Arcade Games: Arkanoid2 Levels Index Note: For a .shk version of this file you can unshrink and read on your Apple II, get file AaArk2Index.shk. This Arkanoid2 Levels collection is from the AOL-to-Ground project. ... Dr. Charles T. "Dr. Tom" Turley, Director ~~*~~ C o n t e n t s ~~*~~ I. Introduction-- Start Here II. Levels Files ==*==*==*==*==*==*==*== I. Introduction-- Start Here EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEED: GS-Shrinkit to unpack Levels files and Arkanoid2 to play Most of the games, levels, etc. have been packed in ShrinkIt format. Quite a few games in old ACU format were unpacked, checked, and re-packed using GS-ShrinkIt (also called "GSHK"). Most of the ShrinkIt files are .SHK files which contain one or more files-- that is, when unpacked, you may get several standard ProDOS files. These and ACU files can be unpacked using GS-ShrinkIt. Most .SHK and .ACU files can, also, be unpacked using version 3.x of the 8-bit ("IIe") ShrinkIt. For example, a IIe game packed using GS-ShrinkIt will unpack fine using 8-bit ShrinkIt. So, also, will quite a few .SHK files of GS games. The chief limitation on using 8-bit ShrinkIt is that it will not extract the Resource portion of GS forked files. Though many for-GS programs do not have any forked files, it is not always clear which do and which do not from descriptions supplied by uploaders. It is best to use GS-ShrinkIt to unpack all .SHK files of GS games. A few files are .SDK whole-disk archives files. A whole-disk archive retains everything on the 5.25" or 3.5" disk which is archived. An .SDK archive of a 5.25" disk is, usually, unpacked to a 5.25" diskette. An .SDK archive of a 3.5" disk is, usually, unpacked to an 800k 3.5" diskette or 800k RAM disk. Some of these disk archives-- for example, packed DOS 3.3 disks-- must be unpacked using 8-bit ("IIe") ShrinkIt. For others, you can, usually, use either 8-bit ShrinkIt or GS-ShrinkIt. Downloading All .SHK, .SDK, .ACU, and similar files are "binary" files. If your ftp access program allows setting "ASCII", "binary", etc. mode, set it to "binary" before doing downloads. The files may arrive on your GS as "Text" type files. This is okay. Shrinkit and GS-ShrinkIt can deal with files even if they are called "Text" files by ProDOS or GS/OS. Rubywand, AOL-to-Ground Project, 1996-1998 ==*==*==*==*==*==*==*== II. Levels Files These are the Arkanoid Levels files. The descriptions are by the creators. ALAWESOM.SHK $E0 5265 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Supreme Date:02/16/90 Uploaded By:Alphatron Author:Alphatron This is a collection of awesome leves! The purpose of its creation was to generate some REALLY HIGH scores. It worked fairly well. My highest so far is over 3.8 million points. Have fun with it. It may seem easy, but it gets hard! ______________________________________ ALDOHSNM.SHK $E0 6352 bytes Subject:Doh's Nightmare Date:11/19/89 Uploaded By:Alphatron Author:Alphatron Wondering about the title? Well, it's not a new game, but it might as well be. This incarnation of Arkanoid II is a doosey. It may seem easy, but it can get very hard. If you love Arkanoid II and think the levels it has are too easy, give this a try. You shouldn't be disappointed. In case it is too easy, let me know and I'll make it harder. Enjoy....... ______________________________________ AR2APDAV.SHK $E0 7669 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: 5 million+ Date:04/19/92 Uploaded By:GS Dave Author:April & David Taylor It's been done!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!! After much experimenting and tweaking in the construction set, a game has been created that, with a minimum of work, can net you five million points! In fact, our new high score is in excess of 6,000,000 points!!!! To prove it, ther is a screen capture in this archive of the high score screen (Actual, unretouched! :) Be careful of the tools (pills, whatever you call them) that you grab. You want reduces to double your score, specials to multiply your balls. STAY AWAY FROM MEGAS!!! The score gets so high by hitting the alien critters, and all the silver blocks. You defeat the purpose with MEGAS! Good Luck! ______________________________________ AR2APRIL.SHK $E0 6690 bytes Subject:The Angry Ark II Levels Date:04/19/92 Uploaded By:GS Dave Author:April L. L. Taylor My job got me p'ed off, so I created very difficult levels for Arkanoid. Beware, my temper wrote the better ones. Good Luck! ______________________________________ AR2APRL2.SHK $E0 6877 bytes Subject:Thrilling Arkanoid II Date:04/19/92 Uploaded By:GS Dave Author:April L. L. Taylor Hold on to your seat!!! Here is a new set of quick-paced Arkanoid II levels. ______________________________________ AR2BENK.SHK $E0 6958 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II Win File Date:06/02/91 Uploaded By:Bennnie Author:Ben Kierulff This is an Arkanoid II file that helped me get over 5,000,000 points, YES!!! OVER 5,000,000 POINTS. Check it out. ______________________________________ AR2DAVE2.SHK $E0 8716 bytes Subject:David's Ark II Levels v2 Date:06/02/91 Uploaded By:Chem whiz Author:David Steinbrunner My son David and I have 66 more animated animals that we created for the second edition of "David's Ark", although Noah, his wife, and the ark appear in the end levels. I discovered some strange happenings on level 30R. The regular ball follows the "yellow brick road" by passing completely through 6 gold bricks at once. Also, the bubbles are discharged by the elephant off the playing screen and float past the scoreboard to the bottom and disappear. On the screen with the yellow and gray centipede, I had two pills in a row that were for double paddles, but the second pill caused one of the paddles to completely disappear off the screen to the right and only the sparkling dots kept going past from left to right. Well, enjoy and send comments if you wish. ______________________________________ AR2DAVE3.SHK $E0 8382 bytes Subject:David's Ark II Levels v3 Date:06/02/91 Uploaded By:Chem whiz Author:David Steinbrunner Here are 66 more animated animals that my son David and I have designed for our 3rd edition of David"s Ark. (We are beginning to run out of animals to think of!) If you "Noah" any more, let us know. Enjoy! ______________________________________ AR2GEOFF.SHK $E0 2819 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II Semi-Cheat Date:04/19/92 Uploaded By:KD4AKU Author:Geoff Granger Each level is actually the same. I designed them so that I could get the most amount of points. The first time I played these levels I got 4017850. The second time I actually finished the entire game. The only real thing you need to know is to move the paddle ALL the way to the right before releasing the ball... By the way I did this because I could not get any cheats to work and I really wanted to see what happened at the end, since I know I would never get there I my own. ______________________________________ AR2JBRAD.SHK $E0 9122 bytes Subject:Arkanoidix Levels Date:10/21/90 Uploaded By:Joeb50 Author:J.Bradley10 66 new levels for Arkanoid II, and a file to help ya play for maximum scores! Unpack with Shrinkit and "T"ype the appleworks file out, or printout with AppleWorks/AWGS/Dogpaw. ______________________________________ AR2JOE65.SHK $E0 8369 bytes Subject:Arkanoid IV Date:02/16/90 Uploaded By:Joeb50 Author:JoeB50 ARKANOID VI consists of 65 level files for the game, some have been copied from other ark ii files and some are original. ______________________________________ AR2JOEB.SHK $E0 59545 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II levels 1-9 Date:10/21/90 Uploaded By:Joeb50 Author:Joeb50 This upload contains original and modified Ark 2 levels 1,3,4,5, 6,7,8, and 9. They were made using the Construction set, and the upload contains an instruction file and a tip file for playing ______________________________________ AR2KEVIN.SHK $E0 6387 bytes Subject:Kevin's Arkanoid Levels II Date:06/13/93 Uploaded By:ROCK13 Author:KEVIN J. MITCHELL II GREAT NEW ARKANOID LEVELS Librarian Note: The author has it right. This is a great new level file for Arkanoid. ______________________________________ AR2KEVN0.SHK $E0 5802 bytes Subject:Kevin's Arkanoid Levels Date:06/13/93 Uploaded By:ROCK13 Author:KEVIN J MITCHELL II MORE GREAT NEW ARKANOID LEVELS! Librarian Note: Tough and easy, take your pick. ______________________________________ AR2LAWNC.SHK $E0 5387 bytes Subject:Laura's Arkanoid II Lvls Date:02/20/91 Uploaded By:LawrenceE1 Author:LawrenceE1 These are Aranoid Levels 1-33, Left & Right. They were made by my daughter, Laura. It took her a good part of the day to do all of them. They aren't that easy. Not bad for a 10 yr. old!! ENJOY!!! Let us know what you think by E-Mail. ______________________________________ AR2LOUIS.SHK $E0 6160 bytes Subject:Louis's Arkanoid Levels Date:08/31/92 Uploaded By:PaulKim Author:Louis Kimmel This series of levels for Arkanoid II is imaginative, innovative, and varying in difficulty. ______________________________________ AR2MARKS.SHK $E0 7093 bytes Subject:Mark's Arkanoid II levels Date:05/12/90 Uploaded By:Magnum Guy Author:Mark E Poo A few levels from PooVille. There are about 10 to 15 different levels. Most are packed with power pills. I'm a wimp and like it easy to win games. P.S. the default Taito levels accompany the PooVille levels - 17 and up. ______________________________________ AR2PETER.SHK $E0 6133 bytes Subject:Peter's Arkanoid II Levels Date:04/07/91 Uploaded By:ChefPierre Author:PeterSmith This is a set of levels for Arkanoid II. Please send mail to me to encourage or discourage making levels.