1|1|2000-12-25 18:00:53|tonner|No posts|
Am I doing something wrong or are they just not any posts?
2|1|2000-12-25 22:36:49|TRUFAX7@aol.com|Re: No posts|In a message dated 12/25/00 4:01:36 PM,
donf@... writes:
<< Am I doing something wrong or are they just not any posts?
Hey! my first message on the Star list.
I think there is only three members on this list and I have seen no posts
before today. Merry Christmas!
I carry conceiled a M-43 single stack small frame 9 mm. white metal.
I take it with me every where, sometimes in a under arm sling rig, mostly in
a small of the back clip rig and lately I just drop it in my winter coat
I never had to pull it out yet but I also carry car insurance.
What Star Model do you have?
Mike in Seattle
3|1|2000-12-26 02:57:54|tonner|Re: No posts|--- In
star-guns@egroups.com, TRUFAX7@a... wrote:
Have owned (aquired through trade where guy was bugging me to get
back an 870 12ga he had traded me years before) a 9mm Star BKM for
years but probably havent fired 50 rounds through it. Used to shoot
alot but quit hunting and kind of lost interest in shooting. Just
cleaned guns every 6 mos or so and replaced in case. Recently
started .22 plinking with tricked out 10/22 and MKII slabside and this
re-ignited interest. Not much info on net about Star firearms so
thought this group might contain some.
4|1|2000-12-26 06:59:05|TRUFAX7@aol.com|Re: No posts|In a message dated 12/26/00 12:58:02 AM,
donf@... writes:
<< Not much info on net about Star firearms so
thought this group might contain some.
http://www.donttouchme.com/star/index.html" Echeverria, S.A. Eibar, ESPANA -Â… Try this link if you haven't see it before.
I got my Star from a friend and didn't know anything about it - no owners
but it looked to me like a mini colt 1911. I couldn't figure out how to take
it apart so I asked on rec.guns and got all the help I needed.
The link above is an aol link and if it doesn't work for you I'll try to get
the full address.
5|1|2000-12-26 16:21:44|tonner|Re: No posts|--- In
star-guns@egroups.com, TRUFAX7@a... wrote:
Had that one bookmarked but doesnt contain much. I also was looking
for some kind of manual, either factory or homebrewed. Guess out of
luck on that. I subscribe to rec.guns but dont recall archive url.
Maybe that source will yeild some instruction.
6|6|2001-01-13 04:50:13|kmelby0001@aol.com|star lover|Hi my name is Kory. I have 3 FR Sports. Love em
I am looking for a Star Model 110 rifle. Yes they did make one.
Have any of you guys had any luck finding Star Guns on the web.
7|7|2001-01-18 09:48:08|Noel Van Hook|Intro.|Hello all. I am the owner of a M43 in Starvel, which is my almost
constant companion here in the Pacific Northwest, in Washington state.
I found this list while searching Dejanews for information on how to
deal with a little bit of rust that has appeared on the butt of my gun.
I had thought that the Starvel finish was almost impervious to rust, but
apparently continuous contact with skin has taken its toll.
Anyway, it's great to find a list dedicated to these under-appreciated
little guns.
8|7|2001-01-19 07:09:39|TRUFAX7@aol.com|Re: Intro.|Welcome Noel,
Hey! This little group is growing
That's the same gun I have and is my daily carry, I mostly have to clean the
lint out of it and haven't noticed any rust. Have you figured out a good way
to carry it?
I bought I little soft leather small of the back sock with pants clip that
works OK but I would like to find a more secure method, It has never fallen
out but I worry about it. I have an underarm concealed rig but can't use that
at work because of the production of putting it on. I keep the gun in my tool
box all day close at hand.
I also think this gun is a heavy little chunk and under-appreciated.
I expect to have it forever.
Mike in Seattle
In a message dated 1/18/01 7:50:18 AM,
DangerMouse@... writes:
<< Hello all. I am the owner of a M43 in Starvel, which is my almost
constant companion here in the Pacific Northwest, in Washington state.
I found this list while searching Dejanews for information on how to
deal with a little bit of rust that has appeared on the butt of my gun.
I had thought that the Starvel finish was almost impervious to rust, but
apparently continuous contact with skin has taken its toll.
Anyway, it's great to find a list dedicated to these under-appreciated
little guns.
9|7|2001-01-19 09:14:58|Noel Van Hook|Re: Intro.|It is starting to discolor and darken along the backstrap and especially
along and under the back edge of the grips.
I used to carry in an Uncle Mike's IWB. But since I noticed the rust, I
have cut way back on the IWB, and gone to a fanny pack. Fanny packs are
so ubiquitous here in the Puget Sound area, that they don't attract any
attention, and I generally had one with me anyway. The gun is small
enough that you can use a small discreet pack instead of those huge
"I've got a gun in here!" packs. I now save the IWB for where a fanny
pack is inappropriate.
That it is! But at least I can feed it a steady diet of Corbon without
worrying about it. :)
10|10|2001-01-28 09:10:51|kd7bcy@teleport.com|Hello everyone|Well, finally some time to post a message. I started this list mostly
because I hate not being able to find things. I bought a Firestar M43
from a co-worker a little while back and unfortunatley haven't had
time to do anything with it yet. I hope to get it to the range soon.
Oh well. I'm not quite awake yet, maybe I think of something more
interesting to say later.
11|11|2001-01-29 23:14:48|Georgia Cracker|Hello|Iv'e got a firestar star 40 , Haven't shot it in years, but it was a real
shooter. Very heavy, but made for a good grip in the weapon. I added the mag
extensions. Too heavy to carry, but it was a fun gun. Don't care to shoot it
now, but don't care to sell any of my guns.
Best shooting,
12|11|2001-01-29 23:33:06|kmelby0001@aol.com|Re: Hello|Thanks for the reply,
I am just looking around. Do you know of any places that specializes in
Star guns.
My friend just gotta have a few more- FR Sports and a Model 110
Kory Melby MN
13|13|2001-07-15 22:20:15|John Rollins Jr|Problem with Firestar hammer|I took the gun completely apart... My first mistake. Damn those
springs... The safety detent plunger went flying to parts unknown,
probably now underneath a pile of dust in the corner of the room.
find it eventually, I hope... But on to the real problem. Putting it
back together, the sear doesn't seem to quite fit in right, and the
hammer won't go all the way back. Take the sear out and it will pull
back completely, but at a certain point where the bottom end of the
hammer hits the spring there is a nasty grinding sound and some
resistance. All I can figure with the sear is that it's catching on
spring maybe? Any ideas on what went wrong and how to fix it? And can
someone please describe(or pictures are good) what the safety detent
device looks like so I know what it is as I dig through several years
of dust and other lost parts?
14|13|2001-07-16 02:15:19|John Rollins Jr|Re: Problem with Firestar hammer|Quick update...
I managed to get it put back together and it now ALMOST works right...
With the exception of the missing safety detent, the hammer will now
cock, but it's still not going back far enough for the slide to cycle
fully. Any guesses? I'm still stumped. Maybe I need a new hammer or
spring? Or maybe a new sear? Hope I can find the parts without buying a
new gun...
15|15|2002-01-31 22:30:40|vazquezjf|Firestar M40|I have a Firestar M40, have had since they first came out. It is a
great gun and I have fired thousands of rounds through it. The
problem is that the extractor has wornout. Does anyone know where I
can find a new extractor? I've tried Gun Parts Corp (formerly
Numrich) to no avail.
