OOP applies equally well to assembly language and high-level language programs

Randall L. Hyde

Randy is the designer of numerous hardware and software projects, including assemblers for a variety of systems. In addition to consulting, he is currently a part-time instructor in computer science at California Polytechnic University in Pomona and at UC Riverside. He can be contacted at 9570 Calle La Cuesta, Riverside, CA 92503.

One of the promises of the object-oriented paradigm is that it will reduce program complexity and implementation effort for many different types of programs. Object-oriented programming, however, is no panacea. It is a technique, like recursion, that you can apply in certain cases to reduce programming effort. While there are certain types of programs whose object-oriented implementation is better, examples abound where object-oriented programming systems (OOPS) buy you nothing. Nonetheless, object-oriented programming techniques are a valuable tool to have in one's war chest.

OOPS are nothing new. They have been around since the late 1960s. Yet the object-oriented paradigm was languishing until Object Pascal and C++ began generating mainstream interest. The success of these languages demonstrates that OOP is not the domain of a few esoteric programming languages. Rather, object-oriented programming is applicable to almost any programming language.

Still, assembly language may not seem like the place to apply the object-oriented programming paradigm. But keep in mind that people were saying the same thing about Pascal and C five years ago.

What does an object-oriented assembly language program look Like? A better question to ask is, "What is the essence of an object-oriented program, and how does one capture it within an assembly language program?" Once you strip away the gloss and notation convenience provided by languages such as C++, you'll find that the two main features of an object-oriented program are polymorphism and inheritance.

Polymorphism takes two basic forms in most programming languages: static and dynamic. The general idea, however, is the same. You call different subroutines by the same name. Static polymorphism provides notational convenience in the form of operator/ function overloading in languages such as C++. Static polymorphism uses the parameter list, along with the routine's name (together they form the routine's signature), to determine which routine to call. For example, consider the C routines:

CmplxAddCC(C1, C2, C3);            	/*C1=C2+C3;*/   
CmplxAddCR(C1, C2, R1);				/*C1=C2+ToCmplx(R1);*/   
CmplxAddRC(C1, R1, C2);            	/*C1=ToCmplx(R1)+C2;*/

In C++ you could write:

CmplxAdd(C1, C2, C3);   
CmplxAdd(C1, C2, R1);   
CmplxAdd(C1, R1, C2);

and the C++ compiler would figure out whether to call CmplxAddCC, CmplxAddCR, or CmplxAddRC. (Actually, you could overload C++'s "+" operator and use the three forms C1=C2+C3;, C1=C2+R1;, or C1=R1+C2;, but the example above would be still valid).

Static overloading, while convenient, does not add any power to the language. The calls to CmplxAdd call three different routines. CmplxAdd-(C1,C2,C3) calls CmplxAddCC, CmplxAdd(C1,C2,R) calls CmplxAddCR, and CmplxAdd-(C1,R,C2) calls CmplxAddRC. The C++ compiler determines which routine this code will call at compile time. Static polymorphism is a mechanism that lets the compiler choose one of several different routines to call depending upon the calling signature.

Sometimes you may want to use the same signature to call different routines. For example, suppose you have a class shape in which there are three graphical objects: circles, rectangles, and triangles. If you have an arbitrary object of type shape, the compiler cannot determine which DRAW routine to call. The program determines this at run time. This allows a single call to draw circles, rectangles, triangles at run time with the same machine instructions. This is dynamic polymorphism -- determining at run time which routine to call. C++ uses virtual functions and Object Pascal uses override procedures and functions to implement dynamic polymorphism.

Inheritance lets you build up data structures as supersets of existing data structures. This provides a mechanism whereby you can generalize data types, allowing you to handle various objects regardless of their actual type. This lets you define such diverse shapes as circles, rectangles, and triangles and treat them as compatible structures.

