Selection ( R,W,M,K,F,S,Q,E,A,Z,I,H,?=help ): r Enter message number to start with, F for the first message, L for the last, or ? for help: f Date: Friday, October 25, 1996 7:39am Electronic Mail From: Sysop Msg#: 53914 To: System Test Re: Phone Call (cc: of #53913, Reply to #53911) (N)ext, (P)revious, or (R)ead this message? r well...if you ever dump...apol city or elect shop let me know..i'll snag a copy of that i have tpro bbs and fv/metal bbs as doors on my major system if you ever do get anyone with inet account with telenet you could pop in and go to the apple // claim to fame...pathetic though it is.. too bad you don't have telenet..i'd essentially let you and maybe zeeb pop in with sysop powers and mod the hell out of tpro or whatever... i did get a new ver modified of a fv/metal 4.1 from a guy who fixed the bugs modded it from denmark...if you can do mime attachments to email maybe i could get tpro both versions .shk that way ...but again i suppose you don't have the time and i never seem to get up there... had an guy on the internet donate me a sider...i plan on putting up the original lost gonzo..ran on the old dos 3.3 applenet...(ie safehouse bbs)...with its wonderful asci downloads and 1200 baud max rate with real text these newbies hitting on me from the internet what old bbs software really was...could prob even dig up those old asci pics from letters of centerfolds and klingon war ships..boy did i need a life in those days...anyway...just need to get a ramfast to put an 80meg drive on it as well..(be damned if i'm gonna back up the sider on 90 floppies)...and viola..i'll have every piece of software i've ever run doored off the major bbs...we have the web software for this if we ever get the time to get it up....people could then hit on the apple systems via the web... might not be too big a deal now..but 5-10yrs from now would be sorta unigue..and it is damn easier to keep this stuff up and backuped then trying to figure out how to config them from scratch in the first place..the brain locks up well drop me mail or upload what you want...i do have one favor to ask however if you still have those sider docs from your old sider drive you bleww up..i'd appreciate a copy...or just 2nd day mail them down here i'll pay postage both ways and run them to kinko s and mail them back... the sider was free ..but no docs on it is a little annoying when trying to figure some stuff out.. thats bout it..but if you need incentive to pickup a 20 buck a month inet accnt up their with telenet..the old tpro and fv/metal as telenetable doors down here may be sorta of a hoot... lets see what else... the only other thing i have noticed is everyone gets on the web first and then someone tells them about bbs's rather then old days vice versa...major bbs is charging 300 bucks now for their software to even run modems...we went from 12 bbs's down here to of them brad thiesens who also is the most sucessful isp down here..i get mine via the other isp... so pretty dismal...essentially we would make a much better web site with bbs features you don't see on www sites the apples, doors like tw2002, lord, etc, and other bbs stuff.. then we are as a bbs with inet connections...completely reversed..i suspect the major is gonna go the way of tpro and fv just be a door and we will prob put a www site up with links to the interesting stuff on the major bbs..i'm sure not gonna pay 595 for the upgrades they are trying to charge these days for win nt versions so a simple little www site with the apple classic stuff and such ..and move on't like i an't seen it before... well i've blabed enough..keep in touch and hit up a buddy to log on via telenet sometime...i'll drop you mail if i ever get the www site could prob figure a way to hit on that from a school computer.. catch ya later brad weelborg lost gonzo bbs p.o. box 1073 or 410 1/2 S. Front St. #2 Mankato, Mn 56001 phone 507/388-5301 voice phone 507/625-8321 bbs 3lines 28.8 inet email: telenet: www: in the works p.s. keep me informed of any apple // stuff gs or otherwise you may have laying about...and remember if you get a chance to send me that sider manual...i'll kinko it off ( i work nites) and have it back within 3 days...and kick a m/o back for postage etc..maybe even make you a spare if you want... also...may send you the 7 or more blown power supplies i have down here..jeez you run 2 apple gs's continuiously for 24hrs a day and they blow power fun... thats bout it....see ya in email brad (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? e <<< CONFIRMED: MESSAGE #53914 ERASED >>> Date: Friday, October 25, 1996 7:53am Electronic Mail From: Sysop Msg#: 53917 To: System Test Re: WTB: Hard Disk w/controller for IIe (cc: of #53916, Reply to #53504) (N)ext, (P)revious, or (R)ead this message? SK>Anybody know where I might be able to