(Online name- ChefPierre) If I get enough that like them I will continue making them. If not, I will discontinue making them. Your comments are strongly appreciated. ______________________________________ AR2TOMO.SHK $E0 18614 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II Levels Date:05/12/90 Uploaded By:Avante Author:Tom O'Drain Here's 3 new levels of Arkaniod II. Some of them are easy, and some of them are very difficult. Unpack with ShrinkIt. ______________________________________ BRARKONE.SHK $E0 6072 bytes Subject:Arkanoid I for II Levels Date:01/20/90 Uploaded By:Joeb50 Author:J.Bradley This is my recreation of the ARKANOID game for the Arkanoid II game. Each level has been closely duplicated from the Arkanoid game twice and one level added to make up the 33 levels of Arkanoid II. To Access, place in the level folder on the Arkanoid II disk. Type "C" for construction set and then select load level. click on Ark 1, when it gets to the screen select quit and it will then put you into the game ______________________________________ CBTAO.SHK $E0 6352 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II:The Tao Challenge Date:12/08/89 Uploaded By:Counse Author:Counse Broders Can you play the seven levels to meet the ultimate challenge of the Universe -- the Tao? Try out some of these screens for Arkanoid II.... ______________________________________ DV2ANIML.SHK $E0 8083 bytes Subject:David's Arkanoid II Lvls Date:09/08/90 Uploaded By:Radical GS Author:David S. Homemade animal levels for Arkanoid 2. ______________________________________ GOGOOFY.SHK $E0 5737 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Goofey Level Date:10/27/89 Uploaded By:LeroyH6 Author:Goofy Yet another complete level for Arkanoid II! I call it "The Goofy Level", due to its eccentric mannerisms.... ______________________________________ HBINSANE.SHK $E0 6384 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Insanity Date:09/29/89 Uploaded By:Saxdude Author:H. Bierman Just a simple little screeen to play around with on Arkanoid II. More coming soon! ______________________________________ HRSTAGES.SHK $E0 7002 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: New Stages Date:10/27/89 Uploaded By:HyperRam Author:HyperRam and his friends Mua hahaha! Here's a totally new set of stages for your Arkanoid II. These were made by me and some of my friends. :) Enjoy. Ram ______________________________________ JB3LVLS.SHK $E0 25197 bytes Subject:Three Arkanoid II Levels Date:02/16/90 Uploaded By:Joeb50 Author:JoeB50 This file contains 3 arkanoid II levels - 2 of them modified from other peoples levels. It also contains a help file and a hint file for playing the game! ______________________________________ JVAPPLE.SHK $E0 6283 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Apple II Date:09/13/89 Uploaded By:TEACHER jv Author:Jonathan R. Verlin Here's a neat idea I got while staring at the Apple logo on my GS while waiting for Arkanoid II to load. To use, download this file onto a formatted disk or hard disk drive and load this program as a play file for the Arkanoid II construction set. Please leave comments and enjoy! :D ______________________________________ JVIGDRA.SHK $E0 6324 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Tree of Life Date:09/13/89 Uploaded By:TEACHER jv Author:Jonathan R. Verlin It has been written, "an endless significance lies in Work; a man perfects himself while working" (Thomas Carlyle: Past and Present, 196). It must also be said that human pleasure is not complete without two other elements; they are rest and especially play. The tree of life, Igdrasil, was emblematic of the social and economic problems prevalent in Carlyle's age, nineteenth century England. For me, however, it takes on a new meaning as I contemplate the meanings of work, rest and play towards the end of my vacation. Indeed, while playing this file (which must be copied onto a formatted disk first and then loaded as a play file for the Arkanoid II construction set), you may wish to consider how the colors of the tree mediate between work (i.e. red, orange and yellow), rest (i.e. blue, indigo and violet) and play (i.e. green) as I have. Additionally, the natures of good and evil have not escaped me and so they are emblematic as flowers which could grow around the tree. I hope you enjoy this file and if you like, leave me e-mail as to your reactions to it. ______________________________________ JVSCHOL.SHK $E0 6308 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Scholarship