I have been involved in the computer industry since the mid 1970's, and I have seen many different machines and architectures come and go. Along the way I used and worked with a lot of them. The computer industry is one of the fastest changing fields there is, and in this headlong rush toward "progress", the roots from which we have grown are often forgotten. It is a personal interest of mine to document and preserve some of those historic machines which "got us here".
If you have an old or unwanted pre-PC computer, and would like it to have a good home where it will be restored, cared for, operated and publically shown on a regular basis, please contact me.
Please read my frequently asked questions, and my notes on the documents and software posted on this site.
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development servies and consulting in the embedded systems area. For those who
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Last updated: Jan 29, 2012
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Rarity: C)ommon U)ncommon R)are O)ne-of-a-kind Condition: E)xcellent G)ood F)air P)oor I)ncomplete B)ox(original) D)ocumentation/manuals 2-9=Number of units in collection (otherwise one)
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Vectrex 1982 RED 6809 Integrated vector display Atari 800 1978 UE 6502 More powerful home computer Commodore B500 1982 UE 6509 Business computer based on PET Commodore SX-64 1983 UE 6510 Portable version of C64 HP 207 1985 UE 68000 Luggable HP-UX workstation
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Altair 8800 1975 RED2 8080 First S-100 system Imsai 8080 1975 RED 8080 First S-100 Clone ProcessorTech SOL 1976 RID 8080 Early integrated system NorthStar Horizon 1976 RED Z80 First S-100 with integrated disks Vector 1+ 1976 RED 8080 Early S-100 without panel Cromemco Z-2D 1977 RE Z80 Early S-100 business system Cromemco System-3 1979 RE Z80 Early High-end S-100 business system Wynchester 1980 RG Z80 Canadian S-100 business system Multiflex trainer 1980 RE Z80 Educational mainboard/backplane with keypad. Nabu 1100 1981 RG Z80 Canadian S-100 business system Protec PRO-80 1981 RE Z80 Single-board S-100 trainer Cromemco System-3 1982 RED Z80 Later High-end S-100 business system Compupro 1983 RE 8086 16-bit S-100 system TEI 198? RED Z80 Compact S-100 chassis with Cromemco cards Compuduct Rainbow 198? RG Z80 Canadian "mostly" S-100 system Homebuilt S100 TRS80198? OE2 Z80 Homebuilt TRS-80 on S-100 cards
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Intertec SuperBrain 1980 RED Z80(2) All-In-One CP/M system SuperBrain-QD 1980 RFD Z80(2) Quad Density SuperBrain Intertec SuperBrain21982 RED Z80(2) All-In-One CP/M system NorthStar Advantage 1982 RED Z80 Graphical Successor to Horizon Osborne-1 1981 UED2 Z80 First portable CP/M computer Osborne-1a 1982 UED2 Z80 Slightly upgraded Osborne-1 Osborne-2 Executive 1983 UE Z80 Next generation Osborne Osborne-4 Vixen 1985 