find a small (20-40 mb) hard drive SK>with controller card for an Apple IIe? I have a friend whose Sider 20 Mb SK>drive is going flakey, and he wants/needs a new one pronto (not Sider, if SK>possible) SK> Stavros altech computers has one...i forget the address but it is the apple faq that is posted ...address wise here occasionally....focus card they run around 80 bucks i think what i'm really curious about is your friends broke sider..i had a sider donated to my system ( i have a telenetable major bbs with 2 apple gs 's running tpro rpg bbs (85) and fv/metal bbs (current) as doors off my major bbs running worldgroup and hopefully soon a www site.. anyway the guy gave me the sider for a couple yrs paid access to the bbs via telenet etc (we charge 20 bucks a yr for 2hrs...sorta slow out here in so mn..) anyway if your friend would like to 'donate' his broken sider AND HAS DOCS ...(or even just the broken sider)...i'd be more then willing to give him or both of you paid access...(really need the docs...even xerox of docs will do)...i'd then reimburse you/him for shipping and handling via a postal moneyorder....(via post office 2nd day mail i think it cost me 15 bucks or something to get the current 20meg sider i think it if fair for a broken sider...any spare parts are better then none and like i said the software disks and especially docs would help well pass it along....i'm trying to get this sider up on my system as a 3rd door running my original bbs software from 83 (what a hoot) old dos 3.3 applenet... in other words any one asks i'm running the same software since 1983..or at least you can get to all the bbs software i ever ran via telenet and hopefully www by the 1st of the yr..i know i'm odd...oh well.. just let your friend least you could get some access out of the broken item..i have 7 cd's online, 2hrs a day, door games like lord, tw2002 etc... just pop a reply via sysop@lost-gonzo.bbs if interested and we can work out details...if nothing else telenet in 30min a day are free for most everything incl games.. thanks for listening...too late in the nite/moring for this.. (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? e <<< CONFIRMED: MESSAGE #53917 ERASED >>> Date: Thursday, October 24, 1996 8:47pm Electronic Mail From: Msg#: 53918 To: System Test Re: Looking for... (Copy by Sysop) (N)ext, (P)revious, or (R)ead this message? Hi There, Randall Flagg, host sysop of the BBS that Nincjaforce houses on, e-mailed me this letter, and asked me to post it here, so here we go: --------------- >From : Message-id: Hi Doede, I prepared this offline letter to save money :) So here we go... It seems you are still very "into" the apple II business. I myself must confess to have lost some contacts, but Gemany has never been a popular Apple II site and so its really hard to find some people, and even more to find some supporting 8-bit machines. Okay, I want you to do something for me if possible! Yes, hehe, this would be very kindful and I will be very obliged if there will be any response. I am actually looking for some firmeware and software revisons in order to be "up to date". Look at this: AE Parallel Pro PP1.3 AE Buffer Pro BP1.3 AE Serial Pro SPRO2.0 AE RamWorksIII Software V1.31 AE Phasor Software V1.1.0 AE PCTransporter BIOS V2.04 Aplclock V1.3 PCInstall V1.4 Testing Util. V2.0 Transfer Util. V1.4 I want you to post a local or better international mail quest- ioning the Apple II community for the latest revisions, and if there, to get them! I know its lot of work, but it would be very AWESOME!... and you know: if I can do something for you, just let me know!! But thats not all.. I am also looking for this: There has been a docu-file about how to connect original MS-DOS drives to the PCT (so you can save money for the expensive Transdrives). I also think it was a doc from a german newsletter, but i don't know exactly. I got some doc but it is really short, and the pictures which were included were in some strange PNT format (I think some IIGS fileformat) which i can't handle , whether on my IIe nor on the PC. So maybe you can find out something about that, and/or convert the pictures to an more common GIF/TIF/JPEG format. In closing a last pile of work: I bought the PCT from a IIGS owner from the U.S. Now I am really looking for the IIe Keyboard- cable or a wiring diagramm of that.. I am also looking for the PCT ColorSwitch if someone has to sell one, please let me know. ----------------- That's it :) -= Doede =- oh, reactions can be sent to: You may also reply to me, and I will forward them -- I don't have his e-mail address in Germany at hand right now. (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? e <<< CONFIRMED: MESSAGE #53918 ERASED >>> Date: Thursday, October 24, 1996 8:45pm Electronic Mail From: Msg#: 53924 To: System Test Re: Global Gameing Network (Copy by Sysop) (N)ext, (P)revious, or (R)ead this message? *****GLOBAL GAMEING NETWORK************************************************ GAMES * The Global Gameing Network is housed on Swords Of Chos * 2 FULL T-1's. That means that you have Casino * a very fast connection. We are the Pac Dude * FASTEST gameing Network. We are also Trade Wars 2002 * including DNS for any system that Erotica * is on are gameing network. Mutants * Price: 15$ Monthly for first BladeMasters * the 10 SYSTEMS CrossRoads * that join The Global Gameing Network NovaTrek * Regular Price: 25$ Monthly RingMasters * Global Destruction * Let your users play the games they want Wilderlands * Electornic Fairways * < Adding More Daily> * For More Info Email: (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? e <<< CONFIRMED: MESSAGE #53924 ERASED >>> Date: Thursday, October 24, 1996 8:47pm Electronic Mail From: Msg#: 53925 To: System Test Re: CyberWorld BBS/ISP - Join The Revolution! (Copy by Sysop) (N)ext, (P)revious, or (R)ead this message? Greetings from CyberWorld! -- A unique online service based in Montana! Available through your EXISTING Internet Provider! Featuring! * Hypermedia Teleconference - graphics, actions, sound effects (meet new and exciting people...) * Local Discussion Groups - religion, politics, teen chat, gamers, web designers (if we don't have it, ASK and we'll create it!) * ADVANCED multiplayer interactive network gaming for techno thrill seekers! (standard text-based online games are also available) (Gamer Group meets regularly at CyberWorld for Net tournaments) No hourly! All accounts are Flate-rate UNLIMITED... $20 life-time membership. Subscription only $10/month for Online Service access (includes 20% discount as a Telnet user). Up to 4 additional sub-accounts can be established for $5/month each! More details? Send e-mail to with your mailing address or call 406-628-2331 to receive a User Info packet. You may also visit our Web page at for more information. Welcome to the Revolution! ******************************************************* CyberWorld Internet Services, Inc. 405 E Main, Suite B Laurel, MT 59044 406-628-2331 (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? e <<< CONFIRMED: MESSAGE #53925 ERASED >>> Date: Thursday, October 24, 1996 8:47pm Electronic Mail From: Msg#: 53926 To: System Test Re: Re: Modem Init Strings (Copy by Sysop) (N)ext, (P)revious, or (R)ead this message? DO>Hello, DO> I have a quick problem I'm hoping someone can answer or at least give DO>me some ideas on how to resolve. I have four internal Thunderlink 33.600 DO>modems and none of them are picking up incoming calls. I read the manual DO>from front ot back and tried all the init strings in the book. I work DO>for an ISP so I was able to get some more from work but none of them DO>work either. I know it's not the modems because I ran a fax program that DO>identifies them and brings incoming calls in. If any one has any init DO>strings to try or something to check that I might have missed I would DO>greatly appreciate it. DO> Since we do not have an init string for this modem yet, I have attached a guide we use in creating init strings here. Between this and the manual for the modem you should be able to come up with a good init string. If you prefer, you can FAX us the AT command set and S registers from the manual (including the name, and model of the modem), and we will create the string for you. Dan Rhea Galacticomm Support Center 900-555-GCOM 954-583-5990 Feedback: begin 500 initstr.txt Topic: Modem initialization string cookbook The following are the guidelines you want to follow when building a custom initialization string for a modem with use for Worldgroup (server and Manager): Reset to Factory Defaults This will bring you to a starting point by loading the factory settings from the modem's ROM. Some modems have multiple factory configurations. This is normally controlled by the &F command. Example: AT&F Turn modem echoing off This will stop the modem from echoing keystrokes. The Worldgroup server handles this function. This is controlled by the E command (E0). Example: AT&FE0 Disable Auto-Answer Disable the auto-answer function of the modem. The Worldgroup server will send ATA to the modem once a RING is detected (with Level 1 Hardware Configuration (BBSMAJOR.MSG) option OUTATA set to YES (default)). This is controlled by the S0 register. Setting this register to 0 disables the modem's auto-answer function. Example: AT&FE0S0=0 Disable the Escape Code Character The only purpose this serves is disabling the ability for someone to place the modem into command-mode by typing the Escape Code Character (ASCII 43, "+"). This can be done from the console (emulating a channel) or in Terminal Mode in the Worldgroup Manager. This is not necessary in the operation of the modem, it is