File: Chat Log 11/14/93 Date: 11/14/93 Start Time: 8:01:41 PM End Time: 9:10:47 PM Apple // Education Forum Chat Number of participants: 23 Participants: AFA Bard, AFC Leni, AFC Tooter, AFL Gayle, AnneH48931, CJ4Short, DavidT93, Elaine 100, Gr8 Dane52, Howard BPI, JanRWood, JeremyS314, Martine536, MaryEz, PARX, Right:, RogerS34, SandyE, SteveA9013, Tourettes, TREDIE G, Ty AnnM AFA Bard : Welcome to the Apple // Education Forum Chat! AFC Tooter : I have a SCOOP tonight on a NEW the Electronic SchoolHouse Project. LATER }:-> AFC Tooter : And Carlos has a project to talk about too. AFA Bard : A GREAT project, I might add. ;) CJ4Short : just great these days, thank. Well, that's why I am here tonite. Need HELP. AFC Tooter : Anne, what do you teach? AnneH48931 : COMPUTER ED. GRADES 1-6 AFC Tooter : Where? MaryEz : I'm hoping to work your WWII stuff into our school's theme of WWII and immigration. AnneH48931 : Oklahoma AFC Tooter : Carlos seems to have just fallen off. Wow, Oklahoma!!! That's a state that has NOT yet joined ScrapBook CJ4Short : I am here. AFC Tooter : Anne, your school could be the first!!! AFL Gayle : (There goes Toot, ever on the prowl for a new state. ;) AFC Tooter : You bet! AFA Bard : OK folks... WELCOME! to the Apple // Education Forum Chat! Our topic tonight is ONLINE PROJECTS! We've got some VERY special guests to talk about some of the terrific ways to integrate AOL into your curriculum. Remember, our chat's are informal, so just plunge right in if you have a comment! :) Let's start with CARLOS! Wanna tell us about your project, CJ? CJ4Short : Oh, I was waiting for the fireworks of Toots. AFC Tooter : Sure, go ahead, CJ. CJ4Short : Yes. AFC Tooter : *Fireworks* AFA Bard : Go, CJ! AnneH48931 : just got back from Tel-Ed conferenc in Dallas,I am now inspired CJ4Short : AOL got to get organized and get the show on the road with M.V.A.E. SandyE : MVAE? CJ4Short : Did you get my email, anybody? AFC Tooter : You better explain MVAE. I had trouble too. AFC Leni : I did :-) CJ4Short : MVAE -Mt. Vaughan Antarctic Expdetion. AFC Tooter : Leonard! ;-) CJ4Short : This guy 88 yrs young - heck the kids here in Redwood City Schools go bonkers when .. I talk about ICEFALLS, Norman Vaughan, Admiral Byrd, Postcards, etc., etc... and Prodigy has a full program. We can beat them and I have a vision, a plan... AFC Tooter : What is it that you want students to do, CJ? :-) CJ4Short : I have beenin touch with Norm thru Jerry C14. 1. Have a day in school next 4 weeks to talk about him and his trek. CJ4Short : 2. Send email postcvards - 100,000 names. 3. declare a proclamation day thru your principal like I did for AFC Leni, remember 4. Get others, than AOL, to send postcards. AFC Tooter : How can people find out more about him (beefing up the info for the library log) CJ4Short : 5. Hold a few subjects of arctic topics. AFA Bard : Has he done the trek yet, CJ- or is he preparing? CJ4Short : Finding out. READ POSTINGS I AND CHERRY C 14 PLACED INTO THE FOLDERS .. AFC Tooter : Hi Jan. CJ is telling about a great project. CJ4Short : Just abot to leave Puenta Arena, Chile, Bard. Having some dog hair problems. AFC Tooter : Where is the folder with the info, CJ? CJ4Short : Everything on schedule. CJ4Short : 2 Folders. 1) ESH - Inergenerational LINKS .. AFA Bard : CJ's just telling us about a great project dealing with an Antarctic expedition, Jan! CJ4Short : see under Adventure - Octogenarian Style...hahhhah great story in itself... 2. the other folder I started is in same menu under JanRWood : Sounds like a heck of a deal. Did that have to do with the Postcards sent e-mail? AFC Tooter : Also, CJ, what should students write in their postcards. Can they ask questions? Will they have a wa way to get answers? CJ4Short : Postcards MVAE Antarctic THINK SOUTH Look it up , guys, please. I hve many more ideas how to get the show on the road. My fingers are numb. AFA Bard : Welcome Ty Ann! CJ's telling us about a great project with the Antarctic. Find out details AFC Tooter : Sorry, can you just tell how to Address the cards? AFA Bard : in the ELECTRONIC SCHOOLHOUSE (KEYWORD: ESH), Intergenerational Links. CJ4Short : Must be the weather after the So Calif. Fires. SandyE : TyAnn!!!! Great to have you here. Wish Jane F. were on...She 's just sent you mail Friday. AFC Tooter : And the need for quick typing. ;-) Very familiar. CJ4Short : Yes ... Just address it to Norman Vaughan c/o JerryC14 if you email it, better yet ... just post it into the folder and see how others have done it. There are already postings in there. AFC Tooter : For those who have just come in CJ is telling about a great project, and I have a new project to AFA Bard : In case you haven't seen some really terrific stuff- check out the folders in ESH on the Calif. fires. CJ4Short : it's all, as the saying goes, in the book. I made it easy, just follow instructions in both folders. Amen. AFC Tooter : announce later in the chat, and I'm still hoping to convince Anne to get Oklahoma into the ScrapBook Thanks CJ. AFA Bard : Remember, too, folks- we've got a FREE HOUR to give away at the end of the chat! CJ4Short : Get Dolores in OK she is great. How about something to eaat and drink.? Toot. CJ4Short : like ice for icefalls. AFA Bard : Thanks, CJ- sounds great! Who's next-- anyone else out there doing somthing interesting with an online project? Welcome Dane! Gr8 Dane52 : Hi, What's the topic? CJ4Short : Thanx, folks, see you online or in the folders. THINK SOUTH. AFL Gayle : Original name, Gr8 Dane. :) AFC Tooter : Or does anyone have any questions. I hope all have visited or will visit the Electronic SchoolHouse. AFA Bard : We're talking about ONLINE PROJECTS, Dane. We just heard about a great one from CJ- visit the Electronic Schoolhouse (ESH) for more information. SteveA9013 : Hi--How is everyone tonight? AFA Bard : Great Steve! We're chatting about ONLINE PROJECTS. :) SteveA9013 : What kind of projects? CJ4Short : Bye, and thanks again. THINK 100,000 - see my Arithmetic explained, it is all in the folders. Thanks! AFC Tooter : Projects that are running now or soon in the Schoolhouse. SandyE : One of our hearing impaired students really go into postcards last year. Started again this year. Gr8 Dane52 : Online Projects? I just made contact tonight with someone in CA who has a class and wants to talk Futurism AFC Tooter : There are lots of things going on. Mystery Destinations, Schoolhouse News Bureau, DeepScience9, SandyE : He's collected from almost every state in the union, and even got one from overseas. AFC Tooter : Expedition to the South Pole, and a new project :-) CJ4Short : My yodel atop the waterfalls..........yooooooodddelllleeeee. Bye. AFA Bard : By the way, if you're interesting in starting your OWN project, visit the Electronic School house and MaryEz : Is anyone interested in exchanging "Shaping Up" essays? AFA Bard : read the information contained in the PROJECT LIBRARIES area. SandyE : Bye, Carlos...will check out you folders AFA Bard : Tell us about DeepScience9, Ted. Welcome Jeremy! AFC Tooter : Put a note in the shaping up folder,, Mary and send e-mail to others who have posted there and I'll bet you'll find partners. SandyE : Shaping up? Is this online aerobics? AFC Tooter : Shaping Up is the writing exchange I started in the fall in which students send directions to online JanRWood : Mary, we could very well be interested in essay exchange. drop me a line. AFC Tooter : partners to draw various geometric pictures. Myu students have been delighted to see the pictures come back in the mail. I love it because the essays are self-grading. SandyE : That's neat. Do they scan the results and see how close they came? MaryEz : Our G&T teacher did them with one class and there are 4 kids who would like to work with others. AFC Tooter : If the picture looks like the original, the student has succeeded. SteveA9013 : Hi-I'm back--I got discconnected AFA Bard : Great technical writing exercise! re-hi, Steve! JeremyS314 : I think alot of teachers, not All but a lot are afraid of computer. SandyE : Not the ones here! JanRWood : Like the idea of technical exercise. SteveA9013 : Anyone here working in adult literacy? Ty AnnM : Oops - looks like Toot got bumped, too. Love technology! AFA Bard : You're right, Jeremy- not the ones here, though. :) Right now we're talking about online projects. MaryEz : The kids are 5th graders so they had a rather tough