America Online APPLE II DEVELOPMENT FORUM CONFERENCE LOG Tuesday, July 13, 1993 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time Topic: Open Topic Forum Leader: Gary Jacobson (AFL GaryJ) AFL GaryJ Welcome to the Apple II Development Forum! Tonight, we're having an AFL GaryJ OPEN topic, which means that we can discuss ONLY the OPEN command in GS/OS. AFL GaryJ (nah, just kidding) Matt DTS Howdy. :) Sheppy Sounds like an exotic topic to me. :) Matt DTS (AOL still tends to spin my Mac's cursor for a few minutes when I try to do things>) AFL GaryJ It's what ever is on your mind tonight, hoping that it somehow correlates with programming KLIPSCH /Open /Sesame AFL GaryJ on the Apple II/IIGS. AFC Softy (it's summertime Matt... beachballs and such... :) KLIPSCH ahhhhhhhh.....(a BIG Mac!!!!!) KLIPSCH Sesame Seeds... AFL GaryJ We COULD discuss System 6.0.1 (especially if we had it online for people AFL GaryJ to download) AFC Softy :D Sheppy That would be silly, Gary. Personally, I think it's all a big hoax, and that Sheppy somebody's trying to destroy our minds. :) AFA AndyW Matt, will programming info be available with the 6.0.1 online disks??? AFL GaryJ It only exists on paper (Resource Central's catalog) KLIPSCH We could ALSO down load some "Cold boots"! Sheppy (Which is a futile effort, since we don't have minds... :) Matt DTS Apple's not making any books or documents, Andy. AFL GaryJ Jay would probably like some "cold boots" right now :) AFA Jay ;) KLIPSCH I am trying ta THINK!!!!!....(but nothings happenning! Sheppy I believe that Mike W. has said he's working on an update for PR6. AFC Softy ByteWorks is updating the 6.0 Programmers Ref... AFA AndyW I'll check with Mike.. AFA AndyW Hi Jim.. Sheppy Yo, Jim. AFC DYAJim hi andy, all! AFL GaryJ Mike is selling a Programmer's Reference for System 6.0.1. AFC Softy I already ordered the 6.0/6.0.1 Ref... he has a separate update for those Sheppy Oh? He's already taking orders? Any idea how much? AFC Softy you have the 6.0 ref already and need just the supplement. AFL GaryJ (Ten bucks for the Programmer's Reference) Sheppy (for the supplement) AFL GaryJ Yeah, the supplement, not the re-write. AFC Softy Ack.... can't remember... I *think* the suppliment is 10 bucks... AFL GaryJ Yes, it is :) Sheppy Sounds good. Better than buying a whole new book. :) AFL GaryJ Of course he also has all the macro updates available too. AFC DYAJim there's not enough material for a whole new book Sheppy I was referring to the idea of buying a whole new version of the same book AFC Softy Ordered all of those too... :) Sheppy with the changes. AFA AndyW I wonder if it will be drop-in pages, or just an appendix... Sheppy I wonder how many new macros were necessary. AFC Softy (Except for Pascal.... ) AFL Marty Softy Sheppy Hi, Greg. AFL GaryJ Is Mike going to update the existing book too, or just have this update? Sheppy Softy: :) Barnabas Hi Eric, All. AFC Softy Gary... I don't know... looks as if I'll be getting the 6.0 book... and then AFA AndyW Hi Greg.. AFC Softy the suppliment. AFA AndyW <- has the 6.0 book.. Barnabas Hey, Jim, got forceBlankNow working... AFC Softy I asked Mike about it... but he wasn't too clear about it. Sheppy <-- Wants the supplement, but will wait 'til I actually have 6.0.1, to be sure Sheppy it really exists. :) AFL GaryJ :) Barnabas (except it relies on T2's loading address in my machine right now...) AFL GaryJ AFC DYAJim really? AFC DYAJim wow. guess I should write the sample module source this weekend :) AFC Softy Oh... I suppose I could ask Matt about using the Font Manager Toolset from 6.0 Sheppy Wouldn't