At Apple's request, ALF changed the name of their two music cards. The first card (3-voice): "ALF's Apple Music Synthesizer" changed to: "ALF Music Card MC16" find at: Apple II Documentation Project/Interface Cards/Audio/ALF Music Synthesizer/ The second card (9-voice): "ALF's Apple Music II" changed to: "ALF Music Card MC1" find at: Apple II Documentation Project/Interface Cards/Audio/ALF Apple Music II/ For information that applies to both cards, find at: Apple II Documentation Project/Interface Cards/Audio/ALF MC1 MC16/ Note that in 1983 ALF came out with new software for both cards, which did not require game paddles for tempo control. It allowed the cards to be used on an Apple IIe or Apple III without paddles (using the up/down/left/right arrow keys and open and solid Apple keys). Various programs previously sold separately were added to the standard software, and a new owner's manual covers the software and both cards.