installed. If you have
installed the latest version and still get the same error I am sorry
to say that this is a question for the N1MM Logger group.
If you ignore the message and continue does WK work ok ?
979|977|2007-11-15 21:47:42|Joe-aa4nn|Re: Problem| Hi Dick,
Same thing happened to me with a version 6.x.x of n1mm.
I downloaded lastest full version 7.0.0 and WinkeyUSB
worked just fine for me during Sweepstakes. I plan on
updating 7.0.0 soon with latest updates.
Keyword here is "Start all over with full version 7.0.0"
73 & gl,
de Joe, aa4nn
980|976|2007-11-15 21:48:52|selliot|Re: Any word on K40 CW Decoder? also ?? on rtty again|I answered this a while ago but it looks like it was not posted for
some reason.
I am still working on the K40CW decoder, I had hoped to get it into
beta test this week but just have not had enough time to work on it.
Getting a kit ready for release is a big task, 100 little details...
but I will get there.
I am not in a position to comment on using the SW 30 in RTTY mode.
It was designed for CW service so I would not feel comfortable
running it at 100% duty cycle. I think Dave Benson could give you a
more definitive answer.
981|977|2007-11-15 22:31:35|Pete Smith|Re: Problem|Dick, I betcha if you try it, the Winkey works fine with N1MM. I
occasionally get this or a similar message, but it doesn't seem to affect
anything, so I just put it down to gremlins.
73, Pete
At 01:20 PM 11/15/2007, Dick-w0raa wrote:
982|977|2007-11-19 19:03:15|Dick-w0raa|Re: Problem| Hi Pete, and others who responded.
I downloaded the New 7.0.0 Full Install. Then I downloaded the 7.10.12 Upgrade and installed that. I entered all my station data. I chose the FT-920 on Com1 and put the WK2USB on COM3. The CAT control works fine. Everytime I bring up N1MM, the messsage described in my original request ("Wrong Winkey Version. Winkey v2 detected. Only Winkey v4 and later are supported."). As stated before, no problem with WriteLog. I just bring up WL, go into CW mode on my 920 (the ports are setup the same on both programs), and the WinKey2 works like a champ and keys the radio just fine. I was hoping to use N1MM for the upcoming CQWW CW aat the end of this month, but unless I can get this resolved, I'll be using WL.
Any other suggestions, guys?
Thanks to all who have responded thus far.
983|983|2007-11-19 19:03:24|Nick|FYI - Problem with Ezmaster - but is it a problem with WinKey??|Hi
I would appreciate some advice with a problem that I have with using
the internal WinKey within an Ezmaster unit when communicating via USB
from the Wintest logging program.
When I try sending cw from Wintest, either using direct typing from
the keyboard (ALT_K in Wintest) or with any stored contest message, I
get the following 2 faults:
1. The initial dot or dash of each message is extended.
2. Any dash is very very very long - like 20-30 seconds.
A 'normal' dot is still OK (when it is not the first pulse in a message).
I am pretty sure that the problem is within the Ezmaster. Wintest is
still fine if I use my PC serial ports to send CW via a transistor switch.
Do you think the WinKey PIC chip is faulty? The 'dash' timing is
clearly totally wrong now.
Any ideas from the WinKey experts?
Many thanks.
Nick G4FAL
984|983|2007-11-19 19:11:59|selliot|Re: FYI - Problem with Ezmaster - but is it a problem with WinKey??|Nick,
Sorry to say, but I am not very familiar with the EZmaster unit.
There is a WK setting that allows the first dit or dah to be
lengthened, see if there is a control somewhere in the EZmaster
control software that allows you to change it.
I don't have a definitive answer for the long dah.
I doubt it is a problem with the WK chip, it sounds more like a
initialization problem. Is there some sort of a restore factory
defaults command ? That is the first place I would look.
985|977|2007-11-19 19:15:50|selliot|Re: Problem|Dick,
As was suggested by others, I think it is a bogus error message, just
ignore it and keep going. I' pretty sure that it will work fine. FWIW
there is no version 2 Winkey, at least not one that was ever shipped.
