Subject: Mix: ShowMe v1.1 Source Author: Dave Leffler Uploaded By: Dave L32 Date: 22395 File: SHOWME11SRC.BXY (132224 bytes) Estimated Download Time (14400 baud): < 2 minutes Download Count: 38 Equipment: IIGS Needs: ORCA/C, Pascal, /M, NDATools, GS+ MiscLib, Rez OS: GS/OS KEYWORD: pas asm c pascal assembly source code graphics 3200 animation gif Source code to v1.1 of the ShowMe! NDA/FX that displays all types of IIGS graphics files including GIF, MacPaint, 3200 Color, and $C2 Animations. To compile requires you to have all the languages plus the NDATools by ZAK, and the MiscLib by GS+ Magazine. You may find these routines useful. Please feel free to take what you want, but you cannot release a new version of ShowMe!. This is a JesusAware product, distributed like FreeWare. Use GShk to extract.