OrangeLink for the Macintosh

 Last updated: July 22, 2003

Index of Questions:

Q: I have a pre-G3 Power Macintosh computer, an OrangeLink USB 2.0/FireWire PCI card (95PCB00112) and the drivers seem to be installed properly but I cannot get any devices to work. Why?

The OrangeLink USB 2.0/FireWire PCI card (95PCB00112) is compatible with the Macintosh All-in-one G3, Power Macintosh Beige G3 rev. B or later, Power Macintosh Blue & White G3, and Power Macintosh G4 series computers. There is an incompatibility between the OrangeLink USB 2.0/FireWire PCI card (95PCB00112) and all other PCI based Macintosh computers.

Q: How can I tell if my Power Macintosh Beige G3 is rev. B or later?

Use the Apple System Profiler, located in the Apple menu, to help determine which logic board revision you have. Open Apple System Profiler, click the System Profile tab within the window, and then look at the Production Information section. Compare it to the table below to determine which revision of the logic board is in your Power Macintosh G3 (platinum) computer.
ROM Logic Board
Versions Revision
$77D.40F2 revision A
$77D.45F1 revision B
$77D.45F2 revision C.

Q: On a Macintosh, FireWire does not function or I receive an error message when trying to access a device attached to the FireWire card.

There may be a 3rd party extension conflicting with the Apple FireWire extensions. The best way to determine this is to use the Mac OS base extensions set. If the problem stops after booting with this set, you have an extension conflict and you will have to track down the offending extension.

Note: If you are trying to access a CD-RW using Toast, the Apple "FireWire Authoring Support" extension can create a conflict. You should disable it in your Extensions Manager and restart your computer.

Q: I have installed an OrangeLink+ FireWire / USB board or an OrangeUSB card in my Macintosh running OS 8.6 or 9.2.2. I am not able to able to access the USB ports on the card.

Try moving all extensions that start with the word USB from your System Extensions folder to your System Extensions Disabled folder. Then download and install the Apple USB Adapter Card Support v1.4.1. After the 1.4.1 installation is complete, reinstall any drivers and/or software for USB peripherals. Reboot the computer.

Q: After installing an OrangeLink PCI board into my computer, I receive an error message or the Mac locks up on boot.

If you have tried all suggestions below and still have no success, contact Orange Micro technical support for additional assistance .
1) Try moving the card to a different PCI slot.
2) Try the card in a different computer to verify the board is functional.

Q: I can't get the iPod to work with my OrangeLink CardBus PC Card. Is it compatible?

The iPod is compatible with the OrangeLink CardBus PC Card. It does require power on the FireWire bus to operate. Recently shipping OrangeLink CardBus PC Cards have a power jack between its two FireWire ports. This optional power supply is available at
Start the iPod in FireWire Drive Mode.
This way no power is required from the OrangeLink CardBus PC Card. Hold down Menu and Play button to force a reboot. While booting, hold down the Fast Forward and Rewind button to force the iPod to start as a FireWire drive. A FireWire logo should come up on the screen. Plug the iPod in the OrangeLink CardBus PC Card and VOILA!

Q: Is the OrangeLink FireWire card compatible with OS X?

The OrangeLink FireWire Series is compatible with OS X using the native OS X FireWire support provided by Apple.

Q: Apple FireWire will not install in my MacOS 8.6 system. What should I do?

Apple recommends FireWire software version 2.3.3 for systems with MacOS 8.6 installed.

Q: Will the Apple FireWire 2.4 software, or newer work with Orange Micro FireWire 1394 adapters?

IMPORTANT NOTE: OrangeLink FireWire software v1.1.2 for Macintosh or older must be removed prior to installing the Apple FireWire 2.4 software. It is very important that you ensure that the following files are not in your Macintosh Extensions/System Folder if you are using Apple FireWire 2.4 or newer software:

  • FireWire Lynx Enabler 1.0
  • HotLink OHCI Enabler
  • FireWire OrangeLink Enabler

Q: Are there any known Problems and Limitations Using Multiple FireWire Devices at the Same Time?