16|16|2002-02-07 12:47:20|John Rollins|Firestar safety detent ball size?|Does anyone know what size the ball bearing is for the safety detent
on a Firestar 9mm? I lost mine(Doh!). Definitley be careful when the
safety rotates down with the grips off... That thing really flies!
http://jrollins.tripod.com/ |
kd7bcy@... |
17|17|2002-04-08 19:36:04|rlh1967200|9mm Firestar|Hi everyone, I am a new Firestar owner in 9MM. It is a good little
gun except for one bad thing. It pinches my trigger finger at the end
of the pull just before it fires. Then the recoil really does a job
on the pinched portion of my finger. Has anyone else experienced this
and does anyone know what to do to stop it? I can not believe that
Star built a gun this good and designed it to pinch the trigger
finger. But, a magazine is all I can stand to shoot before the pain
stops me from shooting more. My hand is small. I wear small size
gloves. None of the other guns I shoot do this. I would like to carry
this gun but I have to cure this problem first.
18|17|2002-04-10 00:14:04|Georgia Cracker|Re: 9mm Firestar|Might try adding a grip sleeve. Sounds like your had is wrapping too far
around and your having too much of your finger sticking across the trigger.
Either shift your grip on the gun so that your trigger finger doesn't go so
far or try to use the tip of your finger rather than near the joint, or add
a grip sleeve to make a larger grip around the gun so that your finger
doesn't go in so far.
Take a look at this grip tape, you can even make palm swells to better match
the grip to your hand.
http://www.gunracing.com/Qstore/p000052.htm Best shooting,
19|19|2002-04-19 23:09:49|shootist74|Firestar M45|I currently have an M45(you know, the .45 ACP model) that is giving
me fits. At first the trigger was "scratchy" with a lot of creep and
a terrible pull so it shot all over the place at 7 yards(and was very
low), and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at 25 yards. A
competent gunsmith friend of mine did some work on the trigger
mechanism which smoothed up the action and lightened the pull(and
that's all he did). Now the pistol groups well, but it still shoots
REALLY low with a variety of ammo(185 grain JHP, 230 grain ball,
etc.). I'm talking around 8-9" low at 7 yards and still around 6-8"
low at 25 yards. Does anyone have any advice as to what might be
wrong with this pistol? Doing the sight radius/distance/error
calculation results in a sight adjustment of almost .1", which means
either adding this much material to the rear sight or effectively
removing the front sight. My first instinct is that there's either
an alignment problem with the barrel or a defect in the lands, but
it's nothing obvious. I hope someone can solve this mystery.
On a side note, I also have a M43 in Starvel that shoots flawlessly
and digests any ammo feed it.
20|20|2002-05-04 08:39:56|Noel Van Hook|Starvel care.|The dealer lead me to believe that the Starvel finish was as durable as
stainless steel. Well, not quite. :-)
Anyway, my Starvel M-43 has a lot of darkening around the grip. I don't
know if it is rust or tarnish or what. What is the best way of
brightening this up?
21|20|2002-05-04 18:33:11|John Rollins|Re: Starvel care.||
22|13|2002-05-13 08:53:57|spyz1r|Re: Problem with Firestar hammer|I took a firestar apart and had the same problem, I found that you
just have to get the sear and the hammer release bar alligned
properly. It's a BITCH!!!. You have to put the sear in position
inside the gun, put the pin through just enough to hold the sear,with
the hammer release bar you might want to position it and tape it in
place, holding the pin(and sear) you slide the spring and hammer in
the gun, now this is hard, you have to get a flat screwdriver and try
to pull the spring down and slide it into the hammer release slot
(your screwdriver should be holding down the spring from on top of
the round metal part. While still holding the spring down (the
screwdriver should stay in the slot without holding it)make sure the
sear,release bar, and spring are in place, and slide the hammer in
carefully, making sure everything lines up, and push down and inward
hard, pulling out the screwdriver at the same time. It should click
right in if done right. If your hammer release bar ends up being
loose you have to find avery small washer and put in with the
sear,release bar assembly. Your safety detent is very small, it's a
small pin and almost impossible to find. You might want to take it in
to a shop.
23|23|2002-08-06 19:15:55|nreed764|Star S.A. .45|Hello all. I have a Star S.A. .45 caliber pistol and the firing pin
is broke. I'm having a very difficult time trying to find a
replacement. If anyone know how to help me with this, I would be
grateful. Thanks
NReed764@... |
24|23|2002-08-13 18:31:08|shootist74|Re: Star S.A. .45|--- In star-guns@y..., "nreed764" 204 South Union St
Alexandria, VA 22314
Supposedly a great source for Star parts. I called them and they had
a barrel for my Firestar M-45 in stock, ready to ship.
25|25|2002-08-13 18:32:36|shootist74|Barrel Twist rate|Anyone out there know the twist rate for the Star Firestar M-45?
Mine is having a terrible time with 230 grain ball ammo, so I was
thinking that maybe it was a funtion of the twist rate.
26|26|2002-08-20 12:40:29|nreed764|(no subject)|Thanks Shootist...I'll give them a try
27|27|2002-09-08 23:07:15|fatboy15017|need help with a broken firestar plus|I have a 9mm firestar plus that now occaisonally fails to release
the hammer when I pull the trigger. Reracking the slide does not
help. I disassembled it and found nothing obviously wrong but it
still will not fire. Hopefully someone has had this problem before
and can advise me. I would also like to find a good gunsmith with
experience working on these.
Thank you,
David email
DMG_@... |
28|28|2002-09-15 22:28:35|forrestspringer|Firestar 9mm |I need a new extractor or a fix for intermittant extraction failure.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I love the pistol and would
hate to have to get rid of it.
Thanks, Forrest
29|29|2002-11-11 00:41:14|tegragsr4dr|Warranty Info.|Hey guys. I've owned a M-243 Firestar Plus(EAA imported) for a few
months now, and I'm wondering what type of warranty came with the
Star Handguns. I got no documentation in the box stating a
warranty. I know they're out of business, but I was wondering if EAA
still supports a warranty. I've tried to email them asking if they
cover it but their email address doesn't work. Nothing has happened
to it to need warranty work. I'm just used to Kel-Tec which has a
Lifetime Warranty, and it would put my mind at ease to know that its
protected with some kind of warranty. Thanks guys.
-Darryl Doak JR
30|30|2002-11-15 19:55:56|morbius1952|9mm firestar m43|where can I find parts for this gun?
Especially,a firing pin block.
31|30|2002-11-15 20:31:09|DAK|Re: 9mm firestar m43|I posted this awhile back, but here it is again.
Try M&M Gunsmithing
204 South Union St
Alexandria, VA 22314
Supposedly a great source for Star parts. I called them and they had
a barrel for my Firestar M-45 in stock, ready to ship.
morbius1952 <
morbius1952@... Especially,a firing pin block.
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32|32|2002-11-16 17:46:45|Dan Lang|Re: Outstanding book on Star handguns|I bought the book "Star Firearms" by Dr. Leonardo M. Antaris. This is possibly the best quality gun book I own---for any firearm. It is 630 pages of information, charts, indexes, and outstanding pictures. Even the history of the company and old ads from 50 years ago are in it. All you ever wanted to know about Star pistols. It isn't cheap but I've paid more and gotten a lot less. When you start reading, make sure you do not have anything schedule to do anytime soon because you won't want to put it down. I bought my copy at a gun show, but you can probably find it on the internet. He wrote a great book on astras a few years ago, but this is much more complete. It is published by a company named FIRAC at 1230 E. Rushholme St. in Davenport, Iowa 52803. No one who is really interested in Stars should pass it up.
33|33|2003-10-15 05:13:06|John Rollins|Test||
34|33|2003-10-15 07:39:31|Mike Buchanan|Re: Test|Us Star owners don't appear to be to active anymore.
I wasn't sure if I still belonged to this list. Still carrying my Star
M-43 daily, looking for my 4th IWB holster
must be the weight of this little piece.
Mike in Seattle
John Rollins wrote:
35|33|2003-10-16 00:20:39|Noel Van Hook|Re: Test|Yep. We are still here. Two things keep discussion on this list to a minimum:
1) Nobody sells cool after-market goodies for them
2) They never break.