that be nice, Jim? :) Barnabas Yep. I set up a little program to randomly change blankers every 15 sec. AFC Softy to get around the problem with Pointles... but I know he;ll just grumble Matt DTS I don't particularly feel like going ballistic tonight, Softy, so I'd prefer it if you didn't. AFC Softy something about mixing OS's is grounds for system death.. ;D AFL GaryJ Not in so many words, but similar :) Barnabas In Apple (and Matt's) defense, Pointless seems to utterly disdain following Barnabas rules... it breaks rules that aren't even needed to implement their font stuff. Sheppy Greg: that's true. Matt DTS Actually, with a couple of bug exceptions Pointless has been pretty good about compatibility. Barnabas I call that shoddy programming, and I've yet to hear the Pointless people Barnabas respond to that. Matt DTS They certainly don't patch as much stuff as they _could_ have to do the same things, and most of the Matt DTS bugs I've seen so far seem like honest mistakes. I don't know why Westcode is so insistent on telling Matt DTS people to swap Font Managers when generating one bitmap font is a much more stable and secure Matt DTS workaround. AFL Marty Banner sighted AFA Jay ding :) AFL GaryJ Right on time (15 minutes after the hour, on the dot :) AFC DYAJim what happned to banners on the mac/ibm? Sheppy Oh, are they saying that now? I never heard that one. I very possibly might AFL GaryJ Don't get Apple II banners (on PC or Mac) Sheppy disable Pointless until they fix it -- I don't want all those font files around Sheppy (which is why I'm using Pointless in the first place). AFL GaryJ But you can turn the other ones off in your preferences. Sheppy 'Course, disabling Pointless means I have to put all those fonts in, en masse, Sheppy but it's the principle of the thing. :) AFC Softy (Matt... I wasn't trying to incite your wrath... but since it was brought up Matt DTS It's apparently the "I don't want all those font files around" that's making them want to tell people Matt DTS to swap the Font Manager for the 6.0 Font Manager. AFL GaryJ Hi Dan AFC Softy in a message area... I thought I should ask anyway.. :) Barnabas My personal peeve is their illegal call to _ResourceConverter to log stuff into Barnabas the system list, so they can screw up developers working on Pointless machines. Sheppy That got me once. Barnabas (Well, that's not the reason, but it seems a pretty blatant violation to me.) Barnabas You test and ship your application, and then you find out it accidentally Sheppy Matt: true. I wouldn't think of using a mismatched tool version, though. AFC DYAJim what do they do? Barnabas requires Pointless ito run... :) Matt DTS They log a code resource converter into the system list, Jim... AFL GaryJ Accidently *requires* Pointless to run? Matt DTS ...making your code resources load correctly even if you forgot to log in the code resource converter Matt DTS yourself. It works fine as long as Pointless is installed. AFL GaryJ Ah. Sheppy Yes. That happened to one program of mine once. I think I even released it AFL Marty Did you tell Westcode about the mistake? Sheppy that way once. Barnabas And even Dave Lyons couldn't figure out the problem, because he had Pointless Barnabas installed... Matt DTS Westcode has been informed. Sheppy I informed them, too. Sheppy (in a fit of extreme anger and disgust). AFC DYAJim ahh, good thing I coded T2 before I got pointless :) AFL GaryJ :) Matt DTS As if you _have_ any other emotions, Greg. :) AFA AndyW Hi Dan.. DanP18 Greetings. Sheppy Eh? That was me, Matt. Matt DTS What? Sheppy Although that's true about Greg. :) Matt DTS (scrolling back) AFL GaryJ :) Barnabas Disorientation. Happens a lot in transport, if you don't eat your peanuts... Barnabas :) Matt DTS Well, I guess it was. It just sounded so much like Greg. :) AFL GaryJ LOL :) Barnabas Gee, well, let's just LABEL everybody tonight, guess that's a good programming Barnabas practice... AFL GaryJ Yep Barnabas ;) Sheppy Well... it's that seemy influence he has on others. I think I need to get Sheppy farther away from him. :) Barnabas Sure, wash up your programming career... see if I care... :) Sheppy Labels are always good. Barnabas How about comments? Sheppy Them, too. AFL GaryJ The labels are on the left half of the screen, and the comments are on the right. AFL GaryJ (It's already formatted that way - just look :) Sheppy Hey, yeah! AFA Jay :) AFL GaryJ Only problem is, no code to run :( AFA Jay Too bad we can't make aliases for everyone's names :) Barnabas Some people don't like these right-wing comments (or the leftist labels) :) AFL GaryJ :) Sheppy I dunno. All this illogic... looks like Fortran. Or Cobol, maybe. :) DanP18 Don't say that word! AFA Jay don't make fun of cobol, it's good for you. AFL GaryJ I'm glad we are keeping this discussion programming oriented :) DanP18 ?\ DanP18 ? Sheppy (Sorry... I never used either one, and won't, either. :) AFL GaryJ A question! GA, Dan Barnabas [simultaneous indrawing of breath!] AFL GaryJ (Please give Dan the floor) DanP18 Speaking of programming, anybody got any good objects for ORCA Pascal 2.0? DanP18 I just got it, but it don't got no objects! DanP18 (which I find highly objectionable) Sheppy Oooooooooooooh. AFL GaryJ Ooohh... should save those puns for our Sound Programming night :) Sheppy (That was bad, Dan. :) Barnabas 'pun my word! DanP18 Sorry. It just slipped out. Sheppy I don't have Object Pascal. I might someday get it, since there are a few AFC Softy Sound puns..... is that anything like a sound byte? Sheppy things it might be useful for, but it depends on whether I regain my sanity Sheppy first or not. DanP18 (obviuosly, I have no class, otherwise I would have contained it) AFL GaryJ (Sound Programming is next week, by the way :) Barnabas Oh, brother, now it's opun season... AFL GaryJ We all have no class (except Eric, he's in summer school) Sheppy Sigh... that's sad but true. :( Barnabas Yes, everybody stick out your tongue at him, on 3... Sheppy ** sob ** Sheppy :) AFC DYAJim I bought object pascal. AFC DYAJim But I'm not sure if I'll ever be using it (I turned out not to use it AFL GaryJ So, how do you like it? AFC DYAJim afterall - I was debatig using it for this class.) AFL GaryJ Oh. AFC DYAJim I haven't used it yet, and i don't know if I ever will..:( AFC DYAJim pascal just isn't my thing, but I might keep it around just in case I need AFC DYAJim it ever.. DanP18 Let's get a count: Who has Object Pascal? AFA AndyW Doesn't have Pascal 2.0, but I have the library! Barnabas OK, that was exciting, next topic... :) DanP18 Ok. Who is going to get Object Pascal? Matt DTS I have it. AFL GaryJ Maybe you could "check it out", Andy :) AFC DYAJim so I might sell it, but probably not Matt DTS I haven't had time to play with it, but I have it. AFA AndyW Of course YOU have it Matt! AFL GaryJ Next poll.... Who has AppleSoft? Barnabas The GS version? Matt DTS (AFK) Barnabas :) AFL GaryJ (I hate seeing a dead screen :) WizrdsMuse Better...who has Applesoft on cassette? :) AFL GaryJ Oh well. AFL GaryJ I do, WizrdsMuse :) Sheppy Applesoft! The language of Kings! AFL GaryJ (Good question, though :) DanP18 Final question. What kind of Objects would you (as developers) like to see? Barnabas