Date:08/29/89 Uploaded By:TEACHER jv Author:Jonathan R. Verlin Here's a board which I created using the Arkanoid II construction set. You scholars might find it amusing. To use, you need to copy it to a disk or your hard drive, load up arkanoid II, and select this as your playfile. ______________________________________ LECHIC.SHK $E0 7432 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II:Arbitrator Date:11/19/89 Uploaded By:LeroyH6 Author:LeroyH6 And yet another great Arkanoid levels file, from the guys from The Greater Metropolitan area of Chicago. ______________________________________ LEEXCAL.SHK $E0 6104 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Excalibur Date:11/19/89 Uploaded By:LeroyH6 Author:LeroyH6 Yet another arkanoid II levels file. I have played this myself, its very challenging. Not impossible however! Sort of a fantasy set. ______________________________________ LELEECH.SHK $E0 5344 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Leech Level Date:10/27/89 Uploaded By:LeroyH6 Author:Leech Here is a complete levels file, not like some of the other ones that are up here....enjoy..if you want a challange go left. ______________________________________ PUAZTEC.SHK $E0 6340 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Aztec Level Date:09/29/89 Uploaded By:AFA Parik Author:Punisher30 ** originally uploaded by Punisher30 ** Ancient Aztecs would have been proud. A new level for you archeological fans! Beware of traps... ______________________________________ PUBATMAN.SHK $E0 6267 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Batman! Date:09/29/89 Uploaded By:AFA Parik Author:Punisher30 ** originally uploaded by Punisher30 ** "Who are you?" "I'm Batnoid" Thats right! You're favorite caped crusader makes his debut in Arkanoid II. Can you face the challenge of the bat? ______________________________________ PUBLUE.SHK $E0 6295 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Blue Meanie Date:09/29/89 Uploaded By:AFA Parik Author:Punisher30 ** originally uploaded by Punisher30 ** Now its blue's turn! The entire place is bedecked in blue. Pretty mean stuff too... (hey, it rhymes!) ______________________________________ PUODD.SHK $E0 6342 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: The Odd Level Date:09/29/89 Uploaded By:AFA Parik Author:Punisher30 ** originally uploaded by Punisher30 ** For all you screwballs out there, this levels for you! Pretty strange stuff. ______________________________________ PUPINK.SHK $E0 6334 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Pink Menace Date:09/29/89 Uploaded By:AFA Parik Author:Punisher30 ** originally uploaded by Punisher30 ** The return of the pink blocks! Argghhh! Battle against the pink surroundings. ______________________________________ RMNOFUSS.SHK $E0 1378 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: No fuss, No muss Date:01/20/90 Uploaded By:HyperRam Author:Ram Rajadhyaksha Ok, my 'No Fuss, No Muss' stage set for Arkanoid II. Every had that game you can't win??? Since I'm really bad at games why not put no blocks on the stages? :) Hehe..guaranteed to win in 30 minutes... ______________________________________ RYVARIED.SHK $E0 6422 bytes Subject:A Few Arkanoid II Levels Date:02/16/90 Uploaded By:RYAN33 Author:Ryan 33 Some new, varied levels for Arkanoid II. ______________________________________ SXSTART.SHK $E0 6341 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Start to Pray Date:09/29/89 Uploaded By:Saxdude Author:Saxdude Here's another one to try. This one's a little harder though. I got some real good hiding places for the blocks. Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha!! ______________________________________ TETOOTUF.SHK $E0 5752 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Too Tuff Date:11/19/89 Uploaded By:TEACHER pv Author:Teacher pv Not challenged anymore by Arkanoid II or the other "cutsey" levels available? Apple will have made a takeover bid for IBM by the time you finish these levels! If you are easily frustrated don't download this file - I won't pay for your ulcer treatments! Unpack with Shrinkit. Have fun (heh, heh). ______________________________________ V1OBSTIC.SHK $E0 6329 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II: Obstacles Date:03/25/90 Uploaded By:The Vent1 Author:The Vent1 Load with Ark II's Construction set. Your comments, suggestions, etc. welcome. Just E-mail me. ----The Vent1 ______________________________________ V1STUMP.SHK $E0 6307 bytes Subject:Arkanoid II:Stumper Date:02/25/90 Uploaded By:The Vent1 Author:The Vent1 This one is kind of challenging. Use the construction set on Arkanoid II to load. Any questions, just E-mail me. ______________________________________