I BRK4bugs Speaking of the modem reference, where can one obtain one (other than winning I BRK4bugs one, of course). BANKS2 Hi, Bugs. You can get the MODEM REFERENCE at Waldenbooks, B. Dalton, or Little Professor... BANKS2 bookstore chains. They'll order it if it's not in stock... BANKS2 Or, you can phone this toll-free number: BANKS2 800-624-0023 I BRK4bugs Walden Books or B. Dalton, eh? I'll have to go lookin for it. I BRK4bugs Thanks. I BRK4bugs What's the exact title and author? BANKS2 You're welcome...thanks for asking. The exact title and author: BANKS2 THE MODEM REFERENCE, by Michael A. Banks (publisher: Brady Books/Simon & Schuster). AFL DannyH I would like to take this time to welcome our guest... AFL DannyH Michael A. Banks, author of the Modem Reference and numerous other books AFL DannyH let's start by Mike introducing himself, say hi to everyone and AFL DannyH give us a little info on yourself Mike AFL DannyH ga Mike BANKS2 Let's see...where to begin? Okay... BANKS2 I'm 39, have been writing full-time since MArch, 1983... BANKS2 and I've published 27 or so books, 1200+ magazine articles, and four dozen short stories... BANKS2 plus a few catchy advertising slogans. :-) I got into this in 1983... BANKS2 (telecomputing, that is) when someone loaned a modem to me because he had been... BANKS2 lent it by a friend who was the PR person at The Source. The friend was the editor... BANKS2 of Writer's Digest. He still hasn't figured all this out. :-). Eventually... BANKS2 I found I was spending so much time online that I was losing writing ... BANKS2 time, so I figured I would take a shot at writing about this stuff.... BANKS2 and along the way ran some SIGs on DELPHI, and worked with BIX and GEnie, too.... BANKS2 Now, I find I have some new ideas I'd like to implement, but am so wrapped up ... BANKS2 writing about this, with the column in COMPUTER SHOPPER, articles for... BANKS2 telecomputing magazine, and others, plus a new book aobut telecom I'm wriitng with Jerry Pournelle... BANKS2 that it's difficult to keep up with myself. THE MODEM REFERENCE I finished just last November... BANKS2 and it's fairly up-to-date...the second edition, that is. BANKS2 ga AFL DannyH thanks Mike, those are some excellant credentials...now the meat of this chat.. AFL DannyH the Modem Reference... AFL DannyH this is an outstanding book broken down into four main parts AFL DannyH Mike, would you like to give us an overview of the Modem Reference... AFL DannyH I could do that but you are more qualified:) BANKS2 Heh, heh. Okay. Let's call it "TMR" to save typing ... TMR is a somewhat mistitled... BANKS2 book, as it covers more than just modems. In the book, I detail virtually every aspect of ... BANKS2 telecomputing, including the basics (what you need to get started, and ... BANKS2 how telecomputing works in a non-technical sense), selecting and installing ... BANKS2 communications hardware and software, choosing and using support software like.... BANKS2 archival programs (SHRINKIT, et al for Apple).... BANKS2 and online notepads, troubleshooting online and offline communciations ... BANKS2 problems, making cables, and the proverbial "much more." The "much more"... BANKS2 includes details on the offerings of virtually EVERY commercial online... BANKS2 consumer services (and how to sign up, and command references)... BANKS2 including BIX, CompuBurger, DELPHI, GEnie, AOL, PC-Link, Q-Link... BANKS2 Prodigy, Dialog/Knowlege Index, MCI Mail, AT&T Mail, SprintMail.... BANKS2 etc., etc., etc. I also show you how to find and connect with... BANKS2 local BBSs, how to use packet-switching networks, and still "much more." BANKS2 And it's for all computers. BANKS2 With lots of screen captures, I show... BANKS2 what to expect and how to navigate online. I even present some advice on how to "learn" an online... BANKS2 service or BBS, online businesses, telecomputing on the road, and etc. ga BANKS2 Oops...I should add something. BANKS2 You can learn how telecomputing works down to the electron level if you wish, from this book... BANKS2 but you don't have to. I wrote it for the novice as well as the advance. ga, Jeff. AFL DannyH for the interested, there are five excerpts from TMR in the ACM's library.... AFL DannyH I