Noel in Bothell
At 10:39 PM 10/14/2003, you wrote:
36|33|2003-10-16 00:21:48|John Rollins|Re: Test|I don't even have mine any more.... :-(
When I have the money I plan to hunt down the .45 model at the local
gun show, and maybe another 9mm too. I've been too preoccupied with
my AR-15 lately.
http://jrollins.tripod.com/ |
kd7bcy@... |
37|33|2003-10-16 16:59:12|DAK|Re: Test|I still have both of mine, and they still work flawlessly. My M-43 with the Starvel finish just killed a coyote this weekend (it's loaned out to my dad), and my M-45 has taken its share of coyotes this year. I tell you, if you have the opportunity to do some close range work on coyotes with a pistol, you'll really be able to gauge your shooting ability in a stressful situation, not to mention on a moving target.
Unfortunately, my M-45 has been unloaded and sits in my safe, coated in lube until I can send it out to be re-blued. So for now my Kimber Custom II has become my close-range coyote-buster. I have to admit, the Kimber is easier to shoot, but it's not as easy to carry and conceal. Anyone know of a good shop in the Albuquerque area or within a reasonable shipping distance to do a nice re-blue, or maybe some other finish, on my M-45? I haven't had the time to go surf and look for one.
Nice to see some traffic in the group again.
John Rollins <
kd7bcy@... I don't even have mine any more.... :-(
When I have the money I plan to hunt down the .45 model at the local
gun show, and maybe another 9mm too. I've been too preoccupied with
my AR-15 lately.
http://jrollins.tripod.com/ |
kd7bcy@... |
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38|38|2003-10-20 04:14:51|dougmrhoover|M43 wood stocks|Ever seen wooden stocks available? My m43 fits my hand great, but
wood would be so nice!
39|38|2003-10-20 04:39:40|Mike Buchanan|Re: M43 wood stocks|Get a nice piece of wood, slice it in half lengthwise, then carve away
any wood that is not a grip!
I couldn't resist.
Mike in Seattle
dougmrhoover wrote:
40|38|2003-10-20 06:13:51|John Rollins|Re: M43 wood stocks|I was going to do that with an NAA mini revolver... The black powder
version actually. Then I sold that and got the Magnum cartridge
version, and the piece of wood I had was too small! :-(
If you haven't done wood carving before, get enough to do several!
41|38|2003-10-20 22:25:47|Doug Swanson|Re: M43 wood stocks|Tried that- didn't come out very grippy!
Doug in CO Springs
Mike Buchanan <
trufax223@... Get a nice piece of wood, slice it in half lengthwise, then carve away
any wood that is not a grip!
I couldn't resist.
Mike in Seattle
dougmrhoover wrote:
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42|42|2003-11-29 21:59:06|gunheaded|firestar m40 parts needed|I need an extractor for a Firestar M40. Mine is worn and will not
eject the spent cartridge. Can anyone tell me where to find one? Ed
Fleshman, Rupert,WV
43|42|2003-12-01 17:37:58|DAK|Re: firestar m40 parts needed|I posted this awhile back, but here it is again.
Try M&M Gunsmithing
204 South Union St
Alexandria, VA 22314
gunheaded <
gunheaded@... eject the spent cartridge. Can anyone tell me where to find one? Ed
Fleshman, Rupert,WV
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44|42|2003-12-04 16:18:36|Dennis Young|Re: firestar m40 parts needed|You can always find most ANY gun part you need at:
Gun Parts Corporation
(no street address)
West Hurley, NY 12491
(914) 679-2417
(914) 679-5849 Fax
They stock over 500 million gun parts! They also have a great (2"
thick) catalog.
46|46|2003-12-29 17:55:26|Gary|Grips for PD|Good morning, I'm happy to have found this group this morning. I
have an excellent shooting PD, but I need to replace the grips. I
believe Gunparts has replacement walnut grips, but as long as I'm
looking I want to see if there is any variety available. Does anyone
know of a source for grips for the model PD?
Thanks for allowing the question.
47|47|2004-01-27 00:21:50|dbexx|need a barrel|Can anyone tell me where I can get a barrel for a Star Model BM 9mm ?
Would a BKM barrel fit?
48|48|2004-02-16 23:12:16|John Rollins|Firestar spotted in magazine!|I was just sitting down flipping through the Dec 2003 issue of Guns &
Ammo again and noticed something... A picture of a Firestar! It's on
page 20 next to a blurb about KG Industries' refinishing services.
OK, hardly worth getting excited over... But this is a quiet list.
John Rollins | KD7BCY |
http://www.kd7bcy.com DALnet #Apollo_Domain | Ham-Mac mailing list
http://mailman.qth.net ------------
49|49|2004-02-17 00:55:48|califr1guy|Firestar Plus Clips.|I need Firestar M243 Plus Clips. 13 rd ones would be best but 10 rd
ones will do. Can anyone help me out? E-mail me direct!!
50|49|2004-03-06 22:10:16|james fleshman|Re: Firestar Plus Clips.|Try M&M Gunsmithing at 204 South Union St. , Alexandria Va. 22314 phone number is (704)739-2150
A man there told me he clips for my m40 for $35. He may also have some for yours. Ed Fleshman,Rupert WV
califr1guy <
califr1guy@... I need Firestar M243 Plus Clips. 13 rd ones would be best but 10 rd
ones will do. Can anyone help me out? E-mail me direct!!
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51|49|2004-03-06 22:12:13|james fleshman|Re: Firestar Plus Clips.|Try M&M Gunsmithing at 204 South Union St. , Alexandria Va. 22314 phone number is (704)739-2150
A man there told me he clips for my m40 for $35. He may also have some for yours. Ed Fleshman,Rupert WV
califr1guy <
califr1guy@... I need Firestar M243 Plus Clips. 13 rd ones would be best but 10 rd
ones will do. Can anyone help me out? E-mail me direct!!
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52|52|2004-05-02 01:52:04|wayne johnston|new member new firestar hi all|new firestar owner here its an m-40 in starvel carried lots shot
litle belonged to a country deputy here in ms. first anything i must
know before getting started with this thing? i mean quirks that
belong to the firestar. are they durable? reliable enough for me to
ccw with it? let me know and thanks
53|52|2004-05-03 22:09:07|Dana Hangen|Re: new member new firestar hi all|I have probably 1200 rounds through my Firestar Plus
9mm. I have never had a problem with anything except
re-loads. It is great.
--- wayne johnston <
mopar74@... __________________________________
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54|54|2004-05-31 03:59:56|davidc@cot.net|Where Can I Buy Firestar Parts?|Where Can I Buy Firestar Parts? I need a rear site and screw.
55|54|2004-05-31 04:13:02|trufax223@earthlink.net|Re: Where Can I Buy Firestar Parts?|Pick up a copy of 'Shot Gun News' in the magazine section of your local
I have seen 'Firestar' parts listed in there.
Mike in Seattle
davidc@... wrote:
58|58|2004-07-07 14:08:58|ummad butt|New Group member. Hi|SO glad to find a resource for my M-45. Wanted to say Hi. Glad to be here
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
59|58|2004-07-09 05:59:07|Mike Buchanan|Re: New Group member. Hi|Welcome!
You won't see much posting in this group but we are here!
Star owners have to stick together and pool our resources in case one of
our pistols or rifles ever breaks down.
Every day carry piece - Star M-43, 9 mm in Starvel
Mike in Seattle
ummad butt wrote:
60|60|2004-07-14 03:24:34|beerbbab|parts|want to say hi it took me most of the night to find this site happy
to be hear i have had my m40 for 13 years and it hasent failed me
untill tonight the disconect went south on me and i need some place
to gets parts numrich anly has mags for us any help help will macke
me a happy camper thanks
61|61|2004-08-03 03:28:43|beerbbab|none|well look at all the help i got
62|62|2004-10-04 16:55:46|Papa Bear|Request for information|To all in this News Group
I am looking for any information you may have on a Wild cat load
called 6MM HLS. This is not the 6MM Rem. or 6MM international!
