The 1616 users

The funny thing about the 1616 story was the wide variety of people who were involved.
  Sometime in 1987 we started having "user group" meetings at our Sydney premises.  Second Saturday of the month.  Once we sold the shop the meetings moved to our house.  Nothing's changed, except nobody brings 1616's any more.  Everybody brings 77THz Intel boxes running GNU/Linux or they kick my Quake butt using a buggy game loader from a company in Redmond.

Some of the more memorable hackers:  (Help me out here, guys)

Kevin Bertram

Mark Harvey

Jeremy Fitzhardinge

Matthew Geieieier

Come on, cough up - what did you do?

Cameron Hutchison

Philip Hutchison

Phil was a hardware guy.

Eric Lindsay

Eric is on the shortlist for the best human I've ever met.  He maintained hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages of documentation for the 1616 project and its many applications.  Come see us one Saturday, OK?

Eric painstakingly turned my ravings into a large amount of most professional looking documentation.  The documentation is preserved here.

Colin McCormack

Andrew McNamara

Michael Milway

Who did SSFORTH?

Greyham Stoney

John Taylor and his partner whose name I fail to recall

David Taylor

John Telek

Conal Walsh

Graham Redwood

On to The cool 1616 hacks.


Andrew Morton, 8 March 1999