AA_51.ZIP Astronomical almanac - sun moon planets stars ASTRO202.ZIP Athabasca University Micro-Planetarium v2.02 B_STAR.ZIP Program to animate motions of a binary star COSMOS16.ZIP SVGA to Herc, professional Astronomy simulator DANCE13.ZIP Computer model of the solar system. DEMO DE118I.ZIP N-body numerical integration of moon & planets DIFF_DRA.ZIP Displays a binary star system in 3-D EPHEM421.ZIP Astronomical ephemeris:stars/planets positions GALIL.ZIP Animates motions of Jupiter and its satellites GALSAT50.ZIP Displays relative positions of Jupiter's Moons GRAVITY2.ZIP Simulates motions of planetary bodies in space JPSTPHN2.ZIP Animated display of Jupiters' satellites (CGA) JUPSAT21.ZIP Jovian satellites simulator with animation MOON.ZIP Graphic display of moon's face w/pan/move/find PLANET.ZIP Gives time/azimuth/coords for planet rise/sets SATVIEW2.ZIP Mathematical model of sunlit planet Saturn/CGA SFS101.ZIP Space Flight Simulator, CGA/HGC/EGA/VGA SFS101S.ZIP Source code for Space Flight Simulator v1.01 SKYGL352.ZIP Skyglobe v3.52: Educational map of the sky SKYIMG1.ZIP Planetary/Lunar GIF images for SkyMap v1.2 SKYMAP.TXT SkyMap v1.3 Planetarium for Win31, description SKYMP13A.ZIP SkyMap v1.3 for Win3.1, pgm and documentation SKYMP13B.ZIP SkyMap v1.3 for Win3.1, essential data files SKYMP13C.ZIP SkyMap v1.3 for Win3.1, optional data files