Implementing Classes and Inheritance

Because structures and classes are closely related, it may be instructive to look at the implementation of structures before looking at classes. Consider S, a variable of the type in Example 1. Somewhere in memory the compiler needs to generate storage for the fields of S. Traditionally, compilers allocate these fields contiguously (see Figure 1). Indeed, Microsoft's assembler (MASM) allows you to declare structures in a similar fashion, as shown in Example 2. If S provides the base address of this structure, S+0 is the address of S.i, S+2 is the address of S.j, and S+4 is the address of S.c.

Example 1: The variable S

          int i;
          int j;
          char *c;
  } S;

Example 2: Declaring structures in MASM

  SType   struc
  i       dw    ?
  j       dw    ?
  c       dd    ?
  SType   ends

Now consider the case of a pair of C++ classes (Sc and Tc) in Example 3. Pointers to objects (pS and pT) may point at an object of the prescribed type or to an object that is a descendant of the pointer's base class. For example, pS can point at an object of type Sc or at an object of type Tc. Remember, accessing *pS.j is equivalent to (int) *(pS+2), so if pS points at an object of type Tc, the j field must also appear at offset two within the structure. For inheritance to work properly, the common fields must appear at the same offset within the structure (see Figure 2).

Example 3: C++ classes

  class Sc

         int i;
         int j;
         char *c;

  Sc *pS;
  Tc *pT;
  Tclass Tc:Sc

             int k;
             char *d;

Additional fields in the subclass often appear after the fields in the parent class, so most compilers implement class Tc as in Example 4. Note that the offsets to i, j, and c are the same for both Sc and Tc.

Example 4: The way most compilers implement a class like Tc

  struct Tc         Tc   struc
  {                 i    dw     ?
        int i;      j    dw     ?
        int j;      c    dw     ?
        char *c;    k    dw     ?
        int k;      d    dd     ?
        char *d     Tc   ends   ?

When I first began exploring how to implement inheritance in assembly, I got the bright idea of using macros inside structure definitions to handle the problem of inheritance. Briefly, I wanted to implement Sc and Tc as in Example 5. Unfortunately, MASM doesn't allow you to expand macros or strucs inside a structure. Disappointed, I tried the brute force way to implement Sc and Tc, as illustrated in Example 6.

Example 5: One approach to implementing Sc and Tc

  ScItems   macro
  i         dw     ?
  j         dw     ?
  c         dd     ?

  TcItems   macro
  k         dw       ?
  d         dd       ?

  Sc        struc
  Sc        ends
  Tc        struc
  Tc        ends

Example 6: The brute force method of implementing Sc and Tc

  Sc   struc
  i    dw     ?
  j    dw     ?
  c    dd     ?
  Sc   ends

  Tc   struc
  i    dw     ?
  j    dw     ?
  c    dd     ?
  k    dw     ?
  d    dd     ?
  Tc   ends

Unfortunately, I'd forgotten that MASM doesn't treat these symbols as part of the structure. Names such as i, j, c, and so on must be unique in the program. As you can plainly see in Example 6, I declared i twice, and the assembler gave me a "redefinition of symbol" error. Almost ready to give up, I tried the method in Example 7.

Example 7: Yet another attempt at implementing Sc and Tc

  Sc   struc
  i    dw     ?
  j    dw     ?
  c    dd     ?
  Sc   ends

  Tc   struc
       dw     ?
       dw     ?
       dd     ?
  k    dw     ?
  d    dd     ?
  Tc   ends

  S    Sc
  T    Tc

MASM simply equates the field names to the offsets within the structure. So it equates i to zero, j to two, and so on. MASM does not associate i with labels of type Sc. You can use the symbols T.j and S.j in your program. Because the "." operator behaves like the "+" operator, T.j is just like T+2.

For Tc to inherit the fields of Sc, all we have to do is reserve enough space at the beginning of the Tc structure for each of the fields of Sc. Above, I stuck in the two DW and the DD pseudoopcodes to reserve space for the i, j, and c fields. This technique might get inconvenient if the number of inherited fields is large. The code in Example 8 solves this problem.

