- TransWarp GS Details The contents of this website are (C) 1996-98 Tony Diaz. Enhancing / Upgrading your Applied Engineering TransWarp GS Accelerator These pages describe modifications and other things about your TransWarp GS works. This information is not for the faint at heart. While these procedures are not difficult, they are NOT FOR EVERYONE. If you feel any of this is above you then by all means seek assistance. Print out these pages and have someone do it with you. This information is provided AS-IS and I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for ANY ACTIONS caused by the USE OR MISUSE of this information. *** You HAVE BEEN Warned! *** Any technical support for these and other topics on this website will **ONLY** be provided in the form of updates to these pages and via open forum in the Delphi A2 message base. Ask your questions aloud for all to see. I do not have time to answer one on one emails about the subject matter. "The Power ][ Be Your Best!" WDC - W65C816S8PL-14 The heart of it all. The Redesigned '816. Redesigned by Sanyo for ultra low power consumption, reliability and higher throughput. For it's size, the 816 sure packs a power house of horsepower. This is the chip you want. Anything else is an original '816 as stamped from Western Design Center and you will not reap the benefits of this chip from it. Let's Begin!