Arcade Games: Orbizone Levels Index Note: For a .shk version of this file you can unshrink and read on your Apple II, get file AaOrbIndex.shk. This Orbizone Levels collection is from the AOL-to-Ground project. ... Dr. Charles T. "Dr. Tom" Turley, Director ~~*~~ C o n t e n t s ~~*~~ I. Introduction-- Start Here II. Levels Files ==*==*==*==*==*==*==*== I. Introduction-- Start Here EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEED: GS-Shrinkit to unpack shape files and Orbizone to play Most of the games, levels, etc. have been packed in ShrinkIt format. Quite a few games in old ACU format were unpacked, checked, and re-packed using GS-ShrinkIt (also called "GSHK"). Most of the ShrinkIt files are .SHK files which contain one or more files-- that is, when unpacked, you may get several standard ProDOS files. These and ACU files can be unpacked using GS-ShrinkIt. Most .SHK and .ACU files can, also, be unpacked using version 3.x of the 8-bit ("IIe") ShrinkIt. For example, a IIe game packed using GS-ShrinkIt will unpack fine using 8-bit ShrinkIt. So, also, will quite a few .SHK files of GS games. The chief limitation on using 8-bit ShrinkIt is that it will not extract the Resource portion of GS forked files. Though many for-GS programs do not have any forked files, it is not always clear which do and which do not from descriptions supplied by uploaders. It is best to use GS-ShrinkIt to unpack all .SHK files of GS games. A few files are .SDK whole-disk archives files. A whole-disk archive retains everything on the 5.25" or 3.5" disk which is archived. An .SDK archive of a 5.25" disk is, usually, unpacked to a 5.25" diskette. An .SDK archive of a 3.5" disk is, usually, unpacked to an 800k 3.5" diskette or 800k RAM disk. Some of these disk archives-- for example, packed DOS 3.3 disks-- must be unpacked using 8-bit ("IIe") ShrinkIt. For others, you can, usually, use either 8-bit ShrinkIt or GS-ShrinkIt. Downloading All .SHK, .SDK, .ACU, and similar files are "binary" files. If your ftp access program allows setting "ASCII", "binary", etc. mode, set it to "binary" before doing downloads. The files may arrive on your GS as "Text" type files. This is okay. Shrinkit and GS-ShrinkIt can deal with files even if they are called "Text" files by ProDOS or GS/OS. Rubywand, AOL-to-Ground Project, 1996-1998 ==*==*==*==*==*==*==*== II. Levels Files These are the Orbizone Levels files. The descriptions are by the creators. CHEESEBG.SHK $E0 6320 bytes Subject:Cheeseburger Orbizone Date:01/20/90 Uploaded By:MaxC Author:Max Clayton This is a cheeseburger level for the AWESOME game Orbizone GS. If you don't have Orbizone -- get it. Download this level if you want to nuke some cholesterol :) ______________________________________ CHRSTMAS.SHK $E0 10435 bytes Subject:Christmas Orbizone Date:01/20/90 Uploaded By:MAILMAN60 Author:Mailman60 Two levels for you Christmas haters. Blow up Santa Claus & Christmas trees. (Not a professional artist, but my 3 year old loves 'em.) ______________________________________ CYCLING.SHK $E0 5694 bytes Subject:Cycling Squares Oribizone Date:02/16/90 Uploaded By:Mike515 Author:Mike515/Michael515 This is a simple Oribizone level with squares that are filled with cycling colors (very smooth animation BTW...) email Mike515 or Michael515 for comments and stuff :) -Mike ______________________________________ JOKER.SHK $E0 6721 bytes Subject:Orbizone Joker level Date:01/20/90 Uploaded By:AIR JOHN Author:John Vigil This is a level for Orbizone. This is the Joker from Batman! The Joker's head spins around!! This one looks real neat. You've got to have this one! Any suggestions for other levels, please leave E-mail. Have fun! :) John ______________________________________ LEVELS01.SHK $E0 41645 bytes Subject:Rad Orbizone Levels Date:01/20/90 Uploaded By:Omega Man Author:Emmanuel D. Tsouris These are a few levels I threw together. Each level has a different name so you can put these together any way you want to. Included are The Clones: Clones of your ship! Ice: Big Ice Rocks with blue explosions! Green Things: Strange green things! Space Bricks: Bricks in space? and much much more... Unpack this file using ShrinkIt, and have fun! ______________________________________ NEWLVL.SHK $E0 35582 bytes Subject:Six New Orbizone Levels Date:02/16/90 Uploaded By:The Mouse2 Author:Jim Maricondo Six more great new Orbizone levels... a few of the topics: blast the IBMs out of this galaxy! get the wine bottles before they fall on you! Shoot the astronaut helmets! and three more! ______________________________________ NORIEGA.SHK $E0 5688 bytes Subject:Noriega Orbizone Date:02/16/90 Uploaded By:Sangfroid7 Author:Sangfroid7 (Matt Keller) This neat Orbizone level lets you, yes, _you_, take pot shots at the recently captured Panamanian. Actually, it's a pulsating pineapple, from a comment on Noriega from a British newspaper: "The pineapple-faced dictator." :))) Have fun. ______________________________________ OK6LEVEL.SHK $E0 35448 bytes Subject:Six NEW Orbizone Levels Date:01/20/90 Uploaded By:The Mouse2 Author:Jim Maricondo Here are six new Orbizone levels. Enjoy! ______________________________________ ORBLVUL.SHK $E0 63722 bytes Subject:Ulothrix's Orbizone Lvls Date:01/20/90 Uploaded By:Ulothrix Author:Ulothrix These are TEN levels of action for the game Orbizone. ______________________________________ ORBMIG.SHK $E0 6230 bytes Subject:Mig Alley Orbizone Date:03/25/90 Uploaded By:LJSILICON Author:Rudy Guy Mig Alley scenario for Orbizone. This is my first attempt at creating an Orbizone challenge. Comments are welcome. ...LJSilicon ______________________________________ PANAMA.SHK $E0 5367 bytes Subject:Panamanian Orbizone Date:02/16/90 Uploaded By:Jeff J7 Author:S. JOHNSON Just a little humor folks. Now anyone can have fun in Panama. Noriega, beware!!