Example 8: The solution to implementing Sc and Tc

  Sc   struc
  i    dw      ?
  j    dw      ?
  c    dd      ?
  Sc   ends

  Tc   struc
       db      (size Sc) dup (?)
  k    dw      ?
  d    dd      ?
  Tc   ends

  Uc   struc
       db      (size Tc) dup (?)
  e    dw      ?
  Uc   ends

  S    Sc
  T    Tc
  U    Uc

The first DB pseudoopcode in Tc reserves the necessary space for the fields Tc inherits from Sc. Likewise, Uc (which is a subclass of Tc) reserves space at the beginning of the structure for the fields inherited from Tc and Sc. The code in Example 8 works great if you don't need to initialize any of the fields inherited from Sc; if you need to initialize some fields, you'll have to use the brute force method and redeclare space for each field.


The earlier paragraphs discuss how to implement objects whose fields are all variables. What happens when you introduce methods? If you're not overloading a method, you can treat it in the same manner as any other assembly language procedure and call it directly. If you are overloading a method, you must call it indirectly via a pointer within the object.

Consider the C++ class declaration in Example 9. The assembly code implementing this class is shown in Example 10. To call S.geti, you would use the 8086 instruction: CALL S.geti.

Example 9: A C++ class declaration

  class Sc
        int i, j;
        char *c;


        int geti() {return i};   /* Ignore the fact that C++ */
        int getj() {return j};   /* would implement these    */
        void seti (x)  int X; {i = x;}; /* methods in-line.  */
        void setj (x)  int X; {j = x;};

Example 10: Assembly code for implementing the code in Example 9

  Sc     struc
  i      dw      ?
  j      dw      ?
  c      dd      ?
  geti   dd      Sc_geti
  getj   dd      Sc_getj
  seti   dd      Sc_seti
  setj   dd      Sc_setj
  Sc     ends

  S      Sc

Because S.geti is a double word memory variable, the CALL instruction will call the procedure S.geti, which points at Sc_geti. The fact that we're calling the methods indirectly will be useful when we look at overloading a little later.


Suppose we have three instances of class Sc, say S1, S2, and S3 declared in assembly language as follows:

S1   Sc   
S2   Sc   
S3   Sc

S1.geti, S2.geti, and S3.geti all call the same procedure (call it Sc_geti). How does Sc_geti differentiate between S1.i, S2.i, and S3.i? In object-oriented languages such as Object Pascal and C++, the compiler automatically passes a special parameter named this to the method. this always points at the object through which you've invoked the method. When you execute S1.geti, the compiler passes the address of S1 in this to geti. Likewise, the compiler passes the address of S2 in this when you call S2.geti.

You can pass this to a method just as any other parameter. Because the most efficient way of passing parameters is in the 8086's registers, I've adopted the convention of passing this in the ES:BX registers. The Sc_geti method would look something like Example 11 (assuming we're returning i in the AX register). This example demonstrates a major problem with object-oriented programming -- it is very inefficient. To load S1.i into AX, see Example 12. This requires six instructions where, logically, you should only need one (mov ax, S1.i). Welcome to the wonderful world of object-oriented programming! Yet circumventing all this overhead by loading S1.i directly into AX will eliminate the benefits of object-oriented programming.

Actually, this isn't as bad as it looks. A good part of the time ES:BX will already be pointing at the object you want to access. Nevertheless, the call and return are considerable overhead just to load the AX register with a word value. Stroustrup anticipated this problem when designing C++ and he solved it by providing inline functions (a.k.a. macros). We can use this same technique in assembly language to improve efficiency as Example 13 illustrates. This code snippet demonstrates another convention I adhere to: I make macros for all method calls, even those that are actual calls. This lets me use a consistent calling format for all methods, whether they are actual subroutines or are expanded in-line.

Example 11: The Sc_geti method

_THIS       equ       es:[bx]
Sc_geti     proc      far
            mov       ax, _THIS.i
Sc_geti     endp

Example 12: Loading S1.i into AX

mov      bx, seg S1
mov      es, bx
mov      bx, offset S1
call     S1.geti          ;Assuming S1 is in the data seg.

