re. AdvHints These are hints, tips, mods for several popular 8 and 16-bit Apple II adventures. I did most of these for Computist and, except for a few corrections, they are pretty much as originally published. ** Alternate Reality: The Dungeon ** ** Cryllan Mission: 2088 (original mission) ** ** Dark Heart of Uukrul ** ** Deathlord ** ** Defender of the Crown ** ** Dragon Wars ** ** Elite ** ** Generic 'Red Sheet' fix ** ** Keef the Thief ** ** Might & Magic II ** ** Miscellaneous SSI AD&D Buglets ** ** Pool of Radiance ** ** Realms of Darkness ** ** Space Rogue ** ** Spellbreaker ** ** Ultima V ** ** Wizardry III ** ** Wizardry V ** Jeff Hurlburt, 1998