time with them but did not get discouraged. AFA Bard : Sandy-- what are your students working on now? JeremyS314 : Trying to get them to want computers in their class for everday use can be difficult AFL Gayle : Steve, there is an Adult Literacy Chat held every Monday in this Conference Hall at 7:30 pm ET. EFC Bill is our Adult Literacy consultant. SandyE : Our students are involved in the second essay exchange (essays due 11/18), Postcards, and JeremyS314 : AOL. Compuserve, amd Apples new online service when it becomes available should be in everyschool SandyE : online chats with a school in Florida. AFA Bard : The topic tomorrow, Steve, is "Recruitment and Retention of Adult Learners" SteveA9013 : Thanks for the info..can I sit in on the education chat? AFA Bard : Sure, Steve-- you're very welcome here! AFL Gayle : Certainly, Steve! :) JeremyS314 : Exchanging information has never been faster than on online services AFC Tooter : We have a great new project that I will be announcing formally next weekend. However, those who are here tonight can here about it first. JeremyS314 : Lets hear AFA Bard : Alright! A sneak-peek! MaryEz : Toot, where is the Shaping Up folder? I just look and couldn't find it. AFC Tooter : Thanks Sandy :-) It feels much better. I hope it's the kind with the stars. Here's the deal... SandyE : Ninja Turtles, Toot JeremyS314 : I'm trying to get my children's school interested in AOL SandyE : Jeremy-What age? AFC Tooter : There is an artist in Chicago who will be painting a mural with the names and images relating to 100 heroes in the quest for freedom. JeremyS314 : 5-12 Sandy AFC Tooter : He is asking us to suggest the names of the heroes and to write a short rationale as to why we chose the one, two or three names we did. If you AFA Bard : Welcome, Kez & Roger- Tooter's telling us about a new online project! AFC Tooter : stop to think about who you might choose, you'll see that this can open up some very rich class RogerS34 : Great, looks like a full house. AFC Tooter : discussion. We will ask students to post the names they choose and the rationale on a board in the Electronic SchoolHouse. Additionally, students who send their names and address will receive a postcard of the mural which will be 12 feet by 60 feet on a building in Chicago. They will be filming the painting of the musral and we hope to have a Quicktime movie of the painting available online. AFA Bard : AWESOME PROJECT! Any length requirements on the rationale, Ted? MaryEz : Heroines, too, Tooter? AFC Tooter : That's the porject. I hope you'll tell people and see what interest there is in this. I think it should be easy to run. Heroes covers all sexes, Mary. No length requirement. SandyE : What's the criteria? Alive or dead, American or foreign? MaryEz : I knew you would say that!! @;-> AFA Bard : Hiya Elaine!! Like your new clothes. ;) We're chatting about Electronic Schoolhouse projects. AFC Tooter : The artist will be keeping a tally of how many people select which names. the top 100 will be include d. AFC Leni : Sorry..had a prior commitment :-) AFC Tooter : Past or present. No limit. AFC Tooter : I just told abvout Freedom Wall, Leni. SandyE : David!! Great to see you. MaryEz : The room is getting very crowded!! SandyE : Elaine!!!! You made it!!!! How's Florida? AFA Bard : Plenty of seats in the back of the room, Mary. ;) MaryEz : I'll get some more snacks. DavidT93 : So it is the top 100 nominated, not the best justifications? AFA Bard : Remember folks- a FREE HOUR will given away at the end of the chat! Welcome Sharon! Elaine 100 : I'm lost in this conversation. Mom called sorry I'm late. FL is in the 80's. Not to rub it in. AFC Tooter : All seats are in the front of the room, Bard. AFC Leni : Freedom Wall is a great project. I expect lots of participation :-) Ty AnnM : :-P Elaine. Freezing drizzle in Iowa. AFA Bard : Elaine- Tooter just told us about FREEDOM WALL- a new project to be announced later this week. SandyE : It feels like 80 here in GA. Humidity is so high I had to breathe in a bag. AFA Bard : Tooter- where should people look for more information? re-hi Martine! SandyE : Thanks, Bard, My very next question! AFC Tooter : There will be a folder