Note the following Apple FireWire 2.4 Read Me: "Power Macintosh computers can transfer perfect digital video (DV) on FireWire when no other devices are using the FireWire bus. If you have problems transferring digital video, make certain that no other FireWire devices are being used at the same time."

Q: What are the minimum system requirements to use the OrangeLink?

The PCI based boards can be used on any PCI based Macintosh and the PC Cards can be used on any PowerBook Series G3 laptop other than the M3553 series.  The devices that can be used are FireWire hard drives, CD-R's, printers, cameras etc....   DV editing has more stringent requirements and may not be possible on some older systems.

Q: What are the minimum system requirements for DV editing?

Beige G3 233 MHz.  If using an older machine an equivalent Processor Upgrade card.

  • A disk drive setup that is capable of sustained write speeds of at least 7.5 MB/s.
  • 80 MB of system RAM.

Q: What System software is recommended for best performance?

  • Mac OS 9.0.4 or later
  • QuickTime 4.1.2 or later
  • Apple FireWire 2.4 or later

Q: What should I do to optimize my Macintosh for capturing DV video?

Open the monitor control panel and set the color depth to thousands of colors.

  • Open the memory control panel and turn off virtual memory and reduce the disk cache to 128k.
  • Deactivate AppleTalk before capturing DV video.
  • Check the available hard drive space on your computer keeping in mind that 10 minutes of DV consumes more than 2GB of hard disk space.  It is recommended that you use a boot drive for your Mac OS and Video Editing software and use a separate drive strictly for A/V as the scratch disk.
To prevent any system conflicts or capture interruptions run OS base extensions plus any other required FireWire extensions.  Disable Norton Utilities, Conflict Catcher, or any third party software package that runs in the background.

Q: Can I use an OrangeLink card with iMovie?

Yes. As long as the video source uses DV format. iMovie is not compatible with FireWire web cams. Because FireWire web cams do not use DV format.

Q: Does the OrangeLink card support Target Disk Mode (TDM)?

Yes. Refer to Apple TIL  "How to Use FireWire Target Disk Mode" for more details.

Q: Can I use an OrangeLink card with Mac OS 8.5 or prior?

No, Mac OS versions prior to 8.6 will not allow the installation of the drivers needed for FireWire support.

Q: I have installed the OrangeLink software, and then the card, but now my Macintosh will not boot.

Try moving the card to a different PCI Slot? If you have other PCI cards as well, try switching the order the cards are installed on the board. The Macintosh can be particular about PCI hierarchy. Move our card into the first PCI slot if possible.

Q: I have downloaded your update from the website, but when I try to run the file, the .bin file type is not recognized.

This situation occurs when you are running Netscape as your browser. To access the .bin file, open up your Stuffit Expander folder, and drag the .bin file on to the Icon. This process will extract the .bin file and load the Update folder onto your desktop.

Q: When I try to export my files back to my camera, my system crashes or I record a blue screen.

This problem occurs when not enough system memory is available. 80MB of system RAM or greater is suggested to properly run Premiere. Both Premiere and QuickTime suggest that Virtual memory not be used. In addition, insure you are running a minimal set of extensions and are using the most updated FireWire extensions and version of QuickTime.

Q: I have a Macintosh 6500, 5500, or Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh and my OrangeLink

FireWire/USB card does not work.
A bug in the firmware on these systems disallow access to PCI expansion cards that have a PCI bridge. A bridge chip allows any hardware developer to have two features on one PCI card (in this case, FireWire and USB).

If you have an OrangeLink FireWire/USB board with a Opti USB chip on the board, download and install the "
PCI Bridge Patch" from our website. If you do not have this early model board, your OrangeLink+ FireWire/USB PCI board or OrangeLink+ USB2/FireWire PCI board is not compatible.

Q: Will Digital Origin software work with the OrangeLink card?