The 6MM HLS was developed in the 50's or 60's Consolidated Armslube
Company. Of Alamogordo New Mexico. I have some information "Not a
Lot" and I would like more. Any one having Load data or first hand
experience with the 6MM HLS please contact me at
papa_bearxyz1@... or just respond to this post.
If any one is interested in the data I have I am willing to Share /
swap data & Information. Wild cat shooters Please Ck your data
archives. Thanks
Also any one having knowledge of good Muzzle brake design. IE: What
works best / what dose not work. etc. etc.
Papa Bear
Life is like a box of ammo, it is more fun in the Gun
63|63|2004-10-14 14:43:02|Papa Bear|AR15 Conversions|Hello & Good morning to all
I am thinking about trying one of the conversion upper assemblies for
the AR15
Model 1 sales have the 6MM PPC & 7.62 X 39 conversions complete for
under $500.and Mag.'s under $20
Have any of you tried one of these conversions?
If so did you have any troubles?
Would you do it again or was it a waste of time and Money?
Dose any one Know of other Company's (Brands) that make this
Conversion for the AR15?
What Say You?
Papa Bear
papa_bearxyz1@... Life is Like a Box of Ammo it's more fun in the Gun!
64|64|2004-10-19 14:38:44|Papa Bear|Assault Weapons Ban (Michigan House)| HB 6239 - Assault Weapons Ban (Michigan House)
Michigan Legislature ^ | 9-29-04 | Bill McConico
Posted on 10/06/2004 9:16:36 PM PDT by Dan from Michigan
September 29, 2004, Introduced by Reps. McConico, Hunter, Waters,
Phillips, Hood, Smith, Tobocman, Condino, Vagnozzi, O'Neil, Sak,
Minore and Hardman and referred to the Committee on Criminal Justice.
1 Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the
2 "assault weapon regulation act".
3 Sec. 2. As used in this act:
4 (a) "Assault weapon" means any of the following:
5 (i) A semiautomatic pistol or semiautomatic or pump-action
6 rifle that is capable of accepting a detachable magazine that
7 holds more than 10 rounds of ammunition and that has any of the
8 following features:
9 (A) If the firearm is a rifle, a pistol grip located rear of
10 the trigger.
1 (B) If the firearm is a pistol, a shoulder stock of any type
2 or configuration including, but not limited to, a folding stock
3 or a telescoping stock.
4 (C) A barrel shroud.
5 (D) A muzzle brake or muzzle compensator.
6 (E) A feature capable of functioning as a protruding grip
7 that can be held by the hand that is not the trigger hand.
8 (ii) A pistol that is capable of accepting a detachable
9 magazine at any location outside of the pistol grip.
10 (iii) A semiautomatic pistol or a semiautomatic, center-fire
11 rifle with a fixed magazine capable of containing more than 10
12 rounds of ammunition.
13 (iv) A shotgun that is capable of accepting a detachable
14 magazine.
15 (v) A shotgun with a revolving cylinder.
16 (b) "Barrel shroud" means a covering, other than a slide,
17 that is attached to, or that substantially or completely
18 encircles the barrel of, a firearm and that allows the bearer of
19 the firearm to hold the barrel with the nonshooting hand while
20 firing the firearm without burning that hand. Barrel shroud does
21 not include an extension of the stock along the bottom of the
22 barrel if the extension of the stock does not substantially or
23 completely encircle the barrel.
24 (c) "Conversion kit" means a part or combination of parts
25 designed and intended for use in converting a firearm into an
26 assault weapon.
27 (d) "Detachable magazine" means a magazine that delivers 1
1 or more ammunition cartridges into the firing chamber and that
2 can be removed from the firearm without the use of any tool,
3 including a bullet or ammunition cartridge.
4 (e) "Muzzle brake" means a device attached to the muzzle of
5 a firearm that utilizes escaping gas to reduce recoil.
6 (f) "Muzzle compensator" means a device attached to the
7 muzzle of a firearm that utilizes escaping gas to control muzzle
8 movement.
9 Sec. 3. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3)
10 and section 4, a person shall not manufacture, possess, purchase,
11 sell, or otherwise transfer to another person an assault weapon
12 or an assault weapon conversion kit.
13 (2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4) and
14 section 4, a person shall not possess at the same time, or have
15 under his or her control at the same time, both of the
16 following:
17 (a) A semiautomatic or pump-action rifle or semiautomatic
18 pistol capable of accepting a detachable magazine.
19 (b) A magazine capable of use with that firearm that contains
20 more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
21 (3) Subsection (1) does not apply to any of the following:
22 (a) A person who possesses an unloaded assault weapon for the
23 purpose of permanently relinquishing it to a law enforcement
24 agency in this state pursuant to rules adopted for that purpose
25 by the department of state police. An assault weapon
26 relinquished under this subsection shall be turned over to the
27 department of state police under section 239 of the Michigan
1 penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.239, and destroyed.
2 (b) A licensed manufacturer or licensed dealer who transfers
3 an assault weapon to a law enforcement agency in this state for
4 use by that agency or its employees for law enforcement
5 purposes.
6 (c) A person who possesses an assault weapon that has been
7 permanently disabled so that it is incapable of discharging a
8 projectile.
9 (4) Subsection (2) does not apply to any of the following:
10 (a) A person lawfully engaged in shooting at a licensed and
11 lawfully operated shooting range.
12 (b) A person lawfully participating in a sporting event
13 officially sanctioned by a club or organization established in
14 whole or in part for the purpose of sponsoring sport shooting
15 events.
16 Sec. 4. (1) A person may continue to possess an assault
17 weapon that he or she legally possessed on the effective date of
18 this act if all of the following apply:
19 (a) The person immediately registers the assault weapon with
20 the department of state police in compliance with rules adopted
21 for that purpose by the department of state police.
22 (b) The person safely and securely stores the assault weapon
23 in compliance with rules adopted for that purpose by the
24 department of state police. The department of state police may,
25 not more than once per year, conduct an administrative inspection
26 of the storage premises to ensure compliance with this
27 subsection.
1 (c) The person annually renews the registration of the
2 assault weapon.
3 (d) The person possesses the assault weapon only on property
4 owned or immediately controlled by the person or while engaged in
5 the legal use of the assault weapon at a licensed firing range or
6 while traveling to or from that property or firing range to
7 engage in the legal use of the assault weapon if the assault
8 weapon is stored unloaded and in a separate locked container
9 during transport.
10 (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, a person
11 who, after the effective date of this act, acquires ownership of
12 an assault weapon by inheritance, bequest, or succession shall,
13 within 30 days after acquiring ownership of the assault weapon,
14 do 1 of the following:
15 (a) Comply with all of the requirements of subsection (1).
16 (b) Relinquish the assault weapon to a law enforcement
17 agency.
18 (c) Permanently disable the assault weapon so that it is
19 incapable of discharging a projectile.
20 (3) The department of state police may charge a fee for each
21 registration and for each renewal registration under this
22 section. The fee shall not exceed the actual and reasonable
23 costs incurred by the department of state police in registering
24 or renewing the registration of the assault weapon.
25 Sec. 5. The department of state police shall promulgate
26 rules pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969
27 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328, to implement this act.
1 Sec. 6. (1) A person who violates this act is guilty of a
2 felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 4 years or a
3 fine of not more than $2,100.00, or both.
4 (2) The department of state police shall immediately revoke
5 the registration of each assault weapon owned by a person
6 convicted of violating this act.
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Government; News/Current Events;
US: Michigan
Apologies for the format, that's one thing I don't like about the MI.
Legislature bill site.
This is probably a dead bill, but the names cosponsoring it are key.
