Subj: Make File for ORCA Environment Date: April 12, 1994 From: DShaw 256 File: MAKE.BXY (27648 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 31 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: David Shaw EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: Orca shell 2.0, Orca 'C', GS.Shrinkit, GS/OS 6.0 or better OS: GS/OS KEYWORDS: shell utility C source code This is a 'make' utility for the Orca development environment. Requires the version 2.0 or better command shell. Source code included. Requires ORCA 'C' to compile. Includes a help file for use with the shell's 'help' command. Additional documentation is in a Teach file, so you'll need Teach, included with GS/OS 6.0 or better. Subj: Nifty List 6.0.1 data file Date: February 1, 1994 From: Dave Lyons File: NLData601.SHK (38195 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 91 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Dave Lyons EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs, Nifty List CDA KEYWORDS: debug debugging cda dave lyons system software This version of NList.Data is up to date for Apple IIgs System Software 6.0.1. The Nifty List CDA must be downloaded separately. Subj: Animatar v1.7 Date: January 15, 1994 From: McKinsey File: ANIMATAR.SHK (14421 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 98 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Chris McKinsey OS: GS/OS NEEDS: Apple IIGS, ShrinkIt to unpack KEYWORD: animation shapes shape maker graphics IIGS McKinsey Chris Animatar v1.7 is a GS desktop program that allows you to load any GS screen, and then cut shapes out and then save them with either the registered (official) Animatar filetype format or in the resource fork of another program. Animatar allows to do several other useful features as well, such as saving a color table with the file, collision rectangles, and it also has an animation testing feature. Documentation is included on how to use Animatar and how to use Animatar files (compressed) in your own programs. If you like to program GS graphics, this file is a MUST. The Animatar filetype is used by other popular programs: SuperView GS, Animatar, Eye v01.1, and See. For further information on using Animatar files, see the source code to the demo "Rings". Animatar is *SHAREWARE*. Subj: Mister Sprite 2.0 SHK Date: December 10, 1993 From: IRSMan File: MR.SPRITE.SHK (37680 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 76 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Once Products of France EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs, color monitor a good idea. NEEDS: System 6.0 or 6.0.1, GSHK 1.1 or later to unpack. OS: GS/OS 6.0.1 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: animation graphics shape maker source code animate utility This is an amazing utility that takes most of the pain out of making cool animations on the IIgs. It allows you to clip a sprite from a picture in many GS formats, and then convert it to code using one of several drawing algorithms. Output can be Orca/M, Merlin, or raw 65816 code. Includes very good online help. This program is Shareware. To legally use this program after 10 days of evaluation, send $8.00 to the author: Philippe LECLERCQ Once Product 17 Rue des Sources 90350 EVETTE SALBERT FRANCE Subj: GNO: chmod, touch, write Date: December 3, 1993 From: WDPhoenix File: NEWUTILS.SHK (36482 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 27 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Leslie M. Barstow III EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: GNO/ME 2.xx (write requires MU) OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: GNO/ME source code C Barstow Leslie M modified chmod and touch utilities for GNO/ME 2.xx and higher. Also, write utility for writing to other users' terminals. Write requires the MU package to be installed. Subj: GNO: passwd v1.0.1 Date: October 16, 1993 From: Sheppy File: PASSWD101.SHK (21696 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 31 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Eric Shepherd EQUIPMENT: IIGS NEEDS: GNO/ME v2.0, GS-ShrinkIt to unpack OS: GS/OS Keywords: password change GNO/ME utility This is the latest version of the passwd utility for GNO, and replaces the version included with the 2.0, 2.0.1, and 2.0.2 releases of GNO. The manpage has been cleaned up, and the stack has been enlarged -- I discovered that there wasn't enough stack space for safe execution. The GNO passwd utility provides an easy way for users to change their passwords. Only root is allowed to change other people's passwords. Passwords are also screened so that they are at least a certain number of characters long and contain more than just lower-case alphabetic characters (at least one digit, control character, or upper-case letter must exist). Subj: GNO: news v1.2 Date: October 16, 1993 From: Sheppy File: NEWS12.SHK (19229 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 19 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Eric Shepherd EQUIPMENT: IIGS NEEDS: GNO/ME v2.0, GS-ShrinkIt to unpack OS: GS/OS Keywords: system news GNO utility read Note: this utility requires GNO v2.0 or later (2.0.2 is highly recommended). This is the latest version of the GNO news utility (replacing one uploaded in various places a day or two ago). Right after posting the last version, I was told that there's a new standard location for the news files, so I changed the program to reflect that. Also, I fixed a couple of minor bugs and added the ability to use more than one option at a time. The news utility is primarily useful for multiuser GNO systems. It allows the system administrator to place text files containing important information in the /var/news directory. When the user wants to read these, he can simply type "news", and all unread news items will be displayed. Options exist for determining if there are any unread news items and for displaying the names of the unread items. Subj: VersiBox for AppleSoft BASIC Date: October 16, 1993 From: AFL Marty File: VERSIBOX.SHK (15552 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 81 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Michael Chinn EQUIPMENT: Apple II NEEDS: ShrinkIt, Basic.System OS: ProDOS Keywords: BASIC source code windows interface applesoft mouse text VersiBox is a short (767 bytes) Applesoft BASIC programmer's utility designed to make creating a text screen user interface simpler and faster. It creates several different interface elements, including windows, buttons, horizontal and vertical lines (like those found in the IIe version of ShrinkIt, A2FX, and others), and allows easier use of the MouseText and inverse character sets. Subj: Merlin: GS/OS Macros Date: September 16, 1993 From: Sheppy File: GSOS.MACROS.SHK (1671 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 28 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Eric Shepherd EQUIPMENT: IIGS NEEDS: Merlin 16+, GS-ShrinkIt 1.1 to unpack OS: GS/OS Keyword: System Software 6.0 macros merlin 16+ toolbox GS/OS This is a Merlin 16 source file containing a complete set of ORCA/M-like GS/OS macros. All calls, including the new System 6.0 calls, are included. Now, instead of those bizarre equate/macro things that come with Merlin, you can just do: _JudgeNameGS judgeNameParms Subj: Merlin: System 6.0 macros Date: September 16, 1993 From: Sheppy File: SYS6.MACROS.SHK (4943 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 32 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Eric Shepherd EQUIPMENT: IIGS NEEDS: Merlin 16+, GS-ShrinkIt 1.1 to unpack OS: GS/OS Keyword: System Software 6.0 macros merlin 16+ toolbox Enclosed is a source file for Merlin 16+ which contains macros for every tool call documented in the Programmer's Reference for System 6.0 (including Video Overlay, MIDISynth, and Media Control). Every call has both the regular macro and the supermacro supplied. Many of the macros have been used and tested, but it's possible that some might have errors. This release of the macros is intended to allow other developers and programmers to find mistakes in the macros. Once the System 6.0.1 calls are documented, those will be added and the macros will be rereleased.Subj: LATEST Fix Font Mgr. 6.0.1, v2.0 Date: September 2, 1993 From: SoftdiskVB File: FixFontv2.0.SHK (3962 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 170 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Softdisk Publishing EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: System 6.0.1 Keyword: Pointless bug fix System Software 6.0.1 Font Manager Westcode There has been considerable confusion over the FixFontMgr601 patch that Nathan Mates (and then Greg Templeman) uploaded to AOL. To end the confusion, Softdisk has produced THE definitive version, v2.0. This fixes the bugs in Nathan Mates' version that could cause other programs not to work correctly, and adds a few features to Greg Templeman's version. EVERYONE should download this new version and replace ALL existing versions. Hopefully this will clear up the confusion. -------------------- FixFontMgr601 fixes a bug in System 6.0.1's Font Manager which is especially evident if you use Pointless. The 6.0.1 Choose Font routine crashes if you don't have a bitmap of a font available. This program makes the Font Manager work correctly under 6.0.1 when a bitmapped font is not available. If you use System 6.0.1, you should download and install this program.Subj: IR 2.0.2 with ASM Source Code Date: July 23, 1993 From: AFA Jay File: IR2.0.2.BXY (130304 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 145 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Apple Computer, Inc. EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: ShrinkIt to unpack, System Software 6.0 or later OS: GS/OS LANGUAGE: 65816 MPW Assembly FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: IR Sample Code 2.0.2 Finder Extension MPW Assembly 65816 IR 2.0.2 is a Finder Extension that allows you to double-click inits, desk accessories, some GS/OS drivers and other Finder Extensions from within the Finder and install them without rebooting. Optional preferences for removing older copies and opening NDAs instantly make it flexible and easy to use. IR 2.0.2 requires System Software 6.0 or later. A full set of inter-process communication (IPC) features makes it easy to add IR functionality to your own program without including the code, which is kind of delicate. Full source code is included in MPW IIgs assembly, as well as interfaces in assembly, Pascal and C and a Nifty List module giving you IR access from Nifty List (in Pascal, source included). The archive was prepared from an HFS disk and includes lots of resource forks and HFS-style file names, so it's best to unpack it to an HFS volume to avoid lots of file name translations. Version 2.0.2 fixes many bugs found over the past year. IR 2.0.2 is (C) Copyright 1989-1993 Apple Computer, Inc. See the enclosed documentation for redistribution rights; they are limited. Subj: Arcade King Super Program V2.0 Date: April 30, 1994 From: AFL GaryJ File: ARCADEKINGS.SHK (270294 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 2 minutes Download count: 42 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Clayburn W. Juniel, III EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS. Joystick and mouse NEEDS: A source of sound files and Sound Smith files OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Arcade King animation shape sound music Note: This is a re-upload of this file to fix the "file is protected against that operation" error that occurs in some situations with locked files while using the Apple II version of America Online. The Arcade King Super program is for creating and animating shapes. It contains a PNT program that can also take sounds and music as input. This program creates a table of shape and sounds to be animated with a user created animation tool that is included. It is shareware. Subj: Border Moves Date: August 23, 1993 From: Kadmel File: BORDER (2117 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 57 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Andrew Lombardi EQUIPMENT: GS and a monitor FILE TYPE: ProDOS 8 SYS file Keyword: Monitor Screen Border move graphics SHR This is a little border move, looks like the one from the border demo by GSA called "The Split Demo".. I hacked it out after looking at Mr. Z's border scrolling source,, not much but neatSubj: Super Basic Clockworx Date: July 22, 1993 From: Hellian File: CLOCKWORX.SHK (5785 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 44 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Hellian(Chad Elliott) EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: Shrinkit to unpack OS: Basic FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Super Basic Clock Time Clockworx Security Clockworx reads the internal clock and saves the date and time, so that every time you use a program... the time last used comes up on the screen. It's a cool measure of security for those who have prying roommates or families. It allows you to tell it to run a different program on a specific date, by using it's configuration program. Have lots of fun, and keep you're programs safe. -Hellian :)Subj: MachType v1.2 Date: June 21, 1993 From: IRSMan File: MACHTYPE12.SHK (3512 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 65 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Ian Schmidt NEEDS: Apple IIgs, Orca/Shell 2.0 or GNO/ME OS: GS/OS 6.0 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: MachType Machine Type Information Statistics memory Here's MachType, a utility which shows many facts and statistics about your system, including free bank zero RAM, CPU Type (stock/TWGS/Zip), GS/OS, Orca, and GNO versions, and more. The bank zero readout is especially handy for GNO users...try it! Subj: GSVersion package 1.2 Date: June 21, 1993 From: IRSMan File: GSVERS12.SHK (17283 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 60 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Ian Schmidt NEEDS: Apple IIgs, System 6.0, Orca/Shell 2.0 or GNO/ME OS: GS/OS 6.0 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: GSVersion Version rVersion view read set write resource Here for the first time on AOL is the GSVersion suite, 3 shell utilities which allow you to view and set rVersions of programs. They are: o SetVers, a utility allowing you to change or create an rVersion resource for any file. o GetVers, a utility allowing you to view the full rVersion information from any file. o GV, a mini-GetVers which displays only the version number of any file with an rVersion resource. The official IIgs Shell Utility Guide's compiler (James Brookes) requests that everyone releasing an Orca or GNO shell utility use these programs to set an rVersion. Subj: MKDirect: Make Direct Page Seg. Date: June 8, 1993 From: AFC DYAJim File: MKDIRECT.SHK (9696 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 18 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Tim Meekins NEEDS: Orca or GNO Shell OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Shell Utility Direct Page Segment Assembly MKDirect makes direct page segments to be linked into your programs. Includes 65816 Assembly source code and requires 'gnolib' from the GNO/ME package to re-assemble.Subj: qfgrep 2.0 Shell Utility Date: June 8, 1993 From: AFC DYAJim File: QFGREP2.0.SHK (32256 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 22 Uploaded on: America Online NEEDS: Orca or GNO Shell OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Shell Utility Grep search compare find fqgrep speeds up searches for case-independent fixed strings in files compared to grep. Includes 65816 Assembly source code (and C for auxiliary routines.)Subj: TDIR Shell Utility Date: June 8, 1993 From: AFC DYAJim File: TDIR.SHK (9168 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 28 Uploaded on: America Online NEEDS: Orca or GNO Shell OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Shell Utility Directory Catalog Nothing fancy. This shell utility makes a different type of catalog, containing filename, filetype, eof, and blocks.Subj: LaunchMessage Shell Utility Date: June 8, 1993 From: AFC DYAJim File: LAUNCH.BXY (4896 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 30 Uploaded on: America Online NEEDS: Orca or GNO Shell OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Shell Utility Launch Message LaunchMessage is a shell utility which allows you to launch programs and specify filename messages at the same time. So you could launch AWGS and specify the filename of a file you want loaded, all from your favorite shell. Subj: Booz: unZOO Shell Utility Date: June 8, 1993 From: AFC DYAJim File: BOOZ.SHK (20880 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 18 Uploaded on: America Online NEEDS: Orca or GNO Shell OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Shell Utility ZOO Archive extract unZOO compression This handy shell utility will list, extract, and validify ZOO archives.Subj: rawToRes Shell Utility Date: June 8, 1993 From: AFC DYAJim File: RAWTORES1.0.SHK (13248 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 21 Uploaded on: America Online NEEDS: Orca or GNO Shell OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Shell Utility Sound Data rSound resource This utility converts a raw sound data file into a rSound resource. rSounds can be added to existing files, or created in new files.Subj: >TWO< Make Utilities with Docs Date: June 8, 1993 From: AFC DYAJim File: MAKE.SHK (51312 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 33 Uploaded on: America Online NEEDS: Orca or GNO Shell OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Shell Utility Make makefile compile assemble Two different make utilities for the GS, along with documentation. Worth the download! Subj: EVAL Shell Utility Date: June 8, 1993 From: AFC DYAJim File: EVAL.SHK (13056 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 26 Uploaded on: America Online NEEDS: Orca or GNO Shell OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Shell Utility Math Eval Evaluate Calculator This shell utility evaluates a numerical expression from the command line. It supports the following binary operations: +, -, *, /, or, and, xor, ^ (powers), >, <, >=, <=, =, !