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2602 USA

IMG_2455.JPG (177331 bytes)  2602USA

Bands AM, FM and SW


IMG_2456.JPG (143992 bytes)  IMG_2457.JPG (131450 bytes) IMG_2432.JPG (218062 bytes)  IMG_2433.JPG (167690 bytes) IMG_2453.JPG (210365 bytes)
IMG_2448.JPG (1811722 bytes) Nice dial scale. IMG_2449.JPG (1085865 bytes) IMG_2444.JPG (156691 bytes)Tube Glow IMG_2451.JPG (1854422 bytes)Long wire antenna for AM, SW and helpful to FM.  It is best to use an FM dipole antenna.  The type from Radio Shack.  There is no internal FM antenna. IMG_2454.JPG (218963 bytes) I tested the PU (Pick Up) input.  It worked.  However, with an AC powered tape deck and CD player, that is plugged into the wall, created tremendous Hum.  This is do to the Hot Chassis architecture of the Autotransformer B+ step up transformer. No Isolation. 
IMG_2406.JPG (225199 bytes) IMG_2407.JPG (211550 bytes) IMG_2408.JPG (241608 bytes) IMG_2409.JPG (222372 bytes) IMG_2410.JPG (194096 bytes)It looks like some one put something in series with the speaker.  
IMG_2411.JPG (154788 bytes) IMG_2414.JPG (209546 bytes)This RF bypass cap failed spectacularly during first bench testing.  No caps were replaced up to this time. I pre power most chassis to see if they receive at all.   IMG_2427.JPG (205899 bytes) New 1N4007 diode replacing the selenium diode, 150 ohm 1w voltage dropper resistor and one of two new electrolytic capacitors.  IMG_2423a.JPG (52214 bytes) A shielded .01 uf coupling cap feeds the volume control. I pealed the paper back and found a simple foil shield.  IMG_2421.JPG (240074 bytes)I used some aluminum sticky duct tape to fabricate a shielded coupling cap.  
IMG_2423.JPG (224759 bytes) IMG_2425.JPG (238162 bytes)Heat shrink to seal it up. And it works great. IMG_2426.JPG (188478 bytes) IMG_2428.JPG (145886 bytes)Old missing foam to keep the dial glass from vibrating on the cabinet.  IMG_2429.JPG (166427 bytes)
IMG_2430.JPG (103794 bytes)A little bit of non skid foam for throw rugs.  IMG_2431.JPG (143923 bytes) We do not want our radio to buzz and rattle like a booming urban street vehicle's license plate or any  loose body part.       


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