Example 13: Improving efficiency

  ; Inline expansion of geti to improve efficiency:
  _Geti                 macro
                        mov               ax,  _THIS.i
  ; Perform actual call to routines which are too big to
  ; expand in-line in our code:
  _Printi               macro
                        call              _THIS.Printi
                        _Geti             ;Get i into AX.
                        _Printi           ;Call Printi routine.

There is one major drawback to expanding a procedure inline; you cannot overload procedures (C++'s inline functions suffer from this as well. You cannot have an inline virtual function). Therefore, you should only use this technique for those particular methods that you will never need to overload. Fortunately, the macro implementation makes it easy to switch to a call later if you need to overload the procedure. Just substitute a call for the inline code inside the macro.

Polymorphism and Overloading

Overloaded procedures allow the "same" method to perform different operations, depending upon the object passed to the method. Consider the class definitions in Example 14. Rect and Circle are types derived from Shape. If ES:BX points at a generic shape (that is, ES:BX points at an object of type Shape, Rect, or Circle) then CALL_THIS.Draw will call Shape_Draw, Rect_Draw, or Circle_Draw, depending upon where ES:BX points. This lets you write generic code that needn't know the particular details of the shape it's drawing. The object itself knows how to draw itself via the pointer to the specific draw routine.

Example 14: Typical class definitions

  Shape    struc
  ulx      dw      ?     ;Upper   left X coordinate
  uly      dw      ?     ;Upper   left Y coordinate
  lrx      dw      ?     ;Lower   right X coordinate
  lry      dw      ?     ;Lower   right Y coordinate
  Draw     dd      Shape_Draw     ;Default (overridden) DRAW routine
  Shape    ends
  Rect     struc
           dw      4 dup (?)      ;Reserve space for coordinates
           dd      Rect_Draw      ;Draw a rectangle
  Rect     ends
  Circle   struc
           dw      4 dup (?)      ;Reserve space for coordinates
           dd      Circle_Draw    ;Draw a circle
  Circle   ends

Allocation of Objects

High-level object-oriented languages such as Object Pascal and C++ tend to hide many of the allocation details from you. In assembly language, naturally, the programmer has to handle all of the allocation details. Although a complete discussion of dynamic allocation of objects is beyond the scope of this article, the subject is so pervasive that it warrants a brief mention.

Static allocation of an object in assembly language is quite simple. If you have the shape class definitions (shape, rect, and circle) mentioned earlier, you can easily declare variables of these types using declarations of the form:

MyRect         rect   
MyCircle       circle   
MyShape        shape

This automatically fills in the DRAW field for these variables (the linker/loader fills in such addresses when it loads the program into memory). What happens if you are dynamically allocating storage for an object? Assume we have a routine, alloc, to which we pass a byte count in CX, and it returns a pointer to a block of memory that size in ES:BX. Now suppose we allocate a rectangle with the code in Example 15. Alloc will not be smart enough to fill in the pointer to the rect.DRAW routine. This is something we'll have to do ourselves. This requires the four instructions in Example 16.

Example 15: Code to allocate a rectangle

  mov    cx, size rect
  call   alloc
  mov    word ptr MyRectPtr, bx
  mov    word ptr MyRectPtr+2, es

Example 16: Filling in the pointer to the rect.DRAW routine

  mov   ax, offset rectDRAW
  mov   _this.DRAW, ax
  mov   ax, seg rectDRAW
  mov   _this.DRAW+2, ax

Eight instructions may not seem like a lot to create a simple object. Keep in mind, however, that our simple shape object only has one overridden method. If there were a dozen methods, you would need 52 instructions. Clearly, a CREATE procedure begins to make a lot of sense. Each subclass (shape, rect, and circle) will need its own CREATE method. CREATE is not a method you normally overload, because during the creation process you know exactly the type of object you're creating. By convention, the CREATE methods I write always allocate the appropriate amount of storage, initialize any important fields, and then return a pointer to the new object in ES:BX. The code in Example 17 provides an example, using the rect and circle types. To manipulate these objects, we need only load the appropriate pointer into ES:BX and access the appropriate fields or call the appropriate methods via this.

