What is XGS, XGS-DOS and XGS-XFREEOS/2 ? ...
This is an Apple IIGS emulator originally written by Joshua M. Thompson for XWindow.
It has now been ported to DOS and is named here «XGS-DOS». «XGS-XFREEOS/2»
is another native port for IBM OS/2 Warp with the XWindow sub-system.
Last News
XGS-DOS is now upgraded to 0.50.6 !
- Joystick support FIXED !
- "Rudimentary" slowdown added for faster Pentium-II computers !
- Bug fixes into the M65816, allowing GSBUG, Splat and GNO/ME to work !
Thanks to : Kelwin W. Serlock <kserloc#zoo.uvm.edu>
Benchmarks page updated !
With the Win32-OS/2 executable converter, XGS-Win32 executable file can be converted and works under OS/2 Warp but the IIGS is completly scrambled. Wait and see for the next version of Win32-OS/2 when the DirectX to DIVE translator will be finished...
Main index
Version history for XGS-DOS
Version history for XGS-XFREEOS/2
Installing XGS-DOS
Installing XGS-XFREEOS/2
XGS Benchmarks
XGS-DOS and XGS-XFREEOS/2 snapshots
My Apple IIGS at home
Work in progress
For me : better documentation for XCHANGE, and write the real story of my real IIGS computer ...
For Ian Schmidt : i816, a x86-assembler version of the M65816.
Important notes
This is the fourth beta release of XGS-DOS 0.50. All functions of XGS are fully
implemented. But, if there are missing things or nasty bugs, please email me ! You
can click here in order to how to email to me.
With XGS-DOS 0.50.5 and later versions, the configuration and parameter format file
are completely changed. Thus the former *.XDI files aren't supported anymore. Please
delete them as they waste space disk.
In previous versions of XGS-DOS, the sound wasn't implemented, for a very good reason.
I have a sound card, but it is completely useless for me- I'm deaf, but I really
love a wonderful computer, the Apple IIGS. That's why I've built the DOS version
of XGS. I've also created a OS/2 version with the XWindow sub-system.
Prior to XGS-DOS 0.50.4, the sound is now enabled, and I hope that you'll take more
enjoy with XGS-DOS !
Concerning the OS/2 version, the sound isn't implemented and it isn't worth to attempt
to do it because I'm waiting for the GRADD video drivers maturation. After I'll
come back to the Presentation Manager sub-system and I'll hope that someone is willing
to use DART for the sound part.
Legal stuff : you know that this is a beta release, and everything which is implied
by this, etc, etc, etc and etc .... ;-)
Download section
RAR archive 358K |
RAR archive 95K |
RAR archive 15k |
RAR archive 17K |
RAR archive 21K |
RAR archive 38K |
Legal stuff
Apple, IIGS, Apple IIGS, and GS/OS are registered trademarks of Apple Computer,
Inc. All rights reserved.
Other links
The Official XGS Home Page, by Joshua M. Thompson
The XGS-Mac Homepage
The Obsolete Computer Museum
Sion 2006, candiate of the 2006 Olympic Games
Special thanks to these people who have helped me in this port :
I would like to thank the main author of XGS, Joshua M. Thompson. With XGS, it is now possible to run an virtual Apple IIGS in a heterogen environment. Thus, the Apple IIGS spirit can be kept forever !Matthew Conte, the first beta tester of XGS-DOS, for his tests, suggestions and grammar and spelling fixes of the English documentation. He have also let me some room for the US XGS-DOS mirror. Thanks to him !
Ian Schmidt, for the sound routine for XGS-DOS.
for emailing me
My email address is here :
bluespot#bigfoot.comBefore emailing me, please consider the following things :
I just hope that XGS-DOS and/or XGS-XFREEOS/2 will work on your computer. If that
isn't the case, please re-read everything if you've read it diagonally ;-) and take
a look at your BOOTLOG.TXT!
Gilles Tschopp, Valais/Wallis,Switzerland
Updated : 1998.09.27