=, mod. Nested expressions are handled and output is in scientific notation. It also supports the following unary operations: abs, arccos, arcsin, arctan, cos, sin, tan, exp, ln, log, not, rnd, sqr, and the numbers pi and e. Subj: Sampled Sound Editor-ALL Apples Date: June 5, 1993 From: MJMahon File: SNDEDIT2.SHK (52116 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 44 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Michael J. Mahon EQUIPMENT: Any Apple II, headphones or external speaker nice. NEEDS: Sampled (digitized) sounds, ears ;-> OS: ProDOS 8 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Sound Editor Player Apple II ][ digitized They said it couldn't be done--so here it is: a high-quality software digital-to-analog converter to play 8-bit digitized sounds on ANY Apple II! And there's no 11 KHz. "scream" to obscure the sound and annoy listeners (because it has a carrier frequency of 22 KHz.). Some developers asked me to re-upload this to ADV, since it was hard to find in AGS. This package includes a handy editor/player for 8-bit sampled sounds at a sample rate of 11.025 KHz. (very popular). It makes any Apple from a II or II+ up sound GREAT--although you'll want to listen with headphones or external speaker to do it justice. (A tinny little speaker always sounds like a tinny little speaker!) Also includes a version of the 5-bit, 22 KHz. carrier SoftDAC which you can use with your own programs. Have fun! Apple II forever! FREEWARE! -michael Subj: MakeLNK v1.0 Date: June 3, 1993 From: TallRunner File: MAKELNK.SHK (3981 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 17 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Terry R. Olsen EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: GSOS, Merlin 16/16+ OS: GSOS 6.0 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: LNK Merlin Utility sound graphics Link This is a utility for Merlin 16/16+ that creates a LNK file from a raw data file such as a hi-res picture or sound file so Merlin can "Link" it into your source code. No more loading external pictures or sounds. They are already in your code!Subj: Segment/Rez Fork Splitting Date: April 5, 1993 From: L deHay File: SPLIT.SW.SHK (32202 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 38 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Lawrence deHay EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs OS: GSOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Segment Resource Split Splitter OMF Relocation This program will do the following: Segmented OMF files Display/print header data Split segments to separate files (same filetype) with all header, body and relocation data. Split the segments to separate BIN files with only the segment body saved. Print the relocation data (will identify most tables of address's). Any file with a resource fork Split the resource fork to a BIN file. Hex dump data fork. Hex dump resource fork. All files Hex dump of file (if file has two fork, will do both). This program is shareware.Subj: TM-Programmer Info Date: March 18, 1993 From: AFL Marty File: TM.PROGINFO.SHK (20188 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 28 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Seven Hills Software EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ShrinkIt-GS to unpack OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinKIt Archive Keyword: The Manager Seven Hills Programming C Tech information This file contains information for programmers on writing "Manager Aware" applications, including how to support multi-tasking. NOTE: This is the same information that's provided on The Manager's disk; if you own The Manager you don't need this file! It is provided only for those programmers who want this information but have not purchased The Manager.Subj: Opcode List for ORCA/Editor Date: February 23, 1993 From: Sheppy File: OPCODE65816 (20655 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 54 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Eric Shepherd EQUIPMENT: Nothing special NEEDS: Text reader or ORCA/Editor FILE TYPE: Text Keyword: 65816 Assembly Asm Opcode Orca Editor cycle SysHelp This text file contains a list of all 256 opcodes available on the 65816 processor in alphabetical order. All addressing modes are included, with cycle times (including comments describing when the cycle time may vary) and other comments. The file is intended to be appended to the ORCA/Editor's SysHelp file (located in the Shell or System directory). However, you may also print it out or keep it handy for viewing from a file viewing type of CDA. Once appended to the SysHelp file, you can read the Opcode List by simply pressing Apple-? from within the ORCA/Editor. Subj: ImportRez Shell Utility Date: February 9, 1993 From: AFL Marty File: IMPORTREZ.SHK (3427 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 34 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Shawn Quick EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ShrinkIt, GSOS shell program OS: GSOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Resource import rez shell utility orca This utility will copy a data file into a specified resource file. You also specify the rType, rID and rAttributes. It's very simple, but works. Subj: BASIC File Compare Utility Date: February 3, 1993 From: AFL Marty File: FILECOMPARE.SHK (8712 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 34 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Karl Bunker EQUIPMENT: enhanced Apple IIe or better NEEDS: ShrinkIt, Basic.System OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: comparison recent version compare BASIC Applesoft File.Compare is a utility for comparing files (Wow! No kiddin'!). There are a bunch of reasons for comparing files. You might want to do this to see whether one file is simply a backup of another, or is a modified version. You might know that two files are different, but be curious as to just what and where the difference is. If you're a programmer who often writes various types of file-processing utilities (like me), you might want to compare some files to see if your program is working as it ought. Subj: EGREP Shell Utility Date: January 28, 1993 From: DanP18 File: EGREP.SHK (64537 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 12 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Various EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ORCA Shell OS: GS/OS 6.0 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Orca Shell Utility GNU grep find search This is a preliminary port of the GNU egrep utility. I say preliminary because I'm not ready to send the source. That will be uploaded when I've merged the IIGS specific parts back into the official grep.1.6 source distribution. I have had no problems using it. This upload consists of a egrep executable, a manual page, and two demonstration files. The egrep program must be used from the orca shell.Subj: Beagle Basic Date: January 20, 1993 From: AFL Marty File: BGL.BASIC.SHK (101733 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 44 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Beagle Bros EQUIPMENT: Apple II, 5.25 drive OS: DOS 3.3 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Basic DOS AppleSoft custom modify enhance Beagle Freeware Beagle Basic from Beagle Bros. Runs in DOS 3.3. The package allows you to move AppleSoft into RAM where you can customize it with commands like ELSE, TONE, PAGE, etc. You can distribute this file freely but you must pay a licensing fee for use in commercial products. Documentation can be found in a file uploaded seperately. This is a ShrinkIt disk archive. Unpack this to a blank 5.25" disk. Requires an 8-bit version of ShrinkIt. Subj: Beagle Basic Docs Date: January 20, 1993 From: AFL Marty File: B.BASIC.DOX.SHK (19911 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 50 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Beagle Bros TYPE: ASCII text file EQUIPMENT: Apple II FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Beagle Basic Documentation This is the documentation for Beagle Bros' Beagle Basic. Subj: pType & pFind - Shell Utilities Date: January 19, 1993 From: DynaSoar01 File: PTYPEPFIND.SHK (27297 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 30 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Kris Olsen EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: ORCA Shell FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Orca Shell Utility type find file These are two utilities for the ORCA shell; one for typing files, and one for finding them. Subj: Memory Utility for ORCA/M or APW Date: January 2, 1993 From: AFA Jay File: MEM.EXEC.SHK (2144 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 28 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Mark Geisinger EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ORCA/M IIGS or APW OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Memory status Orca/M APW utility Originally uploaded by: Founder MEM is an EXEC file for the APW and ORCA/M shell environments that displays the current memory status by Free Memory, Largest Block, Real Free Memory, and Total Memory. NOTE: This file is a re-upload Subj: Menu 1.0 for ORCA/M Date: January 2, 1993 From: AFA Jay File: MENU1.0.SHK (11294 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 36 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: James Luther EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ORCA/M IIGS OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: Orca/M Menu Exec command commands utilities Originally uploaded by: AFL Jim MENU is an EXEC file that gives you a menu for common commands in the ORCA/M IIGS programming environment. You can modify the file (instructions included) to add your own favorite commands and utilities to the menu. MENU requires the INPUT and GET utilities (included in this folder) to be installed in the ORCA/UTILITIES subdirectory and the two utility names to be added to the SYSCMND file (I suggest you make them memory resident with the * modifier). MENU will run under APW with if you remove the +M modifier from the CMPL command. INPUT and GET contain copyrighted materials from the ORCA/PASCAL subroutine libraries. Used with permission. INPUT is by Mike Westerfield - MENU and GET are by James Luther. NOTE: This file is a re-upload.Subj: QuickDebug Init Date: December 6, 1992 From: AFC DYAJim File: QUICKDEBUG.SHK (4650 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 41 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Steve Gunn EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: ShrinkIt GS to unpack, GSBug v1.6 OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: GSBug Debug Init Reset Quick QuickDebug This nifty little init (shareware, $5) allows you to enter GSBug v1.6 by pressing Command-Reset. GSBug 1.6 is _required_. I haven't really noticed any incompatibilites, except sometimes if you crash with GSBug or otherwise screw up the system, this init becomes somewhat confused and you can't reboot (you have to power down.) No biggie tho, I still think it's real cool :-) < TML Basic for GS Date: October 2, 1991 From: GSGM File: TRANSDEMO.SHK (46791 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 31 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: George Murray NEEDS: Applesoft programs & TML Basic OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: Shrinkit Archive ----------------- Keyword: BASIC Applesoft TML Convert Conversion Demo This program helps in converting old Applesoft programs into source code for TML Basic. It strips the line numbers which are not needed by TML and corrects some other sytax errors. It may work with other Basic's for the GS, however the Author is unable to check. This Shrinkit file contains the v1.1D (a Demo version), Docs, and an order form. The actual version is $10 shareware. Subj: Update for OGI Pascal Ver. 2.1 Date: September 28, 1991 From: HalC2 File: OGI.PASCAL.SHK (29099 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 9 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: On-Going Ideas EQUIPMENT: Apple //e, //c, //gs, Laser 128 or Mac LC with emulation NEEDS: Master distribution disk for OGI Pascal Development System OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: OGI Pascal Update On-Going Ideas This is a set of files to update older versions of the OGI Pascal Development System Version 2.x.x to Version 2.1 Subj: Arcade King DHRG Date: August 10, 1991 From: Clayburn File: ARCADE.DHRG.SHK (88759 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 38 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Clayburn W. Juniel, III EQUIPMENT: 128 K Apple IIe //c IIgs NEEDS: Joystick or mouse OS: ProDOS 8 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: arcade king DHR graphics programmer shapes animation sounds Arcade King DHRG is a program for creating shapes and sounds to be animated. It includes a Double high resolution graphics drawing routine. And animation routines for animated the created shapes. Subj: Display PSE Files in Shell Date: August 10, 1991 From: Lord Fly File: TYPEPSEV1.1.SHK (10930 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 27 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Lord Fly EQUIPMENT: Apple //gs, recommend 768K+ NEEDS: Orca or APW shell, and a file to look at OS: GSOS v5.04 + ----------------- Keyword: PSE Display ProTerm Special Emulation ORCA APW Shell Utility This program is a pre-view of a PSE (ProTerm Special Emulation) viewer/editor/compiler that I plan to work on and off during my Fall semester. Program displays any file (not discriminate) but will display the file as if there are Proterm Special Emulation codes imbedded within the file. Program has an optional Info Bar, like ProTERM, and can even be used as an alternative to the type command. Documents are included. Docs included both instructions and installation procedures. Program tested with Orca shell. For fun, view non-standard files, like system files, or data files and see what happens. Lord Fly Subj: rUtilities Date: August 10, 1991 From: JWankerl File: RUTILITIES.SHK (100555 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 54 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Josef W. Wankerl EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ORCA/Shell and ShrinkIt OS: GS/OS & ORCA FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: rUtilities resource utilities ORCA APW shell The rUtilities package is a collection of utilities for ORCA that assist in using resources during development. The 7 utilities are: rAttribute, rCopy, rDelete, rExport, rImport, rName, and rReport. The package is ShareWare, $15 - and we take CREDIT CARDS! If you do any development using resources, the rUtilities will probably come in handy - especially if you develop CDevs (Control Panels) or anytime you have a large resource file and you only want to change one resource in it.Subj: COOKIE - Fortune Cookie Utility Date: August 5, 1991 From: M Wolfgram File: COOKIE.SHK (129213 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 27 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Marc Wolfgram EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS - a hard disk would be nice. NEEDS: GS/OS System 5.0 or later OS: APW/ORCA FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: COOKIE Fortune ORCA APW shell utility quotes This is a new (read - rewritten) version of a fortune cookie program I originally wrote in 1986. This is the first version to utilize resources exclusively for the foutune data base (over 1300 entries - all rCString resources) and it demonstrates how fast the resource manager is for random data access (pretty slick). The data base itself came from several sources, including DECUS, MIT, Berkley and points beyond. Because the each fortune is a rCString resource, you can add to the database at will and it will only enhance this already useless-but-cute program. Subj: Lpr V1.1 - File Printing Utility Date: July 28, 1991 From: ChamlnSoft File: LPRV1.1 (27642 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 47 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Chameleon Software EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs, printer NEEDS: APW / ORCA, SSW 5.0.3 or higher, something to print OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Lpr File Printing print APW ORCA shell utility printer This is version 1.1 of Lpr, a file printing utility for the Orca and APW development environments. Lpr allows you to control your Imagewriter I, II, or LQ printers to the fullest. Now you can print your files in condensed mode, with full printing to the right edge of the paper with NO messy overprinting. Some other feature include : Line numbering Page headers and footers Add left margin for 3 ring binders Embedded formfeeds User selectable typefaces and page lengths and much more!! Lpr is shareware, enjoy! Original download count: 31 Subj: Visit Monitor CDA from FTA Date: July 22, 1991 From: AFA Parik File: VMONITER.II (1590 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 