Subj: #13 - DHR Graphics Files October 29, 1993 From: AFA Gary J File: TN.PDOS.013 (839 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 10 AUTHOR: Apple OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: ASCII text file (SOS and ProDOS) Keyword: Apple II tech note 13 ProDOS P8 DHR graphics files TN This Technical Note formerly described a proposed file format for Apple II double high-resolution graphics images. This information is now covered in the Apple II File Type Notes, File Type $08. Revised November 1988. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: #004 - Changing Graphics Modes October 29, 1993 From: AFA Gary J File: TN.IIGS.004 (12536 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 9 AUTHOR: Apple II DTS FILE TYPE: Text ----------------- Keyword: Apple II tech note 004 4 IIGS GS graphics modes SHR TN Apple II Technical Notes Developer Technical Support Apple IIgs #4: Changing Graphics Modes in Mid-Application Revised by: Dave "Dave" Lyons, C.K. Haun & Dan Oliver January 1991 Written by: Dan Oliver October 1986 This Technical Note discusses how to switch between the two graphics modes, 320 and 640 horizontal resolution, while running an application which uses the Window, Control, and Menu Managers. Changes since May 1990: Added information about reinstalling fonts after restarting QuickDraw II. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: #027 - Graphics Image File Format October 29, 1993 From: AFA Gary J File: TN.IIGS.027 (1089 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 12 AUTHOR: Apple OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: ASCII text file (SOS and ProDOS) Keyword: Apple II tech note 027 27 IIGS GS graphics image file TN This Technical Note formerly described the file formats for Apple IIGS graphics image files. File formats are now documented in Apple II File Type Notes under corresponding file types and auxiliary types. Revised November 1988. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: #070 - Fast Graphics Hints October 29, 1993 From: AFA Gary J File: TN.IIGS.070 (10946 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 9 AUTHOR: Apple II DTS FILE TYPE: Text ----------------- Keyword: Apple II tech note 070 70 IIGS GS graphics fast TN Apple II Technical Notes Developer Technical Support Apple IIGS #70: Fast Graphics Hints Written by: Don Marsh & Jim Luther September 1989 This Technical Note discusses techniques for fast animation on the Apple IIGS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: #03 - DHR Graphics October 29, 1993 From: AFA Gary J File: TN.AIIE.003 (39325 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 7 AUTHOR: Apple OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: ASCII text file (SOS and ProDOS) Keyword: Apple II tech note 3 03 IIe DHR graphics tutorial TN This Technical Note is a tutorial on double high-resolution (hi-res) graphics, a feature available on 128K Apple IIe, IIc, and IIGS computers. Revised November 1988. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: Double-Hires Drawing Cmnds (ACU) October 29, 1993 From: AFL Jim File: dhr.amps.acu (7398 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 11 EQUIP: //e with 128K, //c or IIGS NEEDS: ACU OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: reserved This is a set of add-on ampersand commands for AppleSoft BASIC that allow you to draw on the double-hires screen. Documentation is included. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: Perspective View - 3-D Package October 29, 1993 From: AFA Gary J File: PV.3DTOOLS.SHK (60009 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 15 AUTHOR: Mark G. Munsen EQUIPMENT: Apple II+, IIe, IIc, IIGS NEEDS: ShrinkIt to unpack OS: ProDOS 8 V1.4 or greater FILE TYPE: Reserved ----------------- Perspective View is a toolkit that allows you to create, edit, and combine three dimensional shapes into a graphics module. Graphics modules can be placed with in your BASIC or 6502 assembly language programs to create impressive graphics and visual displays. Perspective View (PV) places powerfull graphics capabilities at your fingertips. These abilities include: * Real-time animation in excess of 10 frames/second (@ 2.6 MHz) * Simultaneous animation of up to 15 shapes * True 3-D perspective * Automatic 'edge-clipping' * Extended color dithering (16 colors on standard HiRes) * Multiple draw modes (color, B&W fine line, non-destructive) * Fully graphic Shape editor and viewer Additional features: * Executes on standard 64K or better Apple // computers * Non-Copy protected ProDOS version * Mouse and Joystick support during editing * Full Hard disk support To test the Perspective View toolkit for yourself, perform the following operations: 1. Get an initilized blank disk. 2. Set the volume name of the disk to "PERSPECTIVE". (optional) 3. If the disk is to be bootable, copy PRODOS (P8/vers 1.4 or later) to your blank disk. 4. Unpack all of the PV files to your disk using ShrinkIt. 5. If you are using a //gs, create a folder (subdirectory) called "ICONS". Move the file "PV.ICONS" into the folder. 6. You may wish to create a folder called "PV.3D.SHAPES", and move all of the files that are suffixed with ".3DS" into it. (optional) 7. Execute the file PV.SYSTEM to start Perspective View. If PV.SYSTEM is the first system program on your disk, then you may run PV by 'booting' the disk during power-on. Perspective View is Shareware. When you send in the $20 Shareware fee, you will be sent a nice laser printed manual. The PV manual provides a complete description of the toolkit operation. All aspects of creating, editing, and animating 3-D shapes are covered in detail. Additionally, step-by-step programming exeamples show how to create your own BASIC and assembly language programs with 3-D graphics. This file is packed with ShrinkIt. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: Tiling: Tile & Map Editor v2.0 October 29, 1993 From: CompWizA File: TILING.2.0.SHK (14301 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 12 AUTHOR: Jim Asta NEEDS: Apple IIgs, ShrinkIt OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: Tile Map editor creator tiling Here are MapMaker and TileGrabber version 2.0. This release fixes a few bugs and has a palette load/save feature. The TileGrabber allows you to "grab" tiles off the screen (you can load $C0 and $C1 pics), and then save them as a tile "set" (= 256 thirty-two byte (8 x 8 pix) tiles). These tiling conventions are primarily from Brian Greenstone's article in the former Call-A.P.P.L.E. Use this in conjunction with the Map Maker included in this upload. The Map Maker allows you put together a map of tiles in a set (the real map consists only of the tile's numbers). Again, the conventions used are from Brian Greenstone's Call-A.P.P.L.E. article. THESE PROGRAMS ARE SHAREWARE, if you want to help an Apple programmer program great games for the GS, send the fee. Also, I love getting mail and I WILL read any problems/suggestions/bugs. -Jim Use ShrinkIt 3.0 or greater to unpack. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: Arcade King DHRG October 29, 1993 From: Clayburn File: ARCADE.DHRG.SHK (88759 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 8 AUTHOR: Clayburn W. Juniel, III EQUIPMENT: 128 K Apple IIe //c IIgs NEEDS: Joystick or mouse OS: ProDOS 8 FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive ----------------- Keyword: arcade king DHR graphics programmer shapes animation sounds Arcade King DHRG is a program for creating shapes and sounds to be animated. It includes a Double high resolution graphics drawing routine. And animation routines for animated the created shapes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: C: Mondrian GS (Phantasm) SRC October 29, 1993 From: AFL Marty File: PHANTASM.SHK (7521 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 10 AUTHOR: D. Proni EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ShrinkIt GS 1.06, ORCA/C, Phantasm OS: GS/OS LANGUAGE: Orca/C FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive Keyword: C source code Orca/C Mondrian Phantasm blanker blank This file contains Mondrian GS, a sample Phantasm blanking effect based on Mondrian (for the MAC) written by Dave Mark & Cartwright Reed and the ORCA/C source code used to create it. This program is public domain, distribute it freely. Originally presented in the May-June 1992 (Volume 3, Number 5) issue of GS+ Magazine P. O. Box 15366 Chattanooga, TN 37415-0366 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: ASM: New 3200 Color Source (SHK) October 29, 1993 From: ShanoJ File: DEMO.3200.SHK (17146 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 19 AUTHOR: Jonah Stich EQUIPMENT: IIgs NEEDS: APW to recompile, 3200 color pictures, ShrinkIt OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive LANGUAGE: Assembly ----------------- This is a reupload of my 3200 color source that fixes one bug. However, it's a VERY important bug, so please use this version instead of the old one. This file contains source to load and display a Brooks format picture in 3200 colors. If you've ever wanted to know how 3200 colors is done, this is the way! :) Jonah --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: PAS: Load/Save Apple Pref (TML) October 29, 1993 From: Jamm File: VIEWER.PAS.ACU (36846 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 8 AUTHOR: Jamm EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: ACU to unpack OS: Prodos 16 FILE TYPE: ACU LANGUAGE: TML Pascal I wrote this program for one reason, to see if I could Load, Display and Save a Apple Preferred formated image, and to do it all in Pascal (TML). I think I succeeded, and I hope that my source code will be of interest to someone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: ASM: Example Animation 2 October 29, 1993 From: JonahS File: EXAMPLE.SHK (21317 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 13 AUTHOR: Chris McKinsey EQUIPMENT: IIgs NEEDS: APW to play with source (optional) OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive LANGUAGE: 65816 Assembly ----------------- This is an example animation & source. It animates a little apple bouncing around the screen, over a background (which isn't erased.) I didn't write this--but I learned from it. Jonah --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: ASM: Shadow Moves Animation October 29, 1993 From: JonahS File: SHADOW.SHK (74595 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 10 AUTHOR: Stephen Lepisto EQUIPMENT: IIGS NEEDS: APW/Merlin to view source OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive LANGUGE: 65816 Assembly ----------------- This is an example animation, much more complex than Example 2, but using the same bouncing apple. This ones has up to nine Apples on the screen, sound, and uses shadowing to refresh the screen. Very useful if you want to learn how to animate on the GS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: ASM: Star Animation October 29, 1993 From: JonahS File: STARS.SHK (20605 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 10 AUTHOR: Unknown EQUIPMENT: IIGS NEEDS: APW/Merlin to view source OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive LANGUAGE: 65815 Assembly ----------------- This is a little bit of source that draws stars on the screen, much like the background in the Nucleus Demo by FTA. Nice if you want to learn to animate on the GS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: ASM: Brian G's Animation Source October 29, 1993 From: DerekY File: GREENST.SHK (15616 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 9 AUTHOR: Brian Greenstone EQUIPMENT: Apple IIgs NEEDS: Merlin 16 to recompile OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive LANGUAGE: 65816 Assembly (Merlin) ----------------- This a an archive of the source code listings in the final issue of Call -APPLE magazine. The listings are from "Animation Tricks and Tips on the Apple IIgs". It includes source code for bitmapped animation, tiling, etc. This came straight from the TechAlliance BBS. Derek --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: ASM: Delta Animation Examples October 29, 1993 From: DYA Jim1 File: DELTAANIM.SHK (18651 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 7 AUTHOR: Bill Henieman EQUIPMENT: Apple IIGS NEEDS: ShrinkIt to unpack OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive LANGUAGE: Assembly ----------------- KEYWORDS: assembly source animation merlin Merlin source by Bill Heineman demonstrating delta animation on the Apple IIGS. (Use of EOR's to alternate between two animation frames.) Distributed at KansasFest 1991. <