America Online APPLE II DEVELOPMENT FORUM CONFERENCE LOG Tuesday, September 15, 1992 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time Topic: Sound Programming, Puns and other Stuff Forum Leader: Gary Jacobson (AFL GaryJ) AFL GaryJ Welcome to the Apple II Development Forum! Tonight, our topic is AFL GaryJ Apple II Sound Programming! AFL GaryJ Anyone with a sound mind, or in need of sound advice, this is the place to be! AFL GaryJ (I hope :) AFL GaryJ Does anyone here have a question or comment pertaining to our "sound" discussion AFL GaryJ this evening? AFL GaryJ Has anyone here tried playing with the sound registers directly? (Bypassing AFL GaryJ the sound tools?) Sheppy I did once, a long time ago. Sheppy Note the "once." That was enough. :) AFC DYAJim Yes AFC DYAJim About a year ago I wrote several variations of music drivers :) AFC DYAJim if I can remember everything AFC DYAJim Actually, it was a year ago and a year and a half ago :) AFC SteveB In the G/S college iun Kansas we wrote a little program AFC SteveB (using the built in mini assembler) to to generate notes AFC SteveB using the hardware directly, fun stuff :) AFC DYAJim I was just wondering if there was any way to tell AFC DYAJim if you were being run from within an interrupt. GNO Jawaid I'd like to know that as well... AFL GaryJ "Sounds" like a question for "stump the Forum staff" night. (I suppose it depends on which AFL GaryJ "staff" is being referred to, bass or treble cleff) Matt DTS Well, since you have to tell the system where your interrupt routine is, then it's an interrupt when Matt DTS that routine is called, unless you call it yourself. (Multiple entry points would be OK.) AFC DYAJim Alright, let me be more specific. AFC DYAJim Say you have a tool patch. Is there any way to know if someone called the AFC DYAJim toolcall you patched from an interrupt? AFC DYAJim Forget interrupts you installed yourself. AFC DYAJim (Sorry to interrupt :) Matt DTS No, not really -- in some cases, interrupts are enabled even in an interrupt handler. Matt DTS You should be able to write most things so you don't need to know (especially tool patches, I hope). GNO Jawaid I have to deal with the same kind of problem in the big 'G'. I do GNO Jawaid a number of tests that tell me when I might be in an interrupt handler, GNO Jawaid but the tests are not complete. If one passes you're in a handler, but GNO Jawaid the tests do not detect all times that a handler is active. GNO Jawaid I do check for: interrupts disabled, stack is page $01, and a couple other GNO Jawaid things. Dave Lyons Is one of the tests the $E1/00CB memory-manager-can't-move-memory flag? GNO Jawaid Um, no. Should it be? GNO Jawaid Dave- please tell me that the interrupt firmware maintains E1/00CB. Please. :) Dave Lyons Yup, the interrupt firmware incs and decs e100cb around handling interrupts. Dave Lyons I'm not sure how this relates to your question, since I don't know why you need to know if Dave Lyons you're in an interrupt. GNO Jawaid So I don't execute a COP instruction at an inopportune time :) Sheppy Jawaid: check out TN #57. Matt DTS I'm pretty sure the interrupt firmware does not do that flag until -after- it's already processed Matt DTS IRQ.SERIAL, IRQ.APTALK and IRQ.MIDI. Those handlers are dispatched with a minimum of system Matt DTS preparation due to time constraints. GA. GNO Jawaid I'm not too concerned about that, just COPs, and COPs are fairly far down GNO Jawaid the list.. GNO Jawaid What happens is that occasionally, inside a SANE call, GSBug will trap GNO Jawaid on a COP instruction. Highly odd. If I skip past the COP and 'r' everything GNO Jawaid is fine, the processes resume again. AFL GaryJ Let's move on to the next question while they're thinking about this. AFL GaryJ Marty has an unsound question. GA Marty. AFL Marty I'd like to know how to set the speed of the IIc+ to 1 MHz via software... AFL Marty Is there a peek or poke to do this in BASIC? AFL GaryJ Hmmmm...... Sheppy GMTA, Marty! I need to know how to do it both ways... :) Dave Lyons It's in the reference manual. Dave Lyons I might have it around here somewhere. AFL Marty I don't have the reference manual. Dave Lyons I think you need a little assembly routine that pushes a byte on the stack and calls the right Dave Lyons address in the ROM. AFL Marty I just want to slow down one program that's running too fast. Matt DTS True. It's Zip Chip-type technology, and it's in the Apple IIc Technical Reference, _Second Edition_. Matt DTS That's only from Resource Central. Matt DTS Marty: If you just want to do it manually, you can press Control-Esc-Reset before running it. :) Dave Lyons Appendix H, page 629... AFL Marty 7th graders will be using this program. AFL Marty You haven't lived until you've tried to explain to 12 year olds... AFL Marty how Control-Esc-Reset works. Sheppy I got a program that needs to do it automatically, but I don't even have Sheppy access to a //c+. Matt