RE Z80 Last Osborne computer Kaypro II 1982 UED2 Z80 Early CP/M portable Kaypro 4 (4*84) 1984 UED Z80 Updated Kaypro portable OKI/BMC if800/20 1981 UED Z80 Business with integrated printer MAI BASIC Four/S10 1982 UED Z80 Multi-tasking Business BASIC Ferguson Big-Board 1982 UED2 Z80 Kit CP/M computer (board only) Xerox 820-II 1982 UE Z80 Xerox business computer Morrow MD-2/MD-3 1982 UED4 Z80 George Morrows low-cost CP/M machine Nabu Personal Comp. 1982 RGD Z80 CableTV Network Computer NEC APC 1982 UED 8086 CP/M-86 + MS-DOS on 8" floppies NEC N5200 1982 UED 8086 Japanese version of NEC APC DEC VT-180 1982 UE Z80 VT-100 terminal with CP/M board DEC Rainbow 100+ 1983 UED Z80/8088 Dual processor CP/M - MSDOS. Telcon Zorba 1983 UED2 Z80 Late entry CP/M portable Dy4 Orion-V 1982 RED3 Z80 Industrial 8" CP/M system Epson QX-10 1982 UED2 Z80 Epsons first personal computer Epson PX-8 1984 UED2 Z80 Very early "Laptop" running CP/M Nelma Persona 100 1983 RE Z80 Canadian deskop CP/M system Visual 1050 1984 UED Z80 Desktop with graphics Megatel Quark-100 1984 UED2 Z80 Tiny single-board CP/M system MicroMint SB-180 1985 UED HD64180 Ciarcia's "Super-System" with ZRDOS
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Commodore/MOS KIM-1 1976 RGD 6502 Commodores first computer Commodore PET 2001 1977 UED2 6502 The very first PET Commodore PET 2001-N1978 UED2 6502 Professional edition of PET Commodore CBM 2001 1978 UED 6502 Business edition of PET Commodore CBM 8032 1980 CED2 6502/Z80 Large screen 80 column business PET Commodore PET 4032 1980 CED 6502 Updated 40 column PET Commodore SuperPET 1981 UED2 6502/6809 Ultimate edition of famous PET Commodore Vic 20 1981 CEBD4 6502 Early low-end home computer Commodore B500 1982 UE 6509 Business computer based on PET Commodore 64 1982 CEBD12 6510 Early middle-end home computer Commodore SX-64 1983 UE 6510 Portable version of C64 Commodore Plus/4 1984 UEBD 7501 Early business system/bundled apps. Commodore 64C 1985 CG 6502 Updated look for Commodore 64 Commodore 128 1985 CF 6510/Z80 New Commodore with C64 & CP/M comp. Commodore 128D 1985 CG 6510/Z80 Updated C128 with internal disk. Commodore Amiga 10001985 CED2 68000 Commodores first Amiga Commodore Amiga 500 1987 CED 68000 Commodores low-end 16 bit machine Commodore Amiga 20001987 CED3 68000 Commodores high-end 16 bit machine Commodore Amiga CD321993 UEBD 68020 Amiga 1200 packaged as game console Commodore PC20-III 1986 UG 8088 Commodore's version of an XT
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Heathkit ET-3400 1977 RED 6800 Early Kit Trainer Heathkit H8 1977 RED 8080 Early Kit computer Heathkit H89 1979 UGD Z80 All-in one Kit computer
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Epson QX-10 1982 UED2 Z80 Epsons first personal computer Epson HX-20 1982 RGD2 6301x2 First Notebook computer Epson PX-8 1984 UED2 Z80 Very early "Laptop" running CP/M