Digital Origin is currently working on updating their software to work with OHCI Compliant cards and built-in ports. Digital Origin EditDV will not work on OrangeLink products until this update is made available.

Q: How do I set-up My OrangeLink FireWire CardBus PC Card on my G3 laptop?

Above all else, you must be running 8.6 or better. Also, your laptop must be a G3 laptop, and must be from a series other than the M3553 series.

  • Run the OrangeLink Installer software.
  • Install QuickTime from the OrangeLink FireWire Series CD. If you have a QuickTime prior to version 4.1, update to the latest version free from Apple's website.  If you are going to install/enable the 3D components of QuickTime, then you will need to download and install the ATI rage update.
  • Install Premiere 5.1LE from the OrangeLink Video Editing Software CD.
  • Install the OrangeLink plug-in installer for Premiere 5.1 LE.  If using an Install CD prior to 1.1.2, download an updated OrangeLink plug-in installer from our website.   The plug-in will be installed into the Premiere LE plug-ins folder.  *NOTE: this plug-in is only for Premiere LE.  If you are using the full version of Premiere do not install this plug-in.
  • Install the Adobe Acrobat if needed.  You will need this program to read the PDF instruction manuals for the OrangeLink card and Premiere LE.
  • If you have any FireWire devices that require software drivers, like a FireWire hard drive, install the device drivers. 
  • Reboot your system. After reboot is complete, insert your OrangeLink PC card.  It should mount to the desktop.  Plug your FireWire cable into the card and then into the camera or hard drive.  Turn the camera on and set it to "camera" mode.  Turn on your FireWire hard drive. You should hear some hard drive spin. If using a FireWire drive, the drive should mount to your desktop. Now launch your Premiere software. Choose OrangeLink NTSC 720x480 29.97fps 44 or 48khz. Choose File>>>Capture>>> Movie Capture. A live feed should show up in the capture window. If you hit record, the video will start to record.

Q: How do I Install the OrangeLink card and video software on my Macintosh desktop computer?

Above all else, you must be running OS 8.6 or better.

  • Shut down your system and install the card in an open PCI slot.  Boot up your computer.
  • Run the OrangeLink Installer software.
  • Install QuickTime from the OrangeLink FireWire Series CD. If you have a QuickTime prior to version 4.1, update to the latest version free from Apple's website.  If you are going to install/enable the 3D components of QuickTime, then you will need to download and install the ATI rage update.
  • Install Premiere 5.1LE from the OrangeLink Video Editing Software CD.
  • Install the OrangeLink plug-in installer for Premiere 5.1 LE.  If using an Install CD prior to 1.1.2, download an updated OrangeLink plug-in installer from our website.   The plug-in will be installed into the Premiere LE plug-ins folder.  *NOTE: this plug-in is only for Premiere LE.  If you are using the full version of Premiere do not install this plug-in.
  • Install the Adobe Acrobat if needed.  You will need this program to read the PDF instruction manuals for the OrangeLink card and Premiere LE.
  • If you have any FireWire devices that require software drivers, like a FireWire hard drive, install the device drivers.
  • Reboot your system. After reboot is complete, Plug your FireWire cable into the card and then into the camera or hard drive. Turn the camera on and set it to "camera" mode.  Turn on your FireWire hard drive. You should hear some hard drive spin. If using a FireWire drive, the drive should mount to your desktop. Now launch your Premiere software. Choose OrangeLink NTSC 720x480 29.97fps 44 or 48khz. Choose File>>>Capture>>> Movie Capture. A live feed should show up in the capture window. If you hit record, the video will start to record.

Q: I have a FireWire Hard drive and it is not mounting to my Mac desktop.

Your FireWire hard drive requires installation software. Make sure that you installed this software, that you have run any included utilities, and that any extensions for the drive are enabled in the Extension Manager. Use the most current software updates for the OrangeLink card and the FireWire drive. When mounting the drive to the desktop, completely boot the computer, and then turn on the FireWire hard drive.