Female? AFC Softy o/~ "I shot the screen.... but I didn't shoot the deputy" Sheppy I don't know anything about objects, so I can't say. AFL GaryJ Overwhelming response :) DanP18 Ok. The apathy is so thick, I'll cede the floor. AFC DYAJim I want C++!! Sheppy I could go for that, even though I don't know anything about it. AFC DYAJim Apple released AppleSoft GS, i remember using it :) AFC Softy I'm waiting for Orca/Applesoft myself... ;D AFL GaryJ I think it's more of lack of experience with objects, Dan (interesting topic, though) DanP18 When is the 2.01 upgrade for Integer Basic? AFC Softy <--- also has IIgs Basic 1.0b4 AFL Marty It'll be out right after Orca Logo, Spotty Barnabas Does anyone know what's going on with the Visionary board? AFC Softy Logo IS out Marty.. ;) AFL Marty Not for the GS. AFC DYAJim What about the NEW DSP and the new coprocessor boards! AFA AndyW C++ is just a preprocessor for standard C.. AFC DYAJim there's some good news :) AFC DYAJim Good, then it should be easy to implement Andy :) Barnabas Yes, isn't there always? News you can't use... AFC Softy News? It ain't news until I SEE one. :) DanP18 CFRONT is the ATT preprocessor. Other systems are native C++. AFA AndyW HA!! AFA AndyW There's also object libraries and other stuff too... AFL GaryJ Is Matt back? DanP18 I have a C++ grammar and lexical analyzer description file, if anyone DanP18 is interested. AFC Softy (Marty... true... but it's supposed to be "soon". :) AFA AndyW I haven't seen much source code for object libraries recently... AFL Marty Lots of things are supposed to be "soon". AFL GaryJ Hi YSM Sheppy That's for sure. AFL GaryJ I was going to ask if they were going to let Dave out of the closet now that System 6.0.1 is released. AFL GaryJ (Matt, that is) Sheppy :) Barnabas Yes, remember the Reztek board nearly ready to ship in January? AFC Softy (Like you and I are gonna hit the lottery "soon". :) AFL GaryJ Need an update to Nifty List :) AFC DYAJim I was going thru my room and found the Reztek advertisment from AppleFest '90! AFC DYAJim anyone seen the II alive video yet? Barnabas Yes, I remember that board... at least he doesn't just disappear, like a lot Barnabas of other "soon"s... AFC Softy It'll be out "soon" Jim.. :) AFA AndyW Anyone got the new tool call names with their numbers so I can update my Sheppy It's a perpetual "soon". AFA AndyW NL data file??? Sheppy That would be interesting to hear. AFL GaryJ What, the list of numbers, Sheppy? Sheppy The list of the new tool calls. Barnabas And, while we're at it, it's been over a month since you-know-what started Barnabas shipping, and it still isn't you-know-where... AFC DYAJim Hey YSM! (heh :) Barnabas (So, do you-know-why?) AFA AndyW Well, anyone have the list??? Sheppy Please? Sheppy :) AFL GaryJ I don't here. Anyone else? Sheppy Nobody? Matt DTS (back) AFA AndyW Matt must have it somewhere! AFL GaryJ List of new tool calls in System 6.0.1 AFC DYAJim hey Eric, did you see Proboot made the new II alive? Matt DTS I don't have a "list" of such things, no. They're interspersed throughout the large release notes. Sheppy What? No... you're kidding, right? AFL GaryJ Is Dave working on his Nifty List update now that he can do other things besides 6.0.1, Matt? :) AFA AndyW How about an updated NL.Data file Matt???? Barnabas In other words, only the list of new tool calls available on online services... AFA AndyW (sigh) Matt DTS I don't write Nifty List, Andy. AFA AndyW I guess I'll have to pull the calls out of GSBug... Sheppy Oh, well. Barnabas Yes, that _would_ be quite an improvement, Andy... :) AFC DYAJim no, I'm