Example 17: Code for example using the rect and circle types

    mov    cx, size circle
    call   CreateCircle
    mov    word ptr CircVarPtr, bx
    mov    word ptr CircVarPtr+2, es
    mov    cx, size rect
    call   CreateRect
    mov    word ptr RectVarPtr, bx
    mov    word ptr RectVarPtr+2, es

Other Conventions

While writing object-oriented programs in assembly language, I've found certain guidelines helpful in the initial design phases (that is, before having to take efficiency into consideration). Most of these guidelines are widely accepted object-oriented practices; others pertain mainly to assembly language. Here are the major ones I'm using:

Naturally, these are just guidelines, not rules etched in stone. But a certain amount of discipline early in a project helps prevent considerable kludging later on.

An Example

The example in Listing One (page 110) is a program that adds, subtracts, and compares signed binary integers, unsigned binary integers, and BCD values. While not a complete example (it's missing several important methods such as CREATE, PRINT, DISPOSE, and so on) it demonstrates the flavor of object-oriented programming in assembly language.

What About Your Programs?


      page    62, 132
; OBJECTS.ASM  -- This program demonstrates object-oriented programming
; techniques in 8086 assembly language.
dseg            segment byte public 'data'
; Unsigned Data Type:
Unsigned        struc
Value           dw      0
_Get_           dd      ?       ;AX = This
_Put_           dd      ?       ;This = AX
_Add_           dd      ?       ;AX = AX + This
_Sub_           dd      ?       ;AX = AX - This
_Eq_            dd      ?       ;Zero flag = AX == This
_Lt_            dd      ?       ;Zero flag = AX < This
Unsigned        ends
; UVar lets you (easily) declare an unsigned variable.
UVar            macro    var
var             Unsigned <,uGet,uPut,uAdd,uSub,uEq,uLt>
; Signed Data Type:
Signed          struc
      dw      0
      dd      ?       ;Get method
      dd      ?       ;Put method
      dd      ?       ;Add method
      dd      ?       ;Sub method
      dd      ?       ;Eq method
      dd      ?       ;Lt method
Signed          ends
; SVar lets you easily declare a signed variable.
SVar            macro   var
var             Signed  <,sGet, sPut, sAdd, sSub, sEq, sLt>
; BCD Data Type:
BCD             struc
      dw      0       ;Value
      dd      ?       ;Get method
      dd      ?       ;Put method
      dd      ?       ;Add method
      dd      ?       ;Subtract method
      dd      ?       ;Eq method
      dd      ?       ;Lt method
BCD             ends
; BCDVar lets you (easily) declare a BCD variable.
BCDVar          macro   var
var             BCD     <,bGet, bPut, bAdd, bSub, bEq, bLt>
; Declare variables of the appropriate types (For the sample pgm below):
; Also declare a set of DWORD values which point at each of the variables.
; This provides a simple mechanism for obtaining the address of an object.
      UVar    u1
U1Adr           dd      U1              ;Provide convenient address for U1.
      UVar    u2
U2Adr           dd      U2              ;Ditto for other variables.
      SVar    s1
S1Adr           dd      s1
      SVar    s2
S2Adr           dd      s2
      BCDVar  b1
B1Adr           dd      b1
      BCDVar  b2
B2Adr           dd      b2
; Generic Pointer Variables:
Generic1        dd      ?
Generic2        dd      ?
dseg            ends
cseg            segment byte public 'CODE'
                assume  cs:cseg, ds:dseg, es:dseg, ss:sseg
_This           equ     es:[bx]         ;Provide a mnemonic name for THIS.
; Macros to simplify calling the various methods
_Get            macro
      call    _This._Get_
_Put            macro
      call    _This._Put_
_Add            macro
      call    _This._Add_
_Sub            macro
      call    _This._Sub_
_Eq             macro
      call    _This._Eq_
_Lt             macro
      call    _This._Lt_
; Methods for the unsigned data type:
uGet            proc    far
      mov     ax, _This
uGet            endp
uPut            proc    far
      mov     _This,ax
uPut            endp
uAdd            proc    far
      add     ax, _This
uAdd            endp
uSub            proc    far
      sub     ax, _This
uSub            endp
uEq             proc    far
      cmp     ax, _This
uEq             endp
uLt             proc    far
      cmp     ax, _This
      jb      uIsLt
      cmp     ax, 0           ;Force Z flag to zero.
      jne     uLtRtn
      cmp     ax, 1
uLtRtn:         ret
uIsLt:          cmp     ax, ax          ;Force Z flag to one.
uLt             endp
; Methods for the unsigned data type.
sPut            equ     uPut            ;Same code, why duplicate it?
sGet            equ     uGet
sAdd            equ     uAdd
sSub            equ     uSub
sEq             equ     uEq
sLt             proc    far
      cmp     ax, _This
      jl      sIsLt
      cmp     ax, 0           ;Force Z flag to zero.
      jne     sLtRtn
      cmp     ax, 1
sLtRtn:         ret
sIsLt:          cmp     ax, ax          ;Force Z flag to one.
sLt             endp
; Methods for the BCD data type
bGet            equ     uGet            ;Same code, don't duplicate it.
bPut            equ     uPut
bEq             equ     uEq
bLt             equ     uLt
bAdd            proc    far
      add     ax, _This
bAdd            endp
bSub            proc    far
      sub     ax, _This
bSub            endp
; Test code for this program:
TestSample      proc    near
      push    ax
      push    bx
      push    es
; Compute "Generic1 = Generic1 + Generic2;"
      les     bx, Generic1
      les     bx, Generic2
      les     bx, Generic1
      pop     es
      pop     bx
      pop     ax
TestSample      endp
; Main driver program
MainPgm         proc    far
      mov     ax, dseg
      mov     ds, ax
; Initialize the objects:
; u1 = 39876.  Also initialize Generic1 to point at u1 for later use.
      les     bx, U1Adr
      mov     ax, 39876
      mov     word ptr Generic1, bx
      mov     word ptr Generic1+2, es
; u2 = 45677.  Also point Generic2 at u2 for later use.
      les     bx, U2Adr
      mov     ax, 45677
      mov     word ptr Generic2, bx
      mov     word ptr Generic2+2, es
; s1 = -5.
      les     bx, S1Adr
      mov     ax, -5
; s2 = 12345.
      les     bx, S2Adr
      mov     ax, 12345
; b1 = 2899.
      les     bx, B1Adr
      mov     ax, 2899h
; b2 = 195.
      les     bx, B2Adr
      mov     ax, 195h
; Call TestSample to add u1 & u2.
       call    TestSample
; Call TestSample to add s1 & s2.
      les     bx, S1Adr
      mov     word ptr Generic1, bx
      mov     word ptr Generic1+2, es
      les     bx, S2Adr
      mov     word ptr Generic2, bx
      mov     word ptr Generic2+2, es
      call    TestSample
; Call TestSample to add b1 & b2.
      les     bx, B1Adr
      mov     word ptr Generic1, bx
      mov     word ptr Generic1+2, es
      les     bx, B2Adr
      mov     word ptr Generic2, bx
      mov     word ptr Generic2+2, es
      call    TestSample
      mov     ah, 4ch                 ;Terminate process DOS cmd.
      int     21h
MainPgm         endp
cseg            ends
sseg            segment byte stack 'stack'
stk             dw      0f0h dup (?)
endstk          dw      ?
sseg            ends
                end     MainPgm

[Example 1]

       int i;
       int j;
       char *c;
} S;

[Example 2]

SType  struc
i      dw    ?
j      dw    ?
c      dd    ?
SType  ends

[Example 3]

class Sc
          int i;
          int j;
          char *c;

Sc *pS;
Tc *pT;

Tclass Tc:Sc
           int k;
           char *d;

[Example 4]

struct Tc                Tc   struc
{                        i    dw      ?
      int i;             j    dw      ?
      int j;             c    dd      ?
      char *c;           k    dw      ?
      int k;             d    dd      ?
      char *d            Tc   ends

[Example 5]

ScItems macro
i       dw       ?
j       dw       ?
c       dd       ?