Bill McConico - D-Detroit
Tupac A Hunter - D-Detroit
Mary Waters D-Detroit
Clarence E Phillips D-Pontiac
Morris Hood III D-Detroit
Virgil Smith - D-Detroit
Steve Tobocman - D-Detroit (Wish he was beaten in the primary)
Paul Condino - D-Southfield
Aldo Vagnozzi - D-Farmington Hills (Can be beaten - Go Bill
William J O'Neil - D-Downriver (Term limited out)
Michael G Sak - D-Grand Rapids (Can POSSIBLY be beaten in a great
Jack D Minore - D-Flint - Term limited Out (Thank God, he's liberal
even for Flint)
Artina T Hardman - D-Detroit
1 posted on 10/06/2004 9:16:36 PM PDT by Dan from Michigan
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | View Replies ]
To: Dan from Michigan
Of course...
Pack of Rats.
2 posted on 10/06/2004 9:20:03 PM PDT by clee1 (Islam is a deadly
plague; liberalism is the AIDS virus that prevents us from defending
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies ]
To: Dan from Michigan
Michael G Sak - D-Grand Rapids (Can POSSIBLY be beaten in a great
Unlikely. He's from the west side of Grand Rapids- the heavily
Democratic side. I'm not sure when the last time the 75th had a
Republican was, but it's been a while.
But we can always try...
3 posted on 10/06/2004 9:24:30 PM PDT by TitanicMan2003 (The Dems hit
the iceberg, and refuse to accept it)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies ]
To: TitanicMan2003
I doubt it too, but the dem there before was Steve Pestka who is
better than some republicans.(ie Joe Schwarz)
4 posted on 10/06/2004 9:31:29 PM PDT by Dan from Michigan ("Dead or
alive, I got a .45 - and I never miss!!!" - AC/DC - Problem Child)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 3 | View Replies ]
To: Dan from Michigan
This isn't an "assault weapons ban" - it's an assault on all weapons!
It would ban every semi-auto pistol and most rifles, with
that "capable of accepting..." language.
5 posted on 10/07/2004 6:52:35 AM PDT by Redbob
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies ]
To: Dan from Michigan
Can't Michigan just expel the City of Detroit?
6 posted on 10/07/2004 6:53:52 AM PDT by Redbob
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies ]
To: Redbob
What say we declare war on Canada, then as a condition of their
surrender, we make them take Detroit?
7 posted on 10/07/2004 12:41:43 PM PDT by FourPeas (In high school,
John Kerry was voted Most Likely to Dork.)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 6 | View Replies ]
To: Dan from Michigan
the common denominator amongst the brown shirts is the underlying
racial assumption. All these representative represent significant
black populations. Could their message be any clearer?
8 posted on 10/07/2004 6:58:20 PM PDT by School of Rational Thought
(Republican - The thinking people's party)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies ]
To: Dan from Michigan
your bills text looks familiar:
2. Definitions
(a) "Assault weapon" means any:
(1) Semi-automatic or pump-action rifle that has the capacity to
accept a detachable magazine
and has one or more of the following:
(i) A pistol grip;
(ii) A second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the
non-trigger hand;
(iii) A folding, telescoping or thumbhole stock;
(iv) A shroud attached to the barrel, or that partially or completely
encircles the barrel, allowing the bearer to hold the firearm with
the non-trigger hand without being burned, but excluding a slide that
encloses the barrel; or
(v) A muzzle brake or muzzle compensator.
(2) Semi-automatic pistol, or any semi-automatic, centerfire rifle
with a fixed magazine, that has the capacity to accept more than ten
rounds of ammunition;
(3) Semi-automatic pistol that has the capacity to acc ept a
detachable magazine and has one or more of the following: (i) A
second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-
trigger hand;
(ii) A folding, telescoping or thumbhole stock;
(iii) A shroud attached to the barrel, or that partially or
completely encircles the barrel, allowing the bearer to hold the
firearm with the non-trigger hand without being burned, but excluding
a slide that encloses the barrel;
(iv) A muzzle brake or muzzle compensator; or
(v) The capacity to accept a detachable magazine at any location
outside of the pistol grip;
(4) Semi-automatic shotgun that has one or more of the following:
(i) A pistol grip or a vertical handgrip;
(ii) A folding, telescoping or thumbhole stock;
(iii) A fixed magazine capacity in excess of five rounds; or
(iv) An ability to accept a detachable magazine;
Battle for Strong Assault Weapon Ban is not Over
Press Release
Legal Community Against Violence
268 Bush Street, # 555
San Francisco, CA 94104
Cori Stell
Phone: 415-433-2062
San Francisco-based public interest law center urges state and local
action to fill the void left by expiration of federal assault weapon
San Francisco, CA - The federal assault weapon ban expired September
13, 2004, thanks to the inaction of President Bush and the Republican
leadership of Congress. The 1994 law, which included a 10-year sunset
provision, was supported by every major law enforcement organization
in the nation, as well as by Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan and
Clinton. The law and its reauthorization were bitterly opposed by the
National Rifle Association (NRA).
"We are deeply troubled that President Bush and Congress have bowed
to the will of the NRA and chosen to igno re the will of the people,"
said Sue Ann Schiff, Executive Director of Legal Community Against
Violence (LCAV), a nonprofit law center formed in the wake of the
1993 assault weapon massacre at 101 California Street in San
Francisco. "Renewal of the assault weapon ban was supported by an
overwhelming majority of the American public, including gun owners,"
she stated.
Schiff urged state and local governments to act to adopt their own
assault weapon laws. "Expiration of the federal ban demonstrates that
we cannot rely solely on Congress and the President. It is crucial
that state and local governments implement innovative laws and
policies to fill in gaps in federal law and serve as a catalyst for
the nationwide policies we need."
Today LCAV reissued its report, Banning Assault Weapons -- A Legal
Primer for State and Local Action, as a legal roadmap for public
officials and gun violence prevention activists working to ban
assault weapons at the state and local level. " The model law
contained in the report provides a starting point for these efforts,"
Schiff said. "California's law, the most comprehensive assault weapon
ban in the country, was a key source for our model, but we also
incorporated the best elements of other state and local assault
weapon bans. As a result, LCAV's model is stronger than any existing
state or local ban, stronger even than bills introduced in the Senate
and House to improve the now-expired federal ban."
In addition to California, six other states -- Connecticut, New
Jersey, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts and New York -- have assault
weapon bans in place. At least 17 local communities across the nation
also have adopted assault weapon bans.
"Existing laws must be vigorously enforced and many more
jurisdictions must act to help keep these horrific weapons of war off
our streets," Schiff added.
Schiff observed that the gun industry has eagerly anticipated the
expiration of the federal law. "Pr oduction of assault weapons is
expected to increase and prices of the weapons are expected to drop
as gun manufacturers flood the civilian marketplace," she
stated. "The need for strong state and local gun policies is more
urgent than ever."
Schiff noted that President Bush had repeatedly pledged support for
reauthorization of the ban -- stating during the last presidential
campaign that "It makes no sense for assault weapons to be around our
society" - yet failed to act in furtherance of that pledge. She
stated that the Republican leadership in the House had taken the
position that it would only bring a bill to renew the assault weapon
ban to a vote if instructed to do so by the President. The President,
however, refused to act and the law was allowed to lapse.
Date of Release: September 14, 2004
This article is online at
http://www.jointogether.org/z/0,2522,574645,00.html http://www.firearmslawcenter.org/library/reports_analyses/assaultweapo nreport.asp
65|65|2004-12-22 17:14:43|cityofangels752000|Star BM|Looking for assistance from anyone with knowledge as to how to
disassemble the Star BM in 9mm. Recently purchased the Star BM and
cannot figure out how to disassemble it for a thorough cleaning.
Thanks for your help.
66|65|2004-12-23 00:31:53|Mike Buchanan|Re: Star BM|Someone from this list helped me out with the same question.
I carry a Star m4 in 9mm, not sure what a BM is but on mine I push the slide back just a little untill the red line line at the back of the slide lines up and push the slide lock lever out with some wiggling and pressure, once the lever pops out the slide will come off and the gun can be disassembled.