in the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH) on the School to School board. SandyE : FREEDOM WALL What a great name. Who is the artist? AFC Tooter : There will also be a folder for the essays in Student to Student. SandyE : Toot, when should we start looking for it? AFC Leni : Soon :-) AFA Bard : For those that came in a bit later, CJ4Short presented a terrific project tracking the trek of AFC Tooter : I will have an announcement in the newsletter which I hope to get out next weekend. The folder will appear along with that announcement. AFA Bard : an Antarctic Explorer-- look for information about his project in the ESH/Intergenerational Links DavidT93 : The deadline for submission for Freedom Wall is when? AFA Bard : folder here on AOL. :) AFC Leni : Start thinking of nominees :-) AFC Tooter : BTW, if anyone knows of names of people who would like to get the Schoolhouse news, don't be shy about AFA Bard : Actually, I think Emery Roth would be a good one. ;0 AFC Tooter : sending me names. SandyE : I'm going to talk to social studies teachers tomorrow!! We've got to get a Georgian on the wall AFC Tooter : ROTFL!!! AFC Tooter : I have two of my three choices picked. AFA Bard : Welcome to AED, Ben! We're chatting about ELECTRONIC SCHOOLHOUSE projects. AFC Leni : May I mention another project, too? MaryEz : How about Abraham Baldwin, Sandy? AFA Bard : Yes, Leni! GO! AFC Tooter : Sure, please do, Leni. I hope it is Frank Ball. AFC Leni : Thanks :-) Another elderly gent is in the South Pole, now too.... MaryEz : Guilford native who founded the U of GA. AFC Leni : Frank Ball, and he is sending wonderful letters to us to describe his experience... and is willing to answer students questions. Classroom on ice...recieved three more letters today...he's a hoot! AFC Tooter : There is a folder already in Student to Student and another in School to School for posting questions, RogerS34 : How about Button Gwinett, Bard? AFA Bard : Might be a good one, Rog- but he's got a cloudy past. :) AFC Tooter : and Leni will forward the questions and post the answers. JeremyS314 : The big problem i see is getting enough computers into the schools so that everyone can experience AOL AFC Leni : Post questions in Student to Student...teacher questions and comments in School to School... and I will send them to Frank via internet. AFA Bard : Right, Jeremy. Spreading the word about projects like the ones you've heard about here will help! AFC Tooter : Jeremy, it works fine with a single computer. There are lots of ways of doing it. Or did I misunderstand you comment? DavidT93 : Everyone should go thru Leni & not write Frank directly, right? AFC Leni : Right. Post on the board and I will port to Frank :-) AFC Tooter : I think it is best if everyone posts to the folders so the questions and answers can be shared. MaryEz : Only need one computer with modem and phone line, Jeremy. Then a few others for wordprocessing mail. AFC Tooter : Shared by all. DavidT93 : My experience is that the bottleneck is phone lines, not computers. JeremyS314 : My frustration lies in Televison in everyroom but not enough computer for even a quarter of the kids AFC Leni : Agreed, Ted. Guys..I made a startling discovery today...should I tell, Mary, Ted????? AFC Tooter : Do you have a phone line and modem in your school, Jeremy? MaryEz : Jeremy, we have 45 computers for 575 kids but all of our 6th graders take part in ScrapBookUSA at some point during the year. JeremyS314 : No AFC Tooter AFL Gayle : Yes, please do, Leni! :) AFC Tooter : Sure, Leni. JeremyS314 : Mary EZ we have 15 computer for 500 kids AFC Leni : may be premature....needs further testing...but...... AFC Tooter : Jeremy, one way to get a school moving is to run a project from home and get lots of good press and DavidT93 : Try this, Jeremy. I have had 4 computer systems and some AFC Tooter : parental support. DavidT93 : peripherals and software donated this way: JeremyS314 : We have 3 LC2s 2 PCs and the rest are Apple 2's Elaine 100 : We have one computer for 900 kids. Modem is hooked up to Progigy. Boo Hoo. DavidT93 : Write a letter to the editor, go to users groups, and put ads in your classified ads and offer a tax writeoff