would like to take any questions at this point before we proceed Klorn ? AFL DannyH any questions? AFL DannyH ga Jeff FJC1 To what extent do you cover international networking? AFL DannyH hold up FJC, let's tke Jeff first Klorn First off I was wondering how the book is doing. I have not seen a copy at Klorn my local computer store, and am interested in obtaning one. Klorn Also, I was wondering if your book covers networks such as UUCP, Internet, etc. Klorn ga. BANKS2 Okay, Jeff. The 2nd edition is just now shipping to the stores.... Reff ? BANKS2 as it was printed like 2 weeks ago. The first edition is probably pretty much sold out... BANKS2 they did a 3rd printing of the first edition to hold htings over. You can get it by looking at... BANKS2 the bookstore chains like Waldenbooks, B. Dalton's, Little Professor... BANKS2 Computer Literacy, or whatever, or asking them or your favorite bookstore ... BANKS2 to order it. Or, you can order direct by calling (voice): BANKS2 800-624-0023. BANKS2 It's out there, and the first edition sold... BANKS2 about 60,000 copies....just not a lot of ads. Figure to see reviews of the new BANKS2 edition in magazines and online in about 3 months.... BANKS2 To answer your question about Internet and UUCP... BANKS2 yes, I cover those, from the historical perspective, as well as with some... BANKS2 peripheral inforamtion about how to get connected. (I use X.400 through... BANKS2 AT&T and Sprintnet to communciate with them)... BANKS2 To answer FLPs question about ... BANKS2 international telecom, I focus mainly on BBSs. I've been writing ... BANKS2 about online services in other countries...mainly Japan and the U.K. ... BANKS2 in magazines, and some of this is in the new edition, as well. Oh yes... BANKS2 I also cover international access via Tymnet and other packet nets.... BANKS2 Reff has a question. Reff What is the USR 9600 standard called? In other words how could I recognize a Reff modem that is campatible with US Robotics at 9600? AFC Gregg ? Klorn ! AFL DannyH Jeff, you have a comment? Klorn Yes - the USR 9600 usually uses HST. If you have the USR Dual Standard most Klorn (new) 9600 modems will work. If it is not a dual standard, it will only work Klorn with another USR HST. BANKS2 Reff, a USR modem uses a proprietary... BANKS2 modulation and file-compression-during-sending technique ... BANKS2 that other 9600-bps modems can't communicate with.... BANKS2 USR hopes this will be the new V.32bis standard ("bis" from the LAtin for "more"... BANKS2 is appended to standard names to indicate that they have ... BANKS2 file-compression (as in V.42bis, or V.22bis which is 2400 bps with ... BANKS2 Level 5 MNP.) It's as Jeff/KLorn just said. BANKS2 That whole subject is really.. BANKS2 tricky and I will upload an article here on it as soon as I write it. AFC Gregg ? BANKS2 Gregg has a question, or did you want to say something, Danny? ga AFL DannyH as soon as we finish with Reff, I would like to hold up for a minute AFL DannyH for those interested, there are five excerpts from the TMR in the .... AFL DannyH ACM's New Files Library and... AFL DannyH I would like to ask Mike about his "special" AFL DannyH Japan connections, Mike did you not write a book AFL DannyH published in Japan? AFC Gregg Any comments regarding V.32bis? ga BANKS2 Gregg, I think USR was premature in claiming in some literature that it would be THE Standard. BANKS2 Danny, I wrote two chapters of one book titled... BANKS2 KAGAI NETWORK GUIDE, on international telecom, published by ... BANKS2 Sheoishi, Ltd., in Japan. BANKS2 I also write articles and columns for Japanese magazines....used to do... BANKS2 a column on american online stuff for a telecom magazine (PASCOM ... BANKS2 TSHUSUIN, which means "PERSONAL COMPUTER COMMUNCIATIONS)... BANKS2 but now just do articles. The only column I have left is one about SF for an SF magazine. AFC Gregg I thought Toby Nixon (Hayes) who sit's on the board of CCITT was pushing it through as a standard? ga BANKS2 Gregg, yes, but as I said, they were premature... AFL DannyH okay, thanks Mike, now for Gregg on v32bis, any comments there Mike? BANKS2 I'm sure it will be the new V.32bis standard... BANKS2 it's just that they were early with it. Their tactic of making the ... BANKS2 9600 HST dual-standard available to BBS sysops among others at reduced ... BANKS2 cost helped a LOT! I note, too, that CompuServe's dialup nodes will "speak" HST... BANKS2 so if you're going to buy a 9600-bps modem, that would be the one. AFC Gregg How long do you anticipate? BANKS2 I figure...about 8 or 9 months.... BANKS2 I have a GVC V.32 here, which is nice but you can't dial up much with it... BANKS2 and also an Intel 9600EX, which also will not speak HST. I need to ... BANKS2 get a USR 9600. I've used a USR 2400 Courier for several years... BANKS2 as a primary modem, until I needed 9600 bps... AFC Gregg Jeesh, I was under the impression that it was supposedly approved two weeks ago. ga BANKS2 Gregg... BANKS2 it will be months before it .. BANKS2 filters into the marketplace. There's a lot of confusion ... BANKS2 as we all know, and the computer magazines all "support their advertisers,"... BANKS2 which means products get touted whether they're what people need or not. ga AFL DannyH is the v32.bis a compression standard? or a handshaking protocol? AFC Gregg Makes it really tough for us that have multiline BBS's. ga BANKS2 It's a compression standard. BANKS2 Like MNP Level 5. Klorn ? BANKS2 I think if you are running a multi-line BBS... BANKS2 a USR HST modem is what you need. People will buy modems that communciate... BANKS2 with HST modems soon enough. V42.bis ... AFL DannyH v42 is also a compression, what is hoped to be AFL DannyH accomplished with the new v32.bis AFL DannyH I meant v42bis BANKS2 urr...I'll have to get technical...actually, I'll have to pull out Intel's stuff.. BANKS2 to explain that adequately. I'm still figuring out the best way to write about it! BANKS2 Jeff? AFL DannyH well, we'll save that answer then:) AFC Gregg I got really burnt on HST, so I have converted to Ultra's and PMS9600SA/s Klorn I was wondering if you, or anyone, has any experience with Prometheus' 9600M Klorn Plus Modem.... Klorn ga BANKS2 Jeff, I read some postings on GEnie about Prometheus... BANKS2 mainly wondering why they couldn't communicate with their ... BANKS2 local BBSs at 19,200 or 38,400 bps. The answer was, ... BANKS2 they were all using USR HST modems. You can still dial up at... BANKS2 2400 bps, like I did with the 9600 GVC V.32, and with the Intel... BANKS2 but you can't use those file-compression and error-checking techniques... BANKS2 built into the modem because they differ from the other modem's... BANKS2 I do notice a faster throughput even at 2400 bps, though (provided I turn off... BANKS2 the Intel's V.42bis. ga Klorn That's what I figured. I thought I should ask, though, just in case.. BANKS2 Sure Klorn Do you have any suggestions for a good modem nowadays? How about the Dual Klorn Standard? Klorn ga Klorn (assuming at least 9600 baud) BANKS2 I'd say the Dual Standard is the one to get. I've a few problems.... BANKS2 dealing with the Intel, and I hear a lot of complaints about Hayes... BANKS2 though I'm waiting for a review unit and can judge for myself.... BANKS2 Hayes was in the bidding for the V.32bis, too. ga AFL DannyH Mike, what are the problems with modems claiming to be v32 & v42bis ... AFL DannyH connecting with each other, handshaking???? BANKS2 Definitely handshaking, Danny... BANKS2 even Intel's 2400-bps MNP 5 modem, which I have inside this machine ... BANKS2 as COM3 built into the Intel SatisFAXtion card... BANKS2 will spend 8 or 9 seconds after connect, negotiating error-checking and... BANKS2 file-compression protocols that aren't at the other end. So I always... BANKS2 turn the stuff off. (In fact, in my setup string to log on here.... BANKS2 I have AT\Q0 and AT\N0 to turn off MNP 5 and V.42bis). ... BANKS2 And of course you don't GET 9600 bps if your modem doesn't follow the same V.32 standard... BANKS2 as the modem with which you're communciating... BANKS2 and you certainly won't get 38,400 bps throughput because the other ... BANKS2 modem--a USRobotics HST, for instance--is using a "bis" implementation... BANKS2 for file compression that yours isn't. It's all pretty annoying... BANKS2 someone gets a good idea (like on-the-fly file compression...or even BANKS2 personal computers) and then screws things up for a lot of people... BANKS2 by changing