147 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: FTA EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs FILE TYPE: PIF (Permanant Initialization File) ----------------- Keyword: Visit Monitor CDA Desk Accessory FTA debug debugging This is FTA's replacement for the built in debugging/utility CDA on the Apple IIgs. Simply install into your */SYSTEM/SYSTEM.SETUP subdirectory, reboot your computer, and enter the CDA menu to enter it. Its great for quick debugging sessions and any fast-hacks... The source is in the source-code library. Subj: Browse v2.0 ORCA/APW Utility Date: July 15, 1991 From: Lord Fly File: BROWSE2.0.SHK (10111 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 56 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Lord Fly EQUIPMENT: Apple //GS NEEDS: at least 1 meg, and a file, any file, ORCA or APW shell OS: GSOS/shell FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Browse APW ORCA shell utility text read type Browse v2.0 uses no tools (I hope) and directly accesses the text screen using the storage locations of text in banks $E0 and $E1. It is similar in idea with the previous version of Browse, however this one looks like a real text editor. It has an info bar at the top and allows you to scroll, jump and roll around in a file. This program does not discriminate file types, it will inform you if you try to give it something that does not exist. Features: line and page scrolls (up and down) control character displays in inverse the ability to convert all controls to dots I suggest you read the documents, which are of course included. The source code to this program will be uploaded to the appropiate section. --------------------------------------------------------------- FILE DESCRIPTION FROM ORIGINAL BROWSE UPLOAD: For those people who like to 'browse' through their text, binary, or any other type of file, here is the program for you. When you first use this program, it may look slow, but really it isn't, it is just efficient at what it does. And what does it do you ask? Well, this can be used in addition to your TYPE command. Docs are included. When you TYPE a file, it can go by in a blur, but not with BROWSE. Everything is set in 'pages' and you just browse through the document, using the arrow keys are the 0 through 9 keys (familiar keys) looking for whatever data. -------------------------------------------------------------Subj: Arc 3D Library & Source Date: July 11, 1991 From: AFA Parik File: ARC3DV1.00A.SHK (324613 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 2 minutes Download count: 53 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Andy McFadden EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: ORCA or APW Shell, ShrinkIt to unpack OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Arc 3D Library Animation Source Assembly ASM C Utility ORCA APW Here's the first release of Andy McFadden's ARC-3D library, a utility to develop 3d programs. Included is a library, documentation, sample source (to NOT MODULAE and NOT STELLAR 7), and examples (in C & Assembly). Its very easy to use and quite fast. Well worth picking up! Subj: UNIX coff utility (v1.0g) Date: July 7, 1991 From: Achin File: COFF.BIN.SHK (102899 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 19 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Albert Chin-a-Young EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ORCA/Shell, Gutenberg (for docs) or text file reader OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: coff utility UNIX dumpobj OMF Updated version of coff. Documentation is included in Gutenberg sr v3.0 format. If you don't have Gutenberg, mail me your address and I'll mail the documentation to you. coff is a rewrite of the apw/orca DumpObj utilities. It contains enhancements to both the output and a number of new features. This is v1.0g beta. Please notify me of any bugs and/or enhancements you would like to see to coff. coff only works with OMF files that are 100% correct. when coff is stable I will make modifications to check for bad OMF files. Approximately 80%-90% of the OMF records are handled. If you find one that is not handled correctly (probably because I could not duplicate that record) please notify me. There is a 'readme' file that gives a description of the major features of coff. Also, 'coff -h' gives a description of the features. Subj: Dirtools v1.0 -- Directory Stack Date: July 5, 1991 From: ChamlnSoft File: DIRTOOLS.SHK (22448 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 28 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Chameleon Software EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: APW / Orca shell OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: dirtools directory dir stack shell utility Three utilities that implement a LIFO stack of your prefixes. Just pushd to save your current prefix before running a S16 from the shell, and a popd to restore it. Ease the pain of developing a S16 under the Orca shell. Free from Chameleon Software, creators of Lpr! Subj: Hyper C Date: June 17, 1991 From: RdApl Ed File: HYPERC.SHK (105698 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 59 Uploaded on: America Online EQUIPMENT: Any 65C02 or better Apple, 5.25 inch disk & drive NEEDS: ShrinkIt to unpack OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Hyper C HyperC Compiler Hyper C, a small implimetation of C for most Apples. This archive opens to a 5.25" disk archive containing the compiler, an archived doc file, and a patch for it to run on a GS. I've not been able to get the patch to operate properly, but I'm told it works. If you figure out how, let me know. Users with only 5.25" drives, read the docs first for specific intructions on further configuration. LIBRARIAN'S NOTE: This ShrinkIt archive contains 3 files, at least two of which require further unpacking with ShrinkIt. One of the files is a 5.25 disk image, and requires a 5.25 drive to unpack. Subj: UNIX cd Utility (v1.2) Date: June 15, 1991 From: Achin File: CD.BIN.SHK (9962 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 33 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Albert Chin-a-Young EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: Orca shell OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: cd utility Unix directory catalog UNIX cd utility. supports: .. walking directories ./ index into current directory . current directory HOME environment variable default Set variable 'HOME' in your login file to your home directory and 'export' the variable. Then, when you 'cd', cd will change to the directory pointed to by HOME. Subj: 80-Column MBasic Window/Menu 1.1 Date: May 22, 1991 From: Achin File: WIN.MENU.MB.SHK (64816 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 9 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: albert chin-a-young EQUIPMENT: apple IIe NEEDS: Micol Advanced BASIC IIe, Merlin 8 OS: ProDOS 8 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: 80-Column Micol Advanced BASIC Window Menu Text This is the third installment in the 80-Column Window and Menu interface library. This version works with Micol Advanced BASIC v3.0 for the IIe. Make sure you have v3.0. Documentation, source, and a rather good demo are included. Let me know what you think of the demo. Subj: Command.COM Update Date: May 18, 1991 From: AFL Dyfet File: CMD.UPDATE.SHK (9390 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 67 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: David Sugar (AFL Dyfet) EQUIPMENT: Enhanced Apple IIe, Apple IIc, or Apple IIgs NEEDS: Command.COM V2.0.2 or curiosity about Command.COM FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Command.Com Update command com This update has a new 'inst' script for hard drive installation, a new readme/introduction file, and the missing 'sysinfo' and 'at' commands. This download may be viewed by non-Command.COM users if they wish to know more about Command.COM before spending an hour downloading. Command.COM will also appear in a format suitable for downloading by 5 1/4 users shortly. Conspiracies, crimes and coverups: Can't believe it happened? Are you sure? Read Parascope/Matrix.Discover Planet Out: A different orbit for gay and lesbian people in cyberspace.Subj: 80-Column Window Interface v1.1 Date: May 10, 1991 From: Achin File: WINDOW.ASM.SHK (22255 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 37 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Albert Chin-A-Young EQUIPMENT: Apple IIe,IIc,IIgs NEEDS: Merlin OS: ProDOS 8 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: window interface text library 80-column source This is a library of window routines for the 80-column screen. this is v1.1 of the library. i uploaded v1.0 quite a while back. the v1.1 of the menu library was upload just this week. this is the 2nd half to the story. Source code is included, in addition to documentation, and a sample program. Subj: 80-Column Menu Interface Date: May 8, 1991 From: Achin File: MENU.ASM.SHK (20822 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 30 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Albert Chin-A-Young EQUIPMENT: Apple IIe,IIc,IIgs NEEDS: Merlin 8 OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: 80-Column menu interface text Merlin assembly This is an 80-column Menu interface for Merlin 8 Assembly Language programmers. It is 1 of three parts. The 2nd part consists of an 80-column Window interface. The 3rd part consists of the Menu and Window interface for Micol BASIC IIe programmers. Documentation in AppleWorks 3.0 format is included along with the source code and a sample demo. Subj: ProDev DDT16 Init Date: May 5, 1991 From: Prodev File: DDT.INIT.SHK (4659 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 39 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Eric Naujock & Chuck Kelly EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS, ProDev DDT16 NEEDS: ShrinkitGS to unpack OS: GSOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: ProDev DDT16 Init debug debugger Init that will start up a ProDev DDT16 debugger during GSOS boot. Source code is included. Unpack with ShrinkitGS. Subj: Extensions to Complete Pascal Date: May 5, 1991 From: BillMack File: APASSTUFF.SHK (8627 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 50 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Bill Mack EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: Complete Pascal OS: GSOS FILE TYPE: Shrinkit Archive ----------------- Keyword: Complete Pascal extensions Read Write Apple Extensions to Complete Pascal to add BlockRead, BlockWrite, PwrOfTen and other routines that were in Apple Pascal. Subj: uuencode UNIX Utility Date: April 29, 1991 From: Achin File: UU.SHK (23303 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 44 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Andrew Tefft EQUIPMENT: Any Apple II NEEDS: ShrinkIt to unpack OS: ProDOS 8 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: UNIX uuencode uudecode utility This is UNIX uuencode and uudecode for the Apple II. This is a ProDOS 8 SYS program. Subj: C BSD Library Date: April 23, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: BSDLIB.SHK (17777 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 61 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jawaid Bazyar EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: APW/ORCA, ORCA/C to compile, ShrinkIt to unpack. OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive LANGUAGE: ORCA/C ----------------- Keyword: BSD C Library port porting source This is a library with a bunch of routines that make porting C source to the GS easier. Included is a routine for parsing command lines, one for getting directory entries, and one for memory handling (I think)... Enjoy! Subj: grep UNIX Port Date: April 23, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: GREP.SHK (29094 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 64 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jawaid Bayzar EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: APW/ORCA, Orca/C to recompile, ShrinkIt to unpack OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive LANGUAGE: ORCA/C ----------------- Keyword: UNIX grep shell utility C port find search This is a port of grep, the famous UNIX utility. If you don't know what grep is, you probably don't want to use it... :) Enjoy! Subj: C regexp Library Date: April 23, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: REGEXP.SHK (47514 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 43 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jawaid Bazyar EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: APW/ORCA, Orca/C to recompile OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive LANGUAGE: ORCA/C ----------------- Keyword: regexp C library unix source port regular expression This is a port of a UNIX regexp (regular expression) library. Use it for Find commands, such as in the egrep utility I'm going to upload in a few minutes, or for a door prop, or whatever you want. Really extremely useful! Enjoy! Subj: NiftyFile Date: April 8, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: NIFTYFILE.SHK (14849 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 141 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jonah Stich EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: NiftyList, ShrinkIt to unpack OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: NiftyFile Nifty List NiftyList file utility This is NiftyFile, a new module for NiftyList that does all sorts of cool flie things. It does everything you could possibly want, and if it doesn't, you know who wrote it, so you can send me mail asking me to add whatever it is... Enjoy! Subj: SED Utility Date: March 22, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: SED.SHK (61093 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 53 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Original: Eric Raymond EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: ORCA/APW, files, intelligence, ShrinkIt to unpack. OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: SED shell utility convert conversion This is a port of GNU's SED utility (which is an imitation of BSD 4.1's SED utility) for the IIgs. SED is a EXE file for ORCA/APW that takes input files, throws command files at them, and makes output files--basically it's used to convert something to something else. For instance, there is a demo included that converts a Pascal file to standard C! If you know what you're doing, you could probably do almost any text file to almost any other. Documentation is a "Man"(ual) page from GNU. Very powerful and seems well written. Source is included. Enjoy! Subj: Make Utility Date: March 22, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: MAKE.SHK (17032 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 60 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Brian Clark EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: ORCA/APW, a need to recompile files, ShrinkIt to unpack. OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Make shell utility This is another Make utility (ORCA EXE file). The author is obviously a programmer, as the docs aren't written in standard English. They're still understandable, though. If you do any programming with multiple files, this one is worth a look. Enjoy! Subj: Pop-out Menus Toolkit Date: March 19, 1991 From: DVS Softwr File: POPOUT.SHK (8503 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 184 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Doug Davies EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: Shrinkit GS to unpack. Has a resource fork. OS: GSOS v5.04 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Pop-out pop out menu toolkit demo Here it is. The Pop-out menus toolkit. The kit is complete. I will be uploading documentation soon for programmers to make them work in their applications. A demo program is included to show off the toolkit in the meantime. Have fun!!!! Copy the toolkit (TOOL069) to your SYSTEM/TOOLS directory and then launch the application. Subj: Arcade King DHRG Date: March 17, 1991 From: Clayburn File: ARCADEKINGD.SHK (64878 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 31 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Clayburn W. Juniel, III EQUIPMENT: Enhanced Apple //e, Apple IIe, IIgs NEEDS: Joystick and color monitor2 OS: ProDOS 8 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Arcade King DHR graphics animation shape sound music Arcade King DHRG is a program for creating and animating shapes and sounds to be used in other programs. There are animating routines to use the sounds in Applesoft, machine (assembly) language and Applesoft immediate mode. LIBRARIAN NOTE: If you use GSBug, remove it from memory (UNLOAD) prior to running this program. Otherwise you'll encounter a stack space conflict. Subj: ZPack Date: March 11, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: ZPACK2.SHK (41909 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 35 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Tim Meekins EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: System Disk 5.0.x, ShrinkIt to unpack. OS: GS/OS ----------------- Keyword: ZPack pack graphics SHR utility tool Okay, I admit, I only looked at this thing for a few minutes before uploading it. It's a picture packing/unpacking thingamabober. BUT, it's from the author of the rotating Z demo, so you can't go wrong, right? So, donwload it and play around! Enjoy! LIBRARIAN NOTE: You MUST put the TOOL230 file (included in this upload) in your System/Tools directory in order for the ZPack Master