not kidding! AFA AndyW BBL... AFC DYAJim Proboot's in there! by eric Shepherd :) AFC Softy Gee Eric... you're a star.. :) AFC DYAJim (in case you forgot that you wrote it ;) Sheppy Why? I don't get it. What do they say, "here's an example of a really bad Sheppy program." :) AFC DYAJim the Shareware Spy column. I just love the smell of their ink! AFC DYAJim but I despise the catalog and the continued reluctance to carry T2 .. AFL GaryJ Take it easy, Jim (don't sniff too hard) AFC DYAJim (and all the blurred 640 mode screenshots) AFC Softy (Too late Gary :)) Barnabas They still won't carry T2? Sheppy Oh! The magazine! I thought you were talking about the video still. Okay, AFC DYAJim :sniff sniff: Sheppy that makes sense then. :) AFC DYAJim well, they say they will, Greg, but they haven't done anything other than say AFC DYAJim that. (and that was back in April/May) AFC DYAJim it will be reviewed in the next issue tho, I'm assured. Barnabas Well, what we need to do is deluge them with calls asking for T2. Sheppy I need to get that issue, or at least get a copy of that section of the Sheppy magazine. I want to know what they say. :) AFC DYAJim I hope it's a comprehensive review - since they've had T2 since April!! AFC DYAJim yeah, you're right Greg. AFC DYAJim Eric - it's a straightforward description. No "wow this is the coolest thing AFC DYAJim in the world" but also no "this program doesn't work;s tay away from it" either AFC DYAJim :) AFC DYAJim James called QC and asked for T2 a couple months ago. They told him they'd AFC DYAJim never carry it (I think), but that was a while back now Sheppy Ah. Generic description. Okay. AFL Marty They've done that to other products too. Barnabas Did you ever crack the new installation of modules in Phantasm, Jim? AFL GaryJ They'd NEVER carry it? Or, they didn't carry it? AFC DYAJim You'd have to ask James. I think they told him to get Signature or go AFC DYAJim elsewhere. AFC DYAJim That probably was in May Sheppy Last I heard, about two weeks ago, Quality said they didn't carry T2. Barnabas Did they give a reason? Sheppy It was a utilities forum chat, and someone asked the Quality guy in attendance AFC DYAJim And they've been telling me since April that they'd carry it. Sheppy if they carried it, and the guy said, "No. It's a really good screen blanker, Sheppy but we don't carry it." AFC DYAJim I'm going to start bugging them a lot about it and see what happens. AFC DYAJim If nothing happens, I'll write an interesting letter to the editor :) AFC DYAJim Then again, my letter to A+ correcting all their stupid T2 mistakes never AFC DYAJim got published. AFC DYAJim (maybe it wouldh ave made the August issue; who knows) AFL GaryJ We'll never know, I guess :) AFC DYAJim yeah, Gary.. at least my GS+ letter made it in :) AFL Marty At least inCider didn't misquote you in their last issue. AFC DYAJim how did they misquote you? AFL GaryJ I don't know what I'm going to do without a paper edition of A2-Central now. AFL Marty There was a question about the filetype/creator for TT fonts. Barnabas Print it out? AFC DYAJim print out the disk version? ;) AFL Marty I told them FFIL/DMOV AFC DYAJim was this in letter to the editor or what, Marty? AFL Marty They quoted me as saying TTRO/DMOV. YSM Jim Switch to A2-Central On Disk. AFL Marty Apple Clinic Matt DTS :) AFL Marty Twits. AFC DYAJim what is TTRO? AFL Marty Teach text (read only) AFC DYAJim yes, they are twits. I sent them an early press release for T2 which states AFL GaryJ How could they goof up something like that? AFC DYAJim in the 2nd paragraph that T2 will sell for $39.95, and Paul