Note: most of this comes from the Apple II Text Files site at ... The Dragon's Eye By: MasterDisk Normal Play ====== ==== B move Bold C move Cautious E examine location M move P show score Q quit R seems to be "Rest" S invoke spell V use vial Fighting ======== B berserk C chop D duck E escape F fire arrow L leap and smash M throw magic bolt R ready S smash T thrust V throw vial 1-9 move in indicated direction <- / -> change direction Spells ====== # function category 1 caution 2 cure self 3 eradicate 4 flying 5 health 6 killing 7 knowledge 8 locate eye 9 protection 10 readiness 11 strength 12 teleport 13 time travel 14 treasure 15 weather To move, you must enter "M" and then the city/region abbreviation and square number-- e.g. FC3 to go to square 3 in Fel City. Your goal seems to be to find the Dragon's Eye and get back to your starting point in Fel City. Rubywand