Atwater Kent 206


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This is a beautiful Atwater Kent.  The owner restored the cabinet.  I took on the chassis.

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  This is a surprisingly good sounding radio.  Well I should not be surprised.  It is after all an Atwater Kent Tube Radio!

im000027.jpg (188866 bytes) Power Transformer needing rewiring.  The bell housing has been removed to expose the connections.  im000028.jpg (294403 bytes) Passive components replaced. im000030.jpg (275356 bytes) Reverse Angle. im000033.jpg (325535 bytes) Some wires replaced.  You can see the power transformer leads on the left.
IM000034.JPG (243912 bytes)This is the first Oscillator coil.  It had to be totally removed to replace the wires.   IM000035.JPG (251440 bytes)  Wire replaced.  IM000036.JPG (171466 bytes) Completed first Oscillator can.  The second Oscillator can is directly underneath the band switch.  I unsoldered each lead and slipped some heat shrink tubing over the wire.  It is just to risky messing around under the fragile band switch.  IM000037.JPG (272665 bytes)  These are the IF cans.  The insulation was still supple and strong.  The grid lead was hardened and needed replaced.  
IM000038.JPG (274483 bytes)  The mounting stud had to be removed to access the solder connection of the grid clip. IM000039.JPG (239886 bytes)New grid wire soldered on.  I reassembled and mounted the IF can, installed the tube and custom cut the grid clip wire. IM000040.JPG (238319 bytes)  Tuning Air variable cap removed to replace the rotted stand off insulators.  IM000041.JPG (197236 bytes)  Radio shack had a selection of grommets the worked great.  I think they may have dropped this product line. 
IM000044.JPG (253776 bytes) All the new grid clip leads can be seen here.  The first detector has a gimmick capacitor wrapped around the lead and grounded near the chassis to the frame of the air cap.  IM000045.JPG (184112 bytes)  Dial lamps.  I had to reuse the original lamps.  On order are screw base 2.5 volt lamps.  IM000046.JPG (336982 bytes) The totally rewired chassis.  It took a good eight hours to complete the rewiring.  Also a better Vintage looking plug is on order. IM000047.JPG (238205 bytes)  More dry rot wires on the field coil.  This coil chokes the main B+.  No compromises here!
IM000049.JPG (258249 bytes)  Short wave dial scale.  YES there is life!  The radio played as soon as the dim bulb tester switch was turned on.  IM000053.JPG (65340 bytes)  This is the Police Band selected.  A full and complete alignment yielded a rather sensitive radio.  I listened to WWV (coordinated world time from Bolder, CO) herein Pittsburgh on 15 Mhz in the afternoon.  I picked it up on 10 meg too.  IM000056.JPG (71531 bytes)  This is broadcast selected.  The Pirates were winning at this time. 



IM000052.JPG (155035 bytes)  I like the tube glow.  2 volt filaments give off a warm cherry red glow.  



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