ARCHIMEDES - a Merlin Pro Enhancement Utility by TC Wilson A Public-Domain Program GarbageRight (G) by Chump Industries Unlimited A Short Documentation File Containing A Few Notes (Docs by Jerry Kindall) Archimedes is a Merlin Pro enhancement utility. It was written to work with version 2.54 of Merlin Pro but testing has revealed that the internal Merlin locations that Archimedes calls haven't changed much since then. It has been tested with 2.55 and 2.58 and works fine with both of those too. It may not work with YOUR version, but then again it just might. I should mention that we're talking about the ProDOS 8 version of Merlin here, not the DOS 3.3 version or the 16-bit version. Installing Archimedes is a pretty simple task. It can be done in several ways. The first is to simply hit D for Disk Command from the Merlin main menu and enter BRUN ARCHIMEDES. A caution: Archimedes loads itself low enough in memory to leave room for the full screen editor. If you don't use the Full Screen Editor you will be wasting a lot of memory. You could, however, change Archi's ORG and re-assemble it, but you'll need Archimedes installed to assemble Archimedes. (Heh heh heh.) Another way allows automated installation of both Archimedes and the Full Screen Editor when you start up Merlin. Put ENHANCER in Merlin's startup buffer. The ENHANCER program will load FS.ED (or ED.16 if you have a 65802/816) and Archimedes. If you press ESC before one of those two programs starts to load, that program and all following programs will not be loaded. For example, if you don't want to load FS.ED or Archi, just hit ESC while Merlin is booting. If you want FS.ED but not Archi, hit ESC while FS.ED is booting. If you hit S while Merlin is booting you won't get FS.ED OR Archi, you'll get Sourceror instead. (Call Sourceror in the usual way with the USER command.) Enhancer assumes that FS.ED (or ED.16) and ARCHIMEDES are in the same directory as MERLIN.SYSTEM and ENHANCER. Things work out best that way, but if you want to keep ENHANCER, FS.ED, ED.16, and ARCHIMEDES in the UTIL subdirectory as supplied by Roger Wagner, that's easy to do. Just change the STR psuedo-ops at the end of ENHANCER and re-assemble it. Other than the tricky points of installation this doc file isn't going to describe Archimedes' operation in detail. For further information, print out a source code listing of Enhancer and Archimedes; everything's documented there. Suffice it to say that Archimedes adds a great deal of power to Merlin.