desktop program to function. Here is some more info on the upload: ZPACK 1 is a file format for storing compressed Super Hi-Res images on an Apple IIgs. ZPACKJ1 uses a proprietary algorithm for the actual compression. A toolset is available from the author for using both the ZPack algorithm and the ZPACK 1 file format and other additional formats. The ZPack toolset must be licensed from the author if it is to be used in a commercial computer program or application. Also included in this distribution is ZPACK MASTER, a program which packs and unpacks the various ZPACK file formats. The source code for ZPACK MASTER is also included as a teaching aid in using these tools. ZPACK MASTER is a shareware program and you, the user, are obligated to pay $10 if you feel the program is worth keeping and using. Make out all checks to "Tim Meekins". The mailing address is in the following section. The ZPACK toolset may be used within Public Domain programs for free if proper acknowledgment, such as RZPACK code written by Tim Meekins.S, is given in the program and documentation; otherwise, ZPACK may not be used. The ZPACK toolset can ONLY be used in a commercial software program, or other programs sold for profit, if a licensing agreement or written permission has been obtained from the author, Tim Meekins. Acknowledgment must also be given to the author in the program and documentation. Tim Meekins [ Zavtra Software] 8372 Morris Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 (614) 878-6557 meekins@bluemoon.uucp Subj: See Shell Utility Date: March 13, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: SEE.SHK (2475 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 37 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Chris McKinsey EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: APW, ORCA, Merlin or ProSel, pictures to view OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: See shell utility graphics display viewer This itsy-bitsy utility displays most known IIgs picture types (not 3200, though). It doesn't support wildcards, but pobody's nerfect. For the size, you really can't go wrong. Also, if no filnames are specified, will just turn on the SHR screen and wait for a key press--useful sometimes. Enjoy! Subj: Append Date: March 12, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: APPEND.SHK (17872 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 23 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Frank Petroski (I think) EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: APW or ORCA, Files, ShrinkIt to unpack OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Append shell utility join This is a utility like APDA's Join, but it also supports wildcards and will handle binary files properly. (It appends to files together). Short and to the point. Enjoy! Subj: ShellStuff Date: March 10, 1991 From: AFA Gary J File: SHELLSTUFF.SHK (49335 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 28 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jawaid Bazyar EQUIPMENT: IIgs NEEDS: APW/ORCA/M shell, System Disk 5.0.x or greater OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: shell utility more conv qtime cal now tar unix Originally uploaded by ShanoJ. This is a set of 6 new utilities for the APW or ORCA shells. Included is MORE, a file typer/pager, Conv, a file spiffer upper, QTime, which prints the time in English, Cal, which prints a calendar just like BSD 4.3, Now, a silly phrase thingy, and Tar, which unpacks UNIX TAR files. Source is avaliable in the source library. Enjoy! Subj: ZakPack - APW Shell Utilities Date: March 9, 1991 From: AFA Gary J File: ZAKPACK.SHK (84761 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 51 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Bryan Pietrzak EQUIPMENT: IIgs NEEDS: APW/Orca shells OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: shell utility cat copy pwd Originally uploaded by ShanoJ. This is a collection of maybe a dozen utilities for the APW shell. There are two categories: replacements for current utilities and completely new ones. There are replacements for Copy (resource support), Cat (better file listing), and a couple others. There are also new ones, such as PWD (Prints the current directory). You know my memory--I've forgotten more than half of 'em. If you use APW, download this--there are some REALLY useful things in here (brings APW into the world of 5.0.x FINALLY.) He uses the SysErrs file from the Tools and Interfaces package for good error reporting (although the utilities will work without the SysErrs file). Enjoy! Documentation is included. NOTE: Do NOT extract this to your ORCA/SYSTEM folder. There is a special script included to properly install the utilities into your ORCA/SYSTEM/UTILITES folder. Simply extract to some temporary place (like /Hard1/Temp). Subj: Big Crunch Thingy Date: March 5, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: BIGCRUNCH.SHK (7078 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 48 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jim Murphy EQUIPMENT: IIgs NEEDS: Resource files OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: resource fork compression This is a program that compresses resource forks. It's copies all the resources to another file, removing any extraneous space that has popped up due to resource deletion, etc. It'll also remove rRezName resources to save even more space. It's very well thought out, and although it doesn't do much, it does it really well. :) If you write resource programs and use Genesys (or some other resource editor) to make your resource forks (you don't get the extra space with Rez) you should GET THIS PROGRAM as it'll make your programs SMALLER. Enjoy! Subj: Low-Level Resource Editor v1.1 Date: March 3, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: LLRE.SHK (33368 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 179 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jason Coleman EQUIPMENT: IIgs NEEDS: System Disk 5.0.x, resource files OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Low Level Resource Editor LLRE Low-Level This is one of the awesomest utilities available to GS programmers. It does everything Genesys doesn't, such as allowing you to edit the individual bytes of resources and copy them between files. If you ever use resources in your programs, this is almost a MUST HAVE. It is VERY useful. Shareware: $25. Enjoy! Subj: Pixie - Debugging Utility Date: March 3, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: PIXIE.SHK (54099 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 64 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Richard Bennett EQUIPMENT: IIgs NEEDS: Debugging skill OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Pixie Debug debugging utility This is a debugging utility from Richard Bennett in Australia. It's kinda like NiftyList, in the same way that Merlin is like APW. They both do many of the same things, but this is more menu/command driven than NiftyList's command line operation. Also has come neat capabilites that NiftyList doesn't. If you're into programming and need to do some debugging from time to time, check this one out. Also interfaces well with Freda, avaliable separately. Enjoy! Subj: Freda - Debugging Utility Date: March 3, 1991 From: ShanoJ File: FREDA.SHK (8515 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 64 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Richard Bennett EQUIPMENT: IIgs NEEDS: Pixie (optional) OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Freda debugging debug utility This is a utility for debugging. It's a little bit like GSBug (well, very little). It works well with Pixie, uploaded separately. Installs itself on the COP vector to aid in your debugging. Enjoy! Subj: C string library Date: January 29, 1991 From: ChamlnSoft File: STRLIB.SHK (5984 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 131 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Chameleon Software EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS, enough memory to run APW/Orca NEEDS: APW or Orca shell and a C compilier OS: GSOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: C string library A set of C functions that allow the programmer greater flexiblity when dealing with strings. Includes strdup, strpad, strrpad, strpblnks, strrpblnks, strlwr, strupr, stricmp, strincmp, and others. This library is CommentWare, you may use it, but we'd like to hear from you. Send comments to ChamlnSoft. Use ShrinkIt to unpack. Subj: TaskMaster CDA v1.1 Date: January 19, 1991 From: ChrisMIPS File: TASKMASKCDA.SHK (12103 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 67 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Chris Maytag EQUIPMENT: Nothing special. NEEDS: A burning need to call TaskMaster. OS: GSOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: TaskMaster TaskMask CDA Desk accessory C Source This is a slight revision of my TaskMask CDA. The first version was never released. The last version reversed all the TaskMask bits, this one doesn't. This CDA takes a TaskMask and simply lists which flags are set and what they mean. So far, it only accepts the TaskMask in binary form, hex will be added soon. Source is included, in ORCA/C. Packed with ShrinkIt GS. Subj: PageSaver V1.1 Date: January 15, 1991 From: ChamlnSoft File: PAGESAVER.SHK (10705 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 26 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Chameleon Software EQUIPMENT: Apple II GS NEEDS: APW or Orca Shell OS: GSOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Shell utility PageSaver printer PageSaver is a utility for the APW / Orca shell that implements a "demand page" feature for the ImageWriter II and LQ. This is version 1.1 which fixes a bug that caused intermittent operation. Please send any comments to ChamlnSoft. Shareware $5. Subj: Basic Designer V1.1 Date: January 10, 1991 From: NathanG File: BASDSIGN1.1.SHK (115896 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 16 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: GreenThumb Software EQUIPMENT: //GS NEEDS: AC/Basic OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Basic AC/Basic designer window design Basic Designer permits the user to prototype windows for use in AC/Basic programs. The program allows the user to add text, buttons and edit fields to the design window, and generates the appropriate source code. This version has improved variable management, and better manages limitations of the AC/Basic text buffer. Registered users will be receiving this update. Basic Designer permits definition of four window types (Document, Alert Dialog, Plain Dialog, and Modal Dialog), four button types (Round, Square, Check and Radio buttons), four edit field types with varied formats, and static text with different font specifications. Subj: Complete TWGS Interface v1.1 Date: January 6, 1991 From: Scapino File: TWGSINTF.SHK (6625 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 57 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Kurt Herman/AO Scapino EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: Complete Pascal/TML Pascal II, ShrinkItGS to unpack. OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: TWGS TransWarp GS interface Pascal TML Complete Here is the latest version (1.1) of my TWGS interface for Complete Pascal/TML Pascal II. Thanks to Scott Johnson-aka DevScott, for furnish me with a NDA, from within which, the interface did not work. The interface now works great for creating NDA's that access the TWGS routines. These routines are for changing speed, finding the maximum speed, and the current speed. This update also returns a good string for TWGS speeds greater then 10 mhz. Read the read me file for the straight poop. Kurt LIBRARIAN'S NOTE: The souce code for this program is available in the source code section, here in the Apple II Development Forum. Subj: Complete Stack/ShadowCopy Intf. Date: December 30, 1990 From: Scapino File: STACKCOPY.SHK (35582 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 73 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Kurt Herman/AO Scapino EQUIPMENT: AppleIIgs NEEDS: Complete Pascal/TML Pascal II, not needed to run Demo. OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt GS Archive ----------------- Keyword: interface complete tml pascal animation stack shadow copy This SHK file contains an Interface for Complete Pascal/TML Pascal II, that allows you to do VERY fast animation using Stack/Shadow copy. It contains several routines that you call from your own program, and the unique thing about this StackShadow copy routine is that it allows you to set the size and placement of the area to be copied, from full screen, to a teeny, tiny, infinitesimal , worthless speck of an area. Unpack with ShrinkItGS, and read the read me file! Included is a demo I cooked up using the StackCopy routines. You don't need Complete Pascal, or TML Pascal II to run the Demo. But you do need them if you intend on writing your own world shattering programs;) You can run the demo from the folder it comes in, or drag it to the desk top. But the demo needs to be with the included graphic file, and shape file. The Demo starts up a simple 320 mode desk top, with full NDA support. It opens an alert style window, when you select "Start the Doogn", and the guy walks accross inside the alert window, over and over again, until you fall into a coma. THIS IS FREEWARE!! Go mad with it. Have fun! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Kurt Herman/AO Scapino Subj: Command.COM Toolkit (SHK) Date: December 9, 1990 From: AFL Dyfet File: TOOLKIT.SHK (69941 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 34 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: David Sugar EQUIPMENT: Enhanced Apple IIe, Apple IIc, or Apple IIgs Computer NEEDS: ShrinkIt 3.0.3, Command.COM, and Merlin Assembler OS: ProDOS 8 Keyword: Command.Com Command Com Toolkit The Command.COM Toolkit provides the utilities and include files you will need to create new external command programs for the Command.COM shell. Sample source from several actual utilities is also included. This product is distributed as shareware. Registered users will receive the Command.COM technical reference with full API/Command.COM internals documentation. Subj: Command.COM (SHK) II Date: December 5, 1990 From: AFL Dyfet File: COMMAND.SHK (230985 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 2 minutes Download count: 51 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: David Sugar EQUIPMENT: Enhanced Apple IIe, Apple IIc, or Apple IIgs w/ 3.5 drive NEEDS: ShrinkIt and a 3.5 disk to unpack OS: ProDOS 8 Keyword: Command.Com Command Com shell environment Shareware ProDOS 8 command shell and communications environment which supports true I/O redirection, piping, batch scripts, environments, wildcard filenames, external commands, etc. Command.COM is compatible with most Kyan KIX utilities. Communications environment supports loadable device drivers, terminal emulation, and X/Ymodem file transfers. Subj: MyGIF IIGS v1.4 Date: December 2, 1990 From: Dave L32 File: MYGIF1.4.SHK (11135 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 98 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Dave Leffler EQUIPMENT: IIGS NEEDS: Gif 87a or 89a pictures and a shell like ORCA OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: mygif gif shell utility viewer This is an updated version of the simple shell command to view a GIF graphic. This version speeds up the conversion some and allows for GIF 89a graphics also. This utility does not save the converted graphic, but doesn't prevent it from being saved by a screen dump utility. Look for the ORCA/C source code in the Source Code library here in the Apple II Development Forum. Use ShrinkIt to unpack. Subj: 360 Text Toolkit Help Utility Date: November 26, 1990 From: GRMORRISON File: MICROHELP.SHK (47698 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 17 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Gary R. Morrison EQUIPMENT: GS NEEDS: Orca/C OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: 360 Text Toolkit help utility C MicroSystems interface MicroHelp is a help utility for 360 MicroSystems Text Toolkit C interface. It lists each call, a description of the call, page numbers, and the prototype in C. You can paste the prototype into your source code using the system clipboard. MicroHelp can also be added as a utility to Max/Edit. Subj: An Icon File that DOES SOMETHING Date: November 13, 1990 From: Phantom Jr File: INACTIVE.ICONS (10674 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 320 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Seth E. Ober EQUIPMENT: GS NEEDS: the Finder. An RGB monitor is preferred OS: GS/OS ----------------- Keyword: Icon file active inactive CDevs CDA DA NDA Init FINALLY! An icon file that ACTUALLY DOES SOMETHING. This icon file is also a perfect complement for "IR" (a developer's utility from Apple). These icons are fully compatible with IR. IR IS NOT REQUIRED TO USE THESE ICONS. By placing the file in your "Icons" folder, you will be able to INSTANTLY TELL AT A GLANCE which CDEV's, DA's, Inits, Drivers, and FST's are activated. If they are, they will appear normally. If not, they'll have a red "X" through them. If you change the "Active/Inactive" state from the Icon Info window in the Finder, the icon will immediately change to reflect the status as soon as you close and re-open the window. ENJOY! Subj: QInit 1.2 Date: November 1, 1990 From: MDavis File: QINIT.SHK (5440 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 118 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Morgan Davis EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: GS/OS, ShrinkIt OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: QInit shell utility initialize format HFS Macintosh QInit is a shell command (or S16 application by changing its type from EXE to S16) that quickly initializes disks using the *standard* GS/OS Format and Erase operating system calls. It is smart in that it will erase a disk instead of formatting it if it has already been initialized. Erasing takes two seconds, while complete initialization takes about a minute. It will, though, allow you to force a format of a pre-formatted disk using the -f (Format) option. QInit's unique feature is that it can initialize a disk with Macintosh HFS formatting using the -m (Macintosh) option. This creates "Untitled" 800K HFS diskettes readable by any Macintosh, or with A2FX. It does not require any special "FST" to do this; it simply lays down HFS blocks after the standard GS/OS format (or erase). Public domain, courtesy of the Morgan Davis Group. Use ShrinkIt to unpack. Subj: Windows, Menus for Micol BASIC Date: November 1, 1990 From: Achin File: MICOL.BASIC.SHK (85163 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 28 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Albert Chin-A-Young EQUIPMENT: Apple IIe/IIc NEEDS: Micol Advanced BASIC, Assembler OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Window Menu Micol BASIC 80-column This archive contains 80-column Windows and Pull-Down Menus for Micol Advanced BASIC IIe/IIc. The documentation goes over full installation information. There are also version for machine language and Morgan Davis' OMM interface, which should appear here soon. I've just gotta write the docs. Special thanks to Dru Nelson for help in optimizing the code ( Use ShrinkIt to unpack. Subj: Easy Cursors v1.01 Date: September 24, 1990 From: NathanG File: CURSOR1.01.SHK (95515 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 13 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: GreenThumb Software EQUIPMENT: Apple //GS NEEDS: AC/Basic OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Easy Cursors Cursor create utility AC/BASIC BASIC This version of Easy Cursors corrects a bug in the previous upload of the program that resulted in duplication of the generated cursor source code. This situation occurred when the 'Save to clipboard' option was selected but the AC/Basic clipboard was not available, and the 'Save to disk' option was then selected. Easy Cursors is a simple program that allows programmers to design custon cursors for use with Super HiRES and Ultra HiRes AC/Basic programs. The program writes the code for the new cursor that can be incorporated in the user's program source code. Easy Cursors writes the code to either the AC/Basic clipboard or a separate text file which can be loaded by the Ac/Basic editor. Subj: Tiling: Tile & Map Editor v2.0 Date: September 17, 1990 From: CompWizA File: TILING.2.0.SHK (14301 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 117 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jim Asta NEEDS: Apple IIgs, ShrinkIt OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Tile Map editor creator tiling Here are MapMaker and TileGrabber version 2.0. This release fixes a few bugs and has a palette load/save feature. The TileGrabber allows you to "grab" tiles off the screen (you can load $C0 and $C1 pics), and then save them as a tile "set" (= 256 thirty-two byte (8 x 8 pix) tiles). These tiling conventions are primarily from Brian Greenstone's article in the former Call-A.P.P.L.E. Use this in conjunction with the Map Maker included in this upload. The Map Maker allows you put together a map of tiles in a set (the real map consists only of the tile's numbers). Again, the conventions used are from Brian Greenstone's Call-A.P.P.L.E. article. THESE PROGRAMS ARE SHAREWARE, if you want to help an Apple programmer program great games for the GS, send the fee. Also, I love getting mail and I WILL read any problems/suggestions/bugs. -Jim Use ShrinkIt 3.0 or greater to unpack. Subj: No Slot Clock Patch - Prodos 1.9 Date: September 6, 1990 From: NigelB File: NSC.PATCH.SHK (2232 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 117 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Nigel Broder EQUIPMENT: Any Apple with a No Slot Clock NEEDS: No Slot CLock and SMT's INSTALL software. OS: PRODOS (8 bit) FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: No Slot Clock Patch P8 ProDOS 8 A patch to allow the No Slot Clock INSTALL software to correctly recognize and patch PRODOS 1.9. A very short instruction file is included with the text file that patches Install. Please use backups to test everything before using the patched PRODOS on your hard drive - practice safe hex! Use ShrinkIt to unpack. Subj: uEMACS 3.10e Rel. 2 Date: September 1, 1990 From: MDavis File: UE310E2.PRG.SHK (172247 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 57 Uploaded on: America Online EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ShrinkIt OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: uEMACS MicroEMacs This second release of MicroEMACS 3.10e includes the following features and enhancements: * Reloads from memory in three seconds or less! Linked with Apple's newest (less-buggy) LinkIIGS linker, not the old 1.0 version of ByteWorks LINKED. * No longer scans all mounted devices upon startup (bug fix) * Provides a "Num Lock" feature to allow for real numeric keypad input (not just function key simulation) by using the Caps Lock key. * Enhanced EMACS.RC file that correctly sets modes and attributes based on the file being editted. Example: makes the tab key insert spaces when editing assembly code. * Includes CTAGS *and* CMDFIX utilities * Help file and short tutorial also included. Use ShrinkIt to unpack. Subj: uEmacs v3.10 Documentation Date: August 29, 1990 From: DougMac File: UE.310.DOCS.SHK (147876 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 36 Uploaded on: America Online EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS OS: GSOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: uEMACS MicroEMACS Documentation Documentation and sample command files for uEmacs v3.10.. The author of uEmacs does not have the time to maintain documentation, as this documentation is a little out of date, and not complete.. The sample command files show a wide variety of programming examples for uEmacs.. Use ShrinkIT to unpack. Subj: Login file ALIAS List Utility Date: July 6, 1990 From: ChrisMIPS File: ALS.SHK (14924 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 36 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Chris Maytag EQUIPMENT: ORCA or APW Shells NEEDS: a login file that contains ALIAS commands FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Login alias Orca list This is a real quickie utility that I wrote primarily for myself. I have several ALIAS command definitions in my LOGIN file under ORCA, and I needed an easy way to remind myself of what they were when I forgot them or added new ones. This utility will display a nice little formatted list of all of your defined commands, and what you have them defined as. It may require a wee bit of re-formatting for youe login file, but that's easy. This is public domain. Write me if you find it useful, annoying, dangerous, funny, silly, brilliant, priceless, or simply in need of new features. Enjoy! Subj: Codemaster Micol Basic Lib Demo Date: June 30, 1990 From: RMY File: MAB.BXY (53760 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 40 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Walter Torres-Hurt/R. M. Yost EQUIPMENT: Apple II GS NEEDS: an interest in Micol Advanced Basic OS: GS/OS 5.02 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Codemaster Micol BASIC library demo window desktop This file is a demo of the window management capabilities of the soon-to-be-released CodeMaster Collection library for Micol Advanced BASIC. The demo includes multiple windows with smooth scrolling. Scrolling is supported by an assembly language routine that is linked into your Micol Basic program by the Micol Basic Linker. This routine and many others will be included in the first release of the Desktop library. Please leave E-Mail about the library in general for CodeMaster or about the demo or window routines for RMY. This file was packed with Shrinkit GS. Subj: DYA Purge Utilities (SHK) Date: June 29, 1990 From: The Mouse2 File: DYAPURGE.SHK (4748 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 81 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jim Maricondo EQUIPMENT: IIgs NEEDS: ShrinkIt to Unpack OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: utility purge DYA Contains two purge related utilities. Both use Ken Kashmarek advice of doing a UserShutdown for tool files to avoid messing up the System Loader as described in the Autumn 1989 Call Apple. NOTE: Both utilities are S16 files and do not require APW or ORCA shell. Subj: Cache command Date: May 24, 1990 From: GlynneT File: APW.CACHE.SHK (2051 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 62 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jeff Noxon EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: ORCA/ECP-16/APW/ProSel 16 shell or compatable shell OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: utility cache GS/OS BeginSession EndSession These commands send commands to GS/OS to turn on and off write deferred caching. (begin session/end session calls) A strong sugestion -> READ THE DOCS FIRST <- For safety instructions. Use ShrinkIt to unpack. Subj: SoundSmith Toolset Date: May 23, 1990 From: AFA Parik File: SSTOOLSET.SHK (19947 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 328 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Parik Rao EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: assembly language expierence (65816) FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Soundsmith toolset tool Now you too can play soundsmith songs in your own program! Here is a toolset that allows you to do just that. Fairly simple to use, it will even LOAD THE SONG IN FOR YOU!! Documentation is included, as is a ** SAMPLE PROGRAM SOURCE CODE ** that is a desktop soundsmith player. The sample program is in 65816 assembly, specifically Orca/APW. Subj: ModemTool Modem Toolset!! Date: May 20, 1990 From: Ron Basset File: MODEMTOOL.SHK (32112 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 220 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Ron Bassett EQUIPMENT: Apple ][GS w/Modem connected to modem port NEEDS: Orca Pascal, TML Pascal, or APW/Orca Assembler OS: GSOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Disk Archive ----------------- Keyword: toolset tool communications Modem ModemTool Pascal Assembly This is a toolset that you can use to create terminal programs or BBSs. It is a set of functions and procedures that allow you to use Orca Pascal, TML Pascal 2, and/or Orca/APW assembler to create these kinds of programs. Full access to the GS's modem port is granted with this tool! A neat shareware program with example programs with lots of source code in Orca Pascal, TML Pascal 2, and Orca Assembler.... a must have! Subj: Extract V1.4, Utility for ORCA/C Date: May 13, 1990 From: Damien9 File: EXTRACT.SHK (21181 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 70 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jeff Paquette EQUIPMENT: IIGS NEEDS: Orca / APW shell , printer optional OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Extract utility C function The latest version of Extract, a command line shell utility for the APW/Orca environment. Scans a C source file for a function, then copies it to the printer or another file. This upload fixes a bug when appending to an existing file. Extract can now find a function that has a space betweent the function name and the (). Please send any comments / complaints to me here on AOL. This is a Function Source code extractor for Orca and APW C. Shell utility scans your source file and copies a specified function to the printer or to another file. Great for splitting up those large source files ... or for selectively printing out single function. You *MUST* have either Orca or APW C to use this utility. This upload contains the EXE and a help file. Docs are included. The source code is available in the source code library here on AOL. Use ShrinkIT version 3.01 or greater to unpack. Subj: ModemManager Toolset! Date: May 12, 1990 From: ChrisMIPS File: MODEMMAN.BXY (12288 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 160 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: See file EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs OS: GSOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: ModemManager Modem Manager Tool Toolset This is a user toolset that provides basic modem interface functions. DL'd orginally from GEnie's A2Pro library. See file for (C) info, author, docs, etc. Subj: GOTOXY command for APW/ORCA Date: May 12, 1990 From: Rgibson File: GOTOXY.BXY (7168 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 63 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Russ Gibson EQUIPMENT: IIGS NEEDS: APW, ShrinkIt to unpack OS: GSOS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- This is a command to allow you to set the cursor posistion from either the command line or from within a Exec file for APW/ORCA. I haven't tested it on ORCA, but I know it works with APW. Doc's included. Source included. Sample file Exec included. Send questions/comments to rgibson. Subj: MD-BASIC Demonstration Date: May 9, 1990 From: MDavis File: MDBDEMO.SHK (36509 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 60 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Morgan Davis EQUIPMENT: IIGS or enhanced IIe, IIc, or IIc+ NEEDS: ShrinkIT to unpack OS: ProDOS-8 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- This demonstration of MD-BASIC is informative and entertaining. Written totally in MD-BASIC, a structured Applesoft language, the demo has nearly ten minutes running time of animated user interaction, extolling the virtues of MD-BASIC. (See the May 1990 A2-Central for a brief review on page 6.31 and also in the Catalog). Funny, enlightening, well worth downloading if your an Applesoft BASIC programmer. MD-BASIC allows you to write your Applesoft programs using your favorite word processor or text editor. Use long descriptive variable names, named subroutines (no line numbers), and IF-THEN-ELSE, DO-LOOP, REPEAT-UNTIL, and WHILE-WEND loops. Use all the comments you like (they appear in your source text, but not in your finished program), and don't worry about reserved words in variable names. Use the optimization feature to produce tight, compact Applesoft. Use #include to add pre-written modules from libraries to a program; use #define to create more readable programs that use defined constants and code macros. MD-BASIC translates your text file into standard Applesoft. Since MD-BASIC produces standard Applesoft code, its program are compatible with any enhancement Applesoft can use, such as ampersand packages and the Beagle Compiler. Programs created with MD-BASIC will run on any computer that runs Applesoft. "MD-BASIC has several advanced features to eliminate the pitfalls of normal Applesoft." -- Dennis Doms, A2-Cental Subj: The Shape Maker Date: April 22, 1990 From: JonahS File: SHAPES.SHK (32940 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 160 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jonah Stich EQUIPMENT: IIgs, System disk 5.0.x or greater NEEDS: Pictures ($C0 or $C1) OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- This is an awesome program that allows you to 'clip' bit mapped shapes out of a picture and save them into a file to use for animation. It also allows you to edit and save palettes, and shape tables can be password protected so that no one can use your table without you telling them the password. Also included is some sample source code to show you how to load and display the shapes from the tables. Another quality product from Bad Luck Software! Enjoy!! JonahS Use ShrinkIt to unpack. This program is shareware, $15. Subj: MODIFIERS command for APW/ORCA Date: April 22, 1990 From: Matt DTS File: MODIFIERS.BXY (1792 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 69 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Matt Deatherage EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: APW/ORCA shell OS: P16-GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- MODIFIERS is an APW/ORCA shell command that reads the modifiers register and sets several shell variables based on its content. Useful, for example, if you like to switch between LINK and LINKIIGS by holding down the option key during your build script. Or, you might want to hold down the Open Apple key on boot to enter ORCA/Desktop. Copyrighted, but free. Subj: APW/ORCA Home command Date: April 22, 1990 From: Rgibson File: HOME.BXY (3200 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 80 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Russ Gibson EQUIPMENT: IIgs NEEDS: APW/ORCA OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- This is a command file that will clear the screen and home the cursor - you know, like the applesoft home command. Finally got tired of my screen scrolling. Send questions/comments to RGibson Subj: APW/ORCA Purge Utility (SHK) Date: March 13, 1990 From: JasonL29 File: PURGE.SHK (6144 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 130 Uploaded on: America Online NEEDS: APW or ORCA shells OS: GS/OS or P16 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- A utility to purge memory under the APW or ORCA shell. This purge has been extended to include Chris Haun's idea of asking the memory manager for 10 meg to improve memory compacting. 