TcItems   macro
k         dw      ?
d         dd      ?

Sc         struc
Sc         ends
Tc         struc
Tc         ends

[Example 6]

Sc          struc
i           dw        ?
j           dw        ?
c           dd        ?
Sc          ends

Tc          struc
i           dw         ?
j           dw         ?
c           dd         ?
k           dw         ?
d           dd         ?
Tc          ends

[Example 7]

Sc      struc
i       dw         ?
j       dw         ?
c       dd         ?
Sc      ends

Tc      struc
        dw          ?
        dw          ?
        dd          ?
k       dw          ?
d       dd          ?
Tc      ends

S       Sc
T       Tc

[Example 8]

Sc       struc
i        dw       ?
j        dw       ?
c        dd       ?
Sc       ends

Tc       struc
         db       (size Sc) dup (?)
k        dw       ?
d        dd       ?
Tc       ends

Uc       struc
         db       (size Tc) dup (?)
e        dw       ?
Uc       ends

S        Sc
T        Tc
U        Uc

[Example 9]

class Sc
      int i,j;
      char *c;


      int geti() {return i};   /* Ignore the fact that C++ */
      int getj() {return j};   /* would implement these    */
      void seti(x) int x; {i = x;};  /* methods in-line.   */
      void setj(x) int x; {j = x;};

[Example 10]

Sc     struc
i      dw         ?
j      dw         ?
c      dd         ?
geti   dd         Sc_geti
getj   dd         Sc_getj
seti   dd         Sc_seti
setj   dd         Sc_setj
Sc     ends

S      Sc

[Example 11]

_THIS       equ       es:[bx]
Sc_geti     proc      far
            mov       ax, _THIS.i
Sc_geti     endp

[Example 12]

mov      bx, seg S1
mov      es, bx
mov      bx, offset S1
call     S1.geti          ;Assuming S1 is in the data seg.

[Example 13]

; Inline expansion of geti to improve efficiency:
_Geti                  macro
                       mov               ax, _THIS.i
; Perform actual call to routines which are too big to
; expand in-line in our code:
_Printi                macro
                       call             _THIS.Printi
                       _Geti           ;Get i into AX.
                      _Printi          ;Call Printi routine.

[Example 14]

Shape       struc
ulx         dw        ?     ;Upper left X coordinate
uly         dw        ?     ;Upper left Y coordinate
lrx         dw        ?     ;Lower right X coordinate
lry         dw        ?     ;Lower right Y coordinate
Draw        dd        Shape_Draw   ;Default (overridden) DRAW routine
Shape       ends
Rect        struc
            dw        4 dup (?)    ;Reserve space for coordinates
            dd        Rect_Draw    ;Draw a rectangle
Rect        ends
Circle      struc
            dw        4 dup (?)    ;Reserve space for coordinates
            dd        Circle_Draw  ;Draw a circle
Circle      ends

[Example 15]

               mov      cx, size rect
               call     alloc
               mov      word ptr MyRectPtr, bx
               mov      word ptr MyRectPtr+2, es

[Example 16]

              mov        ax, offset rectDRAW
              mov        _this.DRAW, ax
              mov        ax, seg rectDRAW
              mov        _this.DRAW+2, ax

[Example 17]

                 mov       cx, size circle
                 call      CreateCircle
                 mov       word ptr CircVarPtr, bx
                 mov       word ptr CircVarPtr+2, es
                 mov       cx, size rect
                 call      CreateRect
                 mov       word ptr RectVarPtr, bx
                 mov       word ptr RectVarPtr+2, es