the standards (or the software/operating system, in... BANKS2 the case of personal computers), and others throw more sand in the molassas... BANKS2 by pushing their own standards. BANKS2 ga Reff Can I assume then that any 9600 HST modem will handshake with a USR 9600? AFL DannyH I would like to break here BANKS2 Yes, Reff. GA Danny. AFL DannyH I need to award the FREE copy of TMR AFL DannyH through the luck of the draw TMR goes to...... BANKS2 G right A! AFL DannyH ..... BANKS2 AFL DannyH Reff! BANKS2 Congrats! AFL SandyB YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY, Reff! King Love Way to go, Reff! Klorn Jeff, not Reff, right?? :P AFL DannyH Reff, send me your address, and I'll mail TMR to you BANKS2 hhahaha Reff Hey Thanks!!!!!!!!! AFL DannyH okay, continuing on AFL DannyH Mike... AFL SandyB Send Reff money, too, okay Danny? Reff I'll leave it in E-Mail AFL DannyH are there any proposed standards for handshaking so that AFL DannyH all modem use the same routines/order of AFL DannyH handsaking or is that AFL DannyH an oversimplication of the problem? BANKS2 that's ... BANKS2 actually a misuse of terminology... BANKS2 "Handshaking" is the negotiation modems go through when they... BANKS2 make connection...both with one another to establish speed and parameters... BANKS2 such as of data bits and parity... BANKS2 and internally/externally to see which error-checking and/or file-compression.... BANKS2 protocols to use or to not use. Each modem handles that on its own. ... BANKS2 When I mentioned the Intel handshaking delay, that's something due... BANKS2 to or caused by the fact that the modem has to look for certain signals and... BANKS2 send certain signals to check for those things at the other end... AFL DannyH which modem initiates the handshsking? BANKS2 Now, I know the answer to that question, Danny, but it's escaping me.... BANKS2 just a sec... BANKS2 Okay. If my memory isn't fouled up too much, the modem that initiates the handshaking... BANKS2 is the answering modem. BANKS2 But either modem can delay things. AFL DannyH is the order of the handshaking a problem? I have noticed that some modems AFL DannyH in the host mode will connect to another brand but not vice-versa BANKS2 I've noticed that, too... BANKS2 like with a BBS I set up using the Intel 9600EX. It won't talk to my... BANKS2 USR Courier 2400e, but it will talk with the 1200 bps Tandy modem inside... BANKS2 my Tandy laptop. ... BANKS2 It turned out that... BANKS2 the 9600-bps modem was fine unless a modem with MNP 5 called. AFC Ellen the Cabots speak only to Lowells and the Lowells speak only to God? BANKS2 hahaha, Ellen! BANKS2 So I cured that ... BANKS2 by turning off MNP. ga BANKS2 ( Either AT&M0 or AT\Q0 or any of a number of other commands, depending... BANKS2 on what kind of modem you have. :-) ) BANKS2 ga AFL DannyH if there are no other questions on TMR, I would like to ask Mike about his... AFL DannyH other interests, first any other questions? AFL DannyH going once AFL DannyH going twice BANKS2 I see your question... BANKS2 and raise you one answer! BANKS2 AFL DannyH gone BANKS2 hahahah AFL DannyH okay it's on to AFL DannyH Model rocketry... BANKS2 Ah-HA! AFL DannyH I see you have an interest BANKS2 NAR 30338 here. AFL DannyH there Mike, was that your first love? BANKS2 No, that was a short girl with blond hair, when I was 17, Danny. AFL DannyH :) BANKS2 She married someone else, and so did I. :) BANKS2 hahah...s'okay. My wife and she had lunch together one day. BANKS2 So long, Reff. Thanks for stopping by. AFL DannyH are you still active with rockettry, Mike? BANKS2 Well...not much... BANKS2 after writing 2-1/2 books on the topic... BANKS2 you might say I got sort of "burned out" on it. AFL DannyH tc occupies most of your time now? BANKS2 I built a lot of rockets in the late 70s and early 80s... BANKS2 and my daughter enjoyed flying them, while my son enjoyed building them... BANKS2 they are in the photos of kids building and flying rockets in the books... BANKS2 but I keep a hand in. G. HArry Stine, who started the hobby in 1957... BANKS2 (when I was only 6) is a good friend. BANKS2 Telecomputing seems to occupy most of my time of late... AFL DannyH has tc cut into your writing time a lot? BANKS2 "of late" being 4 or 5 years now. BANKS2 No, Danny, because I'm writing more about telecomputing than anything... BANKS2 else. I expect to throttle that back after I finish writing the guide to PC (MS-dOS)... BANKS2 communciations with Jerry Pournelle. I'd like to write more science fiction... BANKS2 and a cultural commentary kind of book I've been wanting to write... BANKS2 and a bestseller or two. ;) AFL DannyH I found myself doing nothing else but going online, that's good and that's bad AFL DannyH ah, that was one of my questions, what are you working on now BANKS2 Right now, Danny, I'm working on... BANKS2 a boring book about Reflex 2, which is an IBM database product... BANKS2 which I may cancel, and the book with Jerry for Microsoft Press... BANKS2 Just out are THE MODEM REFERENCE, 2nd edition, as yoiu know... BANKS2 and also--for those of you who are... BANKS2 MS-DOS users--is GETTIN THE MOST OUT OF DESKMATE 3, 2nd edition... BANKS2 available in any and all Radio Shack stores. Covers PC-Link. too. AFC Ellen what goes on here is just amazing AFC Ellen Mike, you ought to write a book about online life AFL DannyH the life of an online junkie:) AFC Ellen Danny could coauthor :) AFC Ellen I'll edit :) BANKS2 You're right, Ellen... BANKS2 I've run SIGs (forums) on DELPHI, etc.... BANKS2 Heck, some people would like to see a book on all the people ... BANKS2 typing one-handed, and why. AFC Ellen LOL! AFC Ellen I picked up a book called "The Electronic Confessional" written by the moderators of the AFC Ellen human sexuality forum on Compuwhatever. BANKS2 CompuBurger. AFC Ellen Pulled NO punches AFL DannyH are you running any online SIGs now Mike, or no time? AFC Ellen :) BANKS2 "The fast food of online services." BANKS2 Danny, I have the Science Fiction SIG on DELPHI... BANKS2 which sort of runs itself... AFC Ellen you have a SIG on Bix, too. BANKS2 I spend maybe 4 hours a week at it... BANKS2 and I make anywhere between &65.00 and $125.00 per month... BANKS2 but I also wrote and own DELPHI's manual: DELPHI: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE... AFL DannyH scifi people are avid types:) BANKS2 The area on BIX to which Ellen alludes... BANKS2 is a conference called "writers.talk/mike.banks"... BANKS2 On BIX ... BANKS2 they use the outmoded term "conference" to mean... AFC Ellen I'd love to have a SIG named after me :) BANKS2 a message base or BBS. I mainly post odd articles or odd facts... BANKS2 like Leary being in the BBS here ahahahahha...which really stirred people up... BANKS2 I also host the private SFWA conference there. ga AFL DannyH you don't run a BBS yourself, eh Mike? AFL DannyH Mike before I forget, I would like to thank you for your time tonight... AFL DannyH and we will have to do this again when I have more time for advance promotion BANKS2 You're quite welcome, Danny. AFL DannyH do you keep on a schedule at home, I assume you work at home BANKS2 Danny, I have one. But it's only on when I'm away from home... BANKS2 or during times when I have it up in background... AFL DannyH yes running a BBS can be time consuming BANKS2 because someone I'm working with on a project locally wnats to transfer files... BANKS2 Yes, I work at home. My office is in what was supposed... BANKS2 to be the dining room. That's why we bought this place; had an eat-in kitch. BANKS2 I have ... BANKS2 ... BANKS2 4 MS-DOS desktop... BANKS2 computers, 1 MS-DOS laptop... BANKS2 a Tandy Model 100... BANKS2 6 modems, 2 printers... AFL DannyH what no Mac? BANKS2 oops! That's 5 MS-DOS machines.... AFC Ellen boo BANKS2 I had an Apple ][e, but sold it for a token price of $250.00 ... BANKS2 to a friend, along with 238 programs in their oritginal boxes,... BANKS2 a printer and parallel card, and monitor... AFL DannyH Mike, what do you think of Windows? BANKS2 Windows is over-hyped.. I used DESQview.... BANKS2 Now THERE's a real man's multi-tasking system! BANKS2 hahahah! I even run Windows under it! AFL DannyH again, Mike thanks for taking the time to be here tonight. BANKS2 I had a Mac IIci last summer. Does that count? AFC Ellen great chat, Mike BANKS2 Thanks. AFC Ellen do you still have the Mac? BANKS2 I hadda send it back to Apple. They're sending me the next... BANKS2 new super machine soon.