Paul's Tube Radio Restoration



Search Aetna Airline Atwater Kent. Bendix Blaupunkt Bogen Bowers Breting 14 Bulova Crosley Delco Dentron Electro-Neutronics Emerson Emud Fairbanks Morse Grant, W. T. Grebe Grundig Grunow Hammarlund Hallicrafters Heathkit Henry Hickok 288X Howard Howard Johnson Jesse French Johnson Korting Lafayette Lap Amp Motorola NAD National. Nordmende Norelco Packard-Bell Perpetuum-Ebner PHILCO Philips PYE P35 RCA Robyn T-123B SABA Silvertone 4663 Standard A Stewart Warner Telefunken Triplet 3436 vhf gen Wagner Walgreen WEGA Westinghouse Yaesu ZENITH Links Audio Reinforcement Antenna Cabinet Finishing Capacitor stuffing Comments Dial Scales Dim Bulb Tester Electrodynamic Electrostatic Elmer is his name. Etching Emblems IF Transformers Lead Twister Leakage Tester Packing Tips Resistors Rodent Damage Shiny Chassis Slides & Presentations Tube Analyzing Vendors Laptop


The purpose of this web site is to share my experiences with others.  This is a hobby that I enjoy.  I have decades of experience that I care to pass on to others.  

There are no solicitations on this web site.  I am not selling anything here.  Vendors are listed on the "Vendors" page as a resource, not promotion.  I do not post any advertising on this web site.  

These beautifully restored radios bring back the memories of times gone by with their wonderful look and vacuum tube sound.      

Paul's Tube Radio Restorations bring life back old vintage radios.  Each radio is meticulously restored (not repaired).  Enjoy unparalleled classic beauty and years of reliable vacuum tube sound and operation.


Electronic restoration includes: 


Replace all wax/paper, electrolytic, out of tolerance capacitors.


Replace all out of tolerance resistors. 


Replace all deteriorated wire with High voltage rated, vintage reproduction cloth covered wire (cloth where appropriate). 


Test all tubes. 


Test electro-dynamic or permanent magnet speaker. 


Repair ripped speaker cone or re-cone as needed.


Verify circuit against original manufacture’s schematic and restore to original engineered design including any factory published revisions. 


Replace or rebuild other failed parts as needed. 


Clean dial scale and repaint indicator.


Restring or replace dial cords


Clean and lubricate all controls and tuning mechanisms.  


Measure voltage and signal test points to verify proper and stable operation. 


Calibrate and align for sensitive reception and accurate dial scale tracking. 


Bench tested (burn-in) 8 hours or more to verify proper operation


Cabinet Restoration include:


Strip old finish treatments and dirt if needed.


Repair and minimize blemishes.


Glue and clamp to Strengthen loose wood joints. 


Apply new finish and/or conditioner.


Treat with rejuvenating Teague oil where appropriate.


Treat bakelite with restorers.


Hand rub Paste Wax finish as appropriate.


Replace speaker grill cloth as needed.


Replace missing or damaged knobs.

I come across many damage finishes.  I do not restore all radio finishes.  There is a lot to be desired with an original finish and all it's character. 


Grebe Syncrophase


Philco 20

Zenith Transoceanic

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Grundig Model 5088 USA 

Philco 40-150


Bendix 64P4

Philco 40-190

Art Deco styling

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RCA 25BP  "Pick Me Up"







Please help your self and take a look around.  I have posted several projects with some details.  It is my intention to share these restoration experiences.  A restoration of a vintage radio is much different than a repair.  

Electronic components go bad with age.  Some components contain liquid electrolytes that dry out.  Others have paper insulators that degrade and create short circuits with age.  Resistor will absorb moisture and decay internally rendering them far out of design tolerance.  And the most obvious would be the missing insulation on the power cord.  A less obvious problem is missing insulation on wires that are concealed under the chassis.  A restoration address all the above aging problems.  

Once a radio is restored and any, pre-existing failures trouble-shot and repaired, the radio may serve another half century of reliable service.

Cabinet restoration is more dependant on the owners opinion and desired look.  A cabinet may remain untouched and the existing patina undisturbed as so it does not loose any collector value.  

Most radios that I collect have been long since been ignored and abused.  Often the protective finish has been chipped or flaked off, water damage may have occurred or it has been dropped and broken.  Stripping and extensive finish and cabinet repairs are typically required.  I commonly restore radios in need of "rescuing" from the land fill.   

Generally, I like to have an old vintage radio work at or beyond original factory specifications.  And look pleasing too.  All wax/paper capacitors, electrolytic capacitors and most resistors are replaced.  A full electronic alignment is performed.  And the unit is operated (burned-in) for at lease 8 hours.  After the burn-in period any failures are diagnosed and repaired and the electronic alignment is re-performed.  Radios that have extensive decayed wiring, require many hours of precision wire replacement. Often the location of the wire is critical to the proper operation of the radio. 

My most rewarding restorations are the old forgotten heirloom radios that have been discovered by adult children or grandchildren.  Once restored and brought back to life these radios allow the owner to relive the childhood memories and comforts of years past.  

Please enjoy my web site. 

A few words about safety.  

I have been shocked many times starting with sticking a fork into a wall outlet. A few that I have been lucky to survive.  It is my opinion that you are responsible for your own health and safety. Tube radios, televisions, toasters, automobiles, guns, wall outlets, along with many other things in this world have lethal potentials within.  You must insure your own safety with the techniques presented with in these pages.  

If you have not been properly educated, experienced and/or prepared, leave these lethal potentials up to others.  


Contact me including your thoughts and comments. 

Please see the LINKS page.  I have collected many resources over the years.

Copyright © 2004 - 2012. All rights reserved.