Q: I have a DV camera and it is not recognized by Premiere or Final Cut Pro.

To use Adobe Premiere with FireWire, you need to be using Premiere 5.1c or greater. If you have the full Premiere 5.1, you need to download the 5.1c update and the 1.3 Device Control from Adobe's website. If you have a version prior to Premiere 5.1, you must purchase an upgrade to 5.1 before updating to 5.1c. Final Cut Pro requires the free upgrade to version 1.2 or later from Apple's website. For all Video editing software, run the most current updates of the software, and of QuickTime.  Make sure you run the camera off its power supply and not the battery.  You must follow this start-up order: Fully boot your system; turn on the DV camera; then, launch the video editing software. Any other sequence will not work.

Q: My QPS FireWire CDRW connected to my OrangeLink card is not recognized.

For those using a version of toast 4.0.2 or older, update to 4.1 from Roxio's website and disable the "QueFire" extension.  Roxio has included built-in support for the QPS drive in Toast 4.1 and you no longer need the extension from Que. 

Q: I can capture video, but when I export, I get blocky video back to the camera.

If you have a processor upgrade card installed, confirm that the G3 upgrade card has the proper bus speed settings to match your system. If you have a 50 MHz bus on your system and your upgrade card is running at 48.5, the timing difference will cause the kind of problem you currently have. If your system has a 50 MHz bus speed, and your upgrade card has your system running at 345 Hz, then your card needs adjusting.
Other recommendations:

  • Optimize your hard drive by defragmenting it.
  • Install all the most current software updates from our website, Apple's website, and Adobe's website.
  • Run your system with an extremely bare extensions set. Save an extension set specifically for FireWire editing. Your video editing software and camera will be the only things you are using, so you can disable many extensions to speed up the system.
  • Disable FireWire Lynx enabler, FireWire OrangeLink Enabler and FireWire OrangeLink PC Card Enabler (only if you do not have an OrangeLink CardBus PC Card)
  • Disable QuickTime VR, and QuickTime Musical Instruments.
  • Disable the Desktop picture (Appearance Control Panel)
  • Disable all USB extensions, SerialShimLib, and HID Library
  • Disable any extensions from current software programs such as MS OFFICE
  • Disable Printer extensions, and other non-FireWire device extensions
  • Disable third party utilities like Norton Utilities, Conflict Catcher, etc. These software packages tend to run in the background and can interfere with the export process.
  • Remove all old extensions from software and printers no longer being used
  • When running your camera, run it from the AC Adapter. Run no other devices or programs. These steps should greatly reduce or eliminate the problems you are having with video editing.

Q: Where can I find more detailed instructions for installation, or on how to use the video editing software?

The installation CD contains a manual for the installation of the card, and also the manual for Premiere LE. The manual is in .PDF form and can be read using the supplied Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Q: Is Ram Doubler 9 or previous versions of Ram Doubler compatible with your OrangeLink card?

No, if you are using Ram Doubler 9 or prior, you will need to disable to avoid conflicts with the Apple FireWire and USB extensions.

Q: My USB Kensington Scrollable Mouse freezes my system during boot-up.

If you make the Kensington Startup the last extension to load, the freezing problems should go away.

Q: My, Kodak, or Nikon camera will not work with the OrangeLink Card.

Camera manufacturer supplied must be compatible with Apple Mac built-in FireWire ports. Contact your camera manufacturer for the most recent updates.

Q: Can I boot from a FireWire hard drive?

Yes. FireWire booting is possible on all Macintosh models that have built-in FireWire ports with the exception of the Power Macintosh G3 (Blue & White) and the Power Mac G4 (PCI Graphics) models. You may need to upgrade the computer's firmware before FireWire booting will work. There is no computer firmware upgrade for a Beige G3 to support this.

If you put any OrangeLink FireWire cards in one of the new Macs with updated firmware, you can boot to a FireWire drive. As you can see, booting to a FireWire drive is not a function of the FireWire card

© Orange Micro, Inc. 2003. All rights reserved.