only placed there for precautionary measures. This is controlled by the S2 register. Setting the S2 register higher than 127 (but no higher than 255) will disable the Escape Code Character. Example: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255 Enable Result Codes Set the modem to return result codes. This is controlled by the Q command (Q0). Example: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0 Enable Verbal Result Codes Set the modem to return verbal result codes as opposed to numeric (example: CONNECT 28800). The speed indicated after the CONNECT message is what Worldgroup uses to estimate file transfer time. This is commonly controlled by the V command (V1). Example: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1 Display DCE to DCE (Data Communications Equipment) Result Codes Set result codes to return DCE to DCE (modem to modem) speeds as opposed to DTE to DCE (computer to modem, Level 1 Hardware Configuration Option BAUDx). This is commonly controlled by the W command (W2, although some modems do not support this command at all), and/or the S95 register (S95=0). When applicable, the S95 register takes priority over the W command (many modems support both). This plays an important part in estimating file transfer times. With the modem configured to report DTE to DCE rates, no matter what the user connects at the modem will always report the port speed (example: CONNECT 38400) and estimate the transfer times accordingly. By setting these commands in this fashion, additional and unnecessary responses will be disabled (ARQ and MNP reporting, etc). Examples: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1W2 AT&FE0S0=0S2=255S95=0Q0V1 AT&FE0S0=0S2=255S95=0Q0V1W2 Enable all Result Codes Enable all result codes. This is commonly controlled by the X command (X4). Example: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1W2X4 Set the DCD (Data Carrier Detect) Signal Set the DCD signal on when there is a data carrier, as opposed to being on all the time. This is controlled by the &C command (&C1). Example: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1W2X4&C1 Set the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) Signal Set the actions taken by the modem relating to the DTR signal of the serial port. Configure the modem to hang up and enter command-mode with the &D2 command. To have the modem perform this function as well as restoring the modem's stored profile (the equivalent of an ATZ command), many modems support the &D3 command. Example: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1W2X4&C1&D2 Set Hardware Flow Control Set RTS/CTS bi-directional (hardware) as opposed to XON/XOFF (software) flow control. This is commonly set by the &K3 or \Q3 command. Communications will be unstable if both the client and server modems are not configured this way. Example: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1W2X4&C1&D2&K3 Asynchronous Error-control Mode Set the modem to asynchronous error-control mode. This is commonly controlled by the &Q command (&Q5). Example: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1W2X4&C1&D2&K3&Q5 CTS Tracks RTS Set the modem's CTS signal to track the RTS signal as opposed to having CTS ignore RTS. This is commonly controlled by the &R command (&R0), but is not supported at all in some modems. Example: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1W2X4&C1&D2&K3&Q5&R0 Disable Remote Digital Loopback Testing Set the modem to deny remote digital loopback test. Usually the &T5 command. This is unnecessary for use with the Worldgroup Manager. Example: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1W2X4&C1&D2&K3&Q5&R0&T5 Modem speaker volume The modem speaker volume is controlled by the L command. The higher this value is set, the louder the modem's speaker volume will be. The speaker itself can be toggled by the M command. The M0 command disables the modem's speaker. Example: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1W2X4&C1&D2&K3&R0&T5M0 Hang up and place the modem in command-mode Set the modem to hang up and place the modem in command-mode. This is controlled by the H command (H0). This is a factory-default with all modems, but some modems require this due to answering/resetting problems. This command is unnecessary for use with the Worldgroup Manager. Example: AT&FE0S0=0S2=255Q0V1W2X4&C1&D2&K3&R0&T5M0H0 Most modems won't require such lengthy initialization strings, the factory defaults will already be partially configured as needed. However, we have come across many instances where modems function better when the commands are specified regardless of whether they are factory defaults. Be aware that Worldgroup only allows 44 characters in Level 1 Hardware Configuration (BBSMAJOR.MSG) option BAUDx fields. Some modems have a command-string limits of 40 characters (mostly older modems). If your modem string is too long, there are some options. Do not specify unimportant or factory-default commands or registers in this instance. The most common would be the S2 register. Also, most modems do not require you to specify a 0 after many commands. For example: ATE0Q0M0 Can also be set by the following command: ATEQH The last option is to write these strings to the modem's non-volatile RAM (NRAM, or NVRAM). This can be done by appending an &W command to the initialization string. Once settings are written to NVRAM, the ATZ command is all that is necessary to restore them (ATZ is sent to the modem during the initialization process, not requiring the initialization string to be so extensive). Some settings cannot be saved to the modems NVRAM (in many cases S-registers cannot). Such commands will still be necessary in the modem's initialization string. Make sure that when writing settings to the modem's NVRAM, that it is only done so once, and not every time the modem initializes (leaving the &W command in the initialization string). NVRAM can only be written to so many times before it can't be written to any longer. (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? e <<< CONFIRMED: MESSAGE #53926 ERASED >>> Date: Thursday, October 24, 1996 8:48pm Electronic Mail From: Msg#: 53927 To: System Test Re: It's here and in FULL release! (Copy by Sysop) (N)ext, (P)revious, or (R)ead this message? Hello, By now you have heard of the Infinity Cybernet Teleconference Network. Basically, it is a Chatlink/Worldlink type of network, that lets you stay connected, *24* hours per day, *7* days a week, for a flat rate of $50 per YEAR! No typo, 24/7 TC network, for just $50 per year!!! The only other cost incurred to you is for the Vislink software ($100, and it is required to use the Cybernet. It is the link module.) So, for basically $150, you can stay connected to a FULL TC network, linked with tons of bbs's, and thousands of users 24 hours per day 7 days per week! The cost of staying connected to us for one year, will only keep you connected to the other TC networks for one week. Some of the features include: * Paging to Remote Users just like they were on YOUR BBS * Global commands to list users on the network (like a huge /#) * List just users on specific Systems * C/S Support * WHISPER to users, on other systems, just like they're on YOUR BBS * Seemless/transparent interface (its just a TC to your users!) * Unlimited Channels - Just like cable! Cater to all of your users by setting up different channels for different topics! We have everything from General chat for all ages, adult chat, for 18 and over, "The Bedroom" channel for hot chat (18+), the "teen room", the "sports channel" (nothing stirs up activity like users discussing who's team is better, when everyone is rooting for their home town :),"The Political Channel", "The Religion Channel", plus more, and more added all the time! (You do not have to take all of the channels, you can take one, or as many as you like) Here's what some of the sysop's and users say about the Cybernet: The Underground BBS (SYSID: UGD): "...since getting the Cybernet, I have dropped Worldlink. Cybernet is twice the service of Worldlink, at a fraction of the cost...thanks!" Dragonstar Online (SYSID: DSO): "...this is great, my users love it, I love it, and the price is great!" Infinity Cyberplex (SYSID: IPLEX):"...since I have got the Cybernet up and running, my usage has quadrupled! Users log on, and STAY on, waiting for their Cyberpals on other bbs's to logon and chat with them! And with the total integration they can page and whisper, just like they were on my bbs! It's *ucking great!" Dark Star (IPLEX User) "I always thought a bbs was just for fun, but my son is learning a great deal from it! He gets on the Cybernet channels that are French speaking, and he learns how to communicate in French while having fun! His teacher has noticed considerable improvements in his performance! Now my wife doesn't mind me spending money on my bbs subscriptions :)" --------------- I founded the Cybernet to help out fellow WG sysops. We have all invested a large amount of money in our systems, and the internet has definitely cut into the usage of our systems. I figured by forming this TC Network, I would help WG sysops stay in the game with the IRC, and help them out by improving their bbs. I already have the bbs that I run, and I already have my internet line, so I figured why not utilize it for something to help out the other sysops? The $50 per year mainly covers upgrades and license fees that I need to pay to keep the network going. You've seen what it can do, now check it out! It only works if you support it :) Here's how to get connected: You can use your Visa/MC by calling our Cybernet Amabassador dealer: Digital Consulting 