This is the solution to the Infocom adventure 'Wishbringer'. (c) 1992 Erik Futtrup, Denmark (email: and Twan Lintermans, Holland s:look:take envelope:n:w:w:y:n:examine gravedigger:show envelope:examine grave:enter grave:take bone:get out of grave:s:e:e:e:give bone to poodle:n:examine miss voss:take note:n:examine fountain:take gold coin:e:e:e:take seahorse:throw seahorse in water:w:n:n:w:w:n:n:e:u:w:n:u:e:s:u:knock on door:open door:w:wait (2x):give envelope to old woman:open envelope:read letter to old woman:wait:take can:wait:wait:d:n:w:d:s:e:d:take branch:w:open can:take can:shake can:look into can:squeeze can:take stone:open gate:s:s:w:s:examine pit:put branch in pit:pull branch:dig sand with hands:take whistle:blow whistle:enter castle:wait:take hat:wait:blow whistle:e:e:n:n:e:e:[it's possible that you're captured by the Boot Patrol, which has to happen once!; when this occurs, you can continue like this]:move bunk:take blanket:take all:drop all in hole except stone:d:take all except can:n:e:put blanket on grue:look:open fridge:take worm:w:w:open stump:u:n:e:e:e:examine lighthouse:give hat to pelican:[write down the word he gives you!]:w:w:s:s:e:buy ticket with the gold coin:enter theatre:give ticket to gravedigger:n:sit down:look under seat:take 3d:wear 3d:look:look:[until: 'Poof! The image on the screen goes black]:get out of seat:take off 3d:s:exit theatre:yes:w:drop worm in fountain:take token:e:e:s:put token in machine:move joystick west:again:move joystick south:again:press red button:yes:yes:say [the word the pelican gave you]:s:wait:give note to mr. crisp:take coat:take key:unlock chains with key:pull lever:take note:read note:open hatch:u:look behind paintings:u:wear 3d:take broom:examine panel:examine second switch:turn second switch off:d:take off 3d:turn crank:n:n:e:alexis, heel:open door:enter cottage:take key:exit cottage:n:unlock library door with steel key:enter library:s:s:break case with broom:examine sculpture:put wishbringer in hole:yes:yes:pet cat:knock on door. This gives you 100 point out of 100! Without using any of the wishes!