Credits: Editor.........Stuart Bedlam Asst. Ed.........Ben Johnson Concept/Stack Designs.........Ben Johnson music.........JS Bach SFmm Theme.........Ben Johnson By the Light of the Silverish Moon.........Stuart Bedlem (Story) Bark.........Ben Johnson (Story) Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the following Beta testers for (hopefully) yanking the bugs out of this special edition of SFmm: Charles T. Turley, Alan Paine. Meaning: I know what you're thinking. What's the deal? The two editors are the only ones to be published in this magazine? Where do we get the nerve? Simple answer to that. We're cheap. And we simply adore our own writing. Truthfully. We didn't get any submissions on time for the first edition, and we also wanted to keep the size of the diskazine small enough to handle, and get a good grasp on what we were trying to accomplish. Fortunately, we have a much better idea on the focus for this magazine. Next issue, we'll see the third part of "By the Light of the Silverish Moon", plus about four stories from NEW writers, and even some poetry. In fact, we've got the issues filled for about the next four issues, including some actual horror, and even a few fantasy stories. Because of time constraints for this issue, unfortunately, we had to cut a number of corners. But this was to be expected. Original music was the first to be dropped from our agenda. It had been planned to include a piece from Ben's Bark Musical for the Bark story, "Pith", and some of his original (I think rather weird) compositions based on my Kilsome and Dimmarty stories. To fill the need, good 'ol JS Bach was right there as always. Contact: For comments, ideas or suggestions: Writer's Guidelines: Conclusion: We hope you like SFmm so far, or at least don't hate it. We would appreciate any input from you, and hope you'll read us again. Stuart ------------------------------ \**READ ODESSA**SAVE A TREE**\ ------------------------------