65816 source code provided. Unpack with ShrinkIt. Subj: Programmer Font - Updated Date: March 4, 1990 From: RobertHess File: PROGRAMMER.FON (1951 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 128 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Robert B. Hess EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: Any program that allows user selection of font OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- This is a 8-point font mono-spaced font that looks a lot like Shaston. It was designed for use with TML Pascal so that it would not be neccessary to program with a proportional spaced font, or with Courier. This is an updated version of the one I posted earlier. There is only one change made that if you have already downloaded the earlier version, you can do yourself if you have a Font editor. Change the font size, from 8 to 9. When using the font, you will still want to specify a size of '8' for the font. This will not change the 'bitmap' of any displayed character, but instead will compress some of the whitespace around the characters to allow more characters per line. -RobertHess NOTE: Use ShrinkIt to unpack this font into the SYSTEM/FONTS directory of your boot volume. Subj: Merlin -> APW File Converter Date: March 4, 1990 From: JonahS File: CONVERT.SHK (12622 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 99 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jonah Stich EQUIPMENT: IIGS, System Disk 5.0 NEEDS: ShrinkIt to unpack, Merlin files to convert OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- This is a short little file that converts Merlin (.S) files so that they can be read by the APW editor (or any other, for that matter.) (It simply changes the ASCII values of the source file so it can be read by the APW editor.) It is VERY useful! It uses the new SFMultiGet2 call, thereby enabling it to convert more than one file at a time. Source is included for those who would like to see how to use the new call. This file requires ShrinkIt to unpack. ShrinkIt can be found in the Communications library and in the Utilities and Desk Accessories Library. Subj: Math Utility for Orca/APW Date: February 19, 1990 From: AFA Parik File: MATH (996 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 55 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: parik rao EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: APW/Orca/Prosel FILE TYPE: EXE ----------------- I whipped up this wee little program today (source code in source code library) after I couldn't find my calculator and wanted to add some source code sizes. Its small, simple, and easy to use. To install just add it into your SYSCMND library [you can rename the utility if you wish] and use the format MATH *U math utility the little *U means "restartable utility". the format for usage is MATH x+-*/y+-*/z+-*/q... so a typical line would be MATH 887+114+3-445/35*55555 it does *not* support numbers larger than 65536 (although the result can be); it does not support anything besides integers; it doesn't do grouping but instead goes through the math line one function at a time. I use it to add the size of my source code files together after a catalog =asm, if you want you can grab the source code and modify it to support signed integers, fractions [sane tools], parenthesis, etc. If ya do please upload it! Subj: TICK v1.2 - File Date Comparator Date: February 14, 1990 From: Coach101 File: TICK1.2 (12862 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 39 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Greg Queen EQUIPMENT: IIgs NEEDS: APW, ORCA, or compatible shell OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- This is a revision to the TICK utilitily (v1.0). Version 1.0 will encounter difficulties with system software 5.0 and WILL drop some random characters in random memory locations. If you are using 1.0, you *NEED* to get and use this version. A new option, +/-n has been added which will cause TICK to tell you what file is triggering the BaseIsOlder condition. Complete documentation and installation instructions are included in the ShrinkIt package you will get when you download this file. Subj: Micol Advanced BASIC GS Demo Date: February 1, 1990 From: Micol Sys File: MAB.DD.SHK (229332 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 2 minutes Download count: 74 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Micol Systems EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs with a 3.5" drive or a hard disk NEEDS: ShrinkIt to unpack OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- This demo disk contains a large program entirely written with Micol Advanced BASIC GS which shows MAB's sophisticated capabilities and power. It also includes the Micol Advanced BASIC editor, so you can see how fast it is for yourself. When you use the editor, turn your repeat speed way up and watch the editor fly! Also on the disk is subdirectory called "READ.THESE.FILES" which gives more info about Micol Advanced BASIC. Boot GS/OS into the Finder and double click on the file "Micol.Adv.Demo" to start the demo. Use ShrinkIt to unpack this file. Subj: Archimedes - Merlin 8 enhancemnt Date: December 23, 1989 From: SteveL39 File: ARCHIMEDES.BQY (38912 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 28 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: TC Wilson EQUIPMENT: anything that runs Merlin 8 NEEDS: Merlin 8 V2.58, ShrinkIT to unpack OS: ProDOS 8 ----------------- This is a nice enhancement program for Merlin 8. It fixes some annoying bugs and adds some new opcodes, as well as giving you the capability to add your own. It comes with complete source code. This program is public domain, by TC Wilson. Merlin 8 V2.58 is required! V2.57 won't work! Subj: AppleTalk NDA & CDev Date: December 6, 1989 From: Coach101 File: APPLETALK (20997 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 125 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Greg Queen EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs Connected To An AppleTalk Network NEEDS: ShrinkIt To Unpack OS: SysSoftware 5.0 FILE TYPE: $E0 ----------------- This package contains an NDA that will a) show the active sockets on the network, b) display the current status of your network printer, c) display the status of the Apple IIgs Remote Print Manager, and d) display various information about AppleTalk within the Apple IIgs. The CDev will allow you to change the timeout value used by the Remote Print Manager. You must unpack this file to a blank, 800k disk, using ShrinkIt. Subj: Dos Mistress Date: November 2, 1989 From: St John2 File: DOS.MIST.SHK (6190 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 27 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: St. John Morrison EQUIPMENT: Any Apple // NEEDS: Merlin Pro (DOS 3.3 version), ShrinkIT to unpack OS: DOS 3.3 FILE TYPE: $E0 ----------------- Works with Glen Bredon's DOS MASTER and his Merlin Pro assembler (DOS 3.3 version). Allows you to use [D]isk to scroll through a list of slot/drive entries that you can define. Comes with source, object, and docs. Freeware Subj: Merlin YREF Date: November 2, 1989 From: St John2 File: YREF.BQY (3456 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 18 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: St. John Morrison EQUIPMENT: Apple //e, //c, //c+, //gs NEEDS: Merlin Pro (DOS 3.3 version), ShrinkIT to unpack OS: DOS 3.3 FILE TYPE: BIN ----------------- This is a USER utility for the DOS 3.3 version of Merlin Pro. After assembling a program, load in a special "equivalence file" (pretty much just a list of ROUTINE_NAME = $xxxx) and type USER. You'll get back a list of the actual addresses for the references, which you can then save as a text file and INCLUDE in other programs. Source, object, and docs are included. Use ShrinkIT to unpack. Subj: UNZIP Ver 2.0 Date: October 25, 1989 From: MartinP6 File: UNZIP20.SHK (128175 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 187 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Sam Smith et al. EQUIPMENT: Apple //gs NEEDS: APW or ORCA/M shells, ShrinkIT to unpack OS: ProDOS 16 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIT packed file ----------------- This is the new version to "unzip" those MS-DOS "zip" files. It will unpack Version 1.02 and earlier zip files. UNZIP - Reads and unpacks MSDOS "ZIP" files. Includes source and object ported to the Apple gs by Martin E. Peckham. Also, there is a public domain "stripper" program that removes MSDOSisms from text files. Requires APW or ORCA shell. Use ShrinkIT to unpack.Subj: Perspective View - 3-D Package Date: September 26, 1989 From: AFA Gary J File: PV.3DTOOLS.SHK (60009 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 217 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Mark G. Munsen EQUIPMENT: Apple II+, IIe, IIc, IIGS NEEDS: ShrinkIt to unpack OS: ProDOS 8 V1.4 or greater FILE TYPE: Reserved ----------------- Perspective View is a toolkit that allows you to create, edit, and combine three dimensional shapes into a graphics module. Graphics modules can be placed with in your BASIC or 6502 assembly language programs to create impressive graphics and visual displays. Perspective View (PV) places powerfull graphics capabilities at your fingertips. These abilities include: * Real-time animation in excess of 10 frames/second (@ 2.6 MHz) * Simultaneous animation of up to 15 shapes * True 3-D perspective * Automatic 'edge-clipping' * Extended color dithering (16 colors on standard HiRes) * Multiple draw modes (color, B&W fine line, non-destructive) * Fully graphic Shape editor and viewer Additional features: * Executes on standard 64K or better Apple // computers * Non-Copy protected ProDOS version * Mouse and Joystick support during editing * Full Hard disk support To test the Perspective View toolkit for yourself, perform the following operations: 1. Get an initilized blank disk. 2. Set the volume name of the disk to "PERSPECTIVE". (optional) 3. If the disk is to be bootable, copy PRODOS (P8/vers 1.4 or later) to your blank disk. 4. Unpack all of the PV files to your disk using ShrinkIt. 5. If you are using a //gs, create a folder (subdirectory) called "ICONS". Move the file "PV.ICONS" into the folder. 6. You may wish to create a folder called "PV.3D.SHAPES", and move all of the files that are suffixed with ".3DS" into it. (optional) 7. Execute the file PV.SYSTEM to start Perspective View. If PV.SYSTEM is the first system program on your disk, then you may run PV by 'booting' the disk during power-on. Perspective View is Shareware. When you send in the $20 Shareware fee, you will be sent a nice laser printed manual. The PV manual provides a complete description of the toolkit operation. All aspects of creating, editing, and animating 3-D shapes are covered in detail. Additionally, step-by-step programming exeamples show how to create your own BASIC and assembly language programs with 3-D graphics. This file is packed with ShrinkIt. Subj: AppleSoft Shape Table Generator Date: August 24, 1989 From: Mick B File: THE.TABLER (10532 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 115 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Michael Black (Mick B) EQUIPMENT: Apple IIe, IIc, IIGS NEEDS: BASIC.SYSTEM OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: BAS (Basic program) ----------------- This is an Applesoft BASIC program that provides an area within itself for placing DATA statements of shape table data, and when the program is run, it does the work of installing the shape tables in memory. (You provide the shape table data, and this program will do the work of building the shape tables.) This isn't exactly just another shape table generator. Whenever you make a shape table, you start with graph paper, right? Then you draw a bunch of arrows to decide how to make the shape definition. Then you use a shape table editor and move a cursor around following all the vectors you've drawn already. This program lets you put all the vectors in data and then creates a shape table (with as many shapes as you want) from the data. The program will create the shape table & its index, allow you to look at and manipulate the shapes, save the table if you want it saved, and tell you what to POKE for the shape table pointer. It also has a lot of little niceties that make the program more enjoyable to use. It includes all the necessary documentation (in PRINT and REM statements) as well as a sample shape table in data. There is a small shareware fee of $5. Subj: Jay Woods Editor (ACU) Date: July 8, 1989 From: AFA Parik File: EDITOR.ACU (18465 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 149 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Jay Woods of course! EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs, 768k RAM NEEDS: APW or ORCA/M, ACU to unpack OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ACU ----------------- A complete editor for APW/ORCA. This is just the editor and the documentation! You may want to download the source code in the SOURCE CODE library. The original file came with only the source code, I went ahead and assembled & compiled the thing. I also compacted it and converted it into expressload format, so if you use system disk v5.0 it'll load up a bit faster. It'll still work on System Disk v4.0 or ProDOS 16!! Very nice editor, supports *2* files open at the same time, allows you to change source code format (assembly, pascal, C, etc) on the fly, very useful. AND you can customize it if you grab the source code! wow! Subj: Dialog Maker for Merlin 16 (ACU) Date: July 1, 1989 From: AFA Gary J File: DIALOG.MAKE.ACU (69820 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 57 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Steve Stephenson EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: Merlin 16 Assembler OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ACU LANGUAGE: Merlin 65816 Assembly Source Code Included ----------------- Dialog Maker by Steve Stephenson (the author of "Squirt" and "Squirt-16") A Public Domain program for Merlin 16 programmers. Dialog Maker will allow you to create a dialog window with controls and reshape & reposition the window and the controls. When you have it the way you want, it will write out a text file to disk containing the necessary template information in Merlin 16 style for inclusion in your source code. You may also save work in progress (in Dialog Maker format) to resume at a later date. Merlin 16+ source code is included in the upload. Things it won't do: It won't do windows (seriously, I believe regular windows are easy enough to make that a program of this type would be of dubious value). If you want to create a non-dialog window with controls, go ahead and use this program and just adjust the window's RECT later. It won't do menus (for the same reason). It won't handle more than one window at a time. It won't do 320 mode (which I think looks ridiculuous). It doesn't support editting a control's details; just delete it and make another. It won't do color; I had to leave something for you, didn't I? ----------------------------- Use ACU to unpack this file. Subj: Music Sequence Maker (ACU) Date: June 23, 1989 From: PGauthier File: SEQMAKER.ACU (80173 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 171 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Paul Gauthier EQUIPMENT: IIgs w/768K NEEDS: Music Studio song files to turn into Note Sequencer files. OS: GSOS FILE TYPE: ACU ----------------- The Music Sequence Maker is a IIgs utility for programmers who want to add musical scores to their programs. With it, a programmer can convert any Music Studio song file to a "Sequence" file in a format that can be played directly by the IIgs Note Sequencer tool set under interrupt control. This lets a program start a complex multi-instrument musical piece, then go off and do whatever the program has to do while the music plays in the background. Other features include loading and playing sequence files, playing digitized sound files, a file type changer, and file utilities such as delete, copy, and rename. Full documentation and sequence file format are included. This program is offered as "ShareWare with a BONUS". Source code is available. Subj: Execution Profiler V2.2 Date: June 20, 1989 From: MartinP6 File: PROFILE2.2.ACU (20789 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 57 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Martin E. Peckham EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: APW OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ACU ----------------- NOTE: This is Version 2.2 of my execution profiler. This has corrected documentation and enhanced timing statistics. This makes Version 2.1 obsolete. ----------------- This is an execution profiler for APW C or assembler. This is a shareware. The source can be obtained by writing the author. The purpose of an execution profiler is to determine where a program is spending the most time so that optimizations can be performed on those areas that will yield the most benefit. With the profile listing and a link map from the linker, the 'hot-spots' in the code are easily recognized. Revision history: The difference between v1.0 and v1.1 is that v1.1 supports assembler programs. Along with that support, installProfile now takes the program's starting address as an input parameter. The output of v2.0 correlates the timing statistics to the link map. installProfile now takes