1-800-899-2002 OR mail a check/MO ($50) to: Michael Pike / Infinity Cybernet 6520 Roswell Rd Suite #113 Atlanta, GA 30328 You can order the Vislink software via Majorware for $100. Get connected today! If you have any questions, you can reach me at: (preferred) or (mainly for current cybernet sysops) (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? e <<< CONFIRMED: MESSAGE #53927 ERASED >>> Date: Thursday, October 24, 1996 8:48pm Electronic Mail From: Msg#: 53930 To: System Test Re: Special Configuration (Copy by Sysop) (N)ext, (P)revious, or (R)ead this message? Hi, Do you think the following thing's possible ? Users are connecting to WG via TCPI/IP (Internet for exemple), enter a user-ID & password in a HTML page, the password and User-ID are sent to the WG, after verification WG calls a number (maybe with the Dial Out Add-On) with an ISDN, connects to another WG (or NT) and send the user-ID & password to establish the connection. When done, the user is connected to the other system and may look up in the directories. For sure, we need to have more than a user able to connect to the other site at the same time, if the ISDN is already connected, only the User-ID & Password are sent to the other system for verification. Thanks in advance, St0phane DE DEKEN telnet:// (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? e <<< CONFIRMED: MESSAGE #53930 ERASED >>> Date: Saturday, October 26, 1996 9:25pm Electronic Mail From: Sysop Msg#: 53948 To: System Test Re: World Group (cc: of #53947, Reply to #53935, Reply to #53048, Reply *) (N)ext, (P)revious, or (R)ead this message? SO>man, how many were paid before all this mess, when those people tried to SO>sue you i mean. SO>if there were more, then could i suggest something? SO>make this a real name BBS, and can only have aliases when posting or SO>E-mailing. SO>Don't let anyone under 13 read the messages, unless they are paid users, SO>that way you won't run into the, "Little Johnny read your messgaes and SO>saw a swear word!" because by 13, the parents have either allready SO>excepted that they'll hear them anyway, or the teenagers will swear SO>themselves. SO>You could have a thing setup, when on E-mail your can choose users to SO>block out from E-mailing you anymore. SO>you said months ago that you couldn't make this the type of BBS where SO>people could logon and post and stuff unless this was a real name BBS... SO>so you could do that, and then just have the handle part for posting... SO>like when I logon, then it'll read, "Jim Tyson logon" and for logoff, SO>"Jim Tyson LogOff" but when I post it'lls read SO>From: Sonic SO>would that work okay? I mean, people can't logon new without you SO>checking through their registry anyway, and you could run a match SO>program with any of the other users, and the good old phone book to see SO>if their address and stuff really exist... this part do first, and then SO>run the match program. SO>tell me how this does not sound controled at all. You have the rules at SO>logon, no one under thirteen going into conferences without paying SO>first, and real names and handles show up only on Conferences, SO>e-mailing, and games of course. oh, and on teleconference... you can't SO>chat with people, but you can still use teleconference where they'll SO>only see your user ID name. SO>look, I know you think its gonna go back to old ways, andyou gonna say SO>that stupid line, "Not worth the hassle" but just try it for a month and SO>a half. You can also write a rule that says, NO REFUNDS and if they SO>harrass a user, then you can give out their real name to the person your SO>harrassing and then handle their porblems off the BBS. SO>guys like Avatar and SAMiAM are gone now, and its jsut good old regular SO>people back again. SO>now could you please give me a none complicated answer, how you think it SO>would be at the end of the month and a half, and answer if without the SO>words, "To Much Hassle". and the question of how many paid users there SO>were before this less populated and kinda boring BBS with 4 paid users. essentially the system is already set up that way except for the real name thing...and real names don't help if i can't stop dup accnts..i can stop dup accnts via the inet way because people coming in via inet have to Pay an isp or reg with a school or something more perm..with just dial up too many ways to cheat...if i continue to have to regulate underage here... had hd etc probs i just put up 1.6 gig drive and a new cache card to run it (old one could not do hd's that large) so if our equip stays stable now...we just plan to get the www site stuff finally done and then put it up with a line or two here.. in other words we will be a lot more successful (even if non paid yet) as a www site with wg and door options/bbs options on the side via telent buttons or whatever