DTS The manual's been out for about 4 years, Eric. It was documented at the time, in a book made availabl Matt DTS (e) almost instantly after the machine was released. Just like most developers constantly ask Matt DTS for. Except nobody bought it. GA. AFL Marty The program I want to run is a typing program... I'm afraid the little AFL Marty darlings can't keep up with it when it runs at 3X the intended speed :) Dave Lyons Buy the book. But the answer is LDA #$01, PHA, JSR $C7C7, after you've determined that you are really Dave Lyons on a IIc Plus: $FBB3=$06, $FBC0=$00, $FBBF is not $FF and is 5 or greater. Sheppy Actually, now that I think about it, I think I saw that info in an InCider Sheppy once... AFC SteveB It was Sheppy...I helped Cecil debug it, but I can't find that AFC SteveB issue now :( Sheppy Right: I know the ID bytes, just didn't have the speed info. Thanks. :) AFL Marty I'll have all 120 of my kids send you thank-you notes. :) AFL GaryJ Thanks for the question, Marty, and for the answer, Dave. AFL GaryJ Speaking of "notes", tonight's scheduled topic is Apple II Sound programming! AFL GaryJ If anyone has a question or comment on topic, please raise your hand. AFL GaryJ And, then, after you do that, type a "?" or a "!" on your keyboard so that AFL GaryJ we can tell that your hand is raised. Sheppy Okay, Gary. Stop sounding off now. :) GNO Jawaid Bill Heineman optimized the midiSynth tool to GNO Jawaid reduce overhead for games. Has anyone heard about similar optimizations GNO Jawaid for the standard version? ga AFC DYAJim Dave doesn't have time to do EVERYTHING, Jawaid ;-> Dave Lyons (Nope!) AFL GaryJ Disclaimer: We have been "noted" to be stumped on midiSynth questions in this forum in the past :) AFL Marty I guess your STAFF will have to take NOTES on that topic next time. LL AndyW GNO more puns guys!!! Sheppy Marty, that was the most un"note"worthy thing you've ever said. GNO Jawaid I definitely need to make another product with a bad pun for a name. AFL Marty (We really should tone down the puns) Locutus 1 If I startup over a network using system 6. What would cause the server to shut down unexpectly? Locutus 1 Both computers were setting there doing nothing at the time.. Matt DTS What would cause the server to shut down, or what would cause you to lose connection with it? Locutus 1 Oh sorry.. For me to lose connection... Matt DTS Usually someone disabling interrupts for a long time. AFL GaryJ What kind of software was running at the time? Locutus 1 On the Mac was using Server 3.0 and GS System was 6.0. (Started over the network) AFL GaryJ I mean, was the GS just sitting there under 6.0, (in the Finder), or was there AFL GaryJ an application running? Locutus 1 (GS) Finder AFC DYAJim Did you try it without any da's or inits? AFL GaryJ Is this problem repeatable? AFL GaryJ (on the same machine) LL AndyW Probably noise or a bad connection somewhere in the network cabling... Locutus 1 The only DA's and Inits where loaded on the GS was the ones that came with 6.0 Locutus 1 No, but now my user name can't log on.. And on the Mac side my user name is fine... ???? AFL GaryJ Could be what Andy suggested, then. AFL GaryJ You can't log on under that specific machine? I would suspect some kind of hardware AFL GaryJ problem in that case (cable, or something) Matt DTS What server is it? AppleShare 3.0? Locutus 1 Yes. Matt DTS Are you the admin? Can you reset your password in the Admin program, etc.? LL AndyW Could also be the serial port too.. Try moving to the other port and try agn.. Locutus 1 (Andy) Hmmmm... I'll try that... (Matt) Yes and no, but I can do that.. Matt DTS Do that. If any of the new 3.0 features are invoked, like "Disable login after x bad attempts..." Matt DTS the IIgs client software won't let you know what the real problem is. Check your login at the admin Matt DTS program and try again. Locutus 1 ( Matt) I will try that... AFL GaryJ That should get you some more information at least, Locutus. AFL GaryJ Ok, does anyone else want to "sound off" on topic before we "hear" Jim's unsound question? AFL GaryJ No other questions noted, so it we'll hear Jim now. GA Jim AFC DYAJim Alright then.. I was just wondering what someone does if their job is "imaging" AFC DYAJim as in "toolbox and imaging". I just couldn't figure it out myself :) AFC DYAJim Sure sounds creative though. Matt DTS Generally it means parts of the toolbox involved with creating and manipulating images. Matt DTS QuickDraw, QuickTime, printing, color, animation, etc. Where'd you see it? AFC DYAJim I saw it in a signature of Steve Glass when I was brousin' thru the now AFC DYAJim archived historic ADV toolset folders from '88-89 :) AFC DYAJim can't remember what the post was about anymore (if the post was about 'imaging' AFC DYAJim or not :) AFC DYAJim Jim Mensch was sure quite a character in posts :) AFC DYAJim quite a few laughs AFL GaryJ That stuff is good reading, for sure (old folder archives :)