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Apple II 1977 UE 6502 Early edition Apple Computer Apple II Plus 1979 CE 6502 Updated Apple II Apple IIe 1983 CED3 6502 Second generation Apple II Apple IIc 1984 CE4 6502 Smallest Apple II Apple IIgs 1986 CE 65C816 Most powerful Apple II Apple IIe Platinum 1987 CE 6502 Last Apple II Franklin Ace 100 1982 RED 6502 Early AppleII clone Franklin Ace 1000 1982 UEBD3 6502 Early AppleII clone Unitron 198x CE 6502 Brazillian AppleII clone Ci Base-48 1982 CE 6502 Korean AppleII clone Apple2e clone 1984 CE 6502 Generic Apple2e clone Vtech Laser 128 1988 CEBD2 65C02 Only "legal" Apple2 clone
Name Year R/C CPU Description
TRS-80 Model I 1978 RE2 Z80 First Tandy-Radio-Shack z80 computer TRS-80 Model II 1979 RG2 Z80 RadioShack Business Computer TRS-80 Pocket PC-1 1980 UGBD3 SC43117/8 Early handheld TRS-80 CoCo(1) 1980 CEBD2 6809 RadioShack original Color Computer TRS-80 Model III 1981 CED3 Z80 RadioShack Integrated Z80 machine TRS-80 Pocket PC-2 1982 UE LH5801 Later RS handheld TRS-80 64K CoCo 1983 UEBD 6809 White 64K Color Computer (1) TRS-80 Model 4 1983 CED Z80 RadioShack later edition Z80 machine TRS-80 CoCo 2 1983 CEBD 6809 RadioShack labeled "Color Computer" Tandy CoCo 2 1983 CG 6809 Tandy labeled "Color Computer" TRS-80 Model 100 1983 CED4 8085 early "laptop" runs Msoft Basic TRS-80 Model 4P 1984 UE Z80 Portable version of TRD-80 Model 4 Tandy Model 200 1984 UE 8085 Improved Model100 with big screen Tandy Model 4D 1985 CED Z80 The last (and best) TRS-80 Tandy Model 102 1985 CE 8085 Improved Model-100 Tandy CoCo 3 1986 CEBD3 6809 Last edition of "Color Computer" Tandy 1000SX 1986 CG2 8088 Early PC(jr) clone Tandy 1000TX 1987 CG 80286 Hybrid PC/AT clone (8-bit slots) Dragon32 1980 UE 6809 U.K. CoCo Clone NEC 8201A 1983 UE 8085 Based on same design as Model-100 NEC 8300 1984 UE 8085 Upgraded/improved version of 8201A Homebuilt S100 TRS80198? OE2 Z80 Homebuilt TRS-80 on S-100 cards
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Atari 400 1978 RED 6502 First Atari home computer Atari 800 1978 UE 6502 More powerful home computer Atari 600XL 1983 CE 6502 early Low/Middle-end home computer Atari 800XL 1983 CED2 6502 early Middle/High-end home computer Atari 65XE 1985 UE 6502 Updated 800XL in ST-like cabinet. Atari 130XE 1985 UEB 6502 Last of the Atari 8-bit machines Atari 520ST 1985 CEBD4 68000 An early "mac like" computer Atari 1040ST 1985 CED 68000 higher-end home "mac like" computer Atari ATW800 1988 REBD IM800 Transputer Workstation Atari Portfolio 1989 REBD 8088 First palmtop PC running DOS
Name Year R/C CPU Description
TI 99/4A 1980 CBED5 9900 Early console computer TI CC-40 1983 UBED TMS70C20 Early TI notebook TI-74 BasicCalc 1985 UE TMC7000 BASIC Pocket computer with calculator
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Sinclair ZX80 1980 UF Z80 Smallest/Ceapest home computer Sinclair ZX81 1981 CGD2 Z80 Updated ZX80 with floating-point Timex 1000 1982 CEBD4 Z80 American edition of ZX81 Timer/Sinclair 1500 1983 UEBD Z80 Updated ZX81, more RAM, better keyboard Sinclair QL 1984 UED 68008 Sinclairs "Quantum Leap"