So, it is not an error message that makes sense.
986|986|2007-11-24 15:32:23|ea4dat|Win-test and Winkey coinfiguration ?|Hello and thanks to read this message, I am trying to make work the
interface of CW WinKey of K1EL and the program of Win-Test aids and not
it with himself. I have proven the WinKeyer with QD Keyer and to first
it works.
73 Juan EA4DAT
987|987|2007-11-24 15:33:23|John Parnell|Standalone question for WKUSB|Hi
I built the WinKeyer USB yesterday and it seems to work once I figured
out the radio settings for my FT857D. A GREAT little kit for the $ IMHO.
I thought I would try to use it in the upcoming CQWW CW contest but
decided that 4 hours was not enough to learn the N1MM program (!) so I
opted to put in three standalone commands, "k7hv", "de khv" and "r
599 03 tu" that would suffice for my hunt and pounce low power-to-a-
dipole operation.
I entered the commands into the keyer using the excellent standalone
PDF instructions k1el provided. Each time I manage to load a message,
it will play back whenever I press ANY key! I further tested it
without the radio and USB connection with the same result. I tried
using the WinKey test program to enter msgs as well and it doesn't
seem to work (NO messages are sent upon pushing the buttons) - even
though WinKey says that it is communicating OK with the box...
Any of you have problems or insight with this? I checked the board
carefully and didn't see any obvious solder bridges. I am stumped.
thanks in advance for any clue-
73 de John, K7HV
988|988|2007-11-24 15:33:38|dd3ly|RTTY-Filter & CW-decoder|Dear Steve,
will the RTTY-Filter available again soon?
Are you still working on the CW-decoder or is this available soon?
The link on your website for the manual of the CW-decoder does not
73 from Germany
Andreé DD3LY
989|989|2007-11-24 15:33:53|John Parnell|Followup: Standalone question for WKUSB|Well, I tried the "monkeys at the typewriter " approach to dealing
with my previously posted keyer problem. What worked was manually
turning off the sidetone (using the buttons in standalone mode) and
turning the tone on again - using the "A" command... for some reason,
that reset it and it now "remembers" my programming. I have no idea
why that worked, but thought this snippet of it might prove useful to
someone (or the developer)
I am now all set for CQWW CW! 73 de K7HV
990|986|2007-11-24 17:14:35|selliot|Re: Win-test and Winkey coinfiguration ?|Juan,
If it works with one application then that proves the hardware is
operating properly. I would recommend checking the WK settings for
Win-Test to make sure you have the correct com port selected.
You haven't really given me much information to allow me to help you
much beyond that.
991|988|2007-11-24 17:20:58|selliot|Re: RTTY-Filter & CW-decoder|Andreé,
Unless I see more demand for the RTTY kit I will not do another run of
kits. Even though it works great it took a long long time to sell the
last kitting.
I have received lots of inquiries about the CW reader, it is just about
ready to go into beta test. After that we will be ready to ship. I have
all the parts in house, so that part is ready. I will finish up the
manual this week and post it on the website. The link is dead right now.
It just takes a long time to introuduce a new kit when you have to
support current kits at the same time.
The CW Reader is just one of five new things I am working on that will
be announced over the coming months.
992|987|2007-11-24 17:29:32|selliot|Re: Standalone question for WKUSB|John,
I ordered the wrong 2.2K resistor network and we shipped quite a few
kits before someone caught it yesterday. I will now email everyone
that bought a kit over the past two months and have them check to see
which resistor network they have and I will send out a replacement to
those who have the wrong one.
The incorrect one is labeled:
The correct one is:
I bought a bussed resistor network instead of an isolated version.
The only thing that this affects is the message pushbutton function,
in all other respects WKUSB will work fine.
And so it goes,
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "John Parnell"
so I
993|989|2007-11-24 17:32:54|selliot|Re: Followup: Standalone question for WKUSB|John,
Are you able to store messages in all pushbutton slots ? If so then you
have the right resistor network. The sidetone issue youi mention pops
up from time to time, a cold reset cures the problem, I think it has
something to do with the initial state of the EEPROM memory. It's on
the list of things to fix in the next revision on WK2.
