The disk.server.tar.Z, among all other needed files and programs for the Apple II emulator for the Atari ST 1040, (appleemu.arc) - (included in that file archive as a seperate emulator program arc archive format) contains a disk image server for the Atari 1040 ST. This program is written in OMICRON BASIC (don't laugh, please). It serves 4 disk images over serial null modem line to the Apple. The Apple can access these disk images as normal DOS 3.3 disks on slot 4 and 5 via a small patch in the RWTS. The transfer is very fast at 19200 baud: a disk copy (COPYA) from the Atari to the Apple (or vice versa) runs in less than 3 minutes. Warning: This is still BETA! Use it at your own risk! Needed equipment: - An Apple ][, ][+, //e or better running DOS 3.3 - A Serial Interface Card or a Super Serial Card - A Disk ][ drive - An Atari 1040 ST (or equivalent) - OMICRON BASIC (and eventually the OM-BASIC compiler) - A Cable :-) - The server program and the patch to DOS 3.3 sd.txt (patch) server2.txt (server) Peter (