From the collective archives of the Usenet newsgroup comp.sys.apple2 and it's subgroups, we present for your humor, entertainment, ecommerce gain and mental bemusement the online posts, rants and off topic threads of His Most Reverend and Holy Roy Miller. He is one of the original good old boyz, a sardonic, sadistic, hate festering, self-centered, redneck, Nebraska based gun toting, peckerheaded, Bible slapping, mentally multifaceted kook and a real, legally ordained, Baptist minister, who loves a good flamewar and off topic (mostly non-Apple II related) thread marithons on religion, politics, moral values and social disorders of all types that he sees the need, obligation and personal duty to eradicate for the common good of the world, at any and all cost to himself and all others around. This is a one-of-a-kind literary and educational Apple II collectors item. Download it, savor its contents, learn well from it and then sell it to the higest bidder on eBay. You'll gain a fortune in so many ways such as personal, financially, as well as humor, technology, religion, politics, morality, guns, historical and personal rants in general designed to thrill and confound the minds of the common majority for an eternity. Read and study this astounding man in his philosophy, thoughts, rants, ramblings and general views on eveything, with this collection of his personal Usenet Apple2 newsgroup posts. See how he consistantly disputes himself in more ways than the most powerful supercomputer could calculate. Note: This archive has been encrypted with the Apple IIgs NDA Hermes. The key is doit. Decrypt it if you dare to learn the ultimate secrets and collective knowledge of the known and unknown universe. This zip archive and its contents are public domain for you to do whatever you see fit to do with it all. Apple II Forever! The 202 Alliance Internet Service Providers of solutions in online activity, ecommerce, education, world wide transportation, human cloning and extratarestrial, Earth based, embassy design and development. Ref. web sites