Linear Circuit Frequency Response by Cyrus Roton I have released this software package into the public domain. You may use it as you wish. I accept no responsibilty for any incorrect results of the calculations made by this software. We all know that the Apple II has limited resolution in its calculations. It is quite possible to design circuits for which this software will plot incorrect results, especially circuits which have excessive positive feedback. In particular results are not valid for oscillator circuits. Also, the simplified modeling used for active components is valid over a limited frequency range. However, within these limitations, valid results can be obtained. I have found the programs especially useful in evaluating audio filters The main disk image is contained in the files LIN.CKT. This includes all the software and help files. The second image. contained in the files, LCKT.DOC, includes text and illustrations which could be used in building a manual. Files to download: LIN.CKT.01BSC LIN.CKT.02BSC LIN.CKT.03BSC LCKT.DOC.01BSC LCKT.DOC.02BSC