an additional parameter which is the name of the program. Version 2.1 is v2.0 with assembler support. Subj: Source Convert Demo (ACU) Date: June 10, 1989 From: HerbH1 File: SOURCE.CONV.ACU (17657 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 59 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Herbert Hrowal EQUIPMENT: Enhanced //e, //c, IIGS OS: ProDOS 8 FILE TYPE: ACU ----------------- This is for all you people who have ever gone to the trouble of converting source files from one assembler to another. Since this is a demo version, I only included the module that converts from APW/ORCA to Merlin, but when I recieve your registration fee ($10), I will send you the latest version with four (4) modules that will convert: Orca/M to Merlin Orca/M to Lisa816 Orca/M to Micol Macro Merlin to Orca/M To run this demo, all you need to do is unpack the file, put the files CONVERT.SYSTEM and SC.MOD.02.DEMO in the same directory, set the prefix to that directory and launch CONVERT.SYSTEM. When you are done, you will have a file that can be loaded directly into Merlin and, after some minor editing, can be assembled. If you need any more information, just read the documentation file and the info screen in the program. Subj: System Switch (ACU) Date: June 8, 1989 From: PaulD46 File: SYS.SWITCH.ACU (2754 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 226 Uploaded on: America Online AUTHOR: Paul Doty EQUIPMENT: Apple II GS, Hard disk NEEDS: System 5.0 (Just for the developers for now :( ) OS: Prodos 8 FILE TYPE: ACU ----------------- System.Switch is a short utility written in Basic that allows you to have both System 4.0 and System 5.0 on the same hard disk and to switch between the two quickly and easily. Great for running programs that are not yet 5.0 compatable. Please read the installation instructions carefully. Packed with ACU. ----------------- EDITOR'S NOTE: The principle that this program operates on should work for switching between any previous versions of the system software as well (i.e. System 4.0 and System 3.2). The program would have to be modified slightly, but that's's written in BASIC. Subj: PRINT v1.0 - APW Printer Utility Date: June 1, 1989 From: Greg Queen File: PRINT.ACU (29408 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 78 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Greg Queen EQUIPMENT: Apple II-GS NEEDS: APW (or compatible) Shell, ACU to unpack OS: GS/OS 4.0 FILE TYPE: ACU PRINT is a shell utility that enables you to print multiple TXT or SRC files at one sitting without intervention to keep the top of page correct for each file. It is not as good as a "spooler" in that the machine is tied up printing, but you can do something more productive than watching the printer and issuing TYPE commands after going to top of form. Additionally, PRINT will number lines, provide page headers, process embedded eject commands, and do rudimentary word wrapping (for those ALPE folder messages). Shareware - $15.00 Subj: Design Master Demo (ACU) Date: May 17, 1989 From: A2 4ever File: DSGN.MASTER.ACU (71806 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 148 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Chris Haun EQUIPMENT: IIGS NEEDS: ACU to unpack OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ACU This is a demo version of the shareware program Design Master, a prototyping aid for programmers. This program allows you to design and lay out windows, dialog boxes, & menus. All controls are supported in dialog boxes AND windows. You can quickly reposition items by simply clicking and dragging. Currently supports ORCA, APW & assembly source output, and C source output. The author has stated that he will be providing resource support for the new System Disk 5.0 also. Subj: Text Editor/Processor (ACU) Date: May 5, 1989 From: SteveGreve File: PDEDIT.ACU (53450 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 142 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Ramtrack Software EQUIPMENT: Any Apple II OS: ProDOS, DOS 3.3 FILE TYPE: ACU PD-Edit is a full functioned text editor/processor that's easy to use, includes MACROS and comes with it's own virus protection program. Program file is of BINARY type, and works under BASIC.SYSTEM in ProDOS 8. Shareware. Subj: TICK - APW File Date Comparison Date: April 23, 1989 From: Greg Queen File: TICK.ACU (13286 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 27 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Greg Queen EQUIPMENT: Apple II-GS NEEDS: APW (or compatible) shell, ACU to unpack OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ACU TICK is an APW (or compatible) shell utility for comparing the dates of a group of files against a "base file". TICK uses only GS/OS calls and will therefore be compatible with any file system that supports file modification dates and has an FST for use with GS/OS. TICK supports both the '=' and '?' forms of APW wildcarding. TICK can be used to automate the process of regenerating an entity after a sequence of changes to the component parts of the entity. By appropriately constructing an EXECUTE file, only those operations that are necessitated by the change(s) are done. TICK can be thought of as an "element" of a MAKE system. The advantage of a standalone utility over an automated MAKE system is that there is no pre-conceived notion of what needs to (or can) be done as the result of any particular dependency; i.e., you have total control of what action to take when a file is older or newer than another file. The disadvantage of a standalone utility over an automated MAKE system is that you, the programer, have to generate all of the commands yourself (no automation) in an EXECUTE file. Comments are solicited and will be welcomed with open arms. I place no constraints whatsoever on the use, distribution, modification, or whatever of TICK. Greg QueenSubj: Make (ACU) Date: April 9, 1989 From: MartinP6 File: PMAKE1.0.ACU (88266 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 58 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Martin E. Peckham EQUIPMENT: IIgs NEEDS: APW shell OS: ProDOS 16 or GS/OS FILETYPE: ACU Make is patterned after the Unix program by the same name. A great assist for developing large programs whether in C or assembler. The source is also available from the author. Additionally, the source for 'Unix-like' time functions is available. --------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE.DOC 'Make' is a much simplified version of the make utility on UNIX. 'Make' takes a file of dependencies (a 'makefile') and decides what commands have to be executed to bring the files up to date. These commands are either written directly to the file EXECMAKE or written to standard output. First, 'make' reads all of the MAKEFILE. It then proceeds through all of the file name arguments, 'making' each one in turn. A file is remade if it is out of date with respect to the files it depends on or if the file is non-existent. Dependencies are processed in a 'tree' fashion, so that the lowest-order files are remade first. An example makefile: # this line is a comment PROGRAM PROGRAM.ROOT @LINK 2/START PROGRAM 2/STACK2K KEEP=PROGRAM @COPY -C PROGRAM /PROG.DISK PROGRAM.ROOT PROGRAM.C PROGRAM.H STDIO.H @COMPILE PROGRAM.C KEEP=PROGRAM In the above example, 'PROGRAM' is a dependent file. It is dependent on PROGRAM.ROOT. PROGRAM.ROOT is dependent on PROGRAM.C, PROGRAM.H and STDIO.H. If the following command is issued at the shell prompt: # make then make will check to see if any of PROGRAM.C, PROGRAM.H or STDIO.H has a newer date and time than PROGRAM.ROOT. If so, then the compile instruction is written to EXECMAKE, then the link instruction followed by the copy command. If only PROGRAM.ROOT is newer than 'PROGRAM', then only the link and copy steps would be written to EXECMAKE. There are two example make files on the disk. I use each when I work on make. The file MAKEFILE, handles all the source files to make 'MAKE.'. I use the file BACKUP, when I use my RAM disk for development. BACKUP automatically backs up any files that have changed. Subj: ProDOS Commands (ACU) Date: April 9, 1989 From: Gullik File: PRO.COMMAND.ACU (31802 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 212 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Steven Humpage EQUIPMENT: Any Apple II NEEDS: ProDOS and BASIC.SYSTEM OS: ProDOS FILETYPE: ACU PROCOMMAND.ACU Miscellaneous ProDOS commands, including TYPE, MORE (screen type with pause at end of each screen), COPY, ADD (concatenates two files), PART (creates new file which is a segment of a larger one), FORMAT (text format "paragraph mode" text files so that they have carriage return at end of each line), UNFORMAT (opposite of format), FILTER (copies a text file with a character filter), and more. Can be run on any computer using eight bit ProDOS. Author: Steven Humpage 2427 NE 24th Ave Portland, OR 97212 Use ACU to unpack. Subj: GS Scheme 1.0.3b Date: April 8, 1989 From: LVirden File: GSCHEME.RUN.ACU (78833 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 70 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Jawaid Bazyar EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs with at least 768K of RAM NEEDS: APW or ORCA Shell, ACU OS: GS/OS FILETYPE: ACU Believe it or not! GS Scheme is an Apple IIgs implementation of the Scheme programming language. The author is a student and is writing this as a project. Thus, this particular version is not a complete implementation of the language, but it is a start. Also, the student appears to be quite determined to make a go at providing the whole language, so who knows. Scheme is a varient of LISP used in an educational setting. See the book "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs", MIT Press, 1982, authors: Albelson and Sussman for details of the language. There is a brief description of the language and 3 (I think 3) sample programs. The program must be launched from an APW compatible shell, since the program invokes the APW editor when the edit command is issued... Take a peek over in the Source Code Library for the source for this version!Subj: RavenFORTH Demo Package (ACU) Date: March 31, 1989 From: DaveHolmes File: RAVENFORTH.ACU (50760 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 101 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: C. K. Haun EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ACU OS: GS/OS FILETYPE: ACU Forth Demo package for GS. RavenFORTH: RavenFORTH is a full 16 bit FORTH-79 implementation for the 65816 processor. All the standard FIG-79 words are there ( type VLIST for a list ) plus important ProDOS 16 and GS specific extensions. In this upload you'll find all the files you'll need to get started with RavenFORTH. Included is RavenFORTH itself, TextEd, a FORTH screen editor, and many interface files to let you use the power of the GS toolbox in your FORTH programs. You'll also find some demo programs and the source code for them, showing you how a RavenFORTH application can be build, and also showing the speed and compactness of RavenFORTH. RavenFORTH/GS V1.6 Written by C.K. Haun RavenWare SoftWare 23930 Ocean Avenue #201 Torrance, CA 90505 (213) 791-1529 Subj: ProDOS BASIC Program Editor Date: March 27, 1989 From: Gullik File: EDIT.PRO.ACU (7088 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 557 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Ken Kashmarek EQUIPMENT: Any Apple II NEEDS: ProDOS and BASIC System OS: ProDOS FILETYPE: ACU EDIT.PRO.ACU A simple to use ProDOS BASIC editor which saves you from having to retype every line that you are going to edit. Saves a lot of development time. Use ACU to unpack. Subj: SNOOP Binary file viewer (ACU) Date: March 24, 1989 From: Lee Rimar File: SNOOP.ACU (84427 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 35 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Lee Rimar EQUIPMENT: IIGS NEEDS: ACU OS: PRODOS16, GSOS FILETYPE: ACU Compressed Data File SNOOP is a binary file viewer written in AC/BASIC for the IIGS. It lets you see the HEX and ASCII codes in any disk file. There are probably better/faster ways to do this, but this was what I wrote when I needed such a utility in a hurry. It also shows how to do some interesting things in AC/BASIC. Subj: Basic Progr's Utility V1.3 (ACU) Date: March 24, 1989 From: RichardC92 File: BPU1.3.ACU (22506 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 72 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Richard N. Cain EQUIPMENT: Apple II+, //e, //c, //c+, IIgs NEEDS: Beagle Compiler & Input.Anything (From Beagle Comp. Disk) OS: ProDOS 8 FILETYPE: ACU Compressed Data File This is version 1.3 of The Basic Programmers Utility. This version corrects ALL known bugs and adds a couple of new options to the menu. The Basic Programmers Utility will allow you to write programs in Applesoft Basic (no new syntax to learn!) and include routines from a library of your favorite subroutines. You can also pass variables to your library routines. BPU requires the Beagle Compiler and the input.anything routine the Beagle Compiler disk. Versions are available for CP/M and MS DOS by request only. An APW shell version is in the works and should be available by this summer. BPU works on any Apple II and is shareware. This is an upgrade to the previous version that was uploaded to Applelink. There are other options in the works for converting Integer Basic to Applesoft, MS Basic to Applesoft, and possibly other languages as well!!!! Subj: Hex2Bin2Dec - Case Conversion Date: February 23, 1989 From: Windrider5 File: HEX2BIN2DEC (13131 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 34 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: George Fitzgerald EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ProDOS 16 Application Program File This is a utility for converting between hexidecimal, decimal, and binary number. Subj: ConvertGS (ACU) Date: February 23, 1989 From: Dopper File: CONVERTGS.ACU (44461 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 19 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Randy L. Dop EQUIPMENT: Apple ][GS NEEDS: Optional: ImageWriter II for hardcopy output OS: GS/OS or 3.2 FILE TYPE: Reserved ConvertGS is an Apple IIGS desktop type program created to convert a 16 bit binary string to a decimal number or a decimal number back to a binary string. It can be used during program development to calculate the correct decimal number based on bit settings. Subj: AppleSoft ROM Keyword List (ACU) Date: February 23, 1989 From: SPECTRUM L File: ROM.NAMES.ACU (171 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 211 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: SPECTRUM L. EQUIPMENT: Any Apple II NEEDS: BASIC.SYSTEM OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: Reserved This program lists all of Applesoft's keywords and the keyword's Rom addresses... Subj: Change OMF KIND fields Date: February 8, 1989 From: DaviesDoug File: OMF.ACU (6697 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 49 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Doug Davies EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: Compact Utility from Apple OS: P16, GSOS FILE TYPE: Reserved This utility runs under the APW or ORCA/M shells. It allows you to change the KIND field inside of version 2 OMF files. You must use the COMPACT utility, available from Apple Computer, to make a version 2 file. It is not possible to define some KIND's with the current APW, so this routine was written to allow you to define those other types! To find out the syntax simply type OMF on the command line in APW or ORCA, the parameters will be shown. Subj: Size utility for APW (ACU) Date: February 8, 1989 From: DavidK73 File: SIZE.ACU (2947 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 42 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: David Kamp EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: APW OS: ProDOS16 FILE TYPE: Reserved Size is a utility for APW that will display the number of bytes in a file. Subj: GS16Forth Demo (ACU) Date: February 4, 1989 From: DaveHolmes File: FORTH.DEMO.ACU (120939 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 79 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Warren Stone EQUIPMENT: //GS NEEDS: GS/OS OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: Reserved This is a GS Forth Demo Kit. It is really worth a look at. All the docs and the forth kernel is included along with the source for the game, Go in Forth. This kit requires GS/OS. It will not work under p16. Subj: Extensions To TMLPascal Date: February 4, 1989 From: BillMack File: APASSTUFF.ACU (8092 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 132 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Bill Mack EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: TMLPascal OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: Reserved Extensions to TMLPascal that add some Apple Pascal routines such as BlockRead/Write, PowerOfTen, ClearToEOS, and ProDOS routines ByteRead/Write and an UpperCase function and WhereIsCursor. Shareware, $25. Subj: Ubu's Tile Editor (ACU) Date: February 1, 1989 From: BrianG19 File: TILE.EDITOR.ACU (18872 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 133 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Brian Greenstone (BrianG19) EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: 512K OS: Prodos 16 FILE TYPE: Reserved This is a modified shareware version of a developmental tool that Pangea Software uses to create and edit tile sets for some programs. It allows you to modify the palatte as well. Mouse controlled and fast. Address questions to BrianG19 Subj: The UNIFORTH