Mike in Seattle
-----Original Message-----
From: cityofangels752000 <
cityofangels752000@... Sent: Dec 22, 2004 7:13 AM
star-guns@yahoogroups.com Subject: [star-guns] Star BM
Looking for assistance from anyone with knowledge as to how to
disassemble the Star BM in 9mm. Recently purchased the Star BM and
cannot figure out how to disassemble it for a thorough cleaning.
Thanks for your help.
Yahoo! Groups Links
67|65|2004-12-23 17:52:38|rod colson|Re: Star BM|--- cityofangels752000 <
cityofangels752000@... wrote:
the browning 1911 design, so release the mag , then
jack the slide to empty the chamber. then depress the
slide spring retainer and rotare thebarrel bushing
counter clockwise until it slides free. watch the
spring as it is under some tention even in the forward
positionand has a tendendcy to fly out. then jack the
slide back until the slide stop can be disengaged,
push it out and slide the slide forward until it
diengages. at this point the barrel can be removed by
flipping the slide upside down and pushing it forward
through the barrel bushing area( frount of the slide).
this is considered feild stripped. regards rod
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68|65|2004-12-23 21:43:17|John Mack|Re: Star BM|Many thanks. I'll give your instructions a try. Happy Holidays.
rod colson <
rcol333@... --- cityofangels752000 <
cityofangels752000@... wrote:
the browning 1911 design, so release the mag , then
jack the slide to empty the chamber. then depress the
slide spring retainer and rotare thebarrel bushing
counter clockwise until it slides free. watch the
spring as it is under some tention even in the forward
positionand has a tendendcy to fly out. then jack the
slide back until the slide stop can be disengaged,
push it out and slide the slide forward until it
diengages. at this point the barrel can be removed by
flipping the slide upside down and pushing it forward
through the barrel bushing area( frount of the slide).
this is considered feild stripped. regards rod
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69|65|2004-12-23 21:44:34|John Mack|Re: Star BM|Many thanks. I'll give your instructions a try. Happy Holidays.
Mike Buchanan <
trufax223@... Someone from this list helped me out with the same question.
I carry a Star m4 in 9mm, not sure what a BM is but on mine I push the slide back just a little untill the red line line at the back of the slide lines up and push the slide lock lever out with some wiggling and pressure, once the lever pops out the slide will come off and the gun can be disassembled.
Mike in Seattle
-----Original Message-----
From: cityofangels752000 <
cityofangels752000@... Sent: Dec 22, 2004 7:13 AM
star-guns@yahoogroups.com Subject: [star-guns] Star BM
Looking for assistance from anyone with knowledge as to how to
disassemble the Star BM in 9mm. Recently purchased the Star BM and
cannot figure out how to disassemble it for a thorough cleaning.
Thanks for your help.
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70|65|2005-02-01 15:33:20|Juddie|Re: Star BM|The following link will take you to the STAR website that a fellow
has up and you can download a pdf format manual for your Star BM. I
just purchased a Star BM in 9mm yesterday for $125.00 and started a
search on the Internet for Star BM 9mm and found the Star website.
Here is the link:
http://www.donttouchme.com/star/firearms/guns/b/index.shtml scroll down to the section on Model BM, BKS & BKM 9 mm para. Compact
Pistols and you will see the link to download the manual. The link
for complete disassembly instructions doesn't do a good job as the
PDF Manual link at showing you how to take it apart.
I tried to upload the manual to the Files section of this group but
the file is over 5 meg in size therefore, I could not upload it to
this site.
Hope this helps.
76|76|2005-08-07 07:04:14|crazyjim58|Star rollingblock rifle|Does anyone have information on the Star rollingblock rifles? I can't
find anything1 I'm wanting to build a rollingblock with a Star
rollingblock barrel and an original Remmington action.
78|78|2005-10-13 02:38:31|John Rollins Jr|Changes to list|Well, this spam is getting annoying. There's only one way to fight
spammers that actually bother to subscribe to lists, so this group is
now fully moderated. That means that any messages sent to the group
will be sent to me first for approval. This will keep the spam out
along with any other troublesome issues, but will delay messages from
being posted for a short time until I can check them.
-JR, a slightly ticked off list admin
79|79|2005-12-02 23:23:41|mfpayne|firestar plus|Hello all.
I recently obtained a firestar plus as my first automatic. Have had an sp101 revolver (3"
barrel, stainless) in .357 for a while (and like it a lot), but wanted a 9mm. I am very
pleased with this gun: very accurate, very durable (so far several hundred rounds),
inexpensive ($270 at a gun show, lightly used), great capacity (13 rnds), easy to clean,
easy to shoot, easy to conceal and carry all day, plentiful and varied reasonably priced
ammunition, and a great all around caliber.
Anyone have some experience with this pistol (positive or negative)? [of course, i'll enjoy
the positive more]
80|80|2006-04-11 01:39:25|Troy|m-45 concealed carry|hello, new member. my state recently passed concealed carry
legislation and id like my m-45 to be one of the guns i carry,
probably when i am wearing a jacket outside as it is a bit heavy to
conceal in every day clothing. I am wondering if anyone has info
regarding good concealment rigs for this gun, having problem finding
anything of quality as they havent been imported into the US for
several years, although i would think the carry rigs should still be
81|80|2006-04-11 02:13:08|John Rollins Jr|Re: m-45 concealed carry|Welcome to the list! I don't know of anything currently being made,
but several were in the past. Check eBay, gunbroker.com and the local
gun shows if you want something that will fit your pistol well,
otherwise the generic-sized holsters will work fine.
Here's a Bianchi on Gunbroker...
http://gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=46593293 They're around, you just need to look hard!
-JR, list admin
82|80|2006-04-12 06:01:39|Matt Payne|Re: m-45 concealed carry||
83|83|2006-06-18 16:16:22|bushmaster556nato|New member|New member and proud owner of a Firestar M-40.
Anyone still post here?
84|83|2006-06-18 23:06:52|J.F.V.|Re: New member|Not much. Some of us still monitor it. How do you like the M-40? That's
what I have.
-----Original Message-----
star-guns@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
Behalf Of bushmaster556nato
Sent: Sunday, 04 June, 2006 03:38
star-guns@yahoogroups.com Subject: [star-guns] New member
New member and proud owner of a Firestar M-40.
Anyone still post here?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
85|83|2006-06-19 01:57:42|Scott|Re: New member|I have a Firestar .45 ACP with Starvel finish.
Great little gun, very reliable and surprisingly
--- "J.F.V." <
jvazquez@... Thanks,
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86|83|2006-06-20 06:11:05|Papa Bear|Re: New member|Wow I almost forgot this list was still running!
3 Super B's here 9mm
Papa Bear
"J.F.V." <
jvazquez@... Not much. Some of us still monitor it. How do you like the M-40? That's
what I have.
-----Original Message-----
star-guns@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
Behalf Of bushmaster556nato
Sent: Sunday, 04 June, 2006 03:38
star-guns@yahoogroups.com Subject: [star-guns] New member
New member and proud owner of a Firestar M-40.
Anyone still post here?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Do you Yahoo!?
Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
87|83|2006-06-20 06:11:09|wayne johnston|Re: New member||
88|83|2006-06-20 14:37:12|steelfoot427|Re: New member|--- In
star-guns@yahoogroups.com, "wayne johnston"
89|83|2006-06-27 00:02:43|Dennis YoungUK|Re: New member|2 Stars M43-Blue & M45-Starvel
Dennis Young
90|90|2006-09-27 20:30:04|tazwing48|Star Model BKM|I have a 9mm Star model BKM, can anyone tell me about what years it
was produced. It looks like a Colt Commander.
91|90|2006-09-29 06:45:37|Michael Buchanan|Re: Star Model BKM||
92|90|2006-09-29 06:48:33|Walter J. Kuleck, Ph.D.|Re: Star Model BKM|Per Star Firearms by Antaris, BKMs ran from '76-81, with a few small lots in
'86, '88 and '89, for a total of 28,595 pistols. If you wish to send me
your S/N, I can retrieve the year of mfr from Antaris, Page 492.
