2/02/2001 The following archives in ShrinkIt IIgs, Apple II ShrinkIt and zip archive file format... wpgsmain.shk wpgs.utils.shk wpgs.wordls.shk WPGS.zip (contains the above three ShrinkIt IIgs shk archive files) WordPerfectIIe.IIc.SHK WordPerfect.IIe.IIc.zip consist of the Apple IIgs, IIe and IIc complete applications of Word Perfect, versions 1.1 and 2.1x respectively. Any other WPGS and/or WordPerfect archive files - other than those listed above may be incomplete or corrupted. Ignore any others and don't download any others that may be present. Having obtained the rights for Word Perfect IIe, IIc v1.1 and WordPerfect IIgs v2.1x in December of last year from the owner and copyright holder Larry Epstein his email is: laepstein@aol.com -- I hereby release them both into the public domain. The source codes are not available. If they had been I would have included them also. Cheers & Enjoy! Charles Turley