994|994|2007-11-28 10:47:55|Simon Brown|Prosigns| Hi,
What's the point of the EE prosign if it sends NULL? I don't get it - old age, dim-witted, there has to be a reason :-)
Simon Brown, HB9DRV
995|995|2007-11-29 04:59:12|hjohnc1999|WKUSB Size and Speed Pot|I can't find info on the web site. I am interested in the WKUSB
standalone kit.
How big is it? L, W, H?
Can the speed pot range be set to less than 30 WPM when connected to
the computer and then retained in stand-lone mode?
73 de K1ESE
996|996|2007-11-29 04:59:17|Richard V. Haire|RN1???|Steve,
I'm a little confused. The resistor network in my Win Key USB kit is
marked 10b222G. It is black with 10 pins. This number does not match
either the correct or in correct number. mentioned on this list on 11/24.
Is this the correct or incorrect RN1? Have not yet installed it.
Thanks for the help.
997|997|2007-11-29 20:06:42|G0RDO|Joining group| Hello there !
Just ordered a WKUSB kit, so thought it a good idea to join the group.
John Snell / G0RDO
998|996|2007-11-30 18:11:15|selliot|Re: RN1???|Dick,
I believe that network is OK, the way to tell for sure is to measure
the resistance between pin 1 and 10. If it reads 2.2K then it's not
the right part.
A good part will read an open circuit between pin 1 and 10.
Let me know if you need a replacement, parts are in and I am sending
them out to those who need them.
--- In
k1el_keyers@yahoogroups.com, "Richard V. Haire"
kit is
999|988|2007-11-30 18:18:58|selliot|Re: RTTY-Filter & CW-decoder|Andreé,
I have had enough requests for K40 RTTY modules that I will do a
small kitting of 25 more kits. That is the number of SCAF filter ICs
I have left and I would like to clear out those expensive parts.
So I will be ordering more PCBs and getting the parts together. I
expect them to be ready for shipping the first week of 2008.
A common question has been:
"Will I be able to put both a K40 RTTY module and a K40CW reader
module in the K40 enclosure at the same time ?"
The answer is no, the K40 firmware in different for the RTTY module
and CW reader. In addition, there is no easy way to mount both of
them in the same enclosure. You can run an RTTY K40 in CW transmit,
you just can't add a CW reader board.
1000|988|2007-12-03 23:45:31|FireBrick|Re: RTTY-Filter & CW-decoder|I'm a recent subscriber.
Is there a link to a description of what the K40CW and/or the K40RTTY
modules will do? What they do, how they hook up etc. etc.???
1001|988|2007-12-03 23:49:45|selliot|Re: RTTY-Filter & CW-decoder||
1002|1002|2007-12-10 15:19:26|Jim Stafford W4QO|C-typer docs|I am using a plain old WinKey v. 10 and the software I use (N3FJP)
does not
support the speed control. SOOOOOO...
I thought I'd download some of the software from Steve's site and play
with it. The QD
keyer seems to work fine and is pretty intuitive. However, when I
downloaded the C-Typer, I can't figure parts of it out. I saw in one
message here that
there was a two page doc on it but I can't find it anywhere on the
web. The part I can figure out works fine, the speed pot works fine,
etc. but there are some parts that are a mystery. Even had to happen
on to the fact that PAUSE/BREAK starts and stops the CW.
Would it be possible for someone to point me to the docs or better
yet, upload them to the file section of this site. I'm using it with
Vista and seems to work great ats a keyer but the TYPER part is still a
bit of a mystery in some ways.
1003|1002|2007-12-10 17:03:14|selliot|Re: C-typer docs|Jim,
The user guide is located in the c-typer installation directory:
C:\Program Files\C-Typer\c-typer.pdf
1004|1004|2007-12-12 00:56:58|Richard V. Haire|Winkey USB + Icom IC-706MKIIG|Hi,
Just completed constucting the WinKey USB and have it tested. I intend
to use it with and Icom IC-706MKIIG. Is there any thing I should know
before hooking the keyer to this rig? Have not been able to find the
keying voltage or polarity in the manual. As a modern rig it seems it
must be below the 50 VDC cut off.