Name Year R/C CPU Description
PDP-11/03 1975 UG PDP-11 Smallest PDP-11, first LSI-11 PDP-11/23 1979 UG PDP-11 Faster LSI PDP-11 VT-180 1982 UE Z80 VT-100 terminal with CP/M board Rainbow 100+ 1983 UED Z80/8088 Dual processor CP/M - MSDOS. MicroVAX II 1985 UGD VAX First single-chip VAX VaxStation 2000 1987 UG VAX Tiny desktop edition of the mighty VAX VAXstation 3100 1987 CE VAX Faster desktop graphical VAX VAXserver 3100/20 1987 CG VAX Desktop VAX server VAXstation 4000 VLC 1991 CE VAX Smallest VAX produced
Name Year R/C CPU Description
IBM 5100 1975 RGD PALM First portable computer IBM 5150 PC 1981 CEBD2 8088 1st IBM PC IBM 5160 XT 1983 CE 8088 2nd IBM PC, 1st with hard drive IBM 4860 PCjr 1983 CEBD2 8088 Home edition IBM PC IBM 5170 AT 1984 CE 80286 Faster PC / virtual memory IBM PS/2 Model 80 1987 CE 80386 Redesigned MicroChannel IBM PC IBM PS/2 Model 70 1988 CG 80386 Early desktop PS/2 model IBM PS/2 Model 55sx 1988 CG 80386sx First low-profile PS/2 IBM Thinkpad 560 1996 CG P133 IBM Notebook IBM Aptiva 2176-P32 199x CG P166MMX Desktop with unique float slots IBM Aptiva 2159 199x CG P166MMX Black "stealth" model
Name Year R/C CPU Description
MIL MOD-8 1974 RGDI 8008 Early lab/prototyping system Pimps 198? OE 8085 Homebuilt of significance to me Wynchester 1980 RG Z80 S-100 business system Multiflex trainer 1980 RE Z80 Educational mainboard/backplane with keypad. Protec PRO-80 1981 RE Z80 Single-board S-100 trainer Nortel 68000 1982? RG 68000 Early prototype of Nortel XMS workstation Nabu 1100 1981 RG Z80 Canadian S-100 business system Nabu Personal Comp. 1982 RGD Z80 CableTV Network Computer Nabu 1600 1982 RED2 8086 workstation: CP/M, XENIX, QNX Dy4 Orion-V 1982 RED3 Z80 Industrial 8" CP/M system Dy4 DSM6816 1986 RG 68000 Unix workstation Waterloo MicroWAT 1980 RE2 6809 U of Waterloo workstation Commodore SuperPET 1981 UED 6502/6809 Ultimate edition of famous PET Nortel DisplayPhone 1982 CGBD4 8085 Early integrated phone/terminal Nelma Persona 100 1983 RE Z80 Deskop CP/M system Bytec Hyperion 1983 RED2 8088 First portable PC Megatel Quark-100 1984 UED2 Z80 Tiny single-board CP/M system Compuduct Rainbow 198? RG Z80 Canadian "mostly" S-100 system
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Primitive Computer 1978 O? TTL/ALU Handbuilt CPU from University of New Brunswick Pimps 198? OE 8085 Homebuilt of significance to me D6809 portable 1983 OED 6809 All original Hware/Sware homebuilt D6809 workstation 1987 OED 6809 Larger homebuilt Homebuilt S100 TRS80198? OE2 Z80 Homebuilt TRS-80 on S-100 cards Megatel Quark-100 1984 UED2 Z80 Tiny single-board CP/M system
Name Year R/C CPU Description
