gsch,here is the patch file. i 've translated it from french but my english is not perfect and my german is worse though i 've been learning it from 9 years . So excuse me for my mistakes . Save the character in save number 4 . Then edit file 'player' in directory 'sav 4'. Go to sector number 00 00 00 00 Offset: 31 -> Stength 32 -> Agility 33 -> Intelligence 34 -> Attack 35 -> Defense 36 -> Attack with hand 37 -> Attack with sword 38 -> Attack with axe 39 -> Attack with mace 40 -> Throw a projectyle 41 -> Mana 42 -> Lore 43 -> Casting 44 -> Traps 45 -> Search 46 -> Track 47 -> Sneak 48 -> Repair 49 -> Charm 50 -> Ricklock 51 -> Acrobat 52 -> Appraise 53 -> Swimming 54 -> Vitality 55 -> Vitality The maximum for each offset is FF I 've found spells too : walk water = YLEM+POR curse = AN+SANCT destroy undead = AN+CORP+MANI large jump = UUS+POR summon = KAL+MANI protection = IN+SANCT dead = VAS+KAL+CORP ( not recommended !!! ) and some Mantras : repair = LON attack = RA appraise = HUNN charm = UN swim = ONO casting = SOL lore = LAHN defense = ANRA unarmed = ORA mana = IMU search = LU acrobat = FAL tracking = SAHF mace = KOH sword = AMO