Statt writes that AFC DYAJim T2 is shareware. Matt DTS (that's 'ttro'. Case is significant) AFC DYAJim (January issue) AFL Marty This was inCider, Gary. AFL GaryJ I mean, that is technical information that should be looked at carefully during AFC DYAJim how could they goof up something like that? :) AFL GaryJ typesetting :) AFL Marty It was wrong in any "case", Matt. AFC DYAJim however, I must commend their "what's new" department people. They actually AFC DYAJim called me to confirm what they were going to print was correct! wow, amazing. AFC DYAJim doesn't jive with the rest of the company. AFC DYAJim My favorite recent stunt was when they put a mac screenshot in the AII what's AFC DYAJim new section for 1040works. Barnabas Of course, it was all wrong anyway, but its the thought that counts... :) AFC DYAJim Apparently, they dumped the 1040works (80column) main screen to disk, then AFL GaryJ :) AFC DYAJim opened it up in a window in Mac America Online (on a 21" monitor so that AFC DYAJim the 1040works screen is squashed up in the top left corner) then put the AFC DYAJim mac screenshot of AOL in the AII what's new, with characters so small on the AFC DYAJim 21" that you can't read a thing.. Sheppy Sounds pretty sleazy to me. :) AFC DYAJim intriguing, at least I think so :) AFC DYAJim at least they used a monospaced font I think Barnabas Well, can't get away with that sort of thing forever, eh? AFC DYAJim I wrote and asked about that in my letter to the editor too, while correcting AFC DYAJim their T2 mistakes :) AFL GaryJ Maybe that's what convinced them to fold, Jim. Barnabas So, Eric, have you done anything with the code I sent you? Barnabas That was your mistake, Jim... two topics in one letter... AFL GaryJ :) Sheppy Eh? Greg, I just got back from 10 hours on campus an hour ago. Gimme a break. AFC DYAJim brb Barnabas I just gave you one. :) AFL GaryJ There's one on line 57. Sheppy (time spent programming a Z80, no less. ** shudder **) Barnabas Ooh, more ugliness from T2... Spirographics after some other module, leaves AFL GaryJ Z80? AFL GaryJ This is "school"? Barnabas palette glitches near the top of the screen... Sheppy Oh, yes. Electrical engineering. Very advanced stuff. 1970's technology Sheppy for tomorrow. :) Barnabas That's like what my boss at The Learning Company used to always say: AFL GaryJ Where do you go to replace the tubes in your machines? Sheppy Haven't blown one yet. :) Barnabas "Training the Leaders of Tomorrow with the Technology of Yesterday". Sheppy Exactly right! Barnabas (Well, he was talking about the Apple II, Eric...) AFL GaryJ I remeber going to the store with my dad to get a replacement tube for our TV. Sheppy ** Gasp ** Barnabas (Although he was favorably impressed, when I showed him that the IIGS's were Barnabas being grossly handicapped running the Apple IIe software, and could do much AFA Jay We still have a tube powered short wave radio :) Barnabas better...) Sheppy Wow. This Telenet access number sure works better (and faster!) than that Sheppy Tymnet number I used to use. Barnabas Ugh... More T2 ugliness... Spirographics after another module, again... Sheppy The radio in my dad's Chevy uses tubes. Actually, the radio is on the garage Sheppy floor. :) Barnabas (I'll just keep saying this until Jim starts working again). AFL GaryJ :) AFA Jay I like the little orange glow tubes give off :) AFL GaryJ When we're done, we can send Jim the log file, Greg :) Sheppy Well... I've seen some bright white ones, too. Barnabas Those old things were always more appealing in the winter months... :) Barnabas Yes, good idea, Gary... AFL GaryJ Computer innards are relatively boring. My kids were rather underwhelmed when I exposed the guts AFL GaryJ of my IIGS. It was nothing at all like the "Intel inside" commercial :) Sheppy Well, yeah. All the interesting parts are too small to see without special Barnabas Give them a sledgehammer, and it livens things up quite a bit... :) Sheppy equipment. :) AFA Jay I like that commercial :) Sheppy I think that commercial really sucks... although that may just be my anti-x86 Sheppy bias. :) AFL GaryJ Could be, Sheppy :) Barnabas The slogan should be "Intel Inside... all those bucks go to pay for ads like Barnabas this!" Barnabas ("What MORE could you want?") AFC DYAJim Intel Inside is LAME!!! AFC DYAJim I got this C program off of comp.sources that "lamerizes" text. it's AFC DYAJim hilarious. AFL GaryJ All the bucks go to pay for the "Intel" writing on the chip Sheppy (like having an intel chip in your system is actually a good thing) AFL GaryJ (And the little labels that go on the outside of the PC's) Barnabas Let's start a new thing: "Western Design In Mine" AFL GaryJ Define "lamerizes", Jim :) Sheppy What kind of mine is WD in? AFC DYAJim lamerizes.. like let me think.. AFL GaryJ Good one, Greg :) YSM Jim Acually, the money goes to write the 'DX' in that brushstroke on the chip :) AFL GaryJ That's right, YSM :) AFC DYAJim th1z iz way t()() c()()L duDeZ! Sheppy Exactly how many models of the 486 are there, anyway? Thirty? Forty? AFC DYAJim it's funny.. supposedly you can pipe it to IRC so everything you type will Barnabas Genuine simulated hand-crafted naugahyde chips to lock up out of sight in your Barnabas computer. AFC DYAJim come out lamerized automatically AFL GaryJ Oh, I understand, Jim. It takes a computer to do that kind of thing? AFC DYAJim yup AFL Marty You don't need a program for that. Just visit the Lobby. YSM Jim :) AFL GaryJ (I didn't think it took any kind of "mind" - I see that stuff online all the time :) AFL GaryJ Right, Marty :) AFC DYAJim I piped the CC manpage thru it.. very funny :) Barnabas The human mind can't grasp that kind of complex recoding algorithm... AFC DYAJim I piped the T2 press release thru JiveTalk and ValSpeak under GNO! ROTFL. AFL GaryJ Well, that shut everyone up :) Sheppy Back when I was forced to use Messy-DOS, I always had a file that would print AFC DYAJim but password grabbing is more fun Sheppy horrible (but true) things about IBM, called "BASEBALL.BAT". Perfect for Sheppy bashing. :) AFC DYAJim I got it.. I'll pipe the output of my "sex" utility thru jivetalk in my AFL GaryJ :) AFC DYAJim gshrc and see what happens :) Sheppy I don't even want to know what that means... :) AFC DYAJim (it generates random kinky stories :) AFC DYAJim it's actually quite popular.. Jonah sent me a version of it 2 years ago, Sheppy Oh, is that a standard part of Berkeley Unix? :) AFC DYAJim and I found the source on an ibm board and recompiled it myself. Barnabas Only took 2000 hours of Jim's time... quite worth it, considering how much time AFC DYAJim I wonder how it would look piped to jive.. Barnabas he spends with it now... :) Sheppy :) AFC DYAJim :) AFL Marty I should think you'd be able to generate your own kinky stories. :) AFL GaryJ Again, go to the lobby AFL Marty lol Barnabas Anybody know of any Fish modules for T2 (besides things written by N.M.)