SWTPC 6800 1975 RGD 6800/6809 Early 6800 machine with 6809 upgrade Intel MCS-80 1975 RGD 8080 Intel 8080 "System Design Kit" trainer Intel SDK-85 1977 UGD 8085 Intel trainer Intersil 6960 1977 RGD 6100 Single-board PDP-8 Synertek SY-VIM-1 1978 RED 6502 Single-board 6502 system Superboard-II 1978 RG 6502 Very low cost keyboard/display with BASIC Interact 1979 RED 8080 Early console computer John-Bell 80-153 1980 RED 6502 Small single-board system Acorn Atom 1980 UGD 6502 Brittish console computer Acorn BBC-B 1982 UGD 6502 Brittish console computer Altos 586 1983 UE3 8086 Multi-user/Xenix system Coleco Adam 1983 CE5 Z80 Coleco's "Family" computer ADDS Mentor 2000 1983 UE Z8000 Multi-user business DBMS system HP 207 1985 UE 68000 Luggable HP-UX workstation Unisys A7-311 1994 UE 486/SCAMP Unisys dual-CPU "Mainframe in a box" Yamaha CX5M 1984 RED Z80 Computer/Music-synthesizer Mattel Acquarius 1983 UED Z80 Mattels home computer NeXT NeXTstation 1990 UED 68040 Steve Jobs NeXT computer NekoTechPowerStation199? UG Alpha Portable Alpha based workstation JTC-9008 199? ?G ???? NES clone with keyboard GLK-2010 199? ?G ???? NES clone with keyboard
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Macintosh (128k) 1984 CE 68000 Original 128k Macintosh. Macintosh 512k 1984 CE 68000 Like original 128k with more mem. Macintosh Plus 1986 CE2 68000 First Mac with 800k, SCSI, Din-9 Macintosh SE 1987 CFI 68000 First Mac with Fan/Adb, 2 800k FD Mac SE FDHD 1987 CED2 68000 First Mac with HardDrive/Fan/ADB Mac II 1987 CE3 68020 Large desktop mac with ext. monitor Mac SE Superdrive 1989 CPI 68000 First Mac with "super" 2MB floppy Mac SE/30 1989 CED2 68030 Updated/Faster SE Mac IIci 1989 CE 68030 Faster/Smaller MacII Mac Portable 1989 CG 68HC000 First Mac portable Mac Classic 1990 CGD2 68000 Only Mac with built-in ROM boot Mac IIfx 1990 CG2 68030 "Wicked fast" 40mhz Macintosh II Mac IIsi 1990 CG 68030 Even Smaller than IIci Mac LC 1990 CG2 68020 Tiny format "flat" Mac II Mac Classic II 1991 CE 68030 Last compact Mac with 9" B&W Mac LC II 1992 CG2 68030 Tiny format "flat" Mac II PowerBook 160 1992 CG 68030 Early laptop format Mac. PowerBook 180 1992 CE 68030 Early laptop format Mac. PowerBook Duo 230 1992 CE 68030 First dockable Mac laptop. Mac Centris 650 1993 CG 68040 First CD boot Mac Color Classic 1993 CE 68000 Color version of small-format Mac. Performa 6116CD 1994 CE PPC601 First PowerPc Mac. PowerBook 540 1994 CE 68040 Later laptop format Mac. PowerMac 7100 1995 CE PPC601 PowerMac with NuBus slots. Performa 580CD 1996 CEBD 68040 More recent "all in one" mac. PowerMac G3 1997 CPI PPC750 Later PowerPc Mac.
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Sun 3/60 1987 CGI2 68020 68k based Sun workstation Sun Sparcstation-1 1987 CED Sparc First Sparc based unix workstation Sun Sparcstation IPX1991 CE Sparc Compact "lunchbox" Sparc-2 Sun Sparc Classic 1992 CE Sparc Compact "lunchbox" SuperSparc Sun Sparcstation-4 1994 CE Sparc Later Sparc workstation Sun Sparcstation-5 1994 CE Sparc Later Sparc workstation
Name Year R/C CPU Description** Note: Due to the large number old PC's available, I am limiting the machines in my collection to mostly 1) very old, 2) rare/oddball or 3) "name brand" units.