for people to donate you their old comp RogerS34 : Prodigy now has internet mail. AFC Tooter : That modem can be hooked to AOL whis not hooked to Prodigy. Martine536 : Hi! Finally! DavidT93 : uters. They can usually get a bigger tax deduction than they could sell it for. AFC Leni : I got some that way, David. :-) JeremyS314 : I'm on the computer Tech Group at school there have been 0 meetings this year because of Budget cuts AFA Bard : There are lots of grants out there, too, David. Welcome ItsMyllusn! We're chatting about projects in the Electronic Schoolhouse. JeremyS314 : Right now alot of California schools are running into tough luck DavidT93 : True, but there are TONS of good computers like Apple IIe's and MacPluses JeremyS314 : Money is very tight AFC Leni : I'm in CA, Jeremy...where are you? DavidT93 : just sitting and gathering dust. MaryEz : Why, JEremy, doesn't cost any money to hold meetings? JeremyS314 : San MAteo Elaine 100 : Are you folks telling me we can use our modem hooked to Prodgy to get AOL too. AFC Leni : CA here. RogerS34 : Elaine, all you need is the AOL software. DavidT93 : Just run the software and call the right number. AFA Bard : Ted-- how about a commercial for SCRAPBOOK for those that are unfamiliar with it? AFC Leni : You can use the same modem to go all over, Elaine :-) AFL Gayle : Yes, Elaine! Just load the AOL software instead of Prodigy's! :) AFC Tooter : A modem is pretty much a modem. JeremyS314 : MaryEZ you can have all the meetings you want but if board doesnt think Computers and phones are nesse thats it you cant do anything right now we are hoping for december AFC Tooter : Sure. We will be starting the next ScrapBook exchange after the December holidays. However, *Welcome* Parx! AFA Bard : Welcome PARX- we're chatting about Electronic Schoolhouse projects. AFC Leni : Jeremy...just start doing what you are able and spreading your enthusiasm :-) MaryEz : Jeremy, I have served on our tech committee for 11 years and I know all about it but you still have to AFC Leni : Hi, PARX! PARX : Hello there AFC Tooter : you can check outr the FAVORITES being posted now on the boards in Student to Student in eshh. MaryEz : fight the good fight if you believe in what you are doing!! AFC Tooter : the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH). DavidT93 : I started in my old building with one crummy TI eleven years ago. JeremyS314 : I own my own prepress company and My children turn in their projects in color school says wow! But not DavidT93 : When people saw the potential, they began to come along. JeremyS314 : much else DavidT93 : When I left, there was a computer in nearly every classroom, a lab, and several AFC Tooter : Show them AOL and get them excited with the possibilities. JeremyS314 : Well I hope to begin my fight in december DavidT93 : classrooms with 3 or 4. Just takes time and don't give up. AFA Bard : Right, David. It's a marketing thing as much as anything! ;) Elaine 100 : David, where did you teach that had a computer in every classroom? I'm jealous. JeremyS314 : I wont give up and at least my kids and their friend get to use the 2 Macs I have at home DavidT93 : It was at Dee, in Ogden, Utah. Only school in our district like that. AFC Tooter : He spilled the banana split :-( DavidT93 : My new school has only one per grade. AFC Leni : He's off mopping up :-) Elaine 100 : Wow, Utah sure has the $$. JeremyS314 : I think Apple Computer should license Sega and Ninetendo games for the mac. It would get alot more DavidT93 : Of course, in fifth grade we have 20 for 56 kids, but they came with the grant from Apple. SandyE : We have 32 computers for 1550 kids. It gets a bit crowded around the screen JeremyS314 : kids to start using computers I have heard it has been very succesfull on the PC side Elaine 100 : Sandy sounds like my school. Same problem. AFC Leni : We have a lab with 30 computers, and two of my IIe's in Lang Arts/SS classrooms. Ty AnnM : But some people do far more with a 32:1550 ratio than others do with far more computerz! DavidT93 : Can you get them concentrated in one grade or something? AFC Leni : 850 kids..Middle School. SandyE : The kids themselves remind the administration DAILY that