then we are now as just a bbs with inet connection... thats the plan...but....essentially bbs's are dead....need we need to be a www site and get more nat regional around here... thats more or less the plan..have been frustrated in attempts mostly because of time and hardware probs of a major sort are there any other bbs's in town besides ours and prarie's?...if so how are they fairing....? whatever that is the plan anyway....people from new zeland seem to like to telenet in..maybe i should move? brad (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? Date: Saturday, October 26, 1996 7:10pm Electronic Mail From: Msg#: 53950 To: System Test Re: RE: WG Stuff! (Fw by Sysop) (N)ext, (P)revious, or (R)ead this message? ----------------[ Distributed Message ]---------------- ListServer: Wgsysops (Listserver for Worldgroup Sysops) Type: Not Moderated Distributed on: 25-OCT-96, 12:33:16 Original Written by: ------------------------------------------------------- WG>----------------[ Distributed Message ]---------------- rG> ListServer: Wgsysops (Listserver for Worldgroup Sysops) WG> Type: Not Moderated WG> Distributed on: 25-OCT-96, 11:33:28 WG>Original Written by: WG>------------------------------------------------------- WG>Haven't been able to figure out how to map the file library directory WG>below the webpages directory so that both library and web server WG>can get to them. WG>I have a client who wan't the MJW stuff and is willing to pay, so WG>looks like I am going that route for now and NT server later. WG>WG>Yes, but, there are many who do want to do their web pages and very few w WG>WG>want to pay me to do it. As I can't accomidate those who want to do thei WG>WG>using the free Front Page they downloaded from Microsoft, I wind up spend WG>WG>my time loading the things. Or, worse, give them sysop rights so they ca WG>WG>it in. WG>WG>I could go buy MJW's WebMagic (great program, by the way) but why bother WG>WG>when all that is included in NT as part of the deal. WG>How about giving them for their own FTP Library and WG>they can change their page as often as they like. Give them only the WG>right to manage their files in the Library and not full sysop rights. In the Library Operations create a library under your webpages directory, example: c:\worldgroup\webpages\customername Give your customer a unique key along with the others he already has in his class . Use this key for whatever options you decide for example this library's visibity, or upload, download. In this way, no one else can get into this library to FTP or view it . Give it a test. Let me know what happens. (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? You have reached the end of these messages. (P)revious message, (R)e-read last message, or e(X)it? x EMAIL (EMAIL) Selection ( R,W,M,K,F,S,Q,E,A,Z,I,H,?=help ): r Enter message number to start with, F for the first message, L for the last, or ? for help: f Date: Saturday, October 26, 1996 9:25pm Electronic Mail From: Sysop Msg#: 53948 To: System Test Re: World Group (cc: of #53947, Reply to #53935, Reply to #53048, Reply *) (N)ext, (P)revious, or (R)ead this message? r SO>man, how many were paid before all this mess, when those people tried to SO>sue you i mean. SO>if there were more, then could i suggest something? SO>make this a real name BBS, and can only have aliases when posting or SO>E-mailing. SO>Don't let anyone under 13 read the messages, unless they are paid users, SO>that way you won't run into the, "Little Johnny read your messgaes and SO>saw a swear word!" because by 13, the parents have either allready SO>excepted that they'll hear them anyway, or the teenagers will swear SO>themselves. SO>You could have a thing setup, when on E-mail your can choose users to SO>block out from E-mailing you anymore. SO>you said months ago that you couldn't make this the type of BBS where SO>people could logon and post and stuff unless this was a real name BBS... SO>so you could do that, and then just have the handle part for posting... SO>like when I logon, then it'll read, "Jim Tyson logon" and for logoff, SO>"Jim Tyson LogOff" but when I post it'lls read SO>From: Sonic SO>would that work okay? I mean, people can't logon new without you SO>checking through their registry anyway, and you could run a match SO>program with any of the other users, and the good old phone book to see SO>if their address and stuff really exist... this part do first, and then SO>run the match program. SO>tell me how this does not sound controled at all. You have the rules at SO>logon, no one under thirteen going into conferences without paying SO>first, and real names and handles show up only on Conferences, SO>e-mailing, and games of course. oh, and on teleconference... you can't SO>chat with people, but you can still use teleconference where they'll SO>only see your