Thanks for any info.
1005|1005|2007-12-12 00:57:28|dl4230|K40 CW decoder|Athough I prefer to read my own CW, with the passage of time my
fingers are less able to manipulate a paddle, so I was delighted to
discover Steve's K40 CW keyboard.
I was so pleased with it that when the CW reader was announced, the
temptation to add one to my setup was strong, since I would admit to
an occasional difficulty discriminating between H and S, 5 and H, 1
and J etc. at high speed.
I was very disappointed, however, to learn that the reader has a
FIXED frequency input of 800Hz, which is too high for many,
especially pro and ex-pro ops.
Since Steve doesn't respond to direct emails, perhaps I could suggest
on these pages that he considers offering various "kits" of
components for preferred input frequencies. Mine happens to be 600Hz
and my friend's preference is 550Hz. the 50Hz difference REALLY
makes a difference to us. I believe Steve's potential market will
suffer some restriction due to the lack of choice of input frequency,
certainly amongst the 6,000+ Elecraft K2 users.
Season's Greetings all.
1006|1005|2007-12-12 01:14:25|selliot|Re: K40 CW decoder|Dave,
I always respond to direct emails and I did respond to yours.
If you look at the design of the CW decoder it is very minimal, only
three 8 pin DIP ICs! The PSoC processor is very capable of doing
lots of things but high speed DSP is not one of them. Cw tone
decoding is accomplished by a technique called quadrature
correlation which is described in several Cypress application notes.
The trick is that you can get pretty good tone decoding performance
at integral divisions of the master 24 MHz processor clock. 800 Hz
works out to be very nice for several reasons, the main one is that
the analog to digital conversion rate and a reasonable tone sampling
rate converge nicely at this frequency.
So as it stands, 800 Hz is the frequency, and it really isn't a
choice I specifically chose, it's just what the numbers work out to
be. It has been hard enough to actually get this project finished, I
have been at it for almost a year (I cringe when I think of that)
and I have other projects that I need to (want to) get to while I
still can.
I will be publishing the source to the PSoC controller since it came
from a public domain offering and I want to continue the thread. It
would be a worthwhile effort to redo the numbers and see if the
numbers could converge at a different frequency.
6000 Elecraft users ! I think there are only about 300 K40s out
there and I would be happy if even 50 or 60 of them bought the CW
decoder !
1007|1005|2007-12-12 02:04:59|Dick-w0raa|Re: K40 CW decoder| Like you, Dave, I also prefer the lower frequency. Eight hundred is too high, especially since I wear hearing aids.
1008|1008|2007-12-12 16:17:39|Richard V. Haire|Re: Winkey USB & IC-706MKIIG|Thanks guys for all of the answers. Looking forward to getting on the
air with the WinKey.Great kit, really enjoyed building it.
1009|1009|2007-12-13 05:34:11|warren18947|Why "###" in MixW echo from Winkeyer USB?|As I transmit CW with the WinKeyer USB (the model with the 4
buttons)using MixW as the terminal program I am getting lots of "#"
characters inserted in the RX text stream.
Anyone know what is wrong?
The WinKeyer Port configuration box is set to the MixW default,
"grayed out" values:
Baud rate 1200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 2
RTS and DTR Always On
The MixW WInKey.ini file is below. I initially tried to use the keyer
in Logic but I think the Logic interface may be outdated and the CW
wasn't good.