they want more, More, MORE! It's working! AFC Tooter : Parents can be great allies. Post computer work in the fornt of the room on parents' night. AFA Bard : OK folks-- time for the FREE HOUR GIVEAWAY!!! : Ty AnnM : The parents are key - when they see what other kids have that teirs don't, they start pushing! JeremyS314 : I know apple computer is talking about a special deal for their new online Service for schools Elaine 100 : Where do you get the money to more computers? AFC Tooter : Best of all, post the computer material transmitted online that you had to get at home DavidT93 : What new online service for schools? MaryEz : I think only 10 percent of our computers have been bought by BOE funds. All the rest have come from Martine536 : How do we find out about that? AFC Tooter : because there was no phone line. SandyE : I agree, TyAnn! RogerS34 : IBM has a matching grant program. Parents donate money and IBM matches it. MaryEz : Chapter II, Chapter I and PTO and Stop and Shop. JeremyS314 : Apple Computer is going to start their own AOL Martine536 : REally? AFC Tooter : Apple's AGE is going public. I suspect it will be a bit pricey. AFA Bard : Wow--- looks like we hit a HOT topic!!!!!! Elaine 100 : Chapter I can only be used with Chap. I students what about the rest of the school? DavidT93 : That is where THIS started. I have an old manual for AOL titled AFA Bard : :: FREE HOUR TIME :: :: FREE HOUR TIME :: DavidT93 : AppleLink--Personal Edition. Ty AnnM : I am afraid that Chap I & II funds will be nil for us next year. Is any one else getting the Chap I ax JeremyS314 : YES it will look just like AOL in format they paid AOL AFL Gayle : *drumroll* AFA Bard : (Nope, not a typo- we have TWO free hours to give away tonight!!!) JeremyS314 : give MaryEz : It kills me to see the Ch. I computers sitting there with no one using them while we are so short AFA Bard : First - a short commercial................ AFA Bard : NEXT WEEK's topic is "USING AMERICA ONLINE IN THE CLASSROOM"- join us and get some GREAT online ideas! MaryEz : of computers. AFA Bard : The first free hour goes to... AFC Tooter : Tell, Bard. Who won the hour? AFL Gayle : Is that a balloon with a LONG string, Toot? AFA Bard : JEREMYS314 for saying the secret word "special"... AFA Bard : Congrats to JEREMY!!!! The SECOND free hour goes to ..... Elaine 100 : Hurray jeremy Martine536 : yeah! JeremyS314 : Thank you Thank you AFL Gayle : *Applause* for Jeremy! SandyE : Way to Go! Jeremy...all this while bathing kids!!!!! RogerS34 : Way to go Jeremy. MaryEz : ))()(()()()()()()()()()()()() AFA Bard : Elaine 100-- she said the OTHER word-- MODEM!!! Yippeeee!!!!!!! Congrats to BOTH Elaine & Jeremy- JeremyS314 : I'm going to get the next one right now AFA Bard : Your FREE HOURS will be posted soon! AFA Bard : Way to go ELAINE 100!!!! Martine536 : congats! :) Elaine 100 : Thanks. Now I can practice on this AOL. SandyE : Elaine!!! See, aren't you glad you got your OWN id? You got the free hour, not LoveTennis! DavidT93 : Hope you don't spend 'em watching your mail get posted three times! :( AFA Bard : If you'd like to see what went on during the beginning of the chat- be sure to check out the chat RogerS34 : It looks like AOL is close to setting up their Internet connection. MaryEz : Good chat tonight guys. Keep smiling! Keep pushing!! Keep the VISION!! AFA Bard : log that'll be posted in the AED NEW FILES library tomorrow! SandyE : Yippee! It's Balloon day! Martine536 : Wow..Are you guys hyper or what??? AFL Gayle : Thanks for coming, all! :) AFA Bard : Thanks for joining us!!! Thanks to AFC TOOTER and all our guests! AFC Tooter : Trial balloon!! If this is AFL Gayle : I'm off to request the two free hours. :) Ty AnnM : So much for the balons, Toot! ;) AFA Bard : Nite, Gayle!! AFC Tooter : Night all!!! Elaine 100 : Nite, everyone, thanks for the free hour. See you next week. DavidT93 : Some of us don't HAVE fonts, online, Ted. AFA Bard : ** Well I'm off to edit the chat log-- GREAT to see all you folks online-- join us next week- same AOL time, same AOL channel! AFC Tooter : Tourettes, on an Apple II it should be pretty much lined up, but it will look a bit large. It should still give the right effect.