Antaris notes that the difference between the BKM and the BM was the alloy
frame of the former. He further states that the BM was made in greater
numbers than any other Star automatic pistol (217,682).
Best regards,
Walt Kuleck
Author, The M14 Complete Assembly Guide
The M1 Garand Complete Assembly Guide
The AR-15 Complete Assembly Guide
The AR-15 Complete Owner's Guide
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
93|93|2006-10-05 17:57:36|Jim Nageotte|Desperate for Barrel Bushing|I need a barrel bushing fom my Star BM. I suspect any Star B model
will work. I have no idea where to get one. I have searched the
normal places, like Numerich. If you have any ideas please contact me.
nageott@... |
94|94|2006-12-22 23:46:07|mfpayne|starfire plus frame|Hi all.
I figure this is a bit of a longshot, but here goes. I recently broke
a small length of rail that connects to the slide off of my starfire
plus the last time I was out shooting. Since the frame is cast
aluminum alloy, I can't get the pistol repaired and it's just a paper
weight now. However, I love the pistol and was wondering if perhaps
any of you know someone who likewise has a starfire plus (maybe that
is broken also) that could be purchased for the frame.
Matt Payne
95|95|2007-01-11 18:13:31|Jim Nageotte|WTB Star BM for parts|Hi,
I am hoping to find someone with a broken BM that I can use for
parts. OK, a cheap BM might do. I am mostly interested in the barrel
link and barrel bushing.
nageotte@... |
96|96|2008-06-19 17:12:23|Troy|firestar m-45 holster|hello all, last year i posted about trying to find a conceal carry
holster for my m-45. it has been difficult as I want a quality
leather belt holster. I found very few people can make them, most are
quite expensive and a very long wait. TripleK makes quality holsters
for law enforcement and citizens, and have a few models for the m-45
as well as other star models at reasonable costs for that quality
97|96|2008-06-20 14:06:11|Scott|Re: firestar m-45 holster|That's good to know. I love my Firestar M45
but have never found a holster for it.
--- Troy <
troyunruh@... |
98|96|2008-06-20 14:06:12|Joe|Re: firestar m-45 holster|Hey Troy, I have a M-43, and am just in love with it. I like the 9mm
too, but am an old sea-dog who thinks if the Lord had stopped the day
he and John Browning made the .45 we'd not be that bad off lol I have
been looking everywhere for am M-45, how do you like it ? I just can't
get excited about the .40, but would get a second job to get the m-45.
99|96|2008-06-21 09:37:32|Scott|Re: firestar m-45 holster|I have seen M-45s for sale around here used for not
much money. I believe I saw one with the Starvel
finish for $350
--- Joe <
joeabaker5@... |
100|100|2008-07-28 02:43:43|darkdisciple68|Trouble with my Megastar|I am having trouble with my megastar. It acts like the safety is on
all the time. When the slide moves forward the firing pin does not
move into position and I can pull the trigger all day ithout the pistol
firing. Ive never had the blot appart since the owners manual doesnot
cover that any help would be great
101|100|2008-07-28 07:09:07|tallant randy|Re: Trouble with my Megastar|might sound dumb but did you check the mag to make sure its releasing the pin?
102|100|2008-07-29 01:54:04|Jerry Putsche|Re: Trouble with my Megastar|Yes That was the first thing I checked.
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.
-- Will Rogers
----- Original Message ----
From: tallant randy <
steelfoot427@... To:
star-guns@yahoogroups.com Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 7:43:27 PM
Subject: Re: [star-guns] Trouble with my Megastar
might sound dumb but did you check the mag to make sure its releasing the pin?
103|103|2010-08-28 15:40:40|Papa Bear|Is this Group Dead?|Is this Group Dead?
I have not see a posting in a very long time.
Just wondering if any one is active on this list.
104|103|2010-08-29 00:22:14|Michael Buchanan|Re: Is this Group Dead?|I am afraid so, I have not seen a post in several years.
Mike in Seattle 9MM Star M-43 starvel
105|103|2010-08-29 00:22:19|Scott|Re: Is this Group Dead?|I am still here with my Firestar and Star B
106|103|2010-08-29 00:22:25|Diogenes|Re: Is this Group Dead?|There are probably some of us lurking about, awaiting the announcement that the PD is going to be reintroduced.
107|103|2010-08-29 05:17:45|Matt Payne|Re: Is this Group Dead?|I've got a Firestar Plus with a cracked frame. Â Wish I could get another. Â Great little pistol.
He came that we might have life (Jn 10:10)
108|103|2010-08-29 23:20:06|gcrmcc|Re: Is this Group Dead?|Where is your frame cracked at? and how did it get cracked? I have Firestar plus 9mm and a firestar .40 S&W. I hope either mine never crack, I have thousands of rounds through the 9mm and about 500 through the 40. I hope this forum revives!
109|109|2010-08-30 14:31:29|Wouter|Re: Digest Number 75|Hi all
Well, I'm here... I collect Spanish Handguns, have a few STARs, also Astras
and Llamas.
Licenced : Firestar (bloody inaccurate), MB (nicely accurate, but bites),
HK Lancer (broken firing pin), DKL (good shooter). Shot both the MB and the
DKL yesterday.
Not yet licenced : B, BM, B Super, F Sport, M30PK.
110|103|2010-08-30 14:34:55|firestar7@webtv.net|Re: Is this Group Dead?|I have a Star Firestar 9mm. Shoots gr8t, never had a problem with
it, cary it just about every day. I also hope the site becomes active
111|109|2010-08-30 15:42:15|Papa Bear|Re: Digest Number 75|Wow !!! 10 times more activity in 1 week that in the past year! as Dr
Frankenstein said "It lives" ha ha ha.
I have 3 of the STAR super B's in 9MM and a mish mash of 35 other brands and
cal. but I don't want to stop collecting now! Â
If you see a good deal on Star guns please post it.  Â
Keep the Group ALIVE!
God bless us every one!
Papa Bear
From: Wouter <
yahoo@... To:
star-guns@yahoogroups.com Sent: Mon, August 30, 2010 6:23:14 AM
Subject: Re: [star-guns] Digest Number 75
Hi all
Well, I'm here... I collect Spanish Handguns, have a few STARs, also Astras
and Llamas.
Licenced : Firestar (bloody inaccurate), MB (nicely accurate, but bites),
HK Lancer (broken firing pin), DKL (good shooter). Shot both the MB and the
DKL yesterday.
Not yet licenced : B, BM, B Super, F Sport, M30PK.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
112|103|2010-08-30 18:57:01|Matt Payne|Re: Is this Group Dead?|I wasn't running particularly hot loads. Â However I have shot this pistol a lot, also in the range of thousands. Â It's cracked right above the grip on the right side up to the rail.
He came that we might have life (Jn 10:10)
113|109|2010-08-31 14:24:29|Scott|Re: Digest Number 75|Too bad your Firestar is not accurate. Mine is the M45 and seems very accurate and reliable. It has never malfunctioned as far as I know.
114|103|2010-09-01 12:56:17|Wouter|Re: Is this Group Dead?||
115|103|2010-09-19 21:27:49|gcrmcc|Re: Is this Group Dead?|How did it get cracked? I have yhe firestar plus, 9mm and the firstar .40 S&W, both have good to me. I hope my two never crack!
116|103|2010-09-21 22:03:43|Matt Payne|Re: Is this Group Dead?|Sorry for late reply. Â I think it may have been due simply to typical use. Â I don't run particularly heavy loads.
He came that we might have life (Jn 10:10)
117|103|2010-09-22 16:18:51|Scott|Re: Is this Group Dead?|Could you have it welded?
118|103|2010-09-24 18:23:18|Matt Payne|Re: Is this Group Dead?|I don't think I can with an aluminum cast frame.
He came that we might have life (Jn 10:10)
119|103|2010-09-25 22:10:14|Diogenes|Re: Is this Group Dead?|Exactly where on the frame is the crack located?