Sampler (ACU) Date: January 22, 1989 From: DaveHolmes File: UNIFORTH.ACU (118792 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 46 Uploaded on: System EQUIPMENT: Apple // e, c NEEDS: Prodos, ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: Reserved A public domain sampler of the Forth language for the Apple //. The UNIFORTH Sampler is a subset of the full professional UNIFORTH. It provides a full assembler, video editor and software floating-point arithmetic. It supports the FORTH-83 standard with few exceptions. Includes documentation. A $25 donation is requested, but not required. Produced by: Unified Software Systems P.O. Box 21294 Columbus, OH 43221-0294 Subj: The UNIFORTH Sampler (ACU) Date: January 22, 1989 From: DaveHolmes File: UNIFORTH.ACU (118792 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 46 Uploaded on: System EQUIPMENT: Apple // e, c NEEDS: Prodos, ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: Reserved A public domain sampler of the Forth language for the Apple //. The UNIFORTH Sampler is a subset of the full professional UNIFORTH. It provides a full assembler, video editor and software floating-point arithmetic. It supports the FORTH-83 standard with few exceptions. Includes documentation. A $25 donation is requested, but not required. Produced by: Unified Software Systems P.O. Box 21294 Columbus, OH 43221-0294 Subj: MicroDot Demo (ACU) Date: January 3, 1989 From: AFL Marty File: MICRODOT.ACU (29738 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 31 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Jerry E. Kindall EQUIP: Apple // NEEDS: ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved MicroDot is a compact programming environment for the Apple II. It occupies about 6K less space then the program it is intended to replace, BASIC.SYSTEM. MicroDot is ampersand driven, but other ampersand utilities can be used with it. Here is a list of some of the built-in MicroDot commands: Append Data to File, Overlay a BASIC Program, Get a Directory Entry, Get File Info, Set File Info, Kill to End of File, Test and Create File. Use ACU to unpack this file. MicroDot is published by Kitchen Sink Software, 903 Knebworth Ct., Westerville, OH 43081. The price is $29.95 plus $2.50 S&H. Subj: Micol Advanced Basic Demo (ACU) Date: January 3, 1989 From: AFL Marty File: MICOL.DEMO.ACU (221309 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 2 minutes Download count: 24 Uploaded on: System EQUIP: Apple IIGS, 512K, ROM version 01 or later NEEDS: GS/OS, ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved This is a demonstration of Micol Advanced Basic for the Apple IIGS. You will need a 3.5 inch disk to download to and ACU to unpack. Subj: EventMgr JOURNAL driver Date: January 3, 1989 From: TMH2 File: JOURNAL.ACU (14411 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 53 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: T. Mike Howeth EQUIP: GS NEEDS: APW/Orca linker OS: GS/OS / P16 FILE TYPE: reserved This is a journaling driver (as described in the Toolbox RefMan) which I wrote quite a while ago. It has no particular use, in my view, except perhaps for creating self-running demos of desktop applications. (It's also just fun to play with). Included is a ponderous example of using the driver in an application, and parmlists for all (4) Journal driver calls. Uses the ByteWorks parm passing method, and therefore can be linked with any APW language. Subj: Developer Utilities v1.0 (ACU) Date: January 3, 1989 From: AFA Parik File: DEV.UTIL1.0.ACU (53338 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 163 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Parik Rao EQUIP: Apple IIgs NEEDS: APW v1.0.2 or Orca/M v1.1 OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: reserved This is my Developer Utilities v1.0. It is a collection of utilities that run under the Orca/M and APW shell to help facilitate program development. This file contains the utilities, documentation, and help files. The source code for these files can be found in the SOURCE CODE library. The following utilities are included: ACE -> Compress a sound file into a ACE file using ACE toolset UNACE -> Decompress a ACEd file into a sound file PACK -> Packs a $C1 picture into any $C0 picture UNPACK-> Unpack any $C0 picture into a $C1 picture SETINFO> Set all the attributes of a file SOURCER> Convert a file into its equivalent source code format. The documentation included is quite extensive and should cover all installation procedures. The utilities are fast, and easy to use. They are freeware, and may be distributed freely. Leave email to AFA PARIK if you have any questions. Subj: File Attribute Zapper II (ACU) Date: January 3, 1989 From: BruceAMah File: FAZ.II.ACU (19155 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 71 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Bruce A. Mah EQUIP: Apple IIgs, IIc, IIc Plus, enhanced IIe NEEDS: ACU to unpack, AppleWorks or DogPaw for documentation OS: ProDOS 8 FILE TYPE: reserved File Attribute Zapper II, version 2.1 is a ProDOS utility which allows you to quickly and easily change the filetypes and access bits of any ProDOS files. When writing a program (particularly when porting code from other systems) a software developer may need to change the filetype of a file. Perhaps after an assemble or compile is complete, the developer will need to test a program as an EXE or S16 file and will need to change its filetype accordingly. A list of ProDOS filetypes makes for easy automatic filetype changes. Documentation for this utility is in an AppleWorks Word Processor file. This is public domain software by Bruce A. Mah. Subj: ToolLib, MessageLib (ACU) Date: December 12, 1988 From: RobertHess File: TOOL.LIB.ACU (61922 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 67 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Robert Hess EQUIP: IIgs NEEDS: TML Pascal, ACU OS: ProDOS16-GS/OS FILE TYPE: reserved ToolLib and MessageLib are great utilities for TML Pascal programmers. Source code is included, as well as full documentation. A *Must* if you are programming in TML Pascal. ToolLib - A TML Pascal Unit that contains several procedures to make starting up tools *FAR* easier then normal. You just need tosay: NeedTool({toolname}); for all tools needed, then say:myMemoryID := StartUpTools(screenMode); and the tools arestarted. (also contains CallByPtr by David Lyons) MessageLib- A TML Pascal Unit that contains several procedures to make simple message boxes *FAR* easier to display. To put up a simplemessage box that just passes on some quick information (say thecurrent value of a variable) You just say: PostMessage(messageStr); and a message box with an ok button will be displayed in the center of the screen. Multi-Line messages areallowed by embedding carriage returns. SimpleShell - Anexample program that illustrates how to use both the ToolLib, and MessageLib Units. This ACU file contains: ToolLib.PAS, ToolLib.DOC, MessageLib.PAS, MessageLib.DOC, SimpleShell.PAS, and SimpleShell (executable). Both units are beta releases, and although apparently bug free, there may be future enhancements and/or corrections. Users of these units are encouraged to provide input as to their experiences of using these Units. RobertHess Subj: MicroEMACS EMACS.RC macros Date: December 5, 1988 From: TKV File: EMACS.RC (3000 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 102 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Tracy Valleau EQUIP: Apple GS 1 Meg NEEDS: APW/Orca MicroEMACS editor OS: ProDOS16/GS/OS FILE TYPE: ASCII text file(SOS and ProDOS) An Improved collection of MircoEMACS macros to better emulate the APW/Orca editor. Re-binds keys to OPEN APPLE and includes macros for Pascal programming. Subj: Word Counter Date: November 24, 1988 From: MDavis File: WC (26096 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 29 Uploaded on: System EQUIP: Apple IIGS NEEDS: APW OS: ProDOS 16 FILE TYPE: reserved WC is a classic UNIX utility that counts words, characters, lines, and pages in text files. Great u Usage: wc [-cwplf] file1 file2 ... file3 (Sorry, no wildcard support in this one yet). The optional count specifier flags: -c = characters -w = words -p = pages -l = lines -f = show name of file If these flags are left out "-cwplf" is assumed showing everything. Subj: Touch Date: November 24, 1988 From: MDavis File: TOUCH (4469 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 34 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Morgan Davis EQUIP: Apple IIGS NEEDS: APW OS: ProDOS 16 FILE TYPE: reserved Touch is an APW utility that will "touch" the filenames you specify with today's date. This is the Usage: touch file1 file2 ... filen or touch file= Subj: Clear Backup Bits Date: November 24, 1988 From: MDavis File: CBB (4362 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 21 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Morgan Davis EQUIP: Apple IIGS NEEDS: APW OS: ProDOS 16 FILE TYPE: reserved This APW program will clear the backup bits on the files you specify (including wildcard names). Usage: cbb file1 file2 ...filen or cbb file= Subj: MicroEMACS Text Editor (ACU) Date: November 23, 1988 From: MDavis File: MICROEMACS.ACU (128095 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 96 Uploaded on: System EQUIP: Apple IIGS, 1MB RAM NEEDS: APW or ORCA command shells, ACU OS: P16 or GS/OS FILE TYPE: reserved This ACU file contains the executable for MicroEMACS for the IIGS, an extremely powerful text and source code editor for use under APW or ORCA. Included are some text files containing some general notes. If you've never used EMACS, AMACS, Jove, or any other similar editor, you MUST download the MicroEMACS Manual. The program cannot be learned just by running it without reading some of the documentation. [ "MicroEMACS Manual (ACU)"] Complete C source code is available. [ "MicroEMACS Source (ACU)" in the source code folder ] Subj: MicroEMACS Manual (ACU) Date: November 23, 1988 From: MDavis File: UEMANUAL.ACU (77996 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 108 Uploaded on: System NEEDS: ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved This ACU file contains the MicroEMACS manual, broken down into multiple files which correspond to the table of contents, chapters, appendices, and index. The text files are the result of a special typeset-encoded version of the manual. So they are very nicely formatted, pagination included, and you can send them right to your printer. Example: # type intro > .printer This works fine from the APW/ORCA shell environment. Subj: Age 1.1 for APW (ACU) Date: November 23, 1988 From: MDavis File: AGE.ACU (8892 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 86 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Morgan Davis EQUIP: Apple IIGS NEEDS: APW, ACU OS: ProDOS 16 FILE TYPE: reserved Age is a smart, flexible way of determining if a source file in part of a large project has been modified since the last link. Far more useful and easier to work with than MAKE, and provides extra features not found in MoreRecent. The C source for Age is included, along with a manual file for your HELP directory. The file explains how to use and install age, and includes a real-world example. Subj: Filecard Menus (ACU) Date: November 9, 1988 From: AFL Marty File: FCARD.MENUS.ACU (63343 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 67 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Bill Tudor EQUIP: Apple // NEEDS: BASIC.SYSTEM, ACU SHAREWARE: $15 OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved Filecard Menus is a set of ampersand utility commands that allow you to create AppleWorks style filecard menus in your BASIC programs quickly and easily. The program works with both 40 and 80 column screens. It supports the Apple Mouse and any ProDOS compatible clock. It is compatible with all other ampersand utilities provided they follow Apple's published guidelines. This program is shareware. If you continue to use it, send $15 to the address listed below (the address given in the docs is no longer correct). NEMISYS, Northeast Micro Systems, 1220 Gerling St., Schenectady, NY 12308. Use ACU to unpack this file to a 5.25 inch disk. You must add your own ProDOS and BASIC.SYSTEM.Subj: CallByPtr for TML Pascal (ACU) Date: October 28, 1988 From: AFL Jim File: cbp.acu (5100 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 100 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: David A. Lyons (DAL Systems) EQUIP: IIGS NEEDS: TML Pascal for Apple IIGS and ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved CallByPtr is a public domain TML Pascal unit that allows you to call any routine that follows the Pascal calling conventions. This includes all toolbox routines. The address of the routine can be calculated at runtime. Uses include calling procedures/functions based on a table lookup and calling toolbox functions when the function to be called is not known ahead of time (example: call the Version function of toolset N). Comments are welcome -- David A. Lyons a.k.a. DAL Systems. Subj: Hex/Bin/Dec Convert CDA (ACU) Date: October 28, 1988 From: AFL Jim File: hdbcon.acu (11130 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 78 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: William Ruff EQUIP: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved This CDA will convert numbers from one numbering system to another. Included in this file are the CDA, its APW assembler source code and APW macro file. Subj: XREF.C Utility Version 1.1 (ACU) Date: October 28, 1988 From: AFL Jim File: xref.c.acu (33085 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 43 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Tim Swihart NEEDS: APW C and ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved This utility produces a cross-reference of identifiers from APW C source code. Included is a short documentation file.Subj: ANIX Programming Shell (ACU) Date: October 28, 1988 From: AFL Jim File: anix22.acu (43244 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 47 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: H.A.L. Labs NEEDS: ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved This is a programming shell for ProDOS-8 written by Randall Hyde and Brian Fitzgerald of H.A.L. Labs for use with the LISA816 assembler. This is Freeware, but is Copyright (c) 1985-1987 by Randall Hyde. A longer form of the ANIX documentation can be ordered from H.A.L. Labs, 18942 Dallas, Perris, CA 92370 ($7.50 disk, $25.00 printed)Subj: ZBasic Demo Compiler (ACU) Date: October 28, 1988 From: AFL Jim File: zbasic.demo.acu (81044 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 40 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Zedcor NEEDS: ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved This ACU file contains all the files necessary to run a demo version of ZBasic. ZBasic is a full-featured BASIC compiler. E-Mail comments to (G Branche).Subj: MAKE Utility Version 1.1 (ACU) Date: October 28, 1988 From: AFL Jim File: make1.1.acu (32043 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 69 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: James Winter EQUIP: IIGS NEEDS: APW or ORCA for the IIGS SHAREWARE: $5 OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved Version 1.1 of Jim Winter's MAKE utility for automating the compilation or assembly of large, multi-sourcefile programs. The utility is similar to the MAKE utilty found on UNIX systems. Documentation is included. This is shareware - the author requests $5 Subj: Double-Hires Drawing Cmnds (ACU) Date: October 28, 1988 From: AFL Jim File: dhr.amps.acu (7398 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 223 Uploaded on: System EQUIP: //e with 128K, //c or IIGS NEEDS: ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved This is a set of add-on ampersand commands for AppleSoft BASIC that allow you to draw on the double-hires screen. Documentation is included. Subj: NiteOwl Developer DemoDisk (ACU) Date: October 28, 1988 From: AFL Jim File: niteowldemo.acu (72951 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 38 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Nite Owl Productions NEEDS: ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved The Nite Owl Sampler disk was produced to introduce you to Nite Owl products and encourage you to purchase more Nite Owl software for your Apple IIe, IIc, or IIGS. Several nice utilities from other Nite Owl disks are included including a Fast Disk copy and a HIRES screen dumper. This disk MUST be unpacked to a volume named /SAMPLER. All other instructions are included. Subj: ERASE Shell Util (ACU) Date: October 28, 1988 From: Founder File: ERASE.ACU (3499 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 22 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Mark Geisinger EQUIP: IIGS NEEDS: APW or ORCA shell and ACU OS: GS/OS ProDOS 16 FILE TYPE: reserved ERASE is an APW | ORCA/M shell utility that simply erases the chosen volume. Another in a series of almost useless (but not quite) utilities for the shells that I like to have around. Enjoy!Subj: MoreRecent Utility Date: September 23, 1988 From: AFL Jim File: morerecent (512 bytes) DL time (28800 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 53 Uploaded on: System AUTHOR: Mike Westerfield EQUIP: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ORCA or APW OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved Checks to see if one or more files has been modified more recently than a test file. See May Call-A.P.P.L.E. for a description. The source code for this utility is in the source code library here on AppleLink-P.E.