Table 11: Targets of Robbery and Weapons Used
Private persons 23 202 8 051 31 253
Motor vehicles (ldv’s excluded) 14 958 890 15 848
Businesses 12539 815 13354
Residences 10 133 1 576 11 709
Firearms (Firearms forcefully taken) 4 045 940 4 985
Delivery vehicles with cargo 3 385 171 3 556
Delivery vehicles without cargo 2 527 93 2 620
Clients outside businesses 1141 219 1 360
Banks & building societies 560 182 742
Clients inside businesses 404 56 460
Persons at businesses 356 148 504
Light delivery vehicles 339 99 438
Cash in transit 249 20 269
Persons at ATM’s 153 0 153
Post offices 75 76 151
Motor cycles 53 6 59
SANDF vehicles 1 0 1
Others not mentioned elsewhere 0 42 42
TOTAL 74120 13384 87504
Source: SAPS ClAC

The most common targets of firearm robberies were private persons (31.3%) followed by motor vehicles (20.2%) and businesses (16.9%). In residential robberies, where weapons were used, they were firearms in 86.5% of instances.

Firearms Used in the Killing of Police Officers6

South Africa has one of the highest rates of murder of police officers in the world. For the years 1994 to 1998, an average of more than 240 police officers were murdered per year in South Africa. Minnaar (1988:24) has shown that in comparison to South Africa, for the period 1987 - 1997, a total of 696 police officers were murdered in the USA, approximately 70 killed every year. In the United Kingdom (England and Wales, excluding Scotland and Northern Ireland) for the years 1987 - 1996, a total of only 17 police officers were killed while on duty, or two per year. In Australia, for the period 1994 - 1997, a total of 24 police personnel were murdered, or 6 per year. In New Zealand the figures are even lower at under five per year while in Holland only one police officer was murdered in 1997.

6Statistics were obtained from the SAPS Medical Board’s "live" system and may therefore differ from statistics in future reports pertaining to the topic.


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