120|103|2010-09-26 14:38:16|Matt Payne|Re: Is this Group Dead?|between the hammer and grips
He came that we might have life (Jn 10:10)
121|103|2010-09-27 09:44:21|Diogenes|Re: Is this Group Dead?|--- In
star-guns@yahoogroups.com, Matt Payne
Is the crack on the left (thumb safety) side or the right (ejection port) side of the frame? Does it start at one of the pin holes (e.g., hammer pin, takedown lever pin)? The reason I'm asking is that the Star PD (which was the basis for the Firestar design) has what many people think is a 'crack' in the top rail on the left side of the frame just above the cutout for the slide hold-open lug. It actually isn't a crack at all, but a relief cut put there by the factory to prevent stresses from building up at that point.
You may already know this, but I just wanted to make sure. |
122|122|2010-10-04 22:05:15|Craig|New Star Owner|Hi everyone I am the proud owner of a Star Ultrastar 9mm and was wondering if I could get a little information. Does anyone know where I can by an extra magazine for this gun? Also is there any part of this gun that wears our or breaks and needs replacing? I really like the gun, I have found it to be accurate and reliable so far however I have only put about 300 rounds through it. My dilemma is that if I cant get parts for this gun I may decide to let it go and get something that is more mainstream.
123|122|2010-10-05 00:06:08|Papa Bear|Re: New Star Owner|You may want to try
From: Craig <
cburlette@... To:
star-guns@yahoogroups.com Sent: Mon, October 4, 2010 10:32:51 AM
Subject: [star-guns] New Star Owner
Hi everyone I am the proud owner of a Star Ultrastar 9mm and was wondering if I
could get a little information. Does anyone know where I can by an extra
magazine for this gun? Also is there any part of this gun that wears our or
breaks and needs replacing? I really like the gun, I have found it to be
accurate and reliable so far however I have only put about 300 rounds through
it. My dilemma is that if I cant get parts for this gun I may decide to let it
go and get something that is more mainstream.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
124|122|2010-10-05 11:08:35|Craig|Re: New Star Owner|Hey thanks Papa Bear!
125|122|2010-10-05 20:05:37|Papa Bear|Re: New Star Owner|You are welcome
I hope they have what you need.
From: Craig <
cburlette@... To:
star-guns@yahoogroups.com Sent: Mon, October 4, 2010 7:36:51 PM
Subject: [star-guns] Re: New Star Owner
Hey thanks Papa Bear!
126|126|2010-10-14 05:37:06|fredo|New member intro.|Hi folks, I have been a star fan for a long ,long time. I just got a firestar M40. Bought it used. I'm looking forward to getting a few rounds through it since this is my first .40 cal
I've owned two Star PDs in .45 cal. Unfotunately some low life stole them about 3 yrs ago...
Anyway, enough rambling, glad to be here.
So Cal
127|127|2012-02-26 06:41:20|bigdad01830|Is this group dead?|Just wondering as I haven't received anything in a long time.
I have 2 Firestars and 2 or 3 Star Bs and have been happy with all of them, though the Firestar M-45 is probably my favorite.
128|128|2012-02-26 07:30:20|Abuelito|Info on older Stars|I inherited a Star semi-automatic that was made in 1921. I know that the company that made these firearms suffered a fire that destroyed their records. Is there any way I can get more information on my particular firearm?
129|128|2012-02-26 19:50:27|Wouter|Info on older Stars|Hi Abuelito
If the guys over on the Spanish forum on gunboards can't help you I guess
you're out of luck.
Fortunately the Spanish manufacturers encoded the date on the firearms, at
least that's something.
What model?
I have a fair number of Star, Llama and Astras, like to shoot 'em all.
130|127|2012-02-26 19:50:36|Craig Burlette|Re: Is this group dead?|I know it's been quiet for about a year at least. I have an Ultrastar that I love, but it might have to go away so I can buy a new competition gun. It was my first pistol purchase so I may find a way to keep it, but I really don't shoot it much..
Sent from my iPad
131|127|2012-02-26 19:50:38|Diogenes|Re: Is this group dead?|--- In
star-guns@yahoogroups.com, "bigdad01830"
132|128|2012-02-26 21:35:16|Michael Buchanan|Re: Info on older Stars||
133|127|2012-02-26 21:35:17|bigdad01830|Re: Is this group dead?|Ultrastar, is that 10mm?
From: Craig Burlette <
cburlette@... To: "
star-guns@yahoogroups.com" <
star-guns@yahoogroups.com Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: [star-guns] Is this group dead?
I know it's been quiet for about a year at least. I have an Ultrastar that I love, but it might have to go away so I can buy a new competition gun. It was my first pistol purchase so I may find a way to keep it, but I really don't shoot it much..
Sent from my iPad
134|127|2012-02-27 07:20:33|Craig Burlette|Re: Is this group dead?|No, the Ultrastar came in 9mm and 40s&w
Sent from my iPad
135|128|2012-02-28 00:02:37|Richard Creamer|Re: Info on older Stars|No model marking, no year marking. However, the safety at the rear of the grip is the full length of the grip, and this was done only in 1921.
136|128|2012-02-28 00:02:37|Richard Creamer|Re: Info on older Stars|it's marked 9mm/.38. This leads me to believe that it was not exported from Spain, since these guns that were exported had the 9mm crossed out. Mine does not.
137|128|2012-03-12 18:59:16|Richard Creamer|Re: Info on older Stars|The marking on the side of the barrel is 9m/m .38.
138|138|2012-08-05 05:25:28|rcwilken|Star BM info|First off I'd like to say hello to all in the group,I recently aquired a Star BM in a trade.The BM was in new never fired condition,and I traded a new .45 Hi-Point (I hope I didn't get took). Anyway I love this gun,its awesome,can anyone tell me were the serial number is located, ive looked all over,any general info woulb be apreiciated
139|138|2012-08-05 23:10:30|Craig Burlette|Re: Star BM info|Hi, and welcome to the group! Very little activity here, but you will eventually get a response or two. I am not familiar with the BM, I have a 9mm Ultrastar, but I am sure you came out ahead with the trade!
Sent from my iPad
140|138|2012-08-06 03:43:20|bigdad01830|Re: Star BM info|I have several Star Model B pistols and like them. I think the BM is just a later version of the B, basically a simplified version of a 1911 style pistol.
Have you looked on the butt of the pistol near the magazine well opening for the serial number? That's where mine are located.
From: Craig Burlette <
cburlette@... To: "
star-guns@yahoogroups.com" <
star-guns@yahoogroups.com Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2012 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [star-guns] Star BM info
Hi, and welcome to the group! Very little activity here, but you will eventually get a response or two. I am not familiar with the BM, I have a 9mm Ultrastar, but I am sure you came out ahead with the trade!
Sent from my iPad
141|138|2012-08-06 03:43:22|bigdad01830|Re: Star BM info|I have several Star Model B pistols and like them. I think
the BM is just a later version of the B, basically a simplified version
of a 1911 style pistol.
Have you looked on the butt of the pistol near the magazine well opening for the serial number? That's where mine are located.
From: rcwilken <
rcwilken@... To:
star-guns@yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2012 6:57 PM
Subject: [star-guns] Star BM info
First off I'd like to say hello to all in the group,I recently aquired a Star BM in a trade.The BM was in new never fired condition,and I traded a new .45 Hi-Point (I hope I didn't get took). Anyway I love this gun,its awesome,can anyone tell me were the serial number is located, ive looked all over,any general info woulb be apreiciated
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
142|138|2012-08-08 04:50:48|Papa Bear|Re: Star BM info|Yes this list is very slow, I have not seen any post in months. Sorry, but I don't know any thing about the BM model, I have 3 "Super B" models. I did ask a friend who suggested that if you have examined all of the out side maybe remove the slide and look on the top of the lower.
Good luck and welcome to the group.
Papa Bear
Sent from my iPad