Wes, WZ7I
; WinKey configuration file
; Syntax:
; X or XX - hex command
; wX or wXX - wait for XX milliseconds
; ; - comment after semicolon
; See commands description at www.k1el.com website
; Notice that installing a new MixW version may overwrite this file -
; if you change it, do installation carefully
; When CW mode starts, MixW will send the following commands to the
00 00 w7f ff ;
0e 40 ;
09 05 ; 00 02 ; Q ; Quit the command mode
; After sending these commands, MixW will send:
; 1) Enable/disable pot command (see the CW Settings dialog)
; 2) Setup Speed Pot command with these parameters (edit if needed)
[Setup Speed Pot]
; End of file |
1010|1005|2007-12-13 05:41:38|selliot|Re: K40 CW decoder|After thinking about it, I took some time to look at ways of lowering
the operating frequency of the K40CW reader. By rewriting the AtoD
sampling routine I was able to double the sampling rate. This allowed
me some freedom to lower the decode frequency. Currently I am
targeting 690 Hz, it is about as low as I want to go without making
other more drastic changes. I still have a couple of minor hurdles to
get over, will let you know how it goes.
I recalculated the resistor values for the 4 pole active filter and
found I could not use any of the 1% resistors I had bought so I'll
have to get some new values.
The saga continues....
1011|1011|2007-12-17 08:19:47|Jim Stafford W4QO|Christmas is coming... WinKey2|I have the WinKey (original) but N3FJP software does not support the
speed pot - have to do it with his up and down arrows.
Am thinking about asking for a WinKey 2 for my stocking. From what I
can read, may I assume that the speed pot on the "2" will work
regardless of what the software sends to it?
Also, I believe that as long as I have the "2" plugged into a computer
port OR have it on battery power, it will not require any program to
be running to make it operate as a keyer, correct?
I'm confused a bit about Serial or USB for the "2" - are there two
versions of it? I guess I'd sort of like to get the USB version as
the main "contest" computer is USB equipped. Only time I'd use a
computer without USB is at FD (old laptop), and I'd keep the old
"plain" WinKey for that, I suppose.
1012|1012|2007-12-17 08:19:50|pa0r|Linux support for winkey1|I have a working daemon which will operate the K1EL winkey keyer under
Linux. It listens to a udp port and
converts the cwdaemon commands to the format winkey needs, and sends
it to the serial port
the winkey unit is connected to. After starting it goes into the
I have tested it with tlf as well as xtlf under UBUNTU, and it is a
great solution if you have problems with the
keying of the cwdaemon or fldigi... It will also work for Xlog and qle.
Version 1.0 implements the main functions:
* cw generation
* PTT lead in
* speed control
* weight control
* tune
* abort message
* a 'keyer_busy' mutex in ~/.winkey
winkeydaemon.pl [options...]
-n run in foreground for debugging
-p udp port
-d serial device
-s starting speed in wpm
One advantage is that you have a full-blown hardware keyer which is
fully integrated with
your contest logger... good for rigs that lack an internal keyer.
Next version will send the functions which are not supported (antenna
rig A/B switching etc.) through to the cwdaemon socket for handling...
I have uploaded to
http://sharon.esrac.ele.tue.nl/pub/linux/ham/tlf/winkeydaemon-1.0.tar.gz You will probably also need to get Device::SerialPort from CPAN.
Rein PA0R
Documentation is inside the script...
http://pa0r.blogspirit.com |
1013|1011|2007-12-17 16:31:21|Joe-aa4nn|Re: Christmas is coming... WinKey2| Hi Jim,
Your assumptions are correct except for N3FJP controlling the speed.
N3FJP, I believe, does not "read" the Winkey to see that you have
turned the speed pot...so WinUSB will be no different in that respect.
WinUSB will run standalone with power from the USB port or from
the battery, no software required. On the WinUSB PCB there is a
3-pin header that you short a combination of two pins if power is from
USB or short another combination if power is from the battery. Since
this jumper and the battery are inside the case, I installed a double-
pole-single-throw switch on the WinUSB rear panel to switch the pins
on the jumper block. In USB position the battery is disconnected so
there is no drain . This is in effect my standalone "on-off" switch.
I never did like a keyer command to perform the "tune" function, so
on the front panel I installed a single-pole-single-throw switch to close
the KEY1 output to temporarily key my rig when tuning the amp.
I understand "Serial" refers to the original Winkey that connected
to the COM port or used a USB-COM adapter. The "2" probably
refers to WinUSB (Winkey2.)
It's a nice kit with a nice enclosure. Good luck with it.
Gotcha K3 on yet?