? AFL GaryJ :) Sheppy I still want Fish (and Flying Toasters, or Microwaves, or whatever). AFC DYAJim speaking of which.. AFL GaryJ Hi LIV AFC DYAJim hi LIV 4!! welcome LIV 4 LUV Does anyone know how to reconfigure a Mac System with swoftware? YSM Jim Did you implement Satori? AFC DYAJim reDennis :) AFC DYAJim I love Satori, but I don't think the GS's resolution could handle it Sheppy Only vaguely. That's a Mac question, so I'll ignore it. :) LIV 4 LUV Is that to me? AFC DYAJim (plus you need 256 colors full screen ?) WizrdsMuse :) Sheppy Somebody sure disappeared fast. :) AFL GaryJ Oh well :) YSM Jim Well, PC AfterDark can do it in 16, but it doesn't cycle - while - drawing. AFL Marty I can't imagine why. AFL GaryJ (Couldn't type fast enough) Barnabas Not enough LUV in here... LIVs for it, you know... :) AFC DYAJim Mac AD won't do satori in 16 colors. AFC DYAJim I wouldn't mind the source to that :) AFL GaryJ I like Jim's comment.... "speaking of which... " :) AFC DYAJim hey Bill. AFC DYAJim yeah I was wondering if anyone noticed Gary :) QualityCom Long time no see Jim. QualityCom Hello everyone AFC DYAJim yeah! Barnabas Oh, we were just saying nasty things about you! Sheppy Greetings, QC. AFL Marty Hello Bill. AFL GaryJ I was restraining myself from "LOL"ing on screen :) QualityCom I need 5 beta testers..... QualityCom So here's the way to do it. Sheppy For what/what for, QC? QualityCom the first five to email me their real name, address, telephone number, QualityCom computer type will become beta testers for Quadriga. QualityCom or should I say may become AFL GaryJ What kind of machine is required? Barnabas Oh, I thought it was for something interesting... [yawn] ;) AFC DYAJim I'd go for it, but I don't use 8bit AW much at all QualityCom any Apple II or laser 128 QualityCom you also need to own or purchase AW3.0 to do this Sheppy Sounds intriguing. Barnabas Mac Quadra, 64MB RAM, two 2-page color displays, and a 40-gig. HD. Sheppy That would explain the name. :) AFC DYAJim and system 7.2 Sheppy No, no, Jim. System 8.0. :) Barnabas Pirated, preferably? Barnabas Yes, Eric, but for the GS. Sheppy Mmmmm. AFC DYAJim any takers? QualityCom Anyone out there with an LC and //e Card? AFL GaryJ Not here. QualityCom I've got two..... AFL GaryJ (Not me, I mean) Barnabas Yes, a guy I met in Wisconsin, once... AFA Jay oh geez. Sheppy I've never even seen a //e Card, although one of my programs has some special Sheppy code to twiddle the speed. :) AFC DYAJim I saw a IIe card at apple central expo Sheppy Don't even know if that code works. AFL GaryJ Did someone test it for you, Eric? Barnabas Had one at TLC. Trash. Sheppy Nope. Good thing it isn't released yet, huh? :) AFL GaryJ I guess not :) AFL GaryJ Oh, that's the program that requires Pointless to run? :) QualityCom OK....I've got all five... QualityCom and now back to our program. Sheppy Eh? No, ProBOOT 5.1.1, I believe, required Pointless to run. That's why I'm Barnabas Sure, I bet he's just saving face because he couldn't get any volunteers... :) Sheppy always shocked to see a copy of it. Someone was using it at AEW. I corrected Sheppy them at once. :) Sheppy (good thing Greg made me bring 5.2 along...) AFC DYAJim I traded my HP48SX for a GX (how exciting :) Sheppy I never heard of the GX. What's the difference? Matt DTS Well, I'm gonna take off. See y'all later. YSM Jim Oh, no, not MORE of his GX. Sheppy Later, Matt. AFL GaryJ Goodnight, Matt AFL GaryJ Thanks for coming YSM Jim See ya Matt. AFC DYAJim bye Matt AFC DYAJim too much to describe, Eric. it's MUCH better, and for almost the same price:) AFC DYAJim most important - it's got mine hunt built in ;) Barnabas Pfffftt. YSM Jim Gee, this sounds awful familiar. Sheppy Intriguing. I came within a hair's breadth of buying an HP 48SX once, but then AFC DYAJim yah, it's a conversation pick me up Sheppy it occurred to me that I really don't need one. :)