This is a MINT condition Lafayette
Comstat 35 CB transceiver. I have not seen one in this good condition
ever. It is deaf. No receive.
Opening the top I saw a crystal
partially out of its socket. Hmmm, a clue. I pulled each crystal and
referred to the mint condition documentation. Two are out of order. I
checked the crystal sockets against the schematic to determine the socket
numbers, replaced the crystals into the proper socket and power it on with the
Removing the DBT the radio came to
life. Each channel was checked with an RF generator radiating indirectly into the shop. All channels receive on the appropriate frequency.
The transmitter puts out 3.5 watts
though a BIRD watt meter with load and plate peaked.
See the pictures below:
Crystals out of order.
S9 set at 100uv.
Peaked Load and Drive caps.
All electrolytic cap ESR tested OK.
Crystal socket order determined from Pins 2 and 9 of V7 (empty socket).