user ID name. SO>look, I know you think its gonna go back to old ways, andyou gonna say SO>that stupid line, "Not worth the hassle" but just try it for a month and SO>a half. You can also write a rule that says, NO REFUNDS and if they SO>harrass a user, then you can give out their real name to the person your SO>harrassing and then handle their porblems off the BBS. SO>guys like Avatar and SAMiAM are gone now, and its jsut good old regular SO>people back again. SO>now could you please give me a none complicated answer, how you think it SO>would be at the end of the month and a half, and answer if without the SO>words, "To Much Hassle". and the question of how many paid users there SO>were before this less populated and kinda boring BBS with 4 paid users. essentially the system is already set up that way except for the real name thing...and real names don't help if i can't stop dup accnts..i can stop dup accnts via the inet way because people coming in via inet have to Pay an isp or reg with a school or something more perm..with just dial up too many ways to cheat...if i continue to have to regulate underage here... in other words as a bbs i have legal probs with under age or whatever.. if i was a www site those probs would disappear cause what people would try to sue regulate me as an www site would effect the whole internet ad and that would not be followed other words aol's inet area would have to voice call all accnts to make sure they are over 18 for areas..they just post that stuff..but inet too big to vet everyone... but as a priv bbs they expect you to do that... to be brief... we have had hd etc probs i just put up 1.6 gig drive and a new cache card to run it (old one could not do hd's that large) so if our equip stays stable now...we just plan to get the www site stuff finally done and then put it up with a line or two here.. in other words we will be a lot more successful (even if non paid yet) as a www site with wg and door options/bbs options on the side via telent buttons or whatever then we are now as just a bbs with inet connection... thats the plan...but....essentially bbs's are dead....need we need to be a www site and get more nat regional around here... thats more or less the plan..have been frustrated in attempts mostly because of time and hardware probs of a major sort are there any other bbs's in town besides ours and prarie's?...if so how are they fairing....? whatever that is the plan anyway....people from new zeland seem to like to telenet in..maybe i should move? brad (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? e <<< CONFIRMED: MESSAGE #53948 ERASED >>> Date: Saturday, October 26, 1996 7:10pm Electronic Mail From: Msg#: 53950 To: System Test Re: RE: WG Stuff! (Fw by Sysop) (N)ext, (P)revious, or (R)ead this message? ----------------[ Distributed Message ]---------------- ListServer: Wgsysops (Listserver for Worldgroup Sysops) Type: Not Moderated Distributed on: 25-OCT-96, 12:33:16 Original Written by: ------------------------------------------------------- WG>----------------[ Distributed Message ]---------------- rG> ListServer: Wgsysops (Listserver for Worldgroup Sysops) WG> Type: Not Moderated WG> Distributed on: 25-OCT-96, 11:33:28 WG>Original Written by: WG>------------------------------------------------------- WG>Haven't been able to figure out how to map the file library directory WG>below the webpages directory so that both library and web server WG>can get to them. WG>I have a client who wan't the MJW stuff and is willing to pay, so WG>looks like I am going that route for now and NT server later. WG>WG>Yes, but, there are many who do want to do their web pages and very few w WG>WG>want to pay me to do it. As I can't accomidate those who want to do thei WG>WG>using the free Front Page they downloaded from Microsoft, I wind up spend WG>WG>my time loading the things. Or, worse, give them sysop rights so they ca WG>WG>it in. WG>WG>I could go buy MJW's WebMagic (great program, by the way) but why bother WG>WG>when all that is included in NT as part of the deal. WG>How about giving them for their own FTP Library and WG>they can change their page as often as they like. Give them only the WG>right to manage their files in the Library and not full sysop rights. In the Library Operations create a library under your webpages directory, example: c:\worldgroup\webpages\customername Give your customer a unique key along with the others he already has in his class . Use this key for whatever options you decide for example this library's visibity, or upload, download. In this way, no one else can get into this library to FTP or view it . Give it a test. Let me know what happens. (R)eply, (E)rase, (C)opy, (F)orward, (B)acktrack, (P)revious, or (N)ext? e <<< CONFIRMED: MESSAGE #53950 ERASED >>> There are no more messages to you. EMAIL (EMAIL)