The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) has conducted regular national surveys of public opinion for several years. A national survey conducted during October 1999 captured public opinion and experience of firearm use. The findings. which are explored in this chapter, provide a useful barometer of the needs and priorities of South Africans with regard to the role of firearms in maintaining their safety and security.
The survey revealed that where respondents had been involved in incidents in which firearms had been used in a threatening manner, it usually involved their victimisation rather than their use of the firearm to defend themselves or their families. The number of respondents who felt that firearms placed them at risk exceeded the number who felt that firearms enhanced their safety. Most had never owned a firearm.
Perceptions and Experiences of Firearm Use
Experiences of Victimisation and Self Defence
6% of the sample had personally been a victim during an incident in which a firearm was used in a threatening manner (directly or indirectly), 3% had family who had been victims in firearm incidents, 1 % had used a firearm in self defence and 1% had used a firearm to defend their family.
Perceptions of whether a firearm makes one safer or more at risk
The following table presents the respondents perceptions as to whether a firearm makes one safer or more at risk:
1 The sample of 2 672 was weighted to
allow the resultant dataset to approximate the distribution of
the population of South Africa in terms of race and province. The
figures quoted here relate to this weighted dataset. In the
survey questionnaire, the word gun was used.