NEC APC 1982 UED 8086 CP/M-86 + MS-DOS on 8" floppies NEC N5200 1982 UED 8086 Japanese version of NEC APC DEC Rainbow 100+ 1983 UED Z80/8088 Dual processor CP/M - MSDOS. Bytec Hyperion 1983 RED2 8088 First portable PC Compaq Portable PC 1983 CE 8088 First successful portable PC Grid Compas 1101 1983 UPD 8086 First "clamshell" laptop HP-150II 1983 UG 8088 Hewlet Packard early "PC incompatible" Zenith Z-160 1984 UG 8088 Early "portable" (large) Commodore PC20-III 1986 UG 8088 Commodore's version of an XT Toshiba T3100/20 1986 CG 80286 Early portable/laptop Toshiba T1000 1987 CG 8088 First battery powered laptop PC Toshiba T3100E 1987 CE 80286 T3100 with faster CPU, 1.44FD Toshiba T5100E 1987 CE 80386 First 32 bit laptop PC Compaq PortableIII 1987 UE 80286 LunchBox portable / plasma display Philips P3345 1987 UG 80386sx Desktop Amstrad PPC640 1988 UE V30 Odd design portable PC Zenith SuperSport 1988 CE 8088 Early LCD laptop Grid-Case 1535 EXP 1989 UE 80386 Updated Grid laptop Toshiba T1200XE 1990 CE2 80286 AT compatible laptop Zenith TurboSport3861990 CE 80386 Large format portable Toshiba T2200SX 1991 CG 80386 Early 386 laptop Apricot 386 PC 1991 UG 80386 Somewhat rare/oddball clone PC Philips P3355 1992 UG 80386sx Desktop Citadel Infostation 1994 RE 80386sx Touch screen information terminal Toshiba T200CS/80 1994 UG 80486 Early Tablet/Pen PC Compaq Prolinia 4/251995 CE 80486 Compaq Desktop Compaq LTE-5100 1996 CG P90 Early Compaq Pentium laptop Digital DecPC 199x CG 80486 DEC personal computer Digital Prioris 199x CG 80486 DEC personal computer Eurocom Note3300 199x CED 80386 Monochrome Notebook computer Eurocom Note3300A 199x CED 80386 As above with 2 serial ports Eurocom 6200 199x CED P233MMX Color notebook computer Eurocom 1100 199x CGD K6/300 Color notebook computer Twinhead 5100C 199x CED 80486 Color notebook computer Compaq Proliant 85001998 CE 4 iXEON Ultimate PC server
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Atari 2600 1977 UEB 6507 One of first with CPU/Cartridges Atari Lynx 1989 UE 65SC02 First color handheld Coleco Colecovision 1982 CE Z80A Colecos first system Coleco Gemini 1982 CE 6507 Clone of Atari 2600 Commodore Amiga CD321993 REBD 68020 Amiga 1200 packaged as game console Magnavox Odyssey2 1978 UF 8048 2nd generation Odyssey Mattel Intellivision1979 CE CP1610 Mattels 16-bit system (first) Mattel Aquarius 1983 UED Z80A Mattels "home computer"/video game Microsoft XBOX 2001 CE Intel Microsofts first gaming system NEC TurboGrafx16 1989 UE 6502 8-bit system/16 bit video processor Nintendo NES 1985 CE6 R2A03 Nintendos first system Nintendo SuperNES 1991 CE 5A22 16-bit system Nintendo 64 1997 CE4 VR4300 32-bit system Nintendo GameCube 2001 CEBD4 P750CXE Optical storage / mini-DVD format Nintendo Wii 2006 CEBD2 PPC Nintendos current gen. console Nintendo GameBoy 1989 CE2 SX80 Nintendos first portable Nintendo GB Pocket 1996 CG SX80 Updated/smaller gameboy Nintendo GB Color 1998 CEBD SX80 GameBoy with Color screen Nintendo GB Advance 2001 CEBD2 ARM/Z80 Redesigned more powerful GameBoy Nintendo GBA SP 2004 CEBD ARM/Z80 Repackaged GB Advance Nintendo GB Micro 2005 CED ARM Smallest GB ever! Nintendo DSlite 2006 CEBD2 ARM Portable dual-screen system Sega Master System 1986 CE2 Z80A Segas first gameing system Sega Genesis 1989 CEBD4 68k/Z80 2nd 16-bit console Sega Genesis-II 1989 CE4 68k/Z80 Redesigned/smaller Genesis