The CS++ Language
CS++ is a plaything.  If you think it should be taken further, drop me a message and make me guilty.


CS++ is very C++-like.  It is a single executable which compiles, links and runs cs++ source code.  Its strength is for system scripting.  If your shell script gets beyond twenty lines it's time to reach for CS++.

Features include:


cs++tags is the script I use to generate the tags for the Dde editor.
mi.cs++ is one of the multiple-inheritance regression test cases.


The CS++ documentation is available, umm, err, umm...   damn.


Ah.  Now you're talking.  It's here.


  1. Find a linux box.
  2. Untar the source
  3. cd AMROOT
  4. make depend
  5. make
  6. PATH=$PATH:`/bin/pwd`/bin/Linux
  7. cd CS++/tests
  8. cs++ rt

The future