Sega CD 1992 UE 68k/Z80 CD system based on Genesis Sega Saturn 1995 UG SH-2/7604 Dual-processor CD based system Sega Dreamcast 1999 CE2 SH-4 First with Internet capability Sega Game Gear 1991 CE Z80A Portable Master System (almost) Sega Nomad 1995 UED 68k/Z80 Portable Genesis Sony Playstation 1995 CE3 R3000A Sonys first gaming system Sony PS1 2000 CE R3000A Updated/Smaller Playstation Sony PS2 2000 CE2 R5900 Next generation Playstation Sony PS2 Slim 2004 CEBD R5900 Updated/smaller PS2 Sony PSP 2005 CEBD2 MIPS Portable Multimedia System Sony PS3 2006 CEBD4 Cell Current generation Playstation Vectrex 1982 RED 6809 Integrated vector display
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Keuffel&Esser 4092-31932 UE n/a Slide rule Hughes Owens 1760 1952 UE n/a Miniature slide rule Geotec Versalog II 1970 UED n/a Slide rule Sterling AcuMath#400197? CED2 n/a Slide rule Tektronix Model 31 1973 RE ??? Early Desktop Programmable SperryRemington825GT1974 RED ??? Early battery portable Sinclair Scientific 1975 UED ??? Early low-cost scientific Lloyds Acumatic 306 1975 CGD HD36360 4-function Calculator Lloyds Acumatic 20 197? CG ??? 4-function Calculator Casio Memory A1 197? CG ??? 4-function Calculator Casio Personal M1 197? CG ??? 4-function Calculator Unitrex UC-75 197? CG ??? Early scientific Unitrex Micro-6 197? CG ??? 4-function Calculator Intertronic Mini-8 197? CG ??? 4-function Calculator Commodore 797D 197? CEB ??? Early commodore 4-function Underwood 585PD 197? CG ??? Desktop printer Texas Inst. SR-51A 1975 CGBD TMC0501 Scientific Calculator Texas Inst. SR-40 1976 CED TMC0981 Scientific Calculator Texas Inst. TI-30 1976 CE2 TMC0981 Cost reduced SR-40 Texas Inst. SR-56 1976 CEB TMC0501 Early handheld programmable Radio Shack EC-220 1976 CGD ??? 4-function Calculator NS Mathematician 1976 UE ??? Basic PRN scientific Commodore PR100 1977 CGD ??? Programmable Calculator Texas Inst. TI-55 1977 CG TMC1503 Scientific with basic pgm. TI Programmable 57 1977 CED TMC1501 Programmable Calculator TI Programmable 58 1977 CED2 TMC0501 Programmable Calculator TI Programmable 59 1977 CED TMC0501 Programmable Calculator TI Slimline 50 1978 CEBD TP0321 "slim" Scientific calculator NS International 1978 UGD ??? Conversion Calculator Hewlet Packard 33C 1979 CE ??? Programmable Calculator TRS-80 Pocket PC-1 1980 UGBD3 SC43117/8 Early handheld Hewlet Packard 12C 1981 CED ??? Financial/Programmable Texas Inst. TI55-II 1981 CE CD4555/6 Updted TI-55 TI-66 Programmable 1983 CED T6875 Programmable Calculator TRS-80 Pocket PC-2 1982 UE LH5801 Later RS handheld Casio SL-800 1983 UEBD ??? True Credit-Card size calc. Canon TP-7 1984 CF ??? Handheld printing calculator TI-74 BasicCalc 1985 UE TMC7000 BASIC/Scientific Calculator Sharp EL-525/EL-545 1987 CEBD LI3104 Scientific/Hex Calculators Casio FX-7500G 1988 CE uPD1007 Early Graphing Programmable TI-5006 II 1994 CE ??? Later model TI printer TI-5032 SVC 1983 CED ??? "" TI-5035 II 1991 CED ??? Dual color TI printer
Name Year R/C CPU Description
Publications n/a n/a n/a Historic or Unusual documents Assorted Terminals n/a n/a n/a A few terminals I've collected Assorted printers n/a n/a n/a A few printers I've collected S-100 cards n/a n/a n/a S-100 peripheral boards Misc. Items n/a n/a n